Uba and Egurefa Publication 1
Uba and Egurefa Publication 1
Uba and Egurefa Publication 1
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Authors SOE, MUO and BOU designed
the study. Author BOU performed the statistical analysis and wrote the protocol. Authors SOE and
BOU wrote the first draft of the manuscript while authors SOE and MUO managed the analyses of the
study. All authors managed the literature searches, read and approved the final manuscript.
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/SAJRM/2020/v6i230145
(1) Dr. Chamari Hettiarachchi, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
(1) Raúl Gutiérrez-Lucas, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México.
(2) Sajid Farid, Pakistan.
(3) Randa Mohammed Osman, National Research Centre, Egypt.
Complete Peer review History: http://www.sdiarticle4.com/review-history/55886
Aims: To determine the toxic effect of refinery industrial effluents using three toxicity bioassays.
Study Design: Five treatments and the controls designs were set up in triplicates containing
6.25%,12.5%, 25%, 50%, 100% and 0% of the industrial effluents and incubated at 24°C for 0 - 96
h. The five treatments and control set ups designated as PH, Warri and Control (Without effluent)
were used to determine the toxic effect of industrial effluents.
Place and Duration of Study: Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Uli Nigeria between September, 2019 and
December, 2019.
Methodology: A laboratory scale study was carried on two composite samples of the produced
water samples from the two studied areas using physicochemical analyses, microalgal toxicity test,
mollusk toxicity and Zea mays test.
Results: The results revealed that Port Harcourt refinery effluent contains higher quantities of
physicochemical parameters than the Warri effluent sample. Warri sample had the most harmful
effects on Selenastrum capricornutum, Lymnaea stagnalis and Zea mays, with ErC50 values of
47.62%, LC50 of 51.86% and EC50 of-32.68%, respectively. Inhibition (%) and mortality (%) of all
species used were found to be concentration dependent with a significant (P < 0.05) strong
positive correlation at increasing concentrations of industrial effluents.
Conclusion: Thus, these raw industrial effluents from Port Harcourt and Warri refineries are toxic
and induced growth inhibition, mortality and phytotoxicity and adequate measures should be taken
by these industries to minimize their negative environmental impacts.
Egurefa et al.; SAJRM, 6(2): 10-23, 2020; Article no.SAJRM.55886
proven to be sensitive, cheap, and effective. effluents samples were prepared by centrifuging
Plant bioassays, which are mostly sensitive for and filtering the suspensions through glass fiber
the detection of phytotoxicity, may provide a filters (d = 0.45 μm) using membrane filtration
warning of environmental hazards in the water technique prior to the physico – chemical and
[14]. Zea mays test has demonstrated that toxicological assays [6,18–20].
germination, root elongation and shoot length are
the most authoritative parameters that indicate 2.3 Physicochemical Analysis
changes in environmental quality [15–17].
The following analysis were carried out on the
Several studies and literatures abound on the samples: temperature, pH, conductivity and total
effects of refinery industrial effluents on dissolved solids, total suspended solids, total
microorganisms, invertebrates, plants and solids, turbidity, total hardness, total chloride,
animals but there is paucity of information nitrate, phosphate, sulphate, total alkalinity,
regarding their toxicities on Selenastrum dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand
capricornutum, Lymnaea stagnalis and Zea mays (BOD5)and chemical oxygen demand, oil and
especially in our country Nigeria and hence, grease content according to the method of APHA
necessitated this study. So, this is the first study [21]. Also, oil and grease content, total petroleum
to be carried to the best of our knowledge here in hydrocarbon (TPH), total hydrocarbon content
our country Nigeria. This study was undertaken (THC) and total phenol were determined by
to determine the toxic effects of refinery industrial adopting the methods of Kiepper [22], Akpveta et
effluents on Selenastrum capricornutum, al. [23], Nwineewii and Azuonwo [24] and
Lymnaea stagnalis and Zea mays using a battery Leouifoudi et al. [25]. The heavy metals such as
of bioassays. iron, mercury, copper, chromium and lead) were
determined by atomic absorption spectrometry
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS following the method of APHA [21].
Egurefa et al.; SAJRM, 6(2): 10-23, 2020; Article no.SAJRM.55886
K2HPO4, 2.0 g NaCl, 15 g of agar powder, 100 D3165, West Germany) at 23 ± 2°C under
mL of distilled water amended with 0.1 g of continuous white fluorescent lamps. After the 3
nystatin to inhibit the growth of fungi and days of incubation, the suspension was placed in
tetracycline to inhibit bacteria [27]. Then, it was the spectrophotometer and the optical density
sterilized by autoclaving at 121°C and 15 psi for (OD) was read at 700 nm after 10 seconds. The
15 min and allowed to cool to about 45°C. The number of alga corresponding with OD was
already prepared medium was poured into Petri interpolated from the optical density/algal number
dishes and allowed to gel, then 0.1 mL of the (OD/N) standard curve and was used to
inocula was spread on plates with rod determine the dilution factor needed to reach an
aseptically. Filter paper (Whatman No 1) was optical density equal to OD2, corresponding to
saturated with crude oil and the crude oil an algal density of 5 x 10 cells/mL. The algal
impregnated papers were aseptically placed onto suspension from the flask was transferred into a
the Petri covers. The crude oil saturated filter 100 mL sterile flask and the volume of algal
papers supply diesel by vapour - phase transfer growth medium needed to make up a 5.104 algal
to the inocula. The plates were incubated by cells/mL suspension was added and the flask
inversion for 7 to 10 days at 28°C. Plates yielding shaken thoroughly to distribute the algae evenly.
30 to 300 colonies were enumerated from
triplicates and mean values were recorded and Choice of test sample concentration and
calculated in CFU mL-1. preparation
One of the two tubes containing the microalga The test vessels were covered with lids to avoid
(Selenastrum capricornutum) inoculum was airborne contamination and to reduce water
taken, shaken vigorously and the content was evaporation and then incubated at 23 ± 2℃
poured into 100 mL flask.The (same) tube was under aeration and continuous white fluorescent
rinsed twice with 7.5 mL algal growth medium lamps for 72 h. The cell density in each test
and the content was transferred into the flask to batch (including the controls) were measured at
ensure the total transfer of the microalga 0, 24, 48 and 72 h by mixing the test batches
inoculum. The flask was closed with the lid and prior measurement. At the end of the test, the pH
incubated for 3 days in an incubator (Kottermann of the samples of at least one replicate batch at
Egurefa et al.; SAJRM, 6(2): 10-23, 2020; Article no.SAJRM.55886
each test sample concentration and one control the methods described by Sheir [28] and Atlia
replicate were measured. and Grosell [13].
Egurefa et al.; SAJRM, 6(2): 10-23, 2020; Article no.SAJRM.55886
Egurefa et al.; SAJRM, 6(2): 10-23, 2020; Article no.SAJRM.55886
utilizing fungi count (HUFC) while total culturable optimum mortality rate at all the concentrations
heterotrophic fungi count (TCHFC) in Warri with LC50 value of 51.86% after 72 h exposure.
sample is TLTC. Also, the toxic effect of refinery discharged
effluents to Lymneae stagnalis after 72 h
3.2 Acute Toxicity Profile exposure is shown in Fig. 3. From the result,
Warri sample had higher percentage mortality at
3.2.1 Algal toxicity studies all the concentration while PH sample recorded
optimum toxicity at increase concentrations (0 –
The results of the algal growth inhibition by
refinery discharge effluents and potassium
dichromate as well as 72 h effective growth rate
3.2.3 Zea mays toxicity profile
concentration of refinery discharge effluents and
potassium dichromate on Selenastrum
The results of the growth features of Zea mays
capricornutum are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. From
seedlings exposed to Port Harcourt and Warri
the results, 100% concentration of Warri sample
refinery discharged effluent are presented in
had the highest percentage (%) inhibition
Tables 4 and 5. From the results, 100% and
(65.84%) while PH sample had the lowest
6.25% PH effluent sample had the lowest and
percentage (%) inhibition (65.85%). Also, PH and
highest GI and VI values of 13.11%, 86.94%,
Warri samples had the highest and lowest ErC10,
1.10 and 12.53, respectively. Similarly, 100 %
ErC50, ErC90 values of 10.53%, 52.58%, 94.74%
and 6.25% Warri effluent sample had the lowest
and 9.52%, 47.62%, 85.71%, respectively.
and highest GI and VI values of 7.55%, 76.85%,
3.2.2 Mollusc toxicity profile 0.83 and 10.53, respectively. The result of the
toxicity threshold concentrations of refinery
The toxic responses of Lymnaea stagnalis to PH discharged effluents on Zea mays seedlings is
and Warri samples refinery discharged effluents shown in Fig. 4. From the Figure, Warri and PH
are shown in Tables 2 and 3. From the results, samples had the highest and lowest EC10, EC50
there was a higher mortality rate in PH sample at and EC90 values of - 80.40%, - 32.68%, 15.04%
100 % and 50 % concentrations with LC50 value and - 87.54%, - 37.56% and 12.43%,
of 85.47 % while Warri sample recorded an respectively.
Fig. 1. Algal growth inhibition by refinery discharge effluents and potassium dichromate
Table 2. Toxic response of Lymnaea stagnalis to Port Harcourt refinery discharged effluent
Concentration Mortality rate Total (%) Mean ± S.D LC50 (%) (CL)
(%) 0h 24 h 48 h 72 h 96 h
100 0 3 3 4 4 14 (46.7) 3.5±0.27
50 0 2 3 3 4 12 (40.0) 3±0.50
25 0 1 2 2 4 9 (30.0) 2.25±51.11 85.47 (-50.3 - 29)
12.5 0 1 2 2 2 7 (23.3) 1.75±1.36
6.25 0 0 1 1 2 4 (13.3) 1±1.92
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 (3.33) 0.25±0.00
Egurefa et al.; SAJRM, 6(2): 10-23, 2020; Article no.SAJRM.55886
Fig. 2. 72 h effective growth rate concentration of refinery discharge effluents and potassium
dichromate on Selenastrum capricornutum
80 y = 0.3391x + 42.955
R² = 0.2528 Warri
y = 0.3874x + 13.595 PH
Mortality (%)
R² = 0.8014
40 Linear ( Warri)
20 Linear (PH)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Concentration (%)
Fig. 3. Toxic effect of refinery discharge effluents to Lymnae stagnalis after 72 h of exposure
Egurefa et al.; SAJRM, 6(2): 10-23, 2020; Article no.SAJRM.55886
Table 4. Growth features of Zea mays seedlings exposed to Port Harcourt refinery discharged
Concentration (%)
Control 6.25 12.5 25 50 100
Number of seed germinated 9 8 6 5 3 2
Root length (cm) 5.00 4.94 4.30 4.01 3.50 2.95
Shoot length (cm) 10.00 9.30 7.00 6.00 3.7 2.00
% relative seed germination - 88.00 66.67 55.56 33.33 22.22
% relative root growth - 98.80 86.00 80.20 70.00 59.00
Germination Index (GI) - 86.94 57.34 44.56 23.33 13.11
Vigour index (VI) - 12.53 7.53 5.56 2.40 1.10
Table 5. Growth features of Zea mays seedlings exposed to Warri sample refinery discharged
Concentration (%)
Control 6.25 12.5 25 50 100
Number of seed germinated 9 7 6 4 2 1
Root length (cm) 5.00 4.94 4.70 4.20 3.95 3.40
Shoot length (cm) 10.00 8.60 6.30 6.30 4.70 4.07
% relative seed germination - 77.78 66.67 44.44 22.22 11.11
% relative root growth - 98.80 94.00 84.00 79.00 68.00
Germination Index (GI) - 76.85 62.67 37.33 17.55 7.55
Vigour Index (VI) - 10.53 7.53 7.33 1.92 0.83
12.43 15.04
-37.56 -32.68
Egurefa et al.; SAJRM, 6(2): 10-23, 2020; Article no.SAJRM.55886
content of acidic salts and compounds in the mercury and phenol, while Warri sample had a
samples. The presence of these soluble organic higher TSS, total hardness, total alkalinity,
salts and ions also made the samples to have TCHB, iron, and lead. From these results, it is
high conductivity values. The concentration of obvious that the two samples are highly
DO is low and could results to respiratory contaminated even though PH sample proved to
malfunction in aquatic organisms due to stress be more contaminated than the Warri sample.
caused by the effluents. The high BOD and COD These chemicals such as chloride, phosphate,
levels showed that a high biological activities and nitrates and sulphates can result to pollution and
chemical oxidation occurred in the samples make water hazardous for drinking, entertaining
resulting to decomposition of organic events and fishing activities when they are in
compounds. The BOD determines only the high quantity [35]. They also encourage the
decomposable organics and needs a reasonably growth of bacteria and substantial algae blooms
long period of time to obtain desired results. [33]. AIso, Okereke, and Nnoli [36] reported that
Also, the COD test processes the oxygen high content of organic and inorganic phosphates
correspondent of the biological substances in results to eutrophication and either
waste water that can be oxidized chemically. The disappearance or shallowness of some surface
COD will always be greater than the BOD, water bodies. It is imperative to note that the
because the COD checks materials that are both samples exceeded most of the DPR standard
chemically and biologically oxidized. The ratio of limits for produced wastewater discharge which
COD: BOD gives a vital guide to the amount of means that the environment where these
organic material present in waste water [31,32]. effluents are discharged is unsafe for inhabitation
Okereke et al. [33] also reported that the dissolve of living organisms. The physicochemical results
oxygen is beneficial in aerobic respiration of of this study revealed that the effluents contain
organisms which supports the observation made chemicals mainly heavy metals and
in this research work. The total hardness showed hydrocarbons which are capable of altering the
high presence of magnesium ion (Mg ) and normal concentration of a given habitat.
calcium ion (Ca . The samples also contain Considering the standard limits for produced
linear and branched chains of aromatic and water by the Department of Petroleum
aliphatic hydrocarbon fragments as showed in Resources (DPR) [37], the physicochemical
the THC and TPH. The samples contain high oil qualities of both samples (PH/Warri) vary
and grease as well as phenol content which may tremendously but similar results were recorded
be attributed to the high THC, TPH and phenolic by Ajuzieogu et al. [18]. The following
compounds used and produced during refining parameters have their contents greater than the
processes. This increase had led to the selection DPR standard limits: oil and grease, BOD, COD,
of bacteria and fungi (though low counts) that turbidity and THC while TDS, TSS, total chloride,
can utilize or metabolize the hydrocarbons as and chromium. From the result, the BOD and
carbon and energy sources known as COD of Warri sample are lower than the DPR
hydrocarbon utilizers. The findings are similar to standard limits while that of PH is higher.
the works published by Okoro [34] and Ajuzieogu
et al. [18] who both reported that the low The results in Figs. 1 and 2 revealed that there
microbial counts revealed that there is paucity of was an exponential decrease in the algal cell
nutrients in oil produced water thereby counts which intensified as the time of exposure
supporting low population counts. The turbidity of increases (24 - 72 h). The decrease in the cell
the samples is high which shows that there is a number of algae when exposed to the samples
high rate of impurities and dissolved substances. showed that an unfavorable condition which
This is capable of increasing the BOD and COD decreased the rate of metabolism had been
of the samples as revealed above. The high TDS created. The cells were unable to withstand the
values of both samples correlated with the dynamic nature of the effluents which eventually
conductivity findings above as TDS is a led to a distinct reduction in proliferation. This
surrogate value of salinity and conductivity. shows that the both samples (Warri / PH) sample
There were lower values of total chloride, nitrate, had a high hydrocarbon and heavy metal
phosphate, sulphate, total alkalinity but higher contents even though PH sample was a bit
values of the heavy metals analyzed. higher. The specific growth rate decreases as the
Comparatively, PH sample had a higher turbidity, concentration of the samples increases which
conductivity, acidity, TDS, TS, total chloride, means that there is a decrease in cell density per
nitrate, phosphate, sulphate, DO, BOD, COD, oil time. This can be expressed in reciprocal days
and grease, TPH, THC, copper, chromium, (day ) [7]. The average growth rate (3.61),
Egurefa et al.; SAJRM, 6(2): 10-23, 2020; Article no.SAJRM.55886
coefficient of variation (4.7 %) and pH (9.10) of samples and control with R value of 0.207. The
our control replicates met the validity criteria of likely reason behind this could be as a result of
International Standard Organization [7] which the presence of heavy metals especially
states that the average growth rate, variation chromium present in the both samples.
coefficient (CV) and pH in the control replicates Hexavalent chromium has been widely examined
shall be at least 1.4 d , not more than 5% and for toxicity and used as reference chemical
1.5 relative to the pH of the growth medium. This compound in ecotoxicological studies to different
growth rate corresponds to an increase in cell aquatic organisms such as fresh water snails.
density by a factor 67 in 72 h. The results further Prato et al. [41] reported that mercury was more
showed that Warri sample proved to be the most toxic to Gammarus aequicauda, Corophium
harmful effluent (ErC50 47.62%) while other insidiosum, Idoteabaltica, Sphaeromaserratum,
samples also had a harmful effects on the growth and Mytilus galloprovincialis than copper and
rate of the algal species according to GESAMP cadmium. Tallarico et al. [8] reported that
[38] and CSP [39] toxicity classification system WWWTP water samples showed acute toxicity to
which states that: highly toxic - LC50/EC50< 1 B. glabata adult snails in the samplings II and III;
mg/L, toxic- 1 mg/L < LC50/EC50 ≤ 1 mg/L, samplings II were toxic to snails (LC50 = 41.25 %)
harmful/hazardous for aquatic environment - 10 and sampling III was slightly toxic (LC50 =
mg/L < LC50/EC50 ≤ 100 mg/L, very low toxic – 84.16%) and no toxicity was observed in the
non – toxic - LC50/EC50 > 100 mg/L. There were sampling IV.
statistically significant differences detected (P <
0.05) among the samples and control with R Several researchers have demonstrated that
value of 0.992. Similar observation was made by germination, root elongation and shoot length are
Yamagishi et al. [40] who reported that the the most authoritative parameters that indicate
growth of a green alga decreases in the changes in environmental quality [42–44] and the
presence of a toxic substance in high results in Tables 4 and 5 showed that there was
concentration but Prato et al. [41] discovered that general and remarkable decrease in all the
some aquatic organisms such as Sphaeroma growth features of the Zea mays seedlings
serratum can tolerate some toxicants (Cu, Cd exposed to both effluents. The inhibition of root
and Hg). and shoot growth was concentration dependent
and statistically significant (P < 0.05) at the
Further study was carried out to ascertain the tested concentrations of PH and Warri samples
environmental effects of the effluents using in comparison with their controls with R2 values
Lymnaea stagnalis (freshwater snail) as of 0.6256 and 0.7067, respectively. The reason
bioindicators for water monitoring. The for these decreases and differences could be
standardization and justification of this native due to the accumulations and magnifications of
species for ecotoxicological studies are heavy metals and hydrocarbon components
applicable mainly for West Africans where present in the samples by the root cells of these
dogmas and protocols concerning the bio – indicators which further affect the growth
environments are still quite primitive compared to and structures of the seed embryos negatively.
other countries. The results in Tables 2 and 3 The result in Fig. 4 revealed that Warri sample
depict several changes which occurred in exhibited the most growth inhibitory effect on
movement, retraction, production of mucus, and 50% population of Z. mays with EC50 value of -
mortality. These features increased with time and 32.68%. Using two tailed paired T-TEST, there
concentration in Warri sample while PH sample was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between
recorded a moderate mortality rate at every time PH and Warri samples revealing that both
and concentration. When the molluscs were samples had equal and significant harmful
supplied with a vitamin source, similar mortality effects on the root and shoot growths of the Zea
was recorded. This showed that the refinery mays seedlings. Our result was validated by the
industrial effluents contained a high hydrocarbon research work of Odutayo et al. [44] who
content which cannot be metabolized by the reported that rate of growth and length of roots
molluscs. The result in Fig. 3 demonstrated that differed according to effluent concentrations of
the Warri sample exhibited the most harmful industrial effluent with the lowest shoot and root
effect on 50% population of Lymnaea stagnalis growth occurring at 100% concentration and the
with LC50 value of 51.86% in accordance with the highest growth seen at the control. A similar
GESAMP [38] and CSP [39] acute toxicity study was been conducted by Gvozdenac et al.
criterion. Statistically, there was no significant [45] where germination, root and shoot length of
difference detected (P > 0.05) among the selected plants were used as indicators of water
Egurefa et al.; SAJRM, 6(2): 10-23, 2020; Article no.SAJRM.55886
quality and also by Orhue et al. [46] where they and phenols to algae Pseudokirchneriella
studied the effect of brewery effluents on the subcapitata and bacteria Vibrio fischeri:
growth of maize crop. Comparison with published data and
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5. CONCLUSION 7. ISO. Water quality- Fresh water algal
growth inhibition test with unicellular green
This research study has shown that untreated algae, ISO (2012) 8692:2012 (E),
industrial effluents from refiners are highly toxic Case postale 56.CH-1211. Geneva,
to plants, invertebrates and microorganisms due Switzerland: International Standard
to their high hydrocarbon, heavy metals and Organization; 2012.
other pollutant contents. The toxicity values > 1 8. Tallarico LD, Borrely S, Hamada N,
EC50/ECr50/LC50 < 100 obtained in this study Grazeffe VS, Ohlweiler FP, Okazaki K,
are in line with other toxicity data on untreated Granatelli AT, Pereira IW, Pereira CA and
refinery industrial effluents. Also, appropriate Nakano E. Developmental toxicity, acute
care should be employed because effect toxicity and mutagenicity testing in
observed particularly in Zea mays can also occur freshwater snails Biomphalaria glabrata
in plants when exposed to the effluents. (Mollusca: Gastropoda) exposed to
chromium and water samples. Ecotox
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