CIPD Level 5 HR EML Assessment Template 1 v1.0
CIPD Level 5 HR EML Assessment Template 1 v1.0
CIPD Level 5 HR EML Assessment Template 1 v1.0
Word count:
It is paramount for every employer to be aware and to uphold the laid down
employment regulations. The main reason behind this is to ensure that all the
employees in the organization are treated fairly irrespective of their positions (Davies,
2017). These regulations also provide guidance on the relationships between
employees and the employers. This has been the norm in many organizations
including Hell’s Kitchen which is a hotel franchise looking forward to expanding
through taking over a chain of hotels known as Zuzu Newcastle. Managers at Hell’s
have been applying an assortment of regulation to deal with employees’ welfare some
of which are not applied at Zuzu. This has directly resulted to a better management
system for all the stakeholders at Hell’s compared to what has been going on at
Zuzu’s. Because of this primary purpose, it is important to understand the main
objectives and aims of employment regulations.
1.1 The aims and objectives of employment regulations
The aims and objectives of employment regulation includes:
To Enforce Social justice
This is one of the primary objectives of the employment regulations primarily because
all the employees need to feel alright while at work. Without social justice there are
employees who will feel left out mainly because of their backgrounds or believes.
Social justice give all the employees equal chances to make their contribution towards
the growth of their organizations. The employees with certain set of skills are given
the necessary opportunities to put their skills into practice. This objective of
Each and every qualified person deserves a chance to be hired provided the person has
met the necessary conditions. But there are instances of discrimination when it comes
to hiring employees and these issues are classified in different categories as per the
principle of discrimination law in recruitment. Section 5 of the employment act
prohibits employers from discriminating their employees based on issues such as
gender or age. The fact that Zuzu’s did not have a HR manager for two years allowed
discrimination to happen.
Discrimination can either be direct or indirect. Direct discrimination is where an
employee is denied something like a promotion or a transfer because he or she has
certain qualities. Such an employee is discriminated personally and it can significantly
reduce the morale of such employee. In direct discrimination on the other hand is
Explain how discrimination can come into recruitment and selection activities and in
General employment. (2.1)
Apply this to the recruitment and selection practice and performance management of
Bernard Reader in Zuzu’s Newcastle, making reference to applicable case law.
Here is how discrimination can come into recruitment and selection activities and in
General employment. Please can u modify to answer the question HOW
discrimination can come into recruitment and selection activities and in General
employment ……? Through these discussion e.g. direct discrimination can occur in
selection and recruitment when the organization posts joss targeting a particular
religion and phasing out other…it can occur in total employment when organization
prefare employee of certain faith to other like Arabian may prefer Muslims….…just
one or two sentence…try modifying your discussion just a bit plz.
Try citing Zuzu’s Newcastle case…
1. Gender
There are certain jobs which are perceived to be best done by people of a certain
gender. These include manual jobs which are considered to be jobs which can best be
done by men. But the labor law stipulates that a person of any gender can do any job
provided the particular person has the necessary qualifications. A company that does
not offer certain jobs to people of a certain gender is practicing discrimination which
is unethical.
2. Race
The age of a person should not be a major issue when hiring new employees. This is
especially considering that there are younger employees who are more qualified that
the more experienced employees. Younger employees are endowed with modern skills
on how to do different things and this can be very beneficial to any organization. This
also applies to refusing to hire an older person the way Zulu’s did.
4. Religion
intention to create legal relations
Certainty as to terms.
Please see,
1. First you need to do general process of coming up with employee contracts, I
have copy and pasted above..u just need to paraphrase and add short
explanations to the bulleted steps or point
2. Second now introduce how the contractual terms and conditions of staff
employed at Zuzu’s in the last 2 years have come about
3. Last Advise what should be done to firm up the arrangements and what should
be included in any documentation making reference to appropriate Statute.
Explain the process to follow to broach a settlement agreement with Mike. If Mike
does not accept the agreement and later claims constructive dismissal, outline the
circumstances in which a settlement agreement can be a useful option during an
employment tribunal process. (1.3)
Formal legal procedures take place from time to time whenever there are grievances
between the employers and employees. There are officials who are responsible of
Recommended Actions
For fair redundancy at the Zuzu’s it is important to tell all the employees. This will
make them understand the changes and be ready. The redundancy law should also
deal with survival aspect for the employees who see their colleagues leaving. Any
employee who sees a close colleague being fired will for sure experience some
psychological impact which should be considered by this law. A plan of action is
I expect
A plan of action for Hell’s Kitchen to follow to ensure a fair and compliant
redundancy process for the duplicated head office roles is shown below/will
involve/entail/ has the following steps e.t.c plz Google Examples of Redundancy
Plan for an organization, modify and use it here