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Focus: Value Chains: Lessons From The Kenya Tea and Indonesia Cocoa Sectors

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Value Chains: Lessons from the Kenya tea and
Indonesia cocoa sectors
Ally Bedford, Mick Blowfield, Duncan Burnett and Peter Greenhalgh


Acronyms and abbreviations 3 Section Three:

Conclusions and recommendations 26
Exchange rates 3 8.0 Conclusions and recommendations 26
8.1 Introduction 26
Executive summary 4 8.2 Managing responsibility in cocoa
and tea value chains 26
Section One: Setting the scene 6 8.3 Evaluating the performance of
1.0 Introduction 6 future action 26
2.0 Stakeholder social and welfare issues 7 8.4 Recommendations for future action 30
3.0 Methodology 7
3.1 General 7 Selective bibliography 31
3.2 Ethical supply chains 8
3.3 Case studies and stakeholder concerns 9 Acknowledgements 32
3.4 The Tea Sourcing Partnership
and Ethical Trading Initiative 9 Annexes
3.5 Other Issues 10 1 Tea Sourcing Partnership questionnaire 33
2 Collective Bargaining Agreements 37
Section Two: Case studies of the Kenya tea 3 Proceedings of the Nairobi Stakeholder
and Indonesia cocoa sectors 12 Workshop held on 11th April 2001 45
4.0 The UK tea trade and its initiatives 4 Stakeholder Profiles 50
regarding social and welfare issues 12 5 Hierarchy of Principles, Criteria, Indicators 56
4.1 The UK tea trade 12
4.2 The Tea Sourcing Partnership 12
1 Methodology: Planning within
4.3 Premier Brands UK Limited 13
AA1000 framework 8
5.0 The Kenya tea industry 14
2 Methodology: Information Flows 9
5.1 Introduction 14
3 Value Chain – The structure of the
5.2 Structure of the Kenya tea trade
Kenya tea industry 16
4 Value Chain – The structure of the
Tea Brokers, Tea Packers, TRFK,
Indonesian cocoa industry 20
The Tea Auction and Direct Tea Sales 15
5 Indonesia – Cocoa Producer Prices
5.3 The value chain 15
1985/86 – 1998/99 22
5.4 BBK 17
6 Tea and cocoa value chains 28
5.5 Smallholders 17
7 Hierarchy of terms for measuring
6.0 Indonesian cocoa 18
performance 29
6.1 Introduction 18
8 Responsibilities 30
6.2 Land and labour 19
9 Suggested criteria and indicators in the
6.3 Other sector stakeholders 19
respect of the responsibilities of smallholders 30
6.4 Marketing system 20
10 Suggested projects in the tea industry 31
6.5 The cocoa value chain 21
6.6 Issues impacting on
stakeholder well-being 22
6.7 Some concluding comments 23
7.0 Workshops 24
7.1 Introduction 24
7.2 Nairobi workshop 24
7.3 London workshop 25

Acronyms and abbreviations

BBK Brooke Bond Kenya Limited

CBA Collective Bargaining Agreement
CTTA Ceylon Tea Trade Association
DFID The UK Government’s Department for International Development
E/r Exchange rate
EATTA East Africa Tea Trade Association
EPZA Export Promotion Zone Authority
ETI Ethical Trading Initiative
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GOK Government of Kenya
ITC International Tea Council
KETAPA Kenya Tea Packers Ltd
kgs Kilogrammes
kms Kilometres
KPAW Kenya Plantation and Agricultural Workers Union
Kshs Kenya shillings
KTB Kenya Tea Board
KTDA Kenya Tea Development Agency Limited
KTGA Kenya Tea Growers Association
Mt Metric tonnes
MNC Multinational Company
NRET Natural Resources and Ethical Trade Programme (at NRI)
NTZDC Nyayo Tea Zones Development Corporation
PB Premier Brands Limited
SL Sri Lanka
RC Resource Centre for the Social Dimensions of Business Practice
TOR Terms of reference
TQM Total Quality Management
TSP Tea Sourcing Partnership

Exchange rates
Exchange rate at the time of the study:
Indonesian Rupiah 12,375 to 1 £
Indonesian Rupiah 9,000 to 1 US$
Ksh 110 to 1 £
Ksh 76 to 1 US$

Executive summary

Key lessons emerging:

There are two key elements to any effective social in the chain. However, a powerful driver is largely
responsibility strategy namely: missing in cocoa and tea despite the fact that high
• defining well-being for the community, and profile manufacturers (e.g. tea and chocolate
• managing the process of achieving and companies) are at risk from poor social performance.
demonstrating that well-being.
The long-term relationships between players in the
The smallholder cocoa and tea sectors require chain are often lacking which in turn limits trust and
rethinking of accepted definitions of well-being. Core stability.
labour standards may be relevant to an extent, but they
do not cover other major issues such as terms of trade, Therefore, for the cocoa and tea industries, the
land and environmental management. Their criteria on challenge is both to
issues such as child labour and freedom of association (i) understand what constitutes good social
may also harm smallholders. performance, and
(ii) find new ways of working within the chain in order to
A social responsibility strategy for cocoa and tea needs make responsibility a manageable dimension of
to go beyond what is currently on offer. It needs to business practice.
recognise that
(i) smallholders are often entrepreneurs, employers and The next steps in the process for ethical supply chain
workers, and management for the tea and cocoa sectors largely
(ii) different types of smallholder have different revolve around developing a new action research
expectations or concerns. agenda. Some ideas on potential indicators for
measuring progress are suggested, with the proviso
The strategy for managing the chain needs to be re- that these can only be indicative while the
thought. Other industries often have a single powerful responsibilities and objectives of key players are still
driver (e.g. retailers) able to influence others’ behaviour being debated.

The project assesses the use of social standards in The research focuses on Indonesian cocoa and
value chain management as an approach to socially Kenyan tea, which are converted into highly visible and
responsible business. The research examines two popular consumer products with generic and brand
major internationally traded commodities, namely cocoa image. Ethical sourcing, responsible business practice,
and tea, and explores the social dimensions of their social and welfare issues and environmental
value chains. sustainability are already present in these sectors.

The value chain is defined as comprising those Tools and methodologies used in the research included
stakeholders involved in converting an agricultural crop literature and data reviews, case studies, stakeholder
into a packaged product available for sale to profiling, workshops and semi-structured interviews.
consumers. At each stage along the chain, various Various social standards used in value chain
activities are undertaken that can add value to the management which focus on issues such as core
product. labour and human rights issues were adapted for use

in the research, which was carried out among
stakeholders in Indonesia and Kenya, as well as
stakeholders operating outside these countries. These
approaches enabled issues to be put into context as
well as identify relationships and recognise the
potential powers, influences and leverages, which can
be used as catalysts of change.

The issues identified and analysed which impact on

smallholder well-being in the cocoa and tea value
chains include:
• Governance (legal framework, land tenure,
producers’ associations).
• Good working practices (freedom from physical,
ethnic and sexual harassment, regulated use of child
• Health, safety, security (use of chemical/pesticide
inputs, access to health care, security of tenure).
• Compensation (fair share of crop/export price, timely
payment, competitive wage, ability to grow other
• Investment in the future (access to education and

SECTION ONE: Setting the scene

1.0 Introduction The approach

The objectives The project addresses two questions:
The Natural Resources Institute (NRI) of the University 1 How to understand the impact that non-producer
of Greenwich was commissioned by the Department stakeholders have on producers’ ability to comply
for International Development (DFID) and the Resource with a range of different social standards?
Centre for the Social Dimensions of Business Practice 2 How can stakeholders work together to implement
(Resource Centre) to undertake a research project into responsible business practices along the value
the use of social standards in value chain management chain?
as an approach to socially responsible business. The
research focused on international trade in commodities An overriding concern of both the cocoa and tea
between developing and developed countries with the industries, whose production provides a living for
aim of examining the social dimensions of value chains millions of families in the developing world, is that their
in the cocoa and tea sectors. long-term sustainability is currently under threat from
environmental degradation.
For the purpose of this project the value chain is
defined as comprising those stakeholders involved in A further issue addressed in general terms was that of
converting an agricultural crop into a packaged product “externalities” applicable to the Indonesian cocoa and
available for sale to consumers. At each stage along Kenya tea industries. Externalities are generally defined
the chain, various activities are undertaken that can as factors not included in the financial costs of
add value to the product. These include processing into conducting business, but that have a positive and/or
an exportable quality product, packing, internal negative impact on human welfare, such as social
transport, warehousing, sales charges, freight, benefits accruing to an area due to the industry’s
insurance, interest, blending, further processing and presence (positive) and pollution (negative).
packaging and retailers sales costs. Additionally,
stakeholders along the chain should have an economic In commissioning this project, DFID and the Resource
role to play and must include an adequate profit margin Centre hope to encourage the private sector to foster
to ensure an acceptable return on their business business practices that embrace social, environmental
activities. and financially responsible business, thus creating
sustainable development. Growing interest in
The context responsible business practices has to a large extent
The project focuses on the Indonesian cocoa industry been driven by consumer pressure for assurance that
and the Kenya tea industry. Tea and cocoa were the products on sale are produced in a manner not
selected as they are: detrimental to the welfare of the workers involved.
1 two major commodity exports from developing Concerns cover terms and conditions of employment,
countries to the UK, health and safety, education, maternity provisions,
2 commodities which are converted into visible housing and child labour. Additionally, there is growing
consumer products, namely confectionery and concern regarding environmental sustainability,
beverages, particularly in agricultural development. Therefore, it is
3 there is developing country sourcing and generic and important that these issues are discussed and
brand image, understanding and awareness is raised, particularly to
4 tea and cocoa sectors are already active in the areas avoid unwarranted and perhaps ill informed media
of ethical sourcing /responsible business practice, attention.
social and welfare issues and environmental

The following organisations were consulted and kept The following questions were addressed in the course
informed of progress: of research:
• The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) — an UK based • What are the social issues for each stakeholder in
alliance of companies, non-government the chain?
organisations (NGO’s) and trade unions committed • What issues of concern to stakeholder X may affect
to working together to identify and promote good the well being of other stakeholders?
practice in the implementation of codes of labour • What issues for stakeholder X are a consequence of
practice. Its company members include a number of other stakeholders actions?
major retailers of tea and cocoa products. • What mechanisms/systems exist or could feasibly be
• The Tea Sourcing Partnership (TSP) which is also a put in place for identifying and monitoring social
member of the ETI. issues?
• A number of confectionery and trading companies as • What can stakeholders do to positively influence the
well as their trade associations. behaviour of others in the chain?
• Various organisations in both Indonesia and Kenya
that were directly involved in the selected sectors. 3.0 Methodology
3.1 General
2.0 Stakeholder social and welfare issues Project activities included one visit to Indonesia and
It is probably obvious that the main reason for a three visits to Kenya by NRI consultants between
stakeholder’s involvement in cocoa and tea value September 2000 and March 2001 for discussions with
chains is to obtain a satisfactory quality of life for the key stakeholders. Research methods included an
individual and his/her dependants. Each stakeholder extensive review of secondary literature and data,
has different expectations of what involvement in the semi-structured interviews with key primary and
chain can do to increase their quality of life. Ideally, the secondary stakeholders as well as focus group
functioning of the chain should allow all of the discussions. The AA1000 Process Model was used in
expectations of the stakeholders to be met. the analysis, particularly in relation to the Kenya tea
industry. This is discussed in greater detail in the
A “responsible” chain will optimise the expectations of following section.
each stakeholder without jeopardising the viability of
the value chain as a whole and without putting unfair In addition, a presentation on the background to the
degrees of risk or hardship on any particular project was given to the Tea Sourcing Partnership in
stakeholder or additional costs borne by the consumer. London in September 2000 and workshops were held
in Nairobi and London on the 11th April and the 9th
Examples of stakeholder issues: May 2001 respectively. Details of format and contents
• A “living” wage paid to employees and a fair price to and conclusions of the workshops are contained in
be paid to smallholders for their green leaf and Section 7 and Annexe 3.
cocoa bean production.
• In the case of smallholders: Experts Ally Bedford, Duncan Burnett and Mick
• The extent to which their quality of life is solely Blowfield undertook the Kenya tea analysis while Mick
dependent on their income. Blowfield and Peter Greenhalgh undertook the analysis
• Should other stakeholders in the tea and cocoa of the Indonesian cocoa sector.
chain be involved in influencing issues such as
health and safety, education, provision of the Ally Bedford is an experienced international consultant
means to continue in business, e.g., input credit, specialising in sustainable development in emerging
transport and extension services, prompt markets. She has worked for both the private and
payment? public sector and is a member of the Institute of Social
• What are smallholders’ expectations from their & Ethical AccountAbility. At the time of undertaking the
involvement in the tea and cocoa trade? study, Mick Blowfield was Manager of NRI’s Natural
• Employees health, safety, education, housing, Resources and Ethical Trade (NRET) Programme. He
maternity leave. is a social anthropologist with considerable expertise in
responsible business and ethical trade practices as well
A company’s ability to provide a satisfactory quality of as sociological and anthropological aspects of natural
life to its employees is related to return on investment resource and community management. Duncan Burnett
expected by shareholders. The pressure to improve is an agricultural economist at NRI. In addition, he has
wages and social and welfare conditions causes an considerable commercial and legal expertise in the
increase in cost of production, unlikely to be paid for by commodity sector, particularly tea, having previously
the consumer. Therefore, do current circumstances worked in the private sector for over two decades. Peter
place a disproportionate burden on producers, which Greenhalgh is currently an economist heading the
may ultimately cause companies to go out of business NRET Programme. He has worked on aspects of
and discourage new entrants? Should the cost of commodities, including cocoa, for over 30 years in both
improving conditions be more equitably shared along the private and public sectors.
the chain including higher consumer prices?

3.2 Ethical supply chains AA 1000 Process Model (AccountAbility Institute of
The use of social standards in value chain Social and Ethical Accountability)
management is the most common approach to socially The AA1000 framework was developed to carry out
responsible business in international trade between the social accounting, auditing and reporting of
South and the North. Some of these standards focus organisations and has been adapted for the Terms of
on core labour and human rights issues (e.g. ETI, Reference of this research as detailed below:
SA8000); others are beginning to tackle wider issues • Focus on purpose and potential
such as terms of trading and criteria for smallholders. outcomes of the study AA1000
• Identify industry (supply chain) processes AA1000
Experience in implementing these initiatives has • Identify the stakeholders within each of
highlighted the importance of multi-stakeholder those supply chain processes AA1000
engagement in both improving and verifying company • Identify & contact recognised
performance. This is a key lesson from ETI, and is at representatives of stakeholders Not AA1000
the heart of AA1000, a standard for improving the • Hold a variety of consultations with
quality of stakeholder engagement in social stakeholder representatives AA1000
responsibility strategies. • Collect data AA1000
• Profile the stakeholders AA1000
• Review the findings AA1000
• Identify issues, the power, the influence,
the leverage Not AA1000
• Define & review values –
e.g. Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI)
• Identify possible benchmarks and
indicators AA1000
• Suggest possible improvement mechanisms AA1000

Figure 1: Methodology – Planning within the AA 1000 Framework

Objectives Client
Scope Dialogue

Completeness Inclusivity
Objectives Issues scoping Stakeholder
Planning Team scoping
Materiality Comparability
Well-being factors of tea & coffee

Project Client Stakeholder

initiation dialogue dialogue

Data collection Transparency

and collation and disclosure Reliability

Analysis of findings

Workshops to share issues & findings

Reporting with stakeholders


Figure 2: Methodology – Information flows

Review values
and objectives
Set future Brainstorming
objectives Issues and methodology

presentation Determine

Client dialogue
Evaluate Team dialogue Identify
data stakeholders
Stakeholder dialogue

findings Methodology
Collect data workload
Field research division
Collect data
Desk research

3.3 Case studies and stakeholder consultations national agreements for each of the following areas:
Case studies were undertaken in tea and cocoa • Employment (including minimum wage and wage
sectors, including major plantations and smallholders. levels)
These studies put issues into context, identify • Education
relationships and recognise the potential power, the • Maternity
influences, and the part of leverage, which can be used • Health & Safety
as catalysts of change. For those who wish to audit the • Housing
industry, it scopes the well-being issues which can be
considered to develop indicators and benchmarks in The TSP standards are only applicable to plantations
the future. and factories with employees.

Stakeholder dialogue identifies historic and current Details of the TSP initiative are given in Section 4.2. All
issues and future expectations. In this research, the members of the TSP are also members of the ETI,
comments and thoughts about industry norms, whose base code requires that employers conform to
government support, country compliance and global the following:
expectations were recorded. Some stakeholder profiles 1. Employment is freely chosen: No forced, bonded
are contained in Annexe 4. or involuntary prison labour. Workers are not required
to lodge “deposits” or their identity papers with their
Profiling the also adds the human dimension, which is employer and are free to leave their employer after
often oddly missed even in the exploration of value reasonable notice.
chains and ethical issues! 2. Freedom of association and the right to
collective bargaining: Workers have the right to join
These consultations were held in a variety of formats or form trade unions of their own choosing and to
languages and locations and included issues raised by bargain collectively. Employers adopt an open
both the Tea Sourcing Partnership (TSP) and Ethical attitude towards the activities of trade unions and
Trading Initiative (ETI) as summarised in the following their organisational activities. Where the right to
section. freedom of association and collective bargaining is
restricted under law, the employer facilitates, and
3.4 Tea sourcing partnership and ethical trading does not hinder, the development of parallel means
initiative for independent and free association and bargaining.
The TSP looks at five main areas assessing whether 3. Working conditions are safe and hygienic:
estates and factories comply with local laws and Workers shall receive regular and recorded health

and safety training. Access to clean toilet facilities chronological order, however there were some
and to potable water, and, if appropriate, sanitary unavoidable deviations due to accessibility of
facilities for food storage shall be provided. stakeholders, but for the most part this plan was
Accommodation, where provided, shall be clean, followed. The smallholders and the KTDA were both
safe, and meet the basic needs of the workers. re-visited on three separate occasions to clarify issues
4. Child labour shall not be used: No new either not covered or that showed some discrepancy in
recruitment of child labour. Companies shall support understanding or expected process.
programmes which provide for the transition of any
child found to be performing child labour to enable 3.5 Other issues
her or him to attend and remain in quality education One cannot scope the social issues in the tea and
until no longer a child. Children and young persons cocoa industries, without also considering impacts from
under 18 shall not be employed at night or in other direct or indirect sources. Here are some factors
hazardous conditions. from the Kenya tea sector.
5. Living wages are paid: Wages meet national legal
standards or industry benchmark standards, Government Whether through mismanagement or
whichever is higher, and should always be enough to corruption, the Kenyan government has failed to
meet basic needs and to provide some discretionary maintain basic infrastructure, which has increased the
income. All workers shall be provided with written cost of tea production and processing. In turn this has
and understandable information about their wages reduced smallholder incomes and increased their costs
each time that they are paid. No deductions from to achieve well-being. For example:
wages as a disciplinary measure.
6. Working hours are not excessive: Working hours Utilities Insufficient power has created shortages and
comply with national laws and benchmark industry rationing. It has increased the cost of processing and
standards, whichever affords greater protection. created the need to find alternative, often expensive
Workers shall not on a regular basis be required to and generally unsustainable power sources. Insufficient
work more than 48 hours per week and shall be and intermittent water supplies have impacted on both
provided with at least one day off for every seven- processing and basic well-being in the tea farming
day period on average. Overtime shall be voluntary, communities
shall not exceed 12 hours per week, shall not be
demanded on a regular basis and shall always be Communications Lack of effective
compensated at a premium rate. telecommunications in Kenya is severely limiting
7. No discrimination is practised: There is no effective business practices and reducing flow of
discrimination based on race, caste, national origin, information. (This is much less of a constraint in
religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual Indonesia).
orientation, union membership or political affiliation.
8. Regular employment is provided: Work performed Roads Poor feeder roads prevent the effective
must be on the basis of a recognised employment transportation of the green leaf from the farm, buying
relationship. Obligations to employees under labour station and factory, creating a high percentage of green
or social security laws shall not be avoided through leaf wastage through non-delivery. Poor government
the use of labour-only contracting, sub-contracting, roads have reduced the effective delivery of black tea
home-working arrangements, or through from the factory to the port. (In comparison, Indonesia
apprenticeship schemes where there is no real intent has a relatively better developed infrastructure).
to impart skills or provide regular employment, nor
shall any such obligations be avoided through the Produce transportation The lack of vehicle
excessive use of fixed-term contracts of maintenance and access to spare parts through lack of
employment. access to foreign exchange causes non-delivery and
9. No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed: contamination of both green leaf and black tea.
Physical abuse or discipline, the threat of physical
abuse, sexual or other harassment and verbal abuse Drought Deforestation has caused, soil erosion
or other forms of intimidation shall be prohibited. subsidence and aggravated drought – reducing the
overall output. However, most large estates have
The above values are only pertinent for employees, sustainable fuel wood plantations.
predominantly found on the large plantations or the few
private factories and service providers, and are not IMF The IMF has demanded mass public sector
valid for many smallholders working in both the tea and retrenchment and many of the unemployed have
cocoa industries. One challenge therefore, was to returned to the rural areas causing increased pressure
scope the issues and values of smallholders in relation on land use and burden on smallholder incomes.
to the rest of the supply chain groups, including their
managing agents where applicable. CBA The Collective Bargaining Agreement in Kenya,
has also resulted in increased use of casual labour or
The consultations with stakeholders, should have redundancy, putting further strain on the rural areas.
followed the processes from “tea plucker to port” in

AIDS Lack of information and social practices have
increased the AIDS population in the rural areas,
thereby reducing the numbers of adult working
smallholders, diminishing technical skills and
production capability and increasing reliance on
younger members of the family to be active in

Education Schooling is not totally free, neither are

schoolbooks, uniforms and shoes, creating an extra
burden on large rural families. Also education has not
fulfilled the promises of a ‘better quality’ of life.

Ethnic discrimination has created bitter resentment

and is very visible in some areas of both Kenya and

Tea (and cocoa) trends Beyond the various cultural

tastes and various health fads, which determine the
qualities and blends of tea (and cocoa/chocolate)
produced, many consumers are demanding that social
and environmental issues are being addressed through
‘ethical’ production verification. The question is, who
pays for the actual cost of improvement and verification

SECTION TWO: Case studies of the Kenya tea and
Indonesia cocoa sectors

4.0 The UK tea trade and its initiatives regarding various lobby groups including the Fair Trade
social and welfare issues movement (e.g. publicity given to the consumption of
4.1 The UK tea trade fairly traded tea and coffee by the UK government)
Tea consumption in the UK averages 2.46 kgs per together with individual initiatives being undertaken by
capita per annum, equalling 150,000 tonnes of tea per members of the UK tea trade demanded an industry
annum (13% of international trade) with an wide response to the issue of ethical sourcing. It was
approximate value of £180 million. The most popular considered that the formation of the TSP represented a
UK tea brands, primarily in tea bag form, are usually natural development of business practice, with social
complex blends of different origins and qualities and responsibility being a long-term issue for the trade and
the identification of composition in terms of origin and an increasing factor in influencing consumer preference
estates is a closely guarded commercial secret for tea as a beverage of choice. Additionally, some
amongst competitors. members such as Brooke Bond, Finlay Beverages and
Williamson & Magor, are also involved in owning and
There are well-established popular brands such as PG operating tea plantations in developing countries and
Tips, Tetley’s, Twining, Typhoo and Yorkshire Tea, but believe that their estates already maintain high
supermarkets own label teas, such as Tesco, standards. Therefore, it was felt that the TSP scheme
Sainsburys, Marks and Spencer and Waitrose are would provide a means of demonstrating the standards
capturing a growing share of the market. The being followed on tea estates. The TSP membership’s
supermarkets contract the buying, blending and philosophy is that the UK tea trade should assume joint
packing of their teas often from companies that they responsibility for the social and ethical conditions
also compete with in the branded goods sector. involved in sourcing tea from developing countries and
that activity in this area should be non competitive and
Fair Trade brands and labelled teas represent a small apolitical respecting cultural and legislative differences
segment of the market and include various brands in each country. The TSP also claims that their scheme
marketed by Cafedirect (Teadirect), Clipper, Equal is unique and involves no additional charges to
Exchange, and Traidcraft. The main organisations producers and consumers with all costs being met by
connected with the tea trade are; the UK Tea Trade the membership. The scheme involves all tea products
Association (packers and blenders), the Tea Brokers packed by UK members, and all brands must be
Association (brokers, traders and “middlemen”), and included. Members of the Partnership represent some
the International Tea Council (promoting the world tea of the best known brands on offer to the UK consumer,
trade and tea as a generic product), and the Tea including supermarkets’ own label teas.
Sourcing Partnership.
The specific objective of the TSP is to develop a clear
4.2 The Tea Sourcing Partnership (TSP) and factual understanding of conditions on 1,500 tea
Following informal discussions among the UK tea trade estates in seven producing countries and to validate
in 1996 the Tea Sourcing Partnership (TSP) was set up them by a continuous cycle of independent audits.
in April 1997 by a large group of tea packers and More specifically, the TSP aims to demonstrate that
blenders representing 40 tea brands and 60% of the producers comply with local legislation and union
UK’s packed tea. Its aim was to devise and implement agreements relating to terms and conditions of
a long-term initiative addressing issues of core labour employment (including minimum age and wage levels);
and human rights standards of suppliers of tea health and safety; education; maternity provisions and
worldwide. It had been acknowledged that consumer housing.
pressure regarding ethical sourcing is of increasing
concern to UK customers for tea. The activities of

The developing countries involved in the TSP scheme those meeting such standards receive a TSP certificate
are: confirming compliance. Those failing to meet the
• Kenya: (50% of UK tea imports) the first country to standards set by the TSP are notified that TSP
be audited by the TSP, commencing in 1998 with members will not buy from them until they have
over two-thirds of Kenyan export market, about 250 rectified the situation. Those producers meeting the
tea estate units (a unit can be a factory, workshop, standards set by the TSP are guaranteed a market
administration centre, tea field or health and welfare within the TSP membership provided that they meet the
unit), having been audited by the beginning of 2001. normal criteria of price and quality. Accordingly,
• Malawi: (7% of UK tea imports) questionnaires have producers can plan their planting regimes to meet
been completed by tea producers and auditing market demand with a higher level of certainty.
began in February 2001.
• Sri Lanka: (5% of UK tea imports) pilot audits were The drawback to this arrangement is that those
carried out in 1999 and the questionnaire is currently businesses identified as not complying with the national
being verified with local labour lawyers. Auditing will legislation and collective bargaining agreements
start in the second half of 2001. (CBAs), and who do not achieve the improvement
• India: (15% of UK tea imports) a questionnaire for demanded, have to cease exporting tea to the TSP
India (Assam) has been finalised and verified by members. Compliance also requires capital outlay to
local lawyers and audits are due to commence in the achieve the necessary health and safety standards.
second half of 2001. Compliance can also require employers to increase
• Indonesia: (7% of UK tea imports) the TPS will operating costs by improving terms and conditions of
commence work in Indonesia by the end of 2001. employment, health and safety, education, maternity
• Tanzania: (2% of UK tea imports). provision and housing. Additional operating costs relate
• Zimbabwe: (2% of UK tea imports) questionnaires to management time used to implement and maintain
have been issued to all Zimbabwe’s tea producers compliance.
and these are currently in the process of being
completed and returned. Auditing should be There are concerns among the tea producers and
completed by the end of 2001. manufacturers that compliance will increase costs to
the extent that employers will either not fully adopt such
Whilst the UK imports tea from around 30 tea approaches, hence losing their markets, or be pushed
producing countries the above seven countries out of business due to reduced profits, thereby leading
represent over 85% of the total. The scheme adopts to increased poverty. Small-scale producers and
three phases: manufacturers are the most vulnerable because they
• Questionnaire. lack access to the relatively cheap capital available to
• An independent audit. the large companies.
• Compliance.
The TSP are members of the Ethical Trade Initiative
The first phase requires the estate to complete the (ETI) and are in informal discussion and consultation
questionnaire (see Annexe 3) devised by the TSP. with major European tea packers and blenders,
Inputs to the questionnaire are then held on a database particularly in the Netherlands and Germany, regarding
held by the TSP. the extension of the scheme Europe wide.

The second stage involves a visit by independent 4.3 Premier Brands UK Limited (PB)
auditors to the estate every three years. The auditors, PB is a major UK producer of branded tea products
appointed in October 1997 by the TSP, are Bureau including Ridgeways and Typhoo. They also pack and
Veritas Quality Inspection (BVQI) who have been blend “own label” teas for leading supermarket chains
chosen for their expertise in independent auditing. such as Tesco’s.
BVQI claim extensive experience in auditing in around
70 countries on behalf of over 25,000 clients, including They have a Quality and Assurance scheme, which
Sainsbury’s, Marks and Spencer’s, Tesco, Coca Cola, involves regular inspections and audits of their
Heinz, Kraft, Nestlé and Pepsico. BQVI have 44 offices suppliers operations. The scheme covers about 80% of
world-wide with 1200 fully trained professional auditors, the tea purchased by PB worldwide.
and has accreditation from SAI (Social Accountability
International), formerly the Council on Economic PB does not exclude any of their suppliers should they
Priorities Accreditation Agency (CEPPAA), to audit fail to conform to the standards being expected during
against international standard SA 8000 and also the audit. Suppliers are advised of the audit findings
against company codes of conduct. BVQI have been with a request to rectify the situation prior to the next
instructed by the TSP to respect and take consideration visit.
of local culture and traditions particularly in relation to
child labour and gender issues. PB is a member of the ETI and was the first UK tea
group to address issues of ethical trade in a formal
The third stage requires the audited estates to comply manner.
with the ethical standards set in the questionnaire and

PB offers the Ridgeway brand with a fair trade label could have a negative effect on prices as the country’s
registered with the Fair Trade Foundation. The output influences world tea prices. Furthermore, the
Foundation publishes a list of approved tea suppliers decline in tea quality likely to be caused by lack of
from the developing world and PB cannot source from investment in, and congestion at, KTDA managed tea
outside this list (reference to the FLO criteria at factories could also adversely affect tea prices. High
www.fairtrade.net). From each kilo sold, £0.30 of the transaction costs and inefficiencies in tea factories
purchase price is designated as the premium to be together with the seasonally impassable roads, that
used to promote social projects in the country of origin affect green leaf collection, are important factors that
(as decided by premium committees, made up of influence tea earnings and thus determine the
workers and management). In this situation the third industry’s future viability.
party auditing is carried out by the Fairtrade Labelling
Organizations International (FLO) which is the The Kenyan tea industry must also contend with other
custodian of the fair trade labelling standard. external challenges posed by overseas buyers. The tea
sector is increasingly being forced to adopt ethical
PB believe that the issue of ethical sourcing is linked to practices that embrace socially, environmentally and
the total quality management (TQM) system as the financially responsible business. Importers, particularly
concepts of ethical trading and quality are linked. those from the UK, have increasingly been demanding
that the tea supply chain complies with employee social
5.0 The Kenyan tea industry and welfare standards (see 4.2 TSP and 4.3 PB
5.1 Introduction above).
Kenya has a current population of around 30 million
people, of whom 43% are under 14. The work force is 5.2 Structure of the Kenya tea trade
about 9 million of which 75% are employed in the rural This section analyses the institutional set up in the tea
areas with the tea industry alone employing over 2 industry and identifies some of the critical roles of
million people. various organisations involved in tea production,
processing, marketing and exporting. The institutional
Tea is currently Kenya’s leading foreign exchange structure of the Kenya tea trade is very important as it
earner. In 1999, it accounted for about 20% of the facilitates the producer and processor in complying with
agricultural GDP compared with 8% from coffee and the TSP and other buyers’ standards.
6% from horticulture. In the world market, Kenya is the
fourth largest producer of black tea after India, China Kenya Tea Development Agency Limited (KTDA):
and Sri Lanka. However, Kenya currently competes with The KTDA was incorporated under the Companies Act
Sri Lanka for the position of leading tea exporter in the as an independent and private enterprise, owned by all
world. By the year 2005, it is projected that Kenya will of Kenya’s small-scale tea farmers through their
account for 20-23% of world exports if current growth respective factory companies. It manages the tea
rates are sustained. factories on behalf of farmers and charges a
management fee, which is currently fixed at 2.5% of
Tea production has expanded tremendously from the total sale proceeds. The Agency took over in 2000
18,000 tons at independence in 1963 to over 260,000 from its predecessor the Kenya Tea Development
tons in 2000 and is projected to reach 310,000 tons by Authority. The authority had been instrumental in the
2005. It currently earns the country Ksh. 34 billion. introduction of tea production to small-scale producers
Small-scale production accounts for 65% of the area and had managed tea factories on behalf of farmers
and about 62% of production. Notably, among all of since 1964. The newly formed agency assists the
Kenya’s other export crops, only tea has maintained farmers by purchasing fertilisers in bulk mainly from
this upward trend in production and export earnings. international suppliers. The fertiliser is offered to tea
producers on credit to be recovered after the tea is
Against this performance in tea production, quality and sold. The KTDA also offers extension services to
income earnings, the tea sub-sector has to contend smallholder tea producers and is involved in sourcing
with several challenges threatening its survival. These funds for factory construction and renovations. Notably,
include; heavily concentrated markets in which Egypt, KTDA operates and manages factories, markets black
the United Kingdom and Pakistan account for 83% of tea internationally, buys green leaf from smallholders,
Kenya’s exports. Demand in Egypt and Middle-Eastern paying them on a monthly basis and at the end of each
countries has remained strong for many years. financial year. The smallholders are paid total proceeds
However the market potential of Kenyan tea remains from the sale of black tea processed from their green
under exploited. The United Kingdom remains the leaf, less transportation, processing, handling and
single most important destination for Kenya tea marketing costs. The KTDA does not employ
accounting for about 44% of the total exports. agricultural workers. Whilst the KTDA has recently
changed its status from a parastatal to a company with
The challenges facing the Kenyan tea industry include sustainable missions and visions, it has neither the
a stagnating or declining demand in most of the main capacity nor the training procedures to change attitudes
traditional markets, and a general decline in tea prices and practices, demonstrate accountability and address
in the world market. Increased production in Kenya problems.

Tea Board of Kenya (TBK): The TBK is a State Tea Packers: The tea packers in Kenya are not
Corporation under the Ministry of Agriculture, organised into any association. Currently the single
established in 1950, it has a mandate to regulate the largest packer in local market is the Kenya Tea Packers
tea industry. It licenses the tea growers and factories, Limited (KETEPA). Prior to October 1992, KETEPA had
and regulates and controls tea cultivation and the monopoly of tea packaging and distribution in
processing. It also scrutinises all the research activities domestic market. With the repeal of the Price Control
of the Tea Research Foundation, promotes Kenyan tea Act and complete liberation of tea trading, there are
in and outside the country, and collects and over 60 registered tea packers who are free to blend
disseminates tea statistics. The TBK advises the GOK and pack tea for local and export markets.
on all policy matters regarding tea and Board
representation is composed of GOK officials, KTDA, Tea Research Foundation of Kenya (TRFK): TRFK
KTGA, NTZDC and EATTA. was established in 1980 as a company limited by
guarantee to carry out the investigation and research
Kenya Tea Growers Association (KTGA): Kenya Tea into all matters relating to the tea industry. It was a
Growers Association, which is a private and voluntary successor to the Research Institute of East Africa. Its
grouping, promotes the interests of large and medium guarantors are the Ministry of Agriculture and Tea
private tea growers in Kenya. The association accounts Board of Kenya. The Foundation has obtained funding
for over 40% of tea production with the other balance for its research activities almost entirely from the tea
of 60% coming from small-scale farmers. The KTGA industry through the Tea Board of Kenya, from which it
negotiates workers’ social, welfare and employment receives Ksh 52 million annually for its research
conditions with the Kenya Plantation and Workers activities.
Union on behalf of the large-scale tea growers.
Tea Auction and Direct Tea sales: Most Kenyan tea is
Kenya Plantation & Agricultural Workers’ Union sold through the weekly Mombassa auction. Once the
(KPAWU): KPAWU is the national trade union body- tea is ready for sale, the tea brokers are notified so that
representing unionised workers in the coffee, tea, sisal they can collect tea samples from the warehouse, some
and horticultural industries. It negotiates with the Kenya of which they send to buyers for liquoring and
Tea Growers Association, which represents large tea determining quality before the auction. It is the
growers, in order to develop the collective bargaining responsibility of the tea broker to follow up the
agreements (CBAs) for the tea industry. It also payments from the tea buyers and remit the money to
negotiates with KTDA on behalf of employees that are the selling companies. Tea sold through the auction
covered by the union. attracts a brokerage fee of 1.5% of the sales of which
producers pay 1% with 0.5% paid by the buyers.
East African Tea Trade Association (EATTA): The
EATTA is a voluntary association bringing together tea Direct tea sales are normally an outlet for premium tea
producers, brokers and buyers of tea in East Africa. The grades in the Mombassa auction. Offers of tea for
Association’s rules and regulations facilitate auction and direct sale are undertaken every Tuesday after the
direct tea sales and regulate the international trade in auction. On acceptance of the offer, a sale contract is
Kenya and other East African teas. The association made and samples sent for approval. The approval or
comprises tea producers, buyers, brokers and other otherwise must be given within 15 days. Payments are
interested tea traders within the East African region. then effected upon shipment when documents (usually
the bill of lading) are lodged with the buyers’ bank.
Tea Brokers: The tea trade is conducted by brokers Only about 10% of the total is sold through direct sales.
appointed by tea producers. The brokers guarantee the
sale of tea by negotiating between the producer and the 5.3 The value chain
tea trade buyers. The brokers’ functions include receiving The tea value chain, or marketing chain, comprises
tea from producers and selling it at the best possible those stakeholders involved in producing the green leaf
price, negotiating sales by private contract on behalf of and converting it into a bulk packaged product available
the producers, receiving tea samples from producers, for blending and sale to consumers. At each stage
tasting, valuing and distributing sample to potential along the chain, value is added to green leaf through
buyers, preparing and printing catalogue and effecting activities, each with associated costs. For example, the
payment to the producers and factories. Brokers taste cost of conversion to black tea, factory packing,
tea for the purpose of ascertaining the grade of tea in internal transport, warehousing, sales charges (auction
the auction and visit the tea factories informing the and direct), freight, insurance, interest, blending and
factory management on the quality of their tea. The packaging and retailers sales costs. Additionally,
brokers are not quality controllers, since quality stakeholders along the chain should have an economic
management is an in-built process in tea production and role to play and must include an adequate profit margin
manufacturing. There are currently 11-tea brokerage to ensure an acceptable return on their business
firms operating at Mombassa auction. Currently, out of activities. We identified four categories of primary
the eleven brokers, three control 45% of the business stakeholders in the tea industry involved in the
(mostly from tea estates) while the other eight serve following:
KTDA. • Green leaf production

• Green leaf collection A generalised diagram of the tea value chain is shown
• Blending and manufacturing below in Figure 3.
• Consumption

There are also secondary stakeholders, not directly

involved in the above, e.g., brokers, traders, shipping
companies, warehousemen, bankers, but nevertheless
affected by, or having an affect on the activities of
primary stakeholders.

Figure 3: Value chain – The structure of the Kenya tea industry





Ex factory





Free on board


Cost, insurance, freight (12) BLENDERS & PACKERS



Processing includes the following steps: hours worked. Children must work in the company of
• After production small-scale farmers carry the green their official employee parent who is credited with value
leaf to a tea collection centre. of the green leaf plucked by the child.
• Tea is weighed and recorded by a factory employed
clerk. Procedures are embedded in company policy to ensure
• Tea is collected by factory owned KTDA managed compliance with social and welfare standards, for
lorries. example, all accidents are reported and investigated, all
• Tea is delivered to the processing factory owned by statistics are compiled and analysed and improvement
farmers but managed by KTDA on their behalf targets are set.
• Tea is processed, packaged and dispatched through
privately owned transporters. BBK provides 3,000 homes for 80,000 workers and
• Tea is warehoused in Mombassa from where most of their families providing free running water, electricity
it is sold through the Mombassa auction with a small and allotments. Free primary health and hospital care,
amount through directly negotiated sales. HIV/AIDS awareness training and primary and
• Large-scale tea production and processing is secondary education for dependents are also provided.
integrated. Tea from plantations is plucked and
processed in their own factories. It is then BBK has an environmental strategy, which includes
transported and warehoused for sale in the auction research and development for sustainability, the
and under private arrangements. extension of renewable energy sources, fostering good
• Most medium scale estates do not have factories of husbandry practices, and the growth of trees on an
their own. Their tea is therefore processed by the 8-year rotational basis for firewood.
large estate factories where they pay a management
fee of between 2% and 4% of total sales, or more 5.5 Smallholders
commonly sell their green leaf at a negotiated price There are 312,000 licensed tea family smallholders
per kg. collectively producing about 62% of Kenya’s tea. They
own their own land and have tea licences permitting
5.4 Brooke Bond Kenya Ltd them to grow and pluck the green leaf, deliver it to
BBK was selected as a case study as a large scale buying stations run by KTDA Ltd. who act as managing
multinational company (MNC), with in-house links agents to the smallholder tea sector.
beyond production to the blending and packing sector.
The smallholders’ social and welfare conditions are
BBK is a member of the Unilever Group, and its Nairobi largely dependent on the ability to produce sufficient
Head Office manages large tea enterprises in both green leaf and be paid a reasonable price in return.
Kenya and Tanzania. The Kenya operation producing Their net income is used for accommodation, water
around 30 million kgs of black tea per year is the larger and electricity, primary health care and hospitals and
of the two operations. The Tanzania operation uses subsidising primary education. Plantation company
mechanised harvesting, and runs with few staff and workers have these services included as part of their
low costs. contracts. Further to these expenses, many
smallholders are facing an extra burden for the
Brooke Bond Kenya has 18,000 employees of which increasing unemployment of their extended family and
90% are tea pluckers. the devastating effects of HIV/AIDS.

The work force predominantly belongs to a Union and Theoretically, the smallholder’s income is derived from
BBK complies with Kenyan collective bargaining the following:
agreements. The company operates an equal • The average base purchase price for a smallholders’
opportunity policy with basic pay at Ksh 135 per day, a crop of (2 leaves & a bud) green leaf is Ksh 7.50/kg.
good plucker earns an average of Ksh 327 per day. • Average pick is 12kg per day creating an average of
Ksh 90 per day.
BBK places high importance on health and safety at • During the high season, a ‘good 2 leaf & a bud’
the workplace. For example, pluckers use protective picker can pluck 40 kgs per day which means Ksh
boots and aprons and receive training in equipment 300 per day.
use. • Twice a year they receive a ‘bonus’ lump sum, which
can bring the amount up to Ksh 23+/kg.
Individual tea pluckers carry on average up to 12 kgs
maximum of green leaf and weighing stations are no However, interviews with smallholders suggest that
more than a maximum of 200 metres distant from the their income is substantially reduced by the following
tea fields. Seat belts in company vehicles are direct and indirect factors:
compulsory both on and off the company plantations. • The buying station manager weighs the green leaf
and makes mandatory deductions of up to 5 kgs
BBK has a policy regarding children in the workplace from the amount. This is to account for the weight of
allowing those over 12 years to work during non-school the weighing bag. In random tests however, the
hours, subject to certain limits regarding height and weighing bag rarely weighed up to one kilo. A

plucker who brings 12 kilos of green leaf to the reduce their productive working lives.
buying station will only be logged in and paid for 7 • Children who work in the field are not considered
kilos. For a ‘36kg a-day-plucker’ these deductions ‘child labour’. Smallholders perceive it is their duty to
over a month could amount to a loss of income of up share ‘life skills’ with their children and without their
to 1470 Ksh a month. assistance they would be unable to bring in the
• Monthly payments from the factory also have required income to support them. As a general rule,
mandatory deductions for: in the plantation sector, the minimum age at which
(i) Local government road and tea road cess children work is at least 10 years for fieldwork with a
maintenance, regardless whether any maintenance minimum height of 5ft to enable them to cope with
takes place plucking; in addition, children should work voluntary
(ii) Fertilizer (often at above market prices) and out of school time.
• Income for the factory depends on it producing tea of • There is a shortage of potable water and many go
the right quality and in economically viable all day without refreshment.
quantities. Reduced production from lack of produce
or power failures reduces the income that they can Some smallholders sometimes employ pluckers, often
pass on to smallholders as bonuses. migrant workers. Men, women and children are
• Due to the frequent failure of utilities, alternative currently paid a flat rate of Ksh 3.65 per kilo of green
sources of power and water are required, which leaf with no bonus, accommodation, land, health
increases production costs and again reduced benefits, potable water, safety equipment or training.
smallholder bonuses. Whether or not smallholders as employers should be
• The use of wood in the factories has caused subject to ILO standards is an unresolved point worthy
massive deforestation and aggravated the dry of further research.
conditions and soil erosion, again reducing
production ability and reduces smallholder bonuses. In the smallholder tea sector, the environment is
• Lack of equipment maintenance and spare parts characterised by deforestation, exacerbated by the
limits black tea production and revenue, which continual cultivation of land, the use of wood for the
further reduces smallholder bonuses. factory, exhaust fumes from trucks and the increased
• The poor condition of the tea roads and trucks use of generators and coal at factories polluting green
means that the green leaf sometimes does not even leaf.
make it to the factory or partial loads are lost. As the
tea is re-weighed at the factory, further deductions 6.0 The Indonesian Cocoa Sector
may be made from the monthly payments. In 6.1 Introduction
extreme cases, a whole load is lost between the This section outlines a number of key features of the
buying station and factory reduces bonuses. Indonesian cocoa sector including;
• its dramatic expansion during the 1980s and 1990s,
Poor management therefore affects the basic well- • the nature and importance of land and labour inputs
being of smallholders: (6.2),
• Cash strapped producers often sell their fertilizer at • a brief discussion of some of the key stakeholders in
the market at reduced prices to pay for immediate the sector (6.3),
needs – medicines, education etc. However, this • the nature of the marketing system (6.4)
reduces production capacity. • cocoa value chain (6.5).
• The poor road and truck maintenance means trucks
are delayed for hours. As pluckers have to wait at The overview is completed by discussing a number of
some buying stations to load their own green leaf, issues that impact on the well being of the smallholders
this extends their working day from 8 to 14 hours or in the value chain, including land rights, producers’
more. This has a knock on effect on the family, associations and smallholder remuneration (6.6) and a
especially the children who are left to fend for few concluding comments (6.7).
• There is limited finance to purchase protective The sector has grown dramatically over the past 25
clothing on the farms. Some pluckers wear years from negligible in the early 1970s to over 300,000
gumboots, some still go bare foot. Very few have tonnes per year in the late 1990s. Indonesia is now the
aprons to protect them from scratches; wounds world’s third largest producer after Côte d’Ivoire and
usually go untreated due to lack of funds for Ghana. Smallholders dominate production and account
dressings etc. for a growing proportion of output. The area planted to
• Medical care is limited due to the lack of health cocoa is in excess of 400,000 hectares. There are 250-
centres in the rural areas, lack of money to pay for 300,000 smallholders, mostly in Sulawesi. Though
medical treatment and lack of availability of drugs. cocoa is also grown in Kalimantan, Java and Sumatra.
Thus, many smallholders are not working at their full The estate sector, both public and private, accounted
capacity due to ill-health. for 80% of production in 1980, but its share has
• Some pluckers can carry 40 kgs to the buying declined to 20% (and continues to decline) due to the
station, which can be over a kilometre away. The expansion of the smallholder section. Both private and
long term negative effects of this can substantially public estates have suffered since the economic and

political crises since 1997 and their output is unstable It is useful to distinguish between cocoa growers and
and declining. cocoa labourers. In Indonesia there are three main
types of cocoa growers:
During the past decade output has been adversely
affected by weather conditions including heavy rains, i) Owner farmer – s/he farms their own land but in
drought and El Niño induced weather patterns. addition may use family labour and occasionally
However, the major factor affecting the expansion of hired labour. Use of hired labour will depend on a
production has been pests and disease, particularly the range of factors including age, wealth, gender and
Pod Borer Moth. This was responsible for the decline of labour availability.
output during the 1930s and has accounted for varying ii) Sharecroppers – farm another person’s land for a
amounts of production loss in several key growing share of the crop – normally 25% compared with a
areas recently, including Sulawesi. In the absence of higher percentage in West Africa. However, unlike
suitable control methods, the Pod Borer has the West Africa sharecroppers may move frequently.
potential to destroy the cocoa sector in Indonesia, and Balinese transmigrants are important sharecroppers
efforts are now being made to limit the damage caused and there has been a tendency for sharecropping
by this pest. arrangements to replace monthly contract labour.
Sharecroppers are more likely to use family labour –
6.2 Land and labour including child labour – than owner farmers.
Land iii) Farm manager – cultivate another’s land, and in
Expansion of global cocoa production throughout 20th return is paid a wage or fee, or with a future share of
century has taken place predominantly in virgin or the holding. On non-bearing farms, sharecropping is
secondary forest areas and Indonesia is no exception. not feasible and therefore farm managers are
Smallholder expansion has taken place in under- common if the landowner does not farm the land.
populated areas, predominantly in Sulawasi as well as Managers may come from the local population or
Kalimantan. Production is mostly on farms of 2-4 from the Balinese transmigrant communities.
hectares and based on extensive rather than intensive
methods. Access to land has been vital to expansion Cocoa labourers therefore include an individuals own
and a complex system of land rights exist, which is labour, family labour, wage labour and sharecropping-
discussed later in Section 6.6. type arrangements. With regard to family labour,
nuclear family labour is most common and the role of
Cocoa expansion in Indonesia cannot be understood the extended family labour appears to be reducing and
without an understanding of the Bugis/Buginese ethnic is increasingly being paid in cash rather than non-
group. They are renowned for fishing, maritime and monetary means. Generally family labour can be used
trading activities but in southern Sulawesi have a long for any task. Young farmers are more likely to use
tradition of farming. Bugis are famous for their family labour than older farmers. With regard to wage
migratory tendencies as well as their strong ethnic labour, there are a range of contracts including daily or
identity and support networks. There exists a strong monthly paid, payment for specific tasks, payment after
cohesive clientele system among the Bugis, which the harvest. The use of wage labour appears to be
facilitated the expansion of cocoa production into new growing and it tends to be used for discrete tasks (e.g.
areas often hundreds of miles away from the original harvesting, weeding). It is usually wealthier owner-
family home. The means by which land rights were farmers, absentee owners and female owners that tend
acquired played a key role in cocoa expansion involving to employ wage labour. Sharecropper-type
the Bugis. In addition to the Bugis, transmigrants from arrangements are generally used for maintenance of
Bali have also played an important role. bearing farms.

Labour Thus, the typical cocoa grower combines several roles

Labour inputs vary according to age of farm; thus – entrepreneur, employer and labourer. S/he is an
during the establishment phase labour is needed entrepreneur in that land and labour are brought
throughout the year; once established but non-bearing, together along with other inputs to produce cocoa
then labour inputs fall to 80-90 days per hectare; and beans, which are marketed. S/he is an employer in that
when bearing fall even further to approximately 30 days a range of different types of labour inputs can be used.
per ha. Thus, a family with 2-4 productive members can Finally, s/he is a worker labouring on his/her own farm.
look after 2-4 ha farm – perhaps with additional inputs
when harvesting. Typically families grow cocoa in From the above it is apparent that a complex range of
addition to other crops. Labour inputs are higher in economic, social and cultural factors affect production.
Indonesia than West Africa because although there are Some of the influences include ethnic origins, age,
peak and medium harvests, the rainfall patterns allow wealth, gender and price of cocoa.
for harvesting throughout the year. However, as in West
Africa, migrants have played a major role in Indonesian 6.3 Other sector stakeholders
cocoa expansion. Besides cocoa growers there are a number of other
stakeholders groups in the Indonesia cocoa sector.
These include:

Collectors – the marketing structure is highly Some of these facilities are owned by large
fragmented with minimal government involvement. international processing companies (e.g. ADM, Cargill
Smallholders have a variety of options when selling and the Hosta Group).
their crop. The most popular option is to sell wet beans
to village collectors for cash immediately after harvest Associations – in the past a major role has been
whom in turn sell on to middlemen. Normally there are played by the industry association, ASKINDO (the
several collectors and middlemen in each area and Indonesian Cocoa Association) which covers most
consequently strong competition exists. In contrast to aspects of the industry from production through to
growers in West Africa who ferment and dry their own chocolate manufacture. Nevertheless, its role has been
cocoa, in Indonesia these processors are often left to restricted to providing technical and market information
collectors and middlemen. This leads to partially dried to its members, co-ordinating government and research
and fermented cocoa beans with resultant lower institution efforts, as well as educating and informing
qualities and price. the industry. In the past few years, as both the estate
sector has faced increased problems so the role of
Middlemen/traders/exporters – middlemen acquire ASKINDO has diminished and it is seen as increasingly
beans from collectors, arrange the transportation to the weak and ineffective. There are no effective growers
exporters or to local grinders. Many of the internal associations in Indonesia, reasons for which are
traders are of Indonesian Chinese origin. Prior to the discussed in Section 6.6.
economic collapse in 1997 there were approximately
100 exporters but since then the number has reduced Unlike several other Indonesian commodity sectors,
considerably. Now all the major exporters are foreign and in sharp contrast to Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, the
owned, each of which annually exports tens of government’s involvement in the cocoa industry has
thousand of tonnes of cocoa beans. Exporters buy been minimal.
primarily on a “back to back” basis from small village
traders i.e. the buying and selling price are fixed 6.4 Marketing system
simultaneously. As in the case of producers, exporters Minimal intervention combined with this country’s
are exposed to large price risks and invariably need to infrastructure, has created a highly efficient marketing
hold stocks to meet forward physical commitments. system, making Indonesia the most competitive
producing country in the world cocoa market.
Processors (grinders) – in the late 1990s there were
approximately 15 domestic processors, but only one The liberal export marketing policies of the Indonesian
processing facility in Sulawesi – owned by Mars. While government have produced a very efficient marketing
domestic processing capacity is substantial it is system, but there have been few incentives to improve
considerably under-utilised and most cocoa is exported the quality of cocoa exports in part because of the
in dried bean form. The main market is North America, limited knowledge of many Indonesian middlemen with
but processing facilities in Malaysia, Singapore and respect to cocoa handling, quality and storage. As a
Brazil are also significant buyers of Indonesian beans. result, Indonesian beans invariably sell at a lower price

Figure 4: Value Chain: The structure of the Indonesian cocoa industry

Smallholders Estates – Private and state owned

➡➡ ➡➡

➡➡ ➡

Collectors/middlemen Local traders/middlemen Local

Local traders
➡ Exporters industries
➡ ➡ ➡

Local processors/grinders

➡ ➡

Local manufacturers

Overseas buyers Overseas grinders/

Overseas buyers Overseas

processors/grinders Chocolate


Chocolate manufacturers

to most beans from Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire. State run Thus, one of the key features of the chain is the
companies have proved to be less efficient than private growing dominance of international companies in
companies, although they still appear to be international trading, processing and manufacturing
commercially successful. Indonesian growers receive a activities. This can be particularly illustrated by cocoa
high proportion of an free on board price, which is trading in Indonesia, where until 1998 there were over
heavily discounted because of poor quality. 60 national traders with exporting operations in
Makassar (Ujung Pandung), the largest exporting
The marketing structure is highly fragmented with centre accounting for a large proportion of Indonesian
minimal government involvement. Smallholders face a cocoa bean exports. In 2000 only two Indonesian-
variety of options when selling their crop. The most owned companies remained in the export market,
popular option is to sell wet beans to village collectors which is now dominated by eleven international trading
for cash immediately after harvest whom in turn sell on companies. Nevertheless, even within the international
to middlemen. Normally there are several collectors trading arena there have been some spectacular
and middlemen in each area and consequently strong collapses in recent years.
competition exists. The middlemen, once they have
acquired the beans, arrange the transportation to the Another feature of the chain (unlike tea or horticulture
exporters or to local grinders. In some areas, products) are well-developed futures market institutions
smallholders have the option of selling their beans to operating in several countries, but particularly in the
co-operatives or to estates, who in turn sell on to USA and UK. These facilitate price discovery as well as
exporters or grinders, effectively missing out the enable market participants to manage price risks.
intermediaries. In some instances they sell to domestic Indonesian growers have almost immediate access to
processors, although this is dependent on location. The daily prices on the New York cocoa exchange which is
village traders will sell “back to back” to exporters or the major futures market against which Indonesian
domestic users. Most financing for growers comes from cocoa prices are set and hedged. However, for a variety
middlemen, who use credits from exporters to obtain of reasons Indonesian growers and traders are unable
cash to pay the farmers. to use futures and option markets to manage risk (e.g.
difficulties in obtaining foreign credit lines to manage
6.5 The cocoa value chain risk, restrictive local financial regulations, lack of
Compared with other industries, such as horticulture, understanding and experience of derivatives).
footwear, tea and many manufactured goods, there is a
long and complex trading chain in the cocoa sector. Another feature of the chain is that it is weakly
The chain takes cocoa from predominantly smallholder integrated. Several factors can be cited for this,
producers in Third World countries to confectionery including:
manufacturers in northern industrialised markets. 1 A large number, of geographically spread
Cocoa passes through a complex trading network smallholders dominate production, with no strong
involving a large number of intermediaries – collectors, association to represent them.
traders, exporters, commodity exchanges, processors 2 There are many intermediaries involved in trading
and manufacturers. In addition, others involved include and processing; these are often fragmented with the
freight companies, warehouse operations, banks and result that few companies have regular contact with
other financial intermediaries. growers, other than pod counting. In Indonesia, as
elsewhere, few national or international traders have
Cocoa beans are extracted from the pod on the farm, long-term contracts with local traders (Mars are
then processed into a number of products including trying to develop these in Indonesia); few traders
cocoa liquor, butter, cake and powder. A growing have supplying stations to buy directly from growers
proportion of this processing is taking place in cocoa – although this may gradually change in order to
bean producing countries by large international improve quality.
companies such as Cargill, ADM and Hosta. The 3 Product provenance at the grower level is rarely an
various cocoa products are then used in the production issue since Indonesia cocoa quality is relatively low
of chocolate (by far the dominant use of cocoa beans), and cocoa from different areas is often mixed
as well as drinks, biscuits, ice cream and other together; this is in contrast to some other
confectionery products, which invariably incorporate commodities (e.g. tea in Kenya) where provenance is
several other ingredients. Invariably the cost of the more important.
cocoa beans account for a small proportion of the final 4 There is a greater diversity of retailing outlets for the
price. Manufacturing into final products frequently takes end product, and although multiple retailers are
place in the country or region of consumption. There important they do not dominate confectionery in the
are a large number of companies involved – although a same way that they dominate (say) fresh produce.
small number of well-known multinationals account for 5 Processors can address many quality issues; food
a large share of the market, particularly Nestlé, Mars, safety requirements are not a key issue at the
Hershey, Kraft Jacob Suchard and Cadbury grower level, although more stringent requirements
Schweppes. regarding pesticide residues may change this.

6.6 Issues impacting on stakeholder well-being there are legal uncertainties over indigenous rights over
To complete the overview, a number of issues are the land. Migrants often used these uncertainties to
discussed which impact on the well being of the establish individual rights over the land. This is achieved
smallholders in the value chain. Following interviews with either by:
different types of farm-owner and worker, we have i) Laying a claim to uncultivated land (normally forested
divided well being into the following broad categories land) – there may be traditional rights over the land but
(along with possible issues): by clearing and planting the migrant is able to establish
• Governance a claim with local authorities; or
Legal framework ii) Negotiating access with the traditional owner or
Land tenure custodian – once a migrant has been granted the right
Producers’ associations to use the land to grow crops, then this is often used as
• Good working practices a basis for registering ownership with the local
Freedom from harassment– e.g. physical, ethnic and authorities.
• Health, safety, security However, it should be noted that these rarely take the form
Safe use of chemical inputs – pesticides of legal title; rather, the claim is recognised by payment of
Access to health care local taxes or some form of letter from the village or
Security of tenure district head.
• Compensation
Fair share of crop/export price Producer associations
Timely payment Producer groups are often seen as the means by which
Competitive wage individual smallholders are able to increase their
Other inducements – ability to grow other crops bargaining power and well-being e.g. input supply, co-
• Investment in the future ordinated marketing, facilitating access to credit etc.
Access to loans to expand However, in Indonesia, in contrast to West Africa, there
Access to education are very few co-operatives or farmers’ groups. Reasons
cited for this include:
In the remainder of this section we discuss three of these • A distrust of co-operatives – partly because of their
issues, namely land rights, producers associations and history of corruption and political control. Efforts are
smallholder remuneration being made under the externally funded pod borer
control programme to establish co-operatives, but there
Land rights is some scepticism as to whether it will be successful.
Rights over land in Indonesia (as well as in West Africa) • The Bugis prefer to mobilise the extended family
are invariably complex and created both opportunities and network for trade rather than collaborating with
obstacles to migrants wishing to cultivate cocoa. Often neighbouring farmers.

Figure 5: Indonesia – Cocoa producer prices, 1985/86 – 1998/99

14,000 100%
Producer price as a proportion of free on board price

Producer price (Rp/kg)

10,000 70%




4,000 30%


0 0%
1985/86 1987/88 1989/90 1991/92 1993/94 1995/96 1997/8

Producer price Share of f.o.b

Smallholder remuneration and risk to price fluctuations which can be considerable. For a
There is no doubt that the Indonesian smallholders variety of reasons, including scale of production,
receive a fair share of the export price (see Fig 5) – knowledge and financial constraints, they are not in a
and this is obtained almost immediately after the position to utilise risk management practices such as
harvest. This reflects the efficiency of the marketing forward contracts, futures or PTBF contracts (Prices to
chain and the availability of up-to-date market Be Fixed). Trends in London and NY prices, as well as
information. On occasions the smallholders share has other price data, are generally available through the
been as high as at 80-85% of the free on board price. radio and ASKINDO, but are not always directly
However, a more realistic figure is 65-75% of the New relevant since the differential between local prices and
York auction price. This compares very favourably with futures prices can vary.
the proportion received by West African cocoa
producers. Moreover, the farm-gate price is significantly The price risk faced by exporters is partly dependent
higher than the proportion of the free on board paid by on the relationship between the volume of their forward
cocoa buyers for “faired traded” cocoa in both Ecuador sales and their level of inventories. Exporters tend to
and West Africa (Collinson and Leon, 2000 and Oxford hold stocks because of output fluctuations and the
Policy Management 2000). In part, this is because of need to be able to meet potential or actual future sales.
greater marketing efficiencies and lower taxation. Exporters use both fixed priced and PTBF contracts for
forward sales, which tend to be up to three months
The Sulawesi cocoa chain is an example of successful forward. Some of the larger exporters have built-up
free market capitalism. Growers capture a high share of close relationships with large foreign trading houses –
the world price because of competition and access to indeed some are subsidiaries. These larger and more
market information. Moreover, despite the substantial sophisticated exporters use the London and NY futures
decline in the number of traders they appear to have markets to hedge their inventories. However, there can
succeeded in maintaining a substantial share. be considerable basis risk because local prices can
move independently from prices in the NY and London
Prices to grower have shown considerable variation, in market. While almost all exporters use either the NY or
part reflecting trends in international prices. As Figure 5 London markets for price reference – only a small
illustrates the proportion of the export price received by proportion use the future markets for hedging purposes
growers has varied during the 1990s. Nevertheless, – and hence most exporters have to absorb any price
during the 1990s, with little government intervention in risk. Among the factors leading to limited use are
the marketing chain, grower prices have averaged over government restrictions of the use of external futures
70% of the export unit value. A 1996 World Bank study markets, foreign exchange risks and restrictions,
estimated that the growers share was close to 90% of language difficulties, problems of the time zone.
the free on board price but this must have been
fermented cocoa. (Akiyama et al 1996). LMC estimates Financial risk
the grower’s share is lower at around 78%. Marketing Since late 1997 there has been considerable economic
costs are relatively low, representing approximately and financial uncertainty. The exchange rate has shown
12% of the free on board price. Besides low marketing great volatility and the rupiah depreciated by 68%
and distribution margins, other factors maintaining a against the US dollar in the three months from
high growers’ share are the good transport November 1997. Since this time there has also been a
infrastructure and low taxes. The fall in the value of the severe recession with soaring inflation, rising
rupiah since 1997 has raised grower prices in local unemployment and plummeting real incomes. Financial
currency terms and has increased demand from sector reform has been slow and many of the state
growers to be paid promptly in cash. Cocoa producers owned banks are still technically insolvent.
have benefited considerably from the steep domestic
cocoa price hikes following the collapse of the The insolvency of the banks and high bank interest
currency. rates since the beginning of the financial crisis in late
1997 only indirectly affects cocoa farmers as the
The government share of the export value is very small majority of smallholders do not use bank credit. For
since few taxes have been imposed on the cocoa those who do, the interest rate for KUT (Farmers Effort
sector. Since cocoa is considered a smallholder crop, Credit) has been lowered by the government below
there is no export tax, other than the small ASKINDO commercial rates. Farmers in some areas receive cash
levy. Growers pay income tax and larger landowners advances and other inputs from exporters and
pay a property tax. In 1995 the government did try to domestic processors in an effort to ensure a steady
impose VAT and exporters were liable to pay the tax supply of consistent quality beans.
but cocoa was exempted within a few months.
6.7 Some concluding comments
Economic risk The nature of the cocoa value chain has a number of
All cocoa producers, whether smallholders or implications for the Indonesian cocoa sector. These
plantations face considerable price risk throughout the include:
growing and harvesting season. The vast majority of • The long and loosely integrated value chain means
smallholders sell on a spot basis and are very exposed there is little traceability. At present, there is no

business incentive for knowing the district of origin of presenting findings to date, exploring opportunities and
the cocoa bean. Compare this with (say) horticulture creating awareness of the social dimensions affecting
where traceability is required to meet European food value chains.
safety laws. Similarly in tea, origin is important for
blending and influences the price. However, this may Stakeholders’ views as expressed in the workshops are
change, as manufacturers/processors become more summarised with recommendations for future action at
involved in the methods and working practices the end of this section.
involved in cocoa production. In addition there is
growing concern from consumers over the trading of The workshops were primarily participatory and
these products. attended by a wide range of stakeholders in the tea
• In cocoa, the relationship between the grower and and cocoa sectors.
trader is short-term and based on the spot price.
There is little attempt to tie growers into longer-term A brief account of workshop proceedings is described
relationships through credit and other inputs; below, followed by general conclusions.
growers often lack collateral in the form of clear
legal title to land or other acceptable forms of 7.2 Stakeholders workshop on socio-economic
guarantee. Certainly in Indonesia, there is distrust issues affecting the Kenya tea industry held in
and short-term relationships exist throughout most of Nairobi on the 11th April 2001
the value chain. Throughout the sector long-term Proceedings:
relationships between players in the chain are often A full report on the proceedings of the workshop
lacking and this in turn limits trust and stability – a including presentations and a list of attendees is
feature which is certainly true in most producing attached (see Annex 3).
• There is not the consistency of quality or reliability of The proceedings consisted of presentations, questions
volume to warrant building longer-term relationships. and discussions from the floor with individual
Moreover, in the Indonesian case, collectors’ and presenters, and group discussions on specific themes.
traders’ profit margins often depend on their ability to
downgrade the quality of a sack of beans by The following presentations were given:
introducing foreign matter and mixing beans of – “The theme of the workshop and its purpose and
different quality. objective” – Duncan Burnett (NRI)
• Quality is an important but complex issue. Many – “Good Safety is Good Business” – N.K.Kirui (Brooke
growers and intermediaries are lax about quality – Bond Kenya Limited)
and this is reflected in the discount that Indonesian – “A typical day in the life of a tea smallholder” –
cocoa receives on the world market. Some argue it S. Kanyingi (tea farmer)
would pay to try to improve quality at the smallholder
level rather than at the processing stage. This is in Three groups discussed the following topics:
stark contrast to the horticulture value chain where 1 The social dimension of the tea value chain:
multiple retailers have actively sought to strengthen – Effect on cost of production/who pays for social
links with trading companies in order to enhance and welfare improvements?/who influences
product quality, availability and innovation. behaviour along the value chain?/what is the effect
of increasing social and welfare costs on the long-
So, the existing cocoa value chain system does not term sustainability of the Kenya tea industry?
provide a ready structure for managing social 2 International Codes of Conduct and their relevance
responsibility. No single powerful driver exists to the tea industry:
(compared to say retailers with regard to horticultural – Experience in other industries/what do such codes
imports). Major confectionery companies come closest cover?/is an international code appropriate for the
to it – so they are at risk from poor (or perceived) social tea industry?/who would implement such a
performance (e.g. child slavery). code?/who pays?
3 Tea smallholders:
The challenge for the cocoa industry is two-fold: – Codes of conduct apply to employees not
• To identify what constitutes good social performance; independent farmers/what criteria, if any, can be
one cannot just simply look at core labour values applied to ensure the social and welfare well being of
(although these are important). There is a need to smallholders?/should other stakeholders assume any
widen the range of issues e.g. land, terms of trade. responsibility for smallholders well being?
• Can new ways of working within the chain be found
in order to make responsibility a manageable Nairobi conclusions:
dimension of business practice? There was a general consensus amongst participants
on the following:
7 Workshops • The cost of complying with, and building on,
7.1 Introduction legislation and union agreements regarding the
Following fieldwork in Kenya and Indonesia, workshops improvement of social and welfare conditions in the
were held in Nairobi and London with a view to Kenya tea industry falls largely on the producer.

• Those overseas tea buyers, such as the TSP, that Do codes of conduct help smallholders and workers
have initiated social audit procedures also share achieve their social and welfare wants?
some of the costs. 3 Can national laws and/or international agreements
• All participants along the value chain including on best practice be applied to smallholders as well
consumers should share the cost of improved social as plantations?
and environmental practices. Smallholders own interests in complying/
• Standards should be harmonised along the value smallholders interests outside the current scope of
chain. law and standards/consequences of applying laws
• Ever increasing tea production costs without and standards to smallholders.
offsetting real price increases will endanger the long- 4 Where do the business case and the
term sustainability of the Kenya tea industry. development/humanitarian cases for social
Commercial companies may be forced to mechanise responsibility coincide?
and possibly downsize their operations. Smallholders Examples of coincidence/priorities/whose priority
may be forced to investigate alternative sources of should take precedence?
income generation. 5 Who can or should influence change?
• The introduction of an international code of conduct Key roles/industry wide issues versus unilateral
for the tea industry would have definite advantages issues/stumbling blocks along the value chain/the
as costs could be shared amongst all stakeholders to role of government/the impact of liberalisation.
the benefit of the industry as a whole. 6 Can/should large companies help others?
• Smallholders, account for over 60% of black tea Can they act as a driver?
produced in Kenya. Whilst legislation and union What should be their role?/incentives and support to
agreements are applicable to waged employees only others/capacity building?
the issue of improving tea smallholders social and
welfare conditions are important to the long term Conclusions reached at the London workshop are
sustainability of the Kenya tea industry. Criteria need incorporated into the overall conclusions and
to be established to monitor the well being of recommendations in Section 8.0..
smallholders, however the fact that the potential for
improving their social and welfare situations is
largely dependent on the price that they receive for
their green leaf was acknowledged.

7.3 Stakeholders’ workshop on the social

dimensions of value chains in the cocoa and tea
sectors held in London on 9th May 2001
The proceedings consisted of presentations, questions
and discussion from the floor with individual presenters,
and group discussion on specific themes. Emphasis
was placed on smallholder issues in both sectors.

The following presentations were given:

1 “Value Chains” – Mick Blowfield (NRI)
2 “Social dimensions of production in the cocoa and
tea sectors”
“Cocoa” – Peter Greenhalgh (NRI)
“Tea (general) and a report on the findings of the
Nairobi tea workshop of 11/04/01” –
Duncan Burnett (NRI)
“Tea (smallholders)” – Ally Bedford

The proceedings of the workshop were primarily

participatory and two groups were formed to discuss
and report on the following issues:
1 What is the limit of responsibility?
What are the priorities?
At what stages along the chain do the industries
have a responsibility?/priorities/wider stakeholders
approaches rather than individual approaches.
2 Will social standards help, harm or be irrelevant to
the poor?
Examples/does mechanisation equal greater

SECTION THREE: Conclusions and recommendations

8.0 Conclusions and recommendations Take for instance a typical cocoa grower. As an
8.1 Introduction entrepreneur, he or she is concerned about the cocoa
In addition to conclusions drawn from field work in price, access to markets and efficient support services.
Indonesia and Kenya and the proceedings of the two As an employer, he or she relies on adult and child
workshops, this section also draws on the work of family members and other labour, compensating them
NRI’s Natural Resources and Ethical Trade Programme through wages, a share of farm revenue, the promise
(NRET) in various product sectors such as coffee, of land and numerous other means. And as a worker,
forest products, horticulture, wine and floriculture. The the grower is employed on his/her farm and others’
particular implications of managing responsibility in the farms. Social responsibility means dealing with the
cocoa and tea value chains are drawn out. This is grower’s well being and expectations in all of these
followed by a discussion of how future action building roles.
on this increased understanding of the value chains
might be evaluated. Finally recommendations are made Value chain structure: Existing examples of socially
with regard to future research and action. responsible value chain management work where the
following conditions are found:
8.2 Managing responsibility in cocoa and tea value
chains Short, integrated Narrow supply base
The Challenge: value chain
Managing social performance in value chains is an
Small number of Brand-owners have pre-existing
important part of corporate social responsibility. It
retailers account for business and legal reasons for
allows companies to protect their reputations and
large proportion of working closely with traders
ensure stable supply, while at the same time increasing
retail sales and growers
benefits to producers in developing countries.
Brand-owners / Traders have long-term
There is a growing body of knowledge on how to do merchandisers have relationships and possibly
this. However, most of the experience to date has been long-term investments in growers
with relatively simple value chains in manufacturing and agreements
commercial agriculture. Is this experience transferable with traders
to other value chains such as cocoa or tea?

Where is the difference? Few of these conditions apply to cocoa and tea where
There are two key factors, which affect socially the value chains are long and weakly integrated
responsible value chains management in cocoa and compared to many industries. The diagrams show that
tea: the important role of smallholders and the the trading system for both commodities is complex,
structure of the value chain. with numerous intermediaries between the grower and
the merchandiser or retailer. In tea, the importance of
Smallholder well being: Cocoa and tea are grown by knowing product provenance plus a degree of common
both smallholders and plantations. Smallholders ownership of plantations, factories, blending and
present particular problems for existing value chain merchandising operations strengthens co-operation
management approaches. Their sheer number and within the chain. In cocoa, product provenance at the
geographical spread make existing social auditing grower level is rarely an issue, and trading and
techniques difficult and expensive. Also smallholders processing are fragmented with the result that few
are simultaneously entrepreneurs, employers and companies have regular contact with growers, and the
labourers, which means current social benchmark existing trading system does not provide a ready
standards are of limited relevance or even potentially structure for managing social responsibility.

Figure 6: Tea and cocoa value chains

Grower Factory Broker Auction

tea International trader


Local trader Commodities market Processor Merchandiser

Collector International Retailer


Implications for cocoa and tea industries 8.3 Evaluating the performance of future action
There are two key elements to any effective social Therefore, the next steps in the process for ethical
responsibility strategy: defining well-being, and supply chain management for the tea and cocoa
managing the process of achieving and demonstrating sectors largely revolve around developing a new action
that well-being. research agenda. Nevertheless, many businesses
would find it very helpful to be presented with a set of
Smallholder cocoa and tea requires rethinking accepted indicators at this stage, against which to judge their
definitions of well-being. Core labour standards may be performance. However, it is too early in the process to
relevant to an extent, but they do not cover other major be specific about identifying indicators of performance.
issues such as terms of trade, land and environmental
management. Their criteria on issues such as child First of all it is important to think through the
labour and freedom of association may also harm responsibilities and objectives of the key players before
smallholders. thinking more about the criteria for progress and how to
measure this progress (through indicators). It is useful
A social responsibility strategy for cocoa and tea would to think of a plan for responsible supply chain
need to go beyond what is on offer today. It would need management as a hierarchy of different elements,
to recognise smallholders as entrepreneurs, employers namely: objectives, principles, criteria, indicators and
and workers, and also recognise that different types of verifiers (see Figure 7). Indicators come further down a
smallholder have different expectations or concerns hierarchy and are best developed at a local level. There
(e.g. differences between male and female should be broad agreement amongst key players in the
smallholders). value chain at the level of principles or responsibilities
and criteria before indicators are determined.
The strategy would also need to rethink the process of
managing the chain. Examples from other industries This model of internationally agreed Principles and
assume there is a single powerful driver (e.g. retailers) Criteria followed by locally developed indicators and
that can influence others’ behaviour, often building on verifiers has been used by standards for responsible
the present structure of the chain. The powerful driver resource management such as the Forest Stewardship
is largely missing in cocoa and tea despite the fact that Council and is the basis for the COLEACP Harmonised
high profile merchandisers are at risk from poor social Framework for codes of practice in export horticulture
performance. Equally, the long-term relationships (Examples from these standards are given in Annex 5).
between players in the chain are often lacking which in
turn limits trust and stability.

For the cocoa and tea industries, the challenge is

therefore not only to understand what constitutes good
social performance, but also to find new ways of
working within the chain in order to make responsibility
a manageable dimension of business practice.

Figure 7: Hierarchy of terms for measuring performance

OBJECTIVES Basic aims of the plan for responsible supply chain management e.g. to ensure the well-
being of workers and smallholders

PRINCIPLES Essential elements of the areas covered by the plan, which help to elaborate the
meaning of Objectives. They can be expressed as aims or attitudes e.g. to protect
workers’ health and safety.

CRITERIA Conditions that need to be met in order to adhere to a Principle, e.g. All staff have
access to adequate health care.

INDICATORS Measurable states which allow assessment of whether or not associated criteria are
being met e.g. proportion of staff who can be attended to by trained medical staff within
x hours of reporting sick.

VERIFIERS Information or observation that will be used to demonstrate that the required state is
being realised, e.g. records kept by the Health and Safety Officer, interviews with

Source: adapted from NRET 2001

However, as an aid to further understanding of the Following on from these broad responsibilities and
challenges that lie ahead, some suggestions regarding criteria, the indicators that are developed should:
criteria and indicators for the change in value chains for • Be a direct and unambiguous measure of progress.
tea and cocoa are set out below. • Be relevant and reflect the value chain.
• Vary across stakeholders and groups over time and
This investigation has succeeded primarily in identifying must be sensitive to changes in government policies
the value chains in tea and cocoa and has elucidated and intuitions.
the lack of ‘ethical value’ considerations along these • Not be easily manipulated to show non-existing
chains. As the research included two separate achievement.
commodities in two different countries within which • Be frequently available and not too costly to track.
several different systems operate, it is difficult at this • Have the flexibility to be segregated along gender
stage to create one set of principles and criteria for and income levels.
responsible value chain management that
encompasses them all. However, as a guideline, an Using the identified stakeholders, the drivers of change
attempt has been made to establish some basic and the recognised factors of well-being, an initial
principles and criteria, and indicative indicators that framework with suggested indicators has been
could be used in developing, future projects. They developed. Figure 8 makes some suggestions for the
should of course be further defined once specific responsibilities of different stakeholders along the value
projects have been developed to address the failures chain. This corresponds to the ‘principles’ level in the
and embed improved practices. The broad categories hierarchy set out in Figure 7. Figure 9 focuses on one
for the principles and criteria fall under are: particular stakeholder group, smallholders in the tea
• Social sector, and identifies potential criteria and indicators
• Environmental following on from these responsibilities.
• Economic

In developing the framework, these broad areas need

to be put into context of the stakeholders in the chain
as well as the responsibilities and power they each

Stakeholders Factors impacting well-being

Smallholder & large Governance
scale producers Good working practices
Processors Health, safety, security
Traders Compensation
Manufacturers Environment
Retailers Investment in the future

Figure 8: Responsibilities

Small holders Responsibilties Criteria Indicative indicators Relevance of indicators

Governance Best practice Formation of farmer Number of co-operatives Working together for the betterment of
Rural participation groups Number of co-operative meetings their industry
& co-operation Percentage of members attending Support for the co-operatives

Sustainability Access to training & Rainfall indicates Monthly Rainfall Smallholders maintaining eco-systems
assistance to global warming Deforestation/reforestation Smallholders maintaining eco-systems
implement EMS Sustainable practices Fertilizer used Smallholders maintaining eco-systems
Soil degradation

Health & safety Access to training Safety in the field Numbers of accidents in the field Well-being in the field
& assistance to Cause of accidents
implement H&S Work days lost through accidents

Communication 2-way information Security of produce Purchase contracts Ensuring income

to enable self- marketing Extension workers communiques Undergo training
determination Capacity building Extent of media coverage on Getting a fair price
towards best practice produce prices
Access to information

Compensation Fair & timely Compensation for Monthly Poprt Price per kilo Access to money to pay for family
Remuneration & effort compared with amount received up-keep and well-being and childrens
full transparancy Cost of production inclusive of education
Development help buyer deductions

Human Access to training & Access to training for Number of extension visits Increased production and quality of
resources assistance to ensure improved practices produce
fair conditions

Figure 9: Suggested criteria and indicators in respect of the responsibilities relating to smallholders
Level Governance Sustainability Health & Safety Communication Compensation Human resources

Smallholders Best practice Access to training & Access to training & 2-way information Fair & timely Access to training
Producers Rural participation assistance to assistance to implement to enable self- remuneration & full & assistance to ensure
& co-operation implement EMS H&S determination transparancy fair conditions
Development help

Large scale Best practice Develop EMS policy Develop HSS policy Develop communication Fair & timely remuneration. Equal opps policy
producers Policy Train employees Train employees and transparency Policy Fair compensation to Training and development
Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation full implementation Full implementation

Management Best practice Develop EMS policy Develop HSS policy Develop communication Fair & timely Equal opps policy
eg KTDA Policy Train employees Train employees and transparency Policy remuneration Policy Training and development
Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation

Manufacturers Best practice Develop EMS policy Develop HSS policy Develop communication Fair & timely Equal opps policy
& processors Policy Train employees Train employees and transparency Policy remuneration policy Training and development
Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation

All employees Unionable Be aware of EMS Be aware of HSS policy Negotiation Fair days work in return Ensure equal opps policy
of smallholders Diligent and policy Undergo training Report failures in policies for fair days pay Non discriminatory
plantations, compliant to contract Undergo training Be compliant Forums for improvements Respect, honsety & practices in work place
drivers, factories, & policies Be compliant to EMS to HSS policy compliance to policies Use training opportunities
shippers etc Ensue equal opps policy

Traders Fair trade policy Develop EMS policy Develop HSS policy Develop communication Fair & timely Equal opps policy
inc petty traders Honour contracts Train employees Train employees and transparency Policy remuneration policy Training and development
& auctioneers Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation

Partners Give value, service Develop EMS policy Develop HSS policy Develop communication Fair remuneration & fair Equal opps policy
Transporters, & develop quality of Train employees Train employees and transparency Policy tenders for contracts Training and development
blenders service policy Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation
packers &

Retailers Best practice Develop EMS policy Develop HSS policy Develop communication Fair & timely remuneration Equal opps policy
Policy Train employees Train employees and transparency Policy for goods & services Training and development
Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation Full implementation Fair price to consumers Full implementation

Governments Ensure fair policies Publicise gov. policy Publicise gov. policy Publicise gov. policy Re-investment of Publicise gov. policy
National, state & Provide infrastructure Encourage transpareny Encourage transpareny Encourage transpareny Taxes & royalties Encourage transpareny
LGA's & safe & secure Litigate non- Litigate non compliance Litigate non compliance to improve society Litigate non compliance
environment compliance

Consumers Ensure trade Understand Understand HSS Praise good practice Ensure value for money Praise good practice
descriptions act EMS policy Expose bad practice Expose bad practice Expose poor quality Expose bad practice
Right to complain Expose bad practice

Society Ensure good Understand Understand HSS Praise good practice Receive fair compensation Praise good practice
legislation EMS policy Expose bad practice Expose bad practice for loss or damage Expose bad practice
Society participation Expose bad practice Ensure access to new
and co-operation opps
8.4 Recommendations for future action Ideas on a programme of action for the tea value chain
This initial research on value chains, while cataloguing are given in Figure 10. Similar exercises could be
various pertinent issues in value supply chains, has undertaken to identify both similarities and differences.
revealed some significant areas that need further in- The base frameworks of responsibility and indicators can
depth study. It has opened the door to a host of new be used to apply to other commodity areas and adapted
questions about the nature of governance along the to different approaches used in ethical supply chain
cocoa and tea value chains; the need to identify drivers management to international development goals. Obvious
and the need to recognise the challenges presented by candidates include coffee and palm oil production, both of
the role of smallholders in production and trade. Future which are major commodities produced in developing
research on cocoa and tea value chains is outlined countries involving large numbers of smallholder
above. This could be supported by DFID and the producers. Issues surrounding the monitoring and
Resource Centre. These include: auditing of these sectors are of increasing interest to
• The importance of the smallholder producer to both processors, manufacturers and consumers.
the cocoa and tea industries requires that solutions
and recommendations regarding the social and Whilst donors and NGOs can pursue these issues, future
welfare conditions of the non-waged employee be dialogue and research must involve retailers and
further researched. consumer organisations to be meaningful. Hence any
• Having highlighted some of the failures within the new research agenda should be preceded and
smallholder systems which perpetuate their poverty, complemented by dialogue on the outcomes from this
it is pertinent that research is carried out to identify research amongst the key players in the value chains.
the ‘catalysts of change’, building indicators to be This dialogue should be carefully facilitated, to enable the
able to monitor future social, economic and identification of ‘catalysts of change’.
environmental improvements. Moreover, a
programme needs to be developed to address the Change is unlikely to happen unless the drivers in the
catalysts of change that can make a positive impact chain recognise and accept their responsibility. This could
on smallholders’ lives. involve the Resource Centre and key players in the tea
and cocoa value chains, particularly traders and

Figure 10: Suggested project in the tea sectors

Having defined the stakeholders within This requires pin-pointing the structures Part 2
the chain and those that have the power which cause the failures at various • Having established the above, define
and responsibility to make changes, it levels and finding the catalyst which specific terms of reference for each
would be pertinent to develop means in would drive change: pilot project and achievable objectives
which some of the anomalies can be • government – national, regional within the smallholder context. i.e.
addressed. From a sustainable and local addressing the anomalies such
livelihoods perspective, it is • private sector – processors, smallholders being employees of
recommended that one starts with transporters, traders, shippers, migrant labour, without the financial
developing pilot projects that address manufacturers and retailers resources to comply with ILO
the myriad of constraints within • smallholders – across gender, age, standards and conditions of
smallholder production as described in ethnic groupings and their own employment, the use of child family
the stakeholder profiles (see Annex 4), labourers members in the production process
namely: etc.
• lack of infrastructure Action plan • Develop a project team that has the
• lack of access to credit for investment Develop Pilot Projects capacity to work at government,
into improved practices Part 1 private sector, agency and
• lack of access to adequate transport • Further research to identify the smallholder levels.
• lack of information on produce prices various stakeholder powers and the Implementation
• lack of timely payment for their catalysts and drivers of change
produce • Establish relationships with those Begin the pilot projects
• lack of wherewithal to change groups and other agencies that can • Monitor progress, obstacles and
unsustainable practices be embraced in the process of develop continuous improvement
• lack of capacity building to improve change mechanisms.
quality and quantity of produce • Choose pilot projects areas and • Review of project success and extend
• lack of health and education facilities ensure ownership of the change the projects to other areas, other
• lack of security on land tenure process, commodities and other supply chains.
• lack of personal security • Create monitoring mechanisms to
• lack of power to prevent unethical track impact and effect improvements
trading practices in the change process.

Selected bibliography
General references Tea references
Blowfield M et al.Ethical Trade and Sustainable Rural Brooke Bond Kenya (2000), SHE Work Plan & Safety
Livelihoods, Natural Resource Institute Ethical Trade Brooke Bond Kenya (2000) BBK News No 76 –
Programme, 1999. September 2000, Sep, 00
Christain Aid. Taking Stock: How the supermarkets East African Tea Trade Association (2000) Tea Trade
stack up on ethical trade. Newsletter, Vol 5. Issue 1
COLEACP (2001) Harmonised Framework for ACP FIDA (K) (1998) Institutional Gains and Private Losses,
Codes of Practice for the Horticultural Sector Finlays (2000) From Field to Finished Product,
Ethical Trading Initiative. ‘Learning from Doing’ Review, Kenya Tea Growers Association (1999) Kenya’s Tea
1999 Industry Under Threat, Nairobi
FIDA (K) (1998) Institutional Gains and Private Losses, Kenya Tourist Board (1999), An Overview of Kenya’s
Finlays (2000) From Field to Finished Product Agriculture, Nairobi
Forest Stewardship Council (1999) FSC Principles and Government of Kenya (1984) The Employment Act, Ch
Criteria, Document 1.2, Revised January 1999, 226, 1984 Government Printer Nairobi,
Government of Kenya (1998) Collective Agreement
Gordon, Katherine and Miyake, Miako. Deciphering between The Kenya Tea Growers Association & The
Codes of Corporate Conduct: A Review of their Kenya Plantation & Agricultural Workers Union, Oct
contents, OECD, 2000. 1998 Government Printer Nairobi,
Kenya Tea Growers Association (1999) Kenya's Tea Government of Kenya (1999) Ministry of Agriculture,
Industry Under Threat, Nairobi Sessional Paper No 2 of 1999 on the Liberalisation and
Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan (2000) Statistical restructuring of the Kenyan Tea Industry, March 1999
Estate Crops of Indonesia 1998 – 2000 Kakao, Government Printer Nairobi.
Jakarta, Indonesia International Tea Committee (1999), Annual Bulletin of
NRET (2001) Codes of Practice in the Fresh Produce Statistics, London
Sector: Measuring Progress, Theme Paper 6, ISEA (1999) Accountability Framework AA1000,
Chatham: Natural Resources Institute November 1999
Oxfam, Ethical Purchasing Team: Guidance document Kenya Tea Development Agency (2000) KTDA,
for suppliers 2001 http://www.kenyaweb.com/agriculture/boards/ktda.html,
Oxford Policy Management (2000) Fair Trade: Nyangito, H and Kimura, J (1999) Provision of
Overview, Impact, Challenges. Study to inform DFID Agricultural Services in a Liberalised Economy: The
support to Fair Trade. Oxford Case of the Smallholder Tea Sub-Sector in Kenya.
Zadek, S. Ethical Trade Futures, New Economic Abstract. ISBN 9966-9631-5-4. June 1999. 52p.
Foundation, 2000 DP/016/99
Tea Board of Kenya (2000), Fact Sheet on Kenyan Tea,
April 2000, Nairobi
Tea Board of Kenya, The Tea Map of Kenya
Tea Sourcing Partnership (2000) Questionnaire,
The Crane, African Highlands Produce, September
Unilever (2000), Growing for the Future – Sustainable
Agriculture, June 2000

World Trade Organisation (2000) Trade Policy Review – Websites
Kenya, WTO Geneva Askindo
Cocoa references Center for Innovation in Corporate Responsibility
Akiyama, Takamas and Akihiko Nishio (1996) http://www.cicr.net
Indonesia’s Cocoa Boom, Policy Research Paper No. Cocoa Association of London Ltd
1580, The World Bank, Washington http://www.calcocoa.com
Collinson, C and Leon, M (2000) Economic Viability of Ethical Trade Initiative
Ethical Cocoa Trading in Ecuador, London, NRI/NRET. http://www.ethicaltrade.org.uk
Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan (2000) Statistical European Fair Trade Association
Estate Crops of Indonesia 1998 – 2000 Kakao, http://www.eftafairtrade.org/
Jakarta, Indonesia
Department of International Development
Oxford Policy Management (2000) Fair Trade: http://www.dfid.gov.uk
Overview, Impact, Challenges. Study to inform DFID
Natural Resources Institute
support to Fair Trade. Oxford
Pelras, Christian (1996), The Bugis, Blackwell
Fair Trade Foundation
Publishers, Oxford
Plantations, recherche, developpement Vol 5 No 6 –
Kenya Tea Development Agency (2000) KTDA
Nov-Dec 1998 – ISSN 1254-7670 Special Cacao, Paris
Ruf, Francois and Yoddang (1998) The Cocoa
Kenya Flower Council
Marketing Sector in Sulawesi Plantations, recherche,
developpement, May-June 1998, pp 169-174, Paris
International Cocoa Organisation
Ruf, Francois and Siswoputranto P.S. (1995) Cocoa
Cycles; The Economics of Cocoa Supply, Woodhead
Publishers, Cambridge UK International Federation for Alternative Trade
Resource Centre for the Social Dimensions of
Business Practice
One World
Tea Sourcing Partnership
Clean Clothes Campaign

Many individuals, companies and associations, too numerous to mention by name, assisted in the preparation of
this study. The authors, while thanking them for their invaluable assistance, bear full responsibility for the contents
of this study.

Annex 1 Tea Sourcing Partnership questionnaire

Please complete this questionnaire and return to: Julie Winters – Tea Sourcing Partnership 432 Godstone
Road Whyteleafe Surrey CR3 0BB UK Tel: + 00 44 1883 627615 Fax: + 00 44 1293 648932

I declare that this form has been completed to the best of my knowledge and the information contained
therein is accurate and that I am authorised to sign on their behalf.



Job Position:


Name and Address of Holding Company:


Facsimile No:

For each factory please show:

– selling marks produced by that factory
– estates providing green leaf to that factory

Factory Selling marks produced at factory Estate providing green leaf to this factory
Factory “A” Mark X Estate “1”
Mark Y Estate “2”
Mark Z
Factory “B” Mark G Estate “1”
Mark H Estate “3”
Please use additional sheets if necessary

How many workers do you employ?

Permanent Part-time Temporary

Estate Name: (please list names with numbers alongside)

Factory Name: (please list names with numbers alongside)


1.1 What is the minimum age of employees on your factory/estate? (Ref Page 24, Section 4 Legislation)

1.2 What are the minimum wages you pay employees? (Ref Page 25 , Section 4 Legislation – see also Appendixes on pages 48-50)

1.3 What is your Equal Opportunities policy? (Ref Page 26 , Section 4 Legislation)

1.4 What Pension/Provident fund facilities do you have? (Ref Page 26 , Section 4 Legislation)

1.5 What age do you allow your employees to retire? (Ref Page 26 , Section 4 Legislation)

1.6 What annual leave do your staff take? (Ref Page 27 , Section 4 Legislation)

1.7 What provisions do you have for Transport Annual Leave? (Ref Page 28, Section 4 legislation)

1.8 What other types of leave, ie special/compassionate leave do you have? (Ref Page 29, Section 4 Legislation)

1.9 What hours do your employees normally work? Please detail if there are any exceptions, ie those for graded
and daily rated staff. (Ref Page 30, Section 4 Legislation)

1.10 What overtime arrangements do you have in place including those for Graded and Daily Rated Staff? (Ref
Page 31, Section 4 Legislation)

1.11 What sickness benefit do you provide for ordinary sick leave? (Ref Page 32, Section 4 Legislation)

1.12 What sickness benefit do you provide for industrial sickness? (Ref Page 33, Section 4 Legislation)

1.13 What arrangements have you in place for transporting employees to hospital? (Ref Page 34, Section 4 Legislation)

1.14 What assistance/service do you provide for employees who die in service? (Ref Page 34, Section 4 Legislation)

1.15 What happens on termination of contract? (Ref Page 35, Section 4 Legislation)

1.16 What “summary dismissal” procedures do you have in place?(Ref Page 36, Section 4 Legislation)

1.17 What disciplinary procedures do you have in place? (Ref Page 37, Section 4 Legislation)

1.18 What redundancy procedures do you have? (Ref Page 38, Section 4 Legislation)

1.19 What probationary periods do you have? (Ref Page 39, Section 4 Legislation)

1.20 What food provisions do you supply to staff? (Ref Page 39, Section 4 Legislation)

Children in Kenya are entitled to education by the State at Primary level – generally up to the age of 12.
Secondary level is up to the individual and we understand that there are no laws/local legislation or Union
agreements that specify the need for producers to provide educational facilities.

3.1 How long does a woman need to be in your employ to qualify for maternity leave? (Ref Page 41, Section 4 Legislation)

3.2 What is the duration of leave offered to expectant mothers? (Ref Page 41, Section 4 Legislation)

3.3 Please detail nursing breaks provided for new mothers? (Ref Page 41, Section 4 Legislation)

3.4 Please detail provisions offered to expectant/nursing mothers in relation to lighter duties (Ref Page 42, Section 4

3.5 What protection do you offer expectant mothers? (Ref Page 42, Section 4 Legislation)

3.6 Please detail overtime requirements for mothers of young children (Ref Page 42, Section 4 Legislation – see also 24)

3.7 Please detail termination of services as a result of pregnancy (Ref Page 42, Section 4 Legislation)


4.1 What facilities do you provide for drinking water both on factory/estate and housing areas? (Ref Page 43, Section 4

4.2 Please detail your provisions of latrines for staff. (Ref Page 43, Section 4 Legislation)

4.3 Please detail the provision of dustbins for staff use. (Ref Page 45, Section 4 Legislation)

4.4 Please detail procedures involved for disposal of refuse (Ref Page 45, Section 4 Legislation)

4.5 Please provide details of sweepers (Ref Page 45, Section 4 Legislation)

4.6 Please detail drainage facilities (Ref Page 45, Section 4 Legislation)

4.7 Please detail quantities of first-aid boxes/cupboards for employees (Ref Page 45, Section 4 Legislation)

4.8 Please detail the type of protective clothing issued to employees by category ie pluckers/fundimates etc (Ref
Page 46, Section 4 Legislation)

5.1 Please detail housing accommodation for employees. If this is not offered, please detail housing allowances
(Ref Page 47, Section 4 Legislation)

5.2 What options do you have in place to provide housing assistance? (Ref Page 47, Section 4 Legislation)

5.3 How is housing allocated? Please detail (Ref Page 47, Section 4 Legislation)

5.4 Please detail “vacation of quarters” procedures in place and how they apply. (Ref Page 47, Section 4 Legislation)

Annex 2 Collective Bargaining Agreement





1. Rates of Pay
2. Method of Payment
3. Type of Contract
4. Hours of Work
5. Overtime
6. Agreed Gazetted Public Holidays
7. Annual Leave
8. Transport Annual Leave
9. Special or Compassionate Leave
10. Maternity Leave and Benefits
11. Medical Treatment and Sick Leave
12. Transport to Hospital
13. Subsistence Allowance
14. Acting Allowance
15. Housing
16. Vacation of Quarters
17. Probation
18. Transfers
19. Seasonal Employment
20. Protective Clothing
21. Employment Policy
22. Warning System
23. Termination of Contract
24. Summary Dismissal
25. Redundancy
26. Land for Cultivation
27. Task Marking
28. Inability to pay negotiated Wages
29. Retirement Age
30. Provident Fund
31. Gratuity
32. Effective Date
33. Duration of the Agreement

Appendix “A” Graded staff

Appendix “B” Ungraded staff



1. RATES OF PAY after such satisfaction as aforesaid, by ordinary process of Law.
a) Graded Staff:
h) If any employer advances to any employee a sum in excess of
It was agreed that all scales as shown in the Appendix “A”
the amount of one month’s wages of such employee or, in the
attached to this Agreement shall operate with effect from the date
case of an employee employed under a written contract of
service, a sum in excess of the amount of two months’ wages of
On the effective date, 1stJanuary, 1998, employees will be placed
such employee such excess shall not be recoverable in any Court
on the scales as agreed upon by the Union and the Association.
of Law.
b) Daily Rated Employees:
i) No wages shall be payable to any employee in respect of any
The rates of pay shall be daily rates and shall be those shown in
period during which he is absent from work without permission or
Appendix “B” attached tot his agreement
serving a sentence of imprisonment imposed under any law.
c) Plucking Rates:
j) Where an employee is summarily dismissed for lawful cause, he
The rates per Kg. Of green leaf plucked accepted by
shall be paid on dismissal all moneys, allowances and benefits
Management to be paid to workers employed on plucking duties
due to him up to the date of his dismissal.
are as shown in the attached Appendix “B”.
Where there is insufficient leaf offering in the opinion of k) An employer may deduct from the wages of his employees:-
Management to enable a worker who is engaged on plucking
duties to earn the minimum daily rates for a field worker, he shall (i) any amount due from the employee as a contribution to any
be paid not less than the daily rate applicable to the tea industry, provident or superannuation scheme or any other scheme
provided that all the leaf available shall be plucked and bushes approved by the Labour Commissioner to which the
maintained to the satisfaction of Management. employee has agreed to contribute;
(ii) a reasonable amount for any damage doe to, or loss of any
2. METHOD OF PAYMENT: property lawfully in the possession or custody of the
a) Wages shall be payable at the end of each month. In case of employer occasioned by the willful default of the employee;
daily rated employees this shall be assessed on appropriate rate (iii) an amount not exceeding one day’s wages in respect of each
multiplied by a number of days worked by the employee. working day for the whole of which the employee, without
Advance on pay shall be given once a month. leave or other lawful cause, absent himself from the premises
of the employer or other place proper and appointed for the
b) Subject to the provisions of the Employment Act, the entire performance of his work;
amount of the Wages earned by or payable to an employee in (iv) an amount equal to the amount of any shortage of money
respect of work done by him in pursuance of a contract of arising through the negligence or dishonesty of the employee
service shall be paid to him directly in the currency of Kenya. whose contract of service provides specifically for his being
Provided that if an employee so requests in writing, or if entrusted with the receipt, custody and payment of money;
provisions of any agreement made between the Kenya Tea (v) any amount paid to the employee in error as wages in excess
Growers’ Association and the Kenya Plantation & Agricultural of the amount of wages due to him;
Workers’ Union which relates to terms and conditions of (vi) any amount the deduction of which is authorised by written
employment applicable to him so provide, payment may be law for the time being in force;
made:- (vii) any amount in which the employer has no beneficial interest
(i) Into account at a bank, or building society, in his name whether direct or indirect, and which the employee has
whether alone or jointly with any other individual; or requested the employer in writing to deduct from his wages;
(ii) By cheque, postal order or money order; or (viii) an amount due and payable by the employee under and in
(iii) In the absence of the employee, to a person other than the accordance with the terms of an agreement in writing, by way
employee, if such a person is duly authorised by him in of repayment or part repayment of a loan of money made to
writing to receive such wages on his behalf. him by the employer, not exceeding 50% of the wages of
such employee after the deduction of all such other amounts
c) Payment of wages shall be made on a working day, and during as may be due from him under this section;
working hours or near to the place of employment or at such (ix) Such other amounts as the Minister may prescribe.
other place as may be agreed to between the employer and the
employee 3. TYPE OF CONTRACT
a) The contract shall be construed to be a monthly contract except
d) Payment of Wages shall not be made in any place whatsoever as qualified in clause 2(a).
wherein intoxicating liquor is sold or readily available for supply,
except in the case of employees employed to work therein. b) Every employer in the tea industry shall keep a written record of
all employees employed by him with whom he has entered into
e) No person shall give or promise to any individual any advance of contracts under the Employment Act, which shall contain such
money or any valuable consideration upon a condition expressed particulars as may be prescribed, and such employer shall permit
or implied that such individual or any dependent of his shall enter such a record to be examined by any authorised officer who may
upon employment. require an employer to produce for inspection such record for any
f) If in a contract of service of Collective Agreement, provision is period relating to the preceding twelve months.
made for the payment of any such allowance in kind to an c) Every employee shall be given a certificate of service by his
employee with his consent, such payment may, with such consent employer upon the termination of his employment, unless such
be made if, the allowance:- employment has continued for a period of less than four
(i) is for personal use and benefit of the employee himself; and consecutive weeks, and every such certificate shall contain:-
(ii) does not consist of or include any intoxicating spirit or i) the name of the employer and his postal address
noxious drug. ii) the name of the employee
g) Notwithstanding the provisions of any Law for the time being in iii) the date when the employment commenced
force, whenever any attachment has been issued against the iv) the nature and usual place of employment
property of an employer in execution of any decree against him, v) the date when employment ceased and
the proceeds realised in pursuance of such execution shall not vi) such other particulars as may be prescribed.
be paid by the Court to any decree-holder until any decree
obtained against such employer in respect of the wages of his d) Subject to subsection (c) of this section no employer is bound to
employees has been satisfied tot he extent of a sum not give any employee any testimonial, reference or certificate
exceeding four month’s wages of such employees:- relating tot he character or performance of any employee.

Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall prevent employee e) After completion of the probation period, every employee shall be
from recovering any balance due on such last mentioned decree issued with a letter of appointment.

4. HOURS OF WORK b) Any employee required to work on any of the above days shall be
i) Graded Staff : The normal hours of work for both Factory and paid in accordance with clause 5 (c ) above.
Field Workers shall be:-
c) Provided that Stockmen, Herdsmen and Watchmen shall be paid
8 hours per day for five days, and 5? hours on the sixth day each
in respect of any time so worked at two times the basic hourly
week. It is further agreed no employee shall be penalised for not
working full daily hours due to completion of his allotted task
earlier than the daily hours required. d) It is agreed that any other day declared by the Government as a
Public Holiday shall be observed as a Public Holiday and any
ii) a) Daily Rated Employees:
employee who is required to work on such a day will be paid
The normal working week for field workers in Keicho, Nandi Hills
overtime in accordance with clause 5(c ) above.
and Sotik Branches, excluding those employed on plucking
duties, shall be 39 hours to be performed on 6 days of 6? hours. 7. ANNUAL LEAVE
Provided where field worker has completed his allocated task he a) (I) Employees with one to three years’ continuous service shall be
shall be permitted to leave his place o duty after the task has entitled to 24 working days leave with full pay after twelve
been inspected and passed tot he satisfaction of management. months’ continuous service. Employees with over three years
continuous service shall be entitled to 25 working days’ leave.
b) Hours of work for pluckers in all Branches shall be guided by
the amount of crop offering. They will normally be 8 hours a ii) Where employment is terminated by either Party after
day except in peak periods of crop when they may be completion of two or more consecutive months of service
required to work up to 4.00pm and thereafter at their own during any twelve months’ leave-earning period, an employee
free will. It is agreed by both parties that no employee will be shall be entitled to not less than one and
forced to work after 4.00pm. Three quarters days leave with full pay, in respect of each
c) For all other workers, the full normal working week shall be completed month of service in such period to be taken
46 hours on five days of 8 hours per day and 6 hours on the consecutively.
sixth day. iii) The Leave referred to in subsection (a) (I) of this section
d) Hours of work for Watchmen guarding the essential shall be additional to all Public Holidays, weekly rest days
installations such as Offices, Factories, and Stores shall be and sick leave, whether fixed by the Law or Agreement, in
46 hours per week to be performed on five days of 8 hours respect of which an employee is not required to work.
per day and 6 hours on the sixth day. Hours for Watchmen on iv) For the purpose of this section “Full Pay” includes Wages
non-essential installations such as bungalows and Nurseries and salary at the basic rate excluding any legal deductions
will be 54 hours per week to be performed on 6 days of 9 from Wages.
hours per day. b) Employees who are prevented from acquiring permanent
e) In the case of the Limuru Branch, the normal working week employment status solely by reasons f physical disability as
for Field Workers, excluding those employed on plucking decided by a Medical Practitioner shall be entitled to leave as in
duties shall be 46 hours per week. sub-section 1 (a) of this section.
f) Notwithstanding the previous provisions of this paragraph c) Annual leave shall not be cumulative.
every employee shall be entitled to not less than one rest day
in each period of seven days. d) An employee and his employers may consort to alter on which
g) An employee who is stopped from working by his employer leave due may be taken depending upon circumstances
for any reason other than the termination of his employment pertaining at the time.
or dismissal shall be deemed to have worked as if the e) If, at the request of the employer an employee is required to work
stoppage had not occurred and be paid for it in full an entire calendar year without leave, the employee shall be paid
notwithstanding the fact that the stoppage was occasioned by the normal leave due in addition to his wages but shall forfeit
a breakdown of the plant or inclement weather conditions such leave.
5. OVERTIME f) Where an employee’s present entitlement is in excess of that
a) Overtime shall be at the discretion of Management and every agreed he shall retain his existing entitlement.
employee shall be expected to work overtime when called upon
to do so by the Management. g) The absence of an employee from duty on certified sick leave as
provided under Clause 10 of this agreement shall not disqualify
b) Overtime rates shall be calculated upon the basic hourly rate of him for annual leave entitlement.
the employee so entitled.
c) Any Overtime shall be paid for as under:- a) An employee proceeding on authorised annual leave shall be
At 1? times the basic hourly rate for any ordinary overtime and entitled to the return bus/train/matatu fare according to the
two times the basic hourly rate for work carried out on agreed distance covered as shown under (b) for himself/herself, one
Gazetted Public Holidays and all rest days. spouse if residing with him/her on the Estate to his/her registered
d) Ordinary Overtime Graded Staff: Ordinary overtime shall mean home address within the territorial boundaries of Kenya.
work done in excess of 8 hours in any 5 days of the week and in b) It is agreed that one way fee shall be paid to the employee
excess of 5? hours on the sixth day by the graded staff. proceeding on leave on pay day together with wages before
e) Ordinary Overtime Daily Rated: Ordinary Overtime shall mean work he/she commences his/her leave and return fare to be paid on
done in excess of 5 ? hours on the sixth day by the graded staff. his/her return.

f) Ordinary Overtime Daily Rated: Ordinary Overtime shall mean b) Employees who have completed more than three years’ service
work done in excess of 8 hours in any 5 days of the week and in will be entitled to half fare or two children up to the age of 16
excess of 6 hours on the sixth day. years of residing with him/her on the Estate.


a) Leave with full pay shall be granted to all employees on the
following Public Holidays:-
New Year’s Day Moi Day
Good Friday Kenyatta Day
Easter Monday Lamburi Day
Labour Day Christmas Day
Madaraka Day Boxing Day

Single Rates: f) Termination of Services because of Pregnancy: The Employer
0 - 30 Kms - Kshs. 67/- shall not give notice of termination of service to an expectant or
31 - 60 Kms - Kshs. 100/- nursing mother, for reasons of pregnancy.
61 - 90 Kms - Kshs. 142/-
g) Women employees who have children under the age of four shall
91 - 120Kms - Kshs. 165/-
be granted leave with pay in the case of the child falling sick and
121 - 150Kms - Kshs. 209/-
being referred to or admitted in a hospital subject to the approval
151 - 180Kms - Kshs. 225/-
of a Company Medical Officer or other authorised Medical
181 - 210Kms - Kshs. 261/-
211 - 260Kms - Kshs. 308/-
261 - 316Kms - Kshs. 339/- h) Annual Leave: A woman who has taken two months’ maternity
311 - 360Kms - Kshs. 389/- leave shall forfeit her annual leave in that year.
361 - 410Kms - Kshs. 434/- However, such an employee shall be entitled to leave traveling
411 - 460Kms - Kshs. 489/- allowance at the appropriate rate as specified under Clause 8 of
461 - 510Kms - Kshs. 569/- this Agreement.
511 - 560Kms - Kshs. 634/-
561 - 610Kms - Kshs. 843/- 11. MEDICAL TREATMENT AND SICK LEAVE:
611 - and over - Kshs. 1053/- a) Ordinary Sickness:
On completion of the probationary period an employee shall be
9. SPECIAL OR COMPASSIONATE LEAVE eligible for sick leave up to a maximum of 48 days on full pa, and
a) An employee could be granted special or compassionate leave 60 days on half pay in each period of 12 months’ continuous
and may be granted an advance of pay equivalent to the number service, subject to the production of a Medical Certificate from a
of days worked and not paid during his contract. competent authority as under:-
i) Where a Medical Officer is employed he shall be made
b) Compassionate leave shall not be unreasonably refused and may
authority to authorise sick pay.
by prior arrangement by the employee with the employer be
ii) Where a Medical Officer is employed then the above
treated as paid leave and subsequently set off against the
authority shall be delegated to the Estate Dresser without
employee’s annual leave.
fear of victimization.
c) The employer may grant shopstewards and Union Members paid iii) Where there is no Estate dresser then the Local Government
leave while they are attending or handling disputes affecting the Hospital or Dispensary shall be the authority.
employer and the employees provided that prior permission is
b) An employee, who in the opinion of the Medical Practitioner, is
obtained from the management.
considered to be unproductive through reasons of ill health may
d) The employer shall grant shopstewards and Union Members paid be retired by the employer and the Union agrees that such
leave while they are attending or handling disputes affecting the retirement shall act as subject of a dispute.
employer and the employees provided that prior permission is
c) Industrial Sickness:
obtained from the management.
It is agreed that the conditions of Workmen’s Compensation Act
a) Subject to Clause 17 of this Agreement, women employees shall d) Every employer shall ensure that provision for his employees of
be entitled to two months’ Maternity leave with full pay. proper medicines, and (if possible), medical attendance during
Provided that a woman who has taken two months’ maternity serious illness, and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that
leave shall forfeit her annual leave in that year. such illness was so brought to his notice so that it would have
Such leave to be taken immediately before and immediately after been unreasonable in all the circumstances of the case, to have
childbirth at the request of the female employee. Taking of such required him to know that such employee was ill.
leave shall in no way interfere with the qualifying period for long
service privileges. e) It shall be a decision to the prosecution for an offence under (d)
above that if the employer shows that he did not know that the
b) Nursing Breaks: Where women wished to have nursing breaks employee was ill and that he took all reasonable steps to ensure
she would be allowed up to and including two per day, provided that such illness was so brought to his notice or that it would
that the task set her was completed tot he satisfaction of have been unreasonable in all the circumstances of the case, to
Management. have required him to know that such employee was ill.
c) Light work for expectant and nursing mothers and lay off: f) When the death of an employee from any cause whatsoever is
Expectant and nursing mothers shall not be employed on work brought to the notice or comes to the knowledge of his employer,
which, in the opinion of a Medical Practitioner, or the practitioner the employer shall, as soon as practicable thereafter, give notice
employed at the Pre-natal advice centre, could endanger the life thereof in the prescribed form to the Labour Officer, if there is no
or health of the mother and/or child. I f an expectant or nursing Labour Officer, to the District Commissioner of the District in
mother, could not, on medical advice be employed at her normal which the employee was employed.
work, an endeavor would be made to give her lighter and more
suitable work. If, however, no alternative work offering, and in g) In case of death of an employee who has completed
consequence the employee was laid off, such employee would probationary period on a Member Estate, the employer will
not be dismissed for that reason. Any alternative work to be provide a coffin and pay towards transport in respect of the said
reimbursed at the agreed rates, and the employee would not lose employee or spouse a sum of Kshs. 12,500/-.
any privileges by virtue of her transfer to such alternative work.
h) The employer shall pay to the Labour Officer or District
d) Protection of Expectant mothers: The protection of expectant Commissioner, as the case may be, all wages due to the
mothers, shall be maintained for the entire period of pregnancy employee at the date of his death, and shall deliver to him all
and such expectant mother shall not be required to work property belonging to the deceased employee for transmission to
overtime, or during the hours of darkness except on a voluntary the person legally entitled thereto.
i) Should any employee, during the course of his employment be
e) Care of Infants: Women who have children under four years of killed or incapacitated by injury for a period exceeding three days,
age in their household or who have to care for an infant in their his employer shall, be as soon a practicable, send to the Labour
household needing special attention , and who do not have Officer or if there is no Labour Officer, to a District Commissioner
sufficient help shall not be required to work overtime at night. a report in prescribed form.

12. TRANSPORT TO HOSPITAL: employee will not be required to leave the home allotted to him
Where an employee to a Member of his Family residing with him on until the dispute is finalized.
the estate requires assistance to hospital as an inpatient or out-
patient and is unable, through the cause of his illness, to travel to or 17. PROBATION:
from Hospital by himself, the employer shall provide transport on the Where an employee enters or is engaged on probation, the following
advice of the of the resident medical staff. probationary periods shall pertain:-
Skilled/Graded Staff Three months
13. SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE Daily rated/unskilled employees Two months
Where an employee is required to be absent on duty from his normal
There shall be no extension of the probationary periods.
place of employment , he shall be eligible to receive the following:-
Promotion from grade to grade will be at the discretion of the
i) Graded Staff:
Management and the possession of any trade test certificate or licence
a) In respect of each day in which he is away on duty for a
shall not automatically entitle the holder to promotion or engagement in
continuous period of 8 hours or more, he shall be paid an
any specific grade.
allowance of KShs. 100/-.
b) In respect of a complete night’s absence on duty he shall be When a vacancy occurs, the employer shall give full consideration to
paid an allowance of Kshs. 320/- unless and except that if professional qualifications, experiences, general ability and conduct.
his duty entails spending a complete night in Nairobi or
Mombassa he shall receive Kshs. 610/- 18. TRANSFERS:
a) All employees undertake as a condition of their employment to
ii) Daily Rated Employees: work anywhere in Kenya for the employing company of its
a) In respect of each day in which he is away on duty for a associates. Management will take individual circumstances into
continuos period of 8 hours or more, he shall be paid an account both before and after any transfer as far as is consistent
allowance of Kshs. 100/-. with the interests of their business.
b) In respect of a complete night’s absence on duty he shall be
paid an allowance of Kshs. 320/- unless and except that if b) On transfer of any employee, Management shall meet the
his duty entails spending a complete night in Nairobi or reasonable expenses of the employee whilst in transit in addition to
Mombassa he shall receive 485/- any other allowances to which he might be entitled under clause
When an employee is required to act in a classification or grade c) Where a Union representative is to be transferred, the Union
higher than that in which he is normally employed he shall, in the first Branch shall be informed of the transfer.
instance, be required to work for 10 days at is normal rate of pay. d) In case of transfer of a Union Member from one Estate to another
Thereafter, and on any subsequent occasion, if required to act in a of the same Company, the employer shall continue to operate
higher category the employee shall receive the minimum rate check-off for the employee.
applicable to the grade and classification in which he is required to
act. He shall receive any benefits and privileges of that grade whilst 19. SEASONAL EMPLOYMENT
performing such duties in that grade. The Association and the Union recognise that the economic well being
of the Association Members and their employees are dependant upon
Where an employee acts for more than three months in a vacant the maintenance of harmonious relations, understanding of farming
position the vacant post should be filled and first priority to be given problems which may occur from time to tie and industrial peace. They
to the acting employee taking into account professional qualifications, therefore agree voluntarily that:-
general ability experience and a good conduct.
a) For continuity, seasonal employees may be employed by the
15. HOUSING: Association Members from time to time to cover seasonal
Every employer shall not at all times at his own expenses, provide operations.
reasonable housing accommodation for his employees at or near to
the place of employment, or shall pay to the employees who are not b) Those employed by the Association Members as seasonal workers
housed a house allowance of 15% of the basic wage applicable to may be employed for a maximum period of six consecutive
his grade. months.

Provided that, subject to any order which may be made under the c) Seasonal employees are entitled to special terms of contract as
regulation of Wages and Conditions of Employment Act, the follows:-
obligation of the Employer as regards housing, shall not, by reason of i) Seasonal workers shall be paid at the end of each month and
this section, extend to any case in which an employee is able to advance pay shall be given once a month.
return at the conclusion of his daily work, to a place of residence for ii) Seasonal workers shall be entitled to 2 weeks’ notice or pay in
which he pays no rent and which is not disapproved of by an lieu on termination, after three consecutive months.
authorized officer. Further, that where an employee subsequently iii) Seasonal workers shall be paid pro rata leave after working for
requests housing accommodation, the Employer shall be required to three months.
construct reasonable accommodation and shall be given a period of d) Any seasonal worker, who is required by Management to continue
grace amounting to six months in which to construct such with employment after six consecutive months’ service, shall be
accommodation. The employee shall not, under these circumstances, deemed to be engaged as a permanent employee and his service
be eligible for any housing allowance. as a seasonal worker shall be taken into consideration for the
Housing will be allocated impartially dependent upon the category of purposes of calculating any long term benefits.
employee and regardless of colour, race, creed or sex. e) A Seasonal worker is eligible to become a Member of the Union
and the Association Members undertake to deduct Union dues of
Members through payroll at the end of each month.
a) Where an employee is discharged, other than for gross misconduct
he shall be entitled to a maximum of fifteen days in which to f) The Association Members will give first consideration to those
vacate the quarters allotted to him by his employer and to leave seasonal workers who in their opinion have done well and have
the Estate. Where an employee of more than five consecutive had good record throughout the period in the case of subsequent
years’ service is discharged other than for gross misconduct, he engagement.
shall be entitled to a maximum of 30 days, in addition to his period
of notice in which to vacate any quarters allotted to him by his 20. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING
employer and to leave the Estate. a) Workers employed on duties within Factories shall be provided
with protective clothing in accordance with section 53 of the Act
b) Where an employee is dismissed other than for gross misconduct Cap. 154.
and his dismissal becomes a subject of a dispute, such an

b) Protective clothing of a type to be decided by the Employer shall less than 2 months’ notice of termination of service or pay in lieu
also be issued to persons engaged on plucking duties, sweepers, and similarly shall give two months’ notice to his employer, or
postmen, fundi mates, turnboys, prunners and sprayers whilst payment in lieu should he wish to leave employment.
performing such duties.
d) All permanent employees shall except in the case of gross
c) It is agreed that serviceable protective clothing shall be issued to misconduct receive three warnings in cases of misdemeanor in
employees so entitled and any unserviceable protective clothing the presence of a Union representative of is unavailable, the
shall be returned before a new issue is made. representative to be notified within 24 hours. The employee shall
be liable to dismissal on the fourth occasion, but the Union
d) The Union will actively assist Management in ensuring that
representative will be allowed to consult with Management prior
plucking capes are not removed from Estates.
to dismissal.
e) Pluckers shall be allowed to use finger stalls when plucking
e) Nothing in (a), (b), (c) and (d) above shall prejudice the right of
provided that the leaf standard and bush Management are
either party to terminate a contract summarily for lawful cause.
f) The Company shall provide laundry services or one bar of 24. SUMMARY DISMISSAL
washing soap per month to each employee whose nature if Any of the following matters may amount to gross misconduct so as
his/her work requires him/her to have uniform. to justify the summary dismissal of an employee for lawful cause, but
the enumeration of such matters shall not preclude an employer or
g) Protective clothing of a type to be decided by the Employer shall an employee from respectively alleging or disputing whether the facts
also be issued to Drivers, Supervisors, Dressers and Artizans giving rise to the same, or whether any other matters not mentioned
whilst performing such duties. in this section, constitute justifiable or lawful grounds for such
a) It shall be the aim and policy to abolish all discrimination a) If, without leave or other lawful cause, an employee absents
amongst workers on grounds of race, colour, sex, beliefs, tribal or himself from the place proper and appointed for the performance
trade union affiliation, and that no filling of vacancies, of his work;
promotions, appointments for vacational training, admission to
b) If, during working hours, by becoming or being intoxicated, an
senior positions or private employment shall be conditional on the
employee renders himself unwilling or incapable properly to
perform his work;
b) It is agreed by both Parties that in the case of filling of suitable
c) If an employee willfully neglects to perform any work which it was
positions, the present employees in the Tea Industry will be given
his duty to have performed, or if he carelessly and improperly
priority provided that the employee has the qualifications for the
performs any work which from its nature it was his duty, under his
contract, to have performed carefully and properly;
c) The Parties agree that employees be encouraged to take
d) If an employee uses abusive or insulting language, or behaves in
approved examinations to better their standards.
a manner insulting, to his employer or to any persons placed in
22. WARNING SYSTEM authority over him by his employer;
An employee whose work or conduct is not satisfactory or who e) If an employee knowingly fails, or refuses, to obey any lawful and
otherwise commits a misconduct which, in the opinion of the proper command which it was within the scope of his duty to
employer, does not constitute gross misconduct shall be warned in obey, issued by his employer or any person placed in authority
writing and the following procedure shall apply:- over him by his employer;
a) The first, second and third warnings shall be entered in the f) If, in the lawful exercise of any power of arrest given by or under
employees’ record and the Shopstewards shall be informed any written law, an employee is arrested for a cognizable offence
accordingly. punishable by imprisonment and is not within 10 days either
b) The second and third warnings shall be copied to the Branch released on bail or on bond or otherwise lawfully set at liberty;
Secretary of the Union. IN every case the employee concerned g) If an employee commits, or on reasonable and sufficient grounds
shall have the right to appeal to the employer through the is suspected of having committed, any criminal offence against or
Shopstewards. to the substantial detriment of his employer or his employer’s
c) If any employee who has already received a third warning property.
commits a fourth offence which is not gross misconduct he shall
be liable to termination of service.
a) It is jointly agreed as follows:-
d) If an employee completes one full year from the date of the first The principle of Last – In First – Out will apply as general
warning without any other default, any warning entered in his guidance when selection of redundant employee is made.
record shall be cancelled.
b) To avoid redundancy employees will be transferred where
23. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT possible to alternative employment provided that they possess
After completion of a probationary period, employees shall on the necessary ability to carry out such alternative employment.
resignation or termination of service, be entitled to notice or payment c) The Union and the Ministry of Labour will be informed of the
in lieu of notice as follows:- reason for and the extent of the intended redundancy, and the
a) After probationary period up to and including 3 years an exercise to declare employees redundant shall not be carried out
employee except in the case of gross misconduct shall be until such time as approval by the Minister.
entitled to one month’s notice of termination of service or pay in d) Management will ensure that all possible measures are taken to
lieu and similarly shall give one month’s notice to his employer, or avoid redundancy but where it arises the Union will be notified
payment in lieu should he wish to leave the employment. within thirty days before the redundancy is declared and the
b) After 3 to 5 years’ continuous service, the employee, except in employees served with notice(s). Notice of redundancy shall not
the case if gross misconduct, shall be entitled to not less than be less than two months or pay in lieu.
forty five days’ notice of termination of service or pay in lieu and e) In the case of subsequent engagement priority will be given to
similarly shall give forty five days’ notice to his employer, or employees previously declared redundant.
payment in lieu should he wish to leave employment.
f) Where a redundant employee having been recalled in writing by
c) For employees of over 5 years’ continuous service, the employee, his employer fails to report for work within thirty days he will be
except in the case if gross misconduct, shall be entitled to not deemed to have forfeited any claim to the employment for which

he was recalled unless it can be proved that the delay was due to circumstances beyond the control of the employee.
g) An employee declared redundant shall be entitled to 15 days’ pay for each completed year of service.
h) An employee declared redundant shall be allowed to stay on the farm up to a maximum period of three months from the date of notice.


Where there is undeveloped land the employer may provide the employee with land to cultivate in accordance with the Land Utilization Rules.


It is agreed that where an employee fails to complete his allotted task within the hours set for work, he shall not be marked “Absent” but shall
be marked “uncompleted task” and paid pro-rata or shall be paid for one day’s work only in accordance with section 5 (1) of the Employment
Act, 1976 as amended.


Where an employer is in a position to prove to the satisfaction of the Union that he is economically unable to pay the wages herein agreed,
the employer and the Union may negotiate a separate wage structure and such agreement shall be in respect of such employer only shall not
affect terms and conditions of this memorandum.


Retirement age will be 55 years, however, as employee may opt to retire at the age of 50 and likewise the Employer may retire an employee
who has attained the age of 50 years in line with NSSF withdrawal benefits.


To be operated according to the Agreement between employer and individual employees.

a) An employee who resigns or his/her services are terminated on completion of 10 years continuous and noritorious service with the
Company shall be entitled by the way of gratuity, based on the Employees wages of his/her services
b) An employee who is dismissed or terminated for gross misconduct shall not be entitled to gratuity.


The date of implementation will be 1st January 1998.


This Agreement shall continue in force for two years from last January 1998. During currency thereof no action shall be taken by either Party
to vary this Agreement unless such action has been mutually agreed by both Parties.
Dated this 30th day of October 1998


For and on behalf of the Kenya Tea For and on behalf of the Kenya
Plantation & Agricultural Worker’s Union Growers Association
Witness (signed by) T.G. KIPYAS Witness (signed by) FRANCIS WAWERU



1-1-1998 1-1-1999
Supervisors, Field/Factory:
Grade I 4760 5807 8764
Grade II 3515 4288 6684
Grade III 3158 3853 5143

Welfare Assistant:
Senior 4760 5807 8764
Junior 3515 4288 6684

Clerical Staff:
Grade I 5741 7004 10553
Grade II 4550 5551 8306
Grade III 3414 4165 6271

Grade I 5386 6571 9981
Grade II 3515 4288 6684
Grade III 3158 3853 5143

Grade I 6554 7995 12685
Grade II 4788 5841 9143
Grade III 3463 4225 6935

Instant Tea Machine Operators:

Grade 1 5152 6285 9295
Grade II 3805 4642 8688
Grade III 3420 4172 6684
Non Trade Tested Grade IV 3158 3853 5143

Graded Nurses:
Grade I 6554 7996 12685
Grade II 5318 6488 9295
Grade III 3769 4598 8688
Grade IV (ungraded Nurses) 3463 4225 4687

Hospital Cooks: 3090 3770 4533

Compounders & Lab. Assistants 4417 5389 7239

Research Institutions:
SRA I 6445 7863 12576
SRA II 5230 6381 9373
SRA III 4450 5429 7279

Annex 3 Proceedings of stakeholders workshop


SOCIO ECONOMIC ISSUES AFFECTING THE VALUE The Natural Resources and Ethical Trade Programme
HOTEL, NAIROBI, KENYA (further information/publications can be can be ordered or
Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich of United downloaded from http://www.nri.org/nret/publish.htm)
Kingdom The NRET specialises in improving the social and environmental
Report prepared by James Nyoro assisted by Raphael Gitau and benefits of business in developing and emerging economies
Elizabeth Mutua Tegemeo Institute, Egerton University Email Services are offered to: Five major types of services are
Tegemeo@kenyaweb.com Business offered:
Introduction NGO’s Building better standards and
A stakeholders meeting workshop was held at the Landmark Hotel in Fair trade organisations strategies
Westlands Nairobi on the 11th of April 2001. The key objective of the Governments Integrated supply chain management
one-day workshop was to raise and develop awareness amongst Trade unions Policy information
stakeholders on socio-economic issues pertaining to the Kenya tea Producer – market linkages
industry and work towards improving and building responsible Learning and training
business practices. The main objective of the meeting was to explore Slide 3
and share experiences of ethical compliance of welfare and socio • How do we define responsible business?
standards with the various stakeholders in the tea industry. It also
served as a forum where issues and possible solutions would be • The social responsibility of the private sector goes beyond its day
developed for long term sustainability of the tea industry. to day operation of producing products & services in the most
efficient manner.
Duncan Burnett of Natural Resource Institute (NRI) London began
the proceedings by introducing NRI and outlined the theme of the • The social responsibility of the private sector concerns the
workshop to the participants. The second presentation was by Mr. relationships of a company … with the needs values and goals of
N.K. Kirui of the Brooke Bond of Kenya Limited on health, safety and the society in which it operates. *(UN Secretary General)
environment, titled “Good Safety Is Good Business”. This was then
• The sustainability agenda for business … greater responsibility,
followed by a graphic description of “A day in the life of a
transparency and accountability. *(the Environment Council)
smallholder”, by one of their representatives.
The triple bottom – line Environmental Added Value
The afternoon session was divided into workshops, covering various
Social Added Value Financial Added Value
themes, with the widest selection of stakeholders in each. Final
presentations were made by the various representatives of each
workshop, outlining the topics discussed, the issues raised and their Slide 4
Introduction to the Workshop – Why Do It?
Presentation by Duncan Burnett • New DFID research projects applicable to the tea trade in Kenya
(and Sri Lanka)
Slide 1
THE Natural Resources Institute (NRI) • The cost of complying with social and welfare standards
• UK based – part of the University of Greenwich
• The implementation of social and welfare standards in value
• An internationally recognised centre of expertise for: research – chain management
consultancy – training
• Above projects also involve cocoa (Indonesia), cut flowers
• In the natural resources sector and the environment (Kenya), and wine (South Africa)

• The NRI manages the natural resources and ethical trade • In order to fund the projects DFID required industry support and
programme (NRET) confirmation that the research is valuable and worthwhile In the
case of tea – support from TSP
• Workshops – to TSP / Nairobi / London

Slide 5 Brooke Bond Kenya limited
Why tea? Presentation by Nicholas Kirui
• An important, high profile, consumer product
National health, safety and environment manager
• UK a major buyer and consumer Good safety is good business
• Easily identifiable 10th April 2001

• Consumer & retail pressure re social & welfare standards of tea

Why safety?
• Legal consideration
• Developing country sourcing
• Compliance with the factories and other places of work act.
• Generic and brand image
• Economic considerations
• The tea trade is already active in the area of: “ethical sourcing / • Accidents are expensive- (insurance, litigation)
responsible business practice, social & welfare issues & • Cost of 1 LTA is about Ksh.3000
environmental sustainability
• Moral considerations
Slide 6 • Profits not at the expense of safety
• Consumers increasingly opting for ethical sourcing
Workshop objective
• To bring together stakeholders in the Kenya, the tea industry and Safe systems
value chains to raise and develop awareness of socio-economic • Risk management
issues including • identification of high risk tasks and risk assessments
• Long term sustainability & work towards building responsible • Safe operating procedures
business practices • Permit to work system and training “authorised persons”
• Elimination of risks where practical
• To provide a forum where the views of the Kenya tea trade on
social and welfare issues • Lightning (evacuation policy, building protection)
• Pruning (training)
• And the pressure from consumers to implement codes of conduct • Machinery guarding
and standards • Vehicle safety checks
• May be recorded and communicated to the UK tea trade at a • Incident management
workshop to be held in London in May 2000 • Emergency procedure-documented ,trained and tested
• Fire fighting-prevention and detection
Slide 7 • Purchasing and engineering change control procedures
The value chain • Contractors
1) smallholder (also could be plantation field labour) • List of approved contractors
• Safety induction
2) green leaf collector • Safe systems
• Audit and Inspection
3) transporter
• Local management teams for their unit
4) tea factory operator • Every two or three years by external auditors

ex factory Safe technology

5) transporter • Field Operations
• Safe plucking methods – (hand and shear)
6) warehouse operator • Tractors fitted with roll-over-protection and seat belts
7) tea auction/brokers • General trailers fitted with hand rails
• Safe equipment for all operations
8) traders
• Factory Operations
9) freight forwarders (14) bankers • machinery and equipment specifications
10) kenya port authority • machinery guarding
• Machinery maintenance
free on board
11) shipping & insurance companies • General
• safety input in all equipment procurement
cost, insurance, freight • seat belts for all vehicles
12) blenders & packers
Safe behaviour
13) retailers
• Safety promotion and awareness
14) consumer • team briefings
• use of personal protective equipment
retail price • Safe Acts Visits
• Non-compliance reporting
• Safety competitions – (safety awards, housekeeping)
• Training
• Defensive driving (drivers & motor cyclists)
• Pesticide handling
• Manual handling
• Pruning
• Managing safely for managers and team leaders

The environment workers welfare and ensuring that their employees were working in a
• Tea growing/manufacture is very environmentally friendly safe environment in 1997. They therefore said that they consider safe
Sustainable crop business to be good business.
Renewable fuel
As the company has been complying with the set ethical standards
Low environmental risks
for a very long period of time the company representative said it was
Sustainable agriculture
difficult to quantify how much the company had invested in monetary
Responsible farming now and in the future
terms as this has been integrated in the daily operation of the
Remain economically viable
company. What they could try and point out, as costs implication was
Minimize impact on the environment
the health and safety measure, which the company started investing
Positive social impact
on in 1997.
BBK has developed indicators currently being vetted by experts
Blue print on best practice to rolled out The company has invested in putting into place safe systems in all its
departments and its operations. In any operation that is to be carried
• Opportunities are
out safety of the person performing the task is guaranteed. If for
To better control risks
example one is operating machinery the worker will have all the
To build on the sustainability platform for the industry in general
necessary protective equipment to guarantee his/her safety and the
The environment – better control of risks now worker will be trained to operate the machine. In order for all the
• Awareness and promotion employees to be able to work within the safe systems that have been
• Policy put in place the company has incurred huge expenditure on training
• Line management responsibility + course for all management the staff.
staff The training is very important as it equips the workers with skill of
• Measures of performance (energy, water, Sox, waste and working in the safe environment. The training is on a continuous
publication basis since the workers need to be instilled with more skills. To go
• Trees 2000 together with the safe systems the company has invested on the right
• Risk management machinery whose performance is efficient and friendly to the
• Write and test environmental emergency management environment. The machinery that has been purchased by the
procedures company has been fitted with safety guard to ensure that they are
• Test and audit environmental incident reporting procedures safe. The workers who operate this machinery need protective
• Ensure the integrity of storage facilities for environmentally clothing thus the company have invested heavily on personal
sensitive materials protective clothing to avoid injury of the workers. Brooke Bond has
• Evaluate possibility of eliminating/reducing use of chemicals adopted a policy where it’s the duty of the managers from the
in factory leaning Managing Director to the field manager to ensure that all laid down
• Confirming compliance with PCB/CFC regulations rules and regulation on the safety and health measure are strictly
• Waste management followed. The managers are trained on a regular basis so that they
can be able to enforce and facilitate health and safety measures.
• Inspection and audit
• Internal Audit of all units done annually The motto of the company in justifying huge expenditure invested
• External Audit every two years was “If you think it’s expensive try ignorance.” A case scenario was
given of the opportunity cost that a company may face due to lack of
The way forward safety measures, putting guards on the machine will cost a company
• Focus on long term goal of being world class and not benchmark only Ksh 1000. In case the machine doesn’t have the guards and an
self against contemporaries who may not be doing as well injury was to occur the Company would loose Ksh 3000 (LTA) in
• Visible commitment of management at all levels terms of the days the worker would have worked excluding litigation.
• Discard philosophy of accidents being inevitable When litigation is added, the costs will be in the range of about Ksh
• Identification of causes of accidents 200,000 for a worker who may have lost a finger. The other spiral cost
• Focus on accident prevention rather than accident investigation effect will be in terms of insurance premium going up. Looking at
• Training of personnel on safety systems these costs then it will be prudent for a Company to adopt the safety
• Complete cultural re-engineering to eliminate the blame culture measure as it is beneficial for both the Company and the employees.
• Safety should be seen as a continuous program rather a finite
With all of the investments that Brooke Bond as a company has
invested in order to comply with the set ethical standards it was very
• Development of appropriate systems, technology and behavior
difficult for the company to quantify in monetary terms the gains it
• Risk assessment of all operations and safe operating procedures
has achieved. Several things came out clearly although the company
Steps to successs cannot quantify their gains in monetary terms there has been a
• Set your policy notable increase in productivity and improved quality of the tea. The
• Organize your staff workers motivations and performance has improved due to training.
Competence The company has also saved money as workers are trained on better
Control management of resources thus wastage is reduced. Since Brooke
Co-operation Bond has adhered to complying with a set of standards it has taken
Communication upon itself to instill the same qualities on all organisations or
• Plan and set standards individuals that deal with them. For outgrowers who sell tea to their
• Measure your performance factory a field day of 2 days is organised every year. The outgrowers
• Learn from experience; audit and review are trained on health and safety measures and other measures that
they need to adopt to produce tea in a safe and healthy environment
Discussions they are encouraged to reinvest back the proceeds from the tea and
After the presentations of the two papers the participants were not misuse the money. As for the 300 companies that have been
invited to ask questions. During this session it emerged that Brooke contracted by Brooke Bond to handle the tea after it has left the
Bond Kenya has been complying with the ethical standards for a long factory Brooke Bond has also taken the initiative to train them on the
period of time and it has incorporated these ethical standards in their health and safety measures.
daily operations. As for the Health and safety measures the company
Brooke Bond has invested a lot of money on its daily operations and
started complying in 1997. Brooke Bond is a subsidiary of Unilever
in complying with the set ethical standards. It is also the company’s
(UK) and at the end of every year all Unilever companies when
policy to plough back some of its money to the community within
declaring their profit are expected to also show how the company has
which it works. The company has embarked on Tree 2000 campaign,
invested in the welfare, health and safety of their workers. Thus
i.e. planting of trees where there is no tea. The objective of the
Brooke Bond Kenya embarked on investing toward improving their

exercise is for both aesthetic and commercial purposes. This has • Clothing / footwear manufacture
resulted in the company establishing an arboretum where the local • Fishing (Marine stewardship Council
community can go for picnics and at the same time the planting of • Cut Flowers
trees exercise is replenishing fuel for the factory. The company runs • Export horticulture
several primary and secondary schools and a bursary fund for the • Many Codes are based on ILO standards and cover issues such
poor families in the community. as
• Non discrimination in employment
Gabriel Mburu and Joseph Murithi Wainaina did a joint presentation
• Freedom of association
on behalf of smallholders working in the tea industry. They painted a
• Right to collective bargaining
very grim picture of their plight, listing the various hardships they
• Payment of living wages
experienced and rising costs they had to bear to support their
• Prohibition of child labour
families on an ever reducing income from tea. They criticised the
• Reasonable hours of work
KTDA for numerous problems which have been compounded by the
• Decent working conditions
secrecy behind the re-structuring of the Management company,
• Security of employment
failure to improve the roads required to get their produce to the
• No forced labour
buying stations and on to the factory. They complained about the
• Protection of the environment
inflated cost of fertiliser and weighing bags, which are taken from
• Key aspects are that: All stakeholders should observe the
their income directly. They also complained about the kilo deductions
standards; Independent verification of compliance should be
made from their green leaf produce at the buying stations which
carried out; Codes displayed in workplace.
were purportedly to account for the weight of the weighing bag. They
• Complaint procedures should be set up. Should an international
described the unnecessary wait at the buying stations for the factory
code of conduct be introduced for tea?
trucks, and explained that if they did not wait to load the trucks
• What measures need to be adopted by the GOK and
themselves, there was no guarantee that they would be credited for
stakeholders in the tea Industry to ensure sustainability?
their days work. Mention was also made of the lack of facilities at the
buying stations, where there was no potable water or refreshments to Workshop Group 3
access for their children who waited for them. Some of the Smallholders
attendents asked why, if the problems were so bad, did they remain • Small scale self employed farmers produce over 60% of Kenya’s
in the tea industry? Some were horrified at the conditions and others tea crop (The same is true in Sri Lanka, another major tea
saw no relevance to them. exporting country).
Work Groups • Are any of the International codes of conduct applied to
After the presentations, the participants were divided into 3 groups to employees (the waged) relevant to smallholders?
discuss various issues and develop a way forward in the areas and
issues identified in the presentations: • If not, can other criteria be developed that is relevant to the
smallholder and, what should they include?
The 3 groups were
Group 1: Addressed issues to do with Value chain • Who is responsible for what in the value chain of small-scale tea
Group 2: Addressed issues to do with the International Codes of production?
Conduct • Who has what expectations in the value chain?
Group 3: Addressed issues to do with how smallholders could be
facilitated to comply • Should other stakeholders assume any responsibility for small
holders’ social conditions and the effect on the environment of
Workshop Group 1 farming practices? If so how?
Value Chains
• What is the effect of the liberalisation on the smallholders?
Retailers of tea are increasingly demanding evidence that the
products that they buy, be produced under socially and • Is there a business case to support that embedding sustainability
environmentally sustainable conditions: is beneficial to tea industry?
• Improving social and welfare conditions raises the cost of • What measures need to be adopted by the Government of Kenya
production, and stakeholders in the tea industry to ensure sustainability
especially with regard to the small holder?
• The cost of implementing social and welfare improvements at
field & factory level currently falls on the producer , Groups Discussions
• Given the length of the value / marketing chain from field to Group 1 Report
consumer, should the cost of improved social and environmental The first work group agreed that the cost of improved social and
practices be shared amongst all stakeholders? If so how? environmental practices should be shared amongst all stakeholders
i.e. both the public and private sectors. The public sector
• It is often difficult to tell who along the long value chain is contributions will be through partnerships, tax incentives to the tea
responsible for the different aspects of sustainability. industry, formation of lobby group to push issues that will help the
• How can the business case be made to ensure sustainability is industry comply with the set ethical standard and ensure the cost is
embedded throughout the value chain? distributed down the value chain. The private sector contribution from
the consumer end will be the paying of extra price for the tea and the
• Who has the power of influence to ensure implementation of premium channelled back to the farmers. Levies raised could be
sustainable practices? channeled to the tea industry. This will reduce the pressure on the
• If tea prices do not show long term improvement in real terms, producer and therefore the producers will be able to implement the
what are the long-term consequences to the Kenya tea industry social and welfare conditions without reducing their profit margins.
of ever increasing labour, social and environmental costs? The group agreed that to have sustainable business there is need to
• Could implementation of sustainable practices ensure a more setup uniform and recognised standards across the value chain.
efficient tea industry and therefore, ensure it’s survival? These standards when harmonised across the value chain will
reduce costs, that producers incur in order to conform to different
Workshop Group 2 auditors e.g. What BVQI looks for is not what Premier Group does.
International Codes of Conduct Having harmonised standards across the value chain e.g. ISO9000
Various International Codes of Conduct / Practice have been set up then it will be easier for the producers as once they comply then they
with the intention of improving the living and working conditions of don’t need to invest extra as all the verifiers will be auditing uniform
employees. Other guidelines have been introduced (or are under standards. This will result in the performance of an audit trail across
discussion) within various industry sectors: the value chain, which will form the foundation basis of the audits

that ensure the set standards are adhered to. So everyone on the For the international code of conduct to successfully work it was
value chain would ensure sustainability of their business by adhering agreed that several key issues had to be incorporated into the code
to the set standards, which are uniform. of conduct. This included: ensuring the safety and health of the
workers: environmental friendly practices: gender equity in the place
On who has the ultimate power of ensuring the implementation of
of work: stop the use of child labour and instances where young
sustainable practices it was agreed that the consumers have the
people are working education should be provided. Also, human rights
ultimate power of ensuring implementation of sustainable practices
should be guarded and no forced labour, migrant labour treated fairly,
through pressuring producers. But other stakeholders should play a
during peak harvest period pickers should not be overwork and finally
vital role in ensuring the sustainable practices are implemented. By
the quality and production standards should be maintained.
being proactive the stakeholders will ensure that Kenyan tea is sold in
the market since it has complied with the set standards and even Group 3 Report
done much more. Trade Unions should ensure employees’ welfare is This group tackled the issue of how relevant the international code of
taken care by negotiating better CBA with the employer. The conduct is to the smallholder. The issue of child labour dominated the
government should make sure all the employers adhere to all the discussion. The group agreed that it is not relevant to the
labour laws set out and punish those who do not follow the law. The smallholder, as this is a family unit that depends almost entirely on
government should provide social amenities and infrastructure to family labour. Also it depended on what one defines child labour. A
avoid producers providing these facilities. consensus was reached that children should work a maximum of 4
Employers should honor the CBA and law regarding workers and hours a day with appropriate breaks in between. This should only be
strive to improve the social welfare of their employees. All these on non-schooling days and under the supervision of an adult the age
stakeholders will contribute towards implementing of sustainable limit was a minimum of 10 years.
practices. Although the international code of conduct might not be relevant to
It was noted that the consequences of the ever-increasing labour, the smallholder the group appreciated that some aspects of the
social and environmental cost would result in the small-scale farmers international code of conduct were very important to the smallholder
being pushed out the market since they may not be able to break especially on health and safety. It was agreed that this was non-
even and thus will look for an alternative sector. As for the well- negotiable and the smallholder had to ensure the use of safety
established companies they would downsize leading to retrenchment equipment in the whole process involving growing of tea e.g. provide
and diversification since their profit margins will reduce if tea prices pickers with gumboots, protective clothing on application of pesticide,
do not show a long-term improvement in real terms. Therefore use of gloves.
sustainable practices would ensure a more efficient tea industry in It was also noted that the pickers carrying the big basket when
the short run. There is need for the government to play a vital role in plucking was detrimental to their health. Therefore there is a need to
providing incentives to the industry through proper government establish a limit to the amount that an adult could carry. A limit of 20
expenditure, for example building better infrastructure and servicing Kgs of green leaf per person was recommended, as the smallholders
the existing one, provide medical facilities where hospitals ran by the have to carry the green leaf to the collection centre. The group did
government are well equipped. This will reduce cost as currently not exhaust all their questions due to time limit.
producers are offering these facilities. If the government was to
provide these facilities this will guarantee the survival of the industry Conclusion
in the long run. The participants were thanked for their participation and contribution
at the workshop and requested that if they had more contributions to
In conclusion, sustainable practices are necessary in the tea industry forward them before Tuesday 17th April 2001. The participants were
but the process of achieving these practices is difficult and therefore informed that there will be another follow up meeting in London for
require an inter-play of all partners involved in the value chain the consumers, packers blenders, the Tea Sourcing Partners and
including governments of the consumers and producers. other stakeholders in the month of May 2001. The issues that were
Group 2 Report discussed during the stakeholders meetings will be raised in London
Working Group 2 agreed that an international code of conduct should in order to chart the way forward for the tea industry and it would be
be introduced in the tea industry and three key issues were tackled. appropriate if one person from Kenya could attend this meeting.
This included who complies? Who bares the cost? And how will the
process be monitored? It was agreed that everybody in the tea
industry should comply with the international code of conduct. These
should include those sub-contracted by the producers.The company
that are sub-contracted by the producers could be trained in order to
be able to comply with the international code of conduct. As for who
bears the cost, this should be the entire participants in the value
chain including the governments of both the producers and
The tea cess that is collected by the local authority should be
ploughed back into the industry and help in repairing or construction
of roads in the tea zone. The group agreed that if the consumer,
supermarkets, packers and blenders were to contribute to the cost of
compliance through the paying of extra premium then modalities
should be put in place to ensure that the benefit trickles down the
value chain. This will reduce the costs that are incurred in complying
with the set standards. On the international front the costs could be
shared by agreement on the reduction of import duty on tea between
the producer and consumer countries.
The group agreed that there was need to have a sole verification
agency acceptable to all the stakeholders. This will ease the
verification process. In order to Impose or enhance working of
industry on minimum and broad terms structure it was noted that it
was easier to install in large organised plantations as compared to
small holder groups. The suggestion was that to be able to implement
it successfully on the small holders group then the big proportion of
income from the tea should go to them and this will enable
smallholder groups impose and enhance workings of the industry.

Annexe 4: Stakeholder profiles

The Smallholder (1) supply of fertilizer for a tea sapling to grow to maturity, but one can
The smallholder is 78 years old, the eldest of two wives and mother start picking leaves after 18 months. Each KTDA farmer is issued an
of 6 children, all of who have now married and moved away from the identity number and registered at a local buying centre, which is
shamba with their own children. Her eldest daughter obtained the usually built by the KTDA. The picked green leaves are taken to
most education, finishing primary school. The rest had sporadic KTDA buying station, weighed and recorded. At the end of each
education. She lives next door to her co-wife and some of her month, the farmers are paid a base rate for the tea, which is twice
children with the same father. yearly boosted by bonuses. Currently, the base rate is Ksh 7.5 per
kilo out of which, they pay their pickers Ksh 3.65.
She still picks tea on her own one-acre farm, but she sometimes also
uses casual labour from the Luhya and Bukusu region, to help her if Her husband and new wife died of Aids seven years ago, but she is
the tea crop is abundant. She also has basic cash crops, three alright. After leaving the bank, she increased her trading activities
sheep, some chickens and a cow. and started exporting Kenyan-made curios to South Africa in 1995.
This year she bought a small residential complex, consisting of two
She became one of the first KTDA smallholder tea farmers in 1964, 2-bed flats, and two 1-bed flats in Nairobi. She lives in one and rents
when it became possible for black Kenyans to get a tea license. the others out. She bought a Peugeot to use as a taxi, and sells
Licenses under the colonial rule had been restricted to whites only. second hand clothes. The monthly tea income remains to support the
Being a black tea farmer, had therefore been a sign of Uhuru. Each farm, but the bonuses contribute to her living expenditure. The cash
of her 5000 tea plants used to give her approximately 2-3 kgs of crops help support herself, her two sons at College in England and
green leaf per annum, picking the KTDA ‘2 leaves and a bud’, but daughter studying Tourism in American College, Nairobi, as well as
with the worsening drought, this figure is now substantially reduced. the extended family including: her mother, her unemployed younger
She is finding it hard to scrape a living from her farm, when her brother, his wife and 3 children and her older brother, his own wife
health is also failing. Her fingers are painful. There is a local and their 6 children (under 11), all of whom live in the same
dispensary near by, built by Harambe next to the church. The cost of compound in her home village. She has a manager on the farm, who
medicines is generally beyond her reach. Her monthly income is in return for housing and growing his own cash crops, oversees the
rarely up to 3000 Kenyan shillings (Ksh) which is less than £30. Last casual pickers who bring in the crop.
month, she sold her KTDA tea fertiliser, which she paid Ksh 1100 for
Ksh 500 to pay for medicines. Selling KTDA fertiliser is common
The Picker
The Picker works on several small farms picking tea on a rotational
practice for the farmers who experience constant cash flow problems.
basis. He gets paid Ksh 3.65 per kilo by the smallholder neighbours.
In the coming elections for the Theta Tea Factory directors, she is not His father has his own 2-acre farm, but this is insufficient to support
sure what to do. She is frightened to vote because she has been his many younger brothers and sisters.
intimidated by the No Vote campaigners, but at the same time, the
He is married now and he rents a small dwelling on the side of a
Vote campaigners have told her that the buying centre will not take
farm in return for picking tea part time. He is also allowed to grow a
her tea, if she does not vote. She is also not sure who is standing for
few cash crops there and he has some chickens as well. The
what. She recently backed the petition heard in court, which had two-
thirds support, to ensure voting does take place. She wished that the compound has a tap for water which comes on and off throughout
police would protect them and their goods. Her neighbour has the day, but there is no electricity. He has two small children and his
already been killed along with one policeman and another neighbour wife is pregnant with a third. When there is plenty of crop to pick, his
had his leg slashed so badly with a panga that it was amputated. She wife and children join him and even some of his younger brothers
thanks God for her own survival, and she prays that everything will and sisters.
be back to normal again soon. She wishes that the short rains would He cannot remember when he first went to pick tea, but he believes
come. he is one of the fastest pickers in the district and on a good day he is
able to pick over 40 kgs of two leaves and a bud. He also knows how
The Second Smallholder (2) to prepare the ground, plant saplings, apply fertilizer and prune the
The second smallholder was brought up in a coffee growing area, the
eldest of three children. Her father was a Mau Mau fighter and
eventually died in prison. She helped bring up her younger brothers To pick the tea, his walks down the line of tightly planted tea bushes
and did not complete her own primary education, which was free. Her and picks the new-formed leaves from the top of the bush. He wears
mother did not have the money for books and uniforms and needed a pair of trousers, a T-shirt and is barefoot. He carries a large wicker
her daughter to help pick the cash crops in the shamba and take tea basket on his back and throws the 2 leaves and a bud into it
them to market. At 16, she left to work in a bank in Nairobi and was periodically, as his hands become full. When he has picked the tea
able to send money down to help her younger brothers through on a farm he takes it to the buying station, where it is weighed and
secondary school. She married and when she was pregnant for her the amount recorded against the license number of each farmer. He
third child, her husband walked out on her. She borrowed some does not read or write himself, but trusts the Manager at the buying
money and started going to Tanzania to buy up curios and wrappers centre to keep the record straight. The Manager also helps him keep
and bring them back to sell to her colleagues at work. a record of the number of kilos he has picked for the various farmers
so he can be paid at the end of the month. He is paid the statutory
Friends working for the KTDA encouraged her to buy a farm to plant
minimum wage by the farmer, but he does not receive bonuses if the
tea and other cash crops. With a loan from the bank and license from
price of tea rises or when the tea bonuses come in.
the Kenyan Tea Board (KTB), she bought 4.5 acres in 1987. The
forested hill had to be cleared properly to plant the young saplings The pickers are angry that regardless of the actual weight of the
and the wood was sold as charcoal to pay for them. These saplings weighing bag, they have 2kgs deducted from their crop on dry days
have to be cloned from KTDA approved plants and kept in the and 6kgs on wet days, thus reducing the weight and earnings.
nursery for two years. It takes a further four years and a constant Secondly, they cannot leave the buying station until the truck collects

it, because the green leaf is not considered ‘sold’ until it is loaded on during the dry spell is 15 kgs per basket and since the monthly in-
the truck. Due to the bad roads this can mean waiting until late at take at the buying centre is 10,500 kgs, 350 kgs is not being paid for
night and sometimes it does not come. This means they are not paid (Ksh 1277.5). In reality, the dry bag weighs less than a kilo. It should
for their labours at all. In fact even if the truck breaks down on route also be noted that the deductions include the cost of the sisal bag at
to the factory and the green leaf is not delivered to the factory, or is Ksh 600 and yet the farmers know that the actual cost is only Ksh
spoilt on the way – the picker / farmers will not be paid at all. 100. The farmers believe they are being cheated.

The Farm Manager The buying centre theoretically serves as the communication centre
The farm manager is the 9th of 28 children born in the local Gatundu for the tea farmers and their pickers. Every month the farmers are
area. He and many of his brothers were educated to secondary given their pay slips, Ksh per kilo, less the various deductions
school and beyond. He himself went to a TTC (Teachers Training including, government tax, CC Cess, KTDA Cess, fertiliser and other
College) and is currently teaching in a secondary school earning Ksh periodic expenditures, as above. Mark is the communications link
7000 per month. Every weekend he attends college in Nairobi for a between the KTDA & the picker/farmers. He understands why they
degree in music and geography. Once he has obtained this degree, are angry with the KTDA and their frustrations especially with regard
he will be earning Ksh 12000 as a teacher. He is married and has a to the collection of their green leaf and the argument regarding the
new baby. ‘point of sale’. They are forced to wait for the truck collection to
ensure their leaf is continually tossed and aerated and ultimately
His illiterate father some years back, bought an extra piece of land collected to take to the factory. This extends an already long day for
from a literate farmer and let his son build a house on it. When the picker/farmers and their accompanying children. The only
literate father died, his sons went to court and claimed the land back refreshment provision at the buying station is a water tap.
from him. As the paperwork was not correct for the original land sale,
he was evicted. He arranged with the second smallholder, that he The Driver
stay on her shamba. He oversees the tea, pickers, administration and There are 17 drivers employed by the factory to collect the leaf from
accounts of the farm. He also cares for her livestock, including the 72 buying stations in the area. The ability to collect the green leaf
chickens and goats and the cash crops including pineapples, which and it’s timely delivery to the factory affects everyone. If the loaded
are exported. The compound has running tap water sometimes, but truck does not reach the factory due to impassable roads or
no electricity. He runs a black and white television off a car battery! mechanical failure and the green leaf spoils, the picker/ farmers are
not paid at all for their labours.
He has his own sheep, two cows, chickens and cash crops. He has
also bought a small plot of land where he has just planted 500 tea The drivers, including this one, although knowing the importance of
plants (each capable of giving 2-3kgs p/a) when matured. He is their job, face their own problems. They are firstly hindered by the
deeply concerned about the political situation in the area at the deteriorating roads which take a heavy toll on all the vehicles, both
moment. He wishes that he could participate more actively in the tea old and new. The factory employs several mechanics and engineers,
industry and the administration of the factory, but he is considered but there is little they can do without available spare parts. These are
only a poor teacher, with no land. The farmers deem the advantages difficult to get, because they need foreign exchange which is
of his education irrelevant. He feels powerless to intervene in the on- controlled by the KTDA. Each of the drivers must have some
going struggles with the KTDA and other politically backed groups. rudimentary mechanical skills to keep the vehicle going whilst on the
He wants to know why the KTDA cannot support their struggles to roads, but even then, other trucks have to delay their collections to
carry out elections and why the police cannot protect them from tow factory vehicle from the side of the roads.
The vehicles constant belch out black smoke which pollutes the
He will be voting because he believes that whatever previous whole environment, whether the pedestrians or the crops along the
mismanagement of the KTDA and ineffectiveness of previous roadside. Women with their babies, children to and from school are
directors, it would still be preferable than being controlled by one or all being choked daily by this diesel vehicle pollution. The roads
two private owners. He is deeply concerned about youth become impassable after heavy rains, ironically when the crop is
unemployment, destruction of the forests, corruption and most abundant.
mismanagement at both parastatal and government level. He
believes that farmers and representatives need capacity building Whereas it is deemed the point of sale should be at the time of
sessions to understand about administration of the tea business to weighing the leaf and registering in the book, (at the ‘buying station’),
become more effective in making decisions that effect all their the reality is that, unless the leaf is picked up and reaches the
livelihoods and become more productive. He also believes that the factory whilst it is still in good condition, the farmers / pickers, will not
KTDA should be more transparent especially with regards to be paid for their labours. Sometimes, the pickers can go days without
deductions made from their earnings. the truck coming and in some cases they have to walk miles with
their heavy crop to bring it to the factory themselves. There is no
Buying Centre Officer Cununiki TH18 compensation for this.
The Buying Centre Officer is a secondary school leaver who runs the
buying centre and has his own 1.5 acre tea farm. The buying centre It should be noted that 1% of gross earnings, known as the CC Cess
takes up to 30000 kgs green leaf per month during the rainy season is deducted from the monthly pay packet of every farmer to
from the 72 registered farms. The current drought has reduced this contribute to the local councils up keep of the main roads and the
amount to only 10,500 kgs. KTDA Cess of Ksh 0.10 per kilo, is meant to contribute to the
maintenance of the tea roads. Neither is being done. Yet the cost to
The picker/farmers will carry the tea in their wicker baskets from the the environment, quality and quantity of tea production and ability to
farm to the Centre, a rudimentary building with openings for doors give farmers and their pickers an income is being daily undermined
and windows and a corrugated roof. Upon arrival, the tea will be by lack of investment in the roads.
weighed. The tea is emptied out of the basket and into a sisal bag.
Some factories use recycled polybags that do not become permeated The Buying Centre Officer, Kiambu
with water so much. He has been instructed by the factory to deduct Not all KTDA tea factories and buying centers are run in the same
2kgs off the weight of the tea to counter-balance the weight of the manner. He has been a buying center manager for the last twelve
bag when is dry and up to 6kgs when it is sodden wet. Thus a years in Kiambu. There, the tea is deemed to have been bought once
picker/farmer whose green leaf weighs 15 kgs during the dry season the tea has been weighed. The pickers are free to leave the station at
will be registered as 13 kgs and in the wet season, as little as 9 kgs. this point, because the factory employs an assistant to help load the
At Ksh 3.65 / kg this would give the picker Ksh 32.85 or less than tea onto the trucks.
£0.35 for a full days work.
At the end of the month, the farmers are paid for the number of kilos
Working to capacity at 40 kgs of ‘two leaves and a bud’ less 6kgs for that have been recorded at the buying center. The gross monthly sum
the bag – a daily wage would be 34 kgs at Ksh 3.65 totaling Ksh 124 that they are paid per kilo varies according to the amount determined
(approx £1.30 p/d). The KTDA however has said that the dry sisal by the tea factory and is generally in line with a proportionate amount
bag weight to be deducted is only 1.5 kgs. Since the average quantity paid for by the KTDA. The deductions will also vary from factory to

factory, and in Kiambu, the net payment per kilo of green leaf will The Aspirant Factory Director
include a deduction for the monthly salary of the buying centre The aspirant factory director is a man in his fifties from the local
assistant. Buying Centre who has retired/been retrenched from his job with
Kenya Airways in Nairobi and returned to live on his farm which he
His own take home gross salary is Ksh 5400 per month, but after
has had for 25 years. His family, help him pick tea on his 7 acres of
various deductions, his take home pay does not exceed Ksh 3800 farm and when the crop is good he will take on casuals to assist. He
(£38). Richard is a college graduate. After finishing his equivalent to is one of 9 farmers out of 72 that are standing for elections. The
GCSE’s, he continued his education to study computer programming, KTDA structure is based on sound and fair principles allowing for
but was unable to find a job in this field in the city. He returned with representation from the grass roots through to Director of the Kenyan
his wife and young son back to his home village to stay with his Tea Board.
mother and managed to get a job in the local tea factory.
• Registered farmers in each buying station will elect a
Although they were aware of his literary and computer skills, the representative who will become directors of the local tea factory,
factory manager did not make use of them. He believes it was which serve it.
because he was jealous of him. However, with a second child on the
way, he believed it was more important to keep his job than push for • The farmers will elect 7 directors from the different Buying
promotion. After several years at the factory, a new manager Centres, but there will also be two other directors, appointed by
appointed him buying centre manager, close to his own village. This the KTDA, one of which will be the Factory Manager.
was quite convenient for him because although it offered him little in • The nine directors will then elect one of the farmers on the zone
the way of extra remuneration, it did give him the opportunity to be level. (There are 45 factories administrated by the KTDA and they
close to his wife after the arrival of his forth child. He still lives in his are divided into four geographic zones.)
mother’s compound, and now with six children, realizes that he will
have a serious problem to send them through secondary school. • Each Zone will then select their own representative to sit on the
KTDA board.
Seeking computer work in the city is not an option for Richard
• One of these four zonal representatives will be voted to sit on the
because, he realizes that he would have to update his computer skills
Kenyan Tea Board.
and there would be no guarantee that he would get a higher paid job
that would cover his costs of commuting back to the family. His wife Theoretically, each farmer from each district buying centre can ask
occasionally goes and picks cash crops for farmers in the area. They his representative to bring an issue up at the Factory and this will be
have no cash crops of their own because they have never had the passed eventually through the zones and up to the KTDA or even
capital to buy any land. His elder sister supplements their income where relevant, the Kenyan Tea Board. Similarly, if changes are
where she can. made at board level, the information should be filtered back through
to the Buying Stations, which is used as a communication centre,
The KTDA Tea Factory Manager transcending language and literacy.
Theoretically, the farmers collectively own and control the factory,
which works on their behalf to produce the highest quality black tea There has however, been serious breakdown in communications that
for sale at the Mombassa auction. After recent violent clashes and has caused much of the unrest in the District. The director would like
several deaths over the KTDA alleged mismanagement of their to address specific concerns relating to the continued delays for
pickers at the buying stations, compulsory kilo deductions of the sisal
affairs, the factory manager was very wary of accepting visitors to
bag used to weigh the green leaf and compulsory purchase of these
the factory. He was aware that his own personal security was in
bags at inflated prices from the KTDA. He is worried about the cost
jeopardy both if he did and, if he did not open the gates. He was
of oil-fired boilers at the factory and would like to purchase a forest to
finally persuaded by Stephen Chairman of the buying centres that he
use the wood for fuel. Having visited the factory for the first time, he
should do so.
realised that a priority was to ‘build a directors office’ away from the
There are 72 buying stations who bring in daily green leaf to the site because he needed somewhere to think! Ultimately he believes
Theta factory. During the drought this can be as little as 600,000 kgs that the future for their district is to break away from the KTDA and
but when the rains have been good, the factory can process up to 12 market their own tea through the Internet. He would like to access
million kgs. The factory employs 89 permanent workers who are more information about the KTDA especially Sessional Paper No 2,
entitled to a monthly salary, housing and an additional allowance. but the government printers has said it is not available.
During peak crops however, the factory is open 24 hours a day and
The Public Relations Manager of the Kenyan Tea
casual labour who are paid a flat daily rate increase the numbers to
210. Development Agency Ltd (KTDA)
Another day of bad press had led the PR Manager of KTDA to be
The leaf is bought into the factory by truck and weighed. The sisal very cautious of new visitors, even though the introduction had been
bags are individually hooked onto a conveyor track and is swung to made by a close acquaintance of his. He was particularly worried
the upper factory where the drying troughs are lined up ready for because for the last three months, his own tea farm had been
withering for the next 7-8 hours. Each bag is unhooked and emptied abandoned by the tea pickers in protest and continued belief that the
into the trough manually. Each trough is then marked with the KTDA was guilty of mismanagement and misappropriation of funds.
pertinent information including date, time, load, weight, buying centre, WAFE (War against Farmers Exploitation) had successfully got the
vehicle and heat. The leaf is then sent to the CTC (Cut, Tear & Curl) press attention and although not actually representing real farmers
section which is repeated 3 times followed by fermentation which is and real issues, had curiously pro-government political backing and
when the green leaf changes to a brownish colour. This takes 45 they had stirred an uncomfortable hornets nest.
minutes at 85-95º followed by a further 45 minutes at 72º. A conveyor The recent change of name from the Kenyan Tea Development
belt takes the tea for drying and then it is pressed and sorted through ‘Authority’ to ‘Agency Ltd’ and from parastatal to private company had
size denominated filters into different grades. It takes four kilos of been handled with secrecy. Farmers were allocated shares on an ad
green leaf to produce 1 kilo of black tea. The quality of the tea is hoc basis and then had the share value deducted from their money
largely determined by the quality of green leaf and KTDA insist that income without notice. The full implications of the change from public
this is effected by two leaves and a bud. The grades packed BP1, to private sector had not been made public prior to the change and
FP1, Pd, Dust I, F1, Dust 2, BMF, are then mechanically packed subsequently although several documents had been prepared
ready for transport to the Mombassa Auction. Each bag is marked including Sessional Paper No 2, the KTDA Ltd Strategic Business
with net weight, gross weight, grade and factory of origin. Plan developed by the assistance of Ernst & Young, it was obvious
that there had been little or no consultation with the farmers or their
The second smallholder mentioned and the farm manager, although
representatives when determining the best courses of action to
all KTDA farmers and therefore collective owners, had never been
‘Enhancing Performance’.
through the gates of the factory before. The workings of the factory,
the processes and costs were shrouded in mystery.

These documents reveal amongst other things, that the KTDA Ltd as The Marketing Manager KTDA
a private company, will be subject to corporation tax and stamp duty The Marketing Manager has more confidence in the future of the
together amounting to 35%. Reduced investment, redundancy and KTDA. Having worked there for the last 17 years he acknowledged
other measures therefore are to be implemented to counter-act this the problems experienced in the past and believes that KTDA Ltd has
loss. According to the business plan, fertiliser is being distributed at a better future. He is seemingly committed to the new core values of
cost1 and this too will have to change to reflect the privatised nature. the new strategic plan but he admitted that corporate values do not
also materialise through business practice.
This has been public relations disaster and PR manager, refused to
answer any questions. He argued that Westerners were wanting to In the Strategic Business Plan 2000-2005, it appears that those who
impose their ethics and management systems on African business wrote the missions & visions did not communicate with those that
mores, which he felt inappropriate and there is validity in questioning produced the financial analysis and statements. Core aims and vital
the end purpose of the research, it was a missed opportunity to improvements, which justify long term projected increase in revenue,
promote the new values of the Agency. A submission to request a have lost funding and support. Solutions to acknowledged
formal meeting was submitted and although all the conditions as weaknesses within the inherited and current system have not been
discussed were met, it was ultimately denied. entertained. e.g.:

KTDA from Parastatal to Limited Company KTDA Ltd mission to provide high quality tea requires:
Originally established in 1964, the Authority’s mission was to ‘foster • The provision of high quality seedlings – the nursery lost it’s
and promote the country’s tea growing’. funding in 1998 as part of the privatisation process and no sales
of high quality cloned tea plants are listed from 2000.
Owned by the government but de facto by tea farmers, today there
are over 312,792 small holders who produce 62% of Kenyan tea • The continual use of fertilizers and capacity building farmers in
production. In a way, it has been a great success story. efficient and productive husbandry including plucking techniques,
falls under agricultural extension services and crop development,
The KTDA Ltd mission is to: which loses it’s funding in 2001.
‘provide effective management services to the tea sector for efficient
production, processing and marketing of high quality tea for the • Ongoing inspections of leaf qualities (two leaves and a bud)
benefit of farmers and other stakeholders’2. loses it’s funding in 2001.

The KTDA Ltd vision aims to be: • Prompt leaf collection for processing, which is acknowledged to
‘the best tea management agent in the production, processing and severely affected by poor tea roads and vehicle maintenance
marketing of high quality tea’. loses it’s funding in 2001.

The KTDA Ltd core values are to: • Theoretically the responsibility of these passes back to the
• Operate with the highest degree of accountability, transparency factories, but it is not evident that they have accounted for this
and honesty. transfer of responsibility into the sales income.
• Attract motivate and retain competent staff.
KTDA Ltd core values include:
• Develop and utilise modern technology in all operations.
• operate with the highest degree of accountability, transparency
• Ensure effective communication with tea farmers and other
and yet one of the most pertinent financial impacts in the change
from a parastatal to private company includes the requirement to
• Accept to reward and be rewarded on the basis of performance.
pay 35% corporation tax. The plans to counter act this includes
• Perform to the highest measure of competence at all times so as
making 770 people redundant, increasing the cost of the
to provide quality product and customer service.
provision of fertilizer and cutting service provisions. The small
• Be socially responsible and to do business in prudent ethical and
holders have not been informed of this.
in an environmentally friendly manner.
• Do business so as to make reasonable returns for the benefit of • be socially responsible and to do business in an environmentally
all stakeholders. friendly manner and yet there is no integral plan for the promotion
• Operate within the established legal framework. of sustainable agricultural or factory processes especially with
regards the continued use of wood burners and resulting
KTDA Ltd Core Business
• provision of management to tea factory companies in
agricultural extension services The Private Tea Factory Manager
• speedy and efficient green leaf collection, inspection and delivery Not all tea farmers are linked within the major plantations or with the
to the factory KTDA. A few larger tea farmers have invested in the building of
• green leaf processing high quality made teas factories themselves, so as to process their own tea and control their
• marketing of made teas including value adding projects own income. The Kenyan Tea Board which regulates the industry as
KTDA Ltd Support Services a whole, have issued independent licenses. Whereas this is a very
• accounting and financial services small percentage of the Kenyan tea industry, increased liberalisation
• secretarial services may mean that it becomes more popular.
• bulk procurement of major items The private tea factory manager was originally trained by the KTDA
• factory capacity enhancement and worked with them in a variety of different capacities before he
• human resource management took up the post in the private tea factory. He says that his intention
KTDA Non-Core Business is to use those skills combined with the additional opportunities that
• insurance services the private sector offers, such as the ability to invest in new
• warehousing equipment and offer added value products for specific markets. His
• shipping of made tea employees respect his knowledge within the tea processing industry,
• property management and his suggestions for business development have been largely
• related services taken up. Recent acquisitions include automated black tea packing
machines. Other than casual workers, the factory employees are
offered the usual housing and medical benefits, defined working
hours and paid holidays. Recent power shortages have meant
alternative sources of energy have had to be found, significantly
raising the cost of production.

1 KTDA Ltd Strategic Business Plan p14 2000

2 ibid p18

The joint owner-farmers of the factory provide the bulk of the green given at every level of employee and this helps to both maintain
leaf but they also process tea for local small holders. These farmers standards of tea, good employee relations and a more productive
are responsible for their own green leaf transportation to the factory, workforce. Most of these training courses have included an HIV/AIDS
whether this be by foot, carried by the pickers, or by tractor. The awareness course. Training is also given for health and safety.
green leaf is weighed in poly bags, which retain less water and
subsequently the polybag is re-weighed separately. This means that Responsibility for Health and Safety BBK
the farmer / picker gets paid 18 Ksh per kilo in full and final payment The health and safety office is a testament to the enthusiasm the
of the weighed green leaf for the full amount of green leaf picked, staff member has for his work. The walls are filled with graphs
but there are no additional bonuses. ranging from safety procedures during a thunderstorm, to graphs
illustrating the historical review of accidents, their causes and
The quality is also not as high as the KTDA because the factory does performance targets. His personal research on thunderstorms,
accept 3 leaves and a bud, but an out reach worker has recently deaths by lightening and safety procedures have now been
been employed by the factory to ensure that the farmers make the implemented across the Unilever corporation.
best use of their land, fertilize adequately and retain the acceptable
quality. Unlike the KTDA, the farmers have full and open access to The reduction in injuries, has not only radically improved health and
the factory at anytime, and can discuss any problems with the factory safety at work, prevented days off sick but also re-inforced the strong
manager openly. Improvements can be made and suggestions taken business case for implementing and monitoring safety procedures.
up with in a matter of days and weeks rather than months or years. Every work day lost through sickness or injury costs the company
This open approach has encouraged more local farmers to produce and every accident has the potential to result in litigation, which is
green leaf directly for the factory. very costly. The focus on improving safety, has increased productivity
and reduced legal fees.
MD Brooke Bond Kenya (BBK)
The Managing Director is a Unilever company man, heading up the Examples of Safety Procedures Introduced at BBK
Brooke Bond operations in Kenya and Tanzania. The majority of the • All employees have to sign up to safe working practices and
tea in East Africa emanates from Kericho West of the Rift Valley. The undergo training in the area in which they are assigned, before
Tanzanian operations are far smaller and very mechanized, and starting work.
option which could be taken up by BBK. He is in the process of • All accidents, however minor, have to be registered and the
removing the HQ from Nairobi to Kericho, so his managers can be circumstances in which they took place.
more involved with the day to day operations. Unilever operations are
now committed to sustainability and this is largely driven by the trials • No vehicle can be driven into the plantation unless the
currently being carried out in BBK, Kericho. passengers and driver are wearing seat belts.

90% of the 18,000 BBK employees are pickers and live within the • In each designated area, there are clear signs of dangers and
plantation estates in the 13,000 houses provided by the BBK. Each of reminders of safety procedures in both English and Swahili.
the housing compounds are supplied with electricity and running • This is also emphasized in the factory, where there are also witty
water. There are communal kitchens, toilets and designated green sayings to re-enforce the importance of safety.
areas for allotments for use of the employees. Some 80,000 people
live on the BBK plantations and have access to education and • Safety equipment and clothing are also compulsory in different
healthcare. The workers predominantly belong to a Union and BBK areas.
complies with Kenyan collective bargaining agreements. The low
• The stunning green and yellow waterproof protective attire for the
turnover of workers is probably due to the access to these facilities
pickers have reduced both incidence of chest infections, and
by the workers and their families.
ulcerated legs, caused by scratches in the bush and therefore
BBK expects that each worker will pick a minimum of 33 kgs of have reduced lost work days.
green leaf per day; better pickers can pick as much as 100 kgs
• The white overalls, and head gear worn in the factory ensures
during the rainy season. Children are allowed to help their parents
that the workers are protected and the tea is uncontaminated.
pick during the school holidays or at weekends and their own green
leaf totals are added to the registered picker. There is a base rate of • Fire drills are carried out at a regular basis.
pay for pickers, and a bonus is paid for every kilo over the 33 kg
• There are lightening procedures which have reduced the
mark. As the BBK pickers are allowed to pick three leaves and a bud,
incidence of pickers being struck by lightening.
it enables them to pick more per day than the average smallholder
picker. Thus in real terms, the BBK pickers are better off financially Group Research & Development Manager
than both the smallholders pickers and the smallholders themselves. The Group Research & Development Manager heads up R&D
The only significant difference therefore lies in land tenure. The small including an internal assessment of the sustainability performance,
holders can leave their land to their families. BBK has yet to consider which is high on the Unilever agenda. Sustainability is often reduced
share options schemes as part of their drive for sustainability. to encompass anything relating to the environment – recycling and
bio-degradable often come to mind. However, this context uses the
Chief Personnel Manager BBK, heads up the employment
Bruntland definition. ‘Sustainable development is that which meets
policies and operations. the needs of today without compromising the ability to meet those
The Chief Personnel Manager is an HR professional and joined the needs in the future.‘ This then includes, social issues, economic
company recently from another organization based in Nairobi. The viability as well as the monitoring the development impact on water,
move to Kericho has meant his wife and two children have also had air and soil qualities.
to move with him and start afresh. Currently there are no senior
housing quarters available on the plantation and therefore they have One of the major issues surrounding black tea production is the
had to move into the town. This means they are also subject to the copious amount of wood burnt to run the furnaces. Most of the KTDA
power rationing. His wife, a business woman, has moved with him to factories have not taken the ecological impact of using this fuel, but
Kericho and hopes to open some new enterprise. Senior as part of the sustainability programme, BBK Kericho has started to
management have access to the club house with bar, restaurant and grow trees specifically for this purpose, thereby not diminishing the
various recreational facilities such as swimming pool and organised tree population in the area at all. Another programme has developed
activities and games. several hydro-electric power stations, which serves the needs of the
plantation, community facilities and residences within it.
The feeling of isolation and absence from the extended family and
cultural festivals links Mark with 70% of the unionable employees, Kericho Hospital Brooke Bond
who also come from outside the ethic group in the surrounding areas. The hospital within the BBK Kericho plantation is capable of carrying
BBK has several capacity building programmes and Kericho out major operations, and maintaining the lives of tiny premature
plantation houses the International Tea Training Centre. Employees babies. The hospital it seems is better equipped than he hospital in
come from all over the world to attend this training school. Training is the town. Care has also been taken in providing a serene

environment and the central court yards have been planted by a wide
range of rose bushes.
Some of the patients have HIV/AIDS related conditions. HIV/AIDS
within the BBK Kericho is currently estimated at running at 12% of
the population, whereas in Kenya as a whole, it is thought to have
infected 15% of the population. HIV/AIDS is seen as having serious
economic effects, and the BBK awareness programmes have now
extended beyond staff employees, to the contractors and the
surrounding communities.
The main hospital is served by several health centres that are in
proximity to the local housing communities in the plantation. These
health centres cope with the minor ailments or injuries, post
hospitalisation care as well as immunisation programmes for the
workers children.

Emergency Services
The BBK plantation has also developed a rapid response team to
deal with emergencies. It includes ambulances, fire engines and
technical equipment to deal with most disasters. This was used
earlier this year when a traffic accident a few miles from the
plantation, caused a petrol tanker to explode and creating a fire ball.
The BBK rapid response team came to assist and was able to save
some lives and deal with urgent burns immediately.

The Purchasing & Logistics Manager BBK

There has been an attempt to extend sustainable practices, including
Health & Safety to the various service providers. Courses run by BBK
now include various outside contractors and there has been a recent
move towards spreading HIV/AIDS awareness beyond the working
environment of BBK and into the community in which they operate.
The purchasing and contracts manager acknowledges there is more
to be done in the field of extending good practices to their
contractors. Site visits are sometimes made, but to date none of the
contractors contracts include the necessity to adopt best practice
policies. Certainly, there is no clause with regards to the haulage
contracts to insist that their vehicles are road worthy and their drivers
have the appropriate licenses.
This is in the interest of both parties; for safety of their drivers –
efficiency of deliveries and health of the passing communities and for
the clients, – so the tea arrives at the Mombassa Auctions,
unpolluted. Exhaust fumes can corrupt the taste and smell of tea and
reduce the quality and price.

Annex 5: Hierarchy of principles, criteria, indicators

Example from the COLEACP harmonised framework

Chapter 4: Social Responsibilities

OVERALL OBJECTIVE: To protect the rights and welfare of employees

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1: To ensure fair terms and conditions for employees


Communication 4.1 Employers 4.1.1 Employers must Terms and conditions are explained clearly to all
of terms and must ensure that explain the terms and workers
conditions all employees conditions to all new
understand employees before they
the terms and start work. Explanations
conditions should be in appropriate
of their languages

4.1.2 Mechanisms must be Workers know how to find out more information
in place to ensure that all about their terms and conditions
employees can ask for and Notices explaining terms and conditions in local
receive clarification of languages in simple, easily understandable
terms and conditions at all terms are posted in public locations in the work
times place

4.1.3 Employers must Employees confirm that explanations are given

ensure that any changes in in appropriate languages
terms and conditions are
negotiated and
communicated to relevant

Source: COLEACP (2001) Harmonised Framework for ACP Codes of Practice for the Horticultural Sector

Example from the Forest Stewardship Council 4.4 Management planning and operations shall incorporate the
The FSC sets out the Principles and Criteria. Indicators and verifiers results of evaluations of social impact. Consultations shall be
are determined at the national level and by auditors. maintained with people and groups directly affected by management
4.5 Appropriate mechanisms shall be employed for resolving
grievances and for providing fair compensation in the case of loss or
Forest management operations shall maintain or enhance the long-
damage affecting the legal or customary rights, property, resources,
term social and economic well-being of forest workers and local
or livelihoods of local peoples. Measures shall be taken to avoid such
loss or damage.
4.1 The communities within, or adjacent to, the forest management
area should be given opportunities for employment, training, and Source: Forest Stewardship Council 1999.
other services.
4.2 Forest management should meet or exceed all applicable laws
and/or regulations covering health and safety of employees and their
4.3 The rights of workers to organize and voluntarily negotiate with
their employers shall be guaranteed as outlined in Conventions 87
and 98 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

The Resource Centre’s In focus series, highlights key lessons from partnership action research projects aimed at
business, civil society, governments and international agencies engaged in responsible business practices.

Natural Resources Institute: pgreenhalgh@gre.ac.uk
Resource Centre for the Social Dimensions of Business Practice: rc-sdbp@iblf.org

Report written by: Ally Bedford, Mick Blowfield, Duncan Burnett and Peter Greenhalgh
Edited by: Katherine Madden and Rob Moss Photographs: NRI and Panos Pictures
Designed by: Alison Beanland
Printed by Folium
© International Business Leaders Forum / Natural Resources Institute, 2002

The Natural Resources Institute of the University of The Resource Centre aims to develop the capacity,
Greenwich is an internationally recognised centre of approaches, resources and methods to advise
expertise in research and consultancy in the businesses in the developing world on their practices
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carries out research and development, consultancy and elimination. The Resource Centre was set up at the
training to promote efficient management and use of instigation of, and with funding from, the UK
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livelihoods. Development as one aspect of meeting their
commitment to halving global poverty by the year 2015.
The Natural Resources and Ethical Trade Programme The Centre’s work is relevant to most countries in the
(NRET) is based in NRI, and focuses on making trade developing world but is focussed where business
work for the benefit of poor people and the already has a presence and solutions can be
environment in poorer countries. NRET’s work covers developed – East Africa, the Caribbean and South
forests, fresh fruit and vegetables, conventional and Asia. To help create a centre of excellence exploring
organic agriculture, fisheries, tourism and ethical business solutions to poverty issues, the Resource
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• building a knowledge base of business practices and
It works with the private sector, governments, NGOs initiatives
and trade unions to provide the following: • generating evidence through research and projects
• technical advice on setting up and developing • developing specialist expertise, products and
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to trade
• multi-disciplinary research on the impact of ethical Established in 1999, nine UK-based organisations
trade on poverty elimination in developing countries formed a Consortium that has a wide range of leading
• training and information services on whether to and edge experience in the social dimensions of business
how to carry out ethical trade practice as well as operational activities and networks
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stakeholders London office of and managed by The Prince of Wales
• auditing of production operations for assessment of International Business Leaders Forum which has been
environmental and development impact active for the past eleven years in promoting socially
• development of methods for monitoring and responsible business practice world-wide with a focus
verification of systems on transition and emerging economies.
• objective stakeholder analysis in the natural
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