Fiscal Administration Rich School
Fiscal Administration Rich School
Fiscal Administration Rich School
For the Year Ended December 31, 2018, the Municipality of Sta. Cruz,
Ilocos Sur was able to generate a total revenue of ₱843,975,872.87 which
had increased from ₱121,229,474.13 for the Year Ended December 31,
2017, or an increase of 596.18%. The amount was sourced from the tax
revenue, the municipality’s share from internal revenue collections, other
share from national taxes, service and business income, shares, grants and
donations and miscellaneous income. Ultimately, the Municipality’s net
income for the Calendar Year 2018 amounted to ₱633,764,165.15. (Data
from COA’s website)
As can be gleaned from the above figures, it can be said that the
decentralized local fiscal administration had improved the delivery of basic
services, like health and nutrition, to the concerned constituents, through
the following programs, projects and activities of the Municipality, such as:
2. Being aware of the taxing powers allocated to LGUs, it seems that LGUs
may not have a reason why they cannot raise an adequate financial
resources to support their various programs to help uplift the socio-
economic conditions of their constituents. Yet, in reality, it is a bitter
irony that the promise of life is still very far from reality. In your own
opinion, what do you think are the constraints for LGUs to maximize
the use of their taxing powers? In your own view, what sensible
solutions could you suggest to minimize these constraints?
Although the lifeblood of any government or a municipal corporation is
the money collected as taxes and other fees from its constituents for its
continuous governmental operation, various laws and the Constitution itself
provides safeguards to guarantee the right of the people against undue and
excessive taxes. To excessively tax the working populace is considered
“killing the goose that lays the golden egg”.
LGUs have no boundless authority to exact taxes that their power to tax
are limited only to that provided for by the Local Tax Code and the Local
Government Code. This constraint could be properly addressed by
introducing some amendments to broaden the taxing capacity of the LGUs.
Likewise, one of the most probable constraints on why LGUs cannot
maximize their taxing power is due to poor collection performance that may
be attributed to various factors such as inefficient and acts or corruption of
personnel tasked to implement the various tax laws and ordinances.
On this, collection performance could be enhance through strict
supervision on the people assigned on different units of the LGUs
implementing the power to tax. Also, prosecution of those found to have
committed corrupt acts prejudicial to the concerned LGU would bring a
strong message to the different personnel to be upright in the performance
of their assigned task. This will surely bring a high collection performance
by the LGU of which taxes collected could be in returned as service to the
general populace.
3. Make a rough but valid assessment of the status and prospects with
regards to the financial stability and sustainability of your own LGU
(maybe your own barangay or municipality) Make an inventory of all
possible sources of income both existing and those that are not yet
existing but could be develop as a possible source of income in the
future. Obviously, your assessment will differ from that of other LGUs
because LGUs like an ordinary human being, are not blessed equally
with resources. Given these disparities, do you think there is need for
the national government to continue the implementation of its
decentralization policy which entails decentralization of finances? Why
or Why not?
4. Try to interview one taxpayer. What is his/ her opinion regarding the
payment of taxes? If you were the local chief executive, what are the
implications of his/her opinion in your administration?
In December 19, 2017, the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion
(TRAIN) Act, officially cited as Republic Act No. 10963, is the initial package
of the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program (CTRP) signed into law by
President Rodrigo Duterte. Through this Law an average wage earner will
"I don't think TRAIN will provide significant impact to an average wage
earner. It is like the government is just giving us a new perspective to look
at our taxes. You have higher pay, but electricity, transport, grocery bills
will also be higher," Michael said in an interview.
The taxes that are collected will fund the development projects of the
government, that time the tax collected will be returned to the public.
Starting a Cooperative
5. Secure financing
Whatever your cooperative aims to do and whoever the members are, it’s
likely to require money to allow the business to function and grow. This
cash injection can come from a variety of sources. Most of the time members
invest some of their own money. Many cooperatives apply for a business
loan while some may be eligible for start-up grants.
The amount of capital needed to get up and running varies. The amount
and type of financing needed by the co-op and the means to get it should be
included in the business plan.
6. Launch
Set up an office and hire staff if applicable. Then open the doors and
start providing goods and services in response to member needs. At this
stage you should have a viable business up and running.
How could cooperatives be sustainable?
a) Serving members
b) Minimizing costs, maximizing service
a) Serving members
Cooperatives that pay little attention to serving their members are
unlikely to survive against the competition. In order to improve services, the
cooperative must first be sure what the members want - what are their
needs and priorities? Perhaps the cooperative no longer provides a service
that members want, or perhaps the same service is provided better or more
cheaply elsewhere. Members are more likely to make use of a cooperative if
it provides responsive services at competitive prices.
To be successful, a cooperative needs at least to maintain its volume of
member transactions. With increased competition, it can do this only
through continual improvements in services while maintaining competitive
prices. Improved service may mean expanding the range of services offered
to members or improving the delivery of existing services.
a) Taxation
To produce revenues
b) collection of charges
To maintain the facilities at the least
c) imposition of fees
To regulate and maintain public order
6. Basing the illustrative example from the module, compute for the
IRA of your municipality.
Population Criterion:
Population of Santa Cruz = 39,868
Population of Ilocos Sur = 689,668
= 0.05780
= 0.0341
Equal Sharing:
1 (Santa Cruz) = 1
32 Municipality of Ilocos Sur = 32
= 0.03125
Total IRA Share of Santa Cruz, Ilocos Sur = 0.7310 + 0.2162 + 0.1975
= 1.1447 or approximately 1,144,700.00
7. If you were the local chief executive how will you address the
following issues: