5G Test and Mesuarment Rohde Schwarz Jan 2020 v4
5G Test and Mesuarment Rohde Schwarz Jan 2020 v4
5G Test and Mesuarment Rohde Schwarz Jan 2020 v4
End-To-End 5G Test
January 2020
Table of Contents
Pat Hindle
Microwave Journal, Editor
Pillars of 5G: Spectral & Energy Efficiency
Dr. Corbett Rowell
Rohde & Schwarz
NR and LTE Coexistence Through Dynamic
Spectrum Sharing
Andreas Roessler
Rohde & Schwarz, Munich, Germany
Ericsson Performs 5G Coverage/Performance Verification
Using R&S Drone-Powered Solution
Rohde & Schwarz
Overcoming the Challenges of mmWave, On-Wafer
Load-Pull Measurements for 5G
Richard Hilton and Steve Dudkiewicz
Maury Microwave Corp., Ontario, Calif.
Testing 5G mmWave Devices Over the Air
Rohde & Schwarz
One Box Test Solutions for 5G
Rohde & Schwarz
Munich, Germany
Software and Hardware Near-Field Transformations
for 5G OTA Testing
Benoît Derat, Corbett Rowell, Adam Tankielun and Sebastian Schmitz
Rohde & Schwarz, Munich, Germany
More than 50 commercial 5G networks were deployed in 2019. As 5G rollouts accelerate in 2020,
manufacturers will need to pay close attention to testing and verification to streamline their processes
and still deliver high quality products. This eBook covers almost everything you need to know about
testing and verification for 5G from devices to systems from an RF perspective. Rohde & Schwarz
authored most of these informational articles with Microwave Journal plus an additional article from
Maury on load pull.
The first couple of articles discuss important features of 5G such as spectral and energy efficiency
along with Dynamic Spectrum Sharing. Then specific test solutions are discussed such as drone testing
5G systems and on wafer load pull measurements at mmWave frequencies. The next couple of articles
cover device testing and digital optimization for Doherty power amplifiers. Finally, the last two articles
address 5G test systems including a one box solution and hardware/software for 5G OTA testing.
We thank Rohde & Schwarz for publishing all of these educational articles and sponsoring this
eBook so that you can download it for free. As 5G gains momentum next year, device and system
manufacturers will need to be well versed in testing and verification techniques for 5G, so we hope this
eBook will be helpful in this area.
Pillars of 5G: Spectral & Energy
Corbett Rowell
Rohde & Schwarz, Munich, Germany
5G deployment is driven by two key factors that are typically in conflict with each other: system
capacity (spectral efficiency) and system cost (energy efficiency). Spectral efficiency describes
how much capacity can be provided and is typically measured in bps (bits per second) per Herz
of frequency, whereas energy efficiency characterizes how much it costs to run the network for a
given capacity.
n the past generations of mobile technology, the while simultaneously decreasing the costs of running
cost of the provision of higher capacity was almost the network.
directly proportional, as this involved building more
base stations or increasing the spectral bandwidth (BW) HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO RUN A CELLULAR
inside the network. While this was roughly sustainable NETWORK?
in the past, the demands for 10 to 100× the capacity of Although the base stations have become more ener-
4G networks make this approach a path to bankruptcy, gy efficient from 2G to 4G, the costs of providing more
as it is unlikely the consumers of the increased capacity capacity through network densification have increased
are willing to increase their expenditure by 10 to 100×. significantly (see Figure 2). Most of the cost of setting
As illustrated in Figure 1, in order to advance the mo- up and operating a cellular network is in the remote
bile networks, the industry needs to solve the problem provision of air conditioning and site rental for the base
of how to increase capacity across the entire network stations.1-2 In terms of the initial CAPEX, the air condi-
tioning is over 50 percent, leaving the
Increased Capacity, Increased Expenses Optimal Network remaining for the base station equip-
BS Locations ment. Similarly, in terms of recurring
BS Locations
OPEX, electricity is almost 50 percent
Low Data Rates
on Edges of the costs. Most of the electricity is
for the operation of the remotely dis-
Cell Edge tributed air conditioning network used
Uniform Experience
Regardless of Location to cool the baseband processors (ra-
dio units are typically air-cooled and
Traffic Traffic
? do not require additional air condi-
Voice Expenses Voice tioning). The actual transmission of en-
Dominated Dominated ergy is only 7 percent of the OPEX. If
From the analysis of the power consumption, it is clear dependent of the Radio Access Network and can be used
that most of the costs are due to the distributed and re- to control a mixed generation cellular network.
mote deployment of air conditioning for the baseband The type of information being transmitted also influ-
processing portion of a base station. China Mobile pro- ences the energy efficiency of the network. As shown
posed to centralize the baseband processing in a manner in Figure 2, different types of data have different data
similar to data storage facilities for the internet. Figure 3 packet to signaling packet ratios (DSR). A low DSR rep-
illustrates the architecture of the baseband cloud where resents a low usage of the channel to transmit data; for
each baseband for a base station becomes a virtual ma- example, text messages which represent 60 percent of
chine inside the cloud (C-RAN). Even traditionally separate all network traffic have a DSR between 1 to 3 whereas
network appliances such as gateways can be integrated photos and videos are more energy efficient as this data
into the cloud as virtual machines. By centralizing the requires fewer signaling packets. 5G FR1 addresses this
baseband processing, the remote air conditioning be- problem by adjusting the subcarrier spacing to allow
comes centralized, thereby significantly decreasing both different types of data to more efficiently use the avail-
OPEX and CAPEX. In addition, it is easier to realize CoMP able channel capacity.
where separate base stations transmit to a mobile phone
(network MIMO) with a centralized control, increasing the
spectral efficiency at the same time. This architecture is in-
BS1: GSM BS2: LTE ... BS3: 5G
Phy/Mac Phy/Mac Phy/Mac
2G GSM Hypervisor
830,000 Base Stations
General Purpose Processor Platform
80 GWH (96 KWH per BTx)
350,000 Base Stations
13 GWH (37 KWH per BTx)
Virtual Base Station Pool (Real-Time Cloud BBU)
c au
Ac l Ba
Service Ratio (%) Packet Data to Signaling
Text/IM 60 1 1 to 3 s
c es
Voice 35 10 Ac
Photo 4 150 65 to 375 A Fiber Transport
Video 1 1500
Distributed Configurable Wideband RRU
More Channels = MIMO (5G FR1) Shannon Channel Information Capacity SNR Increase (log2 Increase)
Linear Increase
Capacity (Bits/Seconds)
x1(t) M = 4 Transceivers
C = W log2 (1 + γ)
Massive MIMO
Coverage High Capacity
Mobility, Reliability Massive Throughput
BU FR1: Sub-6 GHz FR2 mmWave: 20-90 GHz
WHAT DETERMINES THE CAPACITY OF A and 5G FR2 uses the mmWave frequencies to obtain
In the early 1900s, two researchers working indepen- 2. Increase the number of channels: MIMO utilizes the
dently derived a relatively simple equation that serves multipath scattering inside the network to concur-
as a Moore’s Law for the wireless industry: the Shannon- rently transmit on several channels at the same time.
Hartley theorem. This theorem gives an upper bound to Similar to the channel BW, network capacity also
the amount of information that can be transmitted over scales linearly with this effect, but with an upper limit
the wireless channel where the individual channel capaci- determined by the correlation (or similarity) of the
ty is dependent on only two parameters: channel BW and multipaths inside the network. 5G FR1 relies on scal-
the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). While the capacity scales ing up MIMO to provide increased data rates.
linearly with the channel bandwidth, it only scales at log2 3. Increase the output power of the network: Due to the
for the signal to noise ratio: presence of the noise in the SNR, the asymptotic log
Cj = BWlog2(1 + SNR) scaling of the SNR, and health/safety concerns of high
From the Shannon-Hartley theorem, there are three ba- electromagnetic energy, this method has its limits. One
sic methods to increase network capacity (see Figure 4): safer method of increasing the SNR throughout the
1. Increase the channel BW: In 4G, carrier aggregation network is the use of femtocells in areas of decreased
is used to increase the available signal bandwidth coverage. If too many omnidirectional femtocells are
deployed in a single area, however,
Traditional Base Station Antenna Massive MIMO Antenna Array the interference between the femto-
cells provides an upper limit to the
Wasted Power
capacity gain of the network. By tar-
geting the energy to a specific user,
however, the energy efficiency of the
Wasted Power . network can be increased—this is
referred to as “beamforming” and it
is a key technology for both 5G FR1
Number of UEs: 1
Number of Antennas = 1 120 Antennas per UE and FR2 base stations.
Number of BS Transmit 1 120
Normalized Output Power Pant = =1 Pant = =1
of Antennas Mt Pt2 BEAMFORMING
Mt Mt In a traditional cellular network, a
Normalized Output Power
of Base Station Ptotal = ∑P i =
ant 1 Ptotal = ∑ P ˜ 1/1000
cell is associated with a base station
i=1 i=1 that transmits energy throughout a
Source: IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Jan. 2013
wide area (typically 120 degrees an-
Improve Energy Efficiency: Beamforming gular arc in front of the base station).
While some of this energy is received
s Fig. 5 Beamforming and Energy Efficiency. by users within the base station’s cell,
Beamsteering Sidelobe Suppression
10 10
Principle of Beamforming & Beamsteering ∆φ = 0 ∆φ = 90
∆φ = 90 Linear Taper
0 0
1. Fixed Antenna Spacing d
2. Choose Direction ϴ Broadside
3. Set Phase Shifts ∆φ –10 –10
Gain (dB)
Gain (dB)
To Far-Field –20 –20
–30 –30
∆ϕ =
λ d sin ϴ –40 –40
φ1 φ2 φ1
φM –50
–50 0 50
–50 0 50
Antennas d . . . Angle (°) Angle (°)
Phase Shifters . . .
Attenuators . . .
Receive RF Chain Rn
Equipment p Cm g
Transmit RF Chain Tn
Analog Beamforming (ABF) Digital Beamforming (DBF): 5G FR1 Hybrid Beamforming (HBF): 5G FR2
Data Digital
Digital Baseband RF •
Stream 1 Baseband RF Chain
Chain Processing
• •
K Data •
Data Stream Baseband •
• Streams • • •
Digital Beamforming Analog
12 x 107
1 TRx + DBF
10 8 TRx + DBF
2G & 4G Capacity
EE (bits/J)
1 x 103
10 20 30 40 50
SE (bps/Hz)
4 x 107
LTE Macro
LTE Small Cell 3 5G Optimal Capacity for
Hybrid Beamforming
EE (bits/J)
• W
ideband Power Amplifier and
Filter Banks: The increase of the •••
number of frequency bands, carrier Beamforming Mutual
aggregation across wide frequency Architecture Self-
bands will require large numbers of Calibration
both filters and power amplifiers.
The power amplifiers will require Wideband Adaptive
Power Amplifier Self-Calibration
pre-distortion or exotic materials to and Filter Banks
operate at higher efficiencies.
Antenna Mutual Coupling: Sim-
ply packing more antennas into a mmWave = RFIC RFIC Clock
space will decrease the capacity non-CMOS Synchronization
and increase the losses in the base FPGA LO
• Clock Synchronization: For a large Fiber Transceivers Fiber Multiplexing Heat Dissipation
massive MIMO array, the clocks will Digital I/Q
require synchronization over separate
PCB boards. Clock drift will lead to s Fig. 9 Massive MIMO Architecture.
uncertain phase changes (due to fre-
quency drift) between the antennas
and decrease the effect of beamform- Active Antenna System (Massive MIMO or mmWave)
• Adaptive Self-Calibration: Due to the Dig
large numbers of components, chip- I/Q Traditional
sets, clocks and amplifiers, together
with the dependency of phase on
temperature conditions inside the
base station, the output phase at each
antenna can vary significantly from the 64-128 Antennas 8-128 RF Transceivers FPGA + Fiber TRx 5G
desired phase. Therefore, an adap-
tive self-calibrating circuit is required s Fig. 10 New Measurement Paradigm for 5G.
where the phase and amplitude offset
of each signal is measured and is then Antenna Array (30 cm) at 28 GHz Reactive Near Field Region
pre-distorted so that optimal beam-
forming can be achieved.
• Fiber Transceivers: The output of the
massive MIMO base station is typical-
D = Radiating Apeture Size
ly baseband that is then transmitted
through fiber to either a local base-
band unit or into the C-RAN. Conse-
quently, a real-time FPGA is required
to translate the output baseband data Reactive Near
Field Region
Radiated Near Field Region
Phase & Magnitude
Far Field
from the RFIC to the baseband proto-
col for fiber.
• Heat Dissipation: The combination Any Object in this Region Becomes
D3 2D2 Part of Antenna System & Interferes
of up to hundreds of antennas, thou- 0.62 = 16.0 m with the Measurements
sands of components and dozens of
RFICs/FPGAs within a confined space s Fig. 11 Antenna Electromagnetic Fields.
leads to significant heat and thermal
issues. As these units are deployed without externally between the RF test ports and the measurement instru-
provided air cooling in areas of large temperature varia- ments (i.e., vector signal analyzer and signal generators).
tion, large heatsinks are required, significantly increasing The antenna performance was typically measured OTA
the weight of the massive MIMO unit. using CW waveforms with a vector network analyzer.
Due to the highly integrated architecture of the mas-
TEST & MEASUREMENT OF 5G BASE STATIONS sive MIMO base station, there is no longer direct access
AND DEVICES to the individual RF paths. This implies a fundamental
Traditionally, the performance of a base station was change of measurement philosophy by moving away
measured by separating the antenna portion from the from highly predictable cable measurements of the RF
radio/RF portion. The modulated performance of the transceivers to a more chaotic environment consisting of
RF transceivers could be measured directly with cables OTA measurements (see Figure 10).
Passive Measurements Active Measurements OTA Test Solutions
OTA measurements are significantly more complex as well. For this reason there will be a high demand for
than cable measurements due to the different physical OTA chambers and measurement equipment to not
properties of the radiated fields (see Figure 11) in the only measure the strict radiative properties of anten-
near-field and far-field regions of the device under test nas, but substituting traditional conducted transceiver
(DUT). Due to both the time and spatial-varying proper- measurements as well. Rohde & Schwarz, with its wide
ties of the modulated signals, measurements must be range of anechoic chambers and measurement equip-
performed in the far-field of the DUT (planar waves), re- ment expertise, is well situated to deliver solutions even
sulting in either very large anechoic antenna chambers or for future customer requirements.5n
indirect far field chambers such as the plane wave con-
verter (PWC) or compact antenna test range (CATR). A References
1. CMRI, “C-RAN: The Road Towards Green RAN,” December 2013.
CATR uses a reflector to convert a spherical wave to a 2. I. Chih Lin, C. Rowell et al., “Towards Green and Soft: A 5G Perspective,”
planar wave distribution in the near field of the reflector IEEE Communications Magazine, February 2014.
and the PWC uses an array to generate a planar wave 3. F. Rusek et al., “Scaling Up MIMO: Opportunities and Challenges with
distribution in the near field of the array (see Figure 12). Very Large Arrays,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, January 2013.
4. H. Shuangfeng et al., “Large Scale Antenna Systems with Hybrid Analog
Due to the elimination of RF test ports and the use of and Digital Beamforming for Millimeter Wave 5G,” IEEE Communica-
frequencies in the millimeter region, OTA will become tions Magazine, January 2015.
an essential tool for characterizing the performance of 5. “Antenna Array Testing - Conducted and Over the Air: The Way to 5G,”
Rohde & Schwarz White Paper, 2016.
not just the antenna arrays of an active antenna system
of a massive MIMO array, but the internal transceivers
NR and LTE Coexistence Through
Dynamic Spectrum Sharing
Andreas Roessler
Rohde & Schwarz, Munich, Germany
All 5G NR FR1 deployments are currently based on time-division duplex (TDD) and use unpaired
frequency bands, typically in the 3.5 GHz frequency range. The second phase of 5G NR network
deployments, anticipated for 2020, will use frequency-division duplex (FDD) mode, as almost 90
percent of the spectrum below 8 GHz is organized as paired frequency bands, where downlink
and uplink use different frequencies. All the targeted frequency bands, however, are already in
use by 4G LTE. By adding spectrum sharing capabilities to the 5G NR standard, this spectrum
can be accessed while in use, enabling coexistence between 4G LTE and 5G NR. The sharing
of the spectrum allows network operators a smooth transition from LTE to 5G without the need
for spectrum refarming. This article discusses the required feature sets, summarized as dynamic
spectrum sharing (DSS), and analyzes related test and measurement challenges for network and
device testing.
he first 5G NR networks are on-air using network the first 5G NR network deployments took advantage of
deployment option 3X and utilizing E-UTRA NR the underutilized TDD frequency bands, including 3.5
Dual Connectivity (EN-DC) with a split bearer GHz. The first generation of 5G modems and, subse-
setup. In this deployment scenario, the so-called non- quently, the first generation of 5G mobile devices do
standalone (NSA) mode, an LTE anchor is required to only support the TDD mode for FR1. FR1 FDD is some-
exchange control and signaling information. In addition thing that the industry is still working to commercialize.
to LTE signaling, the anchor is also required to config-
ure, add, modify and release the connection to the 5G THE NEED FOR DSS
NR radio access network (RAN). In this setup, the LTE Not all service providers own spectrum licenses with-
base station (eNB) takes on the role of the master cell in a TDD band. To take advantage of 5G with optimized
group, where the 5G base station (gNB) becomes the quality of service, to lower latencies and to further ad-
secondary cell group. Both RANs connect to the exist- dress the new market verticals (e.g., automotive and
ing LTE core network, the evolved packet core. industrial), a network operator must transition to stand-
According to the 3GPP standard, carrier aggregation alone (SA) mode, in which the 5G RAN is connected
can be activated for each cell group. However, today's to the 5G core network (5G-CN, option 2). There are
5G deployments at sub-8 GHz frequencies, also called several intermediate steps (options 4, 5 and 7) defined
frequency range 1 (FR1, from 410 MHz to 7.125 GHz), that lead toward a standalone deployment. Which path
combine multiple LTE carriers with typically one NR car- an operator follows is up to its 5G deployment strategy.
rier. A vast majority of these networks worldwide use 3.5 For a detailed description of these options and other
GHz, with a carrier bandwidth of up to 100 MHz, apply- fundamental aspects of the fifth generation of wireless
ing 4 x 4 MIMO and using TDD mode. communication, please refer to Kottkamp et al.2
Due to various local regulatory requirements, the 3.5 Due to the occupation of its FDD-based spectrum
GHz band comprises three different frequency bands assets, service providers are forced to choose between
from a standardization perspective. These are n77 the acquisition of new spectrum or refarm spectrum al-
(Asia), n78 (Europe) and n48 (USA).1 As the majority of ready in use. Both options are costly. Therefore, the 5G
frequency bands worldwide are FDD and used by LTE, NR standard offers the possibility of adapting to existing
s Fig. 1 NR signal configuration within the MBSFN subframe.
LTE deployments and sharing the spectrum used exclu- part of the evolved multimedia broadcast multicast ser-
sively by LTE today. The enabling feature is called DSS, vices (eMBMS) functionality; eMBMS is part of 3GPP’s
which is part of the overall mechanism allowing NR and release 9 set of technical specifications.
LTE to coexist while using the same spectrum. Six out of ten subframes forming the LTE radio frame
Another feature that enables NR LTE coexistence is can be configured by the network to become MBSFN
the decoupling of downlink and uplink transmissions, subframes. Based on the standard, this could be sub-
necessary due to coverage issues in the uplink direction frames 1, 2, 3 and 6, 7 and 8. To minimize the impact
at the FR1 midrange frequency bands of 3.5 GHz and on the performance of LTE, typically only one subframe
above. This feature results in a function called supple- out of the six possible subframes is configured to be an
mental uplink (SUL) that allows a device to switch its up- MBSFN subframe. The applied configuration is broad-
link transmission from the midrange spectrum to the low cast by the LTE network with system information block
band spectrum based on received signal quality. This type 2 (SIB2). This is the same SIB that informs a 5G-
feature is not discussed in this article, as the industry is capable terminal that the LTE serving cell can connect
currently focusing on DSS. the handset to the 5G RAN. A standard LTE terminal
In the long term, DSS enables network operators to would read in the MBSFN configuration from SIB2 and
provide a coverage layer for 5G using the lower fre- ignore the subframes configured for broadcast. Initially,
quency bands, typically targeting frequencies below 1 DSS is tested based on NSA mode; thus, the 5G hand-
GHz. DSS needs infrastructure updates, advertised as set would have two radios active, LTE and 5G NR.
software-only updates, but also requires the second- The LTE portion will follow the same principles as an
generation of 5G chipsets and handsets taking advan- LTE-only device. However, the 5G NR part of the hand-
tage of these new modems. The rollout of DSS is ex- set, scanning the targeted frequency band for sharing,
pected early to mid-2020. will detect the transmitted SSB within the open LTE sub-
frame on the desired frequency channel. As DSS is in-
THE AWAKENING OF MBSFN tended to provide a coverage layer for 5G, typically fre-
DSS has an impact on both LTE and 5G NR standards. quency bands below 1 GHz are shared between LTE and
The effect on LTE is marginal, as it is hard to change a 5G NR. Initially, a subcarrier spacing of 15 kHz is used
successfully deployed technology to enable its succes- for 5G NR to avoid interference between both technolo-
sor. A 5G NR device needs to detect the synchronization gies, resulting in the same number of subframes used
signal blocks (SSB) to access the network. To maintain in LTE and 5G NR. Based on the mapping principles for
synchronization in time and frequency, these SSBs need SSB for 15 kHz, defined as case A, the targeted frequen-
to be sent periodically by the network, with a gap de- cy band below 1 GHz leads to a maximum of four SSBs
fined to transmit the SSB on an already occupied fre- transmitted by the 5G network.
quency channel used by LTE. The ideal feature to allow Typically, the SSBs are transmitted by the network in
this gap in a continuous LTE transmission is to use mul- the first half-frame (5 ms) of a radio frame. As it is not
timedia broadcast single frequency network (MBSFN) possible in LTE to configure subframe 0 for MBSFN,
subframes. Defined initially to enable broadcast via an subframe 1 is configured as the MBSFN subframe, so it
LTE network and, therefore, make the transfer of content can carry SSBs. However, an MBSFN subframe is never
more efficient than unicast transmissions, this feature is entirely empty. There is a non-MBSFN region defined
that can be one or two OFDM symbols long, dependent uler in the LTE base station is not mapping any data into
on overall signal bandwidth. This region is intended to such a subframe, the LTE CRS would still be present,
carry the control channels for LTE, such as the physical maintained and transmitted.
hybrid ARQ channel, the physical control format indica- To enable NR to use these subframes, rate-matching
tor channel and the physical downlink control channel around LTE CRS is adopted by the standard. Several fac-
(PDCCH). Therefore, any NR transmission can only start tors impact the rate-matching algorithm. The first pa-
at OFDM symbols 2 or 3 within an MBSFN subframe. rameter is required to align the subcarrier positioning
The requirement to transmit control information for for 5G NR related to LTE. The value corresponds to the
NR, to schedule the reception of NR’s physical data offset to point A divided by 15 kHz. Second, the band-
shared channel (PDSCH) and the necessity to map a width and number of antenna ports used by LTE must
demodulation reference signal for the data channel to be known, as the MIMO mode dictates the mapping of
the beginning of the subframes lead to the configura- CRS per antenna port. As mentioned earlier, DSS tar-
tion illustrated in Figure 1. Out of the total 14 OFDM gets frequencies below 1 GHz; therefore, typically two
symbols forming a subframe of 1 ms duration for subcar- antenna ports (2 x 2 MIMO) are used. Lastly, the fac-
rier spacing of 15 kHz in one 5G NR slot, only 12 OFDM tor vshift represents the impact of the physical cell iden-
symbols are available for NR transmission. For proper tity (PCI; vshift = PCI mod 6), which defines the starting
demodulation of the PDSCH and to enable mobility, a point (subcarrier) for the mapping of the LTE sequence
second symbol carrying the PDSCH demodulation refer- used for generating CRS. Figure 2 displays all required
ence signal (DMRS) for the data channel is required. This parameters to configure the LTE CRS rate-matching
additional symbol is symbol 9, as shown in Figure 1.3 algorithm on the R&S®SMW200A vector signal genera-
tor, intended to perform physical layer testing of the
With just one subframe available for 5G NR, the tech-
nology operates under its potential. Therefore, DSS ad-
ditionally enables the use of subframes that are dedicat-
ed to LTE and not configured for MBSFN via two distinct
1. Depending on the MIMO mode (2 x 2, 4 x 4),
standard LTE subframes include cell-specific reference
signals (CRS) mapped to certain resource elements in
the time-frequency grid. An LTE terminal uses CRS for
channel estimation and to maintain full synchroniza-
tion in time and frequency. Assuming a simple scenario s Fig. 2 LTE CRS coexistence setting for the R&®SMW200A
vector signal generator.
where, based on the current load situation, the sched-
s Fig. 3 NR using standard LTE subframes with CRS rate-matching and additional DMRS position.
In a real network, this information is sig-
naled to the device via the dedicated radio
resource control (RRC) connection. As NSA
mode is the initial deployment mode for
DSS testing, this information is sent over
the established LTE connection to the de-
vice. In SA mode, it would be sent over the
NR RRC connection.
2. The second feature is the support of
an additional position for the mapping of
the PDSCH DMRS. Based on a standard LTE
subframe, with the LTE control channel and
CRS present, and assuming the scheduler
does not schedule any PDSCH, the remain-
der of the subframes are available to 5G NR.
Therefore, the control resource set (CORE- s Fig. 4 Dynamic sharing of a subframe between LTE and 5G NR.
SET) and the NR PDSCH with rate-matching
active, including DMRS, are mapped on the symbol offset of 2, which, under certain conditions, is
available resource element (see the example in Figure not favorable when applying DSS between LTE and 5G
3). Due to the CORESET occupying OFDM symbol 2, NR. PDSCH mapping type B overcomes this drawback.
the first PDSCH DMRS is assigned to symbol 3. The po- Figure 4 shows a configuration example for LTE with a
sition information (l0) of the OFDM symbol (2 or 3) that 5 MHz channel bandwidth, where NR is transmitted on
carries the first DMRS is indicated with the master infor- the upper 6 out of 25 resource blocks.
mation block carried by the physical broadcast channel
as part of the SSB. To support mobility, proper chan- COORDINATION, COORDINATION AND, AGAIN,
nel estimation is a prerequisite that can only be guaran- COORDINATION
teed if at least two symbols within a slot carry PDSCH All described physical layer features require coordi-
DMRS. According to 3GPP TS 38.211 V15.6.0 (2019- nation among both RANs as in a dual connectivity ap-
06),3 for the provided example, this additional symbol proach; both (LTE and NR) use two independent sched-
to carry DMRS would be OFDM symbol 11. However, ulers. The resulting E-UTRA NR cell resource coordina-
from an LTE perspective, CRS is still present and trans- tion procedure (see Figure 5) that can be triggered by
mitted in this symbol; therefore, the additional position both nodes over the Xn interface is defined in 3GPP TS
of the DMRS must move from symbol 11 to symbol 12 38.423 V15.4.0 (2019-07), NG-RAN.4
(see Figure 3). This feature is a device capability, which The process allows the coordination of scheduling
means the device signals its support of this functionality resources in the frequency and time domains at the me-
to the network during the initial registration process. dium access control layer in both base stations. When
In general, this change is only applicable if three initially testing DSS in NSA mode, the coordination pro-
conditions are fulfilled: First, the device needs to have cess is triggered by the eNB. In its request message, the
submitted the support of the capability to the network; eNB sends the data traffic resource indication toward the
second, the network has configured the device with the gNB. This information element contains the information
rate-matching parameter for LTE CRS via RRC; third, the if the sharing is in uplink only or for uplink and downlink.
first position of the PDSCH DMRS is set to l0 = 3. For the latter case, two individual bitmaps are provided
with the message, containing a bitmap between 6 and
WHERE IS THE DYNAMIC SHARING ELEMENT? 17,600 bits long. Each position in this bit string stands
Up to now, what has been discussed is a semi-static for a physical resource block (PRB) pair that is reserved
configuration of both LTE and NR to enable the use of for E-UTRA if it is set to 1 and is not used for E-UTRA
specific subframes for NR when LTE is not present or when it is set to 0. The bit string may span multiple con-
mechanisms that allow NR to transmit in LTE subframes tiguous subframes. The first position of the data traffic
not used by LTE but where essential LTE signals com- resources information element corresponds to the re-
ponents are still sent. The question is whether there is
a way for LTE and NR to share a subframe and for both
to transmit control information (PDCCH and CORESET)
and data (PDSCH)? The answer is yes. E-UTRA – NR Cell Resource
So far, the discussion has focused on the fundamental Coordination Request
mapping of the data channel and corresponding DMRS E-UTRA – NR Cell Resource
for 5G NR based on the so-called PDSCH mapping type Coordination Respone
A. But the 3GPP standard also defines PDSCH mapping
type B. The difference between these two is that type
A defines the mapping relative to the slot start, where
type B represents the mapping relative to the begin-
ning of the PDSCH within the slot. PDSCH mapping
type A allows, according to the standard, a maximum s Fig. 5 E-UTRA NR cell resource coordination procedure.
ceiving node’s subframe 0. The length of the
bitmap is an integer multiple of the band-
width. Assuming the signal bandwidth to be
5 MHz (25 PRB), a total of 704 subframes
are addressed through the bitmap. The bit-
map length doesn’t provide the flexibility to
address all subframes within radio frames,
which makes it necessary to provide infor-
mation for which the system frame number
within the bitmap becomes active. Figure 6
is an example of the bitmap. Based on this
configuration, resource blocks 15 to 24 in
subframe 0 (light blue), resource blocks 5 to
24 in subframe 1 (green), resource blocks 3
to 17 (brown) and resource blocks 8 to 22
(purple) in subframe 703 can be used for 5G
NR transmission and reception.
Other resources in LTE are protected
through the exchange of the protected E-
UTRA resource indication message between
the eNB and the gNB during the setup of
the X2 interface, which is a separate but
mandatory prerequisite. As explained ear- s Fig. 6 Data traffic resource pattern for NR LTE resource coordination (5 MHz,
lier, LTE configures MBSFN subframes to al- 25 PRB).
low the transmission of SSBs for NR. These
subframes are protected from the above configuration
by additional information provided by the data traffic
resource indication as a reserved subframe pattern.
Ericsson Performs 5G Coverage/
Performance Verification Using
R&S Drone-Powered Solution
ohde & Schwarz has supplied mobile network surement flights
testing tools used in drone-based network cover- conducted so far
age, performance and operation tests managed have shown the
by Ericsson. The unique procedure enables unprece- solution proce-
dented 3D accessibility, positional accuracy and repeat- dure and results
ability of the testing. It also opens up new possibilities to be extremely
to ensure end user Quality of Service (QoS) for demand- repeatable. The
ing 5G use cases such as industry 4.0, automotive and drone flights were
public safety. of various dura-
The deployment of 5G New Radio (NR) brings new tion, altitudes and
applications of cellular networks for subscribers, govern- routes, depending on the test case. Control, authentica-
ment and industry. It also makes the verification of the tion and air traffic control are considerable challenges
correct coverage, performance and operation of net- to the development of robust drone-based solutions. In
works more critical, increasing the demand for accuracy this new system they are conducted over cellular net-
and accessibility in traditional field network tests. works, eliminating the requirement for line-of-sight con-
A project team based in Jorvas, Finland and led by nection between the drone and its pilot.
Ericsson’s 5G Readiness Program RAN Technical Lead The project is a collaboration between Ericsson, Ro-
Richard Wirén, has developed together with Centria hde & Schwarz, Tampere University and Centria Univer-
University of Applied Sciences a novel system for testing sity of Applied Sciences and forms part of the Business
cellular mobile network coverage. The new system uses Finland 5G FORCE program.
mobile network testing scanners and smartphones from Wirén says, “For 5G to realize its promise, field verifi-
Rohde & Schwarz mounted on a drone that can be pro- cation of operation and quality is essential, and this de-
grammed to execute automatic tests with considerable velopment is a pioneering way to ensure our customers
flexibility, for example for precise route selection and receive the network performance they require. We are
drone speed control. This solution is especially valuable delighted to utilize test solutions from Rohde & Schwarz
for industrial use cases. It also has the advantages over that have proven themselves very reliable and are ex-
traditional walk and drive tests by providing unprec- cited that we now have access to solutions based on
edented repeatability and positional accuracy with the commercially available 5G NR UEs such as the Samsung
ability to verify beamforming and map coverage in 3D. S10 5G.”
The R&S TSMA6 network scanner is mounted on a Vice President of mobile network testing Rohde &
drone and is able to simultaneously verify important LTE Schwarz, Hanspeter Bobst, says, “We are delighted to
and 5G NR coverage metrics such as reference signal combine our industry-leading mobile network testing
received power (RSRP) and signal-to-interference-plus- know-how with Ericsson’s long tradition of network in-
noise ratio (SINR) in accordance with 3GPP standards. novations to ensure the delivery of end-user Quality of
When combined with the R&S QualiPoc Android smart- Experience as 5G NR becomes a reality.”
phone-based optimizer, IP trace, application QoS met- Future developments will focus on testing critical 5G
rics such as serving cell parameters are possible. The applications such as public safety and machine-type
solution currently uses LTE user equipment (UE) but will communications for Industry 4.0, extending the fre-
soon be further developed to include 5G UEs such as quency to extremely high frequencies of the mmWave
the Samsung S10 5G. bands and testing in an urban environment.n
The drone can be programmed to follow an exact
three-dimensional route. The over 20 successful mea-
Overcoming the Challenges of
mmWave, On-Wafer Load-Pull
Measurements for 5G
Richard Hilton and Steve Dudkiewicz
Maury Microwave Corp., Ontario, Calif.
ifth-generation mobile represents the next evo- and in the 28 to
a1 S21 b2
lution in wireless communications. With an em- 30 and 37 to 39
phasis on connectivity, 5G is expected to bring GHz bands for Port Port
together data, voice, video, IoT, connected cars, high data rates. S11 S22 2
smart homes, smart cities, augmented reality and indus- While posing
trial automation. 5G will achieve this aggressive goal by unique challeng- b1 S12 a2
deploying technologies over multiple frequency bands, es, the mmWave s Fig. 2 Two-port S-parameter model
from low MHz to high GHz. Research in the 450 MHz bands promise to of a DUT.
to 6 GHz bands is targeting long-range communication bring many ad-
vantages, including larger bandwidth, greater capacity,
increased security and longer battery life.
A critical enabler in the 5G infrastructure is the pow-
er amplifier (PA), which must be properly designed for
optimum performance, i.e., maximizing power and ef-
POUT ficiency while maintaining appropriate linearity. A useful
Power-Added design tool for maximizing performance is load-pull.
Load-pull is the process of changing the load imped-
ΓL (Imaginary)
GaN transistors have output impedances of 1 to 2 Ω,
which can be represented by Γ values from 0.96 and
0.92, respectively. Figure 5 shows actual passive load-
pull measurement data for a GaN transistor on-wafer at
30 GHz with a maximum output power of 30.66 dBm.
Notice how the contours do not close, so it is uncertain
how the transistor would perform if further tuning could
ΓL (Imaginary)
be performed.
Hybrid-active load-pull overcomes this limitation in the
passive load-pull’s measurement range by adding an ac-
tive injection signal to increase a2 and, therefore, increase
Γ. A typical test setup for a hybrid load-pull system is
shown in Figure 6. The relationship between the transistor,
the system impedance, the injection power and the tuning
range is
ZL =
( ZSys + KZDut ) ( )
ΓL (Real) 2 2
Z Sys + K ZDUT − − (1 − K ) Z Sys − KZDUT
Hybrid-active load-pull overcomes this limitation where ZL is the impedance presented to the DUT, ZSys is
by pre-matching the DUT impedance from highly mis- the system impedance and ZDUT is the DUT’s output im-
matched to moderately mismatched, lowering the pow- pedance. K is defined as
er required to deliver the same signal a2 to the output
2 2
of the DUT. P 1 − Γ Sys Z Sys + Z 0
K = a2 ⋅ 2 2
When performing load-pull, it is preferable to be able
to close the measurement contours to ensure the DUT’s
maximum performance has been achieved. Without where Pa2 is the active tuning power injected into the
closed contours, it is possible for the optimum perfor- output of the DUT at the DUT reference plane, Pb2 is the
mance condition to be missed and the wrong conclu- DUT’s output power and Z0 = 50 Ω. The net reflection
sion formed. achievable at the DUT reference plane is
With a passive load-pull system, the net magnitude
of reflection achievable at the DUT reference plane can Z − 50
ΓL = (9)
be calculated as Z + 50
RL tuner + RL coupler + cable +probe =
⎛ VSWR tuner − 1⎞
RL tuner = −20Log ⎜ (4)
⎝ VSWR tuner + 1⎟⎠
RL coupler + cable+probe =
2 IL coupler + cable+probe ) (5)
Rcvr R3
Rcvr C
Rcvr R4
Rcvr D
and where IL is insertion loss.
Source Tuner Load Tuner
⎛ −RLDUT ⎞
⎝⎜ 20 ⎠⎟ Bias Tee Bias Tee
ΓDUT = 10 (6)
Coupler Coupler
Assuming a typical tuner VSWR
and coupler, cable and probe loss-
es at 30 GHz, VSWRtuner = 20:1,
ILcoupler+cable+probe = 2.5 dB, the
maximum achievable magnitude of
reflection is reduced from Γ = 0.9 at Power Supply
the tuner reference plane to Γ = 0.5
at the DUT reference plane. Modern s Fig. 6 mmWave hybrid-active load-pull system (a) and setup (b).
With a driver amplifier output of 40 dBm and using the
same passive impedance tuner to transform the system
impedance from 50 Ω to 23.17 + j28.12 Ω, it is possible
to achieve Γ = 0.85 and successfully close the output
power contours. The contours shown in Figure 7 dem-
onstrate that a maximum output power of 31.12 dBm
can be achieved by the same GaN transistor, which is
ΓL (Imaginary)
0.46 dB or approximately 11 percent more power than
initially determined through passive load-pull with in-
complete contours.
As companies accelerate development of 5G tech-
nologies and compete for best-in-class solutions, the
optimization of power, efficiency and linearity will be-
come more essential. Small advantages of a few dB
in power or a few percentage points in efficiency may ΓL (Real)
mean the difference between best-in-class and “never
was.” Hybrid-active load-pull helps overcome the chal- s Fig. 7 Hybrid-active on-wafer load-pull measurement of a
lenges in mmWave PA design by removing the uncer- GaN transistor at 30 GHz.
tainty of unclosed contours. This enables ideal matching
and gives those that adopt the methodology an edge in
the marketplace.n
DEVICES OVER THE AIR Visit Rohde & Schwarz
at MWC2020
Hall 6, Booth 6B30
5G NR networks are currently in the rollout. 5G is the transform a spherical wave front from the DUT or feed
first cellular technology operating at the new cmWave antenna into a planar wave front it is known as a com-
and mmWave spectrum (frequency range 2 or FR2). pact antenna test range (CATR). This reduces the re-
It uses advanced antenna technologies with a higher quired chamber size as well as the complexity and cost
number of antennas for beamforming, which is com- of the test setup.
pensating for the increased path loss at FR2. However,
advanced antennas are integrated units, with trans- Rohde & Schwarz has several OTA solutions for mobile
ceiver frontends combined with the antenna array and device testing that make use of such a CATR setup.
without traditional RF output ports. The lack of physical These include the R&S®ATS800B benchtop antenna
connectors makes over-the-air (OTA) testing the default test system, the R&S®ATS800R rack solution and the
end-user device testing environment in FR2 which ne- R&S®ATS1800C 5G NR mmWave test chamber. All
cessitates chambers and positioning systems to also these solutions feature the high precision CATR reflec-
cover dynamic beam steering scenarios. tor to generate a big usable measurement area (the so
called quiet zone QZ) in a very compact setup and a
Generally, all OTA measurements shall be executed wide frequency range.
under far field (FF) conditions where the electromag-
netic waves have become planar. With high frequen- Get a detailed overall system overview of 5G NR in
cies, this can lead to big FF distances according to the new, free 5G eBook, written by top experts at
the Fraunhofer equation, requiring large shielded Rohde & Schwarz. The chapters include the technical
chambers. Even a 15 cm smartphone transmitting at background of the new communications technology
43.5 GHz would need a testing distance of 6.5 m due to with detailed information on subject matters such as
this. To ensure plane waves, either the distance of the use cases, architecture, access and non-access proto-
DUT from the transmitting or receiving antenna has to cols, quality of service and network slicing.
be large enough, or the far field conditions have to be
created artificially in a smaller distance by converting The eBook ‘5G New Radio - Fundamentals,
near field (NF) into FF, which is also referred to as indi- procedures, testing aspects’ is available at
rect far field (IFF).
Using an anechoic chamber for radiation shielding and
a positioning system for the DUT together with a hard-
ware transformation of the propagating waves makes
up an IFF system. If a parabolic reflector is used to
he Doherty power amplifier (PA), invented al-
most 100 years ago, is used in an increasing Carrier
number of radio transmitter applications to im-
prove energy efficiency, with numerous ways +
to build the PA. This article begins with an overview of DAC
linearization and efficiency enhancement and, against Modulator
that backdrop, highlights the associated challenges and Peaking
some of the numerous solutions. Finally, there is an al- PA
ternative design flow, illustrated with a case study pro-
viding insight into the design and how to achieve the Dual Input
best performance-cost compromise. Doherty
Classic Programmable
The four key technical performance parameters in a
transmit (Tx) RF front-end (RFFE) are the efficiency, out- Bias Modulated Doherty
Doherty Outphasing
put power, linearity and bandwidth. The latter three are Continuum
ET +
often dictated by system requirements, such as a com- Doherty Doherty
munications standard. The former, (energy) efficiency, is Envelope Outphasing
Continuum Outphasing
the differentiator. All other performance parameters be- Tracking
+ ET
ing equal, a higher efficiency for a front-end is preferred. Load Multilevel
Devices used in the RFFE have imperfect linearity Modulation Outphasing
characteristics, preventing them from being fully uti-
lized merely as drop-in components. The linearity of ER/EER LINC
a Tx RFFE can be improved by implementing a lin-
earization scheme. Typically, this will increase the raw
cost of a Tx RFFE, trading that for a combination of Envelope Efficient
efficiency, linearity and output power improvement.
Baseband Baseband
Numerous linearization methods have been pub- + + Outphasing,
lished, stretching back at least to the feedforward1 DAC DAC Chireix,
+ +
and feedback2 patents. Arguably, the use of nonlinear Modulator Modulator
predistortion dates similarly to the invention of com-
panding.3 These schemes may be classified according RF PA RF PA
to their modus operandi (see Figure 1 and Table 1).4
One way of dividing the linearization pie is to identify s Fig. 1 Amplifier linearization options using post-source,
whether a scheme predicts or extracts its unwanted predicted/synthesized composition schemes.
and documented over the last 100 years. Outphasing,5
TABLE 1 envelope6 and Doherty7 transmitters, along with their
AMPLIFIER LINEARIZATION METHODS hybrids by Choi,8 Andersson9 and Chung10 are exam-
Impediment Generation ples of such techniques, except they have been primar-
Predicted/ Measured/
ily marketed for efficiency enhancement rather than as
Synthesized Extracted linearization techniques. In their purest forms, envelope
and outphasing schemes construct their signals from ef-
Cartesian Feedback ficiently generated, nonlinear components, using mul-
tiplication and summing of their paths, respectively. A
Analog Doherty comprises a reference path, referred to as the
Polar Feedback
Correction Predistortion
“main” or “carrier,” and an efficiency path, named the
Location Analog Post-
Feedforward “peaking” or “auxiliary.” A more comprehensive math-
Post- Distortion
ematical analysis of the Doherty design is beyond the
Source Composition Fixed Filtering scope of this article and is available in a plurality of texts.
Schemes (e.g., Bandpass) For further information, the reader is especially referred
signal and whether that unwanted correction is ap- to Cripps.11
plied before or after its creation. Classification is use-
ful to understand the general properties and identify
the best approach for the application. Arguably, the most common and often quickest start-
Feedforward is an example of a measured, post-cor- ing point for a Doherty amplifier design is the “zeroth
rection scheme; feedback is a measured, pre-correction embodiment” (see Figure 2), comprising a
scheme; and predistortion is a predicted, pre-correction • Fixed RF input to the final stage power splitter.
scheme. Predictive schemes rely on the unwanted signal • Main and auxiliary amplifiers, differently biased (e.g.,
being generated, which can potentially be onerous in using class AB and class C).
wider band and lower power systems for digital predis- • Doherty combiner made from a quarter-wavelength
tortion (DPD). On the other hand, predictive schemes transmission line.
do not require that distortion exists and can, potentially, In most applications, this architecture does not pro-
eliminate distortion completely. vide sufficient power gain—at least not from a single,
Missing from these examples is a whole class of linear- final stage—and additional gain stages are cascaded
ization techniques using predictive post-correction. This ahead of the power splitter. Criticism of this most com-
family of techniques has also been heavily researched monly used implementation include
• No method for compensating gain and phase varia-
tions in any domain after the design is frozen.
Class AB
• Both the efficiency and output power are traded-off
because of the bias class. In effect, the class C bias,
an open loop analog circuit, is driving this.
• Efficiency enhancement is limited to a single stage.
With a multistage cascade, this limits the perfor-
Class AB mance improvement, especially as gain diminishes at
higher frequencies.
Class C From another perspective, the Doherty engine is an
open loop scheme, with several key functional mecha-
s Fig. 2 Simplest implementation of the Doherty amplifier.
nisms derived from the bias points of the transistors.
0 100
Imain IAUX
Doherty –0.5
Relative Output Power (dB)
Main Combiner 80
Efficiency (%)
1.0 –1.5
Balanced 60
Auxiliary Output Current
s Fig. 3 Doherty amplifier challenges: combiner amplitude and phase matching (a), auxiliary amplifier current response (b) and
power-efficiency trade-off (c).
• Multiple gain stages inside the Doherty splitter and
Class AB
Class Opt
• N-way Doherty.
• Intentionally dispersive splitter.
• Programmable splitter.
• Bias modulation.
• Supply modulation, i.e., adding a third efficiency
enhancement technique to the two leveraged by
• Envelope shaping.
s Fig. 4 Digital Doherty amplifier, where the main and auxiliary • Digital Doherty.
amplifier operating class is digitally controlled.
In addition to the different architectures available to
Once the other variables are defined (e.g., phase off- the designer, three points in the product life cycle allow
sets, splitter design, etc.), only one or two handles are adjustments. During the design phase, the design pa-
provided, upon which multiple critical adjustments rely. rameters can be modified, recognizing the parameters
will be passed to production as fixed values (e.g., the in-
Challenges put splitter design). During production, the parameters
One of the ways the Doherty improves efficiency is may be modified or tuned, typically based on measured
load modulation. The engine that drives that is the dif- data, and then frozen or fixed through programming.
ference in output currents, sourced into the combiner One example is the nominal bias voltage used to gen-
from two or more amplifiers. Since the engine can only erate the target bias current in the devices. Once the
approximate the Doherty operation, the challenge for equipment is deployed in the field, parameters may be
the designer is to enable the engine to approximate it updated, either continuously or at specific times, either
with the best, but still appropriate, cost-performance open or closed loop. Open loop concepts rely on suf-
paradigm. Some of the potential hindrances or impedi- ficiently predictable behaviors, while closed loop con-
ments to Doherty performance are 1) the amplitude and cepts might require built-in measurement and control.
phase matching of the signals incident to the combin- One example is circuitry for temperature compensation.
ing node, especially over frequency (see Figure 3a). De- These product life cycle options provide a plurality of so-
viation from the ideal degrades efficiency and output lutions with no “best” solution. It is just as important for
power. Potentially, this can be more destructive, as the the designer to be aware of the manufacturing and sup-
devices are intentionally not isolated, with the efficiency ply capabilities following the design as the design chal-
enhancement relying on their mutual interaction through lenges and trade-offs made during the design phase.
the combiner. 2) Ideally, the auxiliary path of the Doherty At the opposite end of the solution spectrum from
engine exhibits a dog leg or hockey stick characteristic the zeroth embodiment is the digital Doherty (see Fig-
(see Figure 3b). Failure to achieve the ideal is often the ure 4). This architecture is characterized by an input split
primary reason for not realizing the famous efficiency which stretches back into the digital domain, prior to the
saddle point. As the characteristic tends from the ideal digital-to-analog conversion. The ability to apply digital
to a linear response, the Doherty amplifier increasingly signal processing to the signal applied to both amplifier
behaves like its quadrature-balanced relative—albeit paths potentially gives unsurpassed performance from a
with a non-isolated combiner—especially its efficiency set of RF hardware. Compared to the standard Doherty
performance. 3) The commonly used “differential bias- implementation, the digital version can achieve 60 per-
ing” of the main and auxiliary operating in class AB and cent greater output power, 20 percent more efficiency
class C, respectively, forces the output power and ef- and 50 percent more bandwidth without degrading pre-
ficiency of both amplifiers to be degraded (see Figure dictive, pre-correction linearity.12
3c). As Cripps showed,11 the continuum of quasi-linear
amplifier classes from A to C, which theoretically oper- MEASUREMENT-AIDED DESIGN FLOW
ate with sinusoidal voltages across their sources, varies To optimize any Doherty design, it is advisable to
their respective maximum output power and efficiency build simulation environments that correlate well with
characteristics. At the same time, if biasing is used to the design, to understand trends and sensitivities. The
create the difference engine, as is the case in the classi- simulation enables a significant part of the development
cal Doherty embodiment, there is intrinsically a trade-off to be covered quickly. Inputs to the first step might in-
between output power and efficiency. Simultaneously, clude load-pull data or models for the candidate devic-
differential biasing increases the Doherty effect, yet de- es, a theoretical study of the combiner and matching
creases the achievable performance. network responses, evaluation boards with measured
data or other empirical data. Building on this starting
VARIANTS AND IMPROVEMENTS point, the design flow can be supplemented with mea-
The following variations on the basic concept may surement-aided design (see Figure 5).
be more appropriate for some applications and, with For the digital Doherty, the starting point for this ap-
the classical implementation, offer the designer perfor- proach is a Doherty comprising two input ports, input
mance and flexibility options. and output matching networks, active devices, bias net-
works and the Doherty combiner (see Figure 6). Mea- The measurement algorithm may be rapid or more
suring the prototype Doherty as a dual-input device exhaustive, programmed to seek the optimum values
provides greater insight into the performance limita- for desired parameters or configured to characterize
tions, trade-offs and reproducibility expected in a pro- a wide range of parameters. In a simple case, the de-
duction environment. Critical to the test set-up are two signer may want to confirm the best-case quantities and
signal paths, whose signals may be varied relative to their relative amplitude and phase balance values. More
each other. In addition to applying precise, stable and complicated, a detailed sweep to enable a sensitivity
repeatable amplitude and phase offsets to the signals, it analysis or rigorous solution space search may be war-
is advantageous to be able to apply nonlinear shaping
to at least one of the signal paths.
Frequency (GHz)
Simulation Cut
and Try
3.50 35
2 25
Something 0
Load-Pull –50
Amplitude –2 –100 Phase
Difference (dB) –150 Difference (º) 20
Test as Dual-Input
5 8
444 444.
Choose Optimum Architecture
4. 44.5
Frequency (GHz)
3.55 2 44
Specification 43.5
Production 3.40
2 42.5
DSP DAC Up-Converter Main Doherty Drain Efficiency (%) PSAT (W)
Unit PA Combiner 3 3
2 2
Amplitude Difference (dB)
1 1
32 34
0 0
(a) PA
–1 –1
–2 –2
38 40
41 42
43 44
Doherty –3 –3
250 300 350 250 300 350
Phase Difference (º) Phase Difference (º)
(b) (c)
Drain Efficiency (%)
3 3 33
Amplitude Difference (dB)
2 2
41 31
1 1
0 0 29 Low Frequency - Volume
–2 27
–2 High Frequency - Nominal
40 26
–3 –3 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
250 300 350 250 300 350
Phase Difference (º) Drain Efficiency (%)
3 3 34
Amplitude Difference (dB)
2 2
29 30
0 0 30
–1 –1 28 29
27 28
–2 –2
26 27
–3 –3 25
250 300 350 250 300 350 26
40 41 42 43 44 45 46
(a) Phase Difference (º)
(c) Drain Efficiency (%)
s Fig. 8 Gain and phase variation of a population of split digital Doherty amplifiers with a fixed RF input (a), saturated power and
efficiency using a look-up concept (b) and cumulative, worst-case production distribution (c).
ranted. The post-processing of these measurements can the bulk effect of these part-to-part variations can be ob-
be as simple or sophisticated as the user wishes. served, as shown in Figure 8. Figure 8a shows the drain
efficiency and saturated output power at two frequen-
CASE STUDY cies, Figure 8b shows the estimated production spread
To demonstrate the design flow and achievable re- of saturated output power and drain efficiency versus
sults, a digital Doherty PA for a 3.5 GHz, 5G New Radio the nominal values for the same two frequencies. Figure
(NR) base station was designed using a single stage un- 8c shows the cumulative production spread, aggregat-
matched GaN power transistor, the Qorvo® TQP0103. A ing the results from the two frequencies. Paradoxically,
dual-path R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator pro- in this case, most of the part-to-part variation is in the
vided the two input signals to drive the GaN amplifier. target variable, efficiency.
For measurement of dependent quantities, the single RF By adopting an alternative approach to the input
output of the amplifier was connected to an R&S®FSW splitter design, this variation can be reduced. Using a
Signal Analyzer. DC power for the devices was sourced dispersive input splitter design, meaning using different
from an R&S®HMP power supply, which measured the amplitude and phase differences at the two design fre-
DC power consumption. The amplifier was stimulated quencies, advantageously enables the stacked contour
using differentially linear and nonlinear signals, the for- plots shown in Figure 8a to, in effect, slide over one an-
mer sweeping the input power, amplitude and phase. other. Using the same part-to-part variation data with
The nonlinear tests used a variable shaping function, this dispersive splitter design yields a better result (see
amplitude dependent, at two frequencies. Output pow- Figure 9), with a higher mean efficiency and lower stan-
er, output peak-to-average power ratio, adjacent chan- dard deviation.
nel leakage ratio (ACLR) and current consumption were By directly generating signals for the two ampli-
measured, and the measurement results were analyzed fier inputs in the digital domain, the deficiencies of the
using MATLAB®.13 Doherty amplifier are significantly reduced. Addition-
Analyzing the linear measurements, efficiency at a ally, the simple part-to-part amplitude/phase variations
specified power level and saturated power were plotted shown in the linear example may be eliminated. To illus-
versus the amplitude and phase differences (see Fig- trate this, albeit not exhaustively, the auxiliary path was
ure 7), with the worst-case efficiency and output power programmed with a square law shaping function applied
shown in Figure 7c. In the basic Doherty embodiment, to both the amplitude and phase, with the phase “start”
a quasi-constant amplitude/phase split is chosen for and “end” values—the phase with zero and maximum
the operating frequency. The efficiency and saturated input amplitude—varied randomly. With a common bias
power for these amplitude/phase values can be deter- for the two amplifiers, only a trade-off between output
mined by extracting the worst-case performance at the power and efficiency remains, rather than those and the
test frequencies. Doherty difference engine magnitude.
Selecting a nominal amplitude/phase split, a pertur- To establish a baseline, driving the commonly biased
bation representing the natural variation in production amplifiers with a linearly differential signal enabled the
may be added to the evaluation. Using a look-up table, equivalent “balanced” performance to be ascertained:
Drain Efficiency (%) Low Frequency - Volume
3 33
3 Low Frequency - Nominal
Amplitude Difference (dB)
2 2 High Frequency - Production
0 0 29
–1 28
–2 –2
–3 –3 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
250 300 350 250 300 350 Efficiency (%)
Phase Difference (º) (b)
3 3 34
Amplitude Difference (dB)
2 2 33
29 30
0 0
–1 –1 28 29
–2 –2 27 28
25 27
–3 –3
250 300 350 250 300 350 26
Phase Difference (º) 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
(a) (c) Drain Efficiency (%)
s Fig. 9 Digital Doherty amplifier population using a dispersive input split: gain and phase variation (a), saturated power and
efficiency (b) and cumulative, worst-case production distribution (c).
be used to achieve the original target
46.0 output power. Taking into account the
55 Improved
45.5 expected part-to-part variation, this
3.4 GHz
3.6 GHz 45.0 reduction in device periphery might
50 be reduced further.
Efficiency (%)
Improved 44.5
PEP (dBm)
43.5 Significant improvements in Doherty
40 performance can be achieved by ad-
dressing the input side of the design.
3.4 GHz
35 42.5
3.6 GHz The use of either an intentionally dis-
34.0 34.5 35.0 35.5 36.0 36.5 37.0 37.5 persive or programmable input split
PAvg (dBm) 34.0 34.5 35.0 35.5 36.0 36.5 37.0 37.5
(a) (b)
can improve performance, especially
PAvg (dBm)
considering manufacturing distribu-
s Fig. 10 Efficiency vs. average output power (a) and PEP vs. average output power tions. According to peer reviewed re-
(b) for a dual-input Doherty amplifier using with square-law shaping and randomized search,12 the digital Doherty with non-
phase. linear input splitting or shaping can
the available saturated output power in this mode was achieve 60 percent more output pow-
0.5 dB higher than the differential biased case (12 per- er, 20 percent more efficiency and 50 percent greater
cent higher power). That represents the “cost” of oper- bandwidth without any degradation in predictive linear-
ating the Doherty engine using differential bias points. ization. The case study described in this article achieved
The scatter plot of random shaping functions applied to 47 percent higher output power and 11 percent greater
the auxiliary path yields the locus of performance shown efficiency over a fixed bandwidth.
in Figure 10, reflecting the distributions of average A measurement-aided methodology for extracting
power versus efficiency and peak envelope power (PEP) and understanding possible improvements was dem-
versus average power. The saturated output power is onstrated. While efficiency and saturated power served
1.7 dB higher than the conventional Doherty amplifier as examples, they do represent the two most impor-
(48 percent higher power), suggesting that 1.2 dB of tant parameters in most Doherty designs. Regardless of
the improvement (32 percent) is from better amplitude/ which Doherty architecture is used, this design method-
phase matching of the signal paths. ology provides more detailed and rigorous insight and
The 1.7 dB improvement in saturated output means improves both time-to-market and the cost-specification
the amplifier may be operated at that increased out- paradigm.n
put power without compromising headroom, and the
increase in average power is associated with a 5 point ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
increase in efficiency (from 44 to 49 percent). Alterna- The author would like to express gratitude to Jeff Gen-
tively, devices with 48 percent smaller periphery may gler, Tammy Ho Whitney and Bror Peterson at Qorvo.
References 8. J. Choi et al., “Optimized Envelope Tracking Operation of Doherty
1. H. S. Black, “Translating System,” U.S. Patent 1,686,792, October Power Amplifier for High Efficiency over an Extended Dynamic
9, 1928. Range,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
2. H. S. Black, “Wave Translation System,” U.S. Patent 2,102,671, De- Vol. 57, No. 6, June 2009, pp. 1508–1515.
cember 21, 1937. 9. C. M. Andersson et al., “A 1 to 3 GHz Digitally Controlled Dual-
3. A. B. Clark, “Electrical Picture Transmitting System,” U.S. Patent RF Input Power Amplifier Design Based on a Doherty-Outphasing
1,619,147, November 13, 1928. Continuum Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and
4. P. G. Lloyd, “Linearization of RF Front-End,” Rohde & Schwarz Techniques, Vol. 61 No. 10, October 2013, pp. 3743–3752.
GmbH & Co., November 2016, www.rohde-schwarz.com/ 10. S. Chung et al., “Asymmetric Multilevel Outphasing Architecture
appnote/1MA269. for Multi-Standard Transmitters,” RFIC 2009.
5. H. Chireix, “High-Power Outphasing Modulation,” Proceedings of 11. S. C. Cripps, “RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications,”
the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol. 23, No. 11, November 1935, Artech House, Norwood, Mass., 2006.
pp. 1370–1392. 12. Darraji et. al, “Doherty Goes Digital,” IEEE Microwave Magazine,
6. R. L. Kahn, “Single-Sideband Transmission by Envelope Elimination September 2016.
and Restoration,” Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, 13. “The Dual-Input Doherty,” Rohde & Schwarz, www.rohde-schwarz.
Vol. 40, No. 7, July 1952. com/us/campaign/premium-download-the-dual-input-doherty/
7. W. H. Doherty, “A New High Efficiency Power Amplifier for Modu- premium-download-the-dual-input-doherty_233590.html.
lated Waves,” Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Vol.
24, No. 9, September 1936, pp. 1163–1182.
One Box Test Solutions for 5G
Rohde & Schwarz
Munich, Germany
esting 5G NR products requires new test &
measurement approaches. massive MIMO
(mMIMO), bandwidths and data rates substan-
tially higher than 4G’s and mmWave frequen-
cies require more computing power, make over-the-air
(OTA) measurements compulsory and create challeng-
ing performance requirements for the RF hardware. With
a unified testing environment, it is possible to make 5G
measurements in development, acceptance testing and
production as effectively as with 4G testing.
same software for all test solutions
(see Figure 1). This makes the test re- Signaling Sub-6 GHz + IF + mmWave Non-Signaling IF + mmWave
sults comparable in all stages of test-
ing, from R&D to production. The dif-
Technology Reuse
ferent testing approaches (signaling or ❙ Same Test Concept
non-signaling) must deliver reproduc- ❙ Result Traceability
ible and validated test results, provid- CMXHEAD30 CMX500
R&S ®
❙ Synergy Effects R&S® R&S®
ing conclusive information about the
characteristics of the devices being
tested, without also testing the test
solution. With the R&S CMPQ solu- Measurements
tion, FR2 OTA testing is as reliable as
FR1 testing.
R&S CMsquares is a new, unified
test software solution featuring a s Fig. 1 The one platform strategy enables the same measurements for FR1 and FR2,
browser-based user experience and whether testing signaling or non-signaling.
combining everything needed for 5G
NR testing. CMsquares controls all
new 5G radio communications testers
via a standardized graphical interface,
integrating test configuration, param-
eterization, measurements and test
execution in a single environment
with a dashboard and quick access
to the various applications (see Fig-
ure 2). The interactive callbox mode
rapidly connects to a device under
test, changes network parameters on
the fly, analyzes real time RF Tx and
Rx measurements and trace protocol
stack messages on all protocol lay-
ers and generates statistics for data
throughput testing, offering various
chart diagrams. It also integrates a se-
quencer mode to run preconfigured s Fig. 2 The test software R&S CMsquares controls all 5G radio communications
testers, unifying 5G NR testing.
5G NR test scripts or it can create 5G
NR test scripts from scratch using a
simple drag-and-drop approach. The challenges associated with 5G NR require high
An interactive mode and a sequencer mode can be flexibility, end-to-end data testing solutions and reli-
used in parallel, working together to provide the same able measurement methods. As a long-term partner
test results to the user, whether using the R&S CMP200 of the mobile radio communications industry, Rohde &
radio communications tester for non-signaling tests or Schwarz offers a comprehensive portfolio of innovative
the R&S CMX500 radio communications tester for 5G 5G NR test solutions.n
NR network emulation.
Software and Hardware
Near-Field Transformations
for 5G OTA Testing
Benoît Derat, Corbett Rowell, Adam Tankielun and Sebastian Schmitz
Rohde & Schwarz, Munich, Germany
Increased capacity in 5G mobile communications requires rolling out massive MIMO base
stations with network and mobile terminals at both sub-6 GHz and mmWave frequencies.
Dynamic beamforming and the absence of RF test ports on the devices being tested make
over-the-air (OTA) measurement pivotal to 5G deployment. Fortunately, OTA testing solutions
employing software and hardware near-field transformations are meeting the challenges.
G new radio (NR) communication systems will bining modem, RF front-end and antenna. The chal-
increase the capacity of mobile radio networks lenge is to define new methods and setups for perfor-
using frequency bands in the sub-6 GHz region, mance evaluation, as RF test ports tend to disappear
called frequency range 1 (FR1) by 3GPP, and the and beam steering technologies require system-level
mmWave range (FR2). New technological approaches testing. In this context, both antenna and transceiver
selected by the industry and 3GPP promise greater performance criteria must be measured OTA: effective
bandwidth at lower operational expense. isotropic radiated power (EIRP), total radiated power
In FR1, the main innovation effort is focused on the (TRP), effective isotropic sensitivity (EIS), total isotro-
base station, with the enabling of massive MIMO tech- pic sensitivity (TIS), error vector magnitude (EVM), ad-
niques.1 4G systems use single-user MIMO, where the jacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) and spectrum
user equipment (UE) calculates the inverse channel emission mask (SEM). Assessing these OTA raises the
matrix to extract separate data streams. 5G multi-user critical question of the required measurement dis-
MIMO (MU-MIMO) shifts the complexity from UEs to the tance. Antenna characteristics are usually measured
base station by using a pre-coding matrix. Here, each in the far field. Using direct far-field probing and ap-
data stream is received independently by separate re- plying the Fraunhofer distance criterion (R = 2D2/λ), a
ceivers. Beamforming with antenna arrays of 64 to 512 75 cm massive MIMO device under test (DUT) radiating
elements reduces interference to adjacent users using at 2.4 GHz should be evaluated in a chamber with at
MU-MIMO. In addition to facilitating the adoption of least 9 m range length. Even a 15 cm smartphone trans-
MU-MIMO to increase capacity, beamforming has other mitting at 43.5 GHz needs a 6.5 m testing distance. This
advantages. Its lower energy consumption brings a re- distance is required to create a region encompassing
duction in overall network operating costs by targeting the DUT where the impinging field is as uniform as pos-
individual UEs with their assigned signals. sible and approaches a plane wave with phase deviation
Communication systems in the FR2 range use large below 22.5 degrees, known as the quiet zone.
available bandwidths at frequencies around 28 and 39 Research shows that actual far-field behavior in the
GHz. The impact is more than 60 dB path loss at 1 m peak directivity region can start much closer than the
distance and large electromagnetic field absorption in Fraunhofer distance.2 These results proved, for exam-
nearby objects. As with FR1 systems, the solution is to ple, that the far-field EIRP or EIS of a 15 cm DUT radiat-
employ antenna arrays and beam steering, improving ing at 24 GHz can be assessed at a distance as short as
the gain on both the mobile device and base station 1.14 m. Distance reduction of about 70 percent comes
sides of the network. at the price of increased longitudinal taper error, caused
Whether for FR1 or FR2, 5G deployment relies on by the deviation of the apparent phase center from the
the performance of highly integrated solutions com- center of the measurement coordinate system. Also,
Planar Wavefront
Spherical Wavefront
Online book with technical details
and implementation aspects of 5G
Five Rohde & Schwarz experts for wireless communications technologies
give insights into 5G NR. In this eBook readers
► explore all relevant details of the new technology –
from fundamentals to procedures in line with the 3GPP specification
► discover key implementation aspects by describing not only “how”
the technology was specified, but also “why” and
► learn which test and measurement equipment is required to develop,
manufacture and service 5G NR products
Register now
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