270 Mini Electronics Project With Circuit Diagram PDF
270 Mini Electronics Project With Circuit Diagram PDF
270 Mini Electronics Project With Circuit Diagram PDF
This Book is written for all the people who love innovation. It is the big collection of ideas to do
some innovative project, to make something new. I believe this Book will be helpful for the
students for their mini project. My effort will get success if you get any help like project idea,
circuit diagram help from this book. Give your feedback by mailing me.
sdebnath.ee@nita.ac.in , me_sdn@rediffmail.com
1. DC-DC converter 1
2. Periodically On-Off Mosquito Repellent 2
3. IR sensors (infrared LEDs) to make an object-detection circuit 3
4. Simple Key-Operated Gate Locking System 4
5. Mains Box Heat Monitor 5
6. Faulty Car Indicator Alarm 5
8. 1W LED For Automotive Applications 7
9. Play With Robotic Eye (IR Sensor) 7
10. Timer From Old Quartz Clock 8
11. Keep Away Ni-Cd From Memory Effect 8
12. Crystal AM Transmitter 9
13. Programmable Electronic Dice 9
14. Software of the Month: Resistor Calculator 1.0.6 10
15. IR-Controlled Water Supply 11
16. PC-Based Candle Igniter 11
17. Noise Meter 11
18. Handy Tester 12
19. Linear Timer For General Use 13
20. Strain Meter 13
21. Digital Soil Moisture Tester 14
22. Over-Heating Indicator for Water Pipe 14
23. Simple Key-hole Lighting Device 15
24. Timer with Musical Alarm 15
25. Automatic Water Pump Controller 16
26. Water Pump Controller 16
27. Ball Speed Checker 17
28. Halogen lamp Saver For Bikes 17
29. Night Vision Enhancer 18
30. Triple-Mode Tone Generator 19
31. Soldering Iron Temperature Controller 20
32. Mains Failure/Resumption Alarm 21
33. Multipurpose White-LED Light 21
34. IR-Based light Control 21
35. Sequential Device Control using TV Remote Control 22
36. Make your own Electric Bug Zapper 22
37. Twilight Lamp Blinker 23
38. Emergency Photo Lamp 23
39. Sound-Operated Intruder Alarm 24
40. Electronic Street Light Switch 25
41. Little Power-Hila Vinegar Battery to power a calculator ! 25
42. Standby Power-Loss Preventer 26
43. Hum-Sensitive Touch Alarm 27
44. Touch Alarm 28
45. Versatile LED Display 28
46. HDD Selector Switch 29
47. Multiutility flash light 29
48. Long-range Burglar Alarm Using Laser Torch 30
49. Twi-light using white LEDs 30
50. PC TIMER 31
51. Infrared Object Counter 31
52. Pushbutton Control For Single-Phase Appliances 32
53. Timer for Mosquito Destroyer 32
54. Automatic Soldering Iron Switch 33
55. White LED Light Probe for Inspection 33
56. Pencell Charge Indicator 34
57. Doorbell-controlled Security Switch 34
58. PC-Based Timer 35
59. Power Resumption Alarm and Low-Voltage Protector 35
60. Miser Flash 36
61. Room Sound Monitor 36
62. Battery-Low Indicator 37
63. Micro Inverter 38
64. Security System Switcher 39
65. Another Water Pump Controller circuit 39
66. Soldering Iron Tip preserver 40
67. Automatic Washbasin Tap Controller 41
68. Over-Speed Indicator 41
69. Speed Checker for Highways 42
70. 1.5W Power Amplifier 42
71. Simple Stereo Level Indicator 42
72. FM Bug 44
73. Calling Bell Using an Intercom 44
74. Digital Frequency Comparator 45
75. Bhajan and Mantra Chanting amplifier 46
76. Cable Tester 47
77. Automatic 3-Phase Induction Motor Starter 48
78. Wireless Stepper Motor Controllers 49
79. Manual EPROM Programmer 50
80. Noise-Muting FM Receiver 50
81. PC-Based Stepper Motor Controller 51
83. Automatic Bathroom Light with Back-up Lamp 52
84. Simple Low-Power Inverter 52
85. Mains Interruption Counter with Indicator 53
86. Power-on Reminder with LED Lamp 54
91. Farmhouse Lantern-Cum-Flasher 56
92. Accurate Foot-Switch 57
93. Multipurpose Listening Device 57
94. Easy Transistor Tester 58
95. TV Pattern Generator 58
96. Sound-Operated Switch for Lamps 58
97. Remote Control using Wireless Doorbell 59
98. RF Signal Detector 59
99. Infrared Interruption Counter 60
100. Audio Mixer with Multiple Controls 60
101. Smart Loop Burglar Alarm 62
102. Temperature-Tolerance Checking System 62
103. Radiation Sensor 63
104. Stereo Headphone Amplifier 63
105. Whisker for Robots 64
106. Freezer Monitor Alarm 64
107. Photometer 65
108. Smart Emergency Light 66
109. Digital Camera Adaptor 66
110. Mock Alarm with Call Bell 67
111. Pocket-Size Reading Lamp 67
112. Rechargeable Torch Based on White LED 68
113. SMF Battery Guard 69
114. Multidoor Opening Alarm with Indicator 69
117. Clock Tick-Tock Sound Generator & LED Pendulum 71
118. Battery Charger with Automatic Switch-off 71
119. Earth Leakage Tester 71
120. Controllable Electronic Load Circuit for DC Power Supply 72
121. 16-Way Clap-Operated Switch 72
122. Bedroom Light 73
123. Inexpensive car Protection Unit 74
124. White LED-Based Emergency Lamp and Turning Indicator 74
125. Mains-Operated Christmas Star 75
126. LED Lighting For Christmas 75
127. Timer for Geyser 76
128. Multicell Charger 76
129. Light Dimmer that Doubles as 77
130. 220V Live Wire Scanner 77
131. Smart Switch 78
132. Power Failure and Resumption Alarm 78
133. Doorbell-Cum-Visitor Indicator 78
134. Zener Value Evaluator 79
135. Liquid-Level Alarm 80
136. Electronic Fuse 80
137. Bicycle Guard 81
138. Water-Tank Overflow Indicator 82
139. Simple Smoke Detector 82
140. Remote Emergency Alarm for Unmanned Lifts 83
141. Audio-Controlled Running Light 84
142. Power Supply Reversal Correcter-Cum-Preventer 84
143. Panic Plate 85
144. FM Adaptor for Car Stereo 85
145. Twinkle Twinkle X'mas Star 86
146. Simple Transistor Type and Lead Identifier 86
147. Mains Supply Failure Backup Light 87
148. Capacitor Evaluator 87
149. Signal Diode-Based Fire alarm 88
150. Blown-Fuse Indicator for AC load 88
151. Ding Dong Touch Bell 89
152. Low-cost Stopwatch 89
153. Digitally Adjustable Dancing Lights 90
154. Car Fan Speed Controller 90
155. Shock-Hazard Warning 91
156. IR Receiver Module Tester 91
157. In-Car Food and Beverage Warmer 92
158. Three-Component Flasher 92
159. 555 Timer PWM Audio Amplifier 93
160. Musical Water Shower 93
161. Night Lamp 94
162. Power Pulser 95
163. Continuity Tester With A Chirping Sound 95
164. Hot-Water-Ready Alarm 96
165. Electronic Combination Lock 97
166. Long-Range IR Transmitter 97
167. Automatic Parking Light For Cars 98
168. Peak Hour Timer 98
169. Panic Alarm 99
170. Heat Control Unit 101
171. Electronic Heart 101
172. Ultrasonic Sound Beam Burglar Alarm 102
173. Sunset Lamp 102
174. Electronic Dice 103
175. Solidstate Relay 103
176. Car Porch Guard 104
177. Wire-Break Alarm With Delay 104
178. Cordless Multidoor Alarm 104
179. Pressure-Sensitive Alarm 106
180. Crystal-Based 50Hz Generator 106
182. Ignition for Old Cars 108
183. Versatile CMOS/TTL Logic and Clock Probe 109
184. School/College Quiz Buzzer 110
185. Multipurpose Listening Device 110
186. Anti-Sleep Alarm 110
187. DC Changeover System with Battery Protection Unit 111
188. Ultrasonic Proximity Detector 112
189. Another Ultrasonic Proximity Detector circuit 113
190. Turn Your Old Inverter Into An Emergency Power System 113
191. Speed Controller for DC Motor 114
192. Line-Powered Two-Tone Ringer 114
193. Audible IR Proximity Detector 115
194. Semiconductor Relay for Automotive Applications 116
195. Touch Alarm 117
196. Bedwetting Alarm 117
197. AC-Powered Led Lamps Without rectifiers 118
198. Easy Transistor Tester 118
199. Door Guard 119
200. Low-cost Night Lamp 119
201. Briefcase Alarm 120
202. Touch-Plate Doorbell 121
203. Sensitive LPG Leakage Alarm 121
204. Cupboard light 122
205. Simple Antenna Preamplifier for AM Radios 122
206. Multifunction Power Supply 123
207. Micro-Power Flasher 123
208. A Fourth-Order Speech Filter 124
209. Electronic Ludo 125
210. Smart Battery Protector Using a Shunt Regulator 125
211. Microcontroller-Based Tachometer 126
212. Temperature Indicator-CUM-Controller 126
213. Stabilised Power Supply for Prototyping 127
214. Infrared Burglar Alarm 128
215. Motorbike Alarm 129
216. PC Table Lamp 130
217. Audible Continuity Tester 131
218. Anti-Theft Alarm 132
219. Diac-Controlled Flasher 133
220. Stereo audio Distribution Buffer for headphones 133
221. Dual Motor Control for Robots 133
222. Optical Remote on/off Switch 134
223. Infrared Toggle Switch 134
224. Contactless Telephone Ringer 135
225. Automatic Wash Basin Mirror Lamp Controller 135
226. Auto Muting During Telephonic Conversation 136
227. Solar-Powered Pedestal Lighting System 136
228. LED Illumination for Refrigerators 137
229. Electronic Reminder 137
230. Photodiode-Based Fire Detector 138
231. Bodmas Rule 139
232. Circuit for UPS to Hibernate PC 140
233. Accurate 1Hz Generator 140
234. Environment Monitoring System Using Arduino 141
235. 3V PC Adaptor 142
236. Low-Cost Battery Charger 142
237. Street Light Controller 143
238. Light-Operated Doorbell 143
239. Simple Automatic Water-Level Controller 144
240. Simple HF Power Amplifier 144
241. Electronic Horn 145
242. Locker Guard 145
243. Demo Circuit for Over-Voltage Protection 146
244. Capacitance-Multiplier Power Supply 147
245. Wireless PA for Classrooms 147
246. Electronic Door Key 148
247. Optical Smoke Detector 148
248. Clock Tick-Tock Sound Generator & LED Pendulum 149
249. Earth Leakage Tester 149
250. Signal Diode-Based Fire alarm 149
251. Night Lamps 150
252. Continuity Tester With A Chirping Sound 151
253. Automatic Darkness-Controlled Lighting System 151
254. Contactless Telephone Ringer 152
255. Circuit for UPS to Hybernate PC 152
256. Variable Bench Power Supply With LCD and Monitor Display 153
257. Water Pump Controller 153
258. Propeller Message Display with Temperature Indicator 154
259. Stablised Power Supply for Prototyping 154
260. Propeller Message Display with TemperatureIndicator 155
262. Wind sound Generator 155
263. White / LF Noise Generator 156
264. Universal Battery Tester 157
265. Traffic Light Controller 158
266. Simple Pulse Generator 159
267. Simple low/high voltage cut circuit 160
268. Simple Frequency Meter 161
269. Musical AF/IF checker 162
270. Mini amplifier 163
1. DC-DC Converter
This simple circuit lets you run a 1W LED from the battery of your car. IC MC34063 is
used here as a buck converter. It is a monolithic switching regulator sub-system intended
for use as a DC-DC converter. The device consists of an internal temperature-
compensated reference, a comparator, a controlled duty-cycle oscillator with an active
current-limit circuit, a driver and a high-current output switch. These functions are
contained in an 8-pin dual in-line package. Another major advantage of the switching
regulator is that it allows increased application flexibility of the output voltage
Another circuit
Conversion of AC to AC is quite simple as in compare to DC to DC converter because it
only implies a transformer which converts AC from one voltage level to another voltage
level. But conversion of DC to DC is quite tedious work without transformer and more
power losses. Here is simple, low-cost, high precision circuit which converts 6-V DC to
12-V DC without using transformer and easy to construct with few component.
Circuit description of DC to DC conversion
The circuit of DC to DC conversion is build with a very popular IC LM555 used as
multivibrator mood which generate required frequency range from 2 to 10 kHz to drive
power transistor T2. Here potentiometer VR1 is used to adjust output frequency given to
transistor T2 via resistor R3. A zener diode in this circuit is used as voltage regulator
which regulates voltage to 12 volt.
1 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Here Inductor L1 of 100 turns, 24 SWG enameled copper wire wounded on a 40mm dia.
toroidial ferrite core and capacitor C5 is employed for energy storage. Transistor T1 is
used to control output control with the help of resistor R4 R5.
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1, R2, R5 = 10 KΩ; R3, R4 = 220 Ω 1/2-watt; VR1 = 47 KΩ
C1 = 0.0047 µF; C¬2 = 0.01 µF; C3 = 0.1 µF; C4 = 470 µF/25V; C5 = 2200 µF/35V
D1 = 1N4007; D2 = Zener 12V, 500mA ½-watt; T1 = BC549; T2 = BD139; IC1 =
NE555 timer IC
L1 = 100 Turns, 24 SWG insulated copper wire on 40mm Dia. toroidal core
2 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
3. IR sensors (infrared LEDs) to make an object-detection circuit
There are various applications of IR sensors such as TV remote controllers, burglar alarms and
object counters. Here we have used IR sensors (infrared LEDs) to make an object-detection
circuit and also a proximity sensor for path-tracking robots. The basic idea is to transmit the
infrared light through an IR LED, which is then reflected by any obstacle ahead and sensed by the
receiving LED.
Another circuit
infrared (IR) remote controller comprises the transmitter and receiver sections. The range of the
transmitter can be increased up to 5 meter by using convex lens.
Circuit Description of infrared (IR) remote controller
3 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Transmitter section: – The transmitter circuit of infrared (IR) remote controller is built around IC
741 (IC1) wired as frequency square wave oscillator. Gate pulse from pin no 6 of IC1 is given to
gate of SCR1 to drive IR LED1. Variable resistor VR1 is used to vary the generated frequencies.
Receiver Section: – The receiver circuit of infrared (IR) remote controller consist an IC 741,
photo transistor (T1) and medium power transistor (T2).
Photo transistor receives the transmitted signal and given to pin 2 of IC2 for amplification. The
amplified output from pin 6 of IC2 is given to base of relay driver transistor (T2) through non-
polarized capacitor C5, diode D1 and resistor R8. Variable resistor VR1 is used to match the
transmitting and receiving signal.
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1,R2 = 100 KΩ; R3, R5, R8 = 1 KΩ; R4 = 15 Ω; R6 = 22 KΩ; R7 = 10 MΩ; VR1 = 1 MΩ;
VR2 = 2.2 MΩ
C1, C3, C4 = 0.1 µF; C2 = 1 µF/100V; C5 = 2.2 µF/16V
IC1, IC2 = 741; SCR1 = SN050; T1 = photo transistor; T2 = SL100; D1, D2 = 1N4001
RL1 = 15V, 500Ω Relay; IR LED
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5. Mains Box Heat Monitor
This simple circuit monitors the mains distribution box constantly and sounds an alarm when it
senses a high temperature due to overheating, helping to prevent disasters caused by any sparking
in the mains box due to short circuits. It also automatically switches on a bright white LED when
the power fails. The LED gives ample light to check the mains box wiring or fuses in darkness.
The circuit beeps once when power fails and again when power resumes [2].
5 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
circuit that sounds an alarm if your turn indicator lamps dont glow, helping you to safeguard
against any accident.[3]
A tachometer is an instrument that measures the rotational speed of a shaft or disk in a motor or
other machine. Here we present the basic version of the tachometer that shows the revolutions per
second (RPS) on a digital display.[4]
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8. 1W LED For Automotive Applications
This simple circuit lets you run a 1W LED from the battery of your car. IC MC34063 is
used here as a buck converter. It is a monolithic switching regulator sub-system intended
for use as a DC-DC converter. The device consists of an internal temperature-
compensated reference, a comparator, a controlled duty-cycle oscillator with an active
current-limit circuit, a driver and a high-current output switch. These functions are
contained in an 8-pin dual in-line package. Another major advantage of the switching
regulator is that it allows increased application flexibility of the output voltage [5].
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10. Timer From Old Quartz Clock
You can build an accurate, low-cost timer from the circuit of an old quartz clock. This timer has a
time duration of up to two hours, which is sufficient for most day-to-day activities [8].
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12. Crystal AM Transmitter
Here is the circuit of a medium-power AM transmitter that delivers 100-150 mW of radio
frequency (RF) power [10].
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14. Software of the Month: Resistor Calculator 1.0.6
A simple, easy-to-use freeware for Windows that saves a lot oftime and effort in
determining the colour code of resistors and resistance values required for LED circuits
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15. IR-Controlled Water Supply
This circuit can be used in homes or small restaurants for any type of water supply unit, such as
toilet flush or washbasin tap [13].
11 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
controlling sound ac signal from potentiometer VR1 is first rectified by diode (D1 and D2) and
maintains it at the output level of IC2.
The display unit is designed around monolithic IC LM3914 (IC3). It drives ten LEDs by sensing
analog voltage. Each LED is connected to output of IC3 represents the sound level of 3 dB in
descending order from 18 to 10. The glowing all ten LEDs indicate sound intensity is 30dB.
The PNP transistor get base bias when output at pin 10 of IC3 goes low to drive the piezo buzzer
in order to give sound.
Normally, sound intensity up to 30 dB is pleasant. Above 80 dB, it becomes annoying. And if it
goes beyond 100 dB, it may affect your psychomotor performance, detracting your attention and
causing stress. Noise pollution may also affect your hearing ability [15].
12 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
19. Linear Timer For General Use
This simple timer can be used to control any electrical appliance that needs to be switched off
after certain time, like a small heater or a boiler, provided the relay-switch parameters meet the
requirements of that appliance. It uses low-cost components and combines digital precision with
simple analogue control, providing long timing durations without the use of high-valued resistors
or capacitors [17].
13 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
21. Digital Soil Moisture Tester
Here is a simple and compact digital soil moisture tester to check whether the soil is dry or wet. It
can also be used to check the dryness or wetness of cotton, woolen and woven fabrics [19].
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23. Simple Key-hole Lighting Device
This simple circuit is an extracted circuit board from a discarded quartz timepiece [21].
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25. Automatic Water Pump Controller
Here’s a circuit that automatically controls the water pump motor. The motor gets automatically
switched on when water in the overhead tank (OHT) falls below the lower limit. Similarly, it gets
switched off when the tank is filled up. Built around only one NAND gate IC (CD4011), the
circuit is simple, compact and economical. It works off a 12V DC power supply and consumes
very little power [23].
16 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
27. Ball Speed Checker
This circuit measures the speed of a cricket ball based on the time taken by the ball to travel the
distance from the bowling crease to the batting crease [25].
17 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
29. Night Vision Enhancer
Here is a simple green LED flashlight built around 555 timer IC (IC1) and powered from a 3V
battery pack [27].
Another circuit
Load shedding is the common problem in developing country where student is more effected. By
keeping this problem in mind the group of dreamlover technology post very simple, useful and
inexpensive project using ultra-bright white LEDs which provide sufficient light for reading
purpose which consume very low power i.e. 3 watts of power. It works like emergency light i.e.
when AC mains failure, the battery backup circuit instantly light up the LEDs but when the power
resumes, the battery supply is automatically disconnected and this circuit again works on AC
Circuit Description of LED-based reading lamp
For power section the circuit of LED-based reading lamp use bridge rectifier connected to
secondary coil of 0-7.5V, 500mA step-down transformer X1. Pulsating DC from output of
rectifier is given to input of voltage regulator IC1 for pure DC output. All LEDs (LED1 to
LED10) is connected in parallel across the output of voltage regulator. Here resistors R1 to R10
are connected in series with the LEDs respectively to limit the current. In this circuit 5 more
LEDs can be used for lamp to increase intensity in the same manner used. When AC mains
available relay RL1 energized and disconnect to battery and vice-versa on absent of AC mains.
For charging battery, a lead from rectifier is directly connected to positive and negative terminals
of battery. Here diode D5 andD6 is used as reverse-current protection diode that don’t allow the
battery current to flow towards the supply section and diode D7 is for reverse polarity protection.
18 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1- R10 = 56 Ω
C1 = 1000 µF/16V; C2 = 0.1 µF
IC1 = 7805 Voltage regulator
Another circuit.
Now, here is unique tone generator circuit which produces three different type of sound according
to input three different logic levels (i.e. 0&1, 1&0 and 1&1).
Circuit description
This circuit is designed around digital IC 7400 which is NAND gate. The working of the circuit is
like the working principle of oscillator circuit, where frequency depends upon capacitors C1 and
C2. The duty cycle of this circuit is 50%. The output is given to power amplifier circuit which
further drive loudspeaker or head phone. For low frequency value of capacitor C1 and C2 must be
high and vice-versa.
19 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1, R4 = 1.2 KΩ; R2, R3 = 1 KΩ; R5 = 10 KΩ; R6, R7 = 47 KΩ
C1 = 100 kpF; C2 = 220 kpF; C3, C4 = 10 kpF
Semiconductors IC1 = 7400 (NAND gate)
20 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
32. Mains Failure/Resumption Alarm
This mains indicator sounds an alarm whenever AC mains fails or resumes. It is very useful in
industrial installations, cinema halls, hospitals, etc [30].
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35. Sequential Device Control using TV Remote Control
This circuit lets you switch on and switch off up to nine devices sequentially from your TV
remote control [33].
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37. Twilight Lamp Blinker
During sunset or sunrise, the ambient light is not adequate to lead you through the open doorway
or make your way around obstructions. To avoid any mishap, here is a twilight lamp blinker that
you can place near obstructions [35].
23 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
39. Sound-Operated Intruder Alarm
When this burglar alarm detects any sound, such as that created by opening of a door or inserting
a key into the lock, it starts flashing a light as well as sounding an intermittent audio alarm to alert
you of an intruder. Both the light and the alarm are automatically turned off by the next sound
pulse [37].
24 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
40. Electronic Street Light Switch
Here’s a simple and low-cost street light switch. This switch automatically turns on the light at
sunset and turns it off at sunrise. The automatic function saves electricity besides man-power
25 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
42. Standby Power-Loss Preventer
Electronic devices consume some power even in the standby mode, i.e., when they have been
switched off using a remote handset but not the mains power switch. For instance, when a CRT
TV or PC monitor is in use, it consumes 80-100 watts of power. In the standby mode too, it draws
a few watts of power. Thus if you leave these devices in standby mode for a long time, they may
inflate your electricity bill [40].
26 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
43. Hum-Sensitive Touch Alarm
Radiation signals from mains wiring can travel a few metres of distance. These can be induced by
the electromagnetic field in the human body also [41].
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44. Touch Alarm [42]
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46. HDD Selector Switch
Using the switch-mode power supply (SMPS) of your personal computer, this add-on
circuit lets you switch between three hard disk drives (HDDs) and also ensure that
nobody else can open your protected HDD. It is quite useful for protection from hacking
and spying [45].
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48. Long-range Burglar Alarm Using Laser Torch
Laser torch-based burglar alarms normally work in darkness only. But this long-range
photoelectric alarm can work reliably in daytime also to warn you against intruders in your big
compounds, etc. The alarm comprises laser transmitter and receiver units, which are to be
mounted on the opposite pillars of the entry gate. Whenever anyone enters to interrupt the
transmitted laser beam falling on the receiver, the buzzer in the receiver circuit sounds an alarm
30 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Primarily intended for installation into a desktop PC, this versatile timer with adjustable time
output provides controlled ‘on’ time for PC peripherals like printers, scanners and desktop
reading lamps. As it is designed for an input voltage of 12 volts, it may also be useful in your lab
31 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
52. Pushbutton Control For Single-Phase Appliances
This circuit lets you switch off and switch on a single-phase appliance using two separate push
switches. Such an arrangement is common for industrial motors (mostly 3-phase) where an
isolation is required between power and control circuits. Personal protection under faulty
conditions is ensured if the relay is placed remotely. The circuit also safeguards costly devices
against frequent power cuts as the device turns off in the event of power failure and remains off
until it is switched-on again [51].
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54. Automatic Soldering Iron Switch
Quite often, we forget to turn off the soldering iron. This results in not only a smoking oxidised
iron but also waste of electricity. To solve this problem, here’s a circuit that automatically
switches off the soldering iron after a predetermined time. The circuit draws no power when it is
inactive. The circuit can also be used for controlling the electric iron, kitchen timer or other
appliances [53].
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56. Pencell Charge Indicator
Small-size AA cells and button cells used in electronic devices providing a terminal voltage of
1.5V are normally rated at 500 mAh. As the cells discharge, their internal impedance increases to
form a potential divider along with the load and the battery terminal voltage reduces. This, in
turn, reduces the performance of the gadget and we are forced to replace the battery with a new
one. But the same battery can be used again in some other application that requires less current
34 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
58. PC-Based Timer
Timers are very useful both for industrial applications and household appliances. Here is a PC-
based timer that can be used for controlling the appliances for up to 18 hours. For control, the
timer uses a simple program and interface circuit. It is very cost-effective and efficient for those
who have a PC at workplace or home. The tolerance is ±1 second [57].
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60. Miser Flash
A flashing LED at the doorstep of your garage or home will trick the thieves into believing that a
sophisticated security gadget is installed. The circuit is nothing but a low-current drain flasher. It
uses a single CMOS timer that is configured as a free running oscillator using a few additional
components. As the LED flashes very briefly, the average current through the LED is around 150
µA with a high peak value, which is sufficient for normal viewing. This makes it a real miser
36 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
62. Battery-Low Indicator
Rechargeable batteries should not be discharged below a certain voltage level. This lower voltage
limit depends upon the type of the battery. This simple circuit can be used for 12V batteries to
give an indication of the battery voltage falling below the preset value. The indication is in the
form of a flickering LED [61].
Another circuit
37 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
All rechargeable battery has their specific level of charging and discharging, they are likely to get
damage if the battery voltage exceeds that level. Here is a simple circuit battery voltage monitor
used to indicate the state of battery by monitor them.
Circuit description of battery voltage monitor
The circuit of battery voltage monitor is fabricated and designed around op-amp IC LM709
configured as comparator. Where bi-color LED is used as indicator and indicates three voltage
level state of a 12V battery. Resistor R1 with potentiometer VR1 is used as potential driver of
voltage monitor circuit.
When voltage level rise above 13.5 volts, the output from IC1 goes low as a result LED begins to
emit RED light. Similarly, when the voltage fall below a preset level (10Volts) the output goes
high and the LED start to emit GREEN light. Resistors R3 and R4 is used as current limiter of
NOTE: Adjust VR1 such that LED begins to emit GREEN light when 10V DC is connected.
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 1 KΩ; R2 = 18 KΩ; R3, R4 = 680 Ω
VR1 = 10 KΩ (Potentiometer)
IC1 = LM709; D1 = 1N4003
B1 = 12V Battery; LED = Bi-color LED
38 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
64. Security System Switcher
An audio signal can be used as a form of input to control any security system. For example, an
automatic security camera can be configured to respond to a knock on the door. The circuit
described here allows the security system to automatic in on state. It uses a transducer to detect
intruders and a 5V regulated DC power supply provides power to the circuit [63].
39 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
of IC1 drives relay driver transistor T1 (BC547) and energises relay RL1. Water pump
gets mains power supply through n/o contacts of the relay and is powered on. It starts
filling water in the tank [64].
40 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
67. Automatic Washbasin Tap Controller
Make your washbasin tap work automatically when you put your hands just below the water tap
outlet. This infrared-based system detects any interruption of the IR rays by your hands or utensil
and water automatically starts flowing out of the tap [66].
41 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
69. Speed Checker for Highways
While driving on highways, motorists should not exceed the maximum speed limit permitted for
their vehicle. However, accidents keep occurring due to speed violations since the drivers tend to
ignore their speedometers [68].
42 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
people, there is no need to add a preamplifier and low-level detector before IC LM3915.
But you should know when the output power becomes considerably high [70].
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72. FM Bug
This FM bug transmitter circuit will let you spy on people. The transmitter can be placed in the
desired room and the conversation heard from a place far away just using a regular FM radio set
44 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
74. Digital Frequency Comparator
Here’s a digital frequency comparator for oscillators that indicates the result through a 7-segment
display and a light-emitting diode (LED). When the frequency count of an oscillator is below ‘8,’
the corresponding LED remains turned off. As soon as the count reaches ‘8,’ the LED turns on
and the 7-segment display shows ‘8’ .[73].
45 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
75. Bhajan and Mantra Chanting amplifier
People in India like to chant various mantras as they believe it brings good luck, peace of mind
and helps in concentration.Here we present the circuit of an electronic chanting device having
nine bhajans and one mantra to choose from [74].
46 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
76. Cable Tester
Have you ever wondered if a particular cable is delivering mains power supply to your
device or not? Here is a solution that helps you test cable continuity without requiring
any physical contact with the bare cable. The circuit practically detects AC signal
frequencies and gives an LED indication if the cable is conducting. The circuit is highly
sensitive and can detect signals from the surface of the cable itself and thus no direct
contact with the bare cable is necessary. The circuit can be used to test other cables,
including modem, audio/video and dish antenna cables to name a few [75].
Another Circuit
Co-axial cable is used as a transmission line for radio frequency signals. But sometime it is
difficult to detect transmitted signal from input to output. Now, here is a simple project “Co-axial
cable tester” by innovative group Dreamlover technology using quad 2-input NOR gate IC 4001.
Testing of co-axial cable is gone by connecting to point A and B as shown in circuit diagram.
Glowing LED1 indicate string of cable is internally joined; where glowing LED2 indicate the
cable is open and glowing LED3 indicate cable is good. Short-circuit of cable is indicated by
glowing two different LEDs. In this way “co-axial cable tester” is used to check whether the
cable is open, short-circuit or good by glowing different LEDs
47 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon unless stated otherwise)
R1 – R4 = 1 KΩ; R5 = 100 KΩ
IC1 = 4001 (quad 2-input NOR gate)
LED1 = Red; LED2 = yellow; LED3 = Green
48 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
78. Wireless Stepper Motor Controllers
Here is a low-cost and simple wireless stepper motor controller using infrared signals. Using this
circuit you can control the stepper motor from a distance of up to four metres [77].
49 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
79. Manual EPROM Programmer
The programmer devices required for programming the electrically programmable read only
memories (EPROMs) are generally expensive. Here is a low-cost circuit to program binary data
into 2716 and 2732 EPROMs [78].
50 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
81. PC-Based Stepper Motor Controller
This stepper motor controller is perhaps the cheapest, smallest and simplest. A pair of H-bridges
with a software program written in ‘C++’ is used to control the bipolar stepper motor with a step
resolution of 18 degree per pulse [80].
51 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Need to connect more than one audio-video (AV) source to your colour television? Don’t worry,
here’s an AV input expander for your TV. It is inexpensive and easy to construct [82].
52 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
85. Mains Interruption Counter with Indicator
This circuit counts mains supply interruptions (up to 9) and shows the number on a 7-segment
display. It is highly useful for automobile battery chargers. Based on the number of mains
interruptions, the user can extend the charging time for lead-acid batteries [84].
53 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
86. Power-on Reminder with LED Lamp
Many a times equipment at workstations remain switched on unnoticed. In this situation, these
may get damaged due to overheating. Here is an add-on device for the workbench power supply
that reminds you of the power-on status of the connected devices every hour or so by sounding a
buzzer for around 20 seconds. It also has a white LED that provides good enough light to locate
objects when mains fails [85].
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The range of this FM transmitter is around 100 metres at 9V DC supply [87].
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91. Farmhouse Lantern-Cum-Flasher
This circuit uses a dual op-amp IC LM358 and two transistors. It can be powered by a 6V
maintenance-free rechargeable battery or a lead-acid accumulator type battery. It has two modes
of operation: flasher mode and dimmer mode. The dimmer mode helps conserve the battery
power, while in flasher mode the lantern can be used as a beacon [90].
56 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
92. Accurate Foot-Switch
Certain industrial controls require accurate switching operations. For example, in case of a foot-
switch for precise drilling work, even a small error in switching may cause considerable loss.
This low-cost but accurate foot-operated switch can prevent that [91].
57 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
94. Easy Transistor Tester
Using this circuit, find out whether a given transistor is good or bad before soldering it. You can
also identify npn and pnp types easily. The tester gives LED indication of the pin-outs as well as
the working conditions of the transistors [93].
58 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
97. Remote Control using Wireless Doorbell
This circuit lets you wirelessly control an appliance from a remote place by using a wireless
doorbell. The appliance is triggered by the signal from the transmitter of the wireless doorbell and
turns off automatically after the preset time period [96].
59 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
99. Infrared Interruption Counter
Most optical interruption counters make use of a light bulb with light-dependent resistor (LDR) or
ordinary phototransistor as the sensor. These interruption counters work satisfactorily in darkness
only and cannot be used outdoors because of the chances of false counting due to light sensed
from other light sources like sun, light bulb, etc [98].
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61 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
101. Smart Loop Burglar Alarm
Simple loop burglar alarms sound whenever the loop breaks. What if a clever thief comes
to know of the working of this alarm? He may simply short the loop by using some other
conductor and then cut the shorted portion of the loop without any problem. Here is the
circuit of a smart loop burglar alarm that overcomes this drawback by using a sensing
resistor (R) in the loop. The sensing resistor has to be kept inside the area to be protected
(say, a room) [100].
62 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
103. Radiation Sensor
When you work on a computer or watch TV, your body is engulfed in an ‘electronic
smog’ emanating from the device. For instance, in CRT-based monitors, the spot of
electrons that sweep the screen generates pulsed electromagnetic radiation (PEMR).
Some of this energy escapes in the form of radiations in very low-frequency and
extremely low-frequency energy [102].
63 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
105. Whisker for Robots
Whiskers for robots are simple switch-type sensors that work like an animal’s whiskers detecting
nearby objects in the environment. When disturbed, the sensor sends a pulse to the robot to
indicate that an obstacle is present [104].
64 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
107. Photometer
An illuminance of 100 to 1000 lux is required for reading and doing close work without eye-
strain. Specular illumination or bright sunlight provides 50,000 lux, while twilight or dim light
provides only 10 lux. Reading and close work under a fluorescent lamp is better because it can
give a flux of 4400 lumens in contrast to 1600 lumens of a tungsten lamp. If the eyes are exposed
to dim light for many hours, dark adaptation will develop and there will be severe eyestrain [106].
65 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
108. Smart Emergency Light
Now you need not fear dark nights when power breaks down. Here’s a white LED-based
emergency light that automatically turns on when mains power supply fails [107].
66 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
110. Mock Alarm with Call Bell
Here is a fully automatic mock alarm to ward off any intruder to your house. The alarm becomes
active at sunset and remains ‘on’ till morning. The flashing light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and
beeps from the unit simulate the functioning of a sophisticated alarm system. Besides, the circuit
turns on and off a lamp regularly at an interval of 30 minutes throughout the night. It also has a
call bell facility [109].
67 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
112. Rechargeable Torch Based on White LED
Rechargeable torches don’t come without problems. You need to replace the bulbs and charge the
batteries frequently. The average incandescent light-emitting diode (LED) based torch, for
instance, consumes around 2 watts. Here’s a rechargeable white LED-based torch that consumes
just 300 mW and has 60 per cent longer service life than an average incandescent torch [111].
68 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
113. SMF Battery Guard
The emergency light is an automatic system in which a rechargeable battery-operated light source
turns on as soon as the mains power fails. When the mains supply resumes, the lamp turns off
69 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Do you want to get an early warning of brake failure while driving? Here is a brake failure
indicator circuit that constantly monitors the condition of the brake and gives an audio-visual
indication. When the brake is applied, the green LED blinks and the piezobuzzer beeps for around
one second if the brake system is intact. If the brake fails, the red LED glows and the buzzer stops
beeping [114].
70 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
117. Clock Tick-Tock Sound Generator & LED Pendulum
Wooden-case, battery-operated wall clocks with pendulums are available in the market. Some
even have chimes. What is missing is the tick-tock sound of old mechanical pendulum clocks
71 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
to the earth. An ordinary AC tester cannot detect the earth leakage if current is not high enough to
switch on a neon lamp [118].
72 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
122. Bedroom Light
This circuit allows you enough time to reach your bed and lie down before the bedroom lamp
switches off automatically. You can find a number of applications for this circuit. The circuit
draws almost no power when it is inactive [121].
73 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
123. Inexpensive car Protection Unit
For car protection, custom-made units are available but they are costly. Here’s a circuit to protect
car stereo, etc from pilferage that costs less and requires no adjustments in the car but a good car
cover [122].
74 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
125. Mains-Operated Christmas Star
Here is a low-cost circuit of Christmas star that can be easily constructed even by a novice. The
main advantage of this circuit is that it doesn’t require any step-down transformer or ICs [125]
75 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
127. Timer for Geyser
This timer circuit for geyser sounds an alarm after the set timing of 22 minutes when the water is
heated up [127].
76 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
129. Light Dimmer that Doubles as
Measure AC mains voltage without using a multimeter. All you need to do is to slightly modify
the light dimmer fitted at the base of a table lamp for use as a voltmeter. When the dimmer is
turned anticlockwise to a point where the filament glow is just visible, that point can be used as
the reference point for measuring the voltage [129].
77 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
131. Smart Switch
To switch on the mains voltage, either a mechanical switch or a relay offers a simple solution.
However, the relay and its associated components occupy a lot of space and cannot be
accommodated in a standard switch box. The smart switch circuit, shown here, offers a better
alternative. It is nothing but an on/off controller and uses an electronic circuit that behaves like a
normal switch. A flat pushbutton control provides an aesthetic look to your switch panel [131].
78 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
134. Zener Value Evaluator
Using this simple circuit and a known-value zener diode, you can find the breakdown voltage
value of any zener diode. The circuit is divided into two sections: zener evaluator and display
unit. Regulated 12V and 5V are required to power the zener evaluator section, while the display
section works off only 5V. Connect +5V, point A and ground of the zener evaluator section to the
respective terminals of the display section [134].
79 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
135. Liquid-Level Alarm
In water-level controllers for tanks, a DC current is passed through the metallic probes fitted in
the water tank to sense the water level. This causes electrolysis and corrosion of probes,
inhibiting the conduction of current and degrading its performance. As a consequence, probes
have to be replaced regularly to maintain proper current flow [135].
80 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
137. Bicycle Guard
This antitheft device for bicycles is inexpensive and can be constructed easily using a few
components [137]. This antitheft device for bicycles is inexpensive and can be constructed easily
using a few components.
At the heart of the circuit is a wheel rotation detector, realised using a DC micro motor. For the
purpose, you can use the micromotor (spindle motor) of a discarded local CD deck mechanism.
With a little skill and patience, you can easily attach a small metallic pulley covered with a rubber
washer to the motor spindle. Thereafter, fix the unit in the back wheel of the cycle, like the
existing dynamo assembly.
Power supply switch S1 should be kept ‘on’ when you are using this bicycle guard. When it is
flipped towards ‘on’ position, the circuit gets power from the miniature 12V battery. Now LED1
lights up and resistor R4 limits the LED current. Next, the monostable built around IC1, which is
CMOS version of timer LM555, is powered through a low-current, fixed-voltage regulator IC2
Initially, when the bicycle is standing still, the monostable output at pin 3 of IC1 is low and the
circuit is in idle state. In the event of a theft attempt, forward or reverse rotation of the DC motor
induces a small voltage at its DC input terminals and the internal LED of 4-pin DIP AC input
isolator optocoupler IC3 (PS2505-1 or PC814) glows. As a result, the internal transistor of IC3
conducts and pin 2 of IC1 is pulled low by the optocoupler and the monostable built around IC1
is triggered.
The output at pin 3 of IC1 now drives piezobuzzer-driver transistor T1 via resistor R3 and the
buzzer starts sounding to alert you. In this circuit, the buzzer remains ‘on’ for around two
minutes. You can change this time by changing the values of resistor R2 and capacitor C1.
81 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Zener diodes ZD1 and ZD2 (each 5.1V) act as a protector for optocoupler IC3. The costly
GP12V/27A battery is used here due to its compact size and reliability. 12V active buzzers with
high-pitched tone output may be used with this circuit. These are readily available in the market.
Note. The specific optocoupler is used here deliberately, instead of a bridge rectifier, to increase
the circuit’s detection sensitivity. Never replace the same with a DC optocoupler.
82 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
140. Remote Emergency Alarm for Unmanned Lifts
In unmanned lifts or elevators, sudden power failure cannot be detected from the remote
operating room, and this can prove dangerous for the lift users. Here is a simple circuit that
sounds an alarm in the remote lift/elevator control room in the event of power failure. The circuit
operates off a 6V DC battery [140].
83 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
141. Audio-Controlled Running Light
This mains-operated audio-controlled running light can be used in discotheques. The lamps glow
in running sequence as per the sound of music. Of the ten AC lamps, only one lamp permanently
glows if there is no sound. When music is played, light starts ‘running’ through the lamps [141].
84 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
143. Panic Plate
Useful for the elderly and ailing persons, this touch-sensitive circuit sounds a panic alarm to catch
the attention of others for immediate help. The touch plate fixed on the wall near the bedside
gives an easy access to the person on bedrest so that he may call for assistance without much
difficulty. Yellow LED3 on the panel indicates the call and the red LED indicates an immediate
attention [144].
85 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
145. Twinkle Twinkle X'mas Star
Christmas just would not be Christmas if you do not put a flashing star on your Christmas tree.
Here is the circuit of such a flashing star [146].
86 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
147. Mains Supply Failure Backup Light
In the event of a sudden blackout at night, this circuit switches on automatically to provide
sufficient light for around 30 seconds (extendible), which is enough to switch on an emergency
lamp or light up a candle [148].
87 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
149. Signal Diode-Based Fire alarm
A simple signal diode can be used to build a highly sensitive firealarm. Silicon diodes like OA71
and 1N34 respond to infrared radiation and heat from fireby generating reverse current across
their terminals. In reverse-bias mode, this effect is more significan. Typically, for each degree rise
in temperature, the diode generates 2 mV. This characteristic is exploited in this circuit to sense
fire.The circuit can detect firefrom a distance of up to around 30 cm [150].
This simple circuit to monitor the state of fuse and mains power supply is highly useful for AC-
powered appliances. Sometimes these appliances suddenly stop working and we don’t have any
clue what has gone wrong. The problem can be so simple that it can be rectifiedjust by replacing
the fuse. This circuit helps to identify such problems [151].
88 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
151. Ding Dong Touch Bell
“Ding dong bell” is a popular nursery rhyme. Shake-speare used the phrase “ding dong
bell” in several plays. Today, ding dong is a popular ringtone used in phones and door
bells. Here is a simple ding dong tone generator circuit built around a dedicated analogue
IC [152].
89 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
153. Digitally Adjustable Dancing Lights
You might have come across several types of adjustable dancing lights (flickering LEDs).
Most of them use presets (variable resistors) to adjust the rate of switching. Being a
mechanical component, the preset easily wears out with use and also introduces noise in
the circuit. The circuit presented here selects different values of resistors to control the
frequency of an astable multivibrator using timer IC 555 [154].
90 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
155. Shock-Hazard Warning
Electrical leakage can cause lethal shocks. But such an unfortunate situation can be
avoided with this shock-hazard warning system. It uses minimal number of components
and does not need any separate power supply [156].
91 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
157. In-Car Food and Beverage Warmer
This is a very useful device for those who are frequently on the move. It will keep your
tea, coffee or food warm while consuming little power [158].
92 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
159. 555 Timer PWM Audio Amplifier
The ubiquitous 555 timer IC handles audio signals in its own pulse-width modulation
(PWM) way. Here, the 555 IC works in astable mode. The switching frequency can be
varied from 65 kHz to 188 kHz. Selection of PWM frequency depends on the amplitude
of the input signal as well as the load impedance. By adjusting VR1, you can ensure
comfortable listening with low audio distortion [160].
93 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
161. Night Lamp
Here are two night lamp circuits using LEDs. One could be used as a night-vision clock
and the other as a TV lamp. Both the circuits are AC operated and consume very little
power. These are also protected against mains fluctuations. The night-vision lamp uses
twelve LEDs arranged in the circular pattern of a wall clock, while the TV lamp uses 24
LEDs in prism format [162].
94 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
162. Power Pulser
The idea behind this multipurpose power pulser is very simple. As shown in the circuit (Fig. 1), it
uses a low-frequency oscillator to drive a voltage regulator. Timer chip LM555 (IC1) is wired as
an astable multivibrator. Components R1 and R2, VR1 and C1 produce the free-running
frequency. You can adjust it to some extent by varying potentiometer VR1. The output of IC1 at
pin 3 controls the switching on/off of adjustable voltage regulator LM317T (IC2) through npn
transistor SL100B (T1) [163].
95 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
164. Hot-Water-Ready Alarm
Electric kettles turn off automatically when water has boiled. What if the boiler beeps to alert you
when your water has boiled? The tripping sound of the thermal switch may not register as an
alarm in your mind. Here is such an add-on unit that gives intermittent beeps at the end of boiling.
It has the advantages of extremely low component count, low cost, small size and light weight
96 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
165. Electronic Combination Lock
This 7-digit combination lock can be easily hard-wired for any combination that you choose. The
circuit uses a 4-bit, divide-by-8 Johnson counter (IC1), ten pushbutton switches and npn transistor
T1 [166].
97 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
167. Automatic Parking Light For Cars
At night, parking lights make your parked car visible to motorists so they don’t smash into your
car. However, these lights drain considerable power out of your car’s battery. Here is a simple,
automatic parking light system that works with zero standby current. The circuit is designed to
turn on the parking lights automatically for 30 seconds when an approaching vehicle’s light is
detected from the rear or front side. This automatic feature provides safety at night for a parked
vehicle [168].
98 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
169. Panic Alarm
If you feel threatened or need emergency assistance, simply activate this alarm. It will catch the
attention of others for immediate help. The alarm will sound for three minutes and then cease.
Especially useful for women travelling alone, it is small enough to pocket or carry in a handbag
99 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Another circuit
Here is a very simple as well as very useful project anti bag snatching alarm, used in bag
or suitcase in order to prevent from snatching. The sound produced by anti bag snatching
alarm is like police horn to get attention of people when someone attempt to snatch your
bag or suitcase.
Circuit Description of anti bag snatching alarm
The heart of this entire circuit anti bag snatching alarm is operational amplifier IC
CA3140 (IC1), configured as a comparator. The two inputs (inverting and non –
inverting) is given to pin no 3 and 2 of operational amplifier respectively and output is
obtained from pin no 6. Here IC2 (timer IC NE555) is used as monostable multivibrator.
The timing component of anti bag snatching alarm is R5, VR1, and capacitor C2 with the
given value in this circuit diagram lets the time of timer is about 1 minute.
For audio section, IC3 is used as alarm tone generator with an inbuilt oscillator. Finally
the output is obtained from pin no 3 of IC3 and amplified by transistor T1 in order to get
desire level and lastly fed to loudspeaker for output.
100 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
170. Heat Control Unit
This circuit will turn the heater ‘on’ when the temperature of water falls below the lower limit set
by you and turn it ‘off’ when the temperature increases above the higher limit [171].
101 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
172. Ultrasonic Sound Beam Burglar Alarm
This unique burglar alarm makes use of the invisible, inaudible ultrasonic sound beam to detect
movements. Ultrasonic transducers operate at maximum efficiency when driven at 40kHz
frequency. So an ultrasonic transmitter and receiver pair operating at 40 kHz is used to control the
buzzer or the relay [173].
102 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
174. Electronic Dice
This electronic dice has no chance of wear and tear but all the features of a wooden or plastic dice
used for Ludo game [175].
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176. Car Porch Guard
Protect your costly vehicle from theft using this electronic safety system. The system immediately
switches on the porch lamp and sounds a loud alarm as soon as it detects any attempt of
impending theft [177].
104 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
connection. There is no need of laying external wires up to the buzzer unit from different rooms
105 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
179. Pressure-Sensitive Alarm
Here is a low-cost, pressure-sensitive burglar alarm. The alarm uses a home-made pressure
sensor, which works as a variable capacitor using two copper-clad boards and a piece of sponge
in between them [180].
106 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
You should not be surprised if someone tells you that the mains voltage fluctuation could be
anywhere from 160 volts to 270 volts. Although majority of our electrical and electronics
appliances have some kind of voltage stabilisation internally built-in, more than 90 per cent of the
faults in these appliances occur due to these power fluctuations [182].
Another circuit
Here is simple and very useful circuit AC mains voltage indicator, indicates the voltage
level of AC mains by three different LEDs. AC mains voltage indicator circuit can be
made and assemble even by beginners.
Circuit description of AC mains voltage indicator
All three LEDs of AC mains voltage indicator are connected between collectors of
transistors T1, T2, T3 respectively. Here potentiometer VR1, VR2, and VR3 are used to
adjust the base voltage of transistor T1, T2 and T3 respectively. As shown in circuit
diagram first AC mains is stepped down by 9V-0-9V transformer and then rectified by a
signal diode D1 and smoothed by C1 which give output 25V DC. This circuit is work on
the principle, when AC mains vary DC voltage also varies proportionally and sensed by
transistor T1 through T3.
For setting the low level voltage, a manual AC voltage regulator (MVR) should be
connected to the primary of transformer X1. Now set AC voltage of MVR to about 175V
and slowly potentiometer VR1 adjusted until voltage across the base of transistor T1
reaches 9.7V and transistor starts conducting which glow LED1 and stop glowing when
107 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
the base voltage drops below the preset value. This process is repeated for 200V and
230V in which LED2 and LED3 glows respectively.
Now connect this circuit to AC mains, if the voltage drop below 175 volts no LEDs glow.
First, a high voltage (more than 230V) is indicated by all three LEDs glows (LED1,
LED2, LED3). Second, normally voltage (200V-230V) is indicated by two LEDs (LED1
and LED2). Third, a low voltage (175V-200V) is indicated by the glowing of LED1 only.
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1- R6= 1 KΩ; VR1 – VR3 = 10 KΩ
Capacitor C1 = 220 µF/50V
T1 – T3 = BC547
ZD1 – ZD3 = 9.1V zener diode
D1 = 1N4001
LED1 – LED3 = Simple LED
X1 = 230V AC primary to 9V-0-9V, 250mA secondary transformer
SW1 = On/off switch
108 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
183. Versatile CMOS/TTL Logic and Clock Probe
For fault diagnosis of any logic circuit, you need a probe that can test the logic level or existence
of clock activity. The circuit shown here can be used to test CMOS and TTL logic circuits for
logic states and also for the presence of clock activity from a few hertz to more than 10 MHz, at
any point of the logic circuit [184].
109 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
184. School/College Quiz Buzzer
Manual buzzers used for quiz competitions in schools and colleges create a lot of confusion in
identifying the first respondent. Although there are circuits using PCs and discrete ICs, they are
either too expensive or limited to only a few number of players [185].
110 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
187. DC Changeover System with Battery Protection Unit
Emergency lights commonly available in the market come with battery over-charging protection
but no discharging protection. Here is a circuit that protects the battery from over-charging as
well as over-discharging. The load is powered by the regulator when mains is available and
111 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
automatically shifts to DC when mains power fails. When mains power resumes, the load is again
powered through the regulator and the battery starts charging [188].
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189. Another Ultrasonic Proximity Detector circuit [190]
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191. Speed Controller for DC Motor
Here is a simple circuit to control the speed of a DC motor. It can be configured to control the
sweep rate of automobiles’ windscreen wiper [192].
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Another circuit [194].
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194. Semiconductor Relay for Automotive Applications
Semiconductor relays provide the same function as electromechanical relays but have no moving
parts, which increases their long-term reliability. These relays provide an array of solutions,
meeting the needs of today’s high-performance applications [196].
116 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
195. Touch Alarm
This is a new type of touch alarm that uses an RF oscillator at its input. One special feature of this
touch alarm is that it can use a big-size touch plate. Also, no shielded wire is required between the
touch plate and the circuit [197].
117 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
197. AC-Powered Led Lamps Without rectifiers
Usually, LED lamps require rectifier when connected to the AC mains power supply. Electrical
isolation of the LED lamps from the mains is also required in most cases. But rectifiers create a
switching noise and also add to their cost. Presented here is a simple circuit for LED lamps that
doesn’t require the use of rectifiers [199].
118 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
199. Door Guard
This door guard uses operational amplifier µA741 and a light-dependent resistor (LDR).
Operational amplifier µA741 is used as a sensitive voltage comparator. Preset VR1 provides
reference voltage to the non-inverting terminal (pin 3) of µA741. LDR1 and resistor R1 are
connected to inverting pin 2 of IC1. LED1 and LDR1 are installed at opposite sides of entry such
that light from LED1 falls on LDR1 [201].
119 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
201. Briefcase Alarm
This miniature alarm unit protects your valuables from theft by sounding an alarm when
somebody attempts to pick up your briefcase. It is a battery-operated gadget that can be hidden in
a corner inside the briefcase. The circuit uses few components and is simple to fabricate [203].
120 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
202. Touch-Plate Doorbell
This touch-plate doorbell makes use of enhancement-mode MOSFETs forming part of CMOS
quad NAND gate CD4007B in conjunction with a detector and Darlington driver stage [204].
121 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
204. Cupboard light
Here is a simple circuit that can temporarily illuminate your cupboard or other such usually dark
places where mains connection is either not possible or not worthwhile. The circuit is nothing but
a battery-operated light with inbuilt auto shut-off [206].
122 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
206. Multifunction Power Supply
Many embedded systems these days need +5V power supply with some special functions such as
power-fail detection, zero-crossing signals for mains power supply and possibility to maintain the
charging of built-in batteries [208].
123 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
208. A Fourth-Order Speech Filter
Human speech generally occupies an audio spectrum of 300 to 3400 Hz. There is a requirement,
especially in telephone circuits, to limit the frequency response to this range. The ‘Digital Speech
Security System’ published in EFY Electronics Projects Vol. 19 also uses a similar filter.
However, it uses dedicated filter ICs, which, besides being costly, are not easily available. This
circuit will prove quite useful for not only the mentioned project but various other speech circuits
124 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
209. Electronic Ludo
Ludo, a traditional board game, requires the players to throw a dice by hand and move forward
their tokens on the board by the number of squares indicated by the dice. In this electronic
version, the players need to press a push-to-on switch instead of throwing the six-surface dice.
When the switch is pressed momentarily, the 7-segment digital counter displays a number
immediately. As in the manual dice, the numbers are displayed randomly between ‘1’ and ‘6’
depending on the time for which the player presses switch S1 [211].
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211. Microcontroller-Based Tachometer
A tachometer is nothing but a simple electronic digital transducer. Normally, it is used for
measuring the speed of a rotating shaft. The number of revolutions per minute (rpm) is valuable
information for understanding any rotational system. For example, there is an optimum speed for
drilling a particular-size hole in a particular metal piece; there is an ideal sanding disk speed that
depends on the material being finished. You may also want to measure the speed of fans you use
126 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
213. Stabilised Power Supply for Prototyping
This stabilised power supply circuit may be directly connected to 230V AC mains to derive
output voltages of 3V to 12V DC for connection to the prototyping board [215].
127 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
214. Infrared Burglar Alarm
A special feature of this infrared burglar alarm is latching operation. Also, the circuit is highly
sensitive. The circuit comprises transmitter and receiver sections. Whenever IR beam between the
transmitter and the receiver is interrupted, the alarm circuit is triggered and the buzzer sounds
continuously. It can be reset only by pressing the reset button [216].
Another circuit
128 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
215. Motorbike Alarm
This simple-to-build alarm can be fitted in bikes to protect them from being stolen. The tiny
circuit can be hidden anywhere, without any complicated wiring. Virtually, it suits all bikes as
long as they have a battery. It doesn't drain out the battery though as the standby current is zero
129 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
216. PC Table Lamp
This useful circuit is built around well-known timer IC TLC555. It activates an electric bulb when
your PC is switched ‘on’. When you shut down the PC, the lamp also automatically turns ‘off.’
130 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
217. Audible Continuity Tester
Here is a pretty simple, low-cost audible continuity tester that makes use of just one quad
comparator IC LM339, some resistors and a piezobuzzer. The circuit including the comparator
works off a single 9V battery. Only one of the quad comparators is used in its real role, while the
remaining three comparators, connected in parallel, are used for directly driving a medium-power
piezobuzzer [221].
You can use this circuit to thwart burglary. It sounds an alarm when someone tries to intrude into
your home or office by hitting, pushing or knocking the door. The sensor element is a condenser
mic, which is fitted inside the house on the entrance door, preferably on the door frame. Hitting,
pushing or knocking the door will generate some noise. This is detected by the mic and fed to the
preamplifier section of the circuit, which is connected to the buzzer through Flip-Flop. Thus the
buzzer sounds when someone hits/knocks at the entrance door [222].
131 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
219. Diac-Controlled Flasher
This simple flasher finds various industrial applications as a high-voltage indicator or machine-
’on’ indicator. It flashes once every second to give a warning indication. It is simple to design and
can be wired lead-to-lead without using PCB. It is directly powered from 220V AC and can be
enclosed in the mains box [223].
132 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
220. Stereo audio Distribution Buffer for headphones
Most audio signal sources have only one stereo output, which means they can drive only a single
pair of headphones with a resistance of around 32 ohms or a single line of 600 ohms. But
sometimes several people are required to connect their headphones to a single audio signal
source—such as for entertainment, e-learning and training, or at home. In these situations, use of
powerful loudspeakers is not desirable because other people in the room will get disturbed [224].
133 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
222. Optical Remote on/off Switch
Using this optical remote control, you can switch on/off any electrical or electronic load. Like any
remote control system, it has a mini transmitter unit and a receiver unit to activate the relay [226].
134 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
224. Contactless Telephone Ringer
This fully transistorised, simple circuit designed as a contactless telephone ringer provides an
indication of incoming telephone call at a remote site like kitchen or bedroom in the building. It is
implemented by winding five or more turns of a short hookup insulated wire around one of the
wires of a twin telephone cable [228].
135 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
226. Auto Muting During Telephonic Conversation
Telephone conversation can be made disturbance-free using this simple circuit. As soon as you
lift the telephone handset to converse, the TV, music system or any other appliance that may be
causing disturbance gets switched off. It turns on when you place the handset back on the cradle
136 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
228. LED Illumination for Refrigerators
The incandescent lamp provided inside the refrigerators glows whenever we open the door. It
suffers from several disadvantages. These problems could be overcome by using a distributed
array of LEDs with battery back-up, which provides shadowless light and cool operation [232].
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230. Photodiode-Based Fire Detector
This ultra-sensitive fire sensor protects your electronic devices like computer and television set. It
uses a photodiode as the fire sensor and sounds an alarm immediately on sensing a spark or fire in
the power supply section of the instrument and instantly cuts off the power supply. The circuit
exploits the photovoltaic property of the photodiodes to sense the fire [235].
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231. Bodmas Rule
The term ‘BODMAS’ is an acronym for ‘bracket,’ ‘of’, ‘division,’ ‘multiplication,’ ‘addition’ and
‘subtraction’ and the ‘BODMAS rule’ is a mnemonic for the hierarchy of various arithmetical
operators. A mathematical expression may involve a number of operators, but only one of them
must be carried out first. The order of priority, as we are familiar from school days, follows:
‘Bracket’ followed by ‘of,’ ‘division,’ ‘multiplication,’ ‘addition’ and then ‘subtraction’ in that
order [236].
139 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
232. Circuit for UPS to Hibernate PC
Most of the low-power UPS systems available in the market do not have the facility to shut down
the PC before they turn off automatically due to low battery. Some of them have the facility but
they require software for the same [237].
140 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
234. Environment Monitoring System Using Arduino
A comfortable environment can increase the productivity multi-folds. So it is important that the
environment variables, such as temperature, relative humidity, dew point, light intensity and air
quality (gas/smoke), are continuously monitored and corresponding systems adjusted to maintain
a comfortable working environment [236].
141 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
235. 3V PC Adaptor
Plug this circuit into the available USB output port of your PC to get 50mA, 3V DC. So it can be
used to recharge, for instance, two NiCd cells (1.2Vx2) of a portable music player system [237].
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237. Street Light Controller
Two of the problems commonly associated with street lights are false triggering due to slight
variation in the intensity of ambient light and no control over switching action. Here is a simple
switching circuit for street lights that overcomes these problems [235].
143 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
239. Simple Automatic Water-Level Controller
Water-level controllers are common nowadays. The one described here is built around timer
NE555 and inverter buffer CMOS IC CD4049. It uses readily-available, low-cost components,
and is easy to build and install on the over-head tank (OHT) to prevent wastage of water [237].
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241. Electronic Horn
Here’s a simple circuit of an electronic horn that is built around quadruple op-amp IC LM3900
(IC1). IC LM3900 has four independent op-amps (A1 through A4) with a large output voltage
swing. It can work at up to 32V DC [239].
145 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
243. Demo Circuit for Over-Voltage Protection
Over-voltage protection circuits are used to protect voltage-sensitive loads. Voltage transients
may occur due to a number of reasons such as transformer switching, load switching, and
short/open circuit in rectifier and regulator circuit. Such transients can affect proper functioning
of an electronic circuit or even damage it. Hence it is necessary to use an over-voltage protection
circuit to protect expensive loads against all the sources of voltage transients [241].
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244. Capacitance-Multiplier Power Supply
Here is the circuit of a highly efficient power supply with regulation that uses a centre-tapped
transformer [242].
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246. Electronic Door Key
This circuit is basically a short-range, infrared remote-controlled electromagnetic relay driver. It
can be used to control door motors or solenoid-based locks using a compact and handy remote
handset [244].
This optical smoke detector uses a low-cost, readily-available, slotted, through-scan, infrared photo-
switch. When smoke is detected, the relay energises to activate the audio/visual warning alarm [245].
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248. Clock Tick-Tock Sound Generator & LED Pendulum [246]
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251. Night Lamps
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252. Continuity Tester With A Chirping Sound
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254. Contactless Telephone Ringer
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256. Variable Bench Power Supply With LCD and Monitor Display
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258. Propeller Message Display with Temperature Indicator
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260. Propeller Message Display with Temperature Indicator
155 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon unless stated otherwise)
R1 = 1 MΩ; R2 = 4.7 KΩ; R3 = 100 KΩ; R4 = 10 Ω; VR1 = 1 MΩ
Capacitors C1 = 0.01 µF; C2 = 0.0033 µF; C3 = 1000 µF/16V
Semiconductors T1, T2 = BC548; D1 = 1N4001
Miscellaneous X1 = 230V AC Primary To 9V/6V – 0V AC Secondary; LS1 = 8Ω speaker
156 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon unless stated otherwise)
R1 = 470 KΩ; R2, R5, R8, R9 = 10 KΩ; R3, R6, R10 = 100 KΩ; R4 = 4.7 KΩ; R7 = 1 MΩ
Capacitors C1 = 0.47 µF; C2 = 100 µF/10v; C3, C6 = 1 µF/16v; C4 = 0.15 µF; C5 = 0.015 µF;
C7 = 0.001 µF; C8 = 100 µF/25V
Semiconductors IC1, IC2 = 741, ZD1 = 12V 400mW
157 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon unless stated otherwise)
R1, R3 = 5.6 Ω; R2 = 3.3 KΩ; R4, R6 = 1 MΩ; R5, R7, R9 = 1 KΩ; R8, R10 = 820 Ω; R11 = 10
IC1 = TL072CD; ZD1 = 3.3 V/500mW
SW1 = Push to on switch
Two probe
The circuit given here is substitute of old mechanical traffic-light controllers which are not
reliable. The circuit’s timing and sequential operation are done by two CMOS ICs (IC1 and IC2)
while the actual power switching is done by triacs,
A 10V negative power supply is obtained directly from the mains my means of D1, R1, D2, and
C1. Gates N1 through N6 constitute IC2 while IC1 is a Johnson counter. N1 – N3 are wired as an
astable multivibrator whose time period can be adjusted between 1 second and 10 seconds with
VR1. The decade outputs of IC1 are wired such that when Q0 and Q5 is high, the output of N5
goes low. Similarly, the outputs of N4 and N6 become low when Q1 to Q4 and Q6 to Q9 become
low respectively. Since we have negative supply, a low output of any of the hates N4 to N6 cause
the respective triac to fire.
Thus, the ratios of the time periods for the lamps in the sequence O:G:O:R are 1:4:1:4.
Resistor R10 to R12 and capacitor C4 and C6 are absolutely necessary, these avoid spurious
triggering of the triacs which may hamper traffic flow.
158 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon unless stated otherwise)
R1 = 5 KΩ/5W; R2, R3, R4 = 22 KΩ; R5 = 100 KΩ; R6 = 1 MΩ; R7, R8, R9 = 1 KΩ; R10,
R11, R12 = 100 Ω/1W; VR1 = 1 MΩ
C1 = 1000 µF/16V; C2, C3 = 22 µF/16V; C4, C5, C6 = 00.1 µF/400V
IC1 = CD4017; IC2(N1 – N6) = CD4049; D1 = BY127
This circuit is used to provide positive going pulses. The pulse width varies from 10µs to 100 ms
at the rate of 20 pulses per second to 1 pulse per second and adjusted by a 1 MΩ potentiometer.
Transistor T1 and T2 form a relaxation oscillatory circuitry. The frequency of oscillation
depends on C1 and VR1. The pulse width is varied by a 47KΩ (VR2) potentiometer. Any
required pulse width range is selected by the switch SW1 below
159 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
T1 = SL100; T2 = SK100; IC1 = 74121
SW1 = 1 pole 4
Now, here is very simple low/high voltage cut circuit using only two transistors.
Circuit Description:
The entire circuit is build using only two transistor and very few other component. The two
transistors are used to drive relay. Transistor T1 and T2 cut the supply in high and low voltage
respectively. Variable resistor VR1 and VR2 is used to adjust the high and low voltage. As we
know that when zener diode is connected to emitter of transistor then it get back bias voltage.
The variable resistor VR1 and VR2 is so adjusted that it does not connect the transistor T2 and
T1 in high and low voltage respectively. The load is connected through relay RL1.
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon unless stated otherwise)
R1, R4 = 4.7 KΩ; R2, R3 = 220 Ω; VR1 = 10 KΩ; VR2 = 10 KΩ
T1, T2 = BC148; ZD1, ZD2 = 5.6V
RL1 = 18V/500Ω
160 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
268. Simple Frequency Meter
Here is a simple frequency meter with which input frequency can be determined by simply
measuring the values of two resistors and a little bit of computation.
A retriggerable monistable multivibrator and a D flip-flop can form a simple, yet reliable
frequency comparator that compares an input frequency with a predetermined reference. To
determine whether an input frequency (f) falls between two known frequencies, f1 and f2, two
one-shot/flip-flip combinations are used, as shown.
Here both the one-shot and the flip-flop ICs are wired for positive-edge triggering. Each input
pulse causes the monostable’s output to go high for the period of its preset timing interval. The
flip-flop is triggered simultaneously, but its output is determined by the state of its D input at the
time of trigger threshold.
If the period of the input frequency is shorter than the preset timing of the monostable, a constant
high level will be present at the D input, forcing the flip-flop’s Q output to remain high. If the
input frequency period becomes greater than that of the monostable, the flip-flop’s Q output will
go low.
VR1, VR2, and C1, C2 determine the value of the time period of f1 and f2. Some typical values
for measuring a range of input frequencies is given in Table 1.
One way to measure the frequency is to increase f2 by decreasing the value of R2 until LED3
goes ‘off’ and LED4 goes ‘on’. Then R1 is decrease so that LED1 goes ‘on’ and LED2 goes
‘off’. Now both LED1 and LED4 glow and the value of R1 and R2 are measured. Frequencies f1
and f2 are calculated by the formulae
f1 = 1/(1.1R1C1) and f2 = 1/(1.1R2C2)
and the input frequency ‘f’ falls in between f1 and f2. If
It can be further noted that the values of the resistors and the capacitors can be taken according
to one’s application.
161 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon unless stated otherwise)
R1, R2 = 10 Ω; VR1, VR2 = 4.7 KΩ
C1, C2 = 10 µF/10V
IC1 = 74123, IC2 = 7474
LED1 – LED4 = different color LED</f</f
162 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon unless stated otherwise)
R1 = 270 Ω; R2 = 220 Ω; R3, R7 = 10 KΩ; R4 = 470 KΩ; R5 = 4.7 KΩ; R6 = 1.2 KΩ; R8 = 220
KΩ; R9 = 1 KΩ
C1 = 1 µF/16V; C2, C4 = 0.1 µF; C4 = 390 pF; C5 = 0.04 µF; C6 = 0.01 µF; C7 = 100 µF/16v
IC1 = UM66; T1, T2 = BF494B; D1 = 1N4148; ZD1 = 3V 400mW
XTAL1 = 455 KHz
SW1 = 1-pole two way switch
Read more http://electronicsproject.org/musical-afif-checker/
Here is a simple project , mini amplifier built around LM1895 followed by passive components.
The output of 10mW to 1W is obtained so, the circuit is called mini amplifier.
Circuit Description
The output from mike or pre-amplifier is fed to pin no.4 through variable resistor VR1 and
capacitor C4. Variable resistor VR1 is used to select the intensity of signal. Capacitor C2 and C6
is used to filter and develop the supply, where capacitor C3 and C5 is used to bias the audio
frequency. The output of amplifier IC is obtained at pin 1 where resistor R4 and capacitor C8 is
used as feedback component. The output is given to loudspeaker through capacitor C7 in order to
produce sound.
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon unless stated otherwise)
R1 = 10 KΩ; R2 = 47Ω; R3 = 220Ω; R4 = 1Ω; VR1 = 50 KΩ
163 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
C1 = 470 pF; C2 = 220 µF/10V; C3 = 100 µF/10V; C4 = 0.1 µF; C5 = 10 µF/10V; C6, C7 = 470
µF/10V; C8 = 0.1 µF
IC1 = LM1895N
LS1 = 4Ω/1W speaker
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon unless stated otherwise)
R1 = 2.2 KΩ; R2, R3 = 1 KΩ; R4 = 3.3 KΩ; VR1 = 25 KΩ
C1 = 1 µF – 10 µF
T1, T2 = BC547B; T3 = BEL187-P
Miscellaneous LDR, B1 = 3V to 10V bulb
164 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
272. Low-cost Touch Sensitive Switch
While experiment with a high gain transistor it may be noticed the transistor gets saturated by
just touching its base. Here is a single, low-cost touch switch based on this idea. The 50Hz hum
present in our body is the key of this circuit.
BEL BC557B pnp transistor has been chosen for this circuit. All the transistors used in this
circuit are of pnp type. The circuit is basically a RS flip-flop formed by T3 and T4. Set and reset
inputs are buffered by T1 and T2. Set and Reset inputs are buffered by T1 and T2. On switching
the power supply on the bases of T3 and T4become positive simultaneously. But due to slight
difference in characteristics of T3 and T4 (since it is not possible to make perfectly matched
transistor) one of the transistor become unsaturated. Transistor T5 is used as relay driver
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1, R3, R6, R7, R9 = 10 KΩ
R2, R4, R5, R8 = 220 KΩ
T1 – T5 = BC557B
D1 = 1N4001
RL1 = 12V/200Ω relay
Touch plate
165 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
273. Multi-way Switch
With this circuit you can control any of your electrical appliances from any point with only two
wires extending from the circuit to those points. One need not, for instance, keep the passage
lights on always since the accessibility of the switch can be provided to every require point. It
can thus be used in energy saving device in long passages.
In this circuit, switches SW1, SW2, SW3….SWn are connected between the clock pin of IC
CD4042A and the power supply. The Q output pin 3 of the FF is feedback to its D input pin 4.
The output from pin 2 is connected to the base of darlington pair amplifier formed by BC107 and
SL100, which drives the relay. The connection to the appliance can be through the N/O contact
of the relay. The circuit is powered by 12V DC. The impedance of the relay used should be
greater than 100-ohm.
With this circuit you can easily make a three way switch or switch with unlimited numbers of
terminals where each can individually control the output.
There is no need to connect a debouncing circuit between the switches and the IC.
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 10 KΩ; R2 = 3.3 KΩ; R3 = 1 KΩ; R4 = 10 Ω
C1 = 50 µF/25V
IC1 = CD4042A; T1 = BC107; T2 = SL100
SW 1 – SWn = Push to on switch; RL1 = 12V, >100 Ω relay
166 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
274. AC mains voltage indicator
Here is simple and very useful circuit AC mains voltage indicator, indicates the voltage level of
AC mains by three different LEDs. AC mains voltage indicator circuit can be made and assemble
even by beginners.
Circuit description of AC mains voltage indicator
All three LEDs of AC mains voltage indicator are connected between collectors of transistors
T1, T2, T3 respectively. Here potentiometer VR1, VR2, and VR3 are used to adjust the base
voltage of transistor T1, T2 and T3 respectively. As shown in circuit diagram first AC mains is
stepped down by 9V-0-9V transformer and then rectified by a signal diode D1 and smoothed by
C1 which give output 25V DC. This circuit is work on the principle, when AC mains vary DC
voltage also varies proportionally and sensed by transistor T1 through T3.
For setting the low level voltage, a manual AC voltage regulator (MVR) should be connected to
the primary of transformer X1. Now set AC voltage of MVR to about 175V and slowly
potentiometer VR1 adjusted until voltage across the base of transistor T1 reaches 9.7V and
transistor starts conducting which glow LED1 and stop glowing when the base voltage drops
below the preset value. This process is repeated for 200V and 230V in which LED2 and LED3
glows respectively.
Now connect this circuit to AC mains, if the voltage drop below 175 volts no LEDs glow. First, a
high voltage (more than 230V) is indicated by all three LEDs glows (LED1, LED2, LED3).
Second, normally voltage (200V-230V) is indicated by two LEDs (LED1 and LED2). Third, a
low voltage (175V-200V) is indicated by the glowing of LED1 only.
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1- R6= 1 KΩ
VR1 – VR3 = 10 KΩ
C1 = 220 µF/50V
167 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
T1 – T3 = BC547
ZD1 – ZD3 = 9.1V zener diode
D1 = 1N4001
LED1 – LED3 = Simple LED
X1 = 230V AC primary to 9V-0-9V, 250mA secondary transformer
SW1 = On/off switch
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 =2 MΩ potentiometer; R2 = 2.7 Ω; R3 = 1 MΩ
C1, C2, C3 = 0.1 µF; C4 = 51 pF
IC1, IC¬2 = LM380 audio power amplifier
8Ω 1-W speaker
Circuit description
The circuit of automatic temperature controlled fan is build around temperature transducer
AD590 followed by operational amplifier LM324. AD590 is a temperature transducer, change
temperature into corresponding voltage. The output of transducer is given to pin 2 of IC2
LM324. The two reference voltage is given to pin 6 and pin 10 through variable resistor VR1 and
VR2 respectively. The value of these variable resistor is fixed according to operating temperature
(i.e. RL1 energized when temperature is above 300C and RL2 energized when temperature is
below 230C). The output is taken from pin 7 and pin 8 which further given to base of transistor
T1 and T2 through resistor R5 and R6 respectively. Transistor T1 and T2 is used as relay driver
transistor. The two input is given from two different stage of regulator.
Power supply Circuit:- The primary AC voltage is step down to 12 – 0 – 12 by using transformer
X1 which further rectified using bridge rectifier (D1 through D4). The rectified output is filtered
using capacitor and given to input pin 1 of voltage regulator IC 7812 (IC1). The regulated output
is taken from pin 3 of IC1 where pin 2 is grounded.
168 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 100 KΩ; R2 = 56 KΩ; R3 = 39 KΩ; R4, R5, R6 = 1 KΩ; VR1, VR2 = 10 KΩ (Preset)
C1 = 1000 µF/40V; C2, C3 = 1000 µF/25V; C4 = 0.1 µF
IC1 = LM7812 (12V regulator IC)
IC2 = LM324 (operational amplifier)
T1, T2 = SL100
D1 – D6 = 1N4001 (rectifier diode)
TT1 = AD590 (temperature transducer)
RL1, RL2 = 12V 200Ω
169 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 1.5 KΩ, R2 = 1 KΩ, R3 = 120 KΩ, R4, R5 = 1 Ω
C1 = 10 µF/25V (electrolytic)
170 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 – R5 = 470 Ω; R6 = 330 Ω; R7 – R11 = 1 MΩ
C1 – C6 = 100 KPF; C7 = 470 µF/16V
IC1 = CD4049; D1 – D4 1N4007
LED1 – LED8 = RED color
Here is a circuit used to control motor more efficiently than any electromechanically controlling
device. The project shown here is cheap and easy to construct. It also overcome the problem of
noise triggering and noise pulse.
Circuit description
The power supply is given by pressing switch SW1 it shots the N/O contact of relay RL¬1 which
gives supply to the circuit. The current through resistor R8 gives the base current to transistor T5.
Where transistor T1, T2 and T3 from the over and under-voltage cut-offs. Here the transistor T4
on when over or under voltage is given to transistor T3.
For avoiding noise capacitor C2 with resistor R10 form a loss-pass filter and also give sufficient
time delay. Here the resistor network (R11, R12, VR1) are used as current sensor. Where Diode
D3 is as rectifier and capacitor C1 is used as noise filter of switching circuit.
171 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 150 KΩ; R2 = 33 KΩ; R3 = 6.7 KΩ; R4 = 100 KΩ; R5 = 39 KΩ; R6 = 15 KΩ; R7 = 10
KΩ; R8 = 4.7 KΩ; R9 = 75 Ω/1W; R10, R13 = 47 KΩ; R11 = 470 Ω; R12 = 0.5 Ω; VR1 = 2.2
C1 = 1000 µF/25V; C2, C3 = 47 µF/10V
T1, T2, T3, T4 = BC148; T5 = SL100; D1, D2, D3 = 1N4001; ZD1, ZD2 = 3.1V; ZD3 = 9.1V
SW1, SW2 = Push to on switch
X1 = 230 primary AC primary to 18-0-18, 500mA secondary transformer
(110 primary AC primary to 18-0-18, 500mA secondary transformer)
RL1 = 12V, 200 Ω Double pole double throw
M = Motor
172 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
For temperature-to-voltage conversion in electronics thermometer an operational amplifier is
used. The input voltage at non-inverting pin 3 of IC1 is fixed by VR1, R1, & R2 where sensor
diode D1 forms a feedback path. The output of IC1 is directly depends on the voltage across the
Operational amplifier IC1 is used as voltage amplifier which amplifier the output from IC1.
Finally, ammeter is used to indicate the temperature.
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 680 Ω; R2 = 1 KΩ; R3, R4, R5 = 1 KΩ; R6 = 6.8 KΩ; R7 = 10 KΩ; VR1 = 2.2 KΩ
VR2, VR3, VR5 = 10 KΩ
C1, C3 = 0.1 µF; C2 = 10 µF/16V; C4 = 10 µF/16V
IC1, IC2 = µA741; D1 = 1N4148 (Sensor)
M1 = 1mA-0-1mA or 0-1mA Ammeter
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1, R2 = 4.7 MΩ; R3 = 2.2 MΩ; R4 = 56 KΩ; R5 = 12 KΩ; R6 = 10 K; R7 = 270 Ω; R8 = 390
173 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
IC1 = CL7611; IC2 = 8211; T1 = 2TX300; LED1 = RED; LED2 = Green
SW1 = Push-to-on switch; TH1 = GL16 thermistor
174 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistorss (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carb
R1 = 1000 KΩ/1W; R2,R R3 = 100 KΩ; R4 = 4.7 4 KΩ; R5, R6 = 220 K
KΩ; R7 = 68 KΩ; R8 = 33
KΩ; VR1 1 = 100 KΩ (preset)
C1 = 1000 µF/16
IC1 = LMM741 (Op-am mp); T1 = BC547; TR1 = 10GD (Trriac); D1 – D
D4 = 1N40044; ZD1 = 10V
/100 mWW
LDR1 = Light – Dep pendent – Reesistor; B1 = 200W bulb
R1=1.2 KΩ;
K R2=2.7 KΩ; R3=33 3 KΩ; R4=6.8 KΩ; R5=33.3 KΩ; R6=
=100; R7=5660 KΩ; R8=4.7
KΩ; R9==10 KΩ; VRR=11 KΩ
T1=BC149C; T2= BC147B
C1=47μ , 10V; C2,C
C3=0.1μ; C4=
=220μ, 10V
V; C5=10μ
6 Batttery
175 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
MIC Condenser
C Microphone
OTHERss PCB ,Connecting
, wires, hard
dware etc…
Circuit Diagram
R1 Pick-up Resisstor 5 Ohm, 25 W
R2 300 Ohm
All R 20K , 25W
S Shunt Regulaator
3,F4 Fuse
All 1N
LED Light
L Emittin
ng Diode
176 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
C2,C3 N/O
N Contactoor
All 200μF
M=DC Motor;
M F1=Shunt Filed; RE=Field
R Faailure Relay;; A1=Field A
Ammeter; A
177 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
autotransformer setting, thereby starting at reduced voltage and current. If the motor is started on
a high armature voltage, the starting current will be very high, especially if started on load, as is
usually the case.
For more detail visit http://electronicsproject.org/motor-protection/
Truth Table
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 – R4 = 4.7 KΩ; R5 = 15 KΩ
IC1 = CD4077; T1 = BC547B; D1 = 1N4148
SW1 – SW4 = Push to on/off switch; RL1 = 6V 100 Ω relay
178 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Read mo
ore http://elecctronicsprojeect.org/multii-switch-conntrolled-relayy/
Part List
R1=27K;; R2=3.3K; R3=3.3K;
R R4=330K;
R1=100 OHM
D1=1N4001; D2=1NN4001
The circu uit diagram that
t you can see below iss the ohm m meter which ccan measure the resistannce
for 0 to 10
1 ohm . You u can see thee selector sw
witch over thhere the circuuit diagram wwhich can seelect
the measuring rang formfo 0 to 1 ohm
o and 0 to
o 10 ohms. TTransistor T11 works as a constant cuurrent
generatorr which passses a know current
c throu
ugh the resisstors which rresistance is to be measuured.
If the maaximum drop p of the voltaage across th
he emitter off the transistoor T1 will bee more than 100
mV and thet ground is displayed on o the meterr whose interrnal resistannce is much hhigher than tthe
testing reesistance thaat is 10 ohmss. Because off which this ohm meter ccan not loadd the circuit.
179 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors R1, VR1 , R2 , R3 , D1 , D2 and R4 are biased by the transistor T1. Diodes D1 and D2
are use for holding the bias level constant inspite of the decaying battery.
The scale of the meter in this project should have 0-500 μA . The shunt resistance in this project
can be any general propose meter. Transistor T1 is the silicon npn with a high gain factor.
Now the meter should be adjust by shorting probes A and B. If the meter is adjust before the it
shows a zero resistance. You only have to adjust in 0 to 10 ohm scale first and other adjustments
will be follow automatically. This can be easily built within a few minutes. This is the very
useful project for the electronics beginners.
Read more http://electronicsproject.org/ohm-meter/
180 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 47 KΩ; R2 = 100 Ω; R3, R4, R11, R27 = 2.2 KΩ; R5 = 330 KΩ; R6, R10 = 560 Ω
R7 = 1 KΩ; R8 = 220 KΩ; R9 = 100 Ω; R12, R15, R16 = 4.7 KΩ; R13, R31 = 10 KΩ
R14 = 15 KΩ; R17 = 1.8 KΩ; R18 = 1.2 KΩ; R19 = 1 KΩ; R20 = 4.7 Ω; R21, R22 = 100 KΩ
R23 = 120 KΩ; R24 = 5.6 KΩ; R25 = 22 KΩ; R26 = 150 KΩ; R28 = 330 Ω; R29 = 220 KΩ
R30 = 47 KΩ; VR1 = 4.7 KΩ; VR2 = 22 KΩ
C1, C6, C10, C24 = 1 KpF; C2, C4, C5 = 47 KpF; C3 = 20 KpF; C7, C9, C23= 2.2 KpF
C8 = 4.7 µF/16V; C11 = 22 KpF; C12, C16 = 0.1 µF; C13 = 2.2 µF/16 V; C14, C19, C25, C26 =
0.22 µF; C15 = 10 µF/16V; C17 = 220 µF/16V; C18, C20 = 10 KpF; C21, C22 = 68 pF
C27 = 1000 µF/16V; C28 = 10 µF/16V
IC1 = NE565 (Phase Lock IC); IC2 = LM386 (Amplifier IC); IC3 = CD4011 (Quad 2-input
NAND Gate IC); IC4 = LM566 (Voltage Controlled Oscillator); IC5 = LM7812 (Voltage
Regulator); T1 = BFW10; T2, T3 = BF194; T4 = BC148; D1 = 1N4148
XT1 – XT4 = 10.7 MHz crystal; SW1 = Single pole double throw switch; LS1 = 8Ω speaker
MIC1 = Condenser microphone; Areal
Read more http://electronicsproject.org/walky-talky-without-using-inductor-or-coil/
181 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
288. 70/40 Watts Hi-Fi amplifier
Here is a circuit of the world best Hi-Fi amplifier you may never have to replace by a better one.
The high output, good specification, and small size make this 70/40 watts hi-fi amplifier more
Circuit description of 70/40 watts hi-fi amplifier
The 70/40 watts hi-fi amplifier circuit is build around transistors, configured in various modes.
The signal to be amplified is given to base of transistor T1 configured as differential amplifier
with T2. Transistor T3 is used to maintain the current of differential amplifier.
Transistor T4 with T5 forms a cascaded pair derived directly by transistor T1. For better result
transistor T6 and T7 again configured as cascaded pair and provide constant current source to
cascade pair T4 and T5 in this amplifier circuit.
Temperature coefficient of transistors T10 and T11 is compensated by transistors T8 and T9
which act like diodes. Transistors T10 with T12 & T14 and transistors T11 with T13 & T15 form
a triple Darlington pairs.
The current through T4 and T5 is kept at a low value of about 6mA because the output of this
circuit consists of triple Darlington pairs. The small change in the VBE of T10 and T11 changes
output current of hi-fi amplifier greatly.
In order to prevent distortion in the 70/40 watts hi-fi amplifier when capacitive loads are
connected to the output, coil L1 is used. Fuse is used to prevent DC voltage across the speaker
and is connected in series to speaker. The total gain of this amplifier circuit is approximate 32
and is value is calculated by (R7 + R8)/R8.
182 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1, R7 = 100 KΩ; R2, R3, R9 = 1.2 KΩ; R4, R5, R6 = 2.7 KΩ/2W; R8 = 4.7 KΩ
R10, R13, R16, R18, R19 = 100 Ω; R11 = 3.3 KΩ; R12, R17 = 680 Ω
R14, R15, R22, R23, R24, R25 = 1 Ω/2W; R20 = 10 Ω/2W; R21 = 1o Ω/1W; VR1 = 100 Ω
C1 = 1 µF/polyester; C2, C3 = 25 µF/25V electrolytic; C4, C8, C9 = o.1 µF polyester
C5 = 10 µF/60V electrolytic; C6 = 4.7 µF/10V electrolytic; C7 = 56 pF ceramic disc
T1, T2, T3 = BC546B; T4 = BC558B; T5, T11 = 2N4033; T6, T10 = 2N3019; T7 = BC548B
T8, T9 = BC147B; T12 = BD140; T13 = BD139; T14 = 2N3055; T15 = MJ2955
ZD1 = 3.3V 400mW zener diode; ZD2 = 3.9V, 400mW zener diode
L1 = Coil having 20 turns of 20 SWG over thin pencil; F1 = 3.5 Ampere fuse
Output power (1 KHz, o.7% THD): 73W into 4-Ω and 44W into 8-Ω
183 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Offset Voltage: Less than ±40mV; Input impedance: 100 KΩ; Harmonic distortion : 0.015%;
Intermodulation distortion (70W): 0.02%; Frequency range: 10 Hz – 30 KHz, ±2dB; Signal-to-
noise ratio (out = 100mW): Over 72dB
Read more http://electronicsproject.org/7040-watts-hi-fi-amplifier/
184 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 1 KΩ; R2 = 100 KΩ; R3 – R30 = 180 Ω; VR1 = 100 KΩ preset
C1 = 4.7 µF; C2 = 1000 µF/10V; C3, C4 = 0.1 µF
IC1 = NE555 (Timer IC); IC¬2 – IC5 = 7490 (Decade and Binary counter)
IC6 – IC9 = 7447 (BCD to 7-segment decoder); IC10 = µA 7805 (Voltage Regulator)
D1 – D¬4 = Display FND 507
Mic1 = Microphone; B1 = Bulb; LDR
Read more http://electronicsproject.org/electronics-counter/
Clock pulse generator:- This section is build around timer IC NE555 and configured as
monostable multivibrator. The trigger pulse generated by transistor T1 is given to pin 2 of IC1
and time period (T) for output high is calculated by formula.
T = 1.1RC
Clock Pulse counter:- This section is build around decade counter CD4017BC which counts the
clock pulse generated by timer IC (IC1). The output from IC1 is given to pin 14 of IC2. IC2 has
ten outputs, viz, o, 1, 2, 3, 4…..9. Here we use only three outputs i.e. output 1, 2 and 3 from pin
2, 4, and 7 respectively. Output 4 from pin 10 is directly connected to reset pin 15.
Load operator:- This section is build around three transistor as relay driver to operate three
separate relay. Output from each pin of IC2 is given to base of each transistor through 100Ω and
LED as shown in circuit diagram. Output is taken from collector of transistor and is connected to
relay. The three LEDs used to indicate gear or speed i.e. LED1, LED2 & LED3 indicates gear 1,
gear 2 & gear 3 respectively.
NOTE:-This circuit used to operate in 1st speed similarly, 2nd clap for 2nd speed, 3rd clap for
3rd speed and 4th clap to switch off the fan.
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 10 KΩ; R2 = 1.2 MΩ; R3 = 2.2 KΩ; R4 = 150 KΩ; R5 = 220 KΩ; R6 = 10 KΩ; R7, R8,
R9 = 100 Ω
C1, C2 = 0.1 µF/16V; C3 = 4.7 µF/16V; C4 = 0.01 µF (ceramic disc); C5 = 1000 µF/12V
186 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
IC1 = NE555 (Timer IC); IC2 = CD4017BE (decade counter); T1 = BC148; T2, T3, T4 =
BEL187; D1, D2 = 1N4001 silicon diode
MIC1 = Condenser microphone 34LOD; LED1 = Green; LED2 = yellow; LED3 = RED
6V-0V-6V, 500mA secondary transformer
Read more http://electronicsproject.org/clap-operated-remote-control-for-fans/
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
VR1 = 10 Kohms Variable Resistor for changing the sensitivity of the circuit.
R3, R7, R8 = 470 Ω; R2 = 33 K Ω ; R4 = 560 Ω; R5 = 47 KΩ; R6 = 2.2 KΩ
C1 = 10 µF/16V; C2 = 0.04 µF; C3 = 0.01 µF
IC1 = NE555 (timer IC); T1 = BC548; T2 = BC558
187 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
T3 = SL100B or any Medium power general purpose NPN transistor like: 2N4922 ,
2N4921,2N4238, FCX1053A
D1 = 1N4001
TH1 = Thermistor 10 KΩ
LS1 = 8 Ω, 1W speaker
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 390 Ω; R2 = 680 Ω; R3 = 39 Ω/1W; R4 = 27 KΩ; R5 = 47 KΩ; R6 = 3.3 KΩ; R7 = 100
Ω/1W; VR1, VR2 = 20 KΩ
188 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
C1 = 0.001 µF (ceramic disc)
C2 = 0.01 µF (ceramic disc)
C3 = 4.7 µF/25V (Electrolytic )
IC1 = NE555 timer IC
T1 = SL100 or any Medium power general purpose NPN transistor like: 2N4922 ,
2N4921,2N4238, FCX1053A
ZD1 = 5.6 V/1W
SW1 = On/off switch
1.5V*8 AA cells
Mobile connector
R1=2.2K; R2=10K; R3=680 Ohm; R4=1.2 K; R5=10K , 0.5W
T1= BC147B; T2=SL100
189 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
C1=470μ 35V; C2=1μ 40V
D1=LED; D2 -D5=1N4001
S1=ON/OFF Switch; X1=12V-0-12V Transformer
Volt Meter 30V
Probe 2 pieces
Here we used the 12-0-12 step-down 500mA power transformer. The output of the transformer is
supply to the bridge rectifier made of D2 , D3, D4, D5 which is use to convert the Ac supply to
the DC supply. Capacitor C1 is used as a filter the DC output. We used 470 μF capacitor but
you can used any. More the value of capacitor more pure DC can be obtained. Resistor R2 of
2.2K is used as bleeder. Here you can see the transistor T1 [BC147B] and transistor T2 [SL100]
are use for regulator compressor. The DC output is fed to these transistors. T1 acts as a series
pass driver or a current regulator. Base bias for transistor T1 is achieved from the supply through
resistor R3 of 680 ohms as resistor R2 of 10k is a base bleeder and capacitor C2 1 μF filters
base potential. When the test probe is fully open with no zener connected, the base potential of
transistor T1 is around 32V that is across resistor R4 or capacitor C2.
Transistor T1 [BC147B] provides the base potential for transistor T2 [SL100] which acts as a
series pass regulator, providing the net DC voltage equivalent to T1 base potential which is fed
to the voltmeter.
Now, the voltmeter reads around 30V with no zener diode connected across the probe. When a
zener diode is connected across the test probe, the base potential of transistor T1 falls to zener
diode breakdown voltage. With this, the base potentials for transistor T2 and transistor T1
become equal. The meter now shows the actual zener voltage. An adjustment of 0.6 V can be
done on the meter scale by shifting the needle with zero adjustment screw on the meter.
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 100 KΩ; R2 = 39 KΩ; R3 = 2.2 KΩ; R4 = 680 Ω; R5 = 100 Ω; VR1 = 4.7 KΩ; VR2 = 10
C1 = 27 KPF (273); C2, C4 = 2.2 µF/16 V; C3 = 22 µF/16 V; C5, C10 = 100 µF/16 V; C6 = 10
µF/16 V; C7 = 100 KPF (104); C8 = 47 KPF (473); C9 = 220 µF/16 V
T1 = BC147B; IC1 = LM386 power amplifier
L1 = Pick up Coil
Speaker 8Ω
SW1 = On/Off switch
190 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
294. Sound Pressure Meter
Here is a simple circuit of “Sound Pressure Meter” to check the pressure of sound. An am-meter
of few micro-amperes is used in its output in order to show the deflection corresponding to
intensity of sound.
Circuit description
The circuit sound pressure meter utilizes a microphone, an operational amplifier, and a moving
coil am-meter. Microphone pick-up the sound to be measured and change it into electrical signal
corresponding to intensity of sound. The output of microphone is given to pin 2 of IC1 (TLC272)
through bipolar capacitor C1, where IC1 is a 2-operational amplifier. Variable resistor VR1 is
used to select the amplification power connected to pin 1 and 2. The reference voltage is given to
non-inverting pin (pin 3) of IC1 through resistor R3 and R4. As TLC272 (IC1) is a combination
of two individual operational amplifier, so for further amplification of half voltage of voltage at
non-inverting input (pin 3) second operational amplifier is used.
A moving coil am-meter of 30 µA range having internal resistance of 6.5 KΩ is used in its
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 10 KΩ; R2 = 220 Ω; R3, R4 = 100 KΩ; R5 = 8.2 KΩ; VR1 = 500 KΩ (preset)
C1 = 10 µF/40V; C2 = 470 µF/16V; C3 = 4.7 µF/63V; C4 = 15 pF; C5 = 100 KpF
IC1 = TLC272 (2-operational amplifier); D1 – D4 = BAT85; D5 = 1N4148
SW1 = On/Off switch; M1 = 30 µA/6.5 KΩ (am-meter); MIC1 = MCE2000
191 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
295. Sound Operated Light
While living in rent or in hostel the problem like stealing is often in absent time. Here is the
circuit of simple and inexpensive sound – operated light to overcome this type of problem which
can turn on the light when someone claps, or tries to open your door or even inserts a key in the
door lock. The switching of light is alternately i.e. light on by one sound pulse and off by
another. It is also called clap operated light or clap switch.
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1 = 22 KΩ; R2, R5 = 1 KΩ; R3 = 470 Ω; R4 = 10 KΩ; VR1 = 10 KΩ
C1 = 0.1 µF; C2 = 470 µF/35V
IC1 = µA741 (operational amplifier); IC2 = CD4027; T1 = 2N2222; D1, D2 = 1N4001
X1 = 230V AC primary to 0-9V, 250 mA secondary transformer
(110V AC primary to 0-9V, 250 mA secondary transformer)
RL1 = 12V, 200Ω, 1C/O Relay
SW1 = ON/OFF Switch
F1 = Fuse, MIC = Condenser Microphone, Bulb 230V, 60W (110V, 60W)
192 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
296. Solar Tracking System
Generally, solar panels are stationary and do not follow the movement of the sun. Here is a solar
tracker system that tracks the sun’s movement across the sky and tries to maintain the solar panel
perpendicular to the sun’s rays, ensuring that the maximum amount of sunlight is incident on the
panel throughout the day. The solar tracker starts following the sun right from dawn, throughout
the day till evening, and starts all over again from the dawn next day.
193 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
Fig. 1 shows the circuit of the solar tracking system. The solar tracker comprises comparator IC
LM339, H-bridge motor driver IC L293D (IC2) and a few discrete components. Light-dependent
resistors LDR1 through LDR4 are used as sensors to detect the panel’s position relative to the
sun. These provide the signal to motor driver IC2 to move the solar panel in the sun’s direction.
LDR1 and LDR2 are fixed at the edges of the solar panel along the X axis, and connected to
comparators A1 and A2, respectively. Presets VR1 and VR2 are set to get low comparator output
at pins 2 and 1 of comparators A1 and A2, respectively, so as to stop motor M1 when the sun’s
rays are perpendicular to the solar panel.
When LDR2 receives more light than LDR1, it offers lower resistance than LDR1, providing a
high input to comparators A1 and A2 at pins 4 and 7, respectively. As a result, output pin 1 of
comparator A2 goes high to rotate motor M1 in one direction (say, anti-clockwise) and turn the
solar panel.
When LDR1 receives more light than LDR2, it offers lower resistance than LDR2, giving a low
input to comparators A1 and A2 at pins 4 and 7, respectively. As the voltage at pin 5 of
comparator A1 is now higher than the voltage at its pin 4, its output pin 2 goes high. As a result,
motor M1 rotates in the opposite direction (say, clock-wise) and the solar panel turns.
Similarly, LDR3 and LDR4 track the sun along Y axis. Fig. 2 shows the proposed assembly for
the solar tracking system.
For more detail visit…
194 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
297. Simple Key-Operated Gate Locking System
This simple key-operated gate locking system allows only those persons who know the preset
code to open the gate. The code is to be entered from the keypad within the preset time to operate
the motor fitted in the gate. If anyone trying to open the gate presses a wrong key in the keypad,
the system is disabled and, at the same time, sounds an alarm to alert you of an unauthorised
Figs 1 and 2 show the block and circuit diagrams of the key-operated code locking system,
respectively. Connect points A, B, C, D, E, F and ground of the circuit to the respective points of
the keypad. Keys S7, S16, S14 and S3 are used here for code entry, and the remaining keys are
used for disabling the system. It is very important to press the keys in that order to form the code.
To start the motor of the gate, press switches S7, S16, S14 and S3 sequentially. If the keys are
pressed in a different order from the preset order, the system will lock automatically and the
motor will not start.
Initially, 6V is not available at pin 14 of AND gate IC6, so no pulse reaches the base of npn
transistor T1 to trigger timer IC5 and, as a result, the gate doesn’t open. To enable the system,
first you have to trigger IC4. Pressing switch S7 triggers timer IC4 to provide 6V to IC6 for
approximately 17 seconds. Within this time, you have to press switches S16, S14 and S3
sequentially. As a result, the outputs of timers IC1, IC2 and IC3 sequentially go high. These high
outputs are further given to gates N1 and N2 of IC6 to trigger IC7 via npn transistor T1. The time
durations for the high outputs of IC1, IC2 and IC3 are preset at 13.5, 9.43 and 2.42 seconds,
When all the four switches (S7, S16, S14 and S3) are pressed sequentially, timer IC7 triggers to
start the motor for the preset period to open the gate. Once the time elapses, the motor stops
automatically. The ‘on’ time for the motor can be selected by adjusting preset VR5. Here, the
minimum ‘on’ time is 5.17 seconds and the maximum ‘on’ time is 517 seconds.
If a switch other than S7, S16, S14 and S3 is pressed, IC5 triggers to energise relay RL1, which
disconnects the power supply of the second relay and the system gets locked and piezobuzzer
PZ1 sounds an alarm to alert you that somebody is trying to open the gate lock.
Now to stop the sound and reset the system again press any key (other than S7, S16, S14 and S3)
from the keypad.
The circuit works off 6V DC regulated power supply and can be easily assembled on a general-
purpose PCB.
195 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
For more detail visit
The second part of the circuit comprises popular IC UM3561 (a siren and machine-gun sound
generator IC), which can produce the sound of a fire-brigade siren. Pin numbers 5 and 6 of the IC
are connected to the +3V supply when the relay is in energised state, whereas pin 2 is grounded.
196 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
A resistor (R2) connected across pins 7 and 8 is used to fix the frequency of the inbuilt oscillator.
The output is available from pin 3.
Two transistors BC147 (T3) and BEL187 (T4) are connected in Darlington configuration to
amplify the sound from UM3561. Resistor R4 in series with a 3V zener is used to provide the 3V
supply to UM3561 when the relay is in energised state. LED1, connected in series with 68-ohm
resistor R1 across resistor R4, glows when the siren is on.
To test the working of the circuit, bring a burning match stick close to transistor T1 (BC109),
which causes the resistance of its emitter-collector junction to go low due to a rise in temperature
and it starts conducting. Simultaneously, transistor T2 also conducts because its base is
connected to the collector of transistor T1. As a result, relay RL1 energises and switches on the
siren circuit to produce loud sound of a fire brigade siren.
Lab note. We have added a table to enable readers to obtain all possible sound effects by
returning pins 1 and 2 as suggested in the table.
Some manual stabilisers available in the market incorporate the high-voltage auto-cut-off facility
to turn off the load when the output voltage of manual stabiliser exceeds a certain preset high
voltage limit. The output voltage may become high due to the rise in AC mains voltage or due to
improper selection by the rotary switch on manual stabiliser.
One of the major disadvantages of using a manual stabiliser in areas with a wide range of voltage
fluctuations is that one has to keep a watch on the manual stabiliser’s output voltage that is
197 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
displayed on a voltmeter and keep changing the same using its rotary switch. Or else, the output
voltage may reach the preset auto-cut- off limit to switch off the load without the user’s
knowledge. To turn on the load again, one has to readjust the stabiliser voltage using its rotary
switch. Such operation is very irritating and inconvenient for the user.
This under-/over-voltage audio alarm circuit designed as an add-on circuit for the existing
manual stabilisers overcomes the above problem. Whenever the stabiliser’s output voltage falls
below a preset low-level voltage or rises above a preset high-level voltage, it produces different
beep sounds for ‘high’ and ‘low’ voltage levels—short-duration beeps with short intervals
between successive beeps for ‘high’ voltage level and slightly longer duration beeps with longer
interval between successive beeps for ‘low’ voltage level. By using these two different types of
beep sounds one can readily read just the stabiliser’s AC voltage output with the help of the
rotary switch. There is no need of frequently checking voltmeter reading.
It is advisable to preset the high-level voltage 10V to 20V less than the required high-voltage
limit for auto-cut-off operation. Similarly, for low level one may preset low-level AC voltage
20V to 30V above minimum operating voltage for a given load.
The primary winding terminals of step-down transformer X1 are connected to the output
terminals of the manual stabiliser. Thus, 9V DC available across capacitor C1 will vary in
accordance with the voltage available at the output terminals of the manual stabiliser, which is
used to sense high or low voltage in this circuit.
Transistor T1 in conjunction with zener diode ZD1 and preset VR1 is used to sense and adjust
the high-voltage level for beep indication. Similarly, transistor T2 along with zener ZD2 and
preset VR2 is used to sense and adjust low voltage level for beep indication.
When the DC voltage across capacitor C1 rises above the preset high-level voltage or falls below
the preset low-level voltage, the collector of transistor T2 becomes high due to non-conduction
of transistor T2, in either case. However, if the DC voltage sampled across C1 is within the
preset high- and low-level voltage, transistor T2 conducts and its collector voltage gets pulled to
the ground level. These changes in the collector voltage of transistor T2 are used to start or stop
oscillations in the astable multivibrator circuit that is built around transistors T3 and T4. The
collector of transistor T4 is connected to the base of buzzer driver transistor T5 through resistor
R8. Thus when the collector voltage of transistor T4 goes high, the buzzer sounds. Preset VR3 is
used to control the volume of buzzer sound.
In normal condition, the DC voltage sampled across capacitor C1 is within the permissible
window voltage zone. The base of transistor T3 is pulled low due to conduction of diode D2 and
transistor T2. As a result, capacitor C2 is discharged. The astable multivibrator stops oscillating
and transistor T4 starts conducting because transistor T3 is in cut-off state. No beep sound is
heard in the buzzer due to conduction of transistor T4 and non-conduction of transistor T5.
When the DC voltage across capacitor C1 goes above or below the window voltage level,
transistor T2 is cut off. Its collector voltage goes high and diode D2 stops conducting. Thus there
is no discharge path for capacitor C2 through diode D2. The astable multivibrator starts beep is
198 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
heard and the time interval between two successive beeps are achieved with the help of the DC
supply voltage, which is low during low-level voltage sampling and high during high-level
voltage sampling. The time taken for charging capacitors C2 and C3 is less when the DC voltage
is high and slightly greater when the DC voltage is low for astable multivibrator operation. Thus
during low level voltage sensing the buzzer beeps for successive beeps compared to that during
high-voltage level sensing.
This circuit can be added to any existing stabiliser (automatic or manual) or UPS to monitor its
Up to nine separate alert rings are considered here. The count displayed is the number of times
the watchman failed to register his presence. The mobile phone records the called number and
call time, and it can be used with the displayed count to get the timing details.
199 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
The telephone lines (TIP and RING) Counter 74LS192 (IC7) is reset to zero state by making its
reset pin 14 high through reset switch S1. The 7-segment, common-anode display DIS1 is driven
through IC 74LS47 (IC8). When the phone rings, count ‘1’ is displayed after nearly one minute.
This happens if the watchman fails to focus the torchlight beam on LDR1.
If LDR1 receives light from the torch of the watchman within the allowed time period, the down
clock remains high until the up clock is high. The counter counts up and then down, so, in effect,
the count remains unchanged.
All components, except LDR1, are kept in a sealed cabinet with locking arrangement. Only
LDR1 is wall-mounted and visible outside. This is done to avoid manual resetting of the counter.
The circuit is to be powered by a battery to avoid resetting of the count during power failure.
The working procedure can be summarised as follows:
1. Initially, when the power supply is switched on, power-on-reset components C8 and R13 reset
counter IC7 and the display shows ‘0.’
2. Now dial the telephone number (where parallel system is installed) from outside or from your
mobile. For the first ring, relay RL1 energises and alert lamp L1 glows.
200 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
4. If the watchman focuses the torch-light beam on LDR1 within the glowing time of alert lamp
L1, the counter first counts up and then counts down and finally the display shows 0. This
indicates that the watchman is present.
5. If the watchman focuses the torch-light beam on LDR1 after alert lamp L1 goes off, up-
counting takes place and the display shows ‘1.’ This indicates that the watchman is absent.
201 | P a g e B y S u m a n D e b n a t h
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