Determination of Gold in Bullion by Cupellation: Standard Test Methods For
Determination of Gold in Bullion by Cupellation: Standard Test Methods For
Determination of Gold in Bullion by Cupellation: Standard Test Methods For
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 1335 – 03
Antimony 2.0 9.3.2 Cut the strip into horizontal slices to obtain the desired
Bismuth 2.0 sample weight.
Iron 2.0
Nickel 2.0
9.4 Drillings are not usually representative of a melt. If bar
Platinum group, total (Ir, Os, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru) 0.01 drillings are to be analyzed, obtain them as directed in
Selenium 2.0 Specification B 562.
Tellurium 2.0
Thallium 2.0
Tungsten 0.5 TEST METHOD A
Zinc 5.0
10. Scope
6. Apparatus 10.1 This test method covers cupellation analysis of gold in
6.1 Assay Furnace—Capable of temperatures up to 1100°C, bullion containing 20.0 to 99.0 % gold and 1.0 to 80.0 % silver.
accurate to 610°C, with draft controls.
6.2 Cupels—Magnesite (MgCO3) or bone ash. 11. Summary of Test Method
6.3 Hammer. 11.1 A preliminary assay is performed to estimate the
6.4 Hammering Block. approximate gold content and approximate gold plus silver
6.5 Rolling Mill. content. Other methods such as XRF, ICP, DCP or AAS can
6.6 Analytical Balance—Capable of weighing to 0.01 mg. also be used for a preliminary assay if they have been shown
6.7 Parting Basket—Platinum basket of porcelain gooch to have an accuracy of better than 6 1 % for Au and 6 2 % for
crucibles in stainless steel basket/vessel. Ag. The sample is weighed and silver or copper, or both, added
6.7.1 Gooch Porcelain Crucible—13 mL capacity, bottom if necessary. The sample is wrapped in lead foil and cupelled to
ID 18 mm, top ID 29 mm. remove base metals, then parted in nitric acid. The insoluble
6.7.2 Stainless Steel Basket—316 stainless steel portion is weighed to determine the gold content. Proof parting basket (99 X 69 X 1.259) standards are used for correction of systematic gravimetric parting vessel (109 X 6.759 X 49) errors. parting vessel lid
12. Approximate Assay
7. Reagents 12.1 Perform a preliminary assay first on the test sample to
7.1 Copper Metal, 99.9 % purity, minimum. establish a suitable composition for the proof correction
7.2 Gold Metal, 99.99 % purity, minimum. standard and inquarting silver.
7.2.1 Gold metal, 99.999 % purity, minimum for Method C 12.2 Approximate Gold Plus Silver Content—Weigh one
only. 500 6 2-mg sample to the nearest 0.1 mg. Weigh a portion of
7.3 Lead Foil, 99.99 % purity, min (0.001 % silver, maxi- lead foil in accordance with the following:
mum). Estimated Total Gold Plus Silver, % Weight of Lead Foil, g
7.4 Silver Metal, 99.9 % purity, min (0.001 % gold, maxi-
95.0–100.0 5.0
mum). 75.0–95.0 10.0
E 1335 – 03
latent heat of fusion as the lead-free bead solidifies. Ta = approximate total gold plus silver, % (12.2.6), and
12.2.5 Remove the test sample doré beads from the cupels Ga = approximate gold, % (12.3).
and clean any adhering cupel material from them with a stiff 12.5 Approximate Base Metal Content— Calculate the ap-
brush. (see 14.4.) proximate base metal content, as follows:
12.2.6 Weigh the doré bead to the nearest 0.1 mg and Ma 5 100 2 Ta (4)
calculate the approximate gold plus silver content as follows:
Ta 5 ~D/V! 3 100 (1) M a = approximate base metal content, %, and
where: Ta = approximate gold plus silver, % (12.2.6).
T a = approximate total gold plus silver, %,
D = weight of the doré bead, g, and 13. Proof Standard Preparation
V = weight of the sample, g. 13.1 Prepare two proof standards, each containing gold,
12.3 Approximate Gold Content—Weigh one 500 6 2-mg silver, and copper in the amounts listed as follows. Wrap each
test sample to the nearest 0.1 mg. Add 1.25 6 0.05 g of proof in lead foil in accordance with 12.2 and proceed to
inquarting silver and 0.05 6 0.010 g copper. Wrap the sample 12.2.2.
with additions in lead foil as directed in 12.2. 13.1.1 Gold—The weight of gold must be within 65 mg of
12.3.1 Cupel as directed in 12.2.2-12.2.4. the approximate gold content (12.3). Weigh the gold to the
12.3.2 Remove the test samples and any proof beads from nearest 0.01 mg and use this weight for calculating the proof
the cupels, place them on edge and tap them lightly with a correction (15.3).
hammer to loosen any adhering cupel material. Remove the 13.1.2 Silver—The weight of inquarting silver is 2.5 times
remaining traces of cupel material with a stiff brush. the approximate gold content (12.3). Weigh the silver to the
12.3.3 Form Coronet—Flatten the beads for the gold deter- nearest 10 mg.
mination on an anvil with a hammer and taper the edges to 13.1.3 Copper—If the approximate base metal content
facilitate rolling. (12.5) of the sample is less than 1 %, add 0.056 0.01 g of
12.3.4 Anneal the flattened beads to a temperature of 650 to copper metal to each proof. If the approximate base metal
700°C. Pass the beads through a rolling mill to form an content is greater than 1 %, the amount of copper is equal to the
elongated strip about 10 cm long and 0.005 to 0.01 cm in approximate base metal content. Weigh the copper to the
thickness, maintaining a uniform thickness throughout the nearest 10 mg.
batch of samples. Reanneal the strips and then roll each into a
loose spiral (or coronet) with the bottom side facing outward. 14. Procedure
12.3.5 Parting: 14.1 Proof Corrected Assay—This is the final assay for the Place each coronet in a suitable parting container gold, incorporating corrections for any material losses.
(50-mL porcelain crucible, 50-mL Florence flask, or 50-mL 14.2 Test Sample Preparation—Weigh three 500 6 2-mg
Erlenmeyer flask). Add 25 mL of HNO3 (1 + 2) and heat at just test samples to the nearest 0.01 mg. Add weighed portions of
below the boiling point for 45 min, or until the evolution of inquarting silver as follows:
NOx fumes has ceased. The coronet must remain completely
Sw 5 [~2.5 3 G a! 2 Sa# 3 X/100 (5)
immersed throughout the parting process. Decant and discard
the solution. where: Add 25 mL of HNO3 (2 + 1) and heat at just below S w = weight of silver to be added, g 6 0.05 g,
the boiling point for 45 min. The coronet must remain Ga = approximate gold, % (12.3),
completely immersed throughout the parting process. Decant Sa = approximate silver, % (12.4), and
and wash the gold three times with 25 mL of water. X = sample weight, g (14.2). Dry the gold on a hotplate, then anneal it to If less than 1 % of base metals are present in the unknown,
between 650 and 700°C. Cool the gold and weigh to the nearest add 0.05 6 0.010 g of copper metal to each sample. Weigh
0.1 mg. three portions of lead foil in accordance with 12.2 and wrap Calculate the approximate gold content as follows: each sample in a portion of the foil.
Ga 5 ~C/W! 3 100 (2) 14.3 Cupel as directed in 12.2.2. Alternate the three test
samples with the two proof standards in each row.
where: 14.4 Remove the test samples and any proof beads from the
G a = approximate gold, %, cupels, place them on edge and tap them lightly with a hammer
C = weight of gold, g, and to loosen any adhering cupel material. Remove the remaining
W = weight of sample, g. traces of cupel material with a stiff brush.
12.4 Approximate Silver Content—Calculate the approxi- 14.5 Form the coronets as directed in 12.3.3.
mate silver content as follows: 14.6 Part the test samples and proofs as directed in 12.3.5.
Sa 5 T a 2 G a (3) For accurate results, the parting conditions for the proofs and
samples must be as close as possible. To this end, use of a
where: parting basket or use of individual Bunsen Burners to control
S a = approximate silver, %, the time and temperature of the parting is recommended.
E 1335 – 03
NOTE 2—Parting solutions may be retained to check the gold content by TEST METHOD B
instrumental methods.
17. Scope
15. Calculation (Proof-Corrected Assay) 17.1 This test method covers the determination of gold in
15.1 Calculate the average percent gold. For each gold bullion estimated to contain from 0.5 to 4.0 % gold and 75.0 to
determination sample calculate as follows: 99.5 % silver.
Gu 5 ~O/Z! 3 100 (6)
18. Summary of Test Method
where: 18.1 The sample is weighed and cupelled to remove base
G u = gold, uncorrected, %, metals and is then parted in nitric acid. The insoluble part is
O = weight of gold found, g, and weighed to determine the gold content. Synthetic test standards
Z = weight of sample, g. prepared from pure metals are tested concurrently to monitor
15.2 Average the three replicates Ḡu. systematic gravimetric errors.
15.3 Calculate the proof correction, P, for each gold deter-
mination proof standard as follows: 19. Procedure
P 5 Q/O (7) 19.1 Sample Weighing:
19.1.1 Weigh three replicates of each test sample to the
where: nearest 0.01 mg and in accordance with the following:
P = proof correction, Estimated Gold, % Sample Weight, g
Q = weight of gold added, g, and 0.5–2.0 2.98–3.02
O = weight of gold found, g. 2.0–4.0 1.98–2.02
A successful analysis should have proof corrections falling 19.1.2 Wrap each replicate in 10 g of lead foil and seal it
between 0.99XX and 1.00XX. (See supporting data RR:E01- securely.
1010 and ASTM proficiency test program for Au in bullion.) 19.2 Test Standard Weighing—For each batch of test
15.4 Average the two proof standard corrections, P̄. samples assayed, prepare a minimum of two test standards with
15.5 Calculate the proof-corrected gold percent as follows: pure gold and silver, at concentration ratios within the range of
Gc 5 Ḡu 3 P̄ (8)
the test samples. Weigh these test standards as directed in
19.1.1 to the nearest 0.01 mg and treat them the same as test
where Gc = gold, corrected, %. samples throughout the analysis.
19.3 Cupellation:
16. Precision and Bias 19.3.1 Place the lead packets containing the test samples
16.1 Precision—Ten laboratories cooperated in testing and test standards in an assay furnace, onto cupels that have
Samples 1 through 4 and seven laboratories in Samples 5 and been preheated for at least 20 min at 900°C. Do not use the row
6.6Their data is summarized in Table 1. Testing and statistical of cupels in the front of the furnace. The furnace temperature
analysis were performed in accordance with Practice E 173. is correct if the dark crust which forms over the melted lead
16.1.1 Reproducibility—The interlaboratory test data show packet disappears within a few minutes. A temperature of
the error of this test method to be constant throughout its range. 900°C is typical to produce a reasonably rapid “opening up” of
The best estimate of the reproducibility derived from all six test the lead packets.
materials is R2 = 0.13 % gold. 19.3.2 After the lead packets have “opened” (the dark crust
16.2 Bias—Proof correction is used to compensate for has disappeared), adjust the airflow through the furnace. The
systematic gravimetric bias in this test method. No information temperature must be maintained high enough to prevent the
on the absolute bias of this test method is available. Users may button from“ freezing” (the solidifying of molten litharge on
verify the accuracy of this procedure by the use of reference the button surface).
materials, if available. 19.3.3 Keep the cupels in the furnace until all traces of lead
have disappeared. A typical cupellation time is 15 to 20 min.
Occasionally at the end of cupellation, the beads will visibly
brighten or “flash.” This results from the sudden release of the
latent heat of fusion as the lead-free bead solidifies. Remove
Supporting data are available from ASTM International Headquarters. Request the cupels from the furnace and cover the samples while
RR:E01-1010. cooling. Tapping the table onto which the cupels have been
placed until they cool may prevent “sprouting” (the formation
TABLE 1 Statistical Information—Gold (Test Method A)A of a surface growth on the bead due to the expulsion of
Test Material Gold Found, % Repeatability, R1 Reproducibility, R2 dissolved oxygen). If a sample sprouts while cooling, repeat
1 (21.5 % Ag) 78.392 0.056 0.193 the analysis starting at 17.1.
2 (25.8 % Ag) 73.831 0.073 0.083 19.4 Parting:
3 (23.0 % Ag) 76.484 0.077 0.152
4 (34.0 % Ag) 65.744 0.066 0.123
19.4.1 Remove the cooled beads from the cupels, and clean
5 (0.7 % Ag) 99.060 0.053 0.103 them with a stiff brush to remove any adhering material.
6 (67.0 % Ag) 26.350 0.025 0.089 19.4.2 Place each bead into a suitable parting container
In accordance with Practice E 173. (such as a 50-mL porcelain crucible, Florence, or Erlenmeyer
E 1335 – 03
flask). Add 20 mL of HNO3 (1 + 3), and heat slowly to begin TEST METHOD C
dissolving the silver. Control the acid temperature to allow for
a slow reaction, which prevents the gold particles from 23. Scope
becoming too small. Keep the bead in this solution until all of 23.1 This test method covers the cupellation analysis of
the silver has dissolved (1 to 1.5 h). Carefully decant the gold in grade 99.5 refined gold.
supernatant solution, ensuring that all the gold particles remain
in the container. 24. Summary of Test Method
19.4.3 Add 25 mL of HNO3 (2 + 1), and heat to approxi- 24.1 The sample is weighed and silver and copper is added.
mately 90°C for 1 h. Decant the acid and wash the gold three The sample is wrapped in lead foil and cupelled to remove base
times with 25 mL of 90°C deionized water. metals, then parted in nitric acid. The insoluble portion is
19.4.4 Transfer the gold under water to an annealing cup weighed to determine the gold content. Proof standards are
and carefully decant the excess water. Dry the cup and gold at used for correction of systematic gravimetric errors.
100°C to remove all residual moisture, then heat the cup and
the gold to 650 to 700°C to anneal the gold. Cool the cup with 25. Proof of Standard Preparation
the gold and weigh the gold to the nearest 0.01 mg. 25.1 Prepare two proof standards, each containing gold,
silver and copper in the amounts listed as follows:
20. Calculation 25.1.1 Gold—Weigh 497.5 + .5 mg of gold and use this
20.1 Calculate the percent gold as follows: weight for calculating the proof correction (26).
25.1.2 Silver—Weigh 1250 + 10 mg of silver.
Gold, % 5 100~A/B! (9)
25.1.3 Copper—Weigh 20 + 2mg of copper.
where: 25.1.4 Cupel the proof standards together with the test
A = weight of gold found, g, and samples (25.2) as directed in 12.2.2.
B = weight of sample, g. 25.1.5 Wrap each proof in lead foil in accordance with 12.2
Average the three replicates. and proceed to 25.3.
20.2 Calculate the standard ratios for each of the test
standards as follows: 26. Procedure
Standard ratio 5 C/D (10) 26.1 Proof Corrected Assay—This is the final assay for the
gold, incorporating corrections for any material losses or gains.
where: 26.2 Test Sample Preparation:
C = weight of gold found, g, and 26.2.1 Weigh three 500 + 2-mg test samples to nearest 0.002
D = weight of gold at start, g. mg. Add 1250 mg of inquarting silver. Add 20 mg of copper
A successful analysis should have standard ratios falling metal to each sample. Wrap each sample plus the inquarting
between 0.997 and 1.003. If they are outside this range, repeat silver and copper in a 2.5 gram piece of the foil.
the analysis starting at 19.1. Do not apply the standard ratios as 26.3 Cupellation:
proof corrections. 26.3.1 Cupel as directed in 12.2.2 through 12.2.4.. Alternate
the test samples with the proof standards as directed in 12.2.2.
21. Precision and Bias 26.3.2 Remove test sample and proof beads from the cupels,
21.1 Precision—Seven laboratories cooperated in testing place them on edge and tap them lightly with a hammer to
samples identified as SMAAG 1 to 3.7 Their data are summa- loosen any adhering cupel material. Remove the remaining
rized in Table 2. Testing and statistical analysis were performed traces of cupel material with a stiff brush.
in accordance with Practice E 173. 26.4 Form Coronets:
21.2 Bias—No information on the bias of this test method is 26.4.1 Flatten the cleaned beads on an anvil with a hammer,
available. Test standards are used to monitor for systematic tapering the edges to facilitate rolling.
gravimetric bias. Users may verify the accuracy of this 26.4.2 Anneal to a temperature of 650 to 700 °C and pass
procedure by the use of reference materials if available. the beads through a rolling mill to form an elongated strip
about 0.1 cm in thickness. Maintain a uniform thickness
22. Keywords throughout the batch of samples and proofs. Reanneal the strips
22.1 gold and silver bullion; gold content and pass the beads through a rolling mill to form an elongated
strip about 0.005 to 0.01 cm in thickness, maintaining a
uniform thickness throughout the batch of samples and proofs.
Supporting data are available from ASTM International Headquarters. Request
Reanneal the strips and then roll each into a loose spiral
RR:E01-1011. (coronet) with the bottom side facing outward. It is important
that all rolled strips are rolled to the same length, width and
TABLE 2 Statistical Information—Gold (Test Method B)A thickness.
Test Material Gold Found, % Repeatability, R1 Reproducibility, R2 26.5 Parting:
SMAAG 1 0.511 0.0043 0.0054
26.5.1 Add HNO3 (1+2) to a suitable container for the
SMAAG 2 1.104 0.0057 0.0102 parting basket and heat to boiling (110 °C). Add all the samples
SMAAG 3 3.074 0.0103 0.0248 and proofs to a suitable parting basket. Maintain the order of
In accordance with Practice E 173. coronets in compartments of the platinum basket or in the
E 1335 – 03
porcelain gooch crucibles in stainless steel basket. Slowly 28. Precision and Bias
place parting basket into acid and heat for 45 minutes or until 28.1 Precision—Seven laboratories cooperated in testing
the evolution of NOx fumes has ceased. The coronets must samples identified as AU1, AU2 and AU3. Their data are
remain completely immersed throughout the parting process. summarized in Table 3. Testing and statistical analysis were
Remove the basket and rinse with hot deionized water. performed in accordance with Practice E 1601.
26.5.2 Add HNO3 (2+1) to container for the parting basket 28.2 Bias—Proof correction is used to compensate for
and heat to boiling (110 °C). Place parting basket into acid and systematic gravimetric bias in this test method. No information
heat for 45 minutes. The coronet must remain completely on the absolute bias of this test method is available. Users may
immersed throughout the parting process. Remove the basket verify the accuracy of this procedure by use of reference
and rinse four times with hot deionized water. materials, if available.
26.5.3 Place the basket (still containing coronets) on paper 29. Keywords
towels to absorb excess water and then on the hot plate and dry.
Then anneal platinum basket or individual porcelain gooch 29.1 fire assay; gold and silver bullion; gold content
crucibles to between 650 and 700 °C. Cool the gold and weigh TABLE 3 Statistical Information—Gold (Test Method C)9
to the nearest 0.002 mg. Test Material Gold Found, % r R
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