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Pre-Assessment Data & Analysis: Unit Topic Area: Circulation & Respiration Systems Summary Primary Learning Goals

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Pre-Assessment Data & Analysis

Name: Priscila Fojan

Grade: 5th School: Webster
Mentor Teacher: Julie Jones Field Instructor: Grace Vereen

Unit Topic Area: Circulation & Respiration Systems

Summary Primary Learning Goals

 L.OL.05.41 Identify the general purpose of selected animal systems.

Student Conceptions Task 1

 Task Label: Respiratory System
 Task Description: Students will be given a diagram that asks them to label three parts (A.
trachea, B. pulmonary tubes, and C. lungs). The words are not given to the students. They
will then be asked to use arrows on the diagram to show the movement of air in the body.
Finally students will be given the following question to answer.
 Where does the air you breathe go after it enters your body?
 Rationale: I want to see if students understand the concept that the air we breathe in goes
down our throat into our lungs. I also want to see if they are familiar with certain parts of the
respiratory system.

Student Name Sample responses from Interpretation

pre-assessment task
1. Aiyanna Oxygen and carbon dioxide Student understands that we
comes through your mouth inhale oxygen and carbon
and into your lungs your lungs dioxide, but doesn’t
send all of the carbon dioxide understand what happens when
out your mouth and your body it enters your lungs. Student
turns the oxygen into your also understands that we
lungs and out of your body. exhale carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide it [lungs] lets
that out too. Student is not familiar with the
A. Throat word trachea in reference to
B. Veins their throat area. Student also
C. Lungs is not familiar with what is
inside the lungs.

2. Emmitt Air goes anywhere your body Student does not show the
needs it like to your brain or understanding that air first
heart then it comes back as goes into your lungs and that
carbon dioxide. air isn’t going around the body
A. Throat (oxygenated blood does).
B. Respiratory Tubes Student understands that we
C. Lungs get carbon dioxide from the
body, but doesn’t state that we
exhale or get rid of the waste.

Student is not familiar with the

word trachea in reference to
their throat area. Student is
closes to understanding what is
inside the lungs.

3. Raymond It [air] goes back through your Student does not understand
pores. that air goes into lungs. He
A. Throat believes that air comes out of
B. Lungs our pores.
C. Chest
Student confuses arrow to
pulmonary tubes as the lung.

4. Brianna It [air] goes right back out but Student understands that the
first it goes to your lungs. air travels to the lungs, but
A. Throat does not understand that it all
B. Veins doesn’t come back out when
C. Lungs you exhale.

Student believes that the lungs

have veins.

5. Jude [Air goes] to your veins. Student believes that air

A. Vein travels in veins too.
B. Vein
C. Guts Student is not familiar with the
visual representation and
function of your lungs.

Summary and discussion of whole class pre-assessment task results

Summary and Interpretation Implications for unit
There will be much needed discussion and I won’t have to focus on introducing the lungs
scaffolding for students to understand the in depth because the majority of the class
concept of the movement of air within the understands that air goes to the lungs and
body. All of them didn’t know what pulmonary where the lungs are located. I will have to
tubes were and the proper name for throat, focus much of my teaching towards what
trachea. More than half the class knew what happens to the air when it enters the lungs.
the lungs were and was able to inform me that
is where the air travels to when it enters your
Overall View of Whole Class Responses for Diagram
Red-Correct Answer
Yellow-Answers Closest to Correct
Respiratory System
A. [Trachea]
 Throat 15
 Air hole 1
 Air Passage 1
 Veins 1
 Brain 1
 For Breathing 1
 Tube 1
 Lungs 2
 Lungs Tubes 1
B. [Pulmonary Tube]
 Lungs 6
 Respiratory Tubes 1
 Other Air hole 1
 Passage Tubes 1
 Veins 3
 Four Chambers 1
 Oxygen Holes 1
 No Answer 2
 Inside Lung 1
 Air Tube 2
 A piece of your heart 1
 Tonsils 1
 Tube 1
 Lung Tube 1
 Organ 1
C. [Lungs]
 Lungs 14
 Skin 1
 Virus 1
 Chest 2
 Ribs 2
 Guts 1
 Organ 1
 Part of your heart 1
 No Answer 1
Student Conceptions Task 2
 Task Label: Circulatory System
 Task Description: Students will be given a diagram that asks them to label three parts (A.
veins/arteries, B. arteries/veins, and C. heart). The words are not given to the students. They
will then be asked to use arrows on the diagram to show the movement of blood throughout
the body. Finally students will be given the following question to answer.
 How does blood travel through your body?
 Rationale: I want to see if students understand the concept that the blood in our body goes in
a circular motion throughout the body. I also want to see if they are familiar with certain
parts of the circulatory system.

Student Name Sample response(s) from Interpretation

pre-assessment task
1.Janice It [blood] travels from your Student does not understand
brain all the way to your heart. that blood travels in a circular
Then it travels from your heart path throughout the body and
to every other part of your that there isn’t a true
body. “beginning.” Student does
A. Part of your brain understand that blood travels
B. Blood to body parts.
C. Heart
Student understands what the
heart looks like and where it is
located in the body. Student is
unfamiliar with vein or
2.Jonae It [blood] travels through your Student does not understand
body. I’m not sure but I think it that blood does not have a true
come from your brain. “beginning” since it travels in
A. Nerves a circular motion. Student
B. Veins does understand that blood
C. Heart travels within the body.

Student understands where the

heart is located in relation to
the human body and what it
looks like. She is also aware
that veins are part of the
circulatory system. She
confuses that nerves are also
involved in the circulatory
3.Daphne Blood travels through my body Student is aware that the heart
by my heart pumping the blood is the organ that is responsible
through me. for pumping blood throughout
A. Nerves your body.
B. Veins
C. Heart Student understands where the
heart is located in relation to
the human body and what it
looks like. She is also aware
that veins are part of the
circulatory system. She
confuses that nerves are also
involved in the circulatory
4.Andrea Blood cells carry your blood. Student is unaware that blood
A. Blood cells cells are actually the blood she
B. Muscle/Blood cells is referring to. Student doesn’t
C. Heart show sign of being aware of
veins or arteries.

Student understands where the

heart is located in relation to
the human body and what it
looks like.
5.Cameron The blood goes through your Student knows that blood
veins. travels through veins, but
A. Veins doesn’t is not aware of
B. Blood arteries. Student understands
C. Heart where the heart is located in
relation to the human body
and what it looks like.
Summary and discussion of whole class pre-assessment task results
Summary and Interpretation Implications for unit
21 out of 24 students were able to correctly I won’t have to focus on introducing the heart
identify the location of the heart on the diagram. in depth because the majority of the class
One-third of the class are familiar with the basic understands that blood goes to the heart and
function of the vein (blood travels through it). where the heart is located. I will have to focus
much of my teaching towards what happens to
the blood when it enters the heart and the path
is travels throughout the body.
Overall View of Whole Class Responses for Diagrams
Red-Correct Answer
Yellow-Answers Closest to Correct

Circulatory System
A. [Veins/Arteries]
 Veins 8
 Neck 1
 Blood Vessel 1
 Brain Cells 1
 Brain 4
 Blood Stems 1
 No Answer 1
 Blood Cell 3
 Part of your brain 1
 Nerves 2
 Where you get air 1
B. [Arteries/Veins]
 Veins 7
 Neck 2
 Nerves 1
 Vertebrae 2
 Air Passage 1
 Throat 3
 Tumors 1
 Spine 1
 Blood Cell 2
 Blood 2
 Tubes that food go down 1
 Cords 1
C. [Heart]
 Heart 21
 Muscle 1
 Guts 1
 Digestive 1

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