Pre-Assessment Data & Analysis: Unit Topic Area: Circulation & Respiration Systems Summary Primary Learning Goals
Pre-Assessment Data & Analysis: Unit Topic Area: Circulation & Respiration Systems Summary Primary Learning Goals
Pre-Assessment Data & Analysis: Unit Topic Area: Circulation & Respiration Systems Summary Primary Learning Goals
2. Emmitt Air goes anywhere your body Student does not show the
needs it like to your brain or understanding that air first
heart then it comes back as goes into your lungs and that
carbon dioxide. air isn’t going around the body
A. Throat (oxygenated blood does).
B. Respiratory Tubes Student understands that we
C. Lungs get carbon dioxide from the
body, but doesn’t state that we
exhale or get rid of the waste.
3. Raymond It [air] goes back through your Student does not understand
pores. that air goes into lungs. He
A. Throat believes that air comes out of
B. Lungs our pores.
C. Chest
Student confuses arrow to
pulmonary tubes as the lung.
4. Brianna It [air] goes right back out but Student understands that the
first it goes to your lungs. air travels to the lungs, but
A. Throat does not understand that it all
B. Veins doesn’t come back out when
C. Lungs you exhale.
Circulatory System
A. [Veins/Arteries]
Veins 8
Neck 1
Blood Vessel 1
Brain Cells 1
Brain 4
Blood Stems 1
No Answer 1
Blood Cell 3
Part of your brain 1
Nerves 2
Where you get air 1
B. [Arteries/Veins]
Veins 7
Neck 2
Nerves 1
Vertebrae 2
Air Passage 1
Throat 3
Tumors 1
Spine 1
Blood Cell 2
Blood 2
Tubes that food go down 1
Cords 1
C. [Heart]
Heart 21
Muscle 1
Guts 1
Digestive 1