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Carrom LOCO

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Project Details

Project Name LOCO

Module Name Carrom
Created By Ishan Verma
Creation Date 05-26-2021
Reviewed By
Reviewed Date

Test Scenario ID Test Scenario Description Test Case ID Test Case Description

Testing functionality
of Game Mode:
TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_01 CLASSIC.
Testing functionality
of Game Mode:
TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_02 FREESTYLE.

Testing functionality
of Game Mode: PLAY
TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_03 WITH FRIENDS.

Checking Audio
Button in Main Menu
TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_04 and during Gameplay.

Checking Profile
Button and Correct
Profile info is
TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_05 Displayed

Checking Help Button

TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_06 and Testing Tutorial

TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_07 Checking Exit Button

Checking Settings are
Saved after Restarting
TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_08 Game

Verifying Loading
Indicator is Displayed
wherever required
and Game started
only when Loading
TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_09 was Completed

Checking animation,
Movement of Stricker,
TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_10 Carrommen.

Working in
TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_11 Landscape/Portrait

Checking the Ingame

voice chat and
TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_12 emojies

Verifying Score
TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_13 Calculations
Scoring should be
identical for every
TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_14 player.

Checking Load Time of

Launching Game
TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_15 (after Downloading it)
Checking InGame
Load Time
(Not considering
TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_16 Matching time)

Checking proper
instructions for
playing Carrom are
displayed during 1st
TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_17 play

Checking game works

TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_18 in Background

Swiching between
other apps and
verifying game is
TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_19 working fine

Checking for Speeling

TS_01 Testing Carrom-LOCO TC_20 Errors
Testing Machine Details
Type Android
Name Asus Zenfone 5z
Processor Snapdragon 845

Test Steps Pre-Condtions Post-Conditions Expexted Result

1. Launching Carrom from LOCO.

2. Selecting CLASSIC from Game 1. Good Internet Player should Successfully
Modes. Connection Match with other Player Gameplay should
2. Valid LOCO Account of his/her Level. Start Successfully
1. Launching Carrom from LOCO. 1. Good Internet Player should Successfully
2. Selecting FREESTYLE from Connection Match with other Player Gameplay should
Game Modes. 2. Valid LOCO Account of his/her Level. Start Successfully

1. Launching Carrom from LOCO. 1. Good Internet

2. Selecting PLAY WITH FRIENDS Connection
from Game Modes: 2. Valid LOCO Account
a. Hosting Game. 3. Another valid LOCO Player should Successfully Gameplay should
b. Joining Game. Account Match with their Friend. Start Successfully

1. Launching Carrom from LOCO.

2. Testing Audio Button: 1. Good Internet
a. In Main Menu trying to Connection Mute/Unmute functions Game should be
Mute/Unmute audio. 2. Valid LOCO Account should work correctly in: Muted/Unmuted
b. During Gameplay trying to 3. Device Volume should a. Main Menu if button is
Mute/Unmute audio be turned On b.During Gameplay pressed.

1. Good Internet
2. Valid LOCO Account
1. Launching Carrom from LOCO. 3. Game should be played Player's Profile info Should Profile Info Should
2. Selecting Profile in Main Menu more than 1 time be Visible be Correct

1. Launching Carrom from LOCO.

2. Selecting: ? (Help Button) in 1. Good Internet Player should be able to
Main Menu Connection start and play Game Tutorial Started
3. Playing Tutorial 2. Valid LOCO Account Tutorial Successfully

If selected Yes
1. Launching Carrom from LOCO. Game should Exit
2. Selecting: x (Exit Button) in: 1. Good Internet Prompt should appear and Should
a. Main Menu Connection asking Yes to Exit and No continue if
b. During Gameplay 2. Valid LOCO Account to Resume playing selected No
1. Launching Carrom from LOCO.
2. Selecting Music button: 1. Good Internet Game settings should be
a. Muting and Restarting Connection saved and should not reset Settings should
b. Unmuting and restarting 2. Valid LOCO Account on restarting the Game not Reset

1. Launching Carrom from LOCO.

2. Loading Indicator Displayed Game should
a. When Game is Launched 1. Good Internet function when
b. After Matching of Player is Connection Loading animation is loading animation
successfully done 2. Valid LOCO Account displayed Successfully is completed

Stricker and
should correctly
displayed and
1. Launching Carrom from LOCO. 1. Good Internet their algorithm
2. Selecting each Game Mode to Connection Animation should work Should work
Test Game 2. Valid LOCO Account correctly correctly

1. Launching Carrom from LOCO.

2. Testing Landscape/Portrait
Mode in: 1. Good Internet Game should work
a. Main Menu Connection Auto-rotation should be in Landscape and
b. During Gameplay 2. Valid LOCO Account turned on in device Portrait Mode

1. Good Internet Players Should be

Connection able to send and
1. Launching Carrom from LOCO. 2. Valid LOCO Account receive emojies
2. For Testing playing Game 3. Another valid LOCO Voice Chat should be and able to talk on
mode: PLAY WITH FRIENDS Account turned on Voice chat

1. Launching Carrom from LOCO. 1. Good Internet Final score should

2. Selecting each Game Mode to Connection Points should be alloted as be based on the
Test Game's Scoring. 2. Valid LOCO Account per the game rules. Points scored.
1. Launching Carrom from LOCO. 1. Good Internet
2. Selecting each Game Mode to Connection Points should be alloted as Score should not
Test Game's Scoring. 2. Valid LOCO Account per the game rules. be biased

1. Good Internet
1. Launching Carrom from LOCO. Connection Stopwatch for measuring Should not take
2. Measuring Time Taken to load 2. Valid LOCO Account time taken much time
1. Launching Carrom from LOCO.
2. Measuring Time Taken to load
Game Modes:
a. CLASSIC 1. Good Internet
b. FREESTYLE Connection Stopwatch for measuring Should not take
c. PLAY WITH FRIENDS 2. Valid LOCO Account time taken much time

1. Launching Carrom from LOCO.

2. Checking Instruction/Tutorial 1.Good Internet Tutorial Pop-up
Option Pop-up in Game Modes: Connection. should be
a. CLASSIC 2. Valid LOCO Account Game should contain Displayed asking
b. FREESTYLE 3. Should be Ist time of Proper for Learning or
c. PLAY WITH FRIENDS playing Game Instructions/tutorial. Skipping

1. Launching Carrom from LOCO. Game should not

2. Going back to Device Home 1. Good Internet close and should
Screen.(Minimizing game) Connection Background Processes resume from
3. Going back to Game. 2. Valid LOCO Account should not be Killed where it was left

1. Launching Carrom from LOCO. Game should not

2. Switching to another app. 1. Good Internet close and should
(Minimizing game) Connection Background Processes resume from
3. Switching back to Game. 2. Valid LOCO Account should not be Killed where it was left
1. Good Internet
1. Launching Carrom from LOCO. Connection No Speeling errors
2. Checking Main Menu for Errors 2. Valid LOCO Account None should be found
Actual Result Status Executed By Executed Date Comments(if any)

Gameplay Started
Successfully Pass Ishan Verma 05-26-2021 No Comments

Gameplay Started
Successfully Pass Ishan Verma 05-26-2021 No Comments

Gameplay Started
Successfully in
both Cases a and b Pass Ishan Verma 05-26-2021 No Comments

Game was Muted Sound Effects

but still Sound should also be
Effectes were muted when the
getting Played in Game is Muted
Main menu Fail Ishan Verma 05-26-2021 Audio Button

Correct Player's
Profile Info is
Displayed Pass Ishan Verma 05-26-2021 No Comments

Later part of
Tutorial was
mostly focused for
Tutorial Played tutorial/instructio
Successfully and It ns for using Voice
was well Guided Pass Ishan Verma 05-26-2021 chat)

Game Exited
Successfully when
Yes Selected and
Resumed When
Selected NO Pass Ishan Verma 05-26-2021 No Comments
Settings were
saved in both Game has no
steps 2.a and 2.b Pass Ishan Verma 05-26-2021 Settings option

Loading animation
is successfully
shown in both
steps 2.a and 2.b
and Game started
successfully soon
after loading was
completed. Pass Ishan Verma 05-26-2021 No Comments

There was no
flickering or any
kind of Distortion,
All Carrommen
and Stricker were
working fine,
there was no
flickering in game Pass Ishan Verma 05-26-2021 No Comments

Landscape Mode
should be added
Game worked in to game for
Portrait but not increasing
Landscape Mode Fail Ishan Verma 05-26-2021 accessibility.

Voice chat
Able to send
receive emojies Pass Ishan Verma 05-26-2021 No Comments

Final Score was

Based on the
points scored. Pass Ishan Verma 05-26-2021 No Comments

Scoring was not

Biased Pass Ishan Verma 05-26-2021 No Comments

1st: 4.2 sec

Game Started in 2nd: 3.9 sec
less than 5 3rd: 4.4 sec
seconds Pass Ishan Verma 05-26-2021 Avg: 4.16sec
CLASSIC: 3.2 sec
3.0 sec
Game does not more than 5 sec
took much time
for loading. Pass Ishan Verma 05-26-2021 Avg: 3.83 sec

A Pop-up for Ist

time gameplay
should be added
No with an option to
Pop-up/Message Learn or skip to
was Displayed for ease the players in
tutorial Fail Ishan Verma 05-27-2021 playing game

Game resumed
successfully Pass Ishan Verma 05-27-2021 No Comments

Game resumed
successfully Pass Ishan Verma 05-27-2021 No Comments
There was no
speeling errors
found. Pass Ishan Verma 05-27-2021 No Comments

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