Poultry Production
Poultry Production
Poultry Production
Poultry house should be located away from residential and industrial area.
It should have proper road facilities.
A small size poultry farm doesn’t require any special layout as it involves
construction of only one house. The medium and large size farms require special
considerations for placement of building in the farm premises. The basic
principles to be observed for layout are
Layout should not allow visitors or outside vehicles near the birds.
The sheds should be so located that the fresh air first passes through the brooder
shed, followed by grower and layer sheds. This prevents the spread of diseases
from layer houses to brooder house.
There should be a minimum distance of 50-100 feet between chick and grower
shed and the distance between grower and layer sheds should be of minimum 100
The egg store room, office room and the feed store room should be located near
entrance to minimize the movement of people around the poultry sheds.
The disposal pit and sick room should be constructed only at the extreme end of
the site.
Brooder / chick house-It is used to brood and rear egg-type chicks from 0 to 8
weeks of age.
Grower house-It is used to grow egg-type birds from 9 to 18 weeks of age.
Brooders cum grower house-Here, the birds are reared from 0 to 18 weeks of age
(entire brooding and growing period of egg-type chicken).
Layer house-In which birds over 18 weeks of age are reared, usually up to 72
weeks of age.
Broiler house-In which broilers are reared up to 6 weeks of age.
Each broiler require one square foot of floor space while a layer requires two
square feet of floor space under deep-litter system of rearing. So the size of the
house depends on the number of birds to be reared.
The length of the house can be of any extent. The number of birds reared
and availability of the land determines the length of poultry house.
The open sided poultry houses in tropical countries should have a width not
more than 22 to 25 feet in order to allow ample ventilation and aeration at the mid-
portion. Sheds wider than this will not provide adequate ventilation during the hot
weather. If the width of the shed is more than 25 feet, ridge ventilation at the
middle line of the roof top with proper overhang is a must. Hot air and obnoxious
gases which are lighter than air move upward and escape through ridge ventilation.
The height of the sides from foundation to the roof line should be 6 to 7 feet
(eaves height) and at the centre 10 to 12 feet. In case of cage houses, the height is
decided by the type of cage arrangements (3 tier or 4 tier).
Good foundation is essential to prevent seepage of water into the poultry sheds.
The foundation of the house should of concrete with 1 to 1.5 feet below the surface
and 1 to 1.5 feet above the ground level.
The floor should be made of concrete with rat proof device and free from
dampness. The floor of the house should be extended 1.5 feet outside the wall on
all sides to prevent rat and snake problems.
The door must be open outside in case of deep-litter poultry houses. The size
of door is preferably 6 x 2.5 feet. At the entry, a foot bath should be constructed to
fill with a disinfectant.
Side walls
The side wall should be of 1-1.5 feet height, and generally at the level of
bird’s back height. This side wall protects the bird during rainy days or chill
climate and also provides sufficient ventilation. In case of cage houses, no side
wall is needed.
The roof of the poultry house may be thatched, tiled, asbestos or concrete
one depending upon the cost involvement. Different types of roofs are Shed,
Gable, half-monitor, full-monitor (Monitor), Flat concrete, Gambrel, Gothic etc.
Gable type is mostly preferred in tropical countries like India.
Availability of land
Cost of land
Type of farming activity
Climatic condition
Labour availability
Birds’ welfare is affected. They cannot perform the natural behaviour like
roosting, spreading wings, scratching the floor with legs etc.
Since they are not exposed to outside sunlight and feed sources, all the nutrients
should be provided in balanced manner to avoid nutritionally deficient diseases.
Chances for spreading of diseases are more.
Incubation equipments
It is a machine in which proper temperature, humidity and turning are provided for
the first 19 days of incubating chicken egg.
2. Hatcher
It is similar to that of setter but turning mechanism is not available and the trays
are designed to hold the newly hatched chicks.
Here, the eggs are placed for the last three days of incubation.
Various styles of setter and hatcher found around the world include,
Walk-in or Corridor incubators
Tunnel type incubators
Vertical fan incubators
3. Compressed air system
Some incubators require compressed air to actuate the turning mechanism for the
racks of eggs.
Egg candler
These hovers are flat provided with heating element, heating mechanism and
pilot lamp and in some cases thermometer are also there in order to record
the temperature.
Generally they are mounted with stands on all four corners, instead of
hanging from the roof.
ii).Canopy type hover
Feeding equipments
Feeders are equipment used to feed the birds, by placing feed in them.
They may be conventional, semi-automatic of various designs and shapes
and made up of either metal or plastic.
Different feeding equipment are,
1. Automatic feeder
In case of automatic feeder the feed is supplied to the entire length of the
poultry house by specially designed feed troughs with auger type or chain
type devices to move the feed from the feed bins to the other end.
These are operated with electricity and the height of the feeder can be
adjusted depending upon the age of the birds.
2. Linear feed
Different sizes of linear feeder with guards are available.
Provision is also made to adjust the height of the feeder.
Linear feeders are usually made of Galvanized Iron. However it can as
well be made out of any locally available material like wood, bamboo,
Provisions for stability and adjustment in height at which the feeder
stands have to be made in its design.
Birds can stand on either side of the linear feeder.
Total feeder space available = 2* length.
No of linear feeders = (2*Length of the feeder) ÷ Feeder space with all
measurements in cm.
3. Circular feeder
These are semi-automatic feeders and can hold 5 to 7 kg feed in its cone
at a time.
The feed is slowly delivered to the bottom by gravity.
It can also be attached with feed grills to prevent wastage.
Water equipments
Water with high total dissolved solids will cause deposits on the humidity
controls, spray nozzles, jets and valve seats.
Therefore filter systems and water softeners are necessary to reduce the TDS
content of the water used for hatchery operations.
1. Plant and jar type
This type of waterer is circular in nature, having two compartments i.e.
jar for filling water and pan for delivering water.
2. Linear waterer / Channel type waterers
This type waterer is usually attached with cages for providing continuous
water supply.
One end of channel type waterer is designed as funnel shape to receive
water from a tap and the other end has the provision for draining the
excess water.
3. Water basin made of plastic / wood/GI with grill