Combinatorics Course Week 8: 1 Homework
Combinatorics Course Week 8: 1 Homework
Combinatorics Course Week 8: 1 Homework
Hoang Nguyen
July 2021
1 Homework
1. Let n ≥ 2 be an integer. Let S be a subset of {1, 2, . . . , n} such that S
neither contains two elements one of which divides the other, nor contains
two elements which are coprime. What is the maximal possible number
of elements of such a set S?
2. Let an integer n > 1 be given. In the space with orthogonal coordinate
system Oxyz we denote by T the set of all points (x, y, z) with x, y, z are
integers, satisfying the condition: 1 ≤ x, y, z ≤ n. We paint all the points
of T in such a way that: if the point A(x0 , y0 , z0 ) is painted then points
B(x1 , y1 , z1 ) for which x1 ≤ x0 , y1 ≤ y0 and z1 ≤ z0 could not be painted.
Find the maximal number of points that we can paint in such a way the
above mentioned condition is satisfied.
3. Let A ⊂ {1, 2, . . . , 4014}, |A| = 2007, such that a does not divide b for
all distinct elements a, b ∈ A. For a set X as above let us denote with
mX the smallest element in X. Find min mA (for all A with the above
4. Let A be the largest subset of {1, . . . , n} such that for each x ∈ A, x
divides at most one other element in A. Prove that
2n 3n
≤ |A| ≤ .
3 4
Ai ⊆ Aj ⊆ Ak or Ai ⊇ Aj ⊇ Ak .
For any minimal partition P of Sn , let P denote the path passing through
(n − 1, 0). Pick P such that |P ∩ A| is maximal. We claim that in this case
P = A.
Assume not. Starting from (n − 1, 0), walk along P in any direction until
we encounter a vertex v such that v is not adjacent to any vertex in A we have
not already seen. We consider three cases.
1) If v = (0, n − 1) or v = (0, −n), then this is clearly an endpoint of P . In that
case P spans all of A, as desired.
2) If v is an endpoint other than that, then let a be the ”next” vertex in A. By
minimality of P, a must not be an endpoint. Now delete any vertex adjacent
to a, and add the edge av. This increases |P ∩ A| without affecting the number
of paths, contradiction.
3) If v is not an endpoint, again let a be the ”next” vertex in A. Delete the
edge joining v to the vertex not in A, and add the edge va. We again arrive at
a contradiction.
This forces A ⊆ P . Clearly this implies P = A. The remainder of Sn is just
Sn−1 , and hence this requires at least n − 1 paths to cover by the inductive
hypothesis. So Sn requires at least n paths.
3 References and hints
3.1 Problem sources
3.1.1 In-class exercises
1. Sperner
2. Pohoatza’s book
3. IMO 2020
3.1.2 Homework
1. Balkan 2005
2. Vietnam TST 2001
3. Vietnam TST 2007
4. Iran TST 2007
3.2 Ideas
• #poset
• #matching
• #dirichlet
• #elementsandperspectives
4 Theory
This lesson covers the partially ordered sets (posets). Besides the Katona cycle
technique we learned in week 2, we can employ partitioning and extremal ideas
to handle these problems.
An interesting observation is that two finite sets with the same number of ele-
ments are not subsets of each other. Similarly, two sequence with the same sum
would have some restrictions on its intersection. This observation can motivate
some constructions in poset combinatorics.
The most notable idea for this class of problems is the concept of width and
height of a family of posets. Dilworth and Mirsky theorem give us a relationship
between these two concepts. Thus, we can employ the switching perspective idea
from week 1.
4.2 Theorems
Theorem 1. (Erdos-Szekeres Theorem) If mn + 1 students, all of different
heights, are arranged in a straight line from left to right, prove that there must
either be subsequence of m + 1 students, whose heights from left to right are
increasing; or a subsequence of n + 1 students, whose heights from left to right
are decreasing.
Theorem 2. (Dilworth) If every antichain in a (finite) partially ordered set has
at most m elements, then the set may be partitioned into m chains.
Theorem 3. (Mirsky) If every chain in a partially order set has at most m
elements, then the set may be partitioned into m antichains.