All India Bank of Baroda Officers' Association
All India Bank of Baroda Officers' Association
All India Bank of Baroda Officers' Association
Registered Under Indian Trade Union Act. 1926 & Recognized by Bank
(Affiliated to INTUC and INBOC)
President: R. K. Chatterjee C/O Bank of Baroda
General Secretary : Prem Kumar Makker 3, Walchand Hirachand Marg
General Secretary Mob : 9818227167 Ballard Pier, Mumbai-400001
Email : Phone : 022-22618484, 49793233
Website : Website :
CIRCULAR TO MEMEBRS NO. 16 OF 2022 2nd May, 2022
Dear Members,
We are pleased to inform that after holding Structured meeting with the Zonal Manager,
Meerut Zone and a successful General Body Meeting, attended by 350 officers, at Bareilly
on 28th April, we reached Mumbai on 29th and held the scheduled Structured Meeting with
the Corporate Management on 30th April 2022.
From the Bank’s side CGM (HRM) Mr. PV Rathi led the team of HR executives. Association
was represented by all the Zonal Secretaries and the undersigned.
Shri Joydeep Dutta Roy, ED graced the meeting for an hour and complimented the officers’
community & acknowledged their role in canvassing good business for the Bank, restoring the
bank to a respectable position & presently leading the industry in certain areas like digitalisation. In
his presence we talked on certain crucial issues like urgency to accede to our request for giving
some financial benefits by revising the existing schemes, improving the working conditions of
officers by having a check on late sitting, calling officers on Sundays/holidays, humiliating &
threatening behaviour of some of the executives, ensuring timely sanction of leave, checking
multiplicity of campaigns etc. We also requested for holding urgent discussions on Transfer /
Promotion /GEMs Policies to bring needed changes. On IZT 2022, we insisted and reiterated our
stand and requested and impressed upon him to consider Retransfer/Transfer on 3/5 years criteria.
Shri Joydeep Dutta was very positive and assured to work urgently on improving working condition
of the officers as also revision of various schemes related to Officer’s benefits after approval from
Bank’s Board. He also assured for discussions on the referred policies soon.
During the day long meeting, we could discuss our 109 point Agenda covering issues relating to
improvements in various schemes having financial implications namely Lease rentals, House
maintenance, Conveyance i.e. Petrol reimbursement scheme, Furniture Scheme, Club
membership scheme, Entertainment Expenses, reduction of rate of interests on all staff loans etc.
We also discussed issues like delay in settlement of medical bills, undue delay in considering
Appointment requests on compassionate grounds, inter region transfers, revival of full fledged
sports activities, need for holidays homes at Ayodhya, Allahabad, Ujjain etc, need for increasing
Mobile phone cost,, provision of one internet PC/Laptop in each branch, restoring class room
training, Area classification issues and Gift city issues.
We requested CGM (HRM) to ensure relieving of remaining IZT 2021 officers immediately. For
IZT 2022 we requested management to adhere to time line regarding relieving of officers. We have
reiterated our stand and requested the Bank to consider IZT on 3/5 years criteria. We also
requested for transfer of officers identified on longer stay basis to nearby zones as also to exempt
ladies with child below two years, which the Bank has assured to seriously look into. We are quite
hopeful of positive & early response on these issues. We intend to pursue with the Bank after a
week when the relevant data in respect of IZT 2022 is collected and collated.
Yours sincerely,