America Betrayed Brotherhood of Death
America Betrayed Brotherhood of Death
America Betrayed Brotherhood of Death
...BUSH, BIN LADEN, 9-11...
America Betrayed
...BUSH, BIN LADEN, 9-11...
Joseph, R.
America Betrayed, R. Joseph — 1st ed.
ISBN 0971644578
University Press
San Jose, California
...Bush, bin Laden, 9-11...
America Betrayed
...Bush, bin Laden, 9-11...
...Bush, bin Laden, 9-11...
“We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate
outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of Septem-
ber 11, malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the
terrorists themselves, away from the guilty.” —George W. Bush
speaking before the UN General Assembly 11/10/2001
“Conspirators are successful because the moral citizen can-
not accept the conclusion that other individuals would actually wish
to create incredibly destructive acts against their fellow citizens.” -
Ralph Epperson (the Unseen Hand).
“Some of the biggest men in the U.S. in the fields of com-
merce and manufacturing know that there is a power so organized,
so subtle, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak
above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” -Presi-
dent Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the USA
America Betrayed
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America Betrayed
...Bush, bin Laden, 9-11...
America Betrayed
Thesis Antithesis
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Communist Russia Capitalist West
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-Synthesis= Profit-
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Thesis Antithesis
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Communist Russia Capitalist West
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America Betrayed
Thesis Antithesis
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1917 Bolshevik Revolution 1923 Hitler’s rise to power
-Synthesis= Profit-
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Thesis Antithesis
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Marxist Russia Nazi Germany
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-Synthesis= Profit-
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Thesis Antithesis
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Marxist Russia Nazi Germany
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-World War II—Controlled Conflict
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-Synthesis= Profit-
War Ends
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-Synthesis= Profit—New World Order-
America Betrayed
“In order to retain our domination over the people in the ter-
ritories we have conquered... we must therefore...deprive them of
any form of State organization and consequently, keep them on as
low a cultural level as possible.”
“The ideal solution would be to teach this people an elemen-
tary kind of mimicry. No special books for them! The radio will be
enough to give them the essential information. Of music, they can
have as much as they want. They can practice listening to the tap
running. I’m against entrusting them with any work that calls for
the least mental effort.”
“To teach the Russians, the Ukrainians and the Kirghiz to
read and write will eventually be to our own disadvantage; educa-
tion will give the more intelligent among them an opportunity to
study history, to acquire an historical sense and, hence, to develop
political ideas which cannot but be harmful to our interests.”
“A loud-speaker should be installed in each village, to pro-
vide them with odd items of news and, above all, to afford distrac-
tion. What possible use to them would a knowledge of politics or
economics be? There is also no point in broadcasting any stories
of their past history. All the villagers require is music, music and
plenty of it. Cheerful music is a great incentive to hard work; give
them plenty of opportunities to dance, and the villagers will be
grateful to us.”
“In the field of public health, there is no need whatsoever to
extend to the subject races the benefits of our own knowledge. This
would result only in an enormous increase in local populations,
and I absolutely forbid the organization of any sort of hygiene or
cleanliness crusades in these territories. Dentistry, too, should re-
main a closed book for them.”
“Compulsory vaccination will be confined to Germans alone,
and the doctors in the German colonies will be there solely for the
purpose of looking after the German colonists. We must even try
to stifle any desire for such things, by persuading them that vacci-
nation and the like are really most dangerous!”
“I recently read an article from the pen of some Herr Doktor
advocating the prohibition of the sale in the occupied territories of
contraceptives. If any criminal lunatic should really try to intro-
duce this measure, I’d soon have his head off! In view of the ex-
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America Betrayed
...Bush, bin Laden, 9-11...
America Betrayed
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America Betrayed
For the next 30 years after its founding, various members of
The Order of Skull and Bones made a pilgrimage to Germany and
the University of Berlin (17). The University of Berlin was Ground
Zero for the study of Hegelian principles and the “scientific method”
as applied to business, government, education, psychology, and the
acquisition of power and wealth .
In Germany, the state had taken complete responsibility for
the education of children. The purpose of a German education was
to mold the character and thinking of all German citizens and to
make them obedient to the German state (1).
These Hegelian principles were absorbed by the visiting
Bonesman, three of which, upon returning to America, applied these
principles at home (17).
Timothy Dwight (class of 1849) became Professor in the Yale
Divinity School and then 12th President of Yale University.
Daniel Coit Gilman (class of 1852) became the first Presi-
dent of the University of California, first President of the Johns
Hopkins University and first President of the Carnegie Institution.
Andrew Dickson White (class of 1853) became the first Presi-
dent of Cornell University.
For these three “Bonesmen,” a university education was the
key to shaping the thoughts, prejudices, and ideas of future genera-
tions and training those who would someday become the future
leaders of America. Of course, these noble “Bonesmen” had no
interest in providing a university education to the masses. A uni-
versity education was only for the children of the rich and power-
ful; men who would seek to fulfill the Hegelian dialectic and the
eventual creation of a New World Order which would be ruled over
by the moneyed elite.
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America Betrayed
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which emerged during the war between the states. The Guaranty
Trust Company, established in 1864, was controlled almost entirely
by families whose sons were, or would soon become, members of
Skull and Bones: Vanderbilt, Whitney, and Harriman (17,22).
America Betrayed
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After Hitler came to power, his dreaded terrorist organiza-
tion, the SS was unleashed upon the German people (3,5,6). The
SS was not just a terrorist organization, but deeply involved in spy-
ing and espionage as well as business. Other long range goals
was to establish monopolies not only in Germany, but in all the
countries it conquered (6). Himmler’s dreaded SS, had a lot of
friends in the business world who also hoped to benefit from the
spoils. They gave him and his SS incredible sums of money, mak-
ing them, so to speak, stockholders in his money-making terrorist
The Hamburg-Amerika line, which was directed by Prescott
Bush, not only contributed money and helped to distribute Nazi
propaganda in the U.S. and Germany, but it was also one of the
official “Friends of the Reichsfuhrer SS” (6) —also known as “The
Order” and the “Brotherhood of Death.”
Like its American counterpart, the “Order of Skull and Bones”
the German “Order” was dedicated to making money, and recruited
its membership from the aristocracy and the moneyed elite.
America Betrayed
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America Betrayed
...Bush, bin Laden, 9-11...
America Betrayed
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America Betrayed
noble men and kings were also kept within the “holy of holies”
including the bones of “King Heinrich.”
Initiates would thus commune with the spirits of the dead,
who might appear and even speak. The initiate into the SS, by un-
dergoing this spiritual journey, would also be reborn, as a knight,
and a member of the secret order (6).
Likewise, we are informed that initiates into Yale’s The Or-
der, were required to undergo an array of “exotic and occult” “bond-
ing rituals” including a quasi-religious midnight ceremony which
involved question and answer confessions that took place while
the initiate lay in a coffin (17,29).
The ceremony took place in castle, at midnight, in “the tomb.”
As explained by Ron Rosenbaum (29) while lying in the “cof-
fin” the initiates goes “off on a symbolic journey through the un-
derworld to rebirth, which takes place in Room Number 322. There,
the Order clothes the newborn knight in its own special garments,
implying that, henceforth, he will tailor himself to the Order’s mis-
sion” (p. 89, 148).
The Castle walls of Himmler’s SS headquarters, were heavily
decorated with Nazi symbols and regalia.
Likewise, based on several independent reports by those who
visited the Skull and Bones’ Yale Castle—what Bones initiates
call “the Tomb”—some of the walls and rooms are covered with
Nazi symbols and regalia, including swastikas, and “SS macho Nazi
iconography.” One visitor described a room with “a little Nazi shrine
inside” (17,18).
In yet another room of the Order of Skull and Bones, one
visitor observed “mantelpieces decorated with loads of skulls.”
She and others have been told “that in order to prove their mettle
and perhaps to bond them in mutual guilt over participation in an
illicit act, each class of 15 new initiates to Skull and Bones are
required to dig up the skull of a famous person and bring it to the
Tomb to be enshrined in its skull collection” (17,18).
Like the SS, The Order of Skull and Bones is also known as
the Brotherhood of Death. And we are told, initiates into the SS
and The Order of Skull and Bones, are required to say the words:
“It is an honor...”
When George W. Bush was asked, “Did you have any qualms,
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say, about joining an elite secret club like Bones?” Bush replied, “I
was honored” (33).
The identical symbolism and use of similar language is not
just coincidence. In fact, Prescott Bush and several of his fellow
Bonesmen, felt such an affinity with Nazi terrorist ideals, that they
helped arm Hitler’s SS and the Nazi terrorist war machine.
However, Bush and his partners in banking and oil, did not
link up with Hitler and his SS just because of shared ideology but
because of money, oil, and an unquenchable thirst for power.
America Betrayed
The New York Times, “feared” that not only the Nazis, but
the publishers were “victims of a hoax.”
The New York Times was apparently a fan of Hitler, for prior
to 1933, and during the same time Rockefeller and Standard Oil
were contributing millions of dollars, it ran several quite positive
stories about Adolf Hitler in 1929, 1930, and 1931 (35) as did the
Hearst publishing empire (15).
The author of this “feared hoax” was “Sydney Warburg.”
However, after the book’s publication, not only the New York Times
but the Warburg family, which included Max Warburg, a director
of IG Farben in Germany, and Paul Warburg a director of Ameri-
can IG. Farben, denounced the book. Of course, we also know
that IG. Farben was a major financial supporter of Hitler, and we
know the Standard Oil and the Bush-Harriman clique were in busi-
ness with IG Farben (36). So, the Warburg denunciation cannot be
taken completely seriously.
Nevertheless, James Warburg demanded that the book be
destroyed because it contains “a mass of libelous material against
various members of my family and against a number of prominent
banking houses and individuals in New York.” However, Warburg
then goes on to say, “I have never to this day seen a copy of the
book” (37).
Within days of the books publication, and although those
who denounced it have never seen a copy it disappeared from circu-
lation and almost all copies were quickly destroyed (36).
As detailed in Antony C. Sutton’s well documented book,
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (36), the first section of the book
explains that in 1929, American banks and investors were concerned
that the demands by France on German war reparations, were eat-
ing into their own profits. Thus, these American business men called
a meeting in June 1929 to discuss the problem and what might be
done. Those in attendance included “members of the Federal Re-
serve Bank and leading American bankers” including the “direc-
tors of Guaranty Trust Company, the Presidents of the Federal Re-
serve Banks, in addition to five independent bankers, young
Rockefeller, and Glean from Royal Dutch Shell. Rockefeller” and
“Carter” of Guaranty Trust Company, “dominated the proceedings.
The others listened and nodded their heads.”
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America Betrayed
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ment from the American Standard Oil Company and the Dutch —
English Royal — Dutch — Shell group and in transporting it to
Germany, was made possible only through the aid of the Standard
Oil Co.”
Standard oil, Rockefeller, and the Bush-Harriman clique, not
only provided financial and technological assistance to Hitler, but
assisted his war effort and terror campaign to the detriment of the
United States (13,36,38).
It is because of this collaboration, that the Bush-Harriman-
Walker properties were seized by the U.S. government for viola-
tion of the Trading with the Enemy Act (31).
Charges of “criminal conspiracy with the enemy” were also
filed against Standard Oil. However, when evidence of collusion
was presented by Thurman Arnold, chief of the Antitrust Division
of the U.S. government, it was pointed out by Standard that it was
also selling oil and fuel to the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force. If
Standard Oil were punished, America might lose a major share of
its oil supply, and might lose the war.
Standard Oil not only threatened the government of the United
States, but it had already orchestrated a major oil and gasoline short-
age during the Summer of 1941. These artificial shortages were
also investigated by the United States Congress.
As summarized by the U.S. National Archives, a “Special
Committee to Investigate Gasoline and Fuel-Oil Shortages” com-
menced hearings on August 28, 1941. “18.89 Fear of impending
gasoline scarcity along the Atlantic seaboard gripped the Ameri-
can public during the summer of 1941. Members of Congress were
deluged with letters and telegrams from concerned constituents. In
August... authorities... sought to quiet public concern. These state-
ments failed to stop the hoarding of gasoline and the deterioration
of public confidence.”
“18.90 In response to the confusing situation, the Senate es-
tablished the Special Committee to Investigate Gasoline and Fuel-
Oil Shortages (78A-F31) on August 28, 1941. The committee,
chaired by Francis T. Maloney of Connecticut, was to investigate
the shortage of fuel in the various States, the methods of delivery,
and the means to ensure an adequate supply for national defense
without undue hardship to the private sector.... A major focus of
America Betrayed
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able behavior was again brought to light by the United States Con-
gress. During congressional hearings conducted before the Truman,
Bone, and Kilgore Committees, it was concluded that “Standard
Oil” had “seriously imperiled the war preparations of the United
States” and that Standard Oil had colluded with IG Farben, to pre-
vent the United States from gaining access to war-related tech-
nologies such as the creation of “synthetic rubber.”
As noted, although the most serious charges against Stan-
dard Oil were dropped, the U.S. government did seize a number of
its patents, under the Trading with the Enemy Act.
However, in July of 1944, Standard Oil, filed a lawsuit against
the U.S. government, contesting the seizure of its patents. In No-
vember of 1945, Judge Charles E. Wyzanski ruled that the govern-
ment had been entitled to seize the patents.
Standard Oil appealed. On September 22, 1947, Judge
Charles Clark rejected the appeal, concluding that “Standard Oil
can be considered an enemy national in view of its relationships
with IG. Farben after the United States and Germany had become
active enemies” (40).
Rockefeller, of course, was a member of the Brotherhood.
Rockefeller was also in business with other Nazi collaborators, in-
cluding Prescott Bush and the Harrimans.
America Betrayed
to, during and after the ending of the second world war. Whereas
Allen served as a spymaster, lawyer and deal maker who brought
over a thousand high ranking Nazis into the CIA and found jobs
for them in the Republican party and corporate America (43,44),
John Foster Dulles was on the board of IG Farben who had
partnered with Standard Oil (43).
As was the case with Guaranty Trust, which provided loans
to the Nazis and to the Soviet Union, Rockefeller’s Standard Oil
was also in business with Hitler’s nemesis: the Soviet Union. By
doing business with both fascist regimes, this guaranteed that re-
gardless of who won the war, Standard Oil would profit. The Dulles’
brothers are said to have played a major role in ironing out the
Soviet deal.
In 1938, oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia. The king of
Saudi Arabia, Ibn Saud, was a supporter of Adolf Hitler. Dulles,
acting as a representative of Standard Oil (as well as IG Farben)
also played a major role in negotiating and gaining major conces-
sions from Ibn Saud.
As Saudi Prince Bandar explained to PBS Frontline (45):
“America has never been a colonizing power as far as we were
concerned. Our relationship with America... started in the 1930s.
And when the Americans came to Saudi Arabia, they didn’t come
as an invader. They came actually as a private sector, trying to help
us find oil. They found the oil for us, and they’ve been our friends
ever since.”
The result of these discoveries and negotiations was a joint
venture between Standard Oil, Texaco, and Mobil, and the forma-
tion of the Arabian-American Oil Company (ARAMCO). King Ibn
Saud and his family were promised millions in return, whereas the
Arabian people received basically nothing (46).
By 1944, Standard Oil had twice artificially created oil short-
ages as a means of gaining leverage over the U.S. government.
Based on the discoveries made in Saudi Arabia, the Standard oil-
led cartel successfully lobbied the U.S. Senate, which in turn pro-
posed that the U.S. government should finance the construction of
oil pipelines and oil refineries so as to meet future energy needs.
With the assistance of the Dulles brothers, this proposal soon be-
came a program to assist Standard oil and ARAMCO in the Per-
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sian Gulf.
In February and March of 1944, the “Special Committee In-
vestigating Petroleum Resources” began hammering out the de-
tails. As summarized by the United States National Archives: “18.94
In February 1944, the Petroleum Administrator for War, Secretary
of Interior Harold Ickes, announced that the Arabian-American Oil
Co. would construct a refinery to produce petroleum war products
for the Allied Nations, and that the U.S. Government would con-
struct a petroleum pipeline from the Persian Gulf area to the east-
ern shore of the Mediterranean and would obtain a crude oil petro-
leum reserve of one billion barrels in the Gulf area.” Because of
interests pertaining to “national welfare and security” this Special
Committee also agreed to “the disposal of Government-owned pipe-
lines and refineries as surplus properties, tidelands oil, and other
issues related to petroleum supplies.”
In other words, after twice being held hostage by Standard
Oil, the U.S. government agreed to give “Government-owned pipe-
lines and refineries” to this Standard oil-led cartel, and to fund the
creation of new pipelines and refineries in Saudi Arabia.
The U.S. government and the oil cartel headed by Standard
Oil, were now in business with the “royal family” of Ibn Saud.
Saud and his family began receiving millions of dollars in pay-
ments as their reward for selling out so cheaply (46).
Roosevelt, it is said, had been considering bringing charges
of treason against Dulles, Bush, and Rockefeller following the con-
clusion of the second world war. However, Roosevelt’s death put a
stop to that. Not only did these traitors get off scott free, but the
Dulles brothers also received handsome rewards, Allen becoming
the first director the CIA, and John, the Secretary of State.
Nevertheless, although faded by time, and despite the pur-
poseful destruction of incriminating records, the facts remain the
same: Prescott Bush, the Harrimans, Rockefellers, the Dulles broth-
ers, and Ibn Saud, had partnered with a terrorist Nazi regime at war
with the United States. The Saudi royal family, the Bush family,
the Harrimans, Rockefellers, American banks, American Oil, and
America’s political elite, went into business with Nazi terrorists
who murdered tens of millions of innocent, men, women, and chil-
dren, including tens of thousands of Americans. They partnered
America Betrayed
with a terrorist regime that was at war with America for three inter-
related reasons: money, oil, and power.
Decades later, after Bush was elected vice-president and then
President, he, the Saudi royal family, and the CIA, would provide
tens of millions of dollars in support of yet another terrorist orga-
nization that would declare war with the United States, this one
ostensibly headed by Saudi multi-millionaire, Osama bin Laden.
As we shall see, doing business with gangsters, thugs, and
terrorists who preach death to America, and who kill Americans, is
a Bush family tradition (4,47).
1). Phenomenology of Spirit; Philosophy of History; Science of
Logic; The Philosophy of Right; by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
2). The Bondage of the Will; By Faith Alone; by Martin Luther.
3). W. L. Shirer. “The Rise & Fall of the Third Reich.” Fawcett
World Library, New York, 1960.
4). John Loftus and Mark Aarons. “The Secret War Against The
Jews” St. Martins Press, New York, 1994; Charles Higham, “Trading with
the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949,”
Delacorte Press, 1983; Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, “George
Bush: The Unauthorized Biography,” The Executive Intelligence Review.
5). J. Toland. “Adolf Hitler,” Doubleday, New York, 1976
6). Heinz Hohne. The Order of the Death’s Head.” Ballantine, New
York. 1967.
7). Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf;” Adolf Hitler, “Table Talk.”
8). David MacGregor, “Hegel and Marx After the Fall of Commu-
nism, “Demy, 1998; Sowell Thomas, “Marxist Philosophy and Econom-
ics,” William Morrow and Company,” New York 1985. In 1843, Marx
began work on a line-by-line analysis of Hegel’s “Philosophy of Right”
and introduced a synthesis which he described as “dialectical material-
ism,” the philosophy of communism. In 1948, Karl Marx and Friedrich
Engels published The Communist Manifesto, in which he applied Hegel’s
ideas of thesis and anti-thesis to government and capitalism to arrive at
the synthesis of a “conflict-free society;”i.e., communism. Marx believed
his idea of a communist society was the fulfillment of Hegel’s ideal, which,
according to Marx and Engle, “had been turned upside down on its head.”
Marx believed he had put the Hegelian Idea right side up. In Marxist
communism, instead of just a few individuals owning all the means of
...Bush, bin Laden, 9-11...
production, and thus all the wealth, all the people would own their own
means of production and would share equally in its rewards. “Hegel- in
contrast to his disciples- did not parade ignorance, but was one of the
finest intellects of all time” -Friedrich Engels, “The Critique of Political
9). Tom Rockmore, “On Heidegger’s Nazism and Philosophy,,”
University of California Press, 1992. Leonard Peikoff, “The Ominous
Parallels,” Second Renaissance, Inc. 1986.
10). Antony Sutton, “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution,”
Arlington House, 1974; Among the banks loaning millions of dollars to
the Soviet Union in the early 1900s: J.P. Morgan, Guranty Trust Com-
pany (Harriman-Walker), and Rockefeller’s Chase-Manhattan Bank. It is
estimated that over $75,000,000 in assistance was provided. In 1912, Mrs.
Edward Harriman (Mother of Roland and Averell Harriman) sold 8,000
shares of Guaranty Trust to J.P. Morgan which thus acquired a control-
ling interest. The Harriman-Walker-Bush and Rockefeller banking clique
had their eye on the oil-rich Caspian basin and the Caucuses. With these
loans, the Soviet Union was able to purchase oil-related services from
companies controlled by this same clique, including Rockefellers Stan-
dard Oil which built oil refineries which were financed by the loans pro-
vided by Harriman-Bush-Rockefeller banks.
11). The Washington Post, 2/2/1918; John Loftus and Mark Aarons.
“The Secret War Against The Jews” St. Martins Press, New York, 1994;
Charles Higham, “Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-Ameri-
can Money Plot 1933-1949,” Delacorte Press, 1983; Webster G. Tarpley
& Anton Chaitkin, “George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography,” The
Executive Intelligence Review; Antony Sutton, “Wall Street and the Bol-
shevik Revolution,” Arlington House, 1974; Eustace Mullins, “The World
Order,” 1980.
12). Anthony Sutton, “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler,” Anthony
Sutton, “How the Order Creates War & Revolution;” John Loftus and
Mark Aarons. “The Secret War Against The Jews” St. Martins Press, New
York, 1994; Charles Higham, “Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of
the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949,” Delacorte Press, 1983; Chris-
topher Simpson, “The Splendid Blond Beast.”
13). “Senate Special Committee Investigating the National Defense
Program,” Senator Harry Truman, chairman, May-August, 1942; NMT,
“IG. Farben Case,” Volumes VII and VIII; “Elimination of German Re-
sources,” United States Congress; United States Senate, Patents Com-
mittee, Senator Homer T. Bone, Chairman, May, 1942.
14). Edward J., Jr. Renehan, “The Kennedys at War, 1937-1945,”
Doubleday, 2002.
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America Betrayed
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America Betrayed