SPECULUM v03 I03 1950
SPECULUM v03 I03 1950
SPECULUM v03 I03 1950
pen B to test whether oocysts had sur- deepshade under low trees where there
vived and whether chicks would pick was little or no sun.
up oocysts under natural conditions. The ground in the pens was contami-
Five days later oocysts were found in nated during a three-week period in
the fecal samples from the chicks. Fifteen September 1948 by placing various
days later all chicks were killed and groups of young chicks in the pens that
autopsied. Oocysts of E. acervulina, E. had been given cultures of E. tenella,
mitis and E. maxima were found in the E. acervulina, E. mitis, and E. maxima.
small intestine. In each pen, the inoculated chicks
Ten additional chicks were later showed clinical evidence of cecal coc-
placed in pen B to check the build-up of cidiosis. Fecal examination showed the
oocysts. There was no evidence of cecal passage of numerous oocysts of each
coccidiosis in this latter group, but all species. After the three-week period,
developed chronic coccidiosis from E. four coccidia-free chicks were placed
acervulina, E. mitis and E. maxima. in each pen to test the degree of con-
Experiment 3—In this experiment tamination. The ground was sufficiently
four small pens, 25 by 25 inches were contaminated for in each pen all chicks
used. Pens 1 and 2 were placed so the showed clinical evidence of coccidiosis,
area of ground was always in the sun, with deaths from acute cecal coccidiosis.
pen 3 was placed so that there was Post mortem revealed infection with all
partial shade on the ground during part four species of coccidia.
of the day ; pen 4 was placed in The pens were sealed and left idle for
one year following the seeding of the young chicks placed on the soil. If suc-
ground with the four species of coccidia. ceeding groups of young chicks are
During this year period between Sep- placed on the same ground, following
tember 1948 and September 1949, the the first group, then severe cases of
highest air temperature was 96° F. acute cecal coccidiosis will develop from
(July 1949) ; the lowest temperature the build-up of oocysts. It is also likely
was 6° F. (January 1949) . that oocysts protected by sticks, stones,
In September 1949, seven three-week- leaves, grass, and weeds in the yard will
old coccidia-free chicks were placed in have a better chance of surviving the
each of the pens. Seven coccidia-free winter.
controls the same age and from the same While some oocysts of E. tenella will
hatch were placed in separate wire-bot- survive a severe winter, these survivors
tomed cages. Another group of three- will usually perish during the hot
week-old coccidia-free controls were put months of summer. Even though the
in a large outdoor pen recently contami- oocysts are protected by weeds and
nated with the four species of coccidia. grass that might have grown during
After six days one of the chicks was the spring, the oocysts do not survive
taken from each pen, killed and au- the heat.
topsied. The results were as follows: It is well known that other Eimeria
Pens 1 and 2 were negative, pens 3 and species are usually present along with
4 were positive for E. acervulina and E. E. tenella. The data showed that mixed
mitis. Single chicks were taken from species such as E. tenella, E. acervulina,
each of the pens every other day and E. mitis, and E. maxima survived a
examined for oocysts. All chicks in pen severe winter, but that E. acervulina
1 were negative to all types of coccidia, and E. mitis were the only species still
the first four chicks from pen 2 were infective after a period of one year.
negative, but the last three showed Sunlight does have a deleterious effect
slight infection with E. acervulina and on all types of oocysts as shown by the
E. mitis. In pens 3 and 4 all chicks were fact that E. acervulina and E. mitis did
slightly infected with E. acervulina and not survive in a bare area with no pro-
E. mitis. The controls in the wire-bot- tection from grass or weeds. Grass and
tomed cages examined before, during, weeds offer some protection even though
and after the experiment were all nega- there is no other shade. Deep shade pro-
tive. Controls placed in the known in- tected the oocysts so that they were able
fected outdoor pens were all positive for to survive long periods.
the four species of coccidia with several The oocysts of E. tenella were found
deaths from acute cecal coccidiosis. to be viable after 272 days through fall,
After the chicks were removed from winter, spring ; but not infective after
the pens, seven coccidia-free chicks were 322 days through fall, winter, spring,
again put in each pen to determine the and part of the summer.
build-up of oocysts. The chicks in pen The oocysts of E. maxima were found
1 remained negative, while those in to be still infective after 322 days during
pens 2, 3 and 4 all became heavily in- fall, winter, spring, and part of the
fected with E. acervulina and E. mitis. summer ; but did not survive a full year
DISCUSSION of exposure.
The data presented shows the oocysts
of E. tenella will survive a severe winter
such as occurs in Ohio and will be viru-
lent enough to cause the disease in