Gulrajani-1992-Review of Progress in Coloration and Related Topics
Gulrajani-1992-Review of Progress in Coloration and Related Topics
Gulrajani-1992-Review of Progress in Coloration and Related Topics
Degumming of silk
76 2,193
1 author:
Mohan Gulrajani
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
All content following this page was uploaded by Mohan Gulrajani on 22 July 2021.
22 1992 79
Table 2 Amino acid composition of sericin fractions, whole being a resinous polymer present on the surface, is com-
sericin and fibroln paratively easily accessible to degumming chemicals.
The typical chemical composition of the fibroin and
Sericin fraction (mot Yo) sericin given in Table 2shows that the three major amino
acids in fibroin are glycine, alanine and serine; while
Amino Whole
acid I II Ill IV seric in Fibroin those of sericin are serine, aspartic acid and glycine, with
threonine also present in significant amounts.
Theoretically the method of degumming should be
Gly 13.21 12.81 15.69 11.89 13.49 43.7
Ala 4.68 6.69 6.68 9.30 5.97 28.8 based on the attack of the degumming agent on the
Val 2.97 2.21 3.21 4.16 2.75 2.2 specific peptide bonds formed by the major amino acids
Leu 0.86 0.96 1.27 6.26 1.14 0.51 of sericin. However, the various methods of degumming
Ile 0.59 0.57 0.85 3.50 0.72 0.71
0.68 0.31
have been developed through empirical observations
Pro 0.58 0.63 0.66 2.75
Phe 0.45 0.44 0.50 2.83 0.53 0.61 and their mechanisms have not been established.
Trv 0.19 0.20 0.25 0.23 0.21
0.17 0.15 0.12 0 0.1 5 Extraction with water
0.04 0.04 0.04 0.12 0.04
34.03 36.64 28.15 12.40 33.43 11.9 Extraction with water under pressure at 115°C has been
10.34 8.48 11.36 7.25 9.74 0.9 used by various investigators to isolate sericin from fibroin
2.53 2.43 3.15 2.45 2.61 5.1 and classify it into different fractions [5,6,13]. However,
16.94 16.95 16.13 12.64 16.71 1.3
4.73 3.64 4.09 11.32 4.42 1.0 this process has not been seriously considered commer-
3.20 2.65 3.68 3.93 3.10 0.46 cially. Some workers believe that sericin is soluble in hot
1.25 1.22 1.49 1.87 1.30 0.16 water while others feel it is hydrolysed.
3.28 3.29 2.64 7.11 3.30 0.31
The initial dissolution characteristics of sericin also
depend on the quality of ripening of cocoons [14]. The
sericin in unripe cocoons develops a crystalline structure
Table 3 Properties of sericin fractionated with hot water
(p structure) at high temperatures and high humidities,
and has inferior dissolution characteristics [15,16].
During the reeling process silk cocoons are kept in a
Sericin hot water bath at 50-60°C, with the result about 1-3%
Whole sericin is solubilised in water [17]. Subsequent heating of
I II Ill IV sericin raw silk yarn in water at high temperatures for varying
time periods results in gradual removal of sericin [18].By
Content (“10) 41.0 38.6 17.6 3.1 100
autoclaving in water at 115°C for 180 min about 96%
Dissolution rate sericin can be solubilised. It is suggested that for complete
coefficient 5.33 1.76 0.70 0.22 removal of sericin it is necessary to extract the silk yarn
Moisture regain (Yo) 16.7 16.2 15.7 14.7 16.3
Specific gravity 1.400 1.403 1.408 1.412 1.407
Crystallinity (7’) 3.0 18.2 32.5 37.6 15.06 of silk in water at high temperature causes a considerable
lowering of viscosity and increase in amino group con-
tent of the fibre [20].
VOLUME22 1992
@) Monopol soap, made from sulphonated castor or Toyoda has concluded that the use of alkalis with soap
linseed oil, containing 6 5 7 5 %fatty anhydrides, 3% seems better than soap alone; silk may remain as long as
combined alkali, 1 2 1 5 % water and no free alkali 1 h in 0.001 mom sodium hydroxide or 0.0033 molfl
(c) Marseilles soap, made from olive oil containing 60- sodium carbonate in conjunction with soap without any
63% fatty anhydrides, 7% combined alkali, 2 6 3 0 % injury to the fibre [38].Hillman argues that the efficacy of
water and up to 2.3%free sodium hydroxide. an alkali-containing soap degumming bath has been
much exaggerated [35]. According to this investigator
Besides these requirements the soap used fordegumming certain electrolytes may, without increasing the pH of the
should be neutral, readily soluble in water and free from bath to a point that would be considered dangerous,
colouring matter. have a very deleterious action on the strength of the silk,
The quantity of soap required for complete degumming e.g. a bath of 0.75% soap and 0.75% sodium carbonate,
depends a great deal upon the nature and type of silk. having pH 10.2, caused a loss of 30% in the tensile
Generally 20-30% soap on the weight of material is used strength of one sample.
[21,23,30],which works out at 6-7 gfl for a liquor ratio of In a recent study Brzezinski and Malinowska reported
3040:l. A degumming time of 90 to 120 min a t the boil is that degumming in a liquor containing 4 gfl Marseilles
considered sufficient. Hougen has given a general rela- soap and soda or sodium silicate of pH 9.5-10 for 15 min
tionship (31) (Eqn 1): at 98°C can be beneficial economically (material, energy
and water consumption, and labour requirement) and in
log K = 2.236 - 8.21N" terms of quality [37].
As stated above, degumming is many times referred to
whereKis thedegurnmingcoefficientandN"istheinitial as 'boiling-off' of silk; however, i t has been observed that
normality of the soap solution. According to this investi- silk degummed at 90°C has a superior colour and feel to
gator the most rapid rate of degumming occurs at a that treated at the boil (261. Fermazin has reported that an
normality of 0.053 N. The rate of degumming was found emulsion of pine oil in aqueous soap solution at about
to be three times faster at 93°C than at 82°C. 80°C produces a degummed silldacetate blended fabric
The commonly practised single-bath boiling-off having uniform lustre, without affecting the strength of
method works out to be very expensive. Methods of the substrate [41]. In the case of yarns, a foam method of
recovery of soap from spent baths have not been com- degumming has been found to be better, since it requires
mercially successful. The use of standing baths is recom- less time and eliminates excessive handling of the yarn,
mended to offset the high cost of soap. Standing baths thereby avoiding damage [21].
have their own drawbacks of accumulated sericin, oily Degumming of silk with a solution containing 2 @l
scum, colouring matter and fatty acid portions of soap, soap, 0.5 gfl sodium carbonate and 1 s/l detergent can be
affecting the quality and efficiency of the process. carried out over 30-60 min at 50°C in an electromagnetic
In order to eliminate these drawbacks, processes have field [42].
been developed whereby silk is boiled-off first in a par- Soaps hydrolyse in water at high temperature to give
tially exhausted soap liquor, and finished in a bath of free alkali and 'acid soap', i.e. the fatty component of the
fresh soap. In operation this system approximates a soap. Hart observed that, when raw silk is immersed in a
countercurrent flow of silk and soap liquor. Raw silk is solution of soap, there was a marked decrease in the
about 75%degummed in the'used' or partially exhausted concentration of alkali in the solution [43]. This was
soap liquor. Soap additions are made as reinforcement attributed to sorption of alkali by the substrate and inter-
after each strip. The bath is generally discarded after action of sericin with alkali. Tsunokaye postulated that
eight lots. Presteeping in lukewarm soap solution for 2 the degumming action of soap solution is due to alkali
to 12 h improves the lustre of the yarn [30,32]. formed on hydrolysis and that the soaps which hydro-
The addition of alkali to soap solution increases the lyse the most have the greatest degurnming power (Table
rate of degumming [33], and has been found to make the 4) [44]. Stockhausen has confirmed this observation (451.
process economical since the quantity of soap and the Fibroin also absorbs 'acid soap'. The absorbed alkali and
time required are reduced. Leggis has reported that a 'acid soap', which amount to about 1%of the silk, cause
high-grade olive oil soap liquor gives a starting pH of 9.2- variation in colour, lustre, elasticity, strength, elongation
9.5, which rapidly drops to 8.5 [34]; addition of alkali and scrooping properties.
tends to maintain pH at the effective point. Alkalis rec- In a subsequent study Tsunokaye has shown that
ommended for addition to soap solution include sodium excess alkali in the hydrolysed soap diminishes the lus-
silicate [3537], sodium sesquicarbonate [36],sodium car- tre, strength and elasticity of degummed silk, i.e. the
bonate 137,381, sodium phosphate [37], sodium hydrox- soaps that hydrolyse the most also effect the lustre [46].
ide [35,37,38] and a buffer mixture of sodium carbonate According to Takahashi absorbed fatty acid (i.e. acid
and sodium bisulphite (271. It has been observed that soap) protects silk from the action of alkali and also
with up to 0.18% free alkali no weakening of the fibre retards the rate of degumming [47]. Retained fatty acids
occurs 1391; however, the resultant silkacquires a yellow- increase the elasticity of the silk as well. Furthermore,
ish tinge 1401. soaps from unsaturated fatty acids or oils retain a better
VOLUME22 1992 81
Table 4 Relationship between degree of hydrolysis of soaps danger of chemical damage rapidly increases. De-
and degumming loss
gumming is very slow and incomplete at pH values
below 8.4 [62].
Degree of Degumming In order to maintain the desired pH, buffer solutions
Kind of soap hydrolysis (%) loss (%) are recommended. Some of the buffers investigated are:
potassium carbonate/sodium bicarbonate [63], sodium
Tallow 51.8 18 38 carbonate/sodium bicarbonate [64,65],sodium hydrogen
Olive oil 60.0 18.60 phosphate/trisodium phosphate (651 and potassium
Coconut oil 28.8 16.77
Caster oil 16.5 13.42 tetraborateboric acid [66,67]. Sodium carbonatehodium
Arachis oil 55.0 18.23 bicarbonate is the most widely investigated buffer and is
Soya bean oil 60.0 18.71 sometimes prepared by mixing soda ash with a calcu-
Cotton seed oil 61 .O 18.24
Chrysalis oil 53.0 18.03
lated amount of sodium bisulphite.
Sodium caprylate 0.75 3.09 It has been reported that the rate of degumming de-
Sodium laurate 1.25 7.15 pends not only on the pH but also on the total concentra-
Sodium myristate 14.25 7.51 tion of electrolytesin thebuffersolution [64].For instance,
Sodium palmitate 38.0
Sodium stearate 59.75 19.44 it takes 20 min to degum silk at a temperature of 95°C in
Sodium arachidate 62.50 20.30 a 0.05 moVl carbonatebicarbonate solution with a pH of
Sodium oleate 42.40 19.30 10.0, while for a 0.025 mom solution the time required is
Sodium ricinoleate 10.30 12.10
30 min and for a 0.01 mom solution it is 60 min. Decorn-
position of fibroin also increases with increase in normal-
ity of the carbonatehicarbonate solution at the same pH.
lustre on the silk than do soaps produced from saturated Degumming with alkalis alone results in silk with very
fatty acids. Olive oil soap is considered particularly suit- poor wetting properties. However, if a nonionic surface-
able for silk degumming because of its low degree of active agent is introduced along with the alkalis the
hydrolysis, which gives better lustre. wetting properties improve considerably without affect-
ing the rate of degumming [65]. Either the surface-active
Degumming with alkalis agent is sorbed by the substrate or it removes the wax and
Boiling in aqueous solution of (alkaline) ash of certain fatty matter, thereby improving the wetting. This aspect
woods was perhaps one of the most common methods of has not been thoroughly investigated (68,691. However,
degumming before soap became available. Soaps score various workers have recommended the use of synthetic
over alkalis because of their surface-active properties. surface-active agents with alkalis, including: alkyl aryl
However, as stated earlier, soap-based methods are rela- sodium sulphonate [36,51,52], ethylene oxide conden-
tively expensive. The alkali-based methods improve sate (Geropon BPM) (611, polyoxyethylene alkyl ethers
labour productivity and machine efficiency by cutting (54,701, polyethylene glycol ethers (C8-Clh) [55].
the cost of chemicals as well as by reducing the time of The presence of salts in water enhances the degrada-
treatment from 90-120 min to 10-30 min. tion of silk being treated with alkalis owing to the distri-
Alkalis should not be used alone in boiling-off silk bution of ions in external and internal phases according
since they leave the stock dirty yellowish, thin and harsh to Donnan membrane theory. Addition of salt to an
[48).The best compromise is achieved by using mixture alkaline solution in which negatively charged fibroin is
of soap and alkalis. Developments in synthetic surface- present increases the concentration of hydroxyl groups
active agents has revived interest in alkali-based in the internal phase, which in turn attack the fibroin.
degumming processes and agents. Lowering of viscosity of silk is more pronounced in the
Various alkalis have been investigated for use as presence of calcium salts [61].Addition of metal-chelating
degumming agents. They include sodium hydroxide agents such as sodium hydrogen pyrophosphate pre-
[37,49-511, sodium carbonate [36,37,48,51-561, potassium vents the damage of the silk during degumming with
carbonate [50], sodium silicate [36,37,51,57], trisodium alkalis [71]. The effect of sodium pyrophosphate, sodium
phosphate [37,49,53,54,56,58], sodium pyrophosphate tripolyphosphate and EDTA as degumming aids has
[59], sodium bicarbonate [60), borax [49], ammonia [49] been evaluated by Lee, Song and Chung [72].
and salts of weak acids, such as silicic, boric (611 and Thus a specially formulated composition for de-
stannicacid. Hall has observed that the rate of degumming gumming silk comprises a liquid alkaline mixture con-
decreases in the following order: caustic soda > sodium taining synthetic polymer, protective agent for silk,
carbonate > sodium silicate > trisodium phosphate > sequestrant, wetting or emulsifying agent, buffer salts,
borax > sodium bicarbonate [a]. Sodium carbonate was alkali and water (731. Miltopan SE (Henkel) is reported to
the most preferred alkali. be based on the above-mentioned composition [74]. It
Mosher established that the pH of the boil-off bath in penetrates the sericin very quickly and evenly, and hy-
alkaline degumming should be maintained between 9.5 drolyses it completely while additives present protect the
and 10.5 (481. Below pH 9.5 the rate of degumming is too fibroin. It is claimed that the degurnming bath can be
slow, with a risk of mechanical damage; above 10.5 the reused several times, and that one-bath degumming and
bleaching or degumming and dyeing is feasible. As com- Degumming in acidic solutions
pared with soap, Miltopan SE offers following advan- Since degumming is traditionally carried out in alkaline
tages [75,76]: solutions, the process in acidic solutions has not received
(a) Degumming time is reduced to between a quarter much attention. A process of degumming with dilute
and a fifth hydrochloric acid was patented in 1886 (BP 1896)[4] and
@ j Despite the higher pH value (11.0-11.5) as compared later investigated by Takahashi [82]. Investigations car-
with soap, the fibroin is not damaged ried out by Viktorov and co-workers have shown that
(c) Processing cost is considerably reduced organic acids (acetic, formic, lactic) are not effective in
(d) Hard water up to 26"German can be used. eliminating sericin, and therefore only strong mineral
acids (sulphuric and hydrochloric) are suitable for this
Another commercial degumming product, P-400, was purpose [83].They concluded that complete degumming
originally developed in the early 1970s in the Silk Re- of silk with these acids cannot be achieved without
search Laboratory in Lyons and later patented and mar- considerable harm to the fibroin.
keted by Hepatex AG. It is based on a synthetic soap and Mosher has observed that two phases of effective
is claimed to offer the same benefits over conventional degumming occur at different pH values: an alkaline
soap as those advanced for Miltopan SE [77,78]. Other plateau between 9.5 and 10.5 and an acidic sector be-
commercial products found suitable for degumming of tween 1.5 and 2 [%]. He has also pointed out that drastic
silk are Sopajet L (Indifar), Setafin (Henkel), Idrosolvan alkaline treatments may prove harmful to silk, while
9 0 (Bozzeto) and Serilan PCS (ROTA) [79]. acidic treatments are comparatively safe. It has been
Initially it was thought that alkaline degumming con- claimed that degumming at pH 1.0-2.9 gives a product
sists of the following stages [47]: superior in tensile properties to that obtained by soap
1. Glutinisation, whereby the sericin particles become degumming [84].
hydrated and charged with hydroxyl ions Recently Flensberg and Hammers have reported that
2. Dispersion of the glutinised particles by the repul- acid degumming is being carried out on a commercial
sion of similarly charged particles scale [74]. These investigators degummed silk with tar-
3. Secondary albuminate formation in which dispersed taric and citric acid, and observed that these treatments
particles were further stabilised by hydrolysis. gave very good results in terms of tensile strength and
elongation of the silk.
Subsequently Wolf and Hougen stated that the de- Studies in degumming of silk yarn and fabric with ten
gumming of silk is a chemical reaction, rather than one organic acids at a concentration of 0.05 mol/l for 1 h at the
depending principally upon absorption and diffusion boil have been carried out by the author and co-workers
[80]. During degumming alkali is absorbed by sericin. [18]. From the data given in Table 5, it can be observed
The resultant alkali-sericin compound undergoes pro- that, irrespective of the strength of the acid (pK, value),
gressive decomposition in combination with more alkali. the weight loss is almost the same. However, a good
According to these investigators the mechanism of silk correlation has been observed between pH and tenacity,
degumming in soap or alkaline solutions may be repre- as well as between pH and flexural rigidity of the
sented by Eqn 2: degummed samples. In terms of weight loss and tenacity,
the best results were obtained with succinic acid fol-
dS/dt = -(C + kA)S (2) lowed by tartaric and monochloroacetic acids.
Dilute acids are specific in their hydrolytic attack on
whereS is the sericin content of silk, expressed in g per g proteins and are known to break peptide bonds linking
dry silk; t is the time elapsed in min; A is the g equivalent aspartic and glutamic acid [85]. Blackburn and Lee have
of alkali present in the bath per g dry silk; C is the proposed the mechanism shown in Scheme 1 for acid
degumming coefficient in water alone and k is the hydrolysis [86].
degumming coefficient due to the presence of soap or
alkali. The coefficient k is dependent on temperature,
yarn size, degree of agitation, watedsilk ratio and nature
of soap or alkali.
The equation of Wolf and Hougen has been applied
mainly to the first phase of degumming, in which the
sericin combines with alkali. The results therefore largely
reflect the comparative behaviour of soap and various
alkalis. The alkali absorbed by the fibroin or consumed
during hydrolysis was not taken into account by Wolf
and Hougen, which is a limitation of their study. -NH2 + HOOC-CH-NH-E- I
Alkalis hydrolyse proteins by attacking peptide bonds. 0
The reaction is nonspecific. The chief amino acids af-
fected are cystine, serine, threonine and arginine [81]. Scheme 1
Table 5 Treatment conditions and observed responses for yarns degummed with organic acids
Purity Concn Initial Final pK, Weight loss Flexural rigidity Tenacity
Acid (yo) (gii) PH PH x 10-3 (yo) (g/cm2 x (gldenier)
Dilute acids are used at a concentration just sufficient effect of varying conditions on degumming of silk fabrics
to maintain the p carboxyl group of aspartic acid residues with protease hasalsobeen discussed. Forthedegumming
in the undissociated state. In this way aspartic acid peptide of silk three main types of enzymes have been used:
bonds are preferentially cleaved at a rate at least 100times trypsin, papain and bacterial enzymes.
faster than other bonds [87].
The data of amino acid content of sericin and fibroin in Tryysin
Table 2 show that sericin contains about 16.71 mol % This is a serine protease which is most active in the pH
aspartic acid and 4.42 mol % glutamic acid, while silk has range 7-9. Ammonium bicarbonate (0.1 moM) is consid-
only 1.3mol%asparticand l.Omol% glutamicacid.Since ered to be a good buffer. For tryptic digestion an enzyme/
dilute acids preferentially attack peptide bonds linking substrate ratio of 1 or 2% for 1-4 h at 37°C is considered
aspartic and glutamic acid, it can be concluded that the appropriate.
degumming of silk in acidic solutions may be brought Trypsin is the proteolytic enzyme secreted by the
about by the hydrolysis of sericin and its subsequent pancreas, and a degumming process in which pancreatic
dissolution in water. However, this hypothesis has yet to secretions could be used was patented by Soltau in 1895
be experimentally confirmed. [4].Subsequently Rohm and Haas patented processes for
treatment of raw silk with pancreatin in the presence of
Enzymatic degumming soap and alkali (41. A recent patent has claimed that
Enzymatic methods, also known as biological methods, treatment with a liquid containing 4% 0.w.f. mixture of
were used long before the nature of enzymes was fully sodium bicarbonate sodium carbonate and sodium sul-
understood, and it is only during the past few decades phate at a 2:2:1 weight ratio, and 0.3%alkali protease for
that enzymatic degumming of silk has been developed 10-20 min at 5040°C gives good uniform results com-
along scientific lines [4]. pared with those obtained with a liquid containing only
Enzymatic degumming is considered to have a mild sodium carbonate and protease [lll].Pretreatment with
action on the fibres and is claimed to produce uniformly weakly alkaline solutions of sodium silicate [91,100],so-
degummed material with a soft handle [88-931. Many dium carbonate or borax I1121 followed by degumming
investigators have reported that the enzymatic method with pancreatin enzyme has also been claimed to give
of sericin removal produces better results, particularly in improved results.
terms of reduced lousiness, than the classical boiling-off A detailed investigation of the effect of trypsin concen-
methods in acid or alkaline media (94-1001. Since tration, temperature and time of treatment on the re-
degumming by this method is carried out at a compara- moval of sericin from silk by hydrolysis has been carried
tively low temperature under mildly alkaline or acid out by Krysteva et al. [98]. According to these investiga-
conditions, the natural wax, soil and twisting oil are not tors a 1% solution of trypsin completely hydrolysed
completely eliminated [92].A short pretreatment with an sericin in 10 h at 37"C, while the amount of sericin
alkaline solution swells the sericin on the surface of the removed by a 4 h treatment with 1 and 8% trypsin
fabric (and may eliminate wax and oil) and results in solution were 26.4% and 28.7% respectively. Further-
better degummed silk [91,100-1081. more, the tensile strength of silk fibres conventionally
Various studies have indicated that proteolytic en- treated with sodium carbonate was less than that of
zymes react at a limited number of sites in the polypeptide trypsin-treated fibres. Similar studies have been recently
substrate. It is an advantage when an enzyme has a carried out by Lee, Song and Chung [lo€!]. A combined
specific mode of action, and the specificity of some of the degumming and scouring process by which not only
common enzymes is shown in Table 6 [109]. sericin but fat and other impurities are also removed has
Minagawa has reviewed the application of protease in also been patented [107]. In this process an alkali
various degumming and scouring processes [110]. The pretreatment is followed by fermentation for 1.5-2 h at
22 1992
3740°C in a bath containing 2% trypsin/lipase/amylase protease that has been extensively investigated for
mixture in the ratio 72:10:18 at pH 7-8. degumming of silk. Bromelin, a similar enzyme from
Trypsin catalyses the hydrolysis of the peptide bond pineapple, has also been tried and found suitable [101,116].
between the carboxylic acid group of lysine, or the Pioneering work in the application of papain to silk
carboxylic acid group of arginine and amino group of the degumming has been carried out by Wallerstein and
adjacent amino acid (1131, as shown in Table 6. Cleavage associates, whose methods are covered by patents (117-
take place slowly when the basic residue is adjacent in 1261. Originally the use of papain at 50-70°C in the
sequence to an acidic residue and does not occur at all presence of potassium cyanide or hydrogen sulphide
when the residue is followed by proline (Scheme 2) was suggested; later other less poisonous activators, e.g.
[ 114,115). sodium hydrosulphide, sodium sulphoxylate or sodium
Since sericin is a polar, less crystalline protein with a sulphite, were also recommended.
relatively high lysine and arginine content, it is easily The degumming of raw silk by activated papain has
hydrolysed by trypsin. On the other hand, fibroin is not been covered by other patents (127-1291. The process of
affected by this enzyme, due to the lysine and arginine degumming with papain and the properties of the
present in its structure. degummed silk substrates have been studied by various
investigators [88,95,99,108,116,130-1341. Munch has re-
Table 6 Specificty of proteases ported that sodium thiosulphate and a mixture of
thiosulphate and hydrosulphide can act as satisfactory
Optimum Major Minor activators (1321.
Enzyme PH cleavages cleavage sites Papain exhibits a wide specificity in its action towards
polypeptides. Peptide bonds formed by the carboxyl
Highly specific
Trypsin 7-9
groups of arginine and lysine residues are highly suscep-
tible to attack by papain. In addition, cleavage occurs
+ +
Arg-X; Aec-X-
readily at the carboxylic acid group of histidine, and also
at glycine, glutamic acid, glutamine, leucine and tyrosine.
4 4 The mechanism of action of papain on sericin has yet to
S. aureus V8 protease 4 ,7 , 8 -Glu-X -Asp-X- be elucidated.
Less specific
Chymotrypsin 7-9 +
-H-X-(R) Bacterial enzymes
Degumming can be achieved by treatment with bacteria.
Pepsin 2
i +
-x-H-y-(bb The Schapping process used for waste silk is an example
-X-GIU-Y -
of bacterial degummingof silk.A bacterial enzyme alkalase
marketed by Novo has been found to be very effective in
hydrolysing sericin [96,108,135]. Lee, Song and Chung
Papain 5-7.5 Phe-X-Y
4 have found this enzyme to be more effective than trypsin
and papain (108).It can completely hydrolyse sericin in 1
Elastase 7-9 h at 60°C and pH9. The physico-mechanical properties of
alkalase-treated fabrics have been found to be better than
(a) H = Try, Phe, Trp. Leu
the conventional soap'soda-boiled silk. Treatment of raw
(b) H = aromatic or large aliphatic silk fabric with 0.05% alkalase under ultrasound at 24
(c) N = Ser, Ala, Gly,Val, Leu kHz has been claimed to yield better results at lower
temperature (1351.
0 Other alkali-stable proteases found suitable for de-
7 NH-
gumming of silk include degummase [136], thermo-
p 2 1 4 *O
I degummase (1351, esperase [137), sauinase [137],
I proteolytic enzyme S114 (1381 and proteinase (1391. Iida
(1401 has found that cations of calcium, magnesium and
barium act as enzyme activators while iron(a), iron(~n),
aluminium, silver and mercury(1) are deactivators. An-
ionic surfactants inhibit degumming while oxidants with
NH2 reducing power d o not affect the process of degumming
Scheme 2 with alkali-stable protease.
Papain is a sulphydryl enzyme isolated from papyrus ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF SILK
latex. It is readily available from a number of sources. It is DEGUMMING
most active between p H 5 and 7.5 at 7&9OoC and requires Analytical investigations of silk degumming are carried
activation by a sulphydryl reagent. It is the only plant out to assess qualitatively as well as quantitatively the
rapid weight loss the curve becomes asymptotic since the Sulphanilic acld
degumming agents start attacking the silk.
Komatsu has used U.V.absorption at 280 nm as a
measure of the dissolution of sericin removed by treat-
ment with hot water, alkali and protease (81. A linear
relationship between weight loss and absorbance at 275
nm of the liquid remaining after degumming with tar-
taric acid has been observed [141]. Both tyrosine and #
tryptophan absorb in this region, although tryptophan is
much the stronger absorber (1421.
Qualitative information about residual gum is ob-
tained by staining. Initially the use of ruthenium red for
distinguishing fibroin and sericin was suggested. On
immersion of silk in an aqueous solution of this dye the
Scheme 3
gum acquires a deeper crimson shade than does the
fibroin. However, the differentiation is not very good
[143]. Wagner used picrocarmine and observed that the the viscosity of silk in zinc chloride solution has been
gum is stained an intense red, the fibroin yellow [144]. standardised by Trotman [148,149]. Cupriethylene
Herzog found that a cold saturated solution of quinoline diamine and a 60% solution of calcium chloride and
blue, diluted to twice its volume with water and then ethanol at ratio of 491371 have also been used as solvents
with one-third of the total volume of glycerine, stained for viscosity measurement [20].
the residual gum blue in spun silk [145]. The fibroin Since sericin has a greater proportion of lysine than
remained almost colourless. According to Wagner, when has fibroin, the degumming can be monitored through
raw silk threads are immersed for 24 h in a cold solution degradation of (a + E ) amino group content. If the
of litmus, the gum is stained deep blue, whilst the fibroin degumming is carried out in too strong an alkali or over
remains unstained [144]. too long a duration, a marginal increase in amino group
Denham and Dickinson examined the suitability of content is exhibited as hydrolytic degradation. Knott,
numerous dyes for distinguishing between fibroin and Freddi and Belly have monitored the change in amino
silk gums and found CI Direct Red 2, CI Direct Red 61, CI group content of differently degummed silk using the
Direct Green 9, CI Acid Violet 19 and certain others to be ninhydrin-based method of determining amino groups
suitable (1431. Dyes that have also been used for this [150,151] and found evidence for degradation of silk (201.
purpose include CI Direct Red 80 [20], CI Reactive Violet The extent of degumming can be qualitatively as-
2 [36], CI Direct Blue 22 [I461 and Durazol Blue 2RS (ICI, sessed by viewing the degummed fibres under the scan-
CI Direct Blue 71) [147]. ning electron microscope. Residual sericin appears as
It has been observed that the K1S values of silk dyed lumps on the surface of the fibre. The extent of fibre
with Durazol Blue 2RS for 1 min at 100°C show a linear damage can also be assessed by this method [3].
relationship with weight loss, which can be used to The splittingof fibresintominute fibrillae is frequently
quantify the extent of degumming (1471. observed in silk. This has been attributed to the mechani-
Pauly reagent, diazotised sulphanilic acid, has also cal injury of the fibre caused by chafing and rubbing
been recommended [3]. The diazobenzene sulphonic during degumming. The fibrillation of silk is also due to
acid undergoes a coupling reaction with selected phen- the particular fineness of the fibroin threads, which are
olic amino acid components of the polypeptide chain locked within the surrounding gum and are termed
(e.g. tyrosine) to form a red azo dye as shown in Scheme secondary threads. During degumming these are re-
3. The gum turns orange-red with Pauly reagent, whereas leased and roll up to form small balls or pills. As a result
degummed silk turns yellow. Mechanically damaged silk the silk fabric does not appear clean, particularly when
fabric also assumes a reddish colour on contact with this dyed in dark shades. If the degumming process is too
reagent. Hence the practical application of this reaction long, the balling-up of secondary strands into pills can
requires a certain amount of experience. become acute.
The degree of fibre damage in degumming has been The mechanical damage of silk during degumming is
assessed by determining the viscosity and the primary also referred to as soap marks, friction marks, mildew
amino group content of silk. Excessive fibre damage also marks or lousiness. By using a degumming machine that
leads to loss in tensile strength. reduces friction, the formation of these marks can be
A method for assessing the damage by determining avoided to a large extent.
22 1992
Silk is degummed both in yarn and fabric form. Since silk
/’’ 3 ?
‘ I
22 1992 87
Sllrrlng arrangement
Star frame
1 Stainless
-. -I
\ coated soiar
star machines, in which the goods are hung from the top.
A pulsating action is provided mechanically. For very Figure 6 Solar-energy-baseddegumming machine
delicate fabrics vertical or horizontal double star type
machines are better suited. In these machines fabrics are thermosiphon cycle, established by the slight tempera-
attached on hooks from both sides. Articles with tight ture difference between the top and the bottom of the
smooth weaves can also be degummed on jigs. vessel.
A conveyer-type continuous boil-off machine has been
recommended for certain varieties of fabric [157].How- REFERENCES
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