Individualized Learning Plan
Individualized Learning Plan
Individualized Learning Plan
S - Some individuals and groups of students work with the teacher S - Students take responsibility to fully utilize teacher and peer
to support accuracy and comprehension in their learning. support, to achieve consistently high levels of factual and analytical
Differentiation and whole group How can students benefit from data- Pre-assessment of student skill before Post-assessment which includes data There will be 80% growth in student
evaluation. centered mini-lessons? lesson planning that includes new data. from lessons that were centered achievement in weak areas. Students will
towards students’ weaknesses. show academic growth from the pre-
assessment to the post-assessment.
Focus Students
Directions: Identify three focus students for your inquiry. Identify special characteristics of the students and include performance data. Explain why you have selected them for this inquiry focus.
Do not use actual names of students. (Note: At least one focus student should be an English learner and at least one must have an ILP/504 accommodation. The third is your choice, but please
identify someone that poses an instructional challenge.) Identify expected results for each focus student.
Focus Student 2: Student with
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 3: Your Choice
This student is shy and rarely speaks up in class. He does not This student is a new student who has never been in a normal school
like to join in with the class during group work and prefers to This student requires constant redirection and setting until January 2022, he had been homeschooled up until that
Data work 1-1 with me or my TA. I chose this student because I additional support. I selected this student because point. I selected him because this student still has trouble learning
want to see how his whole group interaction is based on his he really benefits from differentiation and 1-1 how to act and behave in a classroom setting that is not in the
learning style. attention. comfort of his own home.
The expected result for this student is moderate academic The expected result for this student is high personal The expected result for this student is moderate to high academic
Expected Results growth. growth and academic growth. growth.
Provide 1-‐2 sentence My lesson will focus on composing and decomposing numbers and showing them through number bonds. Students will be able to complete number bonds on their own
and fill in missing numbers in existing number bonds.
summary of your lesson plan.
Summarize process for For the pre-assessment, students will be tested on their basic addition and subtraction knowledge through normal equations (5+2, 7-3, etc.). This information will give me
an understanding on their addition and subtraction knowledge, as number bonds directly pertain to addition and subtraction knowledge. The post-assessment will be
administering and analyzing after the number bonds lessons that I will be going over with the students. The post-assessment will have students completing number bonds independently to show
pre-‐ and post-‐assessments. their personal and academic growth.
The first article stated that planned mini lessons benefit children in whole groups and small groups. The second article states that the mini lessons can be helpful during writer's workshops. It can benefit
Regularly using mini lessons reported increased self-efficacy among students and all students benefit. individual students when using qualitative data-centered mini-lessons.
Pauley, G., Taylor, K., Moore, P., & Jackson, A. (2017). English Language Arts Menu of Best Practices and Galligan, G. (2011). Collaborative Inquiry, Teacher Efficacy, and Writing Achievement At Lake Shore
Strategies (pp. 39-49). N.p.: Amy Thierry. Retrieved Elementary School (pp. 1-24). N.p.: Arizona State University. Retrieved from
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed this issue in their classroom. Identify grade level, subject, and summary of ideas.)
1st grade, English Language Arts: 3rd grade, Writer’s Workshop:
The 3rd grade teacher at my school also uses data-centered mini lessons, but during his writing
The 1st grade teacher at my school informed me that she uses mini lessons particularly during reader’s workshops. He splits his class into different groups, and they do small groups during writing workshop.
workshop. She assesses her students’ progress from the early year, mid-year, and end of the year. She uses He assesses them based on a beginning of the year free writing prompt. He then gives each small
data and information from each assessment to plan her small groups and to help with students’ group a different writing skill to work on during that writer’s workshop. Every group works on
weaknesses. something different each day so that at the end of the week, the whole class will have mastered
different writing skills to compose in their new writings.
Special Emphasis: Instructional Strategy, ISTE Standards, NBPTS Core Propositions
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated
My special emphasis focus will be to use academic language when introducing number bonds. When I will be using the words, part and whole, when describing how to fill in number bonds, and going in
teaching to younger children in kindergarten, I have to be cautious of the language that I use and use depth on how two parts make up a whole. I will be using the academic language as much as possible
simplified terms that they will understand because it will be a completely new academic topic for them. and have the students use the language as well so they can also practice hearing it and saying it.
Other Notes
Pre-‐Assessment Data Range and Average Post-‐Assessment Data Range and Average
Range: 18-9=9 Range: 18-13=5
Average: 339/23=14 Average: 385/23=16
2. Focus Student: 504/IEP 9/18 correct 13/18 correct Mixed up the + sign with the – sign and vice versa
3. Focus Student: Teacher Choice 18/18 correct 18/18 correct Easily distracted but knows how to solve each problem
4. R.B. 16/18 correct 18/18 correct No hesitation but took a long time to solve problems
5. E.R. 17/18 correct 16/18 correct Little hesitant but was able to solve problems
6. A.F.S. 18/18 correct 18/18 correct No hesitation but took a long time to solve problems
7. E.L. 16/18 correct 15/18 correct Took longer to solve problems because student wrote all
of their numbers backwards and had go back to fix them
8. E.W. 12/18 correct 14/18 correct Mixed up the + sign with the – sign and vice versa
9. J.R. 18/18 correct 18/18 correct Little hesitant and needed reassurance
10. S.D. 16/18 correct 18/18 correct No hesitation and didn’t need reassurance
11. A.T. 10/18 correct 18/18 correct Mixed up the + sign with the – sign and vice versa
12. S.O. 18/18 correct 18/18 correct No hesitation and didn’t need reassurance
13. A.R. 18/18 correct 18/18 correct No hesitation and didn’t need reassurance
14. L.S. 18/18 correct 17/18 correct Little hesitant but was able to solve problems
15. J.W. 13/18 correct 18/18 correct No hesitation and didn’t need reassurance
16. D.H. 11/18 correct 16/18 correct Little hesitant and not confident with their answers
17. D.M. 9/18 correct 15/18 correct Mixed up the + sign with the – sign and vice versa
18. J.S. 18/18 correct 18/18 correct No hesitation and didn’t need reassurance
19. R.U. 18/18 correct 18/18 correct No hesitation and didn’t need reassurance
20. M.D. 18/18 correct 18/18 correct No hesitation and didn’t need reassurance
21. L.S. 12/18 correct 17/18 correct Mixed up the + sign with the – sign and vice versa
22. S.S. 14/18 correct 16/18 correct Little hesitant and not confident with their answers
23. J.B. 13/18 correct 15/18 correct Mixed up the + sign with the – sign and vice versa
Pre-Assessment Page 1
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 3 of 3
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 4 of 3
Pre-Assessment Page 2
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 5 of 3
Post-Assessment Page 1
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Post-Assessment Page 2
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