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Math 6 QTR 3 Week 4

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QUARTER 3 Week 4

1. Represents quantities in real-life situations using algebraic expressions and equations.

2. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving different types of numerical

expressions and equations such as 7+9=___ + 6 (M6AL-lllf--19)


This module was designed to help you master algebraic expressions, equations and how
to solve routine and non-routine problems involving algebraic expressions and equations.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. represent quantities in real-life situations using algebraic expressions and equations.
2. solve routine and non-routine problems involving different types of numerical expressions
and equations.

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the correct translation of : 3 times the quantity m minus 7

A. 3 ( m - 7 ) B. 3xm-7 C. 3-m D. 3xm7
2. Translate : Two times a number plus 9
A. 2+5n B. 2n+9 C. 29+n D. 9n+2
3. Which equation represents the sentence, “The difference of 9 and x is 5”?
A. 9=-5 B. 9 = 5 - x C. 9-x = 5 D. x-9 = 5
4. Six more than seven times a number is thirty-four. Find the number.
A. 4 B. 28 C. 7 D. 5
5. The difference between three times a number and five is sixteen. Find the
A.7 B. 21 C. 3 D. 5
6. If thrice a number is increased by 11, the result is 35. What is the number?
A. 3 B. 8 C. 4 D. 6
7. If twice a number is decreased by 13, the result is 9. What is the number?
A. 2 B. 12 C. 11 D. 6
8. Seven lessen than twice a number is 15. What is the number?

MATH 6 QUARTER 3 WEEK 4 P a g e 1 | 10

A. 11 B. 12 C. 10 D. 8
9. Karen saved ₱200.00 this week from her allowance. If this amount is ₱50.00 more
than twice the amount she saved last week, how much did she save last week?
A. ₱ 75.00 B. ₱85.00 C. ₱95.00 D. ₱65.00
10. If twice my allowance will be increased by ₱300.00, it would become ₱1,000.00, how
much is my allowance?
A. ₱250.00 B. ₱350.00 C. ₱450.00 D. ₱550.00

Looking Back at your Lesson

From your previous lesson, you have learned the difference between an
expression from an equation and how to translate verbal/word phrases into
numerical expressions and vice-versa.
An algebraic expression is a mathematical phrase composed of a variable or
combination of variables, numbers and operations.
A variable is any letter used to represent a number in an expression or equation.


Operation (plus sign)

2a + 6

Let’s try this

Translate the following word phrases into algebraic expressions.
1. five more than x _____________________________
2. eight added to z _____________________________
3. seven subtracted from k _____________________________
4. m increased by ten _____________________________
5. y less than one hundred _____________________________

Introduction of the Topic

LESSON 1: Represent quantities in real-life situation using algebraic expression
An equation is a mathematical sentence with an equal sign (=) which shows that two
expressions on either side are equal.
The symbol “=” is read “equals” and separates an equation into two parts: the left
member and the right member.
For example, in the equation 3x + 5 = 20, the left member is 3x + 5 and the right
member is 20.

Common Words Translate as “=”

is, are, were, was
is equal to
result is

One of the most important skills in math that we have to acquire, especially when it
comes to solving word problems, is the ability to translate verbal phrases or sentences into
equations. Aside from the fact that this could be one of the easiest ways to get an accurate answer,
it also shows a clean flow of solution which becomes understandable to many if properly presented.
To translate verbal phrases or sentences to algebraic equations, mastery of the
previous lesson (translating to algebraic expression) is necessary.

Example 1 A kite is flying at an altitude of m meters.

MATH 6 QUARTER 3 WEEK 4 P a g e 2 | 10
a. Express algebraically its new altitude after rising for 25 meters.

m meters increased by 25

m + 25
b. Express algebraically its new altitude after falling 10 meters. [Note: Not related to (a)]

m meters diminished by 10

m - 10
Algebraic Expression: m - 10 → The kite’s altitude is 10 meters less than m meters.

c. Represent algebraically its new altitude after tripling its altitude.


3 multiply by m

3 m 3m
Algebraic Expression: 3 x m or 3 ● m or (3)(m) → The kite’s new altitude is the product
of three and m meters.
Example 2. Translate into algebraic equation: twice a number decreased by six is equal to sixteen
Let b be the number. We have:

twice a number decreased by six is equal to sixteen

2b - 6 = 16
Algebraic equation: 2b - 6 = 16

Example 3 Translate into algebraic equation: If nine is added to the difference of a number and
nineteen, the sum is ninety..
Let b be the number. We have:

Difference of a number and nineteen plus nine is ninety

b - 19 + 9 = 90
Algebraic equation: b - 19 + 9 = 90 or (b-19) + 9 = 90
Example 4 Translate into algebraic equation: Twice the sum of a number and two is twenty-two.
Let c be the number. We have:

twice the sum of a number and two is twenty-two

2 c+2 = 22
Algebraic equation: 2 (c + 2) = 22

Example 5 Translate into algebraic equation: The product of thirteen less than thrice a number,
and five will result to forty-five.
Let d be the number. We have:

The phrase “thirteen less than thrice a number” is similar to “thrice a number
minus thirteen”.So,

MATH 6 QUARTER 3 WEEK 4 P a g e 3 | 10

3d - 13 ← thirteen less than thrice a number

5(3d - 13) = 45 ← the product of thirteen less than thrice a number, and five will result
to forty-five

Algebraic equation: 5(3d - 13) = 45

LESSON 2: Solving Problems

Consider the following verbal sentences.

1. A number increased by 5 is 12
2. The sum of two numbers is 8. If the first number is 3, what is the second number?
If we let x be the unknown number, how can these sentences be translated into
mathematical equations? What is the value of x?

The first sentence can be translated to mathematical equation as:

A number increased by 5 is 12

X + 5 = 12

Solving the equation, we have:

x+5 = 12
x + 5 - 5 = 12 - 5 Subtract 5 from both sides.
x+0 =7
x =7

To check the solution, substitute 7 for x in the equation.

x + 5 = 12 → 7 + 5 = 12
12 = 12

The second sentence can be translated to mathematical equation as:

Let x be the second number.Since, the first number is 3, then, the equation is 3 + x = 8.
Solving the equation, we have:
3-3+x=8-3 Subtract 3 from both sides

To check the solution, substitute 5 for x in the equation.

There are different ways to solve equations.

Example 1 Solve the equation 2x + 3 = 17


METHOD 1: Guess and Test — guess values for the variable and substitute to see if a true
equation results.

x 1 4 7
2 (4) + 3 =
2x + 3 2 (1) + 3 = 5 2(7) + 3 = 17

2x + 3 = 17 5 ≠ 17 11 ≠ 17 17 = 17

Therefore, 7 is a solution of the equation.

METHOD 2: Cover up — In this method, we cover up the term with the variable.

MATH 6 QUARTER 3 WEEK 4 P a g e 4 | 10

+ 3 = 17

To make a true question, the value of must be 14. Thus, 2x = 14, x must be 7.
Since 2 ● 7 = 14, x must be 7.

METHOD 3: Work Backwards

The left side of the equation shows that x was multiplied by 2 and then 3 was
added to obtain 17. Thus, if we subtract 3 from 17 and divide by 2, we can work
backwards to the value of x.

17 - 3 = 14 and 14 ÷ 2 = 7

Therefore, the value of x is 7. The diagram below shows the process.

x2 +3

7 17

÷2 -3

METHOD 4: Balancing Method

The weight on the left and right sides must be the same. If you add or subtract a
weight from one side, you must do the same on the other side to keep it balanced.

marbles ●●●● marbles Abstract Representation
●●●● 2x + 3 = 17
■■ ●●● ●●●●●

Remove the three marbles from each side.

●●●● Add (-3) to both sides

●●●● (equivalently, subtract
●●●● from both sides).
■■ ●●● ●●●●● 2x + 3 + (-3) = 17 + 3
2x = 14

Divide the marbles into two equal piles. (one pile for each square).

● ● 1
●●●●●● Multiply both sides by
■■ ●●●●●●
(equivalently, divide both
1 1
( )2x = ( ) 14
Each square corresponds to 7 marbles. 2 2
( ● 2) x = 7
A Solution of an algebraic equation is a number that makes the sentence true.

From the previous lesson, we have learned that we can use a letter in an equation. We
call it variable because it represents any number. If a replacement for a variable makes an
equation true, it is a solution of the equation.

Example 2 Solve and check: n + 5 = - 5

The sum of an integer and its opposite equals 0 (zero)

Examples: -4+4=0 5+(-5)=0

a. Use █ to represent n, ■ to represent 1, and □ to represent - 1.

MATH 6 QUARTER 3 WEEK 4 P a g e 5 | 10
n + 5 = -5
█ + ■■■■■ = □□□□□
b. To get n alone, add the opposite of 5 to the left side of the equation. To keep the
equation in balance, also add the opposite of 5 to the right side.
n + 5 + (_5) = - 5 + (- 5)
+ ■■■■■ = □□□□□
□□□□□ = □□□□□
c. Since ■ + □ represents 1 + (-1), ■ + □ equals 0. Remove each pair of ■ and □ from
the equation.

n = -10
d. Check: Replace n in the original equation by - 10.
n + 5 = -5
-10 + 5 = -5
Remove pairs of ■ and □
□□□□□ = □□□□□
-5 = -5
Thus, n = -10 is correct. Our solution is - 10.

Four Basic Properties Used To Solve Equations

1. Addition Property of Equality: if the same quantity is added to both sides of

an equation, the resulting equation is equivalent to the original equation.
2. Subtraction Property of Equality: If the same quantity is subtracted from
both sides of an equation, the resulting equation is equivalent to the
original equation.
3. Multiplication Property of Equality: If both sides of an equation are multiplied
by the same (nonzero) quantity, the resulting equation is equivalent to the
original equation.
4. Division Property of Equality: If both sides of an equation are divide by the
same (nonzero) quantity, the resulting equation is equivalent to the original

Consider the following examples:

Example 1 Solve: c + 18 = 29
c + 18 = 29
c + 18 - 18 = 29 - 18 By subtraction Property of Equality, subtract
18 from both sides.
c + 0 = 11
c = 11

To check the answer, we replace 11 for c in the original equation.

c + 18 = 29
11 + 18 = 29
29 = 29 True
Therefore, the solution is 11.
MATH 6 QUARTER 3 WEEK 4 P a g e 6 | 10
Example 2 Solve: - 32 = 15 + d
- 32 = 15 + d
- 32 - 15 = 15 + d = 15 Subtract 15 from both sides.
- 47 = 0 + d
- 47 = d
- 32 = 15 + d
- 32 = 15 + (-47)
- 32 = 32 True
Therefore, the solution is -47.

Example 3 Solve: 3 ● f = -12

Solution: Check:
3 ● f = -12 3 ● f = -12
3 ● f = -12 Division Property of Equality 3 ● -4= -12
3 3 -12 = -12 True
f = -4 Therefore, the
Solution is -4
Example 4 Solve: -13 = -5g + 32
Solution: Check:
- 13 = -5g + 32 - 13 = -5g + 32
- 13 - 32 = -5g + 32 - 32 Addition Property - 13 = -5●9 + 32
of Equality
- 45 = -5g + 0 Identity Property - 13 = -45 + 32
- 45 = -5g of Addition - 13 = -13 True
- 45 = -5g Division Property Therefore, the solution
-5 -5 of Equality is 9.

Example 5 Solve: =8
Solution: Check:
h h
=8 =8
5 5
h 40
●5=8●5 By Multiplication Property =8
5 5
of Equality, multiply both . 8=8 True
sides by 5
h = 40 Therefore, the solution
is 40.
Example 6 Solve: - 7 = 35
- 7 = 35
- 7 + 7 = 35 + 7 Add 7 on both sides.
+ 0 = 42 Adding -7 + 7 on the left side is 0.
z 42
+ Rewrite 42 as a fraction with denominator
4 1
4 z 42 4
x = x Multiply both sides by 4.
1 4 1 1
z = 168

MATH 6 QUARTER 3 WEEK 4 P a g e 7 | 10

- 7 = 35
- 7 = 35
= 35
= 35
35 = 35 True

Therefore, the solution is 168.



Find the value of each of these expressions when the variable is replaced by the given
1.) If B=2. Then 5B =_______
2.) If S=7, then s+6 =_______
3.) If C =6, then c-4 =_______
4.) If N=11, then 3n +7 =______
5.) If a=7 and b=0.5, then 5( a+b) =______


Complete each table.

N 3.2 3.4 3.5 4.1 5.3 8.9

N + 1.7 3.2 + 1.7

= 4.9


Evaluate each expression. Use the value of a=2, b= 3 and c = 5.
1. 2a + 7
2. 4c ÷ a
3. (5 + b) ÷ a 0
4. (b+ c)a
5. a + (b ● c) 0


Solve each equation.
1. c – 7 = 32 c = _________
2. r + 4 = 39 r = _________
3. m ● 5 = 125 m= _________
4. 99 = a ÷ 6 a = _________
5. 2x + 12 = 102 x = _________

MATH 6 QUARTER 3 WEEK 4 P a g e 8 | 10
 An algebraic equation is a mathematical sentence with an equal sign (=)
which shows that two expressions on either side are equal.
 Common words translated as “=” are equals, is, are, were, was, is equal
to, and result is.
 A solution of an algebraic equation is a number that makes the sentence
 To solve equations for x in the form: x + m = n, where m and n are
constants, subtract m from both sides.
 To solve equations for x in the form: x - m = n, where m and n are
constants, add m on both sides.
 To solve equations for x in the form: = n, where m and n are
constants, multiply both sides by m.
 To solve equations for x in the form: m ● x = n, where m and n are
constants, divide both sides by m.

Check your understanding

Solve the following problems.
1. If 10 is added to half a number, the result is 15. What is the number?

2. Eight times a number minus 7 equals 17. Find the number.

3. The sum of 25 and a number is six times that number. What is the number?

4. A rectangle has a length 8 cm longer than its width. Find the dimensions of the
rectangle if its perimeter is 80 cm.

5. The sum of 25 and a number is 100. Find the number.

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the translation of : 3 times the quantity of m minus 7.

A. 3(m-7) B. 3xm-7 C. 3-m D. 3xm7
2. Translate : Two times a number plus 9
A. 2+5n B. 2n+9 C. 29+n D. 9n+2
3. Which equation represents the sentence, “The difference of 9 and x is 5”?
A.9=-5 B. 9=5-x C. 9-x=5 D. x-9=5
4. Six more than seven times a number is thirty-four. Find the number.
A. The number is 4 B. The number is 28 C. The number is 7 D. The number is 5
5. The difference between three times a number and five is sixteen. Find the number.
A.7 B. 21 C. 3 D. 5
6. If thrice a number is increased by 11, the result is 35. What is the number?
A.3 B. 8 C. 4 D. 6
7. If twice a number is decreased by 13, the result is 9. What is the number?
A. 2 B. 12 C. 11 D. 6
8. Seven lessen than twice a number is 15. What is the number?
A. 11 B. 12 C. 10 D. 8

MATH 6 QUARTER 3 WEEK 4 P a g e 9 | 10

9. Karen saved ₱200.00 this week from her allowance. If this amount is ₱50.00 more than
twice the amount she saved last week, how much did she saved last week?
A. ₱ 75.00 B. ₱85.00 C. ₱95.00 D. ₱65.00
10. If twice my allowance will be increased by ₱300.00, it would become ₱1,000.00, how
much is my allowance?
A. ₱250.00 B. ₱350.00 C. ₱450.00 D. ₱550.00

Quarter 3 Week 4 ANSWER SHEET
Name: Math Teacher:
Section: Score:

MATH 6 QUARTER 3 WEEK 4 P a g e 10 | 10

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