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1984 Hyperdoc

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1984: The

Of The Self
● George Orwell is the pen
name of Eric Arthur Blair,
born in 1903 in Motihari,
Bengal, India, during the
time of the British
colonial rule.
● “George Orwell” was the
pen name of Eric Blair.
● He strongly opposed Stalin
and Hitler -- he was very
outspoken during WWII.
● Published in 1949 in a
country called Oceania

● Written as a warning against


About 1984 ● It is a dystopian novel that

depicts an alternate reality
worse than the one we live

● “Its depiction of a state

where daring to think
differently is rewarded with
torture, where people are
monitored every second of
the day, and where party
propaganda trumps free
speech and thought is a
sobering reminder of the
evils of unaccountable
governments” (Lowne).
Inside The World
Of 1984
Inanimate Anachronism:

Infuse: Revelation: Repercussion:

Vocab! Find an image for each of

Pre Reading Questions
● Has there ever been a time when you felt like
your identity was being suppressed?
● Write down all the ways you feel you are
controlled and explain how.
● In what ways are we watched and monitored today?
● Explain all the ways in which a person can
manipulate someone to get him/her to follow them.
● Give examples of how people use their positions
of power to persuade others to follow them.
1984 Resources

Thug Notes Videos

https://www.youtube. https://www.youtube.
com/watch?v=zeMlOQsu com/watch?v=GQxOKXEf
2zM f4I

Crash Course

Part One Link

Part Two Link
Post Reading Questions

● 1. Choose three primary

character traits to describe
Winston.Choose one quote to
demonstrate each choice and
explain why you chose this.
● 2. Why is it important that
Winston has started to write
Part One a journal? Whatis the
significance ofwriting in this
Chapter One ● 3. Explainthe purpose of a
● 4. Explain the “two minutes
hate.” Who is Goldstein? How
do the Party Members react
to him?
1984.pdf ● 5. Who is O’Brien? What does
w.planetebook Winston feel abouthim?
1984 The Movie
What is a
Part One Chapters
How did Julia contact
Winston, and what was Describe where Winston
the effect of this works and what Winston
contact for Winston? does for a living.

Describe Newspeak? What Describe the Party’s

is the purpose of rules and attitudes
Newspeak? How does Syme towards sex and marriage.
feel about Newspeak?
Take out your identity web again.
In 1984 we see society dictate the
identity of the characters. Next to
each category on your identity
circle write if society has placed
power or less power on that

Identity Web Comparison

Identity Circle Questions
Have you ever felt
like anyone has tried What would life be like if

to control or take we lived in a society
01 away any aspect of with no individualism
your identity?
You can describe the You can describe the
topic of the section here topic of the section here

What parts of
How has society

Winston’s identity
shaped your
can be seen in the
You can describe the You can describe the
topic of the section here topic of the section here
Part Two Chapter I

1) What is written 2) What are the 3) Winton 5) Where do they

on the piece of two possibilities considers how to meet?
paper the girl Winston believes meet with the 6) Who is in
gives Winston at are behind the girl. What are two control of their
work? piece of paper? ideas he dismisses meetings? Give
and what does he evidence.
finally decide to
Part Two
1) Where did Julia get the
Chapter II
2) When Julia asks Winston
what he thought of her
before that day, how does
he respond?

3) Give a short summary of

this chapter
Part Two
Chapters IV, V,
Who is Mr. Charrington Julia shows up with
and VI and where do Julia and
Winston now meet?
groceries. Where did she
get them?

Describe the paperweight

(p152). Why does Winston Describe some of the
like it? How is the details of Syme’s
paperweight like a disappearance?
metaphor for their

List 5 non-violent Under what pretense are

preparations being made Winston and O’brien
for Hate Week. meeting?
3) List 3 acts of
violence likely
engineered by the Party
for Hate Week.
Part Three Chapters I and II
● Winston notices a stark difference between the
way Party prisoners behave and are treated and
common prisoners. List these differences.
● Make a list of the things that Winston confesses
● What does O’brien say is wrong with Winston?
● Winston thinks: That was doublethink. To what is
he referring.
Part Three Chapters IV,V, and VI
● IV) How has Winston
● VI) Where is
has changed
Winston in this
physically and
mentally since he
● V. How does Winston ● VI) What, according
last saw O’brien.
save himself? to the last couple
Use evidence and
sentences of the
some quotations to
book, has happened
support your
to Winston?

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