Mukta Vol-I - dt28.04.22
Mukta Vol-I - dt28.04.22
Mukta Vol-I - dt28.04.22
Volume - I
Instructions on the Bid Process
CONTENTS ............................................................................................................... 2
1 Glossary of Terms .............................................................................................. 4
2 Fact Sheet: ......................................................................................................... 5
3 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 6
4 Project Background ............................................................................................ 6
4.1 Objective ....................................................................................................... 7
5 Instruction to the Bidders .................................................................................... 7
5.1 General ......................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Compliant Proposals and Completeness of Response ................................. 7
5.3 Disqualification .............................................................................................. 8
5.4 Consortium/ Joint Venture ............................................................................. 8
5.5 Pre-Bid Meeting and Clarifications ................................................................ 8
Pre-Bid Meeting .................................................................................................. 8
Responses to Pre‐Bid Queries and Issue of Corrigendum ................................. 9
5.6 Earnest Money Deposit ................................................................................. 9
5.7 Submission of Proposals ............................................................................... 9
Instruction to Bidders for Online Bid Submission ................................................ 9
Guidelines for Registration ................................................................................. 9
Searching for Tender Documents ..................................................................... 10
Preparation of Bids ........................................................................................... 10
Submission of Bids ........................................................................................... 11
Clarifications on using e-Nivida Portal .............................................................. 11
RFP Document Fees ........................................................................................ 12
Tender Validity.................................................................................................. 12
Submission and Opening of Proposals............................................................. 12
Late Bids .......................................................................................................... 12
Proposal Preparation Costs .............................................................................. 13
Language ......................................................................................................... 13
Acceptance and Rejection of Bids .................................................................... 13
5.8 Right to Terminate the Process ................................................................... 13
5.9 Evaluation of bid.......................................................................................... 13
6 Criteria for Evaluation ....................................................................................... 14
6.1 Pre-Qualification Criteria ............................................................................. 14
6.2 Technical Evaluation Scoring Matrix ........................................................... 15
6.3 Evaluation of Commercial Bids ................................................................... 17
6.4 Final Evaluation of Bids ............................................................................... 18
7 Appointment of Implementation Agency ........................................................... 18
7.1 Award Criteria ............................................................................................. 18
7.2 Right to Accept Any Proposal and To Reject Any or All Proposal(s) ........... 18
7.3 Notification of Award ................................................................................... 18
7.4 Contract Finalization and Award ................................................................. 18
7.5 Performance Guarantee .............................................................................. 19
7.6 Signing of Contract...................................................................................... 19
7.7 Failure to Agree with the Terms and Conditions of the RFP ....................... 19
8 Formats for Response ...................................................................................... 20
8.1 Pre-Qualification Bid Formats ..................................................................... 20
FORM PQ-1: Cover Letter ................................................................................ 20
FORM PQ-2: Bidder’s Organization (General Details) ..................................... 21
FORM PQ-3: Acceptance of Terms and Conditions ......................................... 22
FORM PQ-4: Bid-Security Declaration ............................................................ 23
FORM PQ-5: Self-Declaration: Not Blacklisted ................................................. 23
(Company letter head) ...................................................................................... 23
Sub: Selection of Service Provider for Development / Customization and
Implementation of Mukta Software – Self Declaration for not Blacklisted ........... 24
FORM PQ-6: Project Citation Format ............................................................... 25
8.2 Technical Bid Formats ................................................................................ 25
FORM TECH-1: Description of Proposed Solution along with Technology,
Scalability, Completeness, Simplicity and Interoperability ................................ 25
FORM TECH-2: Description of Proposed Approach and Methodology ............ 26
FORM TECH-2: OEM Authorization letter. ....................................................... 27
FORM TECH-3: Detailed Work Plan with Activities, Duration, Sequencing,
Interrelations, Milestones and Dependencies ................................................... 27
FORM TECH-4: Team Composition, Assignment and Experts’ Inputs ............. 28
8.3 Financial Bid................................................................................................ 29
FORM FIN-1: Financial Bid Covering Letter ..................................................... 29
FORM FIN-2: Summary of Financial Bid (in Indian Rupees) ............................ 30
1 Glossary of Terms
AE Assistant Engineer
ALF Area Level Federation
CA Certified Authority
CLF Community Level Federation
EO Executive Officer
FAQ Frequently Asked Question
FRS Functional requirement specification
H&UDD Housing and urban development department
iFMS Integrated Finance Management System
JE Joint Engineer
LGD Local government directory
MUKTA Mukhya Mantri Karma Tatpar Abhiyan
OCAC Odisha Computer Application Centre
OSDC Odisha State data Centre
MC Municipal Commissioner
RFP Request For Proposal
SRS Software requirement Specification Document
SP Service Provider
SPDP Social Protection Delivery Platform
SSL Secure Socket Layer
ULB Urban Local Body
WLC Ward Level Committee
2 Fact Sheet:
S. # Item Description
1 Project Title Selection of Service Provider for Development /
. Customization and Implementation of Mukta
2 Name of Purchaser Housing & Urban Development Department
. (H&UDD), Government of Odisha
4 RFP Document Fees ₹11,200 inclusive of GST @ 12% (Rupees Eleven
Thousand and Two Hundred only)
5 E-Nivida Registration Fees ₹2,500 plus Applicable GST
6 Earnest Money Deposit As per the government of Odisha finance department
office memorandum no 8943 dated 18.03.21and 8484
dated 05.04.22, the EMD is exempted. The bidder has
to give bid security declaration as per the format
attached in this RFP.
7 Selection Method QCBS (70% Weightage on Technical and 30%
. Weightage on Commercial Evaluation)
8 Last date for submission of 07.05.2022 by 2 PM
. queries by Bidders
9 Pre-bid Meeting 10.05.2022 at 12 PM
10. Pre-bid clarifications issue 18.05.2022
of corrigendum by OCAC (if
11. Last date and time for 31.05.2022 by 12 PM
receipt of proposals from
12. Date and time for opening 31.05.2022 at 4 PM
of Technical Proposals
13. Date and time for Technical To be notified later
14. Date and time for opening To be notified later
of Commercial Bids
15. Bid Validity Period 180 Days
16. Project Term 60 Months
3 Introduction
Bids are invited from interested bidders for the Selection of Service Provider for Development
/ Customization and Implementation of Mukta Software, as per scope of work which is
detailed in Volume-II of the RFP document.
4 Project Background
The Housing & Urban Development Department (H&UDD), government of Odisha, implements the
MUKTA scheme. The State Urban Development Authority (SUDA) acts as a State Level Nodal Agency
for implementing MUKTA across all the ULBs in Odisha.
Mukhya Mantri Karma Tatpara Abhiyan (MUKTA) aims to achieve the objective of providing
sustainable livelihood opportunities to the urban poor, informal and migrant labourers and create &
maintain ecological sustainable and climate resilient community assets, critical to ensure inclusive,
sustainable and equitable urban development. The Mukta Scheme aims at building on the relative
success of the Urban Wage Employment initiative that was launched in April 2020 during Covid-19
MUKTA is a scheme of the community, by the community and for the community. The community-
based organizations including Mission Shakti Group (MSGs), Slum Dwellers’ Associations (SDAs), Area
Level Federations (ALFs), City Level Federations (CLFs), under this scheme, will identify and prioritize
the work to be taken up in the ward. The works taken up will be executed directly by the community-
based organizations of the wards under the general control and supervision of the ULBs, as far as
possible. Furthermore, unemployed persons including migrant laborer’s, women, transgender and
persons with disabilities from ULBs will also be identified by the community and engaged based on
their skillsets, directly in various urban infrastructure development works taken up under the scheme.
4.1 Objective
H&UD Department has decided to implement MUKTA-Soft, a comprehensive digital solution that
imbibe smart payment principles for frictionless payment to the Implementing Agencies/
Implementing Partners and to the wage earners those who worked under the scheme in just-in-time
manner. H&UD department is pleased to engage qualified and preferred software development
vendors to execute this time bound project for delivery, implementation and maintenance of MUKTA-
Soft project.
a) Create decent wage employment opportunities in urban areas and ensure sustainable
livelihoods for urban poor people.
b) Ensure creation as well as maintenance of inclusive, sustainable, climate resilient community
assets, thereby improving quality of life for the urban citizens.
c) Build sustainable community resilience by enhancing capacities of community based
organizations, building trust-based relationships and promoting local leadership, thereby
strengthening the fourth tier of governance and furthering synergies for long term
All information supplied by Bidders may be treated as contractually binding on the Bidders, on
successful award of the assignment by OCAC on the basis of this RFP.
No commitment of any kind, contractual or otherwise shall exist unless and until a formal written
contract has been executed by or on behalf of OCAC. Any notification of preferred Bidder status by
OCAC shall not give rise to any enforceable rights by the Bidder. OCAC may cancel this public
procurement at any time prior to a formal written contract being executed by or on behalf of OCAC.
This RFP supersedes and replaces any previous public documentation and communications, and
Bidders should place no reliance and dependence on such communications.
ii. Follow the format of this RFP and respond to each element in the order as set out in this RFP.
iii. Comply with all requirements as set out within this RFP.
The response should be accompanied by an authorization in the name of signatory of the Bidder. The
authorization shall be in the form of a written Power of Attorney or a Board resolution in favour of
person signing the Proposal.
i. All provisional conditions in the Power of Attorney should be adhered to by authorized
signatory before signing of the bids. Any non-compliance to this effect will be the
responsibility of Bidder and can lead to disqualification.
ii. The authorized signatory representing the Bidder shall sign and stamp on forms and required
documents as provided in this RFP document.
5.3 Disqualification
The Proposal is liable to be disqualified in the following cases or in case the Bidder fails to meet bidding
requirements as indicated in this RFP:
i. Proposal is not submitted in accordance with the procedure and formats prescribed in this
document i.e. a non-conforming proposal.
ii. During validity of the Proposal, or its extended period, if any, Bidder increases its quoted
iii. Proposal is conditional and has deviations from the Terms & Conditions of RFP.
iv. Proposal is received in incomplete form.
v. Proposal is not accompanied by all the requisite documents.
vi. Information submitted in pre-qualification or technical or commercial bid is found to be
misrepresented, incorrect or false, accidentally, unwittingly or otherwise, at any time during
the processing of the contract (no matter at what stage) or during the tenure of the contract
including the extension period, if any.
vii. Bidder tries to influence the proposal evaluation process using unfair means at any point of
time during the bid process.
viii. Prices have indicated prices in the pre-qualification or technical proposal.
The Bidder shall be deemed to have carefully examined the Terms & Conditions, Scope of work, Service
levels, Specifications, and Schedules of this RFP. If the Bidder has any doubt as to the meaning of any
part of these conditions or of the specifications, the Bidder shall submit the queries in given format
and participate in the pre-bid meeting as per the schedule specified in this RFP. The purpose of the
meeting is to provide Bidders with any clarifications regarding the RFP. It will also provide each Bidder
with an opportunity to seek clarifications regarding any aspect of the RFP.
i. OCAC shall hold a pre-bid meeting with the prospective bidders on 10.05.2022 at 12 PM in VC
Mode (through Microsoft Teams).
ii. Link will be provided to the interested bidders who will submit their queries through email to
8 (with a copy to and ) by
07.05.2022 by 2 PM.
iii. The representatives of Bidders (restricted to two persons) may attend the Pre-bid meeting.
iv. The Bidders should submit their queries in writing in below specified format (in MS-Excel only)
by the schedule as mentioned in this RFP, prior to attending the pre-bid meeting. OCAC shall
not be responsible for any Bidders’ queries received by it in any other format. Any requests
for clarifications post the indicated date and time mentioned will not be entertained by OCAC.
SL# RFP Document Reference(s) Content of RFP requiring Points of
(Section & Page Number(s)) Clarification(s) Clarification
i. OCAC will endeavor to provide timely response to all queries. However, OCAC makes no
representation or warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of any response made in good
faith, nor does OCAC undertake to answer all the queries that have been posed by the Bidders.
ii. At any time prior to the last date for receipt of bids, OCAC may, for any reason, whether at its
own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the
RFP document by corrigenda and/or addenda.
iii. The Corrigendum (if any) and clarifications to the queries from all Bidders will be posted on
the OCAC Portal.
iv. Any such corrigenda and/or addenda shall be deemed to be incorporated into this RFP.
v. In order to provide prospective Bidders reasonable time for taking the corrigenda and/or
addenda into account, OCAC may, at its discretion, extend the last date for the receipt of
As per the government of Odisha finance department office memorandum no 8943 dated
18.03.21 and 8484 dated 05.04.22 the EMD is exempted. The bidder has to give bid security
declaration as per the format attached in this RFP.
e-Nivida is a complete process of e-Tendering, from publishing of tenders online, inviting online bids,
evaluation and award of contract using the system. The instructions given below are meant to assist
the bidders in registering on e-Nivida Portal and submitting their bid online on the portal.
More information useful for submitting online bids on the e-Nivida Portal may be obtained at:
or click on the link “Bidder Enrolment” available on the home page by paying Registration Fees
of Rs.2,500/- + Applicable GST.
ii. As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique username
and assign a password for their accounts.
iii. Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of the
registration process. These would be used for any communication with the bidders.
iv. Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature
Certificate (Only Class III Certificates with signing + encryption key usage) issued by any
Certifying Authority recognized by CCA India (e.g. Sify/ TCS / nCode/ eMudhra etc.), with their
v. Only valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are responsible
to ensure that they do not lend their DSC’s to others which may lead to misuse.
vi. Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user ID /password
and the password of the DSC / e-Token.
vii. The scanned copies of all original documents should be uploaded in pdf format on e-tender
viii. After completion of registration payment, bidders need to send their acknowledgement copy
on our help desk mail id for activation of the account.
i. There are various search options built in the e-tender Portal, to facilitate bidders to search
active tenders by several parameters.
ii. Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, then they can pay the
Tender fee and processing fee (NOT REFUNDABLE) by net-banking / Debit / Credit card then
you may download the required documents / tender schedules, Bid documents etc. Once you
pay both fee tenders will be moved to the respective ‘requested’ Tab. This would enable the
e- tender Portal to intimate the bidders through SMS / e-mail in case there is any corrigendum
issued to the tender document.
Preparation of Bids
i. Bidder should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document before
submitting their bids.
ii. Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to understand
the documents required to be submitted as part of the bid.
iii. Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as indicated in the
tender document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF formats. Bid Original
documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with Colour option which helps in reducing size of
the scanned document.
iv. To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard documents which
are required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of uploading such standard
documents (e.g. PAN card copy, GST, Annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has been
provided to the bidders. Bidders can use “My Documents” available to them to upload such
v. These documents may be directly submitted from the “My Documents” area while submitting
a bid and need not be uploaded again and again. This will lead to a reduction in the time
required for bid submission process. Already uploaded documents in this section will be
displayed. Click “New” to upload new documents.
Submission of Bids
i. Bidder should log into the website well in advance for the submission of the bid so that it gets
uploaded well in time i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be responsible for
any delay due to other issues.
ii. The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as indicated
in the tender document as a token of acceptance of the terms and conditions laid down by
iii. Bidder has to select the payment option as per the tender document to pay the tender fee /
Tender Processing fee as applicable and enter details of the instrument.
iv. In case of BG bidder should prepare the BG as per the instructions specified in the tender
document. The BG in original should be posted/couriered/given in person to the concerned
official before the Online Opening of Financial Bid. In case of non-receipt of BG amount in
original by the said time, the uploaded bid will be summarily rejected.
v. Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their financial bids in the
format provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price bid has been given as a
standard BOQ format with the tender document, then the same is to be downloaded and to
be filled by all the bidders. Bidders are required to download the BOQ file, open it and
complete the yellow Colored (unprotected) cells with their respective financial quotes and
other details (such as name of the bidder). No other cells should be changed. Once the details
have been completed, the bidder should save it and submit it online, without changing the
filename. If the BOQ file is found to be modified by the bidder, the bid will be rejected.
vi. The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be considered as the
standard time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the bidders, opening
of bids etc. The bidders should follow this time during bid submission.
vii. The uploaded bid documents become readable only after the tender opening by the
authorized bid openers.
viii. Upon the successful and timely submission of bid click “Complete” (i.e. after Clicking “Submit”
in the portal), the portal will give a successful Tender submission acknowledgement & a bid
summary will be displayed with the unique id and date & time of submission of the bid with
all other relevant details.
ix. The tender summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the submission of
the tender. This acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any bid opening meetings.
i. Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions contained therein
should be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a tender or the relevant contact
person indicated in the tender.
ii. Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to e-tender
Portal in general may be directed to the Helpdesk Support.
Please feel free to contact e-Nivida Helpdesk (as given below) for any query related to e-tendering.
Mail id:
The bidder must furnish along with its bid required bid processing fee amounting to ₹ 11,200 inclusive
of GST @ 12% (Rupees Eleven Thousand and Two Hundred only) in shape of DD in favor of Odisha
Computer Application Centre (OCAC), drawn in any scheduled commercial bank and payable at
Bhubaneswar failing which the bid will be rejected. The fee may also be paid through electronic mode
to the following account:
Also, the fees may be paid online on e-Nivida portal through e-Payment Gateway.
Tender Validity
Proposals shall remain valid for a period of 180 Days from the date of opening of the pre-qualification
and technical proposals. OCAC reserves the rights to reject a proposal valid for a shorter period as
non- responsive and will make the best efforts to finalize the selection process and award of the
contract within the bid validity period. The bid validity period may be extended on mutual consent.
i. The bidders should submit their responses as per format given in this RFP in the following
− Response to Pre‐Qualification Criterion
− Technical Proposal
− Commercial Proposal
ii. Please Note that Prices should not be indicated in the Pre-Qualification Response or Technical
Proposal but should only be indicated in the Commercial Proposal.
iii. The Response to Pre‐Qualification criterion, Technical Proposal and Commercial Proposal (as
mentioned in previous paragraph) should be submitted through online mode in e-Nivida
The Proposals submitted up to 31.05.2022 by 12 PM will be opened on 31.05.2022 at 4 PM by
Proposal Evaluation Committee, in presence of those Bidders or their representatives who may be
authorized by the bidder to be present at the time of opening. The representatives of the bidders
should be advised to carry the identity card or a letter of authority from the tendering firms to be
identified as bona-fide for attending the opening of the proposal.
Late Bids
i. Bids received after the due date and the specified time (including the extended period if any)
for any reason whatsoever, shall not be entertained and opened.
ii. The bids submitted in hard copy or by post/e‐mail etc. shall not be considered and no
correspondence will be entertained on this matter.
iii. OCAC reserves the right to modify and amend any of the above‐stipulated condition/criterion
depending upon project priorities vis‐à‐vis urgent commitments.
The bidder shall be responsible for all costs incurred in connection with participation in the RFP
process, including, but not limited to, costs incurred in conduct of informative and other diligence
activities, participation in meetings or discussions or presentations, preparation of Proposal, in
providing any additional information required by OCAC to facilitate the evaluation process, and in
negotiating a definitive contract or all such activities related to the bid process.
OCAC will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of
the bidding process.
The Proposal should be filled by the Bidder in English language only. If any supporting documents
submitted are in any language other than English, translation of the same in English language is to be
duly attested by Bidders. For purposes of interpretation of the Proposal, English translation shall
OCAC reserves the right to reject in full or part, any or all bids without assigning any reason thereof.
OCAC reserves the right to assess the Bidder’s capability and capacity. The decision of OCAC shall be
final and binding. Bid should be free of overwriting. All measures, correction or addition must be
clearly written both in words and figures and attested. Offers not submitted in prescribed manner or
submitted after due date and time are liable to rejection.
This RFP does not constitute an offer by OCAC. The Bidder's participation in this process may result in
OCAC selecting the Bidder to engage towards execution of the contract.
v. The Proposal Evaluation Committee reserves the right to reject any or all proposals on the
basis of any deviations.
vi. Each of the responses shall be evaluated as per the criteria and requirements specified in this
vii. Initial Bid scrutiny will be held, and incomplete details as given below will be treated as
nonresponsive if Proposals are:
− Not submitted as specified in the RFP document
− Received without the Letter of Authorization (Power of Attorney)
− Found with suppression of details
− Found with incomplete information, subjective, conditional offers and partial offers submitted
− Submitted without the documents requested in checklist
− Submitted with lesser validity period
viii. All responsive Bids will be considered for further processing as below:
OCAC will prepare a list of responsive bidders, who comply with all the Terms and Conditions of RFP.
All eligible bids will be considered for further evaluation by a Committee according to the evaluation
process defined in this RFP document. The decision of the Committee will be final in this regard.
The Pre-Qualification proposal will be evaluated as per criteria mentioned below and only those
bidders who qualify the requirements will be eligible for next set of evaluations. Technical Proposal
and Commercial Proposal of Bidders who do not meet the Pre-Qualification criteria will be returned
without opening.
The technical score of all the bidders would be calculated as per the criteria mentioned below. All the
bidders who achieve at least 70 marks in the technical evaluation would be eligible for the next stage,
i.e. Commercial Bid opening.
Bidders should submit supporting documentary evidence with respect to the above, in absence of
which their proposals will be summarily rejected.
Sl # Basic Specific Requirement Documents required
− Registered with Goods and Turnover certificate/audited
Services Tax Network (GSTN). balance sheet and profit & loss
Have been operating for at least last statement from the Statutory
seven (7) financial years as on 31st Auditor for last three years i.e. FY
March 2021. 20-21, FY 19-20, FY 18-19
b. Sales Turnover in Sales Turnover from IT operations Copy of audited Profit & Loss
system Integrator and services must be Rs.50 Crores in Statement
last three financial years ending at OR
31st March 2021. Certificate from the Statutory
c. Net worth The company must be profit making Certificate from the Statutory
& positive net worth in last three Auditor
financial years ending at 31st March
d. Certifications The bidder must possess a valid Copy of certificate
CMMi Institute (erstwhile SEI)
recognized and published CMMi
DEV/5 & ISO 9001 certificate as on
date of submission of this RFP.
e. Technical The bidder must have successfully Work Order + Project completion
Capability completed at least following /Go-live certificate
numbers of e-Governance projects
for any Government Department /
Government Agency / PSU in India
during last 5 years as on 31st March
2021 and value specified below.
Technical proposal of those bidders will be opened and evaluated, who qualify the Pre-
Qualification criteria. The Evaluation Committee will evaluate the Technical Proposals on the
basis of technical evaluation criterion as provided below:
Sl# Evaluation Criterion Max Documents Required
b) Quality Certification 5 Valid certificate copy
− SEI CMMi Level 5 & ISO 9001= 3 Marks
− SEI CMMi Level 5 & ISO 9001 + ISO 27001 + ISO
20000 = 5 Mark
c) The bidder should have minimum 100 IT resources 5 HR declaration from
engagement as on 31st March 2021 Head of HR department
with Name and
- 100 ≥ 3 Marks qualification of the
resources with latest
(Additional 1 marks for additional 50 resources EPF challan
subject to maximum 5 marks)
d) The bidder should have experience in 15 Work Order &
development and implementation of e- Completion or Go- Live
Governance application for any State/Central certificate
Government of India with minimum order value of
Rs.8 Crore during last 5 years as on 31st March
− [Each project will be awarded 5 marks max up
to 15 marks]
e) The bidder should have experience in 10 Work Order &
implementing projects covering beneficiary Completion or Go-Live
identification & management, fund transfer, work Certificate
flow management and MIS & Dashboard with
minimum value of Rs.1 Crore during last 5 years as
on 31st March 2021.
Sl# Evaluation Criterion Max Documents Required
i) The bidder should have experience in 5 Work Order &
implementation of single project in minimum 20 Completion or Go-Live
location with minimum order value of Rs.5 crore Certificate
during last 5 years as on 31st March 2021.
i. All the bidders who secure a Technical Score of 70% or more will be declared as technically
ii. The bidder with highest technical bid (H1) will be awarded 100% score.
iii. Technical Scores for other than H1 bidders will be evaluated using the following formula:
Tn = {(Technical Bid score of the Bidder/ Highest technical evaluation marks * 100} % (Adjusted
to two decimal places)
iv. The commercial bids of only the technically qualified bidders will be opened for further
discrepancy between the unit price and total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit
price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and total price shall be corrected. If there is a
discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words will prevail. If the bidder does
not accept the correction of error, its bid will be rejected”.
vii. If there is no price quoted for certain material or service, the bid shall be declared as
viii. In the event that there are 2 or more bidders having the same value in commercial bid, the
bidder securing highest technical score will be adjudicated as “Best responsive bid” for award
of the Project.
ix. The bidder with lowest qualifying financial bid (L1) will be awarded 100% score. Financial score
for other bidders will be evaluated using the following formula: Fn = {(Financial Bid of L1 /
Financial Bid of Bidder) * 100} %.
6.4 Final Evaluation of Bids
i. The technical and financial evaluation scores secured by each bidder will be added using
weightages of 70% and 30% respectively to compute composite score. The composite score
will be computed as under:
ii. Bn = 70%*Tn + 30%*Fn
iii. The bidder securing highest composite score will be adjudicated as most responsive bidder
for award of project.
The notification of award will constitute formation of the Contract. Upon the successful bidder's
furnishing of Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG).
7.5 Performance Guarantee
OCAC will require the selected bidder to provide a Performance Bank Guarantee, within 15 days from
the Notification of award, for a value equivalent to 3% of the total cost of Contract. The Performance
Guarantee should be valid for the stipulated period of the project plus 90 days. The Performance
Guarantee shall be kept valid till completion of the project and Warranty period, if any. The
Performance Guarantee shall contain a claim period of three months from the last date of validity.
The selected bidder shall be responsible for extending the validity date and claim period of the
Performance Guarantee as and when it is due on account of non-completion of the project and
Warranty period. In case the selected bidder fails to submit Performance Guarantee within the time
stipulated, OCAC at its discretion may cancel the order placed on the selected bidder without giving
any notice. OCAC shall invoke the Performance Guarantee in case the selected bidder fails to discharge
their contractual obligations during the period or OCAC incurs any loss due to bidder’s negligence in
carrying out the project implementation as per agreed terms and conditions.
A draft MSA document has been provided as a separate document for the reference of bidders only.
The agreement with the selected bidder will be signed after getting the same vetted from competent
Legal Authority.
7.7 Failure to Agree with the Terms and Conditions of the RFP
Failure of the successful bidder to agree with the draft legal agreement and Terms & Conditions of the
RFP shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of award, in which event OCAC may call for
new proposals from the interested bidders. In such a case, OCAC shall invoke the PBG of successful
8 Formats for Response
8.1 Pre-Qualification Bid Formats
FORM PQ-1: Cover Letter
The General Manager (Admin),
Odisha Computer Application Centre,
N-1/7-D, Acharya Vihar
P.O. RRL, Bhubaneswar - 751013.
Subject: Selection of Service Provider for Development / Customization and Implementation of Mukta
I, the undersigned, offer to provide the services for the proposed assignment in respect to
your Request for Proposal No. OCAC-XXXX-, dated xxxxxxx. We hereby submit our proposal which
includes the pre-qualification proposal, technical proposal and commercial proposal, sealed under
separate envelopes. Our proposal will be valid for acceptance up to 180 Days and I confirm that this
proposal will remain binding upon us and may be accepted by you at any time before this expiry date.
All the information and statements made in our proposal are true and correct and I accept
that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to disqualification of our proposal. If negotiations
are held during the period of validity of the proposal, I undertake to negotiate on the basis of proposal
submitted by us. Our proposal is binding upon us and subject to the modifications resulting from
contract negotiations.
I have examined all the information as provided in your Request for Proposal (RFP) and offer
to undertake the service described in accordance with the conditions and requirements of the
selection process. I agree to bear all costs incurred by us in connection with the preparation and
submission of this proposal and to bear any further pre-contract costs. In case, any provisions of this
RFP/ ToR/Scope including of our technical and financial proposal are found to be deviated, then you
shall have rights to reject our proposal. I confirm that, I have the authority to submit the proposal and
to clarify any details on its behalf.
I understand you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive.
Yours faithfully,
FORM PQ-2: Bidder’s Organization (General Details)
Address of Bidder:
FORM PQ-3: Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
The General Manager (Admin),
Odisha Computer Application Centre,
N-1/7-D, Acharya Vihar P.O. RRL,
Bhubaneswar - 751013.
Subject: Selection of Service Provider for Development / Customization and Implementation of Mukta
I have carefully and thoroughly gone through the Terms & Conditions along with scope of work
contained in the RFP No. OCAC-XXXXX regarding RFP for “RFP for Selection of Implementation Agency
for Selection of Service Provider for Development / Customization and Implementation of Mukta
I declare that all the provisions/clauses including scope of work of this RFP are acceptable to our
company. I further certify that I am an authorized signatory of the company and I am, therefore,
competent to make this declaration.
Address of Bidder:
FORM PQ-4: Bid-Security Declaration
I/We understand that, as per tender clause EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD), bids must
be supported by a Bid Security Declaration In lieu of Earnest Money Deposit.
I/We hereby accept that I/We may be disqualified from bidding for any contract with
you fora period of 5.6 year from the date of disqualification as may be notified by you
(without prejudice to FACT’s rights to claim damages or any other legal recourse) if,
1. I am /We are in a breach of any of the obligations under the bid conditions,
2. I/We have withdrawn or unilaterally modified/amended/revised, my/our Bid
during the bid validity period specified in the form of Bid or extended period, if any.
3. On acceptance of our bid by FACT, I/we failed to deposit the prescribed Security
Deposit or fails to execute the agreement or fails to commence the execution of the
work in accordance with the terms and conditions and within the specified time.
Name & designation of the authorized person signing the Bid-Securing Declaration Form:
Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of: (completename of Bidder)
The General Manager (Admin)
Odisha Computer Application Centre
(Technical Directorate of E&IT Dept, Govt. of Odisha)
N-1/7-D, Acharya Vihar P.O. - RRL, Bhubaneswar - 751013
In response to the RFP Ref. No.: OCAC-XXXX for RFP titled “Selection of Service Provider for
Development / Customization and Implementation of Mukta Software ”, as an owner/
partner/ Director of (organization name) I/ We hereby declare
that presently our Company/ firm is not under declaration of ineligible for corrupt &
fraudulent practices, blacklisted either indefinitely or for a particular period of time, or had
work withdrawn, by any State/ Central government/ PSU.
If this declaration is found to be incorrect then without prejudice to any other action that
may be taken, my/ our security may be forfeited in full and the tender if any to the extent
accepted may be cancelled.
Thanking you,
(Authorised Signatory)
Name of the Bidder:
FORM PQ-6: Project Citation Format
1. Project Name:
2. Value of Contract/ Work Order (In INR):
3. Name of the Client:
4. Project Location:
5. Contact person of the client with address,
phone and e-mail:
6. Project Duration:
7. Start Date (month/year): Completion Date
8. Status of assignment: Completed /
Ongoing (if it is on-going, level of
9. Narrative description of the project with scope:
Bidder has to provide details of the entire solution proposed, along with its key differentiators,
covering all requirements as listed out in Volume II of RFP.
Bidder has to specifically include (but not limited to) diagram and detailed description of the following:
i. Functional Architecture
ii. Technical Architecture
iii. Network Architecture
iv. Deployment Architecture
v. Security Architecture
Bidder must cover all aspects of the solution while showcasing its scalability, completeness, simplicity
and interoperability.
FORM TECH-2: Description of Proposed Approach and Methodology
Bidder is free to propose any type of approach for implementation of Mukta Software.
FORM TECH-2: OEM Authorization letter.
Bidder has to submit OEM atheization letter on standard format for all external software and licenses.
FORM TECH-3: Detailed Work Plan with Activities, Duration, Sequencing, Interrelations,
Milestones and Dependencies
FORM TECH-4: Team Composition, Assignment and Experts’ Inputs
No. Name Expert's Input (in person/month) per Deliverable (listed in TECH-3) Total Time-input (in Months)
Position Home D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 ..... D-n Home Field Total
/ Field
K-1 Field
K-2 Field
K-3 Field
K-4 Field
K-5 Field
NON-KEY EXPERTS (Bidder to determine no. of Non-Key Experts as per its proposed work plan)
N-1 Home
N-2 Home
N-n Field
8.3 Financial Bid
FORM FIN-1: Financial Bid Covering Letter
Subject: Selection of Service Provider for Development / Customization and Implementation of Mukta
I /We, the undersigned, offer to provide the service for Selection of Service Provider for
Development / Customization and Implementation of Mukta Software in Odisha as per RFP No.: OCAC-
XXX and our Pre-Qualification, Technical and Financial Proposals. Our attached Financial Proposal is
inclusive of all applicable taxes and duties.
We declare that our Bid Price is for the entire scope of the work as specified in the <Refer Section
No.>. These prices are indicated in the Financial Bid as part of this RFP response. In case there is
substantial difference between the component wise price approved by OCAC and the price quoted by
the bidder, OCAC will have the rights to ask the bidder to realign their prices without impacting the
total bid price. We hereby agree to submit our offer accordingly.
We hereby declare that in case the contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the Performance Bank
Guarantee as specified in this RFP document.
We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive. We hereby declare
that our Proposal is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the information contained in
the proposal is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.
We understand that our proposal is binding on us and that you are not bound to accept any
proposal you receive.
Yours faithfully,
Address of Bidder:
FORM FIN-2: Summary of Financial Bid (in Indian Rupees)
Address of Bidder: