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Food Clearance Conditions and Requirements: Vision

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Food Clearance Conditions and Requirements

Vision and Mission

To be a leading international science-based regulator to protect and promote
public health.

Protecting the community through regulations and effective controls to ensure the
safety of food, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, pesticides, and feed.


General Requirements of Food Products Clearance

General Documents Required for Food Products Clearance

General Information

Required Technical Regulations and Standards Based On Food Groups


Helpful Links


Based on Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) system issued by a decision
of Council of Ministers No. (31) on 24/1/1428 ratified by Royal Decree No. (M/6)
on 25/1/1428, permitting clearance to imported food, Pharmaceuticals, medical
devices, insecticides, and all other products under the authority's supervision after
performing the needed examinations and analyses within their executive

This guideline has been prepared to help food exporters understand clearance
requirements and conditions in order to facilitate and expedite transactions and
avoid rejections, delays or losses due to lack of knowledge of these requirements
and conditions.


All imported food for commercial and industrial purposes and consumption.


Clarification of the conditions and requirements of food clearance through

custom ports.



Saudi Food & Drug Authority (SFDA)


Any nutritious substance fit for human consumption eatable or drinkable

whether it is fresh, processed, semi-processed, or raw including gum or any
substance used in processing, preparation, or treatment of food.


The decision to allow or refuse food consignments entry through custom ports.

Health certificate:

An official document (paper or electronic) issued by the competent authority in

the country of origin or country of export. The certificate indicates the safety and
appropriateness of imported food products according to its national technical
regulations. It may include the registration number of the institution or other
equivalent alternative measures.

Halal slaughter certificate

A certificate containing information about meat and poultry consignments,

such as slaughter and expiration dates.

Halal Certificate

Certificate confirms that the product, the service or the regulations specified
meets Halal requirements in the Islamic Sharea such as Halal Tazkeya
certificates, facilities and farms certificates, slaughterhouses certificates,
facilities classified as Halal, primary products components, additives containing
meat/poultry and their derivatives, rennet, gelatin, animal fats and oils and their
Technical Regulations:

A document that lays down product characteristics or their related processes

and production methods, including the applicable administrative provisions, with
which compliance is mandatory. It may also include or deal exclusively with
terminology, symbols, and packaging, marking or labelling requirements as they
apply to a product, process or production method.

Certificate of Conformity

A certificate issued by an authorized third-party for products, operations,

systems, etc., which states that the product meets the required standards or

Port of entry

All ports of entry for imported products to any GCC member state, by either
air, sea or land that connected to the outside world, and must have a competent
food checkpoint.

Without prejudice to the general import requirements of the Saudi
customs system, the following provisions shall apply to imports of food

General requirements of food clearance:

Before importing food products, the importer must check:

1. Registration of the importing establishment at the Food Import Registration

System (FIRS). (Click here)
2. Registration of imported products and materials at (FIRS) system. (Click here)
3. A licensed warehouse has to adhere with the requirements of the SFDA
(Excluding domestic factories that import raw materials for processing their
products, as well as importers who have maximum number of (5) consignments
a year and a total of 2000 kg), Provided that the importer shall sign the related
pledge form and submit it at lmrd.food@sfda.gov.sa

General required documents for food clearance to be presented to the
authority at the port of entry:
N Document (Paper/Electronic) Notes
apply to FASAH platform
1 Customs Declaration (Bill of Entry)
(click here)
document issued by the country
2 Copy of Certificate of Origin
of export or manufacture
document issued by the
3 Copy of Commercial Invoice
exporting company
Copy of Packing Declaration & document issued by the
Packing List exporting company

5 Copy of The Bill of Lading document issued by the carrier

Food import conditions and
6 Copy of Health Certificate
Copy of Export Validity Certificate
7 For Gulf Food Materials And products of Gulf origin

- Optional for all countries
8 Certificate of Conformity (COC) - Mandatory for some countries
(check here)

A Copy of Import Permit For

Poultry And Poultry Products, Fish
9 Check the link follows to request
And Aquatic Products of Animal
an import permit (click here)
Origin And Table Egg And Its

General Notes:
1. Imported food products shall comply with the SFDA technical regulations and

2. Compliance with all updated circulars published at the SFDA official website.

3. Follow food transport to the Kingdom guidelines. (Click here)

4. Providing temperature monitor devices during transport. Read the and cold and
frozen food guidelines.

5. Original Halal certificate: For food products containing a component from an

animal origin, and for any food product has the term ‘Halal” on its label.

6. Certificate of Halal Slaughter

7. Copy of Phytosanitary Certificate for cereals, agricultural crops and fresh

vegetables and fruits.

8. According to the technical regulation GSO 9 “Labeling of Prepackaged Food

Stuffs”, when use any logo a special for quality or organic product…etc, must
provide a proof of the validity of this claims.

9. On the basis of the Food System and its Implementing Regulation issued by
Resolution No. 98 of the Council of Saudi Food & Drug Authority dated 4.9.1439.
And on the basis of the statement in Article 27 of the Regulation, "SFDA is
authorized to take samples of food products free of charge to verify their
compliance with the rules and regulations of the system, and if necessary, to test
them in the SFDA laboratory or in other approved laboratories". Article 43 states
that "SFDA shall be entitled to cooperate with other government agencies or the
private sector to perform the functions assigned to it under this system and its
regulations". However, the importer has to bear the cost of analysis and testing of
the samples.

10. Compliance with Circular No. 41072/a dated 21.5.1440 on the rules and
requirements for import of meat, poultry, crustaceans and aquatic animals.

Technical Regulations and Standards

- These regulations are frequently updated and must be observed

before importing food

General Regulations

Name of the Standard Standard No.

Labeling of Prepackaged Food Stuffs SFDA.FD/GSO 9

Expiration Dates for Food Products -Part 1 : Mandatory
Expiration Dates
Additives Permitted for Use In Food Stuffs SFDA.FD/GSO 2500

Requirements of Nutritional Labeling SFDA.FD/GSO 2233

Requirements for Nutrition and Health Claim In The Food SFDA.FD/GSO 2333

Microbiological Criteria for Foodstuffs SFDA.FD/GSO 1016

Maximum Limits of Pesticide Residues In Agricultural and
Food Products
Halal Food - Part 1 : General Requirements SFDA.FD/GSO 2055-1
Maximum Residues Limits (Mrls) of Veterinary Drugs in
Extraction Solvents and Its Residue Limits in The
Production Foodstuffs and Food Ingredients
Contaminants and Toxins in Food and Feed SFDA.FD CAC 193
General Requirements for Handling of Foods for Special
Medical Purposes

Examples of technical regulations and general standards applied in clearance process based
on food circulars

Additional Mandatory Circular
Food Group Sub-group GSO/SFDA
Certificates Number

GSO 2329:2013
Grains & whole grains, flours, GSO 2383:2014 - A proof of quality if
wheat, rice, maize, barley, GSO 2384:2014 there is a claim on the
corn, sorghum GSO 677:2008 product label.
GSO ISO 6575:2008
GSO 1864:2008
GSO 838:2015 - A Gluten-free
GSO 1925:2009 certificate in
GSO 2513:2016 accordance with Saudi
Cereal products (breads, GSO 259:2015
Cereals & Arabian Gulf Technical
pasta, noodles, tortillas, etc.) GSO 2205:2012 /GSO
grains 1879:2008
Regulation No. OSG
products GSO 843:2008 /GSO 1917:2009 1201 for gluten-free
Biscuits, cakes, doughs, GSO 2384:2014 /GSO foods, if the product
pastries 1357:2002 label states "Gluten-
GSO 1357:2002-Cor 1:2015 free".
Breakfast cereals GSO 1417:2013 /GSO 844:1997
GSO 1354:2008 /GSO 342:2016
GSO 342:1994-Amd 1:2012 - Certification of
Starch GSO 852:1997 /GSO 1370:2013 organic production if
GSO 989:2016 /GSO 2052:2010 the product is organic.
GSO 2534:2016 /GSO2272:2012
Roots, tubers, pluses,
Legumes, beans & its

Fresh Vegetables (cucumbers,

tomato, etc.)
- Pesticide-free report
(GSO 1927) / (GSO 2457) / if required
Processed Vegetable (frozen (GSO 1878) / (GSO 1134)/
/dried / processed / canned) (GSO6664) (GSO 1039) /(GSO
1038) / (GSO1031) (GSO 1029) - Certification of
like: Tomato paste organic production if
/(GSO 1815)/ (GSO 1991) (GSO
1989)/ (GSO 2433) / (GSO2432) the product is organic.
(GSO 873)/ (GSO1036)/ (GSO
Vegetables Vegetable Juices 1868) (GSO 1987) / (GSO
- Importing from some
& vegetable 1972)/ (GSO 2430)/ (GSO 2137)
(GSO 1975)/ (GSO 2131)/ / countries requires a
Mushrooms, fungi (GSO 1037) /(GSO 874) (GSO certificate of
123)/ /(GSO 124) (GSO 125) conformity (COC)
/(GSO 6661) / (GSO 2045) /
Leafy Vegetables, grape (GSO 1032) / (GSO 1033) (GSO
leaves, edible flowers - Import only from
2436) / (GSO 2044) / (GSO 38) /
(GSO 2040) / (GSO 2464) approved
establishments. (some
Potato, Sweet Potato & its countries)

Food Additional Mandatory Circular
Sub-group GSO/SFDA
Group Certificates Number
- Pesticide-free
Fresh Fruits (berries, citrus report if required
fruit, etc.)
- Certification of
organic production if
(GSO 2402) - (GSO 2401)
(GSO 2400) - (GSO 2399)
the product is organic.
Processed fruits (frozen / dried /
Fruits & processed / canned) (GSO 464) - (GSO 640)
(GSO 2038) (GSO 1862) - Importing from some
fruit (GSO 466) countries requires a
products (GSO 185) certificate of
Jams, jellies & marmalades (GSO 204)
conformity (COC)
(GSO 225)

- Import only from

Juices (fresh, nectar & fruit approved
drinks) establishments. (some
- A proof of quality if
there is a claim on the
product label.
Nuts (Hazelnut, almond,
pistachio, cashew, walnut, ets..) - Certification of
& its products (almond drink, organic production if
ets…) the product is
(GSO 2318) - (GSO 1073) organic.
(GSO 643) - (GSO 2377)
Nuts & (GSO 2306) - (GSO 274) - A Gluten-free
seeds (GSO 1358) - (GSO7911) certificate in
(GSO 6756) - (GSO 2188)
accordance with Saudi
Arabian Gulf Technical
Regulation No. OSG
Seeds & its products 1201 for gluten-free
foods, if the product
label states “Gluten-

10 | P a g e
Food Additional Mandatory Circular
Sub-group GSO/SFDA
Group Certificates Number
- A proof of quality if
(GSO 2229) (GSO 1754-1:2015)
(GSO1754-1:2015/Cor 1:2015) - there is a claim on the
Plant fats & oils (oilseeds, Seed product label.
(GSO 1754-2:2013)
oils, margarines) (GSO 1754-3:2014)
(GSO 1754-4:1997) - Certification of
(GSO 1754-5:1998)
Oils & organic production if
(GSO 2389:2014)
fats (GSO 1018:1998) the product is organic.
(GSO 2325:2013)
Animal fats & oils (ghee, (GSO 1019:2015) - Certificate proves the
butter, marine oils) (GSO 670:2015) product is free from
(GSO 2483:2015)
partially hydrogenated
(GSO ISO 5507:2015)


- Copy of health
Mollusca (GSO514) - (GSO1922) -
(SFDA. FD 1753) - (GSO1398) -
certificate of source of
(GSO1920) - (GSO1973) - raw materials.
(GSO524) - (GSO1979) -
Crustacea (SFDA.FD 582) – - In the case of Halal or
Fish & (SFDA. FD 1361) - (GSO1388) quality claims, proofs
- (GSO2043) - (GSO1999) -
seafood (GSO836) - (GSO1998) -
must be provided.
products Shellfish (SFDA.FD 380) - (GSO270) -
(GSO2207) - (GSO1817) - - Import permit
Processed marine animals (GSO1331) - (GSO2317) -
(dried, salted, smoked, canned) (GSO1750) - (GSO2427) - - Import only from
(SFDA. FD 1410) - (GSO1360) -
(GSO 2297 ) - (GSO 1387 )
Seaweed & algae

11 | P a g e
Food Additional Mandatory Circular
Sub-group GSO/SFDA
Group Certificates Number
- Copy of health
(GSO 322)
(GSO 1870) certificate of source of
All red meat species (GSO1328:2002) raw materials.
(GSO986:1998) -Health certificate
(GSO2203:2012) - A proof of quality if
Poultry (GSO2206:2012) there is a claim on the
(GSO2204:2012) product label.
- Certification of
(GSO1329:2002) organic production if
Meat & (GSO1816:2007) the product is organic.
meat Offal (Brain, Heart, Kidney, (GSO996:1998)
products Liver, Lung, etc.) (GSO997:1998) - Importing from some
(SFDA.FD 948)
countries requires a
(GSO834:1997) certificate of
(GSO1293:2002) conformity (COC)
(GSO993:2015) - A proof of quality if
(GSOCAC/RCP 58:2007)
there is a claim on the
Processed meat products (GSO 1060:2002) product label.
(GSO323:1994) - Import only from
(GSO714:1997) approved

Coffee and its products

GSO 2197/GSO 978
Coffee, GSO 2096/GSO 2326
GSO 2516/GSO 1391
tea & Tea and its products GSO 2138/GSO 783
herbal GSO 2388
infusions GSO 442"

Herbal infusion and its products

12 | P a g e
Food Additional Mandatory Circular
Sub-group GSO/SFDA
Group Certificates Number
- Health certificate

Honey - A proof of quality if

there is a claim on the
product label.

- Certification of
organic production if
Honey & (GSO 147) - (GSO 2290) - the product is organic.
bee (GSO 2097)
products - Certificate proves that
Bee Pollen, Royal jelly, the Tutin limit
Propolis, Beeswax complies with New
Zealand regulations.

- Import only from


Fresh eggs
- Health certificate

- A proof of quality if
there is a claim on the
product label.
Egg & (GSO 1002:2006)
egg (GSO 2351:2014)
- Certification of
organic production if
Processed eggs (Frozen / dried /
the product is organic.
liquid eggs)
- Import permit

13 | P a g e
Food Additional Mandatory Circular
Sub-group GSO/SFDA
Group Certificates Number
"GSO 2381:2014/GSO
GSO 785:1997/Cor 1:2013
GSO 984:1998/Cor 1:2015
Milk and its products
GSO 174:2006/GSO - Health certificate
985:1998/GSO 2296:2013
GSO 1874:2008/GSO
984:1998/GSO 10:2015 - A proof of quality if
GSO 223:2013/GSO 2211:2012 there is a claim on the
GSO 1970:2009/GSO product label.
1995:2009/Amd 1:2016
Yogurt and its products GSO 1995:2009/GSO
1407:2002/GSO 1983:2009
GSO 1347:2002/GSO - Certification of
1980:2009/GSO 833:2009 organic production if
Milk &
GSO 1377:2002/GSO the product is organic.
dairy 2098:2010/GSO 845:1997
products GSO 336:2010/GSO - Importing from some
832:2010/Cor 1:2014
GSO 2479:2015/GSO 2287:2013 countries requires a
Cheese and its products certificate of
GSO 2289:2013/GSO
1339:2002/GSO 2094:2010 conformity (COC).
GSO 2095:2010/GSO 832:2010
GSO 160:2006/Amd 1:2016 - Import only from
GSO 2000:2015/GSO
1408:2002/Amd 1:2013 establishments. (some
GSO 1408:2002/GSO countries)
Cream and its products 182:1994/GSO 992:2016
GSO 474:2010/GSO
1326:2010/GSO 816:2010
GSO 1338:2010

Sugar (cane sugar, white /

brown sugars)

Syrups (glucose syrup, maple

syrup, high fructose syrup) - A proof of quality if
there is a claim on the
GSO148:2008 product label.
Sugars & Desserts GSO2288:2013
GSO 1820:2015
- Certification of
GSO2054:2010" organic production if
the product is organic.
Artificial sweeteners
- Halal Certificate

Chewing gum (all types).

14 | P a g e
Food Additional Mandatory Circular
Sub-group GSO/SFDA
Group Certificates Number
Soft/carbonated drinks

Flavored artificial drink

GSO 2523:2016
Energy drinks

Beer & malt beverages

All types of salt

"GSO 2392:2014/GSO
Herbs 1367:2002 - A proof of quality if
GSO 2297:2013/GSO 2132/GSO there is a claim on the
Salts, 2139:2011
Spices product label.
herbs, GSO 489:1994/GSO 1073:2002
spices & GSO 2130:2011/GSO ISO
Sauces 1003:2002 - Certification of
GSO 2135:2011/GSO 1819:2007 organic production if
Condiments GSO 2524:2016/GSO the product is organic.

Bottled drinking water, mineral

- According to
Technical Regulation
No. 789, a license
certificate is required
Sparkling water
from the country of
(GSO 149) - (GSO 1025)
drinking - (GOS 2232) - (GSO 987)
- A proof of quality if
water Flavored water there is a claim on the
product label.

- A certificate proves
the mineral water is
natural and not bottled.

15 | P a g e
Food Additional Mandatory Circular
Sub-group GSO/SFDA
Group Certificates Number

- A proof of quality if
there is a claim on the
product label.

- Certification of
organic production if
Composite the product is organic.
Ready-to-eat meals, frozen or
& "GSO 1909/ GSO 2466/ GSO
chilled meals that need to be
prepared/ 2142 - A Gluten-free
heated (e.g. pizzas, stuffed pies
processed certificate in
& sandwiches …etc.)
meals accordance with Saudi
Arabian Gulf Technical
Regulation No. OSG
1201 for gluten-free
foods, if the product
label states “Gluten-

Infant formulas
- Health certificate

- A Gluten-free
certificate in
Infant / Prepared infant foods (GSO 355) - (GSO 677) – accordance with Saudi
baby (GSO 2106) - (GSO 223) Arabian Gulf Technical
Regulation No. OSG
1201 for gluten-free
foods, if the product
label states “Gluten-
Infant cereals free”.

16 | P a g e
Food Group Sub-group GSO/SFDA Mandatory

Reduced energy foods,

- A Gluten-free
diabetic foods, low-sodium
certificate in
food, sport drinks (water
accordance with Saudi
added vitamins/minerals) &
Arabian Gulf
food (high protein)
(GSO 1926) - ( GSO 1366) - Technical Regulation
( GSO 2522) - ( GSO 2393) - No. OSG 1201 for
(GSO 654) - (GSO 2395) - gluten-free foods, if
Special (GSO 2396) - (GSO 2397) - the product label states
Parenteral & enteral feed, (GSO 2398) - (GSO 2392) -
dietary foods “Gluten-free”.
therapeutic meal replacements (GSO 1367) - (GSO 1021) -
& drinks (GSO 2101) - (GSO 2391) -
(GSO 2209) - (GSO 1058) - Marketing certificate
issued by the country
of origin explains the
purpose of marketing
Dietary supplements as a special dietary

Raw Cocoa
- A proof of quality if
there is a claim on the
(GSO 567) - (GSO 1304) - product label.
Cocoa & Chocolate products (GSO 1355) - (GSO 2518) -
sweet (bars/powder/liquid) - Certification of
organic production if
the product is organic.
Chocolate based confectionary
& candies

17 | P a g e

1. Food System
2. Country List
3. Import Permit Guideline
4. Accreditation Procedures of Official Regulatory Bodies and Establishments of the
Country Wishing To Export to Saudi Arabia
5. Ban and Ban Lifting Decisions
6. List of Conformity and Laboratory Bodies Assigned By the SFDA
7. Halal Center
8. Regulations and Requirements of Meat Imports
9. Conditions and Requirements for Food Products Import into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
10. Guideline of Breast Milk Substitutes, Milk-Containing Foods, and Infant Formulas for
Special Medical Purposes.
11. Guideline for Transportation of Chilled and Frozen Foods
12. Circulars on Document Storage
13. Procedure of Production and Import of Ready-To-Eat Foods
14. Food Supplements and Energy Drinks Registration Guideline

Helpful Links:

- Product Classification System(PCS)

- Technical Regulations and Standards
- SFDA Standards Store
- Organic Food Products Clearance Conditions and requirements

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