1 Condition Assessment
1 Condition Assessment
1 Condition Assessment
3. The buildings may also fail if the foundation is not properly designed and
constructed by not following the standard Codes of practice. An impression
exists that taller structures are seismically unsafe in comparison with low-
rise buildings. On the contrary, when properly designed and built, taller
structures are generally safer.
It is to be noted that most lives were lost in Kachchh (Gujarat) earthquake
of 2001 in one and two storeyed masonry buildings. Hence, all buildings
have to be built safe.
4. Inadequacy of design and poor quality of construction and
maintenance are the main reasons for the distress seen in buildings
during service or under natural hazards. This is because building
codes and byelaws are not conscientiously followed in design and
quality of construction.
5. The current [Indian standard (I.S.)] building codes and guidelines in
India have been tested and found effective in achieving safety of the
residents during the last six earthquakes (Uttarkashi 1991 to J & K
2005). Hence not following these codes in design and construction is
sure recipe for distress in future.
2.Condition Assessment of Buildings
Main objective of condition assessment are to place the building into
one of the following three categories:
a. The building has not shown any signs of distress and It satisfies all
the safety and serviceability requirements according to relevant
Codes of practice, hence no action is needed towards retrofitting.
b. The building is seen to be deficient (or distressed) but it can be
repaired and strengthened to satisfy the Codal safety requirements or
performance criteria set by the user.
c. The building is badly damaged. It is to be demolished and a new
building may be built, build back better.
Main steps of condition assessment will be
• To record the damage if any, and find out the causes for distress
• To assess the extent of distress and to estimate the residual strengths
of structural components and the system including the foundation.
• To plan the rehabilitation and retrofitting/strengthening of the building.
Such actions will need to be done along with retrofitting if that is also
decided for the building in question.
Fig.2:- Diagonal cracks of the beam and failure at the column top
Fig.3:- Cracks in column
Fig.4:- Cracks in masonry wall
Fig.5:- Cracks in good quality brick wall
Fig.7:- Failure in column-beam joint (lack of stirrups)
• Deficiencies in design
Non-destructive tests
By this technique one can assess the quality of concrete such as honey
combing & compaction.
Core tests
The core test provides the visual inspection of the interior of the
concrete and direct measurement of the compressive strength.
But, at the same time, the core cutting causes some damage to the
member and may impair the future performance of the member.
Broken samples from the cores can be used to determine the pH value
and the chloride content in the sample.
Partially destructive tests
• These are surface zone tests, which require access to one exposed
concrete face and cause some localized damage.
• This damage is sufficiently small to cause no loss in structural
• The strength of concrete is estimated with the help of correlation charts,
which are sensitive to lesser number of parameters compared to the
surface hardness and ultrasonic pulse velocity tests.
•Hence reliability of these tests is higher.
•The advantage compared to core test is that these are faster and less
disruptive and damaging.
•Different tests in this category are based on penetration resistance, pull-
out pull-off and break-off.
Penetration Resistance
In this test a specially designed bolt is fired into concrete with the help of
a standardized explosive cartridge.
The equipment and testing procedure have been standardized by ASTM
A consistent correlation of the depth of the penetration with the strength of
concrete has been found.
Pull-out Testing
In pull-out testing, the force needed to pull a bolt or some similar device
embedded into concrete is measured and correlated with the strength of
The bolt may be inserted at the time of casting of the concrete or it may be
epoxy grouted into a hole drilled into hardened concrete.
The testing has high reliability and it is accepted by a number of public
agencies in some countries as equivalent to cylinders for acceptance
Chemical tests:
Chemical Analysis of concrete can provide extremely useful information
regarding the cause of failure of concrete.
Most frequently carried out tests are:
1. Depth of carbonation
2. Chloride content
3. Cement content
4. Sulphate content
5. Type of cement
6. Alkali content
Carbonation test:
This test is carried out to determine the depth of concrete affected due to
combined attack of atmospheric carbon dioxide and moisture causing a
reduction in level of alkalinity of concrete.
Water soluble chloride ions are important from corrosion point of view.
The total acid soluble chlorides are determined based on the IS:14959
part III -2001.