The Speed of Gravity
The Speed of Gravity
The Speed of Gravity
The answer to this depends upon whether you consider the effects of
gravity to be
instantaneous or delayed. If gravity propagated
at infinite speed, Earth would immediately
break from its orbit, and
this would be despite us seeing sunlight for the next 8.3
But if gravity propagated at a finite speed, such as
the speed of light, Earth would continue
along its orbit path for as
long the Sun remained visible.
In the case where the bodies are of unequal mass, both bodies will be
orbiting a shared
barycentre and the problem would still
occur. Thus we should likewise expect the Sun and
Jupiter to
spiral apart, followed by the other planets, leading to the Solar
This argument was put forward by the late Thomas Van Flandern and can
be found here [1].
Based on this he calculated that, in order
to explain the Solar System’s stability, gravity must
propagate at at
least 2x1010c, i.e. 20 billion times faster than
light. And for all we know it
may well propagate at
infinite speed allowing it to act instantaneously over any distance.
Two Archers
But there’s a fault with the above reasoning in that it fails to take
into account the motion of
the body emitting the gravity.
This can be demonstrated as follows.
Not only do the arrows miss their target, they also miss the location
they were aimed at.
In order to compensate for this, each archer must aim to his right as
When the arrows are released, they will hit their target like this
Notice how the arrows point back at the archer that fired them.
Now suppose the arrows applied a force to their target and the force
direction was along the
line that the arrows were pointing.
The archers would feel a force aiming directly away from
where they now
saw their opponent. And this would be despite both of them
having moved
from the spot where the arrows were fired.
Here the ‘heavy’ archer stands closer to the centre of the turntable
which represents the
barycentre of their ‘orbit’. But even
though their speeds are different (relative to the
barycentre), each
will use the same angle of aim to hit their target.
Bradley Aberration
Another reason put forth for why gravity might apply a force in the
direction of a body’s
motion is Bradley aberration. In 1727
astronomer James Bradley observed that the location
of stars appeared
to shift in the direction that Earth moved around the Sun.
This diagram
shows the idea:
It was also noted that the angle the stars were at corresponds to v/c
where v is the speed of
Earth around the Sun.
Light strikes the atmosphere directly from above but then gets
transmitted through the
atmosphere at an angle. This makes
the stars appear to be in a different location. Actually
would occur even if there were no atmosphere because the light
would strike a telescope
lens or eyeball with a tangential velocity and
be transmitted through it at an angle.
This diagram shows how gravity acts along the orientation it was
emitted at rather than the
direction the field is moving at:
Here we see a target body standing motionless and a source moving to the right.
In the first
frame the source emits a ‘gravity ray’. The ray moves
directly away from the source whilst
also pointing directly away. In the
second frame the ray is halfway to the target and is
moving at a diagonal
relative to the target. In the third frame the ray arrives at the target.
Despite it hitting the target at an angle, it applies a force directly
The stability of the Solar System cannot be used as proof for gravity
being infinite in speed or
moving at a large multiple of light-speed.
Copyright © 2016
Bernard Burchell, all rights reserved.