Basics Steel Construction
Basics Steel Construction
Basics Steel Construction
and drawing substrates available to the
different types of drawing and to the Katrin Hanses
later processing and editing of the image.
Katrin Hanses
Katrin Hanses - Sebastian El Khouli
Bert Bielefeld
Foreword _7
Introduction _8
Building material _9
Material properties _9
Production _12
Cross section profiles _14
Fire protection _19
Corrosion _22
Surface treatment _23
Construction methods _27
Linear elements _27
Spatial elements _37
Special forms _40
Planning principles _45
Hall construction _45
Multi-storey construction _47
Lightweight construction _48
Bracing _53
Transport sizes and assembly _55
Connections _56
Building parts _59
Corners _59
Feet _59
Support _64
Assembly or site joints _67
Nodes _69
Roof _70
Composite constructions _71
Facade _75
Thermal separation _76
IN Conclusion _78
Appendix _79
Tables _79
Standards and guidelines _89
Literature _91
Picture credits _91
The author _92
Since the start of industrialisation steel has been one of the most
important materials in architecture. It allows wide-spanning structures
to be built using a minimal amount of material and is therefore highly
efficient. There are classic areas where steel is widely used such as shed-
type buildings and roof structures, but it also offers an enormous range
of possibilities for a wide variety of designs. It makes possible open
spaces in which the walls are almost dissolved away; steel can be used
to build a wide range of slender spatial structures, creating unusual
spatial constellations.
The use of steel (and other metals) is thus closely linked to its tech-
nical characteristics and possibilities for construction. Only when armed
with knowledge about the particular qualities, the various steel profiles
and the principles of fitting together a steel construction, and with an
awareness of the material’s limitations is the architect in a position to
develop creative solutions in steel and constantly to burst through the
established limits.
It is at this point that this new book Basics Steel Construction begins
and gives the reader an understanding of the particular qualities of steel
and the possibilities that it offers for different kinds of constructions. By
providing knowledge about the building material and its complex con-
structions and applications it enables architecture students to reflect on
creative solutions, including those outside the standardised systems
offered by the construction industry. Alongside material research, much
of the progress in steel construction has been achieved through innova-
tive and unconventional designs by architects, who have set challenges
and provided encouragement for new developments and applications.
This book is intended to stimulate its readers, equipped with the know
ledge they have gained, to explore the possibilities for their own designs,
and perhaps even to develop new approaches to steel construction.
Ever since humanity has been able to make steel from pig iron, build-
ing in steel has grown in importance, in both economic and architectural
terms. At the 1889 World’s Fair in Paris at the latest the ability to erect
pioneering constructions in steel was impressively presented. Before this
at the first world’s fair, the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London, a number
of attempts had been made by Joseph Paxton, among others, to build
steel architecture in a way suited to the nature of the material. The con-
struction of the Crystal Palace had already demonstrated the typical of
the material. Constructions with large spans could also be easily disman-
tled. But the destruction of the Crystal Palace by fire in 1936 showed the
dangers of this material as well. In planning steel architecture both the
positive and negative aspects should be taken into account.
In the meantime, an entire method of building has developed out of
the specific qualities of the material, and steel has revolutionised both
architecture and civil engineering – for instance, in high-rise buildings
and transparent building envelopes, large halls and filigree constructions.
In addition, steel is used as reinforcement in concrete, as facade clad-
ding, and in lightweight building. From highly polished scales to a rough
surface finish, corroded surfaces and perforations, facade design also
has no boundaries for the use of steel.
Its many uses demonstrate just how versatile steel is: from light-
weight and small-scale to solid, large cross sections, every kind of struc-
ture is imaginable. The dissolution into filigree frame constructions with
enormous spans shapes the character of architecture built of steel.
Building material
Steel is a very versatile material that can be used in a wide range of
areas. There are very many different kinds of steel and also many stand-
ards and regulations for all the parameters of the material, whether in
connections, forms or surface treatments. A further factor in the com-
plexity of this field is the very high level of development achieved by pro-
duction processes and material qualities, which makes this construction
material both highly innovative and extremely complex.
Material properties
In contrast to composite materials such as reinforced concrete, steel Constructional
has a very high compressive and tensile strength, even when not com- properties
bined with other materials. It is almost equally strong in both these areas.
A weakness of the material is its susceptibility to corrosion and thermal
deformation, which makes fire protection most important. Consequently,
when it is combined with concrete, for instance, special measures must
be introduced in order to ensure adequate cover and protection of the
Metals are divided into ferrous and non-ferrous metals. With a car-
bon content of less than 2%, steel belongs to the ferrous metals. In gen-
eral, metals have a high density and strength, a high melting point, and
good conductivity for heat and electricity.
The many different kinds of steel are classified according to a sys-
tem of material numbers and letters. > Fig. 1
Position 1 is particularly important for identifying the kind of steel.
> Tab. 1 The other positions describe various material properties, the
method of production, areas of use, and methods of use, and are of
importance primarily for the steel industry. A “G” in front of the letters
indicates a cast steel construction part.
Tab. 1: Abbreviations for the kinds of steel most often used in building
Structural steel The designation system used for steel was fundamentally altered by
the introduction of the European Standards. Two kinds of steel are par-
ticularly important for construction: S235 und S355.
What is called fine-grained steel is a particular kind of structural steel.
It has high strength and toughness, making it particularly suitable for
welded connections. Fine-grained steel achieves these qualities through
a reduction of the grain size by using particular elements as alloys, a low
carbon content of < 0.20%, and special rolling and heating technology. It
has a low weight combined with high strength and is particularly suitable
for bridge building. Further grades include high strength and ultra-high
strength fine-grained steel, which have even greater elasticity and stress
Weather-resistant Weather-resistant structural steel can be used outdoors without cor-
structural steel rosion protection. It forms a strong, dense covering layer that protects
the building part against corrosion. A development of weather-resistant
steel is known as Corten steel, which forms an even patina on the sur-
face and is often used externally as a design element. Building parts made
of Corten steel can and should be used in a pre-weathered state so that
an even surface can develop. Otherwise, depending on the environmen-
tal conditions, irregularities may arise.
Rustproof steel Rustproof steels are distinguished according to their uses (corrosion-
resistant steels, heat-resistant steels), their structure and the essential
alloy elements. The short designation begins with an “X”.
Corrosion-resistant steels are generally combined under the term
“stainless steels”. Under normal conditions they form a protective passive
coat and therefore generally require no further surface coating. They can
easily be used again through melting down; however, a high temperature
and much energy are required for production using the arc welding pro-
cess. > Chapter Building material, Production Stainless steels can be brushed,
polished, etched or sandblasted. They can be made as loadbearing build-
ing elements, but this requires building approval.
Shaping When metals are subjected to high stress, plastic deformation takes
place (creep). Therefore, in using steel it is not necessarily the failure
load that is decisive but the stress at which an expansion of 0.2% is
reached. To assess strength, plasticity and elasticity, a stress-strain
diagram is usually drawn. > Fig. 2
tension σ
tensile strength
plastic range
yield point
boundary stress
fracture elongation
elongation ε
Steel can be used for both the primary and secondary construction. Insulation
In both cases care should be taken to ensure that there are no gaps in
the insulation plane. As steel has high heat conductivity > Tab. 2, there is a
particularly great danger of thermal bridges and loss of heating energy
at points where the primary construction penetrates, at corners or
through gaps in the secondary construction. According to the demands
made on the building and building part, individual areas must be ther-
mally separated. > Chapter Building parts, Thermal separation
In addition, condensation forms more quickly on the cold surface of
the steel than on other materials. Here, ventilation and back ventilation
play an important role and can help prevent condensation causing dam-
age to the construction. It must be possible for the water to run off
unobstructed and places where condensation could potentially emerge
must be identified in advance and avoided. ◯
As regards preventing the spread of impact or footfall sound, steel Noise insulation
composite slabs behave exactly like a normal reinforced concrete floor
slab. Footfall sound must be subdued by a floating screed or resilient
Tab. 2: Properties of steel
Iron Raw materials for the production of steel are coal, coke, iron ore and
scrap iron.
◯ In the production process iron ores, which are rich in oxides, are
mixed with lime and then smelted in blast furnaces to form iron through
the introduction of energy (with coke as the source of energy). > Fig. 3 This
produces pig iron, which has a high carbon content (3–5%) and contains
phosphorus and sulphur. Pig iron is very brittle and not useful as a raw
material. The melted pig iron is placed in a converter where oxygen is
blown in (“blow”) and further materials are added. This reduces the car-
bon, sulphur and phosphorus content. In producing many kinds of steel,
different alloy elements must be added in order to achieve the requisite
The electric arc process > Fig. 4 allows steel to be produced from scrap
iron and additives. The arc produces extremely high temperatures so that
high-quality alloys can also be smelted and a good steel quality achieved.
Steel can be 100% recycled in this way. The process makes extremely
sparing use of resources but the high amount of energy required means
that it is not particularly economical. Nevertheless, it is used for most
steels that must meet high demands in terms of quality.
200 °C
pre-warming zone furnace gas
breaking up
400 °C
reduction zone
indirect reduction
through CO barrel
900 °C electrodes
carburising zone belly
direct reduction
by C oxygen supply
wind 1400 °C electric arc
melting zone hearth slag steel roller bearings
1600 °C
pig iron
Fig. 3: Sketch showing the principle of the blast Fig. 4: Sketch showing the principle of the electric arc
f urnace furnace
Tab. 3: Forming processes
Fig. 5: Semi-finished products
lined in strips
trapezoidal profile
corrugated profile
between hot rolled and cold rolled coils, sheets and bands. > Tab. 4 By fold-
ing in trapezoidal and wave forms the necessary stability can be produced
along the direction of folding. The building elements remain uniaxially
loadable. > Fig. 6 The form is generally given after the coating has been
applied. The profiled metal sheets are suitable for multiple layer construc-
tions as both outer and inner shells. At the design stage it should be
ensured that the sheets can still be stacked after forming and do result
in different transportation sizes.
Flat products are available as corrugated sheets, roof tile shaped
sheets, sheets with structured surfaces (chequered, nipple, diamond-
patterned or perforated metal) and many others. Profiled metal sheeting
is often used to create anti-slip surfaces, and perforated metal sheet is
Fig. 7: Flat products
used for facades (e.g. for sun protection). All sheets can be shaped fur-
ther by folding, and it is possible to combine structured and perforated
● metal sheets. > Fig. 7
A further flat product is expanded metal, which is produced by draw-
ing apart a sheet in which staggered slits have been made. > Fig. 8 This
produces a mesh with diamond-shaped openings which, depending on
the angle from which the mesh is viewed, make the surface appear to
shift between open and opaque. Different degrees of transparency can
be achieved using this effect. Expanded metals can also be formed and
folded and are often more economical than wire mesh or perforated
metal. They also offer a certain degree of stability.
Cables Cables are used above all in bridge building and high-rise construc-
tion. A distinction is drawn between running cables (on rolls, discs,
drums) and standing cables (carrier cables, cable slings, guy cables). They
consist of cold drawn wire and are generally formed of several wires
placed around a core or wire bundle. > Fig. 9
Concrete Reinforcement steel is used together with concrete. As concrete
reinforcement steel handles compressive stress well but tensile stress badly, steel is inserted
into it as reinforcement. > Fig. 10 The concrete protects the steel from
corrosion by means of sufficient concrete cover. The two materials thus
Fig. 8: Expanded metals and perforated metals
parallel wire rope stranded rope locked coil rope bundle of parallel
stranded tension wires
Trapezoidal profiles are made from thin metal sheeting using roll pro- Trapezoidal profiles
files. The shaping gives them a degree of stiffness and they can even be
made (uniaxially) loadbearing. > Fig. 14
Some meshes can be made from round or flat rolled wires, rods or Mesh
cables. Different weave patterns can be made and the mesh can be pro-
duced in the form of rolls or single areas, or to meet individual demands.
The factors that influence the design include the mesh width, the wire
diameter, mesh thickness and mesh fineness. Flat layers of wire that are
welded or pressed at the junctions are called sheets. Mesh is often used
to make sun protection, for facade elements, in railings and suspended
ceilings, and also as sliding metal curtains.
Fire protection
Steel is generally non-flammable; it does not conduct fire and does Building-related
not release any poisonous gases when exposed to fire. However, at high fire protection
Tab. 5: Types of fire protection
Building-related fire protection Escape and rescue routes planned, the spread of fire
minimised (fire compartments), use of non-flammable/
low-flammability construction materials
Technical fire protection Fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems etc.
Protective fire protection Direct measures to extinguish and restrict a fire
(here building-related fire protection plays a major role)
Organisational and operational fire protection Preventive measures to avoid fires (e.g. training users for
rapid escape and firefighting)
cladding e.g. using plasterboard
or mineral fibre
intumescent coatings
Iron is a base metal and, as is widely known, its corrosion process
involves rust. In the corrosion of metal, a certain amount material is lost,
which permanently weakens the structural strength of the building part.
The thinner the building part, the more dangerous the rusting process is.
As a rule, corrosion starts at a relative humidity of 65% and so building
parts made of steel must be given special protection against the corro-
sion process.
In addition to its effect on function, rust is also undesirable for visual
reasons. It suggests a poor quality building part and means the construc-
tion is often viewed with distrust.
In buildings it is principally electro-chemical corrosion that is of
decisive importance. We distinguish between:
Corrosion process Corrosion is an electro-chemical process that takes place in the air,
in the ground, or in water. First of all, a compact rust layer builds up, which
later becomes loose and flakes off. The loose rust layers also allow con-
densation to collect at these places, which further encourages the rust-
ing process. Indoors there is no electrolytic moisture film, which is why
rust does not occur there. Where, due to corrosion, the surface of the
material wears unevenly, we speak of hollow, hole or gap corrosion,
◯ depending on the appearance.
By contrast, contact corrosion occurs where different metals touch
and where an electrolyte (e.g. water) is occasionally found. Then the more
base metal begins to disintegrate. In high-rise buildings this happens
above all with facade fixings and roof elements in which different metals
meet each other.
hydroxide ions
oxygen water
O2 OH–
H2O oxygen
Fe iron ions
anode e cathode
Active Passive
Design: functional design of the construction and choice Keeping aggressive materials away from the surface of the
of materials building part: artificial covering and protective layers,
metallic and non-metallic coverings
Intervention in the corrosion process. Removal/ Paints, coatings, coverings, enamelling, galvanising, zinc
influencing of aggressive materials, intervention in the coating
electro-chemical process
Reduction of areas for potential attack by corrosion to
an absolute minimum
Surface treatment
There can be a number of different reasons for treating steel sur-
faces. In addition to design aspects, the need to provide protection
against corrosion and fire is decisive here. As regards corrosion protec-
tion surfaces, a distinction is drawn between metallic coverings, coatings
or a combination of coverings and coating (duplex systems). Surfaces
can have very different demands. These can extend from tactile qualities
such as roughness, smoothness and hardness to properties that protect
the function such as lubricant adhesion or corrosion protection. > Tab. 7
The treatment generally consists of a number of different work processes,
often involving both coating and removal operations. In all cases the sur-
face must initially be cleaned and prepared.
Coating A coating always acts “passively”, i.e. it prevents rust and provides
a screen against the atmosphere (or the ground or water). The primer
coat is the passive coat, while the final coat provides the screen that also
protects the primer. Generally the different layers also have different col-
ours so that cover can be ensured. There are also production coatings
that provide protection against corrosion during transport, storage and
treatment. They do not, however, offer permanent protection.
Before each coating the surface must be properly prepared and freed
from any form of dirt, by blasting, pickling, grinding, brushing, and scrap-
ing manually or with a machine. The important thing is that the surface
should be clean.
No coating is 100% impermeable and it must therefore be applied
sufficiently thickly and on a properly prepared base. This can be done by
painting with a brush (above all for the primer coat), by rollers or by spray-
ing. The application should be done in dust-free, unchanging conditions,
and should be allowed sufficient time to dry.
Coatings are generally based on organic polymers. They can be well
adapted to particular situations (corrosion protection) or possibilities of
treatment. They are economical to use and offer a wide variety of design
options as regards choice of colour and the degree of shininess of the
surface. They generally consist of binders, pigments, fillers, solvents or
dispersants, and additives. Polymer coatings can become chapped over
the course of time and lose their stability.
Metallic coverings The coatings described above augment the steel surface in an addi-
tive way, whereas a metallic covering reacts with the steel surface and
becomes one with it. To achieve this, the steel must be covered with a
reactive metal (e.g. aluminium or zinc) to allow the electro-chemical bind-
ing. The metal most commonly used here is zinc, which absorbs CO2 from
the air, forms a firmly adhering layer, and offers excellent protection
against corrosion. As the galvanic layer wears down over the course of
time, a sufficiently thick layer should be planned so as to guarantee long-
term protection against corrosion.
Steel building parts can be galvanised in a number of different ways.
In batch galvanising, the building parts are immersed in a zinc bath and
afterwards dried. The size of the pieces must be considered at the plan-
ning stage, as there are limitations to the size of the zinc baths. The stand-
ard bath size is around 18.0 × 2.2 × 3.6 m (l × w × d); however, long build-
ing elements can be immersed from two sides so that they can be twice
Tab. 7: Some examples of surface treatments
Mechanical treatment Sandblasting Sand is blasted against the building part using pressurised air.
Shot blasting Grainy material with different grain sizes is sprayed against the
material using kinetic energy.
High-pressure water A form of spraying that also removes splinters
jet treatment
Brushing Surface cleaning, resulting in a polished surface
Grinding Removal of splinters by an abrasive action using grit
Polishing No removal of splinters, upstanding material burrs are
smoothened, creating a gleaming surface.
Thermal treatment Flaming Cleaning of the surface
Annealing Cleaning of the surface
Chemical treatment, Chemical deburring Fine deburring and smoothening
non-layer forming
Etching Surface treatment that removes layers; can be used to create
visual effects
Pickling To remove rust and improve adhesion
Burnishing Strongly oxidising solutions create a dense film on the surface.
Chemical treatment, Phosphating Creates a moisture barrier, a good primer and protection
layer-forming against corrosion, particularly with organic coatings.
Chromate coating Formation of chromate layers with aluminium and zinc materials
Metal spraying Application of thick metal layers, protects building parts
exposed to mechanical stress
Plating Covering a steel core with thin, rolled layers of another metal.
Composite materials made of different layers result.
Anodising Creates an oxidised protective layer on aluminium
Enamelling A glass-like non-crystalline enamel is melted onto a steel part
and binds with the surface. Acid resistance, corrosion
protection, temperature projection and much more
Chemical and galvanic More noble metal layers are applied as a surface, e.g.
metalising aluminium, chrome, cobalt, nickel, copper, brass, bronze, zinc,
silver, cadmium, tin, lead
Painting Organic or inorganic polymers combined with binders,
pigments, fillers, solvents, additives and water
Printing E.g. silk-screening
Metallic coverings Galvanising Metallic covering by means of immersion, spraying or similar
Powder coating Coloured plastic particles are permanently bound with the steel
surface electrostatically.
Coating Duplex coating First a metal cover (galvanising), then a coating system
Plasma-vacuum coating In a vacuum, chemical elements are applied to the surface
(aluminium, copper, titanium etc.). For self-cleansing facade
materials, antibacterial surfaces, for colouring stainless steel.
Permanent and resistant to deformation.
as long. Coil coating is the term given to galvanising coils and steel strips
in a continuous hot-dipping process.
Thermal spraying with zinc (spray galvanising) is used primarily for
building parts that cannot be taken apart, or at least not into pieces that
would fit into a dip bath. Spray galvanising is relatively expensive but is
suitable for improvement purposes. It creates a surface that is irregular
and porous, which therefore must always be given a coating.
In electro-galvanising an electric current is introduced into the bath.
This exploits the electrostatic attraction of steel and the coating.
Duplex system If a coating is applied in addition to a metallic covering, the durabil-
ity of the surface is further improved. This is known as a duplex system.
It is often used for visual reasons, to conceal or upgrade the galvanising.
A useful side effect is the increased corrosion protection. By combining
both methods the building part is protected for a period that is consider-
ably longer than the sum of the protection periods of the two individual
measures. A synergetic effect is produced.
Construction methods
Steel as a primary construction offers numerous advantages, such
as light and filigree constructions, flexible floor plans and a high degree
of prefabrication. However, it also makes demands in terms of fire pro-
tection, structural design, and logistics, which must be taken into account
from the very start. On a large scale the material can form the loadbearing
structure of a building or an engineering structure and is also suitable for
filigree individual parts at joints and in secondary structures.
As with every building system, the main function of the loadbearing
structure in steel construction is to ensure stability and suitability for the
building’s function. In this context, stability means transferring all hori-
zontal and vertical forces within the structure as a whole, while suitabil-
ity for function means that the architecture can used as planned.
Linear elements
The use of solid web girders is a very common method of linear trans- Girder
fer of loads in a building. These are girders with a constant cross section,
which in the standard case are subject to bending loads. (See Alfred
Meistermann, Basics Loadbearing Systems, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel
One variation is the girder with a changing height. This means that
instead of a constant cross section, the form of the girder is adapted to
rigid corner
pin-jointed foot
fixed foot
bearing (jointed)
system moment curve
single-span beam
continuous beam
articulated beam
the moment curve of the building part. > Figs. 18 and 19 This of course has a
major impact on the design but can be used to great advantage.
Trussed girders When solid web girders are not to be used, the solid girder can be
broken up to form a truss. This creates a light building element with the
appropriate capacity that saves on material. Within the truss the chords
take up the moments, while the diagonals and posts transfer the shear
forces. > Fig. 20
suitable beam forms
trussed beam
top chord
lower chord
Fig. 21: Trusses (from left): fish belly, post truss, angled strut truss
the load impacts. Only normal forces occur. Junctions should be centred
on the axes of the elements so that the elements of the truss meet at a
single point. > Fig. 23 The angles between the elements are between 30°
and 60° to the long axis, creating a triangular joint made up of the indi-
vidual components.
upper chord upper chord
centred, axes meet at one point not centred, axes meet outside
tension tie
one strut three struts
overlaying of two systems each with two struts intermediate stabilising bracing
upper chord
lower chord
The trussed beam can have several struts and the upper chord can
be inclined. > Fig. 25 Up to four struts (arranged symmetrically) make sense.
The greater the number of struts, the greater the force on the tension tie,
but the moments in the beam are reduced. Several trusses can be com-
Triangular truss The triangular truss is a special kind of truss. The compression force
in the upper chord is taken by two rods creating a three-dimensional truss
that performs like a single span. > Fig. 26 Here, too, the upper and lower
parallel chords
parallel chords
haunched linearly
gerber beam
Fig. 27: Examples of continuous beams: approaching Fig. 28: Examples of cantilevers: approaching the
the moment curve moment curve
chord are made as hinged rods, the two rods of the upper chord divide
up the forces. Given the number of rods that meet there, the junctions
must be designed precisely. > Chapter Building parts, Nodes
If a beam rests on several bearing points instead of just two, this cre- Multi-span beams
ates a different structural system. The multi-span beam extends across and cantilevers
structural system form structural system form
Columns Columns are building elements that are generally subjected to com-
pression forces and are therefore exposed to the danger of buckling. The
point of failure and the efficiency of the building part are influenced by
its slenderness and the material used for the column. It is not only the
size of the cross section that is important but also its geometry. In steel
construction, hollow cross sections are particularly suitable for columns.
Columns also differ according to way in which they rest. > Fig. 29 Most
commonly used is the pin-ended support, which is hinged at the top and
bottom. The end points of the columns, however, can also be fixed or free.
Exactly as with bending beams, it can make sense to adapt the form
of a column to the moment curve. A column can also be broken up into
several elements.
Frame A frame consists of two or more line-shaped parts that are spanned
in a single plane so that they define an area and are connected with each
frame beam
frame post
asymmetrical frame
other. There are three-pinned, two-pinned and fixed frames. > Fig. 30 There
are numerous design possibilities and frames can also be arranged
sequentially. > Fig. 31
three-pinned arch two-pinned arch fixed arch
arch rise,
can be raised to allow better use of the space beneath it. Arches can also
be broken up into trusses or made more efficient by trussing. There are
almost no boundaries set to creativity.
The arch tends to tilt and buckle (see Alfred Meistermann, Basics
Loadbearing Systems, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel 2007). Various methods
of bracing can be used to counteract the danger of buckling and to
achieve greater stability. These can also be integrated into the design of
the loadbearing structure. > Fig. 34
Spatial elements
A planar structure made out of a number of beams is described as a Beam grillage
beam grillage or beam grid. The loads are transferred in two directions
and it is mostly bending load that develops. The beams are rigidly con-
nected to each other, giving a flat, biaxial effect. In design terms the beam
grillage is extremely flexible. > Fig. 35 For instance, round plans are also
conceivable and a diagonal grid has a favourable impact on the dimen-
sioning of the internal beams.
edge support
triangular grid
Fig. 36: Beam grillage on columns, Neue National Fig. 37: Typical structure of a beam grillage
galerie, Berlin
dodecahedron icosahedron
space frame
Exactly as with linear systems, in the spatial context, too, the mas- Space frame
siveness of the construction can be broken up into a frame. Space frames
also consist of rods and junctions with hinged connections to each other.
They form a three-dimensional spatial grid consisting of an arrangement
of platonic bodies. The forces are transmitted only at the junctions, and
the rods are subjected only to compression or tension force.
Forms constructed from triangles are stable without any further
measures, whereas forms based on cubes must be combined with addi-
tional elements. > Fig. 38 Single-plane space frames are those that together
create a flat, planar effect. Structures with low mass and large spans can
also be created in a single plane.
Thanks to its stability the planar space frame works like a plate or a
beam grillage so that no additional horizontal bracing is necessary. It has
a highly filigree quality, and is light and very efficient.
Space frames are generally built using circular sections, although
square section tubes are sometimes used. > Fig. 39 Junctions can be made
by welding, using spheres, or slit metal sheets. > Chapter Building parts, Nodes
Shells and domed structures can be constructed from space frames
that are not planar. One example is the geodesic dome, which is com-
posed of dodecahedrons or icosahedrons.
Fig. 40: Cable structure for bridge building, Brooklyn
Bridge, New York
Special forms
Suspension In suspension constructions, external loads are directed through
constructions structural elements subjected to tensile force. The design possibilities
of suspended constructions are very varied, particularly with large spans.
> Fig. 40 The low dead weight and the almost exclusively tension load
ensures optimal exploitation of the material. The stability is not endan-
gered by excessive compressive loads.
In contrast to the arch, which exploits the ideal thrust line of a build-
ing part, in suspended constructions the optimal cable line can be used
as an approach. It describes the ideal for a structure in which no moments
are released and which can therefore be made in a very filigree way. Cable
structures are minimal structures and are therefore often used for espe-
cially large constructions, such as bridges or big halls. A cable is unable
to take bending moments and its form always follows the applied loads.
This results in a precise approach to the cable line.
However, calculating suspension structures is a complex process,
and complicated joints and anchorage points can be involved. The ten-
sion forces that are favourable for slender steel elements are very unfa-
vourable for the foundations, which in principle transfer loads to the
ground by means of compression. Elaborate anchoring in the ground is
required at times. In building suspension structures it must be ensured
that the cables never lose tension or droop, as this could result in loss of
Ensuring stability is, in general, one of the major challenges of a sus-
pension structure. In a suspended roof, for example, stabilising can be
done by means of weight or by using a roof skin with a stiffening shell
effect. > Fig. 41
guy cable
stabilising weights
guy cable
suspension cable
pretension cable
Cable trusses achieve their stability through uniaxially arranged, pre- Cable trusses
stressed, counter-curved cables. Cable trusses consist of a loadbearing
cable and a tension cable, which are normally connected to each by ten-
sion elements known as hangers. > Fig. 42 If these are omitted, then as with
trussed beams, struts must be used. > Fig. 43 These trusses are primarily
endangered by buckling of the struts or twisting of the truss.
cable truss with bracing beam
Jawerth truss
Cable-stayed truss A variation on the cable truss is the cable-stayed truss. Whereas
c able trusses are very delicate but difficult to manufacture, the cable-
stayed truss offers greater potential. It contributes to greatly simplifying
production, above all in the case of bridges. Within the construction, a
stay cable
anchoring cable
bracing beam
central pylon
Fig. 46: Cable-stayed trusses in the National Stadium in Fig. 47: Closed cable net
Warsaw with a suspension bridge in the foreground
Fig. 48: Open cable net Fig. 49: Open cable nets: Olympiapark and Stadium,
Cable net Cable nets function primarily as a membrane. Cable nets are made
of multitudes of anticlastic, stressed loadbearing and tension cables and
in this way acquire stability. A distinction is drawn between open and
closed cable nets. > Figs. 47, 48 and 49 In the closed cable net the cable ten-
sion forces are directed into edge bearings. These are subject to com-
pression and the edge beams allow a usable space to be formed.
Cable nets can, for instance, form the substructure for a light roof
skin. The more densely the cables are woven together, the more the con-
struction functions as a membrane. The elements, which are subjected
only to tension forces, can be rods or cables made of steel.
Planning principles
In steel construction the loadbearing structure is always a part of the
design. From the very start it is important to match design concepts with
constructional possibilities. The structure can be used as a design ele-
ment and made entirely visible, or it can be concealed between the lay-
ers of the construction. > Fig. 50 The relationship of the building shell and
spatial enclosure to the structure should also form a part of the basic
concept of the building.
Having examined the individual elements of the structure, an
approach will now be made to implementing the principles learned. Par-
ticular attention is given to the influence on the architectural planning.
Hall construction
In general we can differentiate between single-storey and multi-
storey steel buildings. The possibilities steel offers for large, column-free
constructions that are light but efficient make it predestined for indus-
trial and shed or hall building. > Fig. 51 The loadbearing elements discussed
earlier are often employed precisely in this field.
Generally, large spans are handled by column-beam systems. Primary construction
Depending on the kind of bracing used, these are combined to form a
frame or spatial constructions. The building’s function may mean the
bracing in hall building has to handle wind loads as well as the impact
loads of vehicles or the loads of indoor cranes.
With low distances apart of approx. 6–7 m, roof and facade con
structions can rest directly on the column-beam systems. > Chapter Planning
principles, Lightweight construction ◼
If the construction axes in the primary construction are larger, a sec- Secondary
ondary structure may be required as bearing for the building envelope. construction
The main beams, which can also be called girders, can be solid web gir
ders or trusses. They can also be optimised by adapting them to the
moment curve. In smaller building volumes, elements with parallel chords
are often used for economic reasons.
structure visible, envelope inside structure partly visible
structure only visible from inside, envelope outside structure not visible, shell inside and outside
Fig. 50: Position of the loadbearing structure
Fig. 51: Principle of hall building
Fig. 52: Hall building with primary construction of solid web beams
and secondary struts
Multi-storey construction
In contrast to a single-storey hall building, a multi-storey building
connects several structural systems that rest upon each other in
sequence. > Fig. 53 This produces different requirements for structure, fire
protection, sound insulation and, naturally, also the design. Bracing has
also to be planned. Stacked frame systems are often used with vertical
trusses as bracing.
Multi-storey buildings up to the height of high-rise structures with
steel constructions are generally built as skeleton frames, which are char-
acterised by the flexibility of the floor plans they allow and which reduce
loadbearing building parts to a minimum. The steel constructions, > Chapter
Construction methods which are very close to optimal load transfer within the
building parts, make good sense here. The system is made up of a com-
bination of panels (slabs), columns and the appropriate bracing elements.
> Chapter Planning principles, Bracing The structural elements include beams,
continuous, gridded structural system core
floor slab
Lightweight construction
Lightweight construction comprises light, thin-walled building parts
of steel; the aim is to combine the minimised use of material with other
positive effects. Lightweight building allows speedy progress of construc-
tion work and a high level of prefabrication. It also simplifies the integra-
tion of services and produces high-quality building work.
Frame systems Lightweight construction is often used in individual building parts
such as facade or roof constructions, but is also suitable for the erection
of entire buildings. Here, frame systems are generally used. > Fig. 54
Similarly to timber building, the “platform frame” or the “balloon frame”
system can used. These systems differ in terms of construction and as-
sembly. Lightweight construction also allows larger building elements to
be prefabricated and simply mounted in place on site. For example, entire
hotel bedrooms complete with the interior fittings can be delivered to the
◯ building site.
beam with U-channel at end
(according to system also with solid floor slab)
upright post
the surface finish through profiling and the use of colour. They consist of
an external and an internal steel sheet that can be filled with various
insulation materials. > Fig. 57 While they are suitable for wall and floor slab
constructions, they generally require a secondary construction (purlins
or similar) as support.
loadbearing column
foot plate
floor beam
edge bearing
vertical metal strips
loadbearing column
foot plate
(wall runs in front of floor slab plane)
head plate
floor beam
edge bearing
fixing angle
sandwich on secondary construction
primary construction
e.g. steel column
secondary construction
e.g. cross-beam
horizontal section
sandwich element
foot angle
vertical section
through wall
Two layer systems with independent shells can be used more flexibly.
Trapezoidal metal sheeting is often used for individually designed roof
constructions and can have a uniaxially bracing effect. > Fig. 58 There are
numerous possibilities for roof and wall constructions, with or without
back ventilation.
Profiled liner trays can form the wall, the bracing and the construc-
tion. The elements are built up like a sandwich element and can meet
different demands for the surface. They can be so stably connected to
each other that they form a construction joint. Here, they are stacked
vertically on top of each other and can additionally be filled with insula-
tion and, for instance, closed with a vertically positioned trapezoidal
sheet. > Fig. 59 The sandwich element made in this way can be used both
vertically and horizontally.
track and clips to secure
trapezoidal metal sheeting metal sheeting
as roof skin
primary construction
vertical section
Many kinds of metals can be used for facades. Alongside steel, stain- Metal facades
less steel and weather-resistant structural steel, aluminium, copper and
zinc facades (non-ferrous metals) are common. Metal facades are dur
able, require little maintenance and are often very light due to their low
material thickness.
As metal is almost completely impervious to moisture, care must be
taken to ensure that no condensation forms. Air supply and extract open-
ings in the facade must be planned. In addition, a moisture barrier may
be required on the inner face.
In designing metal facades, particular attention must be paid to the
thermal deformation of the material. Expansions up to a length of
1.2 mm/m can easily occur. To avoid damage due to deformation or con-
straints the facade should be able to move and must be fixed flexibly to
the substructure.
Wind suction forces on the facade may also affect the fixings. The
corrosion protection must be considered when choosing the surface and
placing the building elements and upstands. Water should not be able to
collect or to enter joints.
Every building volume and every section of a building volume must
be braced in itself. The bracing serves to take horizontal forces such as
wind loads or earthquake movements. The building volume must be pro-
tected against twisting and displacement, using bracing in both horizon-
tal and vertical directions.
bracing by cores
roof bracing
wall bracing
Bracing by cores Horizontal loads can be transferred, for example, by stiff building
parts, such as circulation cores or sanitation facilities, which are made
of a solid material (concrete) and positioned within the skeleton frame
construction. > Fig. 60 Horizontal forces are conducted from the facade
through the floor slab plates to the bracing core. Lightweight floor slab
constructions of steel, which do not have a plate effect through being
combined with concrete or similar, must be formed as a plate by means
of cross-bracing. The vertical bracing cores, walls, frames and fixed col-
umns then direct the loads into the foundations. A system made up of
horizontal and vertical bracing elements develops.
Bracing by struts In hall or frame constructions the bracing is provided by strutting,
also in both vertical and horizontal planes. > Fig. 61 The bracing must be
arranged in longitudinal and transverse directions and in both wind
directions. Frames can also be used to provide bracing in the transverse
There should be at least three bracing elements: their lines of action
should not meet at a point and they should not all run parallel. In multi-
storey buildings, bracing elements must be placed on each floor level.
They should stand axially above each other so that they can transfer the
loads directly.
several vertical bracing elements can lead to constraining
two circulation cores within a rigid floor slab leads to an increased risk.
> Fig. 62
hexagonal bolt
washer nut
is either not possible at all or possible only to a very limited extent. Bolted
connections allow somewhat more flexibility, through the use of over-
sized or slotted holes and the possibilities offered by assembly on the
building site. In contrast, welded connections are practically unchange-
able and making them on the building site is extremely difficult; there-
fore, where possible, welding work should be carried out only in the
Consequently, all details and connections must be planned precisely
and must be able to handle dimensional tolerances. Assembly joints are
also an integral part of the planning. Architecture and structural design
should therefore correspond closely with each other.
The design and execution of connections is a particular challenge in
steel construction. The function of connections in general is to transfer
forces from one building part to another (tension, compression, bending,
torsion) and to meet particular aesthetic and building law requirements
(e.g. on fire protection or building physics). A distinction is made between
detachable and non-detachable connections.
Detachable Detachable connections include screw, pin and bolt connections.
connections > Fig. 64 The regulations commonly referred to provide guidelines for the
distances to edges and between holes and the arrangement of the screws
or bolts. For a lighter assembly, for example, at least two bolts per con-
nection should be assumed.
Pin and bolt connections are suitable for connections in which shear
forces arise. In pin connections, pins or studs that fit precisely are placed
in steel or cast steel pieces. This connection is positive and non-positive.
Here, too, the forms and dimensions are governed by standards. Two or
more building parts can be connected with each other.
The difference between pin and bolt connections is that in the bolt
connection at least one part remains movable. > Figs. 65 and 66 A further dis-
tinction is made between bolts with and without a head. In pin or stud
Fig. 65: Principle of a pin connection Fig. 66: Principle of a bolted connection (without nut)
connections, all parts are fixed rigidly together. The most commonly used
pins are cylinder pins, taper pins, spring pins, and dowel or groove pins.
Non-detachable connections include welding, riveting and soldering, Non-detachable
and to a limited extent also adhesive connections. Welded connections connections
are best made in the factory, as conditions on the construction site are
not always suitable for this kind of work. They are used, for example, when
several individual cross sections are to be fixed together to form a single
cross section. In fitting individual building parts together, welded con-
nections do not allow the same level of precision as bolted connections.
So that they fulfil the structural function of transferring forces at a
connection, weld seams must be made according to particular require-
ments. Among the various kinds of welds, butt welds and fillet welds are
perhaps the most common. > Fig. 67 A butt weld connects pieces that butt
up against each other on the same plane. The edges that will form the
connection must be prepared first, by grinding, milling, or flame cutting.
A fillet weld is required where two building parts meet at an angle or at
right angles. Fillet welds can also be made from two sides. A distinction
is drawn between coved welds, flush welds and camber welds.
Particularly thick welds must be made in several layers. First come
what are called the root layers, then the filling, and finally the covering
layer. When two materials of different thicknesses meet, the lesser thick-
ness determines the thickness of the welding seam. There are various
forms of seams. I, V, HV, DV and Y seams are particularly often used. ◯
Fig. 67: Butt and fillet welds
Building parts
Frame corners are characterised by their bending stiffness. The
ecisive aspect is that the parts that meet should not be able to twist
apart under loading. To produce this stiff effect the frame corners must
be made in a particular way, generally by means of special stiffening
measures. > Fig. 71 Frame corners can be welded or put together using pre-
stressed high strength bolts. > Fig. 70 The angle at the frame corner does
not have to be 90° but can be adapted to suit the roof form, for instance,
for inclined roofs.
A foot must always be planned in detail when a vertical, pointed build- Simple foot
ing part is to transfer the forces to a horizontal building part, generally
the foundation. Making this point properly is extremely important for the
correct transfer of forces. Such vertical building parts include columns
and frame posts.
a b
a beam on column
b eaves hall frame
c beam joint
beam beam
c d e
Fig. 72: Foot of a steel column
5 5
2 2
1 1
1 footing
2 mortar
3 safeguarding against shear force
4 safeguarding against tension or
compression force
5 column
1 footing
3 2 mortar
3 column
4 4 stiffening
1 sleeve
2 2 mortar
3 column
4 concrete filling
1 column 1
2 cross-bar
3 mortar
Fig. 75: Example of a fixed foot with foot cross-bar Fig. 76: Example of a sleeve foundation
bearing in wall niche bearing on cleat
Beam resting When a steal beam rests on a wall construction the connection to
on wall materials with high tolerances represents a special challenge. > Fig. 78 The
support or bearing point must be made in such a way that it can transfer
all the loads across its entire area. A layer of mortar beneath the beam
ensures a non-positive locking connection.
Beam resting When beams meet each other at right angles in different planes their
on beam webs can be cut away at the junction and given appropriate strengthen-
ing. > Fig. 79
In exceptional cases, beams that intersect at the same height can
pass through each other. Generally, however, a joint is formed, usually
with bolted connections employing double angles or head plates. > Fig. 80
Beam resting The simplest form of jointed connection between a beam and a col-
on column umn uses a head plate. This can be constructed as a non-sliding system
or as a continuous beam. > Fig. 81
For instance, if angular rotation of the beam is to be expected, this
leads to off-centre loading of the column. Additional measures must then
be employed in making the bearing, for instance, a centring element.
stiffening plates, welded
lower (downstand)
Fig. 80: Example of bolted connections with double angle and head plate
head plate
Fig. 82: Bearing point at continuous column (reinforced
lining piece
may be needed
cleat connections with distance pieces to secure position fixing using bolt
There are several ways of connecting a beam to a continuous column Connecting beam
or post. Here, too, angles or head plates are generally used. One vari to column
a b c
welded joint with head joint between different
plate to stabilise cross sections with head plate
joint between different cross staggered joint of different bolted joint, two head plates
sections with head plate and cross sections with head plate are needed here
ribs (with cross sections of and ribs (with cross sections
very different size) of very different size)
Exactly as with columns, beams can be butt-jointed and welded, Beam joints
e nsuring a largely undisturbed flow of forces. This can be done in the fac-
tory or on the building site. Bolted joints are used exclusively for assem-
bly joints on the building site. Here, strap or head plate joints with high-
strength bolts are generally used. Depending on the loads on the building
part, the straps must be fixed to the web or the flange, or the connection
made by means of a head plate. > Fig. 86
Nodes always occur at points where several filigree building elements
from different planes meet each other. In terms of structural design, node
points are always understood as joints, but they cannot always be made
as such. They are generally bolted or welded firmly together. There are
different ways of making the geometry so that the point of intersection
of the element axes is retained. There are ball connections and node
plates but also cast nodes, welded nodes or slit nodes. All these connec-
tions are used mostly for trusses or space frames. They form the meet-
ing point of slender steel rods. > Fig. 87 There are also points at which cable
ends must be connected. Here, too, there are special solutions for
securing the cables.
front view
Steel and other metals can be used in different ways for almost all
roof pitches, as roof covering or a roof seal. Roof covering here refers to
constructions such as shingles or scales that consist of individual parts
and lead water off. The construction is rainproof but not watertight. The
more open the way in which the individual elements are laid, the greater
the roof slope must be. Metal roof claddings are generally connected on
the long side by seams. The transverse joints are made by overlapping,
transverse seams or stepped falls. The roofing follows the principle of
shingles, although formed shingles are used.
By contrast, a roof seal is watertight. In theory a large watertight
layer can be welded out of steel. However, the temperature expansion
would be excessive and consequently smaller pieces are used with edge
pieces and sealing tapes.
Shaped metal panels can be made from galvanised, rustproof or du-
plex coated steel. They can be trapezoidal, corrugated, with bar profiles,
or in the form of steel shingles. Composite or sandwich panels with ther-
mal insulation can be easily laid as bands.
Steel and metal coverings are very durable and are also suitable for
curved surfaces. The pattern of joints helps determine the appearance
of the building and should therefore be carefully planned. Since the sur-
face is watertight it is often recommended to lay a double layer with a
back ventilation level.
moisture barrier
Composite constructions
The combination of the materials steel and concrete has proved its
worth in various forms. In addition to reinforced concrete building parts
with steel reinforcement, combining steel sections and reinforced con-
crete also offers great potential, as it can combine the qualities of both
materials. Particularly with regard to fire protection, these building ele-
ments can make great sense. In addition, they can give lightweight con-
structions mass and speed up work on the building site.
In making floor slabs a combination of concrete and steel beams can Composite floor slabs
be used as the composite primary construction, or metal sheets can be
used together with concrete as a secondary construction. > Fig. 89 Where
steel beams form the primary construction they provide a linear support
system for in-fill concrete elements and lie within the ceiling plane. The
flanges are visible below the ceiling and direct the forces into the col-
umns. Soffits without downstand beams are made; nevertheless, large
spans can be covered. Composite floor slabs must be connected with the
beams below in a shear-resistant way.
Trapezoidal sheet steel with reinforcement laid in the corrugations
can be used as a secondary construction. The package is then laid on top
of the steel beams. The trapezoidal sheeting represents a lost formwork.
Some kinds of trapezoidal steel sheeting can even replace the lower re-
inforcement. In the event of fire, the concrete protects the reinforcement,
while the sheeting can trap the flaking concrete.
Composite floor slabs can be produced in accordance with these
basic principles in a variety of ways. Many manufacturers have exploited
the advantages of steel composite floors and offer flexible products. Dif-
ferent variations include the following:
reinforced concrete
trapezoidal sheet
bolted connection
stud connection
connection is more stable than for standard composite floor slabs.
Instead of in-situ concrete, precast parts can also be laid on the
lower flange, which must then be strengthened appropriately. The
precast concrete parts can be prestressed or made as a hollow
plank slab, which is particularly light. ◼
When producing beams in composite systems, the open areas in the Composite beams
beam are often filled with concrete and additional reinforcement is placed
in this concrete. In the event of fire it is above all the web together with
the reinforcement that is responsible for the loadbearing capacity of the
building element. Welded shear connectors ensure the bond between the
steel section and reinforced concrete slab. > Figs. 90 and 91
The connections of composite beams to the columns are commonly
made using cleat connections. The connection is without bolts and can
be fitted quickly, and the beam is held in position by the subsequently
concreted slab.
Composite columns generally consist of hollow sections or rolled Composite columns
sections encased in concrete. In the event of fire, a hollow section quickly
becomes very hot on the outside and its structural capacity quickly
declines. The concrete then provides stability and the steel serves only
to protect it from the heat. Column cross sections filled with concrete
retain their loadbearing capacity longer than similarly made composite
beams. The forces in a column run along the axis of the building part,
whereas a beam fails more quickly due to the weakening of the flange
and the ensuing bending.
Profiles entirely encased in concrete resist fire for considerably
longer, as they are protected by the concrete. However, temperature fluc-
tuations inside the composite column cause great stresses to develop.
Almost all profiles can be used for composite columns but they must be
relatively solid and have a concrete cover of at least 5 cm. > Fig. 92
Fig. 90: Effective structural height of the composite
composite beam with bolts composite beam with top concrete layer composite beam filled with concrete
In addition to numerous functions as the main loadbearing system
for buildings, steel is also very suitable as a loadbearing structure for the
building envelope. This means elements that support glass facades, for
which steel is almost the ideal material. A variety of systems can be used
(see Andreas Achilles and Diane Navratil, Basics Glass Construction,
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel 2008).
The post and beam system is the most commonly used construction Post and beam
for glass facades. In this case the post carries the dead weight of the construction
facade and the horizontal wind loads, i.e. it functions as a vertical bend-
ing beam. The cross-beams take up part of the wind loads but primarily
carry the dead weight of the glass. The beam can run between the posts
or, like a continuous beam, can run past them. The beam is generally on
a somewhat smaller scale so that the vertical elements are dominant.
The grid of the facade and the size of the glass elements have a major
impact on the design of the building as a whole.
The system of element or panel facades functions very differently. It
is made up of individual, prefabricated framed elements including glaz-
ing, which then are fixed against the ends of the floor slabs. Regular
articulation and elevations with double profiles are characteristic of an
element facade. > Fig. 93 They have a high level of prefabrication and can
be fitted quickly.
Fig. 94: Articulation of a post and beam facade with
secondary structure and trussed posts
Thermal separation
Due to the flexible layering possibilities in steel construction, the
danger of thermal bridges forming is very high. Various producers there-
fore offer elements for the thermal separation of steel building parts. Just
head plate continuous insulation plane
steel reinforced
In conclusion
The building material steel offers an immense variety of possibilities
for construction. Steel buildings provide extremely flexible detailing so-
lutions that can enrich architectural design during the creative process.
Hybrid constructions involving other materials or the building services
open up new perspectives in design.
Compared to solid building parts and materials, steel structures can
be broken up to achieve a maximum filigree quality. Membrane-like cable
structures and nets can be just as efficient as large-sized beams. The
precise execution that results from a high level of prefabrication provides
the designer with a wide range of design options. Constant new develop-
ments in material qualities and properties offer exciting prospects for the
Alongside the infinite number of technical areas where steel can be
used, architecture remains a central focus. In their buildings, architects
such as Mies van der Rohe and Jean Prouvé demonstrate a highly skilled
combination of structural awareness and design talent. They manage to
combine these in a formal idiom that is specific to the material. Precisely
this combination of knowledge and creativity must be trained, as it is
essentially what constitutes steel construction.
Tab. 8: Various kinds of steel profiles
Tab. 9: Dimensions of standard IPE profiles
IPE profiles
Tab. 10: Dimensions of standard HE-A profiles
HE-A profiles
s h
r t
Tab. 11: Dimensions of standard HE-B profiles
HE-B profiles
s h
r t
Tab. 12: Dimensions of standard HE-M profiles
HE-M profiles
s h
r t
Tab. 13: Dimensions of standard square tubes
s a
a s A G a s A G
mm mm cm² kg/m mm mm cm² kg/m
70 3 7.8 6.1 180 5 34.1 26.8
4 10.1 8.0 6.3 42.4 33.3
5 12.1 9.5 8 52.8 41.5
10 63.7 50.0
12.5 77.0 60.5
80 3 9.0 7.1 200 6.3 47.5 37.3
4 11.8 9.2 8 59.2 46.5
5 14.1 11.1 10 71.7 56.3
90 3 10.2 8,0 220 6.3 52.5 41.2
3.2 10.9 8.5 8 65.6 51.5
4 13.3 10.5 10 79.7 62.6
5 16.1 12.7
6.3 19.7 15.5
100 3 11.4 9.0 260 8 78.4 61.6
4 15.0 11.7 10 95.7 75.1
5 18.1 14.2 12.5 117.0 81.1
6.3 22.3 17.5
110 3 12.6 9.9 280 8 84.8 66.6
4 16.6 13.0 10 104.0 81.4
5 20.1 15.8 12.5 127.0 99.7
6 23.7 18.6
120 4 18.2 14.3 300 8 91.2 71.6
5 22.1 17.4 10 112.0 87.7
6.3 27.3 21.4 12.5 137.0 108.0
7 30.0 23.5
8 33.6 26.4
125 4 18.9 14.9 320 8 97.6 76.6
5 23.1 18.2 10 120.0 94.0
6 27.3 21.4 12.5 147.0 115.0
16 188.0 148
140 4 21.3 16.8 360 10 137.0 108.0
5 26.1 20.5 12.5 170.0 133.0
6.3 32.3 25.4 161 214.0 168.0
7 35.5 27.9
400 12.5 190.0 149.0
20 294.0 231.0
Tab. 14: Dimensions of standard rectangular tubes
h×b s r A G
in mm mm mm cm² kg/m
100×40 3 6 7.8 6.12
4 8 10.1 7.96
100×50 4 8 10.9 8.59
5 12.5 13.1 10.3
100×60 4 8 11.8 9.22
5 12.5 14.1 11.1
120×60 4 8 13.4 10.5
5 12.5 16.1 12.7
6.3 15.8 19.7 15.5
120×80 5 12.5 18.1 14.2
6.3 15.8 22.3 17.5
120×100 6 15 23.7 18.6
7 17.5 27.2 21.3
140×70 5 12.5 19.1 15
140×80 4 8 16.6 13
5 12.5 20.1 15.8
6.3 15.8 24.8 19.4
7 17.5 27.2 21.3
150×50 4 8 14.9 11.7
5 12.5 18.1 14.2
6 15 21.3 16.7
150×100 6.3 15.8 28.6 22.4
160×80 4 8 18.2 14.3
5 12.5 22.1 17.4
160×90 5 12.5 23.1 18.2
8 20 35.2 27.6
180×80 5 12.5 24.1 18.9
6 15.0 28.5 22.4
8 20 36.8 28.9
180×100 4 8 21.4 16.8
5 12.5 26.1 20.5
6.3 15.8 32.3 25.4
200×120 6.3 15.8 37.4 29.3
10 30 55.7 43.7
220×120 6 15.0 38.1 29.9
8.8 26.4 53.4 41.9
320×180 8.8 17.6 82.9 65.1
12.5 25 115 90.0
400×260 11 22.0 137 108
17.5 35 211 166
Tab. 15: Dimensions of standard profiles for round-edged U profiles
U profiles (channels)
s r h
Tab. 16: Dimensions of standard round steel pipes
Tab. 17: Dimensions of standard profiles for trapezoidal profiles
167 40 207
1.00 0.097 1.78 2.22
1.25 0.121 4.40 5.50
40/183 119 64
0.75 0.082 1.20 1.50
0.88 0.096 2.70 3.38
143 40 183
1.00 0.109 3.90 4.88
1.25 0.137 5.10 6.38
135 115
48.5/250 0.75 0.075 1.77 2.21
286 40 326
1.00 0.123 7.30 9.13
1.25 0.153 8.65 10.70
145 165
135/310 0.75 0.097 5.80 7.25
0.88 0.114 7.80 9.75
Standards and guidelines
DIN EN 502, Roofing products from metal sheet – Specification for fully supported roofing
products of stainless steel sheet
DIN EN 508, Roofing and cladding products from metal sheet – Specification for self-supporting
of steel, aluminium or stainless steel sheet
DIN EN 1011, Welding – Recommendations for welding of metallic materials
DIN EN 1043, Destructive test on welds in metallic materials – Hardness testing – Part 1:
Hardness test on arc welded joints; Part 2: Microhardness testing of welded joints
DIN EN 1090, Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures
DIN EN 1065, Adjustable telescopic steel props – Product specifications, design and assessment
by calculation and tests
DIN EN 1991, Eurocode 1: Actions on structures
DIN EN 1993, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures
DIN EN 1994, Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
DIN EN 1998, Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance
DIN EN 10020, Definition and classification of grades of steel
DIN EN 10021, General technical delivery conditions for steel products
DIN EN 10024, Hot-rolled taper flange I sections – Tolerances on shape and dimensions
DIN EN 10025, Hot rolled products of structural steels
DIN EN 10027, Designation systems for steels
DIN EN 10029, Hot-rolled steel plates 3 mm thick or above – Tolerances on dimensions and shape
DIN EN 10079, Definition of steel products
DIN EN 10083, Steels for quenching and tempering
DIN EN 10088, Stainless steels
DIN EN 10130, Cold rolled low carbon steel flat products for cold forming
DIN EN 10152, Electrolytically zinc coated cold rolled steel flat products for cold forming –
Technical delivery conditions
DIN EN 10162, Cold-rolled steel sections – Technical delivery conditions – Dimensional and
cross-sectional tolerances
DIN EN 10163, Delivery requirements for surface condition of hot-rolled steel plates, wide flats
and sections
DIN EN 10204, Metallic products – Types of inspection documents
DIN EN 10210, Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels
DIN EN 10219, Cold formed welded structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels
DIN EN 10250, Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes
DIN EN 10277, Bright steel products – Technical delivery conditions
DIN EN 10278, Dimensions and tolerances of bright steel products
DIN EN 10293, Steel castings – Steel castings for general engineering uses
DIN EN 10343, Steels for quenching and tempering for construction purposes Technical delivery
DIN EN 10346, Continuously hot-dip coated steel flat products - Technical delivery conditions
DIN EN 13381, Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural
DIN EN 13501, Fire classification of construction products and building elements
DIN EN 14509, Self-supporting double skin metal faced insulating panels – Factory made
products – Specifications
DIN EN 15251, Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy
performance of buildings addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and
DIN EN 15804, Sustainability of construction works – Environmental product declarations –
Core rules for the product category of construction products
William Addis: The Art of the Structural Engineer, Artemis, London 1994
Edward Allen: Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and
Methods, 6th ed., Hoboken, Wiley, New Jersey 2014
Alan Blanc, Michael McEvoy and Roger Plank: Architecture and
Construction in Steel, E & F N Spon, London, New York 1993
Terri Meyer Boake: Understanding Steel Design – An Architectural
Design Manual, Birkhäuser, Basel 2012
Terri Meyer Boake: Diagrid Structures. Systems, Connections, Details,
Birkhäuser, Basel 2014
Andrea Deplazes (ed.): Constructing Architecture, Birkhäuser, Basel
Manfred Hegger: Basics Materials, Birkhäuser, Basel 2007
Ulf Hestermann and Ludwig Rongen: Frick/Knöll Baukonstruktions
lehre 1, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, Wiesbaden 2015
Ulf Hestermann and Ludwig Rongen: Frick/Knöll Baukonstruktions
lehre 2, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden 2013
Institut für Internationale Architektur Dokumentation: Featuring Steel
Resources, Architecture, Reflections, Detail, Munich 2009
Ulrich Knaack (et al.): Facades. Principles of Construction, 2nd ed.,
Birkhäuser, Basel 2014
Ulrich Knaack (et al.): Prefabricated Systems, Principles of Construction,
Birkhäuser, Basel 2012
Ulrich Knaack (et al.): Components and Connections, Principles of
Construction, Birkhäuser, Basel 2012
Alfred Meistermann: Basics Loadbearing Systems, Birkhäuser, Basel
Mario George Salvadori: The Art of Construction: Projects and Principles
for Beginning Engineers and Architects, 3rd ed., Chicago Review
Press, Chicago 1990
Helmut C. Schulitz: Steel Construction Manual, Birkhäuser, Basel,
Boston 2000
Figure 12: “Balk9” by Anders Lagerås – own work. Licensed under
CC BY-SA 2.5 through Wikimedia Commons – http://commons.
Figure 46: “National Stadium and Holy Cross Bridge” by Bartosz
MORAG – own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 through
Wikimedia Commons –
Figure 49: “Olympiapark and Olympiastadion in München. 04 orig” by
Kora27 – own work. Licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0 through
ikimedia Commons –
Figures 10, 14, 21, 36, 52, 69, 72, 81, 82, 90: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bert
The author
Katrin Hanses, M.A., architect, is a research associate in the depart-
ment of building construction and design at Siegen University and runs
her own architecture practice in Cologne.
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Series editor: Bert Bielefeld aterial is concerned, specifically the rights of
Concept: Bert Bielefeld, Annette Gref translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations,
Translation from German into English: recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on micro-
James Roderick O’Donovan films or in other ways, and storage in data-
English copy editing: Monica Buckland bases. For any kind of use, permission of the
Layout print edition: Andreas Hidber copyright owner must be obtained.
EPUB production: Kösel Media, Krugzell
This publication is also available as a softcover
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication (ISBN 978-3-0356-0370-5) and in a German lan-
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