PZO90166 - Fists of The Ruby Phoenix - 01 - Despair On Danger Island
PZO90166 - Fists of The Ruby Phoenix - 01 - Despair On Danger Island
PZO90166 - Fists of The Ruby Phoenix - 01 - Despair On Danger Island
Despair on
Danger Island
By Luis Loza
1 HEX = 1/2 MILE
F29 • F30 •
F28 • D5 •
F25 • S• C•
J9 • E•
G10 • B3 • F26 •
H8 • F27 •
C• I4 •
F22 •
I3 • C• F24 • C•
J8 • E• F23 •
F20 • G9 •
D4 • L• F21 • H7 •
T• C•
C• J7 •
C• O•
F19 •
H6 •
F18 • G8 •
F17 • J6 •
F13 • G7 • D3 •
F15 •
F14 • E• F16 •
J5 •
C• J4 • R•
F12 • C• H5 •
H4 • Q• N• G6 •
G5 • C• C•
F9 •
D2 • F10 •
F8 •
D1 •
H3 • J3 • F11 •
K• F7 •
C• C•
B1 • F6 •
E• G3 • G4 • E•
C• G2 •
F5 • I2 •
F1 • F4 • C•
I1 •
J2 •
F3 •
B2 •
G1 •
C• H2 •
F2 •
J1 •
H1 •
Luis Loza
Patrick Renie
Logan Bonner
Patrick Hurley
Addley C. Fannin, Yvonne Hsiao,
Patrick Hurley, Avi Kool, Kieran Newton, and
BJ Recio
Ramon Puasa Jr.
David Astruga, Gislaine Avila, Vlada Hladkova,
Robert Lazzaretti, Damien Mammoliti, A d ve ntu r e P Ath 1 of 3
Artur Nakhodkin, Christoph Peters,
Ernanda Souza, and Jessé Suursoo
Sonja Morris and Sarah E. Robinson
James Jacobs
Erik Mona
d e s PAir on d Ang e r i s l An d ................. 2
by Luis Loza
Chapter 1: Welcome to Danger Island 4
Chapter 2: Survive 22
Chapter 3: The Empress at the Top of the World 54
on Danger
DESPAIR ON Chapter 1:
Welcome to
Danger Island
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
The Empress at the
Top of the World
Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
Chapter 1: Welcome to Danger Island ......................... 4 SIMPLE MOTIVATIONS Toolbox
The player characters have earned a spot in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament’s Welcome to the Fists of the Ruby
qualifying pool! They begin their adventure by arriving on the remote island Phoenix Adventure Path! This is the
of Bonmu for their chance to earn a place in the tournament proper. The first official Pathfinder Adventure
characters meet the competition before travelling to an abandoned temple Path that begins with the player
of Irori, their assigned base of operations. There, they must overcome characters higher than 1st level. The
lingering dangers from Bonmu’s mysterious, ancient past. text makes no assumptions about
your player characters’ previous
Chapter 2: Survive .......................................................22 escapades. All that’s necessary
The qualifying round begins in earnest. The player characters and their is that the characters are at least
rivals must travel throughout Bonmu to face one another in facilitated well-known enough to receive an
fighting bouts, compete in unique challenges, and endure the island’s many invitation to the prestigious Ruby
natural hazards and threats. Phoenix Tournament. The draw of
accepting this invitation should be
Chapter 3: The Empress at the Top of the World .....54 obvious: In addition to the priceless
Having earned their place in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament, all the prestige and honor that comes with
characters must do now is travel to the peak of Mount Haminabu, where participating in the world-famous
Lady Nai Yan Fei, Empress of Goka, awaits. Once there, they’ll have a tournament, the contenders have
chance to prove their might and skill before the powerful ruler and possibly a chance of winning terrific prizes,
earn her favor in advance of the tournament. including possibly one of the grand
relics from the sorcerer Hao Jin’s
famous treasure vault.
Advancement Track If gold and glory don’t entice your
“Despair on Danger Island” is designed for four player characters. players, consider seeding in a bit
of intrigue. Ten years ago, cheats
working for the Golden League crime
11 The characters begin this adventure at 11th level. ring nearly won the competition.
Villains might try once more to hijack
the event unless a team of heroes
12 The characters should reach 12th level by the time they clear out
the temple of Irori.
rises to the occasion.
However you bring your players
to the Ruby Phoenix Tournament,
No sorcerer on Golarion can boast more fame than Hao and, in keeping with Hao Jin’s wishes, organized the
Jin, the Ruby Phoenix. Renowned for her interplanar first Ruby Phoenix Tournament—a grand fighting
travels and phoenix-like powers of self-resurrection— spectacle that would draw athletes from around the
the source of her sobriquet—perhaps the only thing world. Every 10 years, the winner of this glorious
that can rival Hao Jin’s fame is her vast collection of competition gets to claim one item from Hao Jin’s
relics and artifacts. She accumulated these treasures magnificent vault as their prize. In this way, many of
over centuries in honor of her deity Abadar’s reliquary her relics were released back into the world, one by
of wonders, the First Vault. Her ultimate goal in one, for over 300 years.
seeking such treasures was to achieve true immortality,
but this destiny ever eludes her. Th e V e ng e f u l A xio miTe
When Hao Jin finally resigned herself to the fact Hao Jin’s collection included a magical banner called
that she would someday die, she set about devising the Hao Jin Tapestry: a seemingly ordinary piece of
contingencies to prevent her priceless relics from embroidery that in fact granted access to a vast personal
disappearing into the annals of history upon her demiplane crafted by Hao Jin herself. Within this
death. She left the Gokan Temple of Abadar detailed demiplane, Hao Jin stored entire monuments, cities,
instructions for how to handle her estate in the event and even landscapes taken from the Material Plane—
of her disappearance. Such a contingency came to pass as well as the people who dwelled in these captured
in 6891 ic (Imperial Calendar; 4391 ar), when Hao locales. Her reasons for collecting these locations and
Jin failed to appear at the temple as she had said she inhabitants were mixed. Some settlements were in
would. The Abadarans could only presume her dead imminent danger of besiegement, pestilence, or other
on Danger
certain doom, and Hao Jin sought to preserve the areas and their people CHAPTER 1 SYNOPSIS
by shielding them inside her magical domain. Other locales simply struck The player characters arrive on
Chapter 1:
her as so beautiful that she had to have them in her collection. the remote island of Bonmu in the
Welcome to
By the time of her disappearance, Hao Jin had amassed a sizable island nation of Minata, where they Danger Island
collection of geographic keepsakes and sentient beings within her powerful will compete against other fighters
artifact. In her absence, the Hao Jin Tapestry collected dust in the back of from around the world to qualify Chapter 2:
Hao Jin’s vault in Goka. When contestants began fighting in the Ruby for the Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Survive
Phoenix Tournament for her treasures, it was only a matter of time before First, the characters must locate
Chapter 3:
a winner chose the Hao Jin Tapestry as their prize and, wittingly or not, the abandoned temple of Irori The Empress at the
released its trapped denizens back into the cosmos. designated as their headquarters Top of the World
This came to pass in 4711 ar, when agents of the Pathfinder Society for the duration of the three-day
won that decade’s tournament and claimed the tapestry. After studying the qualifying round. As they make Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
relic and gleaning its true powers, formidable Pathfinders undid the magic their way through the temple, the
of the fabric and relinquished the encaged locations back into the world. characters quickly learn they aren’t Adventure
For the most part, this was a welcome occurrence—the dangers that the only denizens—they’ll need to Toolbox
threatened the subsumed communities and monuments had long vanished clear out the various creatures and
in the centuries since Hao Jin preserved them, and now the descendants threats, including roaming beasts
of the people originally trapped within could immigrate to the Material and restless undead, before they
Plane and go about their lives in the wider world. For some, however, can call it home. Once the temple
dwelling in Hao Jin’s Tapestry was worse than a prison—for them, it was is clear, the characters get the rest
nothing short of a personal hell. of the day to prepare as they wish
Such was the case for an axiomite (Pathfinder Bestiary 9) known as in anticipation for the start of the
Syndara the Sculptor, a fellow builder of demiplanes who befriended qualifying round the next morning.
Hao Jin during her extraplanar adventures long ago. The two originally
shared a friendly rivalry and fostered many qualities and interests in one LANGUAGE IN TIAN XIA
another, including the manipulation of planar energies and the study of Tian Xia is a region home to a diverse
physical fitness through martial arts. Unlike Hao Jin, Syndara was more array of peoples, each with their own
mercenary with his talents; he hired out his demiplane-building services to languages. The most broadly spoken
anyone with the coin to pay, specializing in the construction of personal language in the region is Tien, which
pleasure playgrounds and extradimensional museum galleries. When functions as a common tongue in the
Syndara constructed a demiplane for a wicked aristocrat named Sok same way Taldane does in the Inner
Jyun-son—a Tian-Hwan despot who had strong-armed considerable land Sea region. Since the NPCs of this
from Hwanggot natives during that nation’s time under imperial Lung Adventure Path hail from across the
Wa’s thumb—Hao Jin couldn’t bear the thought of her friend aiding one globe, their statistics list the proper
who had committed so many atrocities so close to her own homeland. name of the language they speak,
The Ruby Phoenix placed Sok Jyun-son and his domain of terror into rather than Common. Creatures in
the Hao Jin Tapestry, alongside the treacherous Syndara and his current the Adventure Toolbox, since they
work-in-progress: a demiplane encased in a crystal bauble that the Sculptor can be adapted for any game, still
affectionately called the Glass Lighthouse. Sok Jyun-son eventually use Common to refer to the most
perished within the Hao Jin Tapestry, but Syndara, immortal by his very prevalent language in the region
nature, did not. where they appear.
Time is a fickle construct in demiplanes. While it generally moves at the For more information on the
same pace as the Material Plane, at other times it follows its own rules. Within people of Tian Xia, see the Pathfinder
the Glass Lighthouse, trapped inside the Hao Jin Tapestry, time warped Lost Omens Character Guide.
and stretched, expanding the 300 years between Hao Jin’s imprisonment
of Syndara and his return to the Material Plane over a thousand times.
Sealed away in that tiny cell with no one but himself for company, 300,000
years was more than enough for Syndara to become incredibly powerful—
and obsessed with revenge. For her part, Hao Jin forgot Syndara when
she willingly gave up her knowledge of the Hao Jin Tapestry’s creation in
penance to extradimensional beings who persecuted her for her hubris.
Now, released from imprisonment after so long, Syndara has dedicated
the rest of his existence to hunting down and destroying Hao Jin.
The Ruby Phoenix b o n mu
TouRnAmenT During the Age of Legends, the magnificent empire
This year’s Ruby Phoenix Tournament promises to of Taumata spanned most of what is now modern-
be unlike any before it—because the Ruby Phoenix day Minata. The Taumatans used their great
herself will be there! knowledge in the arcane arts and engineering to
In 4719 ar, as the church of Abadar continued maintain an empire spanning thousands of miles.
their usual preparations for the 32nd Ruby Phoenix During the Earthfall disaster, great floods, storms,
Tournament, the unexpected occurred: Hao Jin and tsunamis wiped out Taumata, an event that most
returned to Goka. The church scrambled to determine Minatan folklore assigns to vengeful gods angered
its next steps as the contract with the sorcerer assumed by the country’s blasphemy. Most of Taumata was
her death, which was obviously not the case. Hao Jin lost, with only a handful of structures and relics
recognized the importance of the tournament and was surviving the cataclysm. The land itself shattered
content with continuing the tradition, so long as she into countless islands that constitute the archipelago
had her share of input into the process. The church now called Minata. Among this vast archipelago
agreed, and Hao Jin immediately began making lies the small island of Bonmu, once the location of
changes to the tournament’s format. one of Taumata’s capital cities and featuring one of
Rather than permit several dozens or even hundreds the most complete collections of ancient Taumatan
of entrants, Hao Jin hand-selected and approved just 32 architecture and artifacts.
teams of fighters. The teams included competitors from Several millennia after the Taumatan empire’s
other major tournaments around Golarion, famous destruction, a large number of Tian-Sings discovered
and up-and-coming martial artists, and even notable Bonmu and took residence among the abandoned
adventuring groups. Hao Jin chose these contestants structures. They made the island a center of religious
with consideration not only for their martial prowess, worship, repurposing many of the temples to forgotten
but also for their anticipated entertainment value. Taumatan gods into temples of Tian-Sing deities like
After picking the teams, Hao Jin made one more Gozreh, Hei Feng, and Irori. The new Bonmuans
significant change to the tournament process: rather enjoyed peace and prosperity for decades.
than simply setting the teams against each other in a This peace met an abrupt end in 4606 ar. A
tournament bracket, the Ruby Phoenix created a large massive tsunami struck the western Arcadian
preliminary qualifying round. In this round, all teams coast and pulled much of the ocean away, creating
will compete against each other in a multi-day free- temporary land bridges between Minata’s islands that
for-all that tests their survival skills, teamwork, and lasted for days. Terrifying creatures from the nearby
mental fortitude. Only the top eight teams from this Valashmai Jungle—including Mogaru, a massive
preliminary round will qualify to enter the Ruby Phoenix saurian kaiju—used these new bridges to make their
Tournament’s main event. So, Hao Jin’s 32 teams have way to the Minatan isles, including Bonmu. The
traveled to the remote island of Bonmu, where they will Bonmuans watched in horror as Mogaru rampaged
compete against one another for three grueling days until across neighboring islands and smaller monstrosities
the pool is whittled down to just eight finalists. overran their home. They ultimately fled to avoid
Hao Jin remains unaware of the machinations of obliteration and never looked back, believing the
her old friend turned bitter rival, Syndara the Sculptor. again-abandoned island to be cursed. Since that
Free at last from the Hao Jin Tapestry, Syndara saw time, Bonmu has had an ill reputation, though most
the sorcerer’s return to the Material Plane as his pragmatists—including Hao Jin and her fellow
opportunity for vengeance. To enact his plot, Syndara tournament organizers—disregard these rumors as
first enlisted powerful martial artists from around nothing more than superstition.
Golarion to fight on his behalf. He pulled strings in As Hao Jin began implementing her changes to
Goka to have one of Hao Jin’s hand-picked teams, the Ruby Phoenix Tournament, she chose Bonmu
the Lightkeepers, secretly murdered so that his allies as the site for her qualifying round. She was already
could take their place. Syndara believes that he can use familiar with the island and the empire of Taumata
this team to lure Hao Jin to the demiplane where he’s and recognized dangerous wilderness as a fitting
been trapped for centuries, so that he can finally—and place to test her chosen contestants. In Hao Jin’s
permanently—murder the Ruby Phoenix. Whether his mind, Bonmu’s dangerous reputation only adds to the
plan will come to fruition, however, depends largely tournament’s air of mystique, but she also knew the
on how the Lightkeepers fare against their most addition of a playful monicker—“Danger Island”—
challenging rivals: the player characters. couldn’t hurt.
on Danger
g e TTing S TA RTe d the tournament, you have already earned a place among the
To kick off the story, the player characters receive an greatest fighters Golarion has ever known. However, only
Chapter 1:
invitation to take part in the extremely prestigious eight teams may continue on to the tournament proper,
Welcome to
once-per-decade fighting competition called the and that is why you are here today. Welcome to the Danger Island
Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Numerous reasons island of Bonmu, or, as dubbed by Lady Hao Jin,
to accept this invitation abound, some of ‘Danger Island.’ This will be your home for the Chapter 2:
which are described in the sidebar on next few days, and it is here where you will Survive
page 3. Answer any general questions your earn the right to enter the tournament.
Chapter 3:
players have about the Ruby Phoenix “Bonmu is vast. It is a place of ancient ruins The Empress at the
Tournament, summarizing the details and sites left untouched by the centuries. Lady Top of the World
on the preceding pages (except, of Hao Jin has reclaimed this place and picked
course, anything about the Adventure out a suitable location for each team to reside Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
Path’s antagonist, Syndara the Sculptor). during their stay. Of course, nothing is given
This adventure begins when the player freely at the Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Each Adventure
characters arrive on Bonmu for the team has been assigned a specific location Toolbox
qualifying round of the Ruby Phoenix somewhere on this island, but many of
Tournament. How and when the these sites are filled with dangerous
characters reach Bonmu is up to creatures or worse. It falls to you to
you, but this adventure assumes make your site safe. Within your
that they arrive via a large ship that residence you will find the phoenix
departed from a city such as Goka, necklace and three silver feathers.
Kasai, or Absalom. They have had at Your mission here is to acquire and keep
least a few days to meet with some of the seven more such silver feathers.
other tournament entrants aboard their Sifu Xho Nuo “Without further delay, I leave you to the
ship; feel free to play out some of these whims of Bonmu. The pre-qualifier begins
meetings so the characters can to get to know some at sunrise tomorrow. May the worthiest win!” At that, the
of the other teams and establish some friendships or teams burst into excited conversations with their escorts
rivalries. The “Ruby Phoenix Fighting Roster” article and rush toward their residences. Danger Island awaits!
on page 66 offers information on the pre-qualifier’s
most notable teams. S
e TTing o uT
However they get to the island, the party’s first The player characters’ escort is a monk named
stop is the docks (area B1, on the southwest coast Ingdani (LN female Tian-Sing ghost eater 13). Ingdani
of the island, as seen on the inner cover map), where descends from one of the Tian-Sing families who fled
all of the entrants line up while they stretch, practice Bonmu to escape the devastating kaiju attack, and she
techniques, and spar with each other. The air buzzes knows much about the island from the second-hand
with anticipation. After a few minutes, a cloister of accounts of her parents and grandparents. This, in
red-and-gold-outfitted monks arrives at the docks and addition to her combat proficiency, is partially why
calls the assembly to order. One monk meets with each Emissary Nuo selected her as an attendant.
team and introduces themself as the team’s attendant Ingdani informs the party that their residence will
and guide for the duration of their time on Bonmu; the be at a temple of Irori roughly a third of a mile from
player characters’ guide, Ingdani, is described below, the docks. She explains that as the team’s escort, she
under Setting Out. Eventually, an old man wearing will accompany them during their stay on the island,
brilliant robes arrives by boat at the docks. All the answering any questions they have and helping in
monks bow to the man before he begins his speech. what limited ways she can.
Archetype Teacher: Ingdani is an invaluable source
A hush falls over the crowd as the wizened man steps onto of information for the player characters. She is
one of the docks and clears his throat. Even the ocean’s well-versed in the legend of Hao Jin and the history
waves seem to cease their crashing for a dramatic moment, of the Ruby Phoenix Tournament. She is also quite
and then the man speaks in a loud and clear voice. skilled in the unique Minatan martial arts tradition
“I am Sifu Xho Nuo—Emissary of the Ruby Phoenix called ghost eating, which she is willing to teach
Tournament and guardian of the legacy of Hao Jin, the the characters. Ingdani doesn’t offer to teach these
immortal sorcerer in whose name you are gathered here. techniques immediately, however; first, she wants to
Know that in simply receiving an invitation to qualify for see the characters take an honest crack at establishing
their base at the abandoned temple of Irori (page 12). list of the rules for easy reference.) She also hands the
Once the characters claim their phoenix necklace (page characters a scroll which details these instructions and
75) from the temple, Ingdani teaches them what features a basic map of Bonmu. The map shows
she knows, granting them access to the ghost the general topography and geographical
eater archetype on page 79. (If your players features of the island and also notes the
are enthusiastic to take this archetype, locations of the five transport towers.
consider bending the usual downtime
rules so characters can retrain in a Basic Rules
matter of hours rather than weeks.) The qualifying round has a number of
Ingdani adheres to her strict orders ground rules.
to not help any contenders with any • The commands of the emissary and
combat while on Bonmu, but she his agents are to be obeyed at all times,
defends herself if necessary. If you and the emissary’s word is final. None
need to include Ingdani in combat, shall take violent action against the
use the stat block for the ki adept emissary or his agents.
on page 24 to represent her. • The emissary employs a
Once the characters are ready number of enforcers to
to go, Ingdani leads them toward maintain order on the
the temple where they’ll be island. The enforcers are
staying. Along the way, she points agents of the emissary and so
out the following specific sites that have the authority to declare
can be seen from the docks. unique challenges and matches.
Ruins Arena: This arena is the Ingdani • To qualify for the Ruby Phoenix
closest designated fighting site to Tournament, a team must collect a total of
the temple of Irori. It is noted as location C 10 silver feathers. A team can attempt to earn
on the map on the inside front cover, in the same hex as feathers by challenging another team to a match
the temple of Irori (area A). The player characters are and wagering feathers.
free to accept challenges at the temple, once they have • All teams must be able to readily present their
claimed the residence, but can also move any challenges phoenix necklace (page 75) and at least 1 silver
to the ruins arena if they so wish. feather to the emissary or his enforcers. Failure
Stone Market: The next site Ingdani points out is a set to do so will result in immediate disqualification.
of small stone shacks at area E. Each of these buildings • No contestant may leave Bonmu, for any reason,
is magically connected to a tournament-operated until the conclusion of the qualifying round,
stall in the Neverending Market in Goka, allowing unless they are disqualified or lose all of their
competitors to purchase any common goods and silver feathers.
equipment during their time on Bonmu. The Stone • The qualifying round lasts a total of 3 days.
Market is a hot spot of activity; any time the player On the third day, any team with a complete set
characters come here, there is a 25% chance they run of silver feathers can visit Mount Haminabu
into another fighting team looking for a match. to confirm their entry into the tournament by
Transport Tower: Finally, Ingdani notes a stone presenting their necklace and 10 feathers. Once
tower looming over the treetops half a mile north of the eight teams have qualified for the tournament,
temple of Irori, at area D1. She explains that the tower the qualifying round is over, and all remaining
is one of five located around Bonmu. These towers teams are immediately disqualified.
are all connected by teleportation magic and allow
for quick transport around the island. The towers are Contests
considered safe sites; any attempts to fight or declare To earn silver feathers, teams must engage other
a match within them results in instant disqualification. teams in official fighting matches. Teams can
challenge one another to a match at any time once
DANGER ISLAND RULES the qualifying round begins except for designated
During the party’s journey to the temple of Irori, safe hours (every night from midnight to sunrise).
Ingdani explains the rules for the qualifying round. A team must challenge another team in the presence
(These rules become more important starting in of an enforcer. A challenged team must accept the
Chapter 2; consider offering your players a written challenge or be disqualified.
on Danger
Once a match has been declared, the challengers must In addition to acting as referees, the enforcers are a
wager between one and three feathers. The defenders type of rival team themselves. An enforcer or group of
Chapter 1:
must then match the wager; if a defending team can’t enforcers can challenge any contending team on the
Welcome to
match the wager, they must wager their remaining island to a match. The enforcers are not required to Danger Island
feathers. Once the wagers are placed, the feathers are wager any feather tokens, though they may require the
handed to the enforcer, who takes both teams to the defending team to wager up to 3 feathers. This process Chapter 2:
nearest designated fighting site (areas A, C, or F). Teams is intended to thin the pool of available feathers and Survive
can also agree to fight one another without making a make it more difficult for some of the teams to acquire
Chapter 3:
wager, in which case they are free to fight anywhere the 10 feathers they need to qualify. If a challenged The Empress at the
on the island, and the defending team isn’t required to team defeats the enforcers, the winners earn 500 gp Top of the World
accept the challenge. instead of silver feathers. Of course, no lethal action
Once at the fighting area, the challenge begins. may be taken against the enforcers. Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
Only the two teams are allowed to participate in the The enforcers also have the power to declare unique
challenge. Neither team can accept aid from anyone challenges that don’t involve a fighting match. These Adventure
not participating in the challenge. The challenge is a challenges are designed to encourage the teams to travel Toolbox
free-for-all between both teams. The last team standing the island and overcome the environment. To entice
is the winner. A team can choose to yield and forfeit teams to participate in these challenges, the enforcers
at any time during the challenge. Failing to honor the possess a number of additional silver feathers that they
forfeit results in a disqualification. The slaying of an can give out as rewards to the challenge winners.
entrant during a challenge is entirely possible and Though the emissary is ultimately in charge of all
permitted, but if an agent of the emissary catches any the tournament agents on the island, including the
team attempting to lethally harm an entrant outside of enforcers, he has delegated command of the enforcers
a challenge, that team is disqualified. to an onidoshi named Koto Zekora. Koto Zekora is
Once one side has fallen or forfeited, the enforcer considered the final arbiter of any enforcer decisions,
declares a winner and provides the winning team all and her authority is second only to that of the emissary.
of the wagered feathers. If the transfer of feathers
would grant a team more than 10 total feathers, any MEETING TINO’S TOUGHEST MODERATE 11
excess feathers go to the enforcers and are taken out As soon as the player characters start their trip toward
of play from the qualifying round. There are no ties the temple of Irori (but before they make it very far),
in challenges and in the rare case where a winner is another team runs up and hails them. This team is Tino’s
not immediately obvious, the enforcer has final say Toughest. Tino and his pals are an amicable lot, and the
on declaring the winner. In addition to earning the player characters will get to know them well throughout
feathers, the winning team also earns a bonus of the Adventure Path. (More details about Tino’s Toughest
500 gp for winning a challenge. The enforcers are can be found in “Ruby Phoenix Fighting Roster” on page
free to add to the winnings as they see fit in cases 66.) For now, Tino introduces himself and his team, then
of particularly spectacular or memorable matches. explains that he overheard that the characters are headed
Looting of defeated teams is permissible only if all to the temple of Irori. Tino and his team are staying in
members of the losing team have been killed. the library of Gruhastha, half a mile from the temple, and
After a match, the winning team can’t challenge the they’re all eager to meet their island neighbors.
losing team again for the duration of the event. The Tino’s Toughest might seem a motley bunch at first
losing team doesn’t have this restriction, however, and glance. Tino, though exhibiting youthful exuberance
can challenge a team that has beaten them to rematches and a finely honed body with a fashionable tattoo of
until the losing team either runs out of feathers or the Master’s Rebus on his chest, is already into his
wins. Finally, any team with 10 or more feathers is middle years and has seen his fair share of triumphs
prohibited from issuing challenges to other teams, and tragedies. Ji-yook is coy and aloof, always
though other teams are still allowed to challenge them. promising that she’ll strike out on her own after one
last adventure, but she inevitably sticks with her friends.
Enforcers Takatorra is Tino’s best friend since childhood, and Tino
Rather than send in their own priests, the church of has loyally helped Takatorra—whose lengthy search
Abadar has recruited capable fighters to help maintain for self-realization and rare sweets don’t hinder their
order on Bonmu and act as judges. These enforcers mastery of swordplay—through countless challenges
have the power to oversee challenges and directly both existential and confectionary. Yabin “the Just”
interfere when any team breaks the rules. is the most stoic of the lot, though even the slightest
mention of anything dragon-related is enough to get the invited to take part in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament, we
sorcerer babbling about his favorite topic of study. leapt at the chance to travel to a new place and test our
Tino and his team see the Ruby Phoenix Tournament strength against worthy opponents. It would be quite a
as an opportunity to improve their fighting skills. “We’ve thing to earn one of Hao Jin’s great treasures… but as
met a lot of people on our adventures,” Tino says, “but long as we’re having fun and making memories, I don’t
there’s always more to learn. When we got word we were think any of us would regret losing the tournament!”
Tino suggests that the party and his team engage in
a friendly sparring match. If the player characters seem
reluctant, Tino assures them that the fight will only
be a friendly match, with no intent for anyone to get
hurt. Tino doesn’t pressure the characters further if they
remain unsure, and he keeps his offer of a casual bout
open for the remainder of the time on Bonmu.
If the characters agree to the fight, Tino offers them
the chance to choose the location for the match. The
characters can choose any relatively open area; any of
the fighting sites in Chapter 2 or the map on the rear
inside cover are particularly suitable.
Toughest Tactics: Tino’s Toughest have adventured
together for many years and have honed their fighting
tactics to complement one another’s strengths. Tino
uses his Retributive Strike to defend Takatorra as the
two focus on a single target at a time. Ji-yook springs
around the battlefield attacking back-row combatants
like archers and spellcasters, and she uses her Pinning
Shot to keep similarly mobile foes in place. Yabin keeps
his distance, using his spells to confound opponents,
control the arena, and enhance his allies’ abilities. The
team graciously surrenders if two or more of their
members are knocked unconscious or if all of them
are reduced to fewer than 50 Hit Points.
Male Tian-Shu paladin of Irori
Perception +18
Languages Nagaji, Taldane, Tengu, Tien
Skills Acrobatics +21, Athletics +20, Diplomacy +18, Irori
Lore +15, Medicine +16
Str +3, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +3
Items +1 explorer’s clothing, +1 striking handwraps of
mighty blows
AC 28; Fort +18, Ref +19, Will +16; +1 status to all saves
vs. disease
HP 150
Retributive Strike [reaction] If Tino hits with his Retributive
Strike, the target takes 3 persistent good damage.
Speed 40 feet
Tino Melee [one-action] fist +20 (agile, finesse, magical, nonlethal,
unarmed), Damage 2d8+9 bludgeoning
Focus Spells DC 24; 5th (3 Focus Points) ki blast (Core
Rulebook 401), ki strike (Core Rulebook 401), lay on
hands (Core Rulebook 387)
on Danger
Flurry of Blows [one-action] (flourish) Tino makes two Strikes with a critical hit, the target must succeed at two separate
his fist or with a monk weapon. If both hit the same Athletics checks to pull the dart free. The target is flat-
Chapter 1:
creature, combine their damage for the purpose footed while it remains immobilized in this way.
Welcome to
of resistances and weaknesses. Sneak Attack Ji-yook’s Strikes deal an additional Danger Island
Powerful Fists Tino’s fist Strikes don’t 2d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures.
take penalties when making Chapter 2:
lethal attacks. TAKATORRA CREATURE 9 Survive
AC 27; Fort +19, Ref +16, Will +15; +1 status to all saves enlightenment, and Irori himself. These magically
vs. poison enhanced carvings emit a dim blue light within all
HP 130; Resistances poison 5 the interior rooms. Anyone inside one of the temple’s
Speed 25 feet rooms can utter Irori’s name to suppress or reactivate
Melee [one-action] bo staff +17 (magical, parry, reach, trip), Damage the room’s light; suppressed lights automatically
2d8+5 bludgeoning reactivate after 8 hours.
Ranged [one-action] venom +18 (range 10 feet), Effect nagaji venom The temple has only three entrances, at areas A1,
Arcane Spontaneous Spells DC 27, attack +20; 5th (2 slots) A4, and A6, though some recent damage makes for
chromatic wall, cloak of colors, magic missile; 4th (3 slots) easy access into area A13 as well. All of the doors are
confusion, freedom of movement, spell immunity, wall of made from thick wood and are unlocked. The exterior
fire; 3rd (3 slots) fireball, haste, lightning bolt, slow; 2nd doors sport interior brackets to ease with barring the
(3 slots) blur, mirror image, resist energy, touch of idiocy; door, though the wooden beams once used for this
1st (3 slots) charm, fear, ray of enfeeblement, true strike; purpose are missing. The ceilings of the temple are 15
Cantrips (5th) acid splash, detect magic, light, shield, feet high unless otherwise noted. A number of rooms
telekinetic projectile lack ceilings entirely, leaving areas A3, A7, A10, and
Sorcerer Bloodline draconic (brass dragon) A11 exposed to the elements. See page 14 for the map
Sorcerer Bloodline Spells DC 27; 5th (2 Focus Points) of the temple.
dragon breath (Core Rulebook 403), dragon claws (Core The Broken Rebus: A century ago, a small but
Rulebook 403) vibrant community of Iroran monks spent their entire
Nagaji Venom (poison) Saving Throw DC 25 Fortitude; lives within this temple’s walls. All that came to an end
Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 2d6 poison (1 when a splinter group in the order attempted to take
round); Stage 2 3d6 poison and dazzled (1 round); Stage the temple for themselves. This group, known as the
3 4d6 poison and blinded (1 round) Broken Rebus, believed that enlightenment came not
through knowledge or meditation but through outright
Prize: If the player characters defeat Tino’s Toughest, might, which they argued represented the pinnacle of
Tino thanks them for an enjoyable bout and gives them the physical self and allowed one to transcend into
a wand of death ward as thanks. Whether or not the the spiritual realm. This extreme belief soon became
party fights Tino’s team, Tino also gifts the characters twisted into a hunger for power. The Broken Rebus’s
two ghost touch weapon runes, saying with a wink, last resort—a violent takeover of the temple—failed,
“I’ve heard this island is covered in undead. I’d hate for but they did manage to mortally wound all their fellow
ghosts to get the better of you before we have a chance monks during the attack, spelling the end for the temple.
to fight again in the tournament.” Tino also offers to Signs of the Broken Rebus, including undead monks
use his Medicine skills and magic to heal the characters. and deadly hazards, still occupy much of the temple.
on Danger
the spaces immediately adjacent to the walls and front features a large pair of wooden doors; in the eastern wall
doors. The webs are difficult terrain. Clearing a square is an open doorway.
Chapter 1:
of webbing requires a single attack or effect that
Welcome to
deals at least 10 slashing damage or 5 fire The temple foyer doubled as a place Danger Island
damage. A square has AC 5, and it of teaching. The figure in the paintings
automatically fails saving throws. If represent Irori, though the monks Chapter 2:
the web takes at least 5 fire damage, intentionally excluded his face as they Survive
it catches on fire; each turn, the believed any depiction of the Master
Chapter 3:
fire burns away the webs in that of Masters would be an inadequate The Empress at the
space and spreads to any adjacent reproduction of his perfect image. Each Top of the World
webbed squares. A creature that image depicts Irori undergoing a trial
starts its turn in a burning square tied to a specific lesson. The temple monks Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
takes 5 fire damage. would return here to share the stories of
The webs covering area A1a must be Irori with outsiders. Adventure
destroyed before the temple’s doors can Temple’s Steward: The various items Toolbox
be opened. Area A1b’s webs are thick enough in the northern alcove belong to
for a character to climb up to the temple’s flat an anugobu (page 80) named
stone rooftop. At area A1c, the spiders’ latest Ahmitar. When he found the
meal—a badly wounded but still living temple over a decade ago, it
triceratops—lies half-cocooned in webs was in such shambles that he
and stuck to the temple’s exterior wall. almost moved on. But when
Destroying the webs around the triceratops he discovered the images of Irori behind
frees it to flail about, enraged, for 2 rounds Ahmitar the brambles that covered this chamber’s
before fleeing into the forest. walls, he realized that this temple would be his
The spiders are sleeping atop the roof when the wonder. He has since remained here, slowly restoring
party arrives. The characters can make Stealth checks the building.
against the spiders’ Perception DCs (32) to avoid Any battle outside the temple or in an adjacent
waking them up; if disturbed, the spiders immediately room catches Ahmitar’s attention, in which case he
attack. The spiders are initially a bit sluggish, and watches the characters from a safe distance and steps
are slowed 1 for the first 2 rounds of combat. They back to his spot in the chamber before he’s noticed.
crawl down from the rooftop and focus on any Small When the characters enter the chamber, he watches
combatants. If their webs are totally burned away or them closely. If someone examines his tools or
if they are each reduced to 40 Hit Points or fewer, the food, he hops out of his workspace and pleads with
spiders flee into the forest. them to leave his things alone. Ahmitar’s quivering
voice makes it obvious he is fearful of the fighters.
GOLIATH SPIDERS (2) CREATURE 11 He demands to know why they’re here, concerned
Pathfinder Bestiary 307 that they intend to damage the temple, but he lights
Initiative Perception +22 up if the characters mention that they are here to
clear the temple of its monsters, in which case he
WOUNDED TRICERATOPS CREATURE 8 regards them as friends. Otherwise, convincing
Triceratops (Pathfinder Bestiary 99) Ahmitar that they mean no harm or asking him to
Initiative Perception +16 leave them alone should be a simple process; the last
HP 60 (down from 140) thing Ahmitar wants is a confrontation with these
formidable visitors.
A2. CHAMBER OF TRIALS If the characters befriend Ahmitar, he makes a
valuable ally indeed. Ahmitar eagerly tells the party
A series of paintings line the walls of this large chamber, all about the temple, including its layout, the state of
depicting a faceless man undergoing various trials. The various rooms, and the creatures that dwell within. He
man wades through a river, balances atop a tall tree, happily follows and helps however he can, though he
and meditates amid a terrible storm. Several small tools retreats to his workspace if his life is in danger. Once
and some partially eaten food lie in the room’s northern the temple is cleared out, Ahmitar remains, fixing
alcove, before a depiction of the faceless man picking up any unfinished cosmetic repairs and providing
a flower among a field of brambles. The western wall companionship throughout the contenders’ stay.
A5 A4
A1 A2 A3 A10 A13
on Danger
Master’s Rebus is carved beside a handful of names; A4. REFECTORY LOW 11
these individuals were believed to have achieved some
Chapter 1:
form of enlightenment. Several wooden tables occupy this dining hall. A wooden
Welcome to
Creatures: When the Broken Rebus attempted to seize door to the north allows entry into the room from the Danger Island
the temple and oust those who opposed their violent outside, an open doorway to the west connects to a
credo, a number of temple monks fought them here, kitchen, and smaller doorways to the south connect to the Chapter 2:
and all perished in the process. These stalwart defenders temple’s courtyard. Survive
died believing they needed to protect the temple at all
Chapter 3:
costs, and this powerful belief resonated even as the Ahmitar made use of an unseen servant to clean this The Empress at the
monks perished. Now, the monks have become ghosts, cafeteria and the connecting kitchen from a distance, Top of the World
bound to the courtyard and yet determined to guard the but he keeps away from this part of the temple entirely
temple from any and all intruders. due to its haunted nature. Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
When the characters enter the courtyard, the silent Hazard: The Broken Rebus began their attack
monks manifest from their names on the pagoda during the monks’ evening meal, when most of their Adventure
and take up fighting stances. The ghosts can’t travel colleagues were enjoying dinner. As these monks Toolbox
beyond the courtyard and vanish if the courtyard is met their demise, the collective anguish of betrayal
empty for 1 minute. manifested a haunt within the refectory. Entering the
room causes the tables to fill with ghostly images of
GHOST MONKS (4) CREATURE 9 monks engaged in prayer as they begin their meal.
LN MEDIUM GHOST INCORPOREAL SPIRIT UNDEAD One round later, the haunt activates, causing ghostly
Ghost adherents of Irori (Pathfinder Bestiary 166) depictions of the Broken Rebus monks to manifest
Perception +18; darkvision and begin their attack, sending incorporeal tables and
Languages Tien tableware flying throughout the room.
Skills Irori Lore +17, Occultism +17, Temple Lore +17
Str –5, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +2, Wis +6, Cha +6 BROKEN REBUS ATTACK HAZARD 12
AC 25; Fort +15, Ref +19, Will +21 Stealth +20 (trained)
HP 115, negative healing, rejuvenation; Immunities death Description Ghostly attackers knock the tables about, send
effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconscious; dishes flying, and pull fleeing creatures into the room.
Resistances all damage 10 (except force, ghost touch, or Disable DC 34 Religion (expert) to say an Iroran prayer
positive; double resistance vs. non-magical) and put the haunt temporarily to rest, DC 38 Occultism
Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy) As ghost. Putting the (master) to create a ward against future hauntings
abbot in A8 to rest brings peace to the ghost monks, Ghostly Pull [reaction] Trigger One round passes since a creature
allowing them to move on to the Serene Circle in Axis. entered the refectory; Effect A Broken Rebus monk grabs
Speed fly 40 feet the creature and yanks them toward the room’s center. The
Melee [one-action] ghostly fist +21 (agile, finesse, magical), Damage triggering creature must attempt a DC 36 Fortitude save.
2d8+12 negative The haunt can use this reaction any number of times per
Flurry of Blows [one-action] (flourish) The ghost monk makes two round, but only once per creature that tries to leave the
Strikes with their ghostly fist. If both hit the same room. The haunt then rolls initiative, if it hasn’t already.
creature, combine their damage for the purpose of Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
resistances and weaknesses. Success The creature is pulled 10 feet into the room.
Frightful Moan [one-action] (auditory, divine, emotion, enchantment, Failure The creature is pulled 15 feet into the room.
fear, mental) As ghost. DC 25. Critical Failure The creature is pulled 15 feet into the room,
Telekinetic Assault [two-actions] (divine, evocation) As ghost. 5d6 knocked prone, and takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
bludgeoning, DC 25. Routine (1 action) The haunt sends a flurry of objects
hurtling across the room. All creatures in the room are
Treasure: The old weapons scattered throughout the battered by the ghostly objects, taking 3d10+14 force
yard are rusted beyond use, but their unique Iroran damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save).
iconography makes them worth a total of 500 gp to a Reset The haunt deactivates after 1 minute. It re-forms at
collector or Iroran temple. Anyone who sifts through the same times every day, 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., which is
the weapons or who succeeds at a DC 25 Perception when the monks had their morning and evening meals.
check to Seek finds a +2 striking ghost touch hook If at least two people cook a meal in the kitchen, share
sword (page 76) as well as a potion of tongues. a meal in the refectory, and utter a prayer to Irori before
the meal, the haunt becomes permanently disabled and a wide, flat top. Large, open doorways lead to the north,
doesn’t re-form. south, east, and west.
A5. KITCHEN The monks used this pond for meditation by sitting
upon the wide top of the stone structure, which is
A large stone oven takes up the southwestern corner of strong enough to support an adult’s weight. Sitting here
this simple kitchen, and a door in the northern wall leads offered the additional benefit of hiding the meditator’s
to a sparse pantry. An open doorway to the east connects reflection, which made it easier to disconnect from
to a large dining area. one’s self during their practice. The structure is also
infused with minor magic that constantly purifies the
Monks prepared meals in this kitchen twice daily, pond water, though it’s not strong enough to hide or
providing breakfast and dinner for the whole temple. deter the pond’s current inhabitant.
Treasure: In addition to storing food in the kitchen’s Creature: A powerful catoblepas broke into the
pantry, the temple monks kept a number of tools to help temple a few weeks ago after preparations for the Ruby
them with everyday life at the monastery, including a Phoenix Tournament drove it from its home in the
moderate potion of fire resistance in a spherical glass nearby forest. The monster found an open wall at the
vial, a decanter of endless water for when the temple’s eastern end of the temple (A13) and eventually made its
well went dry, and greater holy prayer beads that the way to the pond here. Now, it splits its time between
abbot would use to heal visitors in need. the pond, where it rests, and the forest, where it hunts
for food. It continues to use the same broken wall as an
A6. DORMITORY entrance, preventing all of Ahmitar’s attempts to repair
the barrier. For the moment, the catoblepas and Ahmitar
Rotted hay mattresses and small wooden chests fill most share a silent understanding, allowing the anugobu to
of the floor space in this large shared dormitory. Wide move through this room as long as he doesn’t disturb
doorways to the north and south lead out of the room. the monster.
Since the catoblepas isn’t always here, there’s a
Treasure: The ascetic Iroran monks kept what few possibility that the room is empty the first time the
belongings they had in these chests. More often, the player characters move through it. During the day, there
chests were reserved for visitors to the temple. The is a 50% chance the monster is out hunting. It eventually
monks would ask anyone who stayed to leave a small returns to the pond at sunset, where it remains until
donation in their chest, which the monks would leave morning. If the catoblepas is here when the characters
and only collect when the temple was in desperate enter, it brays a loud warning before attacking anyone
need of funds. Many visitors were overly generous, who remains in the room or tries to continue further.
leaving large amounts of gold or even valuable The catoblepas chases intruders out of the temple before
magic items in appreciation of the monks’ help. Over returning to the pond, though if reduced to fewer than
the years, the monks collected a sizable array of 50 Hit Points, it flees into the forest for its life.
contributions that they left in the chests, where they
remain to this day. ELITE CATOBLEPAS CREATURE 13
Sifting through all of the chests turns up an axiomatic Pathfinder Bestiary 2 6, 48
rune in a runestone engraved with imagery of a zuishin Initiative Perception +24
kami, an iron medallion, a spellstrike arrow (type V), a
ring of climbing, a wand of remove curse carved from Hazard: The catoblepas’s presence here slowly
a bulette tooth, half a dozen lacquered wooden holy turned the pond into a noxious pool of tainted water.
symbols of Irori strung on rotted hemp necklaces, a Anyone who drinks from the water or falls in must
small hide pouch containing 115 gp worth of tiny succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or become sickened
opals, and 218 gp in assorted coinage. 1. Once the catoblepas leaves, the pond’s magic cleans
the foul water completely after 24 hours.
A small stone walkway lines the perimeter of this
open-air chamber. A sandy area in the center of the Prayer and meditation aids fill the chamber, including rows
atrium surrounds a pond full of dark, dirty water. From of candles, dozens of bells, and multiple singing bowls,
the center of the pond rises a small stone structure with many of which are scattered haphazardly about the floor.
on Danger
A single silver feather lies among the detritus. The room candles here and offer a prayer to appease the angry
can be entered and exited from the hallway to the south. spirit of the dead abbot, grant them access to the
Chapter 1:
Wronged Monk’s Wrath feat (page 74).
Welcome to
The monks used this room as place to offer prayers XP Award: For recovering the silver feather from Danger Island
and songs to Irori. this room, award each character 80 XP.
Hazard: The temple’s abbot was in the middle Chapter 2:
of prayer inside this room when the Broken Rebus A9. SAND CHAMBER SEVERE 11 Survive
attacked. Half a dozen Broken Rebus monks set upon
Chapter 3:
the praying leader. Though she was outnumbered, the This large chamber is relatively empty save for the piles The Empress at the
abbot’s prodigious ki abilities allowed her to fend off of colorful sand all about the floor and a few small tools Top of the World
the attackers. She used her gift to channel a powerful scattered in the room’s corners. A silver feather sticks out
storm of ki and lightning that obliterated her attackers of a pile of red sand. A hallway to the north leads in and out. Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
but also overwhelmed her own body. Channeling the
storm was too much for her, and she expired shortly Adventure
thereafter. Her spirit remained, however, and it relives Toolbox
its final moments over and over again in this
chamber. The spirit can’t differentiate between
peaceful visitors and hostile intruders, so no
matter who enters, it attempts to channel its
wrath to defend the temple.
This was another of the temple’s meditation with the sand. Creating the image requires a successful
chambers. Here, monks created elaborate sand art DC 30 Crafting or Thievery check.
on the chamber’s floor, sometimes spending weeks
working together on improvisational yet beautiful, Treasure: Hidden in the sands and locatable with a
colorful arrangements. Once they were done, the successful DC 30 Perception check to Search is a light
monks would ritualistically dismantle the art, grain by brown elemental gem.
grain, and start again. Silver Feather: One of the party’s silver feathers
Creatures and Hazard: Like the temple’s other sticks out a pile of sand, but it is swept up in the gale
residents, the monks working in this chamber perished in once the hazard here activates. It can be snatched from
the Broken Rebus attack. The betrayal filled the monks the whirlwind with a successful DC 35 Thievery check.
with unbridled rage, and this rage crystallized as the XP Award: Award each character 80 XP for
monks died with hatred in their hearts. The betrayed recovering the silver feather from this room.
monks still linger here as a haunt, which activates as soon
as a PC tries to leave the room. Two ghostly monks made A10. TRAINING SPACE
from different-colored living sand manifest alongside the
haunt; these monks are fairly weak compared to the PCs, Stray leaves and twigs dot the sand pit in the center of
and are intended more as complicating factors rather this oval, open-air area. Halls lead north and south; an open
than true threats. doorway to the west looks out on a small pond, while to the
east is a large shrine.
Elite sand sentries (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 6, 109) The monks exercised here, occasionally using the area
Initiative Perception +16 as a community prayer space or for special ceremonies.
The sand here is the same dense sand as that in area A9;
SAND WHIRLWIND HAZARD 14 the entire pit is difficult terrain. The sand doesn’t slow
COMPLEX HAUNT down the Old Man statue at all, however (area A13).
Stealth +23 (trained) Treasure: Buried in the northwestern corner of the
Description Buffeting winds swirl sharp grains of sand sand pit is a greater striking rune, discernible with a
about the room. successful DC 25 Perception check to Seek.
Disable DC 38 Religion (expert) to state an Iroran koan
about being complete only upon recognizing one’s A11. GARDEN MODERATE 11
incompleteness, or DC 41 Occultism (master) to create a
ward against future hauntings A large garden plot takes up most of this roofless enclosure.
Sand Vacuum [reaction] Trigger A creature attempts to leave the The soil appears dry and what little plant life remains is dead
chamber; Effect A powerful wind pulls the creature back and wilted. A hallway leads south.
into the room. The triggering creature must attempt a
DC 39 Fortitude save. The haunt can use this reaction The monks maintained a garden which they used to
any number of times per round, but only once per grow fruits and vegetables for their meals. The plants
creature that tries to leave the room. The haunt then are all dead now with no one alive to tend them. If
rolls initiative, if it hasn’t already. asked, Ahmitar cheerfully promises to tend to the
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. garden once he’s done repairing the temple.
Success The creature is pulled back 10 feet into the room. Creatures: The open-air design of this room made
Failure The creature is pulled back 15 feet into the room it a prime residence for a colony of ticks. The insects
and is blinded for 1 round. hide among what plant matter remains and attack
Critical Failure The creature is pulled back 15 feet into anyone who disturbs the remnants of the garden. The
the room and is blinded for 1 minute. tick swarms flee once two or more are dispersed or
Routine (1 action) The haunt’s violent winds savagely they are all reduced to fewer than 40 Hit Points.
buffet everyone in the room, dealing 6d10+30
bludgeoning damage to living creatures (DC 34 basic TICK SWARMS (4) CREATURE 9
Reflex save). On a critically failed save, a creature is Pathfinder Bestiary 2 260
also blinded for 1 minute. Initiative Perception +18 or Stealth +19
Reset The haunt deactivates after 1 minute and re-forms
after 1 hour. The haunt is disabled and doesn’t re-form if Treasure: A greater serene mutagen and a greater
at least two creatures spend 1 minute to create an image cognitive mutagen are both hidden among the foliage,
on Danger
each discoverable with a successful DC 20 Perception most of her friends perished in the courtyard before
check to Seek or Search. their names (or hers) could be inscribed on the
Chapter 1:
pagoda sculpture there. The characters might
Welcome to
A12. MEDITATION TREE realize that burying Kannitri’s remains in the Danger Island
MODERATE 11 courtyard or carving her name
into the pagoda will bring Chapter 2:
A large and colorful eucalyptus her peace; a character who Survive
tree stands at the center of this succeeds at a DC 30 Religion
Chapter 3:
chamber, reaching toward the sky check can deduce this. The Empress at the
through a square window in the If the characters Top of the World
ceiling. An old skeleton lies slumped don’t pacify Kannitri,
against the base of the tree, bones she flies into a rage Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
spotted with fallen peels of when she realizes
multicolored bark. Amid the bark they’re not her Adventure
scraps lies a single silver feather. A fellow monks. Toolbox
hallway to the north serves as entrance In combat, she
and exit from the chamber. attacks the character who
appears physically weakest
The monks believed this first. Her emotions swing
beautiful tree possessed unique wildly between rage and guilt,
spiritual properties, specifically and she alternately hurls hateful
that its roots extended deep insults and cries out for forgiveness
beyond the Material Plane and into during the fight.
the Great Beyond, where it intertwined with
its sister tree in the Serene Circle, Irori’s realm on the KANNITRI CREATURE 13
lawful plane of Axis. Whether or not this is true, many UNIQUE LN MEDIUM GHOST INCORPOREAL SPIRIT UNDEAD
monks preferred to meditate beneath the branches of Female human ghost monk (Pathfinder Bestiary 166)
this tree. Perception +26; darkvision
Creature: The Broken Rebus met its end in this Languages Tien
chamber. Mortally wounded, the leader of the group—a Skills Intimidation +26, Irori Lore +24, Occultism +24,
monk named Kannitri—made her way to the meditation Temple Lore +24
tree. She sat down and pondered the attack and her Str –5, Dex +5, Con +0, Int +3, Wis +6, Cha +7
actions before eventually passing away. Her mixed Site Bound As ghost.
feelings—remorse, indignation, sorrow, anger—created AC 33; Fort +19, Ref +24, Will +25
enormous turmoil within her soul, but before she could HP 175, negative healing, rejuvenation; Immunities death
resolve her clouded mind, her body expired. Now, her effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconscious;
restless spirit lingers here as a ghost. She is not bound to Resistances all damage 10 (except force, ghost touch, or
her remains but chooses to remain in this room anyway. positive; double resistance vs. non-magical)
When the player characters enter, Kannitri rises from Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy) As ghost. Burying
her remains and desperately pleads for forgiveness. Kannitri’s remains in the courtyard or carving her name
The characters can attempt a DC 33 Deception or into the pagoda sculpture there (area A3) permanently
Diplomacy check to convince Kannitri that they puts her spirit to rest.
forgive her; any character wearing a holy symbol of Speed fly 40 feet
Irori gains a +2 circumstance bonus on this check. On a Melee [one-action] ghostly fist +28 (agile, finesse, magical), Damage
success, Kannitri finds momentary peace and becomes 3d8+13 negative
pacified for 1 hour, making no attempts to harm the Corrupting Gaze [two-actions] As ghost. 7d6 negative damage, DC 33.
characters during this time. On a critical success, Draining Touch [two-actions] As ghost.
she becomes pacified for 24 hours. If the characters Flurry of Blows [one-action] (flourish) Kannitri makes two Strikes
speak with Kannitri’s ghost while she is pacified, she with her ghostly fist. If both hit the same creature,
explains the history of the temple, the Broken Rebus, combine their damage for the purpose of resistances
and the temple’s final moments. Kannitri explains and weaknesses.
her remorse and states that she wishes to be with Silver Feather: One of the party’s silver feathers lies
her fellow disciples once more. She explains that amid Kannitri’s remains.
XP Award: Award each character 80 XP if they badly damaged, with a fifteen-foot-wide gap that reveals
recover the silver feather from this room. If they pacify the forest outside the temple.
Kannitri and put her spirit to rest without fighting her,
award XP as if they had defeated her in combat. The monks used this shrine to lead prayer for the
entire temple. Rather than attempt the futile endeavor
A13. SHRINE SEVERE 11 of creating a depiction of Irori for the shrine, the
monks carved a statue of the Old Man, Irori’s herald.
Tarnished bells, frayed ribbons, and crumbling wooden Creature: The statue of the Old Man was originally
beams surround the massive statue at the center of this an ordinary statue, but when the Broken Rebus began
shrine space, which is set into an alcove at the eastern their attack on the temple, the defending monks’ cries
side of the temple’s open-air training area. Six steps lead reached Irori, who infused the statue with power
up to a clearing where one can sit before the large statue, and caused it to become a divine warden. The statue
which depicts a smiling old man seated in a cross-legged rose from this shrine and joined the temple monks in
position and holding a staff. A pair of braziers stand on fending off the Broken Rebus. While it defeated the
either side of the steps and various prayer instruments lie remaining Broken Rebus rebels, the divine warden
scattered before the statue. The alcove’s northern wall is could not save the loyal temple monks. Once
the attack was over, the statue returned to the
shrine, where it has remained ever since.
The statue of the Old Man remains infused
with Irori’s power and still defends the temple to
the best of its abilities. The haunts and spirits within
the temple remain contained with their respective
areas, and for reasons unknown, the divine warden
has spared the catoblepas in area A7. The emissary’s
agents, knowing of the warden’s might, decided the
shrine would be the perfect place to hide the team’s
phoenix necklace. If a character tries to take the
necklace or any of the other treasures on the shrine,
the statue springs to life and attempts to reclaim the
temple’s relics. Returning the items causes the statue
to end its attack.
Once in combat, the statue makes a brutal foe, using
its staff to strike at distant opponents and grabbing
anyone who gets too close. It uses its domain spells to
clear away any conditions, saving its enduring might
spell to reduce damage from a critical hit. The statue
fights until it is destroyed.
Whether or not they realize it, the player characters
have several means of pacifying the statue. If every
character wears a religious symbol of Irori, the
statue immediately stops its assault, recognizing
the characters as Irori’s faithful. A character who
succeeds at a DC 25 Religion check to Recall
Knowledge recognizes that the statue is a divine
warden. A character armed with that knowledge
can attempt a DC 30 Religion or DC 25 Irori Lore
check to Recall Knowledge; on a success, they recall a
prayer koan about the Old Man. If a character speaks
this prayer, which requires spending three actions
Old Man Statue to utter in its entirety, the statue recognizes that
character as Irori’s faithful as well, and it doesn’t
attack that character further. In addition, the statue
becomes clumsy 1 and enfeebled 1. These conditions
on Danger
increase by 1 for each additional character that utters creature comes within 10 feet of the well. It then releases
the prayer. If all the characters speak the prayer, its pollen and strikes, fighting until destroyed.
Chapter 1:
the statue stops its attack and loses its conditions,
Welcome to
returning to rest at the shrine. VIPER VINE CREATURE 13 Danger Island
Pathfinder Bestiary 2 287
OLD MAN STATUE CREATURE 14 Initiative Stealth +24 Chapter 2:
Divine warden of Irori (Pathfinder Bestiary 3 72) Treasure: Not far from the well, hidden in the
Chapter 3:
Perception +24; darkvision foliage and findable with a DC 30 Perception check to The Empress at the
Languages Tien (can’t speak any language) Seek or Search, lies a stunning snare. Top of the World
Skills Athletics +28
Str +8, Dex –1, Con +8, Int –5, Wis +0, Cha –5 A15. SPARRING GROUNDS LOW 11 Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
AC 36; Fort +28, Ref +19, Will +22
HP 160; Immunities bleed, death effects, disease, doomed, Several statues surround this beaten patch of dirt. Most Adventure
drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal resemble animals, but two depict androgynous humanoids. Toolbox
attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious;
Resistances physical 10 (except adamantine) The temple’s abbot prohibited any kind of fighting
Divine Destruction (divine, necromancy, positive) 14d6 within the temple walls other than what was necessary
positive, DC 32 to defend against intruders. All the same, many of
Faith Bound As divine warden (Irori). the temple’s monks practiced various martial arts
Speed 30 feet techniques as a form of exercise and meditation. They
Melee [one-action] fist +28 (magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 3d10+14 set aside this space as a place to spar and hone their
bludgeoning plus Grab skills near—but not within—the temple.
Melee [one-action] staff +30 (magical, parry, reach 15 feet, trip), Creatures: If a monk found themself without a
Damage 3d8+14 bludgeoning sparring partner, they could instead challenge one
Divine Innate Spells DC 32, attack +24; Cantrips (7th) or both of the temple’s resident golems, which were
divine lance (lawful) specifically constructed for this purpose. The golems
Divine Domain Spells DC 32; 7th (2 Focus Points) athletic would normally activate with a special command
rush (Core Rulebook 389), enduring might (Core Rulebook word, but their magic has deteriorated over the past
392), perfected form (Core Rulebook 394), perfected century, causing them to activate whenever an adult
mind (Core Rulebook 394) creature enters the tamped dirt of the grounds. The
Faithful Weapon As divine warden (staff). golems recognize only adult humanoids and ignore
Instrument of Faith As divine warden (Irori). the animals that entered the area as well as Ahmitar,
mistaking him for a child.
Treasure: During his time repairing the temple of
Irori, Ahmitar collected the loose gold and treasures CLAY GOLEMS (2) CREATURE 10
scattered around the temple and placed them here Pathfinder Bestiary 186
before the statue. In addition to the phoenix necklace Initiative Perception +16
(page 75), Ahmitar has left here a bag of holding type
III, a jade serpent wondrous figurine, a phylactery of Treasure: A moderate healing potion is perched on
faithfulness of Irori, a ring of swimming, and 570 gp one of the animal statues.
in assorted gems and coins.
A14. WELL MODERATE 11 Once the characters claim their phoenix necklace and
The water in the temple’s well is still potable, but the their 3 silver feathers, they’re free to take their time
rope and bucket the monks used fell into the water clearing out the dangers in the temple or can simply
long ago. To use the well, the player characters must ignore the rest of the building. Even if the characters
first clear away the ivy growing over the well’s wooden don’t take care of any of the temple’s dangers, the
lid, then find a means of retrieving the clean water dormitory is a safe location to stay since it can be
below. The thick undergrowth indicated on the map entered from the southern door.
is difficult terrain. XP Award: If the party clears out all of the creatures
Creature: A viper vine lurks among the vegetation and hazards within the temple, award each character
near this well. It lies in wait, remaining hidden until a 80 XP.
Once the player characters acquire their phoenix party to meet with them outside the temple of Irori.
necklace and 3 silver feathers from the temple of Irori, The enforcers request that the contenders present
they officially secure their place in the pre-qualifying their phoenix necklace and 3 silver feathers, then
pool for the Ruby Phoenix Tournament. They can remind the characters that the qualifying round
spend whatever’s left of their first day on Bonmu begins at sunrise before leaving.
however they see fit. If they aren’t yet 12th level,
this is the perfect time to strike out into Bonmu b AS e C o m b ATAnTS
and face a few of the island’s dangers, clearing the The characters spend much of the pre-qualifier
way for later and earning some valuable experience fighting other teams of contenders. The following
(see the Scaling Encounters sidebar on page 24). stat blocks represent most of the opponents faced
They can also use this time to acquire equipment during these matches. In some instances, individual
from the Stone Market. Finally, contenders can combatants boast different abilities or attacks,
simply wander Bonmu to learn the layout of the which are called out in their respective stat blocks.
island, meet some of their fellow competitors, and
strategize for the events of the following days. Refer WEAPON MASTER
to the rules starting on page 26 to calculate travel The weapon master is a deadly expert with their
times and distances. weapon of choice. Whenever possible, the weapon
An hour before sunset on the pre-qualifier’s first master engages an opponent one on one, and they
day, a pair of enforcers communicate with the prefer to begin combat unarmed and use their Swift
characters via their phoenix necklace, directing the Blow to catch a foe unawares.
on Danger
Chapter 1:
Perception +23 pre-qualifier begins in earnest. This
Welcome to
Languages Taldane, Tien chapter takes place over two days, Danger Island
Skills Acrobatics +23, Athletics +26, Intimidation +22, Survival +24, Warfare during which all the teams vying for
Lore +23 a spot in the tournament must travel Chapter 2:
Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +1 around the island and challenge Survive
Items +2 greater striking katana, +1 striking sling, +1 resilient studded leather each other to earn the required 10
Chapter 3:
AC 33; Fort +26, Ref +22, Will +24 silver feathers. The player characters The Empress at the
HP 250 explore Bonmu, challenge other Top of the World
Attack of Opportunity [reaction] teams to matches, encounter
Speed 25 feet dangerous creatures, discover lost Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
Melee [one-action] katana +28 (deadly d8, magical, two-hand d10, versatile P), Damage ruins, and more. At the end of the
3d6+11 slashing second day, the characters defend Adventure
Ranged [one-action] sling +22 (magical, propulsive, range increment 50 feet, reload 1), themselves and their base from a Toolbox
Damage 2d6+11 bludgeoning small army of powerful constructs.
Dueling Expertise The weapon master deals an extra 2d10 damage to creatures
that are not adjacent to any allies or other foes.
Swift Blow [two-actions] (flourish) Requirement The weapon master is not wielding
a weapon; Effect The weapon master Interacts to draw a melee weapon
without triggering reactions and makes a Strike with that weapon. The target
is flat-footed against this Strike. The weapon master deals an extra 2d8
persistent bleed damage with the Strike.
The agile warrior uses their speed to jump around the battlefield and
create openings. Making use of their Tumbling Attack, the agile warrior
likes to spring back and forth between targets every round.
Rulebook 401), ki rush (Core Rulebook 401), ki strike
SCALING ENCOUNTERS (Core Rulebook 401), wholeness of body (Core Rulebook
The text assumes the characters are at least 12th 402), wind jump (Core Rulebook 402)
level when they begin this chapter, and they should Flurry of Blows [one-action] (flourish) The ki adept makes two
reach 13th level around the end of day one or at Strikes with their fist or with a monk weapon. If both
the beginning of day two of the pre-qualifier. The hit the same creature, combine their damage for the
sandbox nature of this part of the adventure makes purpose of resistances and weaknesses.
it impossible to determine what level the player Knocking Sweep [two-actions] (flourish) The ki adept swings their
characters will be at any given time, so encounter weapon with a sweeping spin. They attempt separate
difficulties (“moderate 12,” “severe 13,” etc.) have Athletics check to Trip any number of creatures within
been precluded from this chapter. Rather than their reach. Each attempt counts toward the ki adept’s
manually scale each challenge up or down, consider multiple attack penalty, but the multiple attack penalty
running the encounters as written whatever level doesn’t increase until after they makes all the attacks.
the characters are at. This might mean the characters Powerful Fists The ki adept’s fist Strikes are treated as cold
face some very difficult foes early on and some iron and silver and don’t take penalties when making
relatively easy foes later. Either way, by the end lethal attacks.
of this chapter, the characters should have gained Punch Down The ki adept deals an extra 2d10 damage to
enough experience to level up to 14th level. prone creatures.
triggering reactions. When the agile warrior moves Archery specialists weaken their foes from a great
through a creature’s space in this way, that creature distance. They typically begin combat by attempting
becomes flat-footed until the end of the agile warrior’s to pin the most dangerous target, then follow up with
turn. If the agile warrior ends their movement within a Rain of Arrows on a clumped group.
melee reach of at least one enemy, they can make a melee
Strike against that enemy. ARCHERY SPECIALIST CREATURE 13
KI ADEPT Perception +26
The ki adept is in tune with their own body and can Languages Taldane, Tien
manipulate the mystical energy that flows within them. Skills Acrobatics +26, Athletics +22, Lore (any one terrain)
Typically, the ki adept works to hamper as many foes +24, Survival +21, Stealth +24
as possible with their Knocking Sweep and follows up Str +3, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +3, Wis +2, Cha +0
with a Flurry of Blows. Items +1 greater striking composite longbow. +1 resilient
leather armor
KI ADEPT CREATURE 13 AC 35; Fort +22, Ref +26, Will +19
Perception +23 Speed 25 feet
Languages Taldane, Tien Melee [one-action] fist +24 (agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed),
Skills Acrobatics +26, Athletics +26, Occultism +23 Damage 1d4+7 bludgeoning
Str +5, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +0 Ranged [one-action] composite longbow +27 (deadly d10, magical,
Items +1 striking bo staff, bracers of armor, +1 striking propulsive, range increment 100 feet, reload 0, volley 30
returning dart (3), +1 striking handwraps of mighty blows feet), Damage 3d8+7 piercing
AC 33; Fort +23, Ref +23, Will +23 Pinning Shot [one-action] The archery specialist makes a longbow
HP 230 Strike. If the attack hits, it deals no damage and instead
Speed 30 feet imparts the bow critical specialization effect. If the
Melee [one-action] bo staff +27 (magical, parry, reach, trip), Damage attack is a critical hit, the target must succeed at two
2d8+11 bludgeoning plus Knockdown separate Interact actions to pull the missile free.
Melee [one-action] fist +27 (agile, finesse, magical, nonlethal, Point-Blank Shot The archery specialist ignores the penalty
unarmed), Damage 2d6+11 bludgeoning to their attack rolls from the volley trait.
Ranged [one-action] dart +24 (agile, magical, thrown 20 feet), Rain of Arrows [two-actions] (flourish) The archery specialist fires
Damage 2d6+9 bludgeoning several arrows at once, each aimed to land in a 10-foot
Monk Focus Spells DC 32, attack +25; 7th (3 Focus Points) burst within 60 feet. The archery specialist makes a
abundant step (Core Rulebook 401), ki blast (Core longbow Strike and compares the attack roll result to
on Danger
the AC of all creatures in the burst. The specialist rolls penalty to its saving throw. If the spell could target
damage only once and applies it to each creature hit. multiple creatures, it targets only the creature the mage
Chapter 1:
Rain of Arrows counts as three attacks for the archery hit with their fist Strike.
Welcome to
specialist’s multiple attack penalty. Danger Island
e A R ning f e ATh e R S
MAGE OF MANY STYLES The player characters’ main goal during the three Chapter 2:
The mage of many styles combines magical and martial days of the Bonmu pre-qualifier is to earn a total of Survive
tactics. They try to hamper foes with black tentacles or 10 feathers in order to secure their entry in the Ruby
Chapter 3:
confusion, switching to damaging spells like lightning Phoenix Tournament proper. The most obvious means The Empress at the
bolt once their opponents are properly lined up. When of accomplishing this is by defeating other teams Top of the World
engaged in melee, they make liberal use of shocking in matches. Winning a match can earn the party
grasp and true strike to deal powerful blows. anywhere from 1 to 3 feathers plus some amount of Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
money as a reward.
MAGE OF MANY STYLES CREATURE 13 In addition to matches, the enforcers hold a few Adventure
UNCOMMON N MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID physical challenges that can be another major source Toolbox
Perception +22
Languages Taldane, Tien
Skills Academia Lore +26, Acrobatics +23, Arcana +28,
Occultism +26
Str +3, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +5, Wis +1, Cha +1
Items bracers of armor I, +1 striking handwraps of
mighty blows, +1 striking longsword
AC 32; Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +21
HP 220
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] fist +22 (agile, finesse,
magical, nonlethal, unarmed),
Damage 2d6+5 bludgeoning
Melee [one-action] longsword +23 (magical,
versatile P), Damage 2d8+5 slashing
Wizard Prepared Spells DC 32, attack +26;
7th shocking grasp, true target; 6th chain
lightning, disintegrate, vampiric exsanguination;
5th black tentacles, shocking grasp, true
strike; 4th confusion, dimension door, fly; 3rd
lightning bolt, true strike, vampiric touch;
2nd acid arrow, mirror image, touch of
idiocy; 1st fleet step, ray of enfeeblement,
true strike; Cantrips 7th acid splash, daze,
mage hand, shield, tanglefoot
Wizard School Spells 2 Focus Points; 7th hand
of the apprentice (Core Rulebook 407), physical
boost (Core Rulebook 407)
Spell Punch [free-action] (flourish) Trigger The mage of
many styles begins to Cast a Spell that targets Mage of Many Styles
at least 1 creature; Effect The mage channels
the spell through their fist. The mage
makes a fist Strike against a target
within reach. If the Strike is
successful, the target is subjected
to the spell. If the spell required an attack roll, the target
is hit automatically upon a successful Strike. If the spell
required a saving throw, the target takes a –2 status
of feathers. However, these challenges are few and far requires 2 Travel activities, and hexes of greater difficult
between, and the player characters can’t wholly rely on terrain (such as a steep mountain or typical swamp) require
these events to earn the 10 feathers they need. Finally, 3 Travel activities to traverse. Traveling along a river uses
a few silver feathers are also scattered a terrain type one step better than the surrounding terrain.
around the island, either intentionally If you Travel into a hex containing a transport tower
or by chance, which the characters can (area D), you can use the tower to transport yourself to
find during their travels; this adventure any other hex with a transport tower as part of the same
assumes that none of the other teams Travel activity.
find these feathers and they are ripe for
the player characters’ taking. RECONNOITER
XP Award: Reaching significant feather CONCENTRATION
milestones is worthy of an XP story award. You survey and explore a specific area, getting the
The first time the player characters collect a lay of the land and looking for unusual features
total of 5 feathers, grant each character 80 and specific sites. Reconnoitering a single hex
XP. Grant them another 80 XP once they takes a number of hexploration activities equal
collect all 10 feathers. to the number of Travel activities necessary
to traverse the hex: 1 for open terrain, 2 for
T R AVe ling o n b o n mu difficult terrain, and 3 for greater difficult terrain.
Bonmu is a large island, about 6 miles in length Traveling on rivers doesn’t lessen the time required
and just over half that distance wide. to Reconnoiter. Once the hex has been
Travel through Bonmu uses a modified Silver Feather Reconnoitered, you learn of all of the specific
version of the hexploration rules found sites within the hex and can visit one of the
on pages 170–173 of the Pathfinder Gamemastery sites as part of your Reconnoiter activity.
Guide. Rather than exploration taking up days at a
time, hexploration on Bonmu is broken into half-hour In addition to their exploration of the island, the
increments. Sixteen hours of each day are “active characters are likely to find other teams and face them
hours,” during which the characters can fight other in matches. This process is represented by the Engage
teams and earn silver feathers to qualify for the Ruby in a Match activity.
Phoenix Tournament. The remaining 8 hours, roughly
between 12 a.m. and 8 a.m., are designated as “inactive ENGAGE IN A MATCH
hours,” during which matches are prohibited. MOVE
The characters have no need to map Bonmu or You compete against another team in a sanctioned bout.
establish a camp, as they have a dedicated headquarters Both teams travel to the nearest match site (either a fighting
within the temple of Irori and receive a map from site or team headquarters), declare a match to the enforcers,
Ingdani. Thus, there is no need to use the individual complete the match, and resolve all of the involved
hexploration activities described in the Gamemastery consequences of the match (including the handoff of
Guide. As every hex on Bonmu is only a half-mile wagered silver feathers). This takes 2 hexploration activities.
wide, even the slowest group can make significant If you are not in a hex with a suitable match site, you move
progress across the island in the course of a day, and to the nearest hex with one as part of this activity.
can complete a much larger number of activities due to
this smaller scale. Assuming they rest 8 hours per day, The player characters can travel around the island
characters receive a total of 32 hexploration activities at all hours of the day but can Engage in a Match
per day, regardless of the group’s moving speed. To only during active hours. However, any travel during
accommodate for the smaller scale of Bonmu, the inactive hours could potentially eat into valuable time
Travel and Reconnoiter hexploration group activities for rest. All other teams are assumed to be taking
should be modified as follows. their period of rest during inactive hours. If the player
characters choose to rest at another time, they run the
TRAVEL risk of another team challenging them to a match and
MOVE disrupting their rest.
You move into an adjacent hex. In open terrain, like a beach,
plain, or open water, using 1 Travel activity allows you to b l
o n mu o C ATio n S
move from one hex to an adjacent hex. Traversing a hex Although Bonmu is smaller than some of the other
with difficult terrain (such as a typical forest or hilly region) Minatan islands, it’s full of interesting sites. The
on Danger
following locations correspond to the points indicated
on the map on the inside cover of this volume. HEADQUARTERS SITES
Chapter 1:
The following structures serve as all the other
Welcome to
A. TEMPLE OF IRORI competing teams’ headquarters. Listing the occupants Danger Island
This is the characters’ headquarters for their stay on of each headquarters would be unwieldy; instead,
Bonmu. This location is fully detailed in Chapter 1. select a team from the Wandering Teams section (page Chapter 2:
45) whenever necessary. The headquarters of the Survive
B. DOCKS player characters’ team (area A) and the Lightkeepers
Chapter 3:
In addition to the docks on the western side of the (area L) are omitted from this list. The Empress at the
island where all of the contestants arrived (area B1), F1: Library of Gruhastha Top of the World
there are two other notable docks. The docks at B2 F2: Southern Lighthouse
allow access to the small island just off of Bonmu’s F3: Shrine of Gozreh Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
southern shore, and characters can use the docks at F4: Priest’s Estate
B3 to reach the small chain of islands at the northeast F5: Salt Quarry Adventure
end of Bonmu. A number of rowboats are stationed at F6: Noble’s Estate Toolbox
each of these docks at all hours of the day, allowing F7: Arcane Library
passage to and from the main island. F8: Dinosaur Ranch
F9: Icehouse
The enforcers prepared sizable areas around the isle F11: Distillery
of Bonmu for competitors to use as fighting arenas. F12: Druid Circle
These sites are scattered throughout the island and are F13: Western Lighthouse
assumed to be located in one of five different types of F14: Boathouse
terrain: beach, forest, mountain, river, or ruins. F15: Carpenter’s Shed
When the characters Engage in a Match, find the F16: Temple of Shizuru
nearest suitable location: either a fighting site or a team F17: Pirate Cove
headquarters. Each competing team must take the F18: Mountain Observatory
appropriate downtime activity to travel to this location. F19: Aurochs Ranch
If the match takes place in a fighting site, determine the F20: Rain Shelter
most likely terrain and use the appropriate map (page F21: Eastern Lighthouse
28, 30, 32, or 34, or the rear inside cover). Each fighting F22: Cane Farm
site has its own unique features. F23: Weatherworn Monument
F24: Cemetery
Beach Site (Page 28) F25: Schoolhouse
A wrecked ship rests along the coast of this cliffside F26: Shrine of Tsukiyo
beach. The northern cliff wall rises to a height of 10 F27: Temple of Hei Feng
feet, and scaling the wall requires a successful DC 25 F28: Tanners’ Village
Athletics check to Climb. The rocks on the southeastern F29: Whalers’ Lookout
end of the beach are piled 25 feet high but require F30: Northern Lighthouse
only a successful DC 20 Athletics check to Climb. The
shipwreck is 10 feet off the ground at its highest point
near the bow; scaling it requires a successful DC 15 check. The half-rotted foliage of a fallen breadfruit
Athletics check to Climb. The precarious nature of the tree functions as difficult terrain; the tree’s trunk is not
leaning ship requires a successful DC 15 Acrobatics difficult terrain, but it is a narrow surface that requires
check to Balance when moving across it. a successful DC 15 Acrobatics check to Balance. The
stagnant pool of water in the arena’s northwestern
Forest Site (Page 30) corner is deceptively deep, sinking to a depth of 3 feet.
This oval fighting arena was used for tournaments The water is difficult terrain for Medium creatures;
and performances during the Tian-Sing occupation smaller creatures must Swim through the water.
of Bonmu, and its ruins have been repurposed for the
Ruby Phoenix Tournament’s pre-qualifier. The lava Mountain Site (Page 32)
rock walls around the arena rise to a height of 10 feet A deep ravine runs through this mountain pass.
and can be Climbed with a successful DC 25 Athletics Climbing up or down the rock ledges requires a
successful DC 25 Athletics check. The ravine has a onto them must attempt a DC 20 Acrobatics check to
depth of 30 feet and creatures that fall in take damage Balance when landing on the platform. On a failure, the
from the fall as normal (Core Rulebook 463). Grabbing creature falls prone. On a critical failure, they slip into
the Edge (Core Rulebook 472) of the ravine requires a the water below.
successful DC 25 Reflex save.
The rickety suspension bridge that crosses over the Ruins Site (Inside Rear Cover)
ravine is stable enough to support one Large creature, A small waterfall pours into the pond at the center of
two Medium creatures, or four Small creatures. If the this ruined garden. Crumbling bridges and a square
bridge’s capacity is exceeded, roll a flat DC 10 check at tower stand 20 feet over the 40-feet-deep water’s
the end of the round. On a failure, the bridge collapses, surface. Three 20-foot-tall towers stand south of the
sending creatures on it tumbling into the ravine. pond. A stone staircase to the northwest and thick
Alternatively, a creature can intentionally damage the tree roots all around offer more opportunities to use
bridge with a successful DC 30 Athletics check or by elevation to one’s advantage.
dealing a total of 30 slashing damage to one of the
bridge’s ropes. D. TRANSPORT TOWERS
The original Taumatan inhabitants of Bonmu enchanted
River Site (Page 34) five tiered black towers that allowed them to quickly
A small shrine and set of statues dot this peaceful river travel across the island. The original intent was to
site. At the head of the river, a waterfall pours into a use this travel network to connect all of the islands of
15-foot-deep pool. A set of damaged stone platforms Minata, but the Taumatans were unable to perfect the
allows access to the statue of a long-forgotten method required for travel across greater distances.
Taumatan god. The constant spray of water from the The travel network remains intact to this day,
falls makes these platforms slick; a creature who jumps allowing the Ruby Phoenix Tournament’s contenders
on Danger
to make miles-long journeys across the island in F. TEAM HEADQUARTERS
mere seconds. A total of five transport towers dot the Every team in the qualifying pool has been assigned a
Chapter 1:
island, each connected to all the others. The towers structure on Bonmu to serve as their base of operations
Welcome to
themselves resemble towering, narrow pagodas and during their stay, such as the temple of Irori for the Danger Island
contain a main chamber on the ground floor with player characters. Every team occupies a different
four hallways, each terminating in a magical gate structure, all of which feature a suitable space for a Chapter 2:
that connects to another tower. The rest of each match. A map of every headquarters is beyond the Survive
tower rises a hundred or so feet into the air, making scope of this adventure, but you can use any of the
Chapter 3:
it a simple matter to spot the nearest tower from fighting site maps (pages 28, 30, 32, 34, and the inside The Empress at the
anywhere on the island. rear cover) or the map of the temple of Irori (page 14) Top of the World
Per tournament rules, the towers are neutral to represent a match at one of the headquarters. The
territory, and any attempts to fight inside or within Headquarters Sites sidebar on page 27 lists all of the Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
50 feet of the towers is grounds for disqualification. A possible buildings that can serve as headquarters.
group of officiants is posted at every tower to enforce Most headquarters are unoccupied during the day, Adventure
this rule. but there’s a 50% chance the player characters come Toolbox
Spell Reward: Once the player characters visit all
five towers, an officiant offers to teach them the return
beacon spell (page 77).
Knowing that competitors would need access to
armor, weapons, and supplies, Hao Jin tasked the
church of Abadar with creating a few specific huts
on Bonmu that would connect to the markets of the
Cliffside Court in Goka. The church set up a few
simple stone buildings, each with an extraplanar link
to the markets, which they dubbed the Stone Markets.
Anyone who visits a Stone Market can enter the
building to find a small extraplanar window on
one side of a plain stone room. On the other side
of the extraplanar window waits a merchant from
the Cliffside Court. The patron
can speak with the merchant
as if they were in the same
building, and the merchant
can deliver goods through the window,
but this is a one-way effect—only the
merchant has been magically attuned
to the window, so any attempts from
a patron to reach through the portal
fail. Payment must be handed over to the
enforcer attending the Stone Market for future
delivery to the merchant.
The merchants have the entirety of the Cliffside
Court’s wares available and can sell common
items of up to 16th level, many imported to Goka in
anticipation of the Ruby Phoenix Tournament.
The merchants are also willing to buy items from Transport Tower
patrons, which they sell to tourists as unique,
genuine souvenirs previously owned by famous
fighters. The merchants buy items at the normal
rate of half their Price, or full Price for art objects,
gems, and raw materials.
upon the occupying team resting at their base during G2. Dread Roc Den: An ancient and powerful roc
the hours just after sunrise or before sunset. keeps a nest at the top of this small mountain. Reaching
the den requires a successful DC 30 Athletics check to
G. CREATURE DENS Climb the sheer cliffside where the nest is located.
Bonmu is home to a large number of megafauna,
beasts, and other dangerous creatures. Most of these DREAD ROC CREATURE 15
critters keep to themselves, but the characters will likely RARE N GARGANTUAN ANIMAL
stumble upon a few dens while traveling around the Variant roc (Pathfinder Bestiary 281)
island. If the characters Reconnoiter in a hex containing Perception +26; low-light vision
a den, they become aware of the den’s location and can Skills Acrobatics +23, Athletics +31
choose to visit it. There’s a 50% chance that the creature Str +9, Dex +3, Con +7, Int –4, Wis +2, Cha +0
or creatures are home when the player characters AC 36; Fort +28, Ref +25, Will +24
visit; otherwise they’re out elsewhere on the island. If HP 290
a creature is home, it automatically moves to defend Wing Rebuff [reaction] As roc.
its nest from what it perceives as intruders, unless the Speed 20 feet, fly 60 feet
characters successfully Avoid Notice when visiting the Melee [one-action] beak +30 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+18 piercing
den. The various dens are described below. Melee [one-action] talon +30 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 3d8+18
G1. Black Scorpion Den: This deadly black scorpion slashing plus Improved Grab
makes its residence in a beachside cove. Melee [one-action] wing +30 (agile, reach 30 feet), Damage 2d6+15
bludgeoning plus Improved Push 15 feet
BLACK SCORPION CREATURE 15 Dreadful Screech [one-action] (auditory, emotion, fear, mental) The
Pathfinder Bestiary 2 234 dread roc screeches terrifyingly. Each creature in a
Initiative Perception +27 120-foot emanation must attempt a DC 32 Will save.
on Danger
Regardless of the result, creatures are temporarily TYRANNOSAURUS IMPERATOR CREATURE 14
Chapter 1:
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Variant tyrannosaurus (Pathfinder Bestiary 101)
Welcome to
Success The creature is frightened 1. Perception +25; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 60 feet Danger Island
Failure The creature is frightened 2. Skills Acrobatics +20, Athletics +30
Critical Failure The creature is fleeing for 1 round and Str +9, Dex +2, Con +5, Int –4, Wis +3, Cha +0 Chapter 2:
frightened 3. AC 35; Fort +27, Ref +20, Will +25 Survive
Flying Strafe [two-actions] As roc. HP 260
Chapter 3:
Snack As roc. Speed 40 feet The Empress at the
Snatch As roc. Melee [one-action] jaws +28 (deadly d12, reach 20 feet), Damage Top of the World
3d12+12 piercing plus Grab
G3. Mantis Den: A pair of giant mantises keep a den Melee [one-action] foot +28 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+12 Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
among the jungle treetops. bludgeoning
Fling [one-action] As tyrannosaurus, but DC 29. Adventure
ELITE DEADLY MANTISES (2) CREATURE 12 Pin Prey [reaction] As tyrannosaurus. Toolbox
Pathfinder Bestiary 6, 233 Swallow Whole [one-action] (attack) Medium, 4d6+8 bludgeoning,
Initiative Perception +22 or Stealth +24 Rupture 34
Tail Swipe [two-actions] The tyrannosaurus sweeps its tail in a
G4. Mammoth Turtle Den: A powerful snapping 15-foot cone, dealing 4d8+12 bludgeoning damage to
turtle known as a mammoth turtle makes the majority all creatures in the cone. Creatures in the area must
of the beach here its home. attempt a DC 34 Reflex save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
MAMMOTH TURTLE CREATURE 14 Success The creature takes half damage.
RARE N GARGANTUAN ANIMAL Failure The creature takes full damage and falls prone.
Variant giant snapping turtle (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 269) Critical Failure The creature takes double damage, is
Perception +24; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet pushed back 10 feet, and falls prone.
Skills Athletics +28 Trample [three-actions] Huge or smaller, foot, DC 34
Str +9, Dex +0, Con +5, Int –4, Wis +5, Cha –2
Deep Breath The mammoth turtle can hold its breath for
4 hours.
AC 36; Fort +26, Ref +22, Will +26
HP 270
Speed 20 feet, swim 50 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +29, Damage 3d12+14 piercing plus
Improved Grab
Capsize [one-action] (attack, move) As giant snapping turtle, but
DC 43.
Fling [one-action] Requirements The turtle has a creature
grabbed in its jaws; Effect The turtle flings the
creature into the air from its mouth, sending it up
to 10 feet up and 20 feet away. The creature falls
25 feet (assuming the turtle flings it as high as
it can) and takes the appropriate amount of
bludgeoning damage from the fall.
Shell Defense [one-action] As giant snapping turtle, but
AC 38.
Swallow Whole [one-action] Large, 3d12+10
bludgeoning, Rupture 38
on Danger
damage in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the water in explain the shrines’ basic history and suggest that the
the area must attempt a DC 36 Reflex save. abandoned gods haven’t been worshipped in some
Chapter 1:
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. time and might bless anyone who honors their shrines.
Welcome to
Success The creature takes half damage. H1. Shrine of Ahngonar: Also known as the Danger Island
Failure The creature takes full damage and is slowed 1 Melodious Wind, Ahngonar was the Taumatan god
until the end of its next turn. of messengers, music, and love. Honoring Ahngonar Chapter 2:
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and requires performing a love song at his shrine. As Survive
is stunned 3. a reward, he grants the characters the power of
Chapter 3:
Swallow Whole [one-action] (attack) Medium, 3d12+12 bludgeoning, incorruptible messages. Each character can cast The Empress at the
Rupture 36 tongues as a divine innate spell once during their stay Top of the World
on Bonmu.
G8. Dromornis Den: A pack of dromornises live in a H2. Shrine of Babbunabi: This was the Taumatan Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
cave here among the tall coastal grasses. god of scripture, storytellers, and travelers. Honoring
Babbunabi requires spending 10 minutes reading aloud Adventure
DROMORNISES (4) CREATURE 10 at her shrine. Babbunabi rewards the characters with Toolbox
Page 84 the gift of sight, granting them each a +2 circumstance
Initiative Perception +19 bonus to saving throws to prevent the blinded or
dazzled conditions during their stay on Bonmu.
G9. Caustic Monitor Cave: A lone caustic monitor H3. Shrine of Jinya-Por: Jinya-Por was the Taumatan
lives in a cave here. god of sailing, swimming, and the wind. Swimming in
the waters beside her shrine for at least 10 minutes is
ELITE CAUSTIC MONITOR CREATURE 14 enough to honor her. As a reward, Jinya-Por grants
Pathfinder Bestiary 6, page 86 the characters the gift of the currents. For the duration
Initiative Perception +24 of their stay on Bonmu, whenever a character rolls
a success at an Athletics check to Swim, they get a
G10. Solifugid Den: A young duneshaker solifugid critical success instead.
has taken up residence among these beach dunes. H4. Shrine of Kantiyani: Kantiyani was the
Taumatan god of charity, feasts, and cooks. The
YOUNG DUNESHAKER SOLIFUGID CREATURE 17 characters must prepare and consume a meal at their
Weak duneshaker solifugid (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 6, 246) shrine to honor them. As a reward, Kantiyani grants
Initiative Perception +28 the characters full bellies with every meal. For the
duration of their stay on Bonmu, they only have to eat
H. TAUMATAN SHRINES a single meal per day to receive a full day’s worth of
While the people of Bonmu claimed and converted nourishment.
many of the existing temples and shrines on the island, H5. Shrine of Ni-Sa-Yei: Known as the Joyful
they left several of the ancient Taumatan shrines alone. Chronicler, Ni-Sa-Yei was the Taumatan god of maps,
These shrines are still dedicated to obscure, but not exploration, and foragers. Honoring Ni-Sa-Yei simply
quite forgotten, Taumatan deities and have secrets of requires that the characters mark his shrine on their
their own to discover. map of Bonmu. As a reward, the characters always
Each of these obscure deities has gone millennia know the location of any sites they’ve already visited
without recognition or worship and is eager to reward for the duration of their stay, even if they lose their
anyone who acknowledges them. Recognizing a deity map, get lost, or have their memories altered.
requires a successful DC 35 Religion check or DC 30 H6. Shrine of Ramijav: Ramijav was the Taumatan
Bonmu Lore check to Recall Knowledge. In addition, god of relaxation, self-care, and comedy. Resting at
if the player characters perform a specific act to honor Ramijav’s shrine for at least 10 minutes is enough
the deity, as noted in each shrine’s respective entry, to honor them. As a reward, Ramijav grants the
the characters earn a blessing from that deity. Once characters restful sleep for their stay at Bonmu, which
earned, these blessings are granted to the entire party allows them to recover from the fatigued condition by
of player characters. If the characters successfully resting for only 1 hour.
recognize the deity, they also deduce the act required H7. Shrine of Shihandivara: This was the Taumatan
for honoring the deity. god of games, competition, and boasting. Honoring
If the players are at a complete loss for what to do Shihandivara requires playing a game at her shrine.
with the shrines, Ahmitar (area A2) or Ingdani can This can be any simple game, so long as the characters
play in earnest competition. As a reward, Shihandivara XP. If they manage to honor all of the deities, award
grants the characters a +1 circumstance bonus to all them an additional 80 XP (for a total of 160 XP).
skill checks rolled during non-combat competitions
while on Bonmu. This bonus does not apply during I. WATCHTOWERS
matches against other teams for silver feathers. The Tian-Sings of Bonmu kept several towers to watch
H8. Shrine of Umantar: This was the Taumatan god for threats to the island such as attacking monsters,
of dance, revelry, and animal friendship. Any player invaders, and dangerous weather. When these people
character who dances for 10 minutes at Umantar’s abandoned the island due to the threat of kaiju, the
shrine honors the god. As a reward, Umantar grants watchtower keepers stayed behind until they could
the characters lighter feet for the duration of their stay confirm the safe evacuation of the island’s populace.
on Bonmu, allowing them to Step into non-magical Unfortunately, just as the last of Bonmu’s citizens
difficult terrain. escaped, the worst came to pass: in the midst of a
Treasure: If the player characters manage to visit titanic fight between the kaijus King Mogaru and
all of the island’s shrines during their stay and honor Frovith, the Void Duke, the latter unleashed a deadly
each of the gods, the Taumatan gods are delighted. beam of unlife from its infinite maw. Bonmu was
At the last shrine they visit, the characters find a final directly in the path of the attack. The beam killed
reward from the Taumatan deities in the form of nearly all of Bonmu’s remaining inhabitants, including
eight different native flowers, a pair of winged boots, the watchtower keepers.
a greater resilient rune inscribed on a runestone, As Frovith and Mogaru moved their fight beyond
and a ring of climbing, all laid neatly upon a fine Bonmu, the Void Duke’s power caused the keepers to
silk blanket. rise as undead bound to their respective towers. These
XP Award: Whenever the characters properly undead remain at the towers to this day, unable to
recognize and honor a deity, grant each character 10 leave Bonmu for over a century.
on Danger
Each watchtower is an identical structure made WATCHTOWER POLTERGEIST CREATURE 14
from stone, 80 feet tall and featuring a large brazier UNIQUE LE MEDIUM INCORPOREAL SPIRIT UNDEAD
Chapter 1:
on the rooftop to send signals across the island. The Variant poltergeist (Pathfinder Bestiary 264)
Welcome to
ceilings of each floor rise to a height of 20 feet. A Perception +24; darkvision Danger Island
map of one such watchtower appears on page 44. Languages Tien
Ia. Entryway: The bottom floor of the tower Skills Acrobatics +29, Intimidation +30, Stealth +29 Chapter 2:
served primarily as a storeroom. Str –5, Dex +8, Con +2, Int –1, Wis +4, Cha +7 Survive
Ib. Armory: The watchtower keepers stowed their Site Bound The poltergeist is tied to its watchtower.
Chapter 3:
extra armor and weapons on this floor. AC 36; Fort +22, Ref +27, Will +26 The Empress at the
Ic. Quarters: The watchtower keepers slept here HP 190, rejuvenation; Immunities death effects, disease, Top of the World
between shifts. paralyzed, poison, precision, unconscious; Resistances
Id. Rookery: Communication between the all damage 15 (except force, ghost touch, or positive; Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
watchtowers was vital during Bonmu’s prime. To double resistance against non-magical)
facilitate this, each tower maintained a rookery of Natural Invisibility The poltergeist is naturally invisible. Adventure
messenger birds. It becomes visible only when it uses Frighten. Toolbox
Ie. Rooftop: The tower keepers used the large Rejuvenation (necromancy, occult) When the watchtower
brazier and set of warning horns to warn Bonmu poltergeist is destroyed, it re-forms, fully healed, at the
of incoming danger. If the characters light a brazier watchtower after 12 hours. Destroying the poltergeist
after destroying a watchtower’s undead, the brazier and lighting its watchtower’s brazier permanently
becomes permanently lit and the tower’s keeper can destroys it.
move on to the afterlife. Telekinetic Defense [reaction] Trigger A creature approaches
Creatures: Each of tower hosts a number of within 10 feet of the poltergeist; Effect The
spirits. The anguish of their death bound them to
their towers, some as ghosts and some as other
forms of undead. The spirits can’t leave the tower
but can freely move between the tower floors and up
to 40 feet directly above the roof. Regardless of the
specific undead, the method for releasing a bound
keeper is the same: the characters must destroy
the spirits, then light the brazier on the tower’s
roof. Completing this task puts the spirits at ease
and allows them to move on. When the characters
destroy a spirit, wisps of the spirit rush up to the
brazier and glow faintly within it for a moment
before vanishing—a hint from the spirit on
how to set them free. A spirit otherwise
re-forms 12 hours after their destruction.
Treasure: For each watchtower spirit
the characters permanently destroy,
they receive a parting gift as thanks on
the tower’s brazier. The gift includes
a Bonmuan swapping stone (page 75),
plus one of the following: +2 greater
striking greater flaming wind and fire
wheel (page 76), a fire jump
ring (Advanced Player’s Guide
260), a pair of hellfire boots
(Advanced Player’s Guide 261),
or a major staff of fire.
Shrine of Umantar
I1. Southwestern Watchtower
This keeper rose as a powerful poltergeist
and now haunts the armory of this tower.
poltergeist makes a telekinetic object Strike against Telekinetic Storm [two-actions] (concentrate, evocation, occult) As
the triggering creature. poltergeist, but when this effect has only one target the
Speed fly 20 feet damage increases to 4d12+15. It deals 2d12 damage on a
Ranged [one-action] telekinetic object +27 (evocation, magical, failure and no damage on a critical failure.
occult, range increment 60 feet), Damage 3d12+10
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing (depending on object) I2. Southeastern Watchtower
Occult Innate Spells DC 35, attack +25; 7th telekinetic This keeper rose as a powerful shadow and now
maneuver (at will); Cantrips (7th) mage hand haunts the quarters of this tower.
Frighten [one-action] (concentrate, emotion, fear, incapacitation,
mental) Requirements As poltergeist, but DC 33. WATCHTOWER SHADOW CREATURE 15
Variant shadow (Pathfinder Bestiary 289)
Perception +25; darkvision
Languages Necril, Tien
Skills Acrobatics +28, Stealth +33
Str –5, Dex +7, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +6
Site Bound The shadow is tied to its
AC 36; Fort +21, Ref +29, Will +26
HP 190, rejuvenation; Immunities death
effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision,
unconscious; Weaknesses light vulnerability;
Resistances all 15 (except force, ghost touch, or
positive; double resistance against non-magical)
Light Vulnerability As shadow.
Rejuvenation (necromancy, occult) As watchtower
poltergeist (page 35).
Speed fly 30 feet
Melee [one-action] shadow hand +30 (finesse, magical), Damage
4d10+10 negative
Divine Innate Spells DC 36; 5th darkness (at will)
Shadow Spawn As shadow.
Slink in Shadows As shadow.
Steal Shadow [one-action] (divine, necromancy) As shadow.
on Danger
disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconscious; J5. A small jade idol shaped like a rising phoenix sits
Resistances all 15 (except force, ghost touch, or positive; in the center of where four otherwise nondescript game
Chapter 1:
double resistance vs. non-magical) trails intersect. This phoenix idol sells for 500 gp but
Welcome to
Sunlight Powerlessness A wraith caught in sunlight is has a far greater use during the pre-qualifying round. Danger Island
stunned 2 and clumsy 2. Inscribed on its base, in Hao Jin’s hand, is this: “Give
Rejuvenation (necromancy, occult) As watchtower this idol to an enforcer to decline a single match.” Chapter 2:
poltergeist (page 35). After receiving a challenge but before the challenge Survive
Speed fly 40 feet begins, the characters can simply hand the idol to the
Chapter 3:
Melee [one-action] spectral hand +32 (finesse), Damage 3d8+14 attending enforcer to forgo the match without a loss of The Empress at the
negative plus drain life silver feathers. The challenging team is then prohibited Top of the World
Attack of Opportunity [reaction] from challenging the characters again for 12 hours.
Drain Life (divine, necromancy) As wraith, but the J6. This small shrine, its features long worn away, Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
watchtower wraith gains 15 temporary Hit Points and holds a candle of truth and 264 gp in various coins,
the Fortitude save DC is 36. gems, and other offerings in its offering box. Adventure
Wraith Spawn (divine, necromancy) As wraith. J7. Tucked in this riverside foxhole is a fade band, Toolbox
two swan boat feather tokens, and 311 gp in various
I4. Northeastern Watchtower coins, gems, and other offerings.
This keeper rose as a banshee and now haunts the J8. A messenger’s ring lies among the rubble of this
rooftop of this tower. destroyed shrine.
J9. A false floorboard in this abandoned outpost
WATCHTOWER BANSHEE CREATURE 16 hides three greater elixirs of life, a greater ring of
Weak banshee (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, 34) electricity resistance, and a moonlit chain shirt.
Initiative Perception +24 J10. A cache buried beneath an ominous pair of
Site Bound The banshee is tied to its watchtower. dead trees—their tops interwoven to form an “X”—
Rejuvenation (necromancy, occult) As watchtower contains 10 emeralds worth 100 gp each.
poltergeist (page 35).
XP Award: If the party manages to destroy all of the This stone building once served as the headquarters for
spirits, award each character 80 XP. Bonmu’s elite guards and now hosts the headquarters
for the Ruby Phoenix Tournament’s enforcers. The
J. TREASURE SITES large structure houses several dozen troops, and at least
Several locations throughout Bonmu feature nothing a few enforcers attend the structure around the clock.
other than treasures for the characters to find, ranging A clearly posted sign warns anyone who approaches
from abandoned homes to small shrines to nondescript the building to keep away or face punishment at the
patches of wilderness. hands of the enforcers.
J1. A small chest is buried in the sand, the remnants Creatures: Teams who don’t heed the warning
of a shipwreck several miles out from Bonmu. The chest soon see a quartet of enforcers exit the building to
contains four greater healing potions, a high-grade meet them. The enforcers declare a match against the
silver buckler, six oils of mending, a 4th-level scroll of team, putting three of the team’s silver feathers on
water walk, and a truesight potion. the line. The characters must accept the wager or be
J2. One of the other teams snagged their phoenix disqualified.
necklace here on the branches of a tall tree while
fleeing a dinosaur. They failed to retrieve all their ENFORCER MONK CREATURE 13
belongings, and now a single silver feather dangles Human ki adept (page 24)
from the branch, free for the taking. Initiative Perception +23
J3. This abandoned magic shop contains four
pouches of dust of disappearance, a major staff ENFORCER MAGE CREATURE 13
of illusion, a scroll of blink, three scrolls of chain Human mage of many styles (page 25)
lightning, a scroll of ethereal jaunt, a scroll of Initiative Perception +22
mariner’s curse, a scroll of project image, and a scroll
J4. A pair of greater boots of bounding remain in Human agile warrior (page 23)
this abandoned bungalow. Initiative Perception +25
ENFORCER WARRIOR CREATURE 13 the garrison looking for a fight, the enforcers
Human weapon master (page 23) provide it in even greater numbers but reward no
Initiative Perception +23 additional treasure.
Enforcer Warrior One of the more powerful predators on Bonmu has
laired in the southern swamp since before the island’s
original inhabitants fled: a unique kongamato that the
Bonmuan locals dubbed Tamikan. While Tamikan
normally holds free reign over the region, she’s
grown irritable with the introduction of so many
visitors to her island. Tamikan now looks to
attack anyone who comes near her lair.
on Danger
The first time the characters travel through this
hex, Tamikan has a 20% chance of noticing them. FORESHADOWING THE LIGHTKEEPERS
Chapter 1:
If she does, the kongamato swoops down after the The villainous Lightkeepers work for Syndara the
Welcome to
intruders, using a Wailing Dive in an attempt to scare Sculptor, the mastermind behind a plot to destroy Danger Island
them off. Tamikan doesn’t give chase if her targets his old enemy Hao Jin during the Ruby Phoenix
flee, but every time after this initial encounter that the Tournament. While the Lightkeepers’ involvement Chapter 2:
characters travel through the hex, the odds are greater in this adventure is relatively minor, their role in the Survive
that Tamikan spots them and ultimately attacks. The Adventure Path becomes more pronounced in the
Chapter 3:
likelihood increases to 50%, then 75%, and is finally two subsequent volumes. To maximize the payoff The Empress at the
guaranteed on the fourth trip. for the player characters’ ultimate triumph over Top of the World
Creature: Tamikan is more powerful than a typical these rivals, you should find a dramatic opportunity
kongamato. She starts combat with her Sonic Screech during “Despair on Danger Island” to introduce the Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
attack, following it up with a Wailing Dive. Tamikan Lightkeepers to the players. Following are some
makes use of hit-and-run tactics to harass her prey and possible ideas to get you started. Adventure
soften them up before going for the kill on an obviously Darkest Hour: When the player characters get in Toolbox
smaller or weaker individual. Tamikan retreats to her over their heads—perhaps they run into a dinosaur
lair if reduced to 75 Hit Points, and she surrenders if den while low on resources—Syu Tak-nwa and her
reduced to 50 Hit Points within her home, taking flight pals just happen to wander by in time to see the
for another island. characters’ struggle. Rather than help, though, the
Lightkeepers merely stare in amusement or offer a
TAMIKAN CREATURE 16 snide remark before moving on.
UNIQUE N LARGE DRAGON Fighting Dirty: If the Lightkeepers challenge the
Variant female kongamato (Pathfinder Bestiary 3 152) player characters to a match for silver feathers in this
Perception +23; darkvision chapter, be aware that the villains’ stats in Chapter 3
Languages Draconic (page 63) present a likely deadly encounter for the
Skills Acrobatics +29, Athletics +33, Intimidation +27, party’s expected level at this point. The Lightkeepers
Stealth +27, Survival +26 don’t kill a bested character (which would be
Str +9, Dex +5, Con +6, Int +1, Wis +4, Cha +5 anticlimactic at this point), but they do take the time
AC 38; Fort +29, Ref +27, Will +26; +1 status to all saves to throw a disarmed fighter’s prized sword off a cliff
vs. magic or “accidentally” smash an unconscious character’s
HP 295; Immunities paralyzed, sleep hand with the heel of their boot.
Attack of Opportunity [reaction] Tail only. Free Feather: While exploring the island, the
Speed 30 feet, fly 130 feet, swim 30 feet characters witness the final moments of a challenge
Melee [one-action] beak +32 (magical, reach 15 feet), Damage between Lightkeepers and some other team the
3d12+15 piercing plus Grab and piercing beak characters have already faced. The Lightkeepers
Melee [one-action] claw +32 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 3d8+15 not only handily defeat their opponents but knock
slashing them out even after they’ve surrendered. As the
Melee [one-action] wing +32 (agile, reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+13 Lightkeepers leave the arena, one of them distracts
bludgeoning the emissary on duty while another tosses their
Melee [one-action] tail +30 (agile, reach 20 feet), Damage 3d8+13 freshly won silver feather to the player characters,
bludgeoning casually mentioning that they didn’t even need it.
Boat Breaker As kongamato.
Flying Strafe [two-actions] As kongamato.
Sonic Screech [two-actions] (arcane, evocation, sonic) Tamikan a pair of boots of speed, a major staff of healing, a
unleashes a powerful and deadly blast of sonic force spined shield, a swift block cabochon, a vanishing
from her maw that deals 12d6 sonic damage in a 100- coin, 134 gp, 289 sp, and 1,922 cp.
foot line (DC 37 basic Reflex save). She can’t use Sonic
Screech again for 1d4 rounds. N. SPOTFOOT VILLAGE
Wailing Dive [two-actions] As kongamato, but DC 37. This swampy village plays home to the Spotfoots, a small
group of boggards that migrated from a neighboring
Treasure: Tamikan’s lair holds a number of treasures island just a few decades ago. The boggards used up
she’s collected from prey over the years, including a most of their first island’s resources and eradicated its
transparent elemental gem, four barkskin potions, natural life. Without means to support themselves, they
to laze around the swamp and let their boggard
sycophants bring them tasty animals from hunts.
The mobogos do occasionally fend off predators
who stumble into the swamp, but otherwise show
little care for their new home or their worshippers.
If the player characters visit the village, the mobogos
demand they depart at once, then order their loyal
boggard servants to hunt down the invaders and bring
back their heads as a show of piety. The boggards
spring into action, though they likely pose no challenge
for the player characters. If the characters refuse to
leave their village or question the mobogos’
authority, the “gods” decide to take matters
into their own hands.
They move to opposite ends of the village,
use their tongues to separate the player
characters and keep them apart with their innate magic.
Regeneration makes the mobogos relatively fearless,
though they immediately change their minds once they
take acid, cold, or fire damage. If one of them dies, the
other attempts to flee once reduced to fewer than 30 Hit
Points, abandoning the boggards and Bonmu forever.
Without their deities, the Spotfoots fall to in-fighting
and likely treat the characters with fearful awe.
on Danger
time between the Taumatan and Bonmuan occupations. coral reef. The shell is as large as a house and over
When the first Tian-Sing settlers arrived on Bonmu, they a foot thick. The shell belongs to the infant child of
Chapter 1:
encountered the incredible monster and nearly lost their King Mogaru, a legendary kaiju from the Valashmai
Welcome to
lives to its fury. The settlers named the creature Jaiban Jungle. Hao Jin’s rival Syndara stole the egg from Danger Island
and decided to leave its territory alone. Mogaru in an attempt to lure Mogaru toward Goka
Jaiban continues its relatively quiet life in its lair, during the Ruby Phoenix Tournament (see the next Chapter 2:
swimming out to sea to feed. If the characters intrude adventure, “Ready? Fight!”, for this development), Survive
on this lair, there is a 25% chance Jaiban is out and when it suddenly hatched, Syndara kept the
Chapter 3:
hunting; it otherwise spends all its time here. Highly fledgling kaiju in his care, named it Moku, and The Empress at the
irritable and territorial, Jaiban attacks at the first sign haphazardly abandoned its shell here. Top of the World
of intruders. It fights to the death. Few people (if any) have seen a kaiju egg, so at
first glance it’s easy to mistake it for the shell of an Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
JAIBAN CREATURE 15 especially large bird or dinosaur. By succeeding at
UNIQUE N GARGANTUAN BEAST one or more of the following checks (all DC 35), a Adventure
Legendary beast of Bonmu character might glean a bit more info about the strange Toolbox
Perception +23; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet encasing. On a critical success, the character learns the
Skills Athletics +30, Stealth +28, Survival +26 details enclosed in parentheses.
Str +9, Dex +4, Con +8, Int –4, Wis +3, Cha +1 • Occultism: The shell is marked by strange
AC 36; Fort +29, Ref +23, Will +25 veins of seafloor sand. (The egg came from the
HP 170 bottom of the ocean, where benthic horrors and
Speed 30 feet, swim 30 feet unfathomably powerful monsters reign, rather
Melee [one-action] jaws +31 (reach 20 feet), Damage 3d12+14 than anywhere on land.)
piercing plus Grab • Nature: The egg’s shape and structure indicate
Melee [one-action] tail +31 (reach 25 feet), Damage 3d6+14 that it most likely belonged to a reptilian creature.
bludgeoning (The creature was a dinosaur, but obviously no
Melee [one-action] foot +31 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d8+14 typical specimen.)
bludgeoning • Survival: There are no signs of the hatched
Trample [three-actions] Huge or smaller, foot, DC 36 creature nearby—footprints or otherwise. (The
Quaking Stomp [one-action] (manipulate) Frequency once per creature emerged from the shell elsewhere and the
minute; Effect Jaiban stomps the ground with intense egg was placed here later.)
force. It creates a minor earthquake with the effects of For now, the broken egg will remain a mystery, but
the earthquake spell, except that the range is only 100 the characters will get to see the effects of kidnapping
feet and is contained to a 20-foot burst.
Whip Tail [two-actions]
(sonic) Jaiban
cracks its tail,
creating a sonic boom in
a 5-foot burst centered on a
corner within reach of its tail Strike.
Each creature in the burst’s area must
attempt a DC 36 Fortitude save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is stunned 1.
Failure The creature is stunned 2.
Critical Failure The creature is stunned 3.
This location is the site for the final events of the
qualifying round. It is detailed in Chapter 3.
An enormous broken eggshell lies on this
small beach cove abutting Bonmu’s largest
a young kaiju and have a chance to meet Moku in this Creatures: Two iron golems remain here despite this
Adventure Path’s subsequent adventures. prison’s centuries of abandonment, ever vigilant to
XP Award: Grant each character 30 XP when they arrest would-be escapees. The golems
find the broken shell. If they critically succeed any stand at silent attention by the
of the information checks, grant each character 80 doorway and immediately
XP instead. move to intercept and attack
anyone who tries to pass
R. ABANDONED PRISON them, giving chase throughout
Earning a place in the Ruby the temple, but never outside.
Phoenix Tournament is
difficult. The Trembling IRON GOLEM (2) CREATURE 13
Meteors, a team hailing from Pathfinder Bestiary 188
Avistan, learned this Initiative Perception +21
lesson all too quickly
after their first defeat R7. Northern Cells:
on Bonmu. Rather than Broken Kaiju ShelL High-profile prisoners
continue facing other teams, the were given their own spacious stone
Trembling Meteors decided to cells. A sturdy iron door bars entry to
create their own silver feathers each cell. All the northern cells are empty
and earn their place in the tournament with ease. After except for bones, pebbles, and rotted fibers.
splitting up in the jungle to lose their emissary, they R8. Southern Cells: The majority of prisoners resided
rendezvoused back at this old underground prison in tightly packed quarters on this side of the prison.
complex to begin their new plan. The team’s leader, Each iron door is locked, requiring two successful DC
Pomtaris, used her skillful hands and specialized 33 checks to Pick the Lock. Any creature without at
tools to replicate the silver feathers. Unbeknownst to least a master proficiency in Thievery automatically
Pomtaris, though, the feathers are specifically attuned fails their attempts to unlock a cell.
to the phoenix necklaces to confirm entry in the Treasure: Four cells still contain belongings of
tournament. Counterfeit feathers simply won’t work. value. One has a greater crafter’s eyepiece. Another
The abandoned prison is a relic from the days of has a 3rd-level wand of manifold missiles and a
Taumata; Bonmu’s subsequent occupiers weren’t sure 5th-level wand of widening. The third cell holds an
they wanted to incorporate such a cruel structure into explorer’s yurt. The final cell contains a +2 striking
their culture and left it alone. Magical torches along corrosive dagger.
the stone walls fill all of the rooms with bright light, R9. Work Floor: Prison guards oversaw the
which fades to dim light after sunset. The ceiling rises prisoners’ forced labor in this large workspace.
to a height of 20 feet in all rooms. Doors in the prison Authorities forced the most talented prisoners to
are unlocked unless otherwise noted. Page 44 shows a craft statues of various gods as well as other simple
map of the prison. works of art, while the rest of the prisoners were taken
R1. Entrance: The prison’s entryway contains a outside to hunt dangerous game.
large statue of a forgotten Taumatan god holding a Pomtaris created the counterfeit silver feathers
breadfruit over its head as if in ceremony. A stone here, leaving many of her tools and failed attempts
double door leads in and out of the prison from here. scattered across the floor. Anyone who takes more
R2. Registration: Here, offenders were stripped than a few moments to look around the room
of any remaining belongings and registered in the immediately realizes what the Trembling Meteors
prison’s logs. were up to.
R3. Guard Quarters: A few guards posted in this Creatures: Two of the Trembling Meteors are here,
now-empty room watched the lobby. Pomtaris and her wife, Tromtil. The two are relaxing
R4. Storage: Guards stored casks of water, baskets after Pomtaris’s quick work creating the silver
of fruit, and packages of meat in this corner room. feathers. If the player characters managed to slip past
R5. Meeting Room: Prisoners who wished to speak the golems, Pomtaris and Tromtil are rejoicing in song
with a priest would do so here. A ceremonial knife as they enjoy some brandy. If the characters fought the
made of black lava rock lies forgotten in the corner. golems, the sounds of combat alerted the two fighters,
R6. Hall: The prison’s main hall looped around the and they’ve asked their teammates (area R11) to join
complex and allowed access to each of the cell rooms. them in this room.
on Danger
Without their ward, Pomtaris and her friends feel a permanent illusion placed here to hide the door to
emboldened to attack the player characters outright the prison’s vault of seized goods. The Trembling
Chapter 1:
rather than challenge them to a match, and they Meteors were unable to disbelieve the illusion, so
Welcome to
conspire to loot the characters’ silver feathers off their they think there’s nothing else of value in the prison. Danger Island
bodies once they’ve dispatched them. When the player characters approach this wall,
attempt a secret DC 33 Will save to disbelieve for Chapter 2:
POMTARIS CREATURE 13 each character. On a success, they notice the wall Survive
Female human weapon master (page 23) fade to a translucent image cloaking the vault door.
Chapter 3:
Initiative Perception +23 Alternatively, a character who Seeks in the area The Empress at the
Skills Crafting +27 with a successful DC 35 Perception check Top of the World
notices the vault door
TROMTIL CREATURE 13 peeking out slightly Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
Female human mage of many styles (page 25) beyond the illusion. The
Initiative Perception +23 guards didn’t properly close Adventure
the vault door when they fled Toolbox
Treasure: Pomtaris holds her team’s 2 the prison and it remains slightly
legitimate silver feathers, which Ingdani ajar even today. Noticing the door
authorizes the player characters to claim for causes that character to automatically
themselves if they defeat the despicable disbelieve the illusion. As a result,
Trembling Meteors in combat. Afterward, the characters can enter freely and
Ingdani reports Pomtaris and her friends collect the treasure within.
to the enforcers on duty at the nearest Treasure: Within the vault, the
sanctioned fighting site. characters find alchemist’s goggles,
R10. Head Guard’s Office: The a greater staff of enchantment, a rod
head guard of the prison kept this of wonder, two vials of shadow
office for their work. essence, a pouch of 20 rubies
Treasure: The desk in the office worth 40 gp each, 1,408 gp, 6,720
contains a greater skeleton key, a sp, and 3,055 cp.
ring of lies, slates of distant letters
(Advanced Player’s Guide 262), S. EMPTY POND
and a predictable silver piece The water in this pond appears to
(Advanced Player’s Guide 262). have been mysteriously drained all
R11. Lounge: The prison at once. Dozens of fish flop about
guards and priest used this in the muddy, 30-foot pit it left
lounge as a breakroom. behind. A large island juts up
Creatures: The two other from its center.
Trembling Meteors are Creature: The island is, in fact,
relaxing here, though they a camouflaged berberoka—a
might have moved to the work monster that can swallow up
floor as noted above (area R9). entire ponds and even lakes to attract
Harbis and Lown are content to curious prey. This berberoka has taken to
let Pomtaris take care of the silver drinking this pond when it hears teams of
feather issue, but if the player competitors nearby; it has ignobly eaten
characters enter here, the two jump two such teams already, adorning its back
to their feet to fight. with their belongings in the hopes of
Pomtaris luring in more prey.
HARBIS AND LOWN CREATURE 13 When the characters arrive here, they
Human agile warriors (page 23) see the empty pond and the island, which
Initiative Perception +25 is actually the berberoka in disguise. If
at least one character approaches the
R12. Vault: On an initial glance, berberoka, it regurgitates the water in its belly to
this part of the hallway appears knock them over, then attacks. The berberoka flees if
to just be a wall. The guards had reduced to fewer than 50 Hit Points.
Ic Id
R3 R10
R1 R2 R6 R12
R4 R11
R5 R8
on Danger
Pathfinder Bestiary 6, page 87 Human weak archery specialists (Pathfinder Bestiary 6,
Chapter 1:
Initiative Perception +18 page 24)
Welcome to
Initiative Perception +24 Danger Island
WAn d e Ring Te A m S
Thirty-two teams vie for entry into the Ruby Phoenix NIGHTMARES Chapter 2:
Tournament proper, and each of these teams roams The Nightmares are a trio of horse riders from the Survive
Bonmu attempting to earn their silver feathers. Use Xopatl region of Arcadia. Named after the fiendish
Chapter 3:
the following teams whenever the player characters horses of death—which they’ve outfitted their mounts The Empress at the
actively search for other teams or when you feel like to resemble—the Nightmares dress in black robes and Top of the World
introducing some excitement to the exploration. wield polearms against their foes.
If the characters purposefully search for a team, Creatures: Junerio, Rovidar, and Tairino are Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
they typically find a group of challengers within 4 cousins who grew up together and got by as thieves.
hexploration actions. They eventually realized they could avoid all the Adventure
At your consideration, the player characters might subterfuge and sneaking around by instead simply Toolbox
face these teams at a lower or higher level than
presented here. You can modify teams’ threat levels
by applying the weak or elite creature adjustments
(page 6 of the Pathfinder Bestiary) to the team’s
fighters. The ultimate decision is up to you,
but know that some of the teams will be
too difficult for lower-level teams. On the
other hand, such a fight can be a perfect
way to remind the player characters
that they are not unbeatable.
Regardless of whether they win
or lose, the characters should earn
experience for these fights as long
as they gave an honest effort for
the match. In the case of a loss, award
the characters experience for a challenge
one threat level lower than the fight’s threat
level (low-threat experience for a moderate threat,
moderate-threat experience for a severe threat, and
so on).
If these teams don’t fit your needs for an encounter,
consider using the Ruby Phoenix Fighting Roster
article (page 66) to develop a team concept. From
there, you can use the base combatant statistics (page
22) to fill your team with different opponents.
Creatures: The Lightning Callers are a pair
of expert archers from Osirion. Morginnar
and Rameis do their best to keep away
from opponents in combat. If there is
higher ground for them to use, they Brartork
quickly make their way toward that
location first. Otherwise, they attempt
to pin their opponents before moving
away. Both Morginnar and Rameis
fight until reduced to 25 Hit Points,
at which point they surrender.
terrifying their victims into submission. In combat, cover any leftover opponents. Each member
the trio encircle one or two opponents at a time, surrenders if reduced to fewer than 50 Hit Points.
staying mounted and using their halberds to attack If five or more members are incapacitated, the entire
from a safe distance. All of the Nightmares fight team surrenders.
until knocked out. The eight members of Golarion’s Finest are
represented by the following single stat block, for
JUNERIO, ROVIDAR, AND TAIRINO CREATURE 13 convenience. Each fighter has their own special ability.
Human agile warriors (page 23)
Initiative Perception +25 GOLARION’S FINEST (8) CREATURE 12
Melee [one-action] halberd +27 (reach 10 feet, versatile S), Damage Male human weak ki adepts (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, page 24)
2d10+9 piercing Initiative Perception +21
Electric Shroud [reaction] (electricity, evocation, primal)
WAR HORSES (3) CREATURE 2 Trigger A creature hits Krankkiss with an unarmed
Pathfinder Bestiary 209 attack; Effect Krankkiss focuses his ki power to
Initiative Perception +25 (as riders) produce electricity. The triggering creature takes 2d6
electricity damage.
GOLARION’S FINEST Flip Kick [three-actions] Numoriz makes a leaping backflip and
The eight fighters who call themselves Golarion’s kicks a foe harshly in the process. Numoriz Leaps 5
Finest met at a previous worldwide tournament feet vertically and 5 feet horizontally in any direction.
many years ago. They all enjoyed their time He makes a Strike against a single creature within
together so much that they formed their own team. reach at any point during this movement. He then
Since then, they’ve entered multiple tournaments, lands safely on the ground.
traveling around Golarion in search of their next Flying Kicks [three-actions] Mingyu spins through the air, kicking
fight. Their incredible winning record earned them a opponents in her path. Mingyu Strides and can make
place among Hao Jin’s chosen pre-qualifiers for the up to three Strikes during this movement, each
Ruby Phoenix Tournament. against a different target within reach. These attacks
Creatures: Each of Golarion’s Finest specializes in count toward Mingyu’s multiple attack penalty, but
a specific technique. The Quain fraternal twins Han the multiple attack penalty doesn’t increase until after
and Jun have each mastered their punches and kicks she makes all of her attacks. Mingyu then becomes
respectively. Mingyu was a former teacher from stunned 1.
Goka who found an even greater passion in fighting. Hurling Toss [one-action] Requirements Brartork has a creature
Krankkiss and Rajna attended a monastery in Vudra grabbed or restrained; Effect Brartork attempts an
where they mastered the flow of ki in their bodies Athletics check against the creature’s Fortitude DC.
to grant them unusual abilities. Paunnima, a retired Critical Success Brartork tosses the creature 25 feet,
wrestling champion from Minkai, took to fighting dealing 2d8 bludgeoning damage, and the creature
once again to raise funds for her tea shop. Numoriz falls prone.
was a Razatlani knight, but he retired after the birth Success As critical success, except the creature
of his son; now that his son is an adult, Numoriz has doesn’t fall prone.
returned to the world of combat but avoided the call Failure Brartork fails to throw the creature.
to war. Finally, Brartork, an Iobarian body builder, Critical Failure Brartork fails to throw the creature,
can be credited with the original idea of forming and the creature is no longer grabbed or restrained
Golarion’s Finest. His gregarious and joyful attitude by Brartork.
immediately falls to the wayside in combat, as he Palm Flurry [one-action] to [three-actions] Paunnima makes a dizzying
takes his grappling and throwing very seriously in number of palm Strikes, dealing 1d8 bludgeoning
order to subdue his opponents. damage to all adjacent creatures. For each additional
In combat, Golarion’s Finest each try to focus action she uses as part of Palm Flurry, the damage
on separate foes, though the large size of the group increases by 1d8. Regardless of how many actions
usually ends with the team breaking into pairs. she uses, the targets can attempt a DC 30 basic
Han and Jun fight together, attempting to keep a Reflex save.
foe pinned down. Krankkiss and Rajna use their Powerful Sweep [two-actions] Jun aims a sweeping kick at a foe.
unique abilities to take the defensive. Mingyu Jun makes an unarmed Strike. On a hit, the creature
and Paunnima use their quick attacks to pummel is knocked back 5 feet (10 feet on a critical hit) and
multiple foes at once. Finally, Brartork and Numoriz knocked prone.
on Danger
Powerful Uppercut [two-actions] Han delivers a devastating d Ay 1
uppercut. He makes an unarmed Strike. On a hit, the The following events happen throughout the first
Chapter 1:
Strike deals an additional 1d10 bludgeoning damage day of the pre-qualifier.
Welcome to
and the target must attempt a DC 28 Fortitude save. Danger Island
Regardless of the result, Han becomes stunned 1. EVENT 1: RISE AND SHINE
Success No further effect. Just as the player characters prepare to set out on the Chapter 2:
Failure The target is knocked off balance and takes a –1 first day of the qualifying round, a pair of fighters Survive
circumstance penalty to its attack rolls until the end shows up at the temple of Irori to challenge
Chapter 3:
of its next turn. them to their first match. The Empress at the
Critical Failure As failure, plus the target is knocked prone. Top of the World
Reach Beyond [two-actions] (conjuration, occult) Rajna focuses her
ki power to allow her to fold her immediate reality and Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
reach a distant opponent. She makes a fist Strike against
a creature within 15 feet. Adventure
This group of four fighters hails from the Kelesh
satrapy of Zelshabbar in Casmaron. They refuse
to give their names, and they are sore losers. If the
player characters win a match against Under the Pale
Sun, the fighters immediately challenge the characters
to a rematch at a different fighting site.
e Ve nTS
The following events take place during the
first two days of the prequalifying round on
Bonmu. (The final day’s events are detailed in
Chapter 3.) Some of these events are optional and
contenders are free to take part or abstain as they Under the Pale Sun Archer
wish. Each event offers a reward, sometimes in the
form of one or more silver feathers, but participants
risk facing injury or diminished resources. The
adventure text assumes the player characters are 12th
level on the first day of the tournament and 13th or
14th level on the second day.
Creatures: A team of sisters, the Ahmoza Twins, the party access to the Entwined Energy Ki feat
have decided that the player characters are a (page 74).
suitable team to face for their first match.
Each sister studied at the Houses of EVENT 2: CHALLENGE OF THE ENFORCERS
Perfection in Jalmeray and learned Sometime after the characters collect 5 silver
to master a specific element to feathers, they catch the attention of a
include with their techniques. group of tournament enforcers.
Manyala practiced her control The group’s leader, a
over fire at the Monastery of hobgoblin monk by
Unblinking Flame, while the name of Gomwai,
Rijana underwent tutelage attended the last Ruby
in the Monastery of Phoenix Tournament as a pawn of
Unbreaking Waves to the Golden League, a notorious
learn control over ice. Gokan crime syndicate, and
The twins bring the enforcers who even made it to the final round
visited the temple an hour earlier and before ultimately losing to
officially declare their challenge against the champions.
the characters just as the sun rises. Gomwai’s loss gave
They wager two of their silver feathers him an opportunity
for the match. The adventure assumes the for significant self-reflection and
characters have the match at the temple of a reassessment of his values. He felt
Irori, though they are free to move it to a great shame for his involvement with
nearby fighting site if they prefer. Gomwai the Golden League and chose to step away
In combat, the sisters stay close together from his criminal connections to become
to make it more difficult to flank them. They make a mercenary bodyguard for important business
liberal use of their ki blast spell and their Channel leaders in Goka. When the church of Abadar started
Element abilities. Manyala surrenders if reduced recruiting staff for this year’s tournament, Gomwai
to fewer than 50 Hit Points, but Rijana continues leapt at the opportunity, wishing to give back to the
to fight until knocked unconscious or reduced to 0 tournament that had done so much for him. Gomwai
Hit Points. earned a place as an enforcer, and he leads a small
group of less experienced fighters-turned-enforcers in
MANYALA AND RIJANA AHMOZA (2) CREATURE 12 the pre-qualifier.
Female Vudran weak ki adepts (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, Now, Gomwai has received orders from Koto
page 24) Zekora, the enforcer leader, to thin out some of the
Initiative Perception +21 silver feathers. The player characters happen to be
Channel Element [one-action] (concentrate) Manyala and Rijana the nearest team when Gomwai gets his orders.
can draw upon the power in their bodies to temporarily Creatures: Gomwai and his squad of enforcers
channel energy. The next unarmed attack that they find the characters and challenge them to a match for
make deals 1d8 additional damage. This damage type 2 silver feathers. The match itself has no additional
is fire for Manyala and cold for Rijana. wrinkles and is a simple fight. Gomwai uses Flurry of
Entwined Energy Ki Manyala and Rijana can infuse Blows to Trip as many targets as possible, then lets
energy into their ki blasts, allowing them to change the other enforcers come in and take advantage of
the damage the spell deals. Manyala can choose the opening. If the characters take out two members
to deal fire damage instead of force damage and of the squad, the remaining enforcer surrenders and
Rijana can choose to deal cold damage instead of declares the player characters the match’s winners.
force damage.
New Feat: If the player characters win the match, Human weak agile warriors (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, page 23)
Manyala and Rijana are genuinely impressed by the Initiative Perception +23
party’s skill. In addition to the reward for winning
the match, they offer to teach the characters one GOMWAI CREATURE 12
of their powerful techniques. This process requires UNIQUE LN MEDIUM HUMANOID GOBLIN
1 hour and 2 hexploration activities but earns Male hobgoblin tournament enforcer
on Danger
Perception +21; darkvision the player characters are exploring, resting between
Languages Goblin, Taldane, Tien fights, or getting their bearings.
Chapter 1:
Skills Acrobatics +22, Athletics +27, Intimidation +24, Creature: The old cauthooj attempts to sneak up
Welcome to
Stealth +22, Underworld Lore +20 on the characters, using Stealth for its initiative. It Danger Island
Str +5, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +0 attempts to walk into the group, grab the nearest
Items bracers of armor, +1 striking handwraps of mighty trinket, and run away. If the cauthooj acts first in Chapter 2:
blows initiative, it catches the characters unawares. In Survive
AC 33; Fort +26, Ref +23, Will +20 this case, the characters are slowed 1 for the first
Chapter 3:
HP 235 round of combat. The cauthooj attempts to take the The Empress at the
Speed 25 feet characters’ phoenix necklace first and foremost. Top of the World
Melee [one-action] fist +25 (agile, finesse, magical, nonlethal, If the cauthooj manages to slip away with an
unarmed), Damage 2d6+10 bludgeoning item, the characters can attempt to Track the Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
Flurry of Blows [one-action] (flourish) Gomwai makes two Strikes cauthooj and reclaim their lost bauble. Doing so
with his fist. If both hit the same creature, combine requires a successful DC 32 Survival check. Once Adventure
their damage for the purpose of resistances and the characters are on the hunt, they can find the Toolbox
weaknesses. cauthooj after following the trail for 10 minutes.
Flurry of Maneuvers Gomwai can replace one or both of The cauthooj tries to run away from combat again,
his attacks during a Flurry of Blows with Grapples, requiring the characters to Track the cauthooj again
Shoves, or Trips. if it escapes. This continues until the third time the
Powerful Fists Gomwai’s fist Strikes are treated as cold characters Track it. Tired of running, the cauthooj
iron and silver and don’t take penalties when making stands its ground to fight. If the cauthooj is reduced
lethal attacks. to fewer than 50 Hit Points, it drops its treasures as
Stunning Fist (incapacitation) When Gomwai targets a distraction and runs away for good. The cauthooj
the same creature with two Strikes from his Flurry of also withdraws if the player characters are able to
Blows, he can try to stun the creature. If either Strike reclaim their stolen item.
hits and deals damage, the target must succeed at a
DC 30 Fortitude save or be stunned 1 (or stunned 3 on ELDER CAUTHOOJ CREATURE 14
a critical failure). RARE N MEDIUM BEAST
Variant cauthooj (Pathfinder Bestiary 55)
Prize: If the player characters win the challenge, Perception +25; thoughtsense (imprecise) 60 feet
Gomwai rewards them with 1,500 gp in addition Languages Sylvan (can’t speak any language)
to the standard 500 gp they earn for winning the Skills Athletics +27, Stealth +28
match. In addition, Gomwai presents them with a Str +6, Dex +4, Con +7, Int –3, Wis +3, Cha +0
phoenix idol in the shape of a rising phoenix. The Thoughtsense (divination, mental, occult) As cauthooj.
characters can sell this idol or use it to turn down a AC 36; Fort +28, Ref +23, Will +21
match as noted in area J5 (page 37). HP 255; Resistances sonic 15
XP Award: Whether or not the characters win, they Hop-Dodge [reaction] (move) As cauthooj.
still earn XP as if they had defeated the enforcers. Speed 40 feet
Melee [one-action] beak +29 (agile, deadly d12, reach 10 feet),
EVENT 3: THE SPITEFUL CAUTHOOJ Damage 2d12+15 piercing
Among the many creatures already living on Bonmu, Staccato Strike [one-action] (mental, primal, sonic) As cauthooj.
one of the most intelligent is an old cauthooj who Warbling Song [two-actions] (auditory, incapacitation, mental,
has lived on the island for over a century. During primal) As cauthooj, but DC 34.
that time, the cauthooj enjoyed easy access to food
and plenty of small treasures on Bonmu. When Treasure: The cauthooj sees all of Bonmu as its
the tournament staff started making preparations domain and thus doesn’t keep a lair of any sort.
on the island, they piqued the cauthooj’s interest. Instead, it uses a small bag found during its initial
Once the prequalifying round began in earnest, the days on the island to carry all of its treasures. The
cauthooj saw an opportunity to snag more baubles cauthooj keeps the bag around its neck and places
and treasures from the new arrivals. any baubles it picks up inside.
The cauthooj likes to sneak up on resting If the characters are able to claim the bag, they
contenders and steal small trinkets like gems or find a fair amount of junk but also a few true
even silver feathers. This event can occur any time treasures, including a balisse feather (Advanced
Player’s Guide 256); a piece of dispelling silver; a Creatures: This team is a group of spellcasters
light brown elemental gem; an eye of apprehension; from Avistan known as the Glowing Embers. While
a glowing, thin glass rod which turns out to be a they’re accomplished wizards, they were not prepared
wand of crackling lightning (6th level; Advanced for the rigors of the qualifying round. Namely, their
Player’s Guide 265); a runestone that glows with inexperience with close-quarters combat led them to
faint, crimson light due to its greater flaming rune; be overwhelmed by opponents able to quickly close
and a greater ring of cold resistance. the gap on them on the battlefield.
XP Award: If the player characters lay claim to The Glowing Embers wager their 1 remaining
the cauthooj’s treasures, they earn XP as if they had silver feather against the player characters. They start
defeated it in combat. the match strong, breaking up the battlefield with
areas of black tentacles, but after 3 rounds the fatigue
EVENT 4: A DESPERATE STRUGGLE of the day’s earlier events sets in. All their members
Late in the day, a different team finds the characters become clumsy 1 and enfeebled 1 for the remainder
and begins a new match. of the match.
If the player characters win, the Glowing Embers
offer them a half-spirited congratulations before
following the enforcers toward the docks to leave
the island.
on Danger
the tomb as a reward, believing the sword to have Speed 30 feet
been too much trouble to be worth keeping anyway. Form Up [one-action] (Bestiary 3 305)
Chapter 1:
If the characters take longer than 10 minutes Rain of Knives [two-actions] Hana’s Hundreds launch a volley of
Welcome to
to come find the source of the screams, the stone throwing knives in a 10-foot burst within 50 feet that Danger Island
golems have already finished off the Cloud Jesters deals 4d6+13 piercing damage (DC 33 basic Reflex save).
and left with the stolen weapon. There’s no sign of When the team is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this Chapter 2:
the golems anywhere, and only the corpses of the area decreases to a 5-foot burst. Survive
Cloud Jesters remain. The characters can claim the Run Them Over! [three-actions] Hana’s Hundreds attempt to trample
Chapter 3:
Cloud Jesters’ equipment if they wish, as there are all foes in their way. The team Forms Up and Strides The Empress at the
no enforcers around to stop them. The Cloud Jesters twice, moving through the space of Medium or smaller Top of the World
were an agile warrior, archery specialist, mage of creatures. Each creature the team moves through takes
many styles, and weapon master (pages 23–25) and 4d8+14 bludgeoning damage (DC 33 basic Reflex save). Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
have the appropriate equipment. In addition, the On a critical failure, the creature is also knocked prone.
Cloud Jester’s leader carries the team’s two remaining Troop Movement Whenever Hana’s Hundreds Strides, the Adventure
silver feathers. team first Forms Up as a free action to condense into Toolbox
XP Award: If the characters save the Cloud Jesters, a 20-foot-by-20-foot area (minus any missing squares),
award each character 30 XP. then moves up to its Speed. This works just like a
Gargantuan creature moving; for instance, if any square
d Ay 2 of the team enters difficult terrain, the extra movement
The following events take place on the second day of cost applies to the whole team.
the qualifying round. Whirlwind of Blades [one-action] to [three-actions] Frequency once per
round; Hana’s Hundreds flail their swords wildly at each
EVENT 6: FACING HANA’S HUNDREDS enemy adjacent to the team (DC 33 basic Reflex save).
Early in the day, the characters face another team The damage depends on the number of actions.
who wishes to put their skills to the test. [one-action] 2d8 slashing damage
Creatures: This group of Minkaians call themselves [two-actions] 3d8+13 slashing damage
Hana’s Hundreds, though in actuality they number [three-actions] 4d8+16 slashing damage
just shy of 40. Most teams opt for as few fighters
as possible, since the winners must split their prize EVENT 7: RACE FOR THE FEATHERS
evenly, but Hana’s Hundreds favored quantity over At noon on the second day, the enforcers declare
quality when it came to their own team, reasoning a unique challenge for all of the remaining teams.
that only a few of them will likely make it to the final There are a total of 8 silver feathers up for grabs
bouts uninjured. Regardless of their actual numbers, around Bonmu; the first teams to reach them can
Hana’s Hundreds have found a technique that works claim them. Any teams that want the feathers must
pretty well for them: they swarm and overwhelm reach the nearest fighting site on a first come, first
opponents using their large numbers. rewarded basis. Unfortunately for the teams, it’s not
When the team finds the player characters, they actually as simple as that. In the spirit of competition,
wager two of their silver feathers for the match. In the enforcers wait to award the silver feathers until
combat, they form a chaotic mass of screams and there are at least two teams at a fighting site so that
steel. Hana’s Hundreds attempt to attack multiple they can partake in a physical non-combat challenge
foes at once. Fully believing in the strength of their to win the feather.
numbers, the team fights until it is dispersed. To partake in the challenge, the characters must
reach a fighting site (area C) within 3 hours of the
HANA’S HUNDREDS CREATURE 15 challenge decree. Once the characters have attempted
UNIQUE LN MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID TROOP three challenges or by 3 p.m., whichever comes first,
Perception +23 all the remaining feathers have been taken and this
Languages Taldane, Tien event ends.
Skills Acrobatics +27, Athletics +30, Intimidation +27 There are three different types of challenges. These
Str +8, Dex +6, Con +6, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +4 challenges can start at any fighting site, but do not
AC 37; Fort +29, Ref +23, Will +23 use the map of the fighting site. Rather, run these
HP 270 (16 squares); Thresholds 180 (12 squares), 90 (8 challenges “theater of the mind” style or devise your
squares); Weaknesses area damage 20, splash damage 10 own simple map. The player characters can face any
Troop Defenses (Pathfinder Bestiary 3 306) other team of your choosing.
This event’s challenges are unusual in that there wait for other teams to simply lose. Instead, they
are virtually no rules; the challenges are intentionally call upon Syndara’s powers of creation to provide
open ended and the win conditions are purposefully a small army to attack the other teams and either
vague to encourage creative solutions. Magic and eliminate them completely, or, at the very least,
subterfuge are perfectly viable tactics in this event. soften them up for the final day of the pre-qualifier.
When the winner of a challenge is unclear, the Syndara agrees, using his planar powers to create
enforcer makes the final call. Contestants may dozens of construct warriors that resemble the
attack each other if they wish, but this fighting is famous terra-cotta statues of Lingshen.
not considered an official match and so they cannot These replica soldiers bear obvious Taumatan
wager feathers. markings, making it easier to dismiss the attack as a
The enforcer on duty can provide basic equipment strange occurrence tied to Bonmu’s ancient history,
to either team such as ropes, poles, and hooks, though a character who succeeds at a DC 25 Bonmu
which both teams are encouraged to use if needed. Lore or DC 40 Perception check can deduce that the
In general, as always, err on the side of your players Taumatan markings are convincing forgeries.
and reward creative solutions. (If your players
would rather roll checks, use very easy, average, and First Wave
very hard DCs for their level as appropriate.) The first attack begins shortly after midnight.
Banana Challenge: The enforcer has hidden Several terra-cotta soldiers climb the walls into the
10 red bananas in the jungle’s underbrush. Red temple’s training space (area A10) and then seek out
bananas are a relatively common plant on Bonmu, the characters, possibly catching them in their sleep.
but the enforcers have removed all such plants from Creatures: These terra-cotta soldiers all bear a
the surrounding 200-foot radius. The team with the small fragment of planar power thanks to Syndara’s
most red bananas at the end of 2 minutes wins the influence. The statues use this power to pinch the
silver feather. Material Plane around them and teleport across the
Coconut Challenge: This challenge takes place battlefield with terrifying speed.
on a muddy plateau. An enforcer stands on either
side of the 400-foot-wide muddy clearing. It begins PLANAR TERRA-COTTA SOLDIERS (4) CREATURE 11
raining at the outset of this challenge. Each team RARE N MEDIUM CONSTRUCT
starts at the same end of the clearing and is given a Variant terra-cotta soldiers (Pathfinder Bestiary 3 263)
small coconut marked with the enforcer’s signature. Perception +21
The team that delivers the cleanest coconut to the Languages Tien (can’t speak any language)
enforcer on the other side within 1 minute wins a Skills Athletics +23, Intimidation +23
silver feather. Str +7, Dex +5, Con +7, Int +2, Wis +3, Cha +4
Boulder Challenge: The enforcer has hidden a Items composite longbow (10 arrows), longsword, steel
silver feather under the rocks and silt of the swiftly shield (Hardness 13, HP 104, BT 52)
flowing river. Also hidden underneath the silt is AC 30 (32 with shield raised); Fort +24, Ref +21, Will +17
an iron chain to which the feather is secured with HP 250; Immunities bleed, death effects, diseased,
sovereign glue. The other end of the chain is locked doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, necromancy,
around a 500-pound boulder; there is 20 feet of nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened,
slack between the boulder and the feather. The unconscious; Weaknesses bludgeoning 14
bridge is 50 feet above the river and the river is 4 Attack of Opportunity [reaction]
feet deep. All competitors must remain in contact Shield Block [reaction]
with the bridge at all times. The first team to get a Speed 25 feet
hand on the feather wins. Melee [one-action] longsword +24 (versatile P), Damage 3d8+15
Treasure: The characters can earn up to 3 silver slashing
feathers if they win all three challenges. If the characters Ranged [one-action] composite shortbow +23 (deadly d10,
already have the maximum of 10 silver feathers, the propulsive, range increment 60 feet), Damage 3d6+13
enforcer instead awards the party 1,500 gp. piercing
XP Award: For each silver feather the party claims, Planar Step [one-action] (conjuration, teleportation) The planar
award each character 30 XP. terra-cotta soldier momentarily moves beneath the
Material Plane, instantly transporting itself to a
EVENT 8: ATTACK ON THE TEMPLE location within 60 feet. The soldier can’t use Planar
The Lightkeepers aren’t content to sit around and Step again for 1d4 rounds.
on Danger
Second Wave squares), then moves up to its Speed. This works just
Once the characters destroy the last soldier, they like a Gargantuan creature moving; for instance, if any
Chapter 1:
have some time to regain their bearings. The next square of the squadron enters difficult terrain, the extra
Welcome to
attack begins 15 minutes after the first ended. movement cost applies to the whole squadron. Danger Island
If the Old Man statue remains intact at the temple
shrine (area A13), it registers the second attack and THIRD WAVE Chapter 2:
springs to life to aid the characters in defending With the destruction of the terra-cotta squadron, Survive
the temple. the player characters earn 10 minutes of relative
Chapter 3:
Creatures: A large squadron of terra-cotta calm before the next attack. If the Old Man statue The Empress at the
soldiers teleports into the training space again, this remains, it begins to chant an Iroran prayer to cast Top of the World
time with the intent of using their large numbers to bless on all allied creatures within 10 feet of the
overwhelm the characters. statue. This blessing lasts for the duration of the Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
third attack.
PLANAR TERRA-COTTA SQUADRON CREATURE 15 Creatures: A quartet of powerful terra-cotta Adventure
RARE N MEDIUM CONSTRUCT TROOP soldiers teleport into the temple courtyard (area A3) Toolbox
Variant terra-cotta soldier garrison (Pathfinder Bestiary and then seek out the characters.
3 263)
Languages Tien (can’t speak any language) RARE N MEDIUM CONSTRUCT
Skills Athletics +18, Intimidation +20 Elite planar terra-cotta soldiers (Pathfinder Bestiary 3
Str +8, Dex +4, Con +8, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +4 6, 263)
AC 37 (39 with shields raised); Fort +26, Ref +23, Will +24 Perception +23
HP 300 (16 squares); Thresholds 200 (12 squares),
100 (8 squares); Immunities bleed, death effects, FOURTH WAVE
diseased, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, The final wave arrives only 5 minutes after the
necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, destruction of the terra-cotta captains. By this point,
sickened, unconscious; Weaknesses area damage 20, Irori himself takes notice of the characters’ actions
bludgeoning 15, splash damage 10 and offers them a blessing to aid them during their
Troop Defenses (Pathfinder Bestiary 3 306) defense. Immediately after the end of the third wave,
Speed 25 feet through the Old Man statue, Irori casts a 2-action,
Form Up [one-action] (Pathfinder Bestiary 3 305) 9th-level heal on each character, restoring 9d8+72
Aim as One [two-actions] The terra-cotta squadron launches a Hit Points each. Additionally, if the characters took
ranged attack in the form of a 10-foot burst within 100 the time to fully clear the temple or otherwise made
feet that deals 3d8+13 damage (DC 33 basic Reflex a show of piety, Irori also casts a 9th-level heroism
save). When the garrison is reduced to 8 or fewer spell on the characters, which lasts for the remainder
squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst. of the attack.
Planar Step [one-action] (conjuration, teleportation) The terra-cotta Creatures: What terra-cotta soldiers remain pour
squadron momentarily moves beyond the Material into the temple. The captains enter via the courtyard
Plane, instantly transporting itself to a location within again and the squadron enters via the training space,
90 feet. The squadron can’t use Planar Step again for with both groups looking to pincer the characters in
1d4 rounds. the center of the temple.
Raise Shields [one-action] The troop raises steel shields, with the
effects of Raise a Shield. PLANAR TERRA-COTTA CAPTAINS (3) CREATURE 12
Strike as One [one-action] to [three-actions] Frequency once per round; Elite planar terra-cotta soldiers (Pathfinder Bestiary 3
Effect The squadron makes a melee attack against 6, 263)
each enemy within 5 feet (DC 30 basic Reflex save). Initiative Perception +23
The damage depends on the number of actions.
[one-action] 2d8 slashing damage PLANAR TERRA-COTTA SQUADRON CREATURE 15
[two-actions] 3d8+13 slashing damage As above
[three-actions] 4d8+16 slashing damage Initiative Perception +24
Troop Movement Whenever a terra-cotta squadron Strides,
the garrison first Forms Up as a free action to condense XP Award: Award each character 80 XP once they
into a 20-foot-by-20-foot area (minus any missing successfully fend off the attack on the temple.
The start of the player characters’ third and final day and blast away the clouds around the mountain before
of the pre-qualifiers begins in a dramatic fashion. dramatically twisting into the unmistakable form of a
Overnight, the sorcerer Hao Jin arrived on the island, blazing crimson phoenix.
landing atop Mount Haminabu, where she waited “Good morning, competitors!” a woman’s voice echoes
until sunrise. As the first rays of the sun dance across across the skies of Bonmu, emanating from the phoenix. “I,
the eastern horizon, she solemnly places a small plum Hao Jin, the Ruby Phoenix, congratulate you for surviving
sapling among the summit’s soil. In minutes, the Danger Island so far. We now begin the final day of this
sapling grows to become a large, stone palace. As the pre-qualifying round for the Ruby Phoenix Tournament.”
sapling grows, it unleashes a deafening rumble that Cheers echo distantly across the jungle island. The voice
echoes across Bonmu, waking up all of the remaining continues: “I have placed a palace here on the peak of
teams as well as the local wildlife. With her palace in Mount Haminabu and invite you to join me and my guest,
place, Hao Jin projects an image of a flaming phoenix Empress Nai Yan Fei, for a pleasant evening of stimulating
across Bonmu’s skies—a powerful illusion that carries conversation, fine local food, and rousing entertainment.
her voice across the island. To join us, simply bring me your phoenix necklace and ten
silver feathers. This will secure your access into the palace
A dull roar, like an earthquake, disrupts the serenity of the as well as the Ruby Phoenix Tournament. I await all of you
third morning of the Ruby Phoenix Tournament pre-qualifier. who are worthy of the honor. You have until sunset to
Monkeys, birds, and rodents screech in terror as a plume reach the mountaintop. Fight well, combatants.” With Hao
of red fire erupts from the peak of Mount Haminabu near Jin’s final words, the phoenix erupts into a halo of brilliant
the island’s center. The blinding flames paint the sky violet fire and disappears.
on Danger
As Hao Jin noted in her announcement, all competitors have until sunset The third and final day of the Ruby
Chapter 1:
to reach Mount Haminabu with their 10 silver feathers to secure their Phoenix Tournament pre-qualifier Welcome to
place in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Contenders who fail to reach the begins with the powerful sorcerer Danger Island
palace atop the mountain by sunset forfeit their place in the tournament, and grand judge Hao Jin arriving on
even if they have 10 feathers. The player characters might already have Bonmu and creating an enormous Chapter 2:
enough feathers and could choose to turn in their feathers first thing on palace, which she places on the Survive
this day. If so, you might choose to skip Events 9, 10, or 11 below and island’s highest peak. With her Chapter 3:
proceed straight to Event 12: Securing Their Place on page 57. arrival, the teams can now secure The Empress at the
If the party still lacks the 10 feathers they need to proceed, they can their position in the next round of Top of the World
continue to explore Bonmu as they did during the first 2 days. The the Ruby Phoenix Tournament. The
following events occur on this final day; aside from Event 9, which is player characters can use their final Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
intended simply to exhaust some of the party’s resources, these events day to continue exploring the island,
are designed as easy opportunities for the characters to earn the last few face other teams, and discover more Adventure
feathers they need to continue the adventure. of Bonmu’s secrets, as detailed in Toolbox
Chapter 2. Once they’re ready, the
EVENT 9: FACING THE TOP ENFORCER SEVERE 14 characters must make their way to
Early in the morning, a group of enforcers finds the player characters and Mount Haminabu and meet the Ruby
explains that they have been chosen for another match against an enforcer. Phoenix to ensure their place in the
This time, the characters must wager 3 silver feathers. The match takes next round—but not before facing off
place at the nearest fighting site, where the party’s opponent awaits. against a bitter team that wishes to
Creature: Koto Zekora is an onidoshi—also called an ogre mage, harm Hao Jin.
a powerful oni that resembles an ogre in its material form—bound in After sunset, Hao Jin hosts dinner
service to the Church of Abadar. Originally a despicable marauder who and entertainment for the eight
dwelled on the outskirts of Goka, Koto Zekora was captured by Empress qualifying teams that have handed in
Nai Yan Fei’s Butterfly Blades. The ogre mage now serves as the head their necklace and feathers. During
enforcer on Danger Island, a deal she agreed to in exchange for her the evening’s events, the characters
life. All other enforcers answer to her and her judgment is final, second can possibly make a good first
only to Emissary Xho Nuo and Hao Jin herself. Koto Zekora has been impression with Lady Nai Yan Fei,
wanting to partake in a fight, but her duties during the last 2 days have Empress of Goka. If they do so, the
precluded such a challenge. Once Hao Jin arrived, she delegated Koto characters secure themselves the
Zekora’s duties to other enforcers, freeing up the oni for the fight she empress’s support during the next
desires. Unfortunately for the characters, she happens to pick their team round of the tournament.
as her first targets.
Koto Zekora is a fierce combatant, using the power of her club to knock
away opponents and following up with powerful spells. She tries her best
to hit several targets who are grouped together with spells like lightning
bolt and fireball. If she finds a particular foe to be a nuisance, she traps
them in a maze to dispose of the offender. Koto Zekora is eager to push
herself and fights until knocked unconscious or, if her opponents deactivate
her regeneration, until she is reduced to fewer than 25 Hit Points.
Attack of Opportunity [reaction] bolt, vampiric exsanguination; 5th (3 slots) cone of
Speed 30 feet, fly 30 feet cold, fireball, prying eye, wall of stone; 4th (3 slots)
Melee [one-action] greatclub +31 (backswing, magical, reach 10 feet, dimension door, freedom of movement, invisibility, wall
shove), Damage 3d10+20 bludgeoning of fire; 3rd (3 slots) fear, fireball, haste, slow; 2nd (3
Melee [one-action] fist +29 (agile, evil, magical, reach 10 feet), slots) acid arrow, dispel magic, see invisibility, spider
Damage 3d8+16 bludgeoning climb; 1st (3 slots) feather fall, grease, magic missile,
Arcane Spontaneous Spells DC 36; 8th (3 slots) maze, true strike; Cantrips (8th) acid splash, daze, detect
polar ray, scintillating pattern; 7th (3 slots) eclipse magic, electric arc, ray of frost, shield
burst, mask of terror, prismatic spray, reverse gravity; Sorcerer Bloodline Spells 3 Focus Points, DC 36; 8th
6th (3 slots) chain lightning, disintegrate, lightning ancestral memories (Core Rulebook 402), arcane
countermeasure (Core Rulebook 403), extend spell (Core
Rulebook 404)
Primal Innate Spells DC 36; 5th cone of cold; 4th charm,
gaseous form, sleep; 3rd fear; 2nd darkness, invisibility
(at will, self only)
Bloodline Magic When Koto Zekora casts a bloodline spell,
dimension door, disintegrate, dispel magic, haste, magic
missile, prismatic spray, prying eye,
or maze, she gains a +1 status bonus
to skill checks for 1 round.
Change Shape [one-action] (concentrate,
polymorph, primal,
transmutation) Koto Zekora
takes on the appearance of
an ogre. This doesn’t change
her Speed or Strike attack
and damage.
on Danger
the action, the characters must succeed at a DC 37 Last Breath fighters get taken out, the remaining team
Perception or Survival check to locate the feather member surrenders.
Chapter 1:
in the hex. The first time they succeed at this check, Welcome to
they automatically acquire a LAST BREATH FIGHTERS (3) CREATURE 12 Danger Island
silver feather. After claiming this Human weak agile warrior
first feather, there is only a 50% (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, 23) Chapter 2:
chance that a successful check Initiative Perception +23 Survive
turns up another feather. After Chapter 3:
claiming the second feather, EVENT 12: SECURING THEIR The Empress at the
this chance drops to 10%. Once PLACE MODERATE 14 Top of the World
the characters have completed a When the characters are ready, they
Reconnoiter action in each of the can travel to Mount Haminabu to Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
hexes, there are no more feathers meet with Hao Jin, show their
to find, as the feathers were 10 silver feathers, and confirm Adventure
claimed by the remaining teams their entry in the Ruby Phoenix Toolbox
or lost to the jungle forever. Tournament. When they reach
Optionally, to complicate this Mount Haminabu, they find
event, consider including one or two the Ruby Palace dominating the
rival teams in the hexes the characters summit. A number of other
explore around the teams are already at the peak,
mountain. The player though only as spectators.
characters might have None of them have enough
to deal with a combat feathers, but most have decided
encounter, a chase (possibly using the to cheer on and congratulate the
chase subsystem from the Pathfinder Hao Jin qualifying teams. Among these teams are
Gamemastery Guide), or some variation of Tino’s Toughest, who are just a few feathers
a challenge or event that was missed during short of qualifying, but have unfortunately run out of
the previous days. teams to fight and out of time for a bout. Aside from
the player characters’ party, the other qualifying teams
EVENT 11: THE LAST BREATH LOW 14 have already confirmed their place in the next round
Late in the afternoon, the characters face another team and entered the palace.
on their last legs. Once the characters step up to meet with Hao Jin,
Creatures: Hailing from the Shackles, the team she holds her hand out and asks them to produce their
known as the Last Breath faced a rough time on phoenix necklace and 10 feathers. When she takes the
Bonmu. They’ve managed to scrape by for the past items, she magically transforms them into a phoenix
2 days, but at this point they’re down to their final fighting fan (page 75) and returns the fan to the
silver feather. The team has decided to have some characters, welcoming them to the Ruby Palace. Just
good-natured fun with the team they predict to be as she finishes speaking, a powerful disintegrate spell
their last rivals on Danger Island. strikes Hao Jin in the back and she collapses into a pile
The Last Breath challenges the player characters to of ash. The Ruby Phoenix has been attacked!
a match for 1 silver feather. Once the match starts, Creatures: Bitter that they can’t secure a place
they keep away from the characters, springing around in the next round, one of the teams, Fallen Moon,
the battlefield in an obnoxious manner. The pirates has chosen to take out their frustration on Hao
seek to get under the characters’ skin, laughing the Jin herself. With Hao Jin’s apparent death, Tino’s
entire time they fight. There are no rules against Toughest spring into action and engage some of the
leaving the perimeter of a mapped fighting site, as Fallen Moon members. Fallen Moon’s remaining
long as the contestants remain in sight of an enforcer, comrades—a mage and a warrior—charge the Ruby
so this chase might span an entire wilderness area Palace’s front doors, just a few feet past the player
or transition into a mix of exploration mode and characters.
encounter mode. Consider using this event as a way If they wish, the characters can intercept these
of “running the clock” against the player characters, members. Otherwise, the saboteurs soon realize they
in case they’ve chosen to dilly-dally before heading can’t enter the palace without a phoenix fighting fan
to Mount Haminabu. At any rate, once two of the and turn their frustration toward the player characters.
The pair fight to the death. Once the characters of Bonmu. The characters are free to move about the
dispatch one opponent or after 10 rounds, whichever palace and meet with the other qualifying teams during
comes first, Hao Jin’s ashes stir and a large, flaming this time (see the Ruby Phoenix Fighting Roster article
phoenix rises from within. The sorcerer reappears a for more details on the other seven teams who have
moment later and, if required, quickly dispatches any qualified for the tournament). Hao Jin strictly forbids
remaining members of Fallen Moon. any fighting once the teams are in the palace, so any
meetings must be nonviolent.
FALLEN MOON MAGE CREATURE 14 Hao Jin primarily plays the role of host in this
Human elite mage of many styles (Pathfinder Bestiary 6, chapter. In the next adventure, she will serve as the
page 25) Ruby Phoenix Tournament’s grand judge, presiding
Initiative Perception +24 over every official tournament match. For more
information and a detailed history of Hao Jin, see her
FALLEN MOON WARRIOR CREATURE 14 entry in Pathfinder Lost Omens Legends.
Human elite weapon master (Pathfinder
Bestiary 6, page 23) DINNER WITH THE EMPRESS
Initiative Perception +25 Hao Jin invites the qualifying
teams to dinner, which is
Treasure: As thanks for scheduled an hour after sunset.
dealing with the treacherous All of the teams meet in a vast
contenders, Hao Jin gifts courtyard containing several stone
the player characters a clear tables. Dozens of servants run
quartz crystal ball. She also between the tables serving food
takes Fallen Moon’s three and drink to the qualifying teams.
silver feathers and passes them In addition to Hao Jin, the dinner’s
on to Tino’s Toughest, who can attendance includes Empress Nai Yan
now secure their place in the Fei, the ruler of Goka. Hao Jin and
next round. Tino and his team Yan Fei developed a close partnership
let out an emotional cheer at this following Hao Jin’s return from
development. Axis 2 years ago. Since then,
XP Award: Once the Hao Jin has occasionally
characters secure their place in consulted the empress on
the Ruby Phoenix Tournament, Gokan matters. Yan Fei’s
award them each 120 XP. presence here is mostly a
result of this relationship, but
T he R P
u by A l AC e Nai Yan Fei it’s also a way for her to oversee the
When Hao Jin arrived at Bonmu, she changes that Hao Jin has implemented
brought with her a vast palace that once belonged for this year’s Ruby Phoenix Tournament.
to her late parents. Using her magical abilities, Hao Empress Points: Although Lady Yan Fei doesn’t
Jin first converted the palace into a portable form, control the tournament, she is still an influential
then reverted it back to its original size as part of her figure in Goka and can help the player characters
announcement, dubbing this incredible demesne the indirectly. Throughout this chapter, the lady’s opinion
Ruby Palace. The final few events of the tournament of the characters is represented by Empress Points. The
pre-qualifier on Bonmu take place within the Ruby characters can earn a number of Empress Points during
Palace, which occupies several acres of the plateau this evening, and the total number of points they earn
atop Mount Habinabu. will have a small effect on their sponsorship in the
The palace is full of attendants and servants who Ruby Phoenix Tournament in the next adventure.
offer healing, repair services, and other amenities to the First Impressions: During dinner, the empress
eight qualifying teams. Depending on when the player meanders between tables to meet each qualifying
characters gain access to the Ruby Palace, they might team. This is the first chance the characters have to
have several hours to relax and prepare themselves for make an impression on the empress. She arrives at
the night’s events. The servants guide the characters to their table and asks the characters for their history,
a large private guest room that includes several beds, including where they first met each other and previous
a screened outdoor bathing area, and a scenic view adventures they may have had. If the characters wish
on Danger
to impress the empress, they can attempt to do so with to step up if they wish. Otherwise, the Biting Roses
the following skills. The party can attempt a total eventually rise to the occasion.
Chapter 1:
of six skill checks before the empress moves on to Creatures: The Butterfly Blades are an elite squad Welcome to
the next table. Lower the DC of a check if a player of assassin-warriors trained in butterfly swords Danger Island
roleplays particularly well or comes up with a creative who directly serve Goka’s ruler. These bodyguards
way to make an impression on Lady Yan Fei. are among the greatest warriors in all of Goka and Chapter 2:
Athletics: A character can attempt a DC 32 Athletics potentially all of Tian Xia, though their skills are better Survive
check to recount a match from the past days with suited toward subterfuge than direct confrontation. Chapter 3:
enough dramatic flair to impress the empress. The Empress at the
Deception: Lying to Yan Fei isn’t particularly Top of the World
impressive, but a character can attempt a DC 37
Deception check to embellish a story just enough to Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
earn her attention.
Diplomacy: The characters can attempt a DC 34 Adventure
Diplomacy check to Make an Impression with Yan Fei. Toolbox
Goka Lore: A character who succeeds at a DC 30
Goka Lore check impresses the empress with their
knowledge of Gokan politics.
Nature: The empress loves unique flowers, and a
character who succeeds at a DC 30 Nature check can
detail some of Bonmu’s flora to impress the empress.
Occultism: With a successful DC 37 Occultism
check, a character can trace the empress’s lineage
and current position along the path of Sangpotshi
(Pathfinder Lost Omens Gods & Magic 99).
Performance: The characters can impress the
empress with beautiful piece of Gokan music, which
requires a successful DC 34 Performance check.
Society: The characters can attempt a DC 32 Society
check to impress the empress with their knowledge of
local Tian mannerisms and dinner etiquette.
Empress Points: The characters earn 1
Empress Point if they succeed at
two or more different checks, or 2
Empress Points if they succeed at five
or more different checks.
XP Award: Award each character 30 XP as a story
reward if they earn 1 Empress Point, or 80 XP each if
they earn 2 points.
The trio of Butterfly Blades that participate in the Melee [one-action] butterfly sword +25 (agile, disarm, finesse,
exhibition are relatively new to their station, though magical, parry, twin), Damage 2d4+15 slashing
they are still formidable foes. Butterfly’s Kiss The warrior can make nonlethal Strikes
In combat, the Butterfly Blades open with their with a butterfly sword without taking a penalty.
mastermind’s eye ability and Studied Strikes to understand Mastermind’s Eye When the warrior successfully identifies
their opponents. The Butterfly Blades make nonlethal a creature using Recall Knowledge, that creature is
attacks only. If two of them fall, the final Butterfly Blade flat-footed against their attacks until the start of its next
surrenders and congratulates their opponents. turn; if they critically succeed, it’s flat-footed against
their attacks for 1 minute.
BUTTERFLY BLADE WARRIORS (3) CREATURE 13 Sneak Attack The warrior’s Strikes deal an additional 1d6
UNCOMMON LN MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID precision damage to flat-footed creatures.
Human royal assassins Studied Strike [one-action] The warrior makes a telegraphed attack
Perception +23 to learn about their foe. They make a melee Strike. On
Languages Elven, Goblin, Orcish, Taldane, Tien a hit, they can immediately attempt a check to Recall
Skills Acrobatics +27, Athletics +22, Deception +24, Goka Knowledge about the target. On a critical hit, they
Lore +23, Society +23, Stealth +24 gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the check to Recall
Str +3, Dex +5, Con +3, Int +4, Wis +0, Cha +3 Knowledge. The target is then temporarily immune to
Items +1 striking butterfly swords (2), +1 resilient studded Studied Strike for 1 day.
AC 33; Fort +26, Ref +23, Will +20 Empress Points: If the characters volunteer to face
HP 235 the Butterfly Blades, they earn 1 Empress Point for
Attack of Opportunity [reaction] the effort. If they win the match, they earn 2 Empress
Speed 25 feet Points instead.
on Danger
THE PHOENIX CHALLENGE the beginning of their turn, the character takes 4d6
Half an hour after the exhibition match, Hao Jin fire damage (DC 32 basic Fortitude save; on a failed
Chapter 1:
announces the next part of the night’s entertainment. save, the character becomes enfeebled 1 or increases Welcome to
With another flourish of her hand, the quadrants their enfeebled condition by 1; on a critical failure, Danger Island
of the courtyard magically transform into different enfeebled 2). A character who reaches enfeebled
terrain. The northwest quadrant grows into a towering 4 becomes too tired and needs rescuing, failing to Chapter 2:
spire of earth, the northeast quadrant collapses into a overcome this hazard. A character who makes it Survive
pool of lava, the southwest quadrant is consumed by across the width of the pool (50 feet) successfully Chapter 3:
a thick layer of ice, and the southeast quadrant sinks completes the challenge. The Empress at the
into a pit of quicksand. Hao Jin challenges two teams Quicksand Pit: Crossing the pit of quicksand is a Top of the World
to simultaneously cross the transformed quadrants, delicate process. A character attempting to do so must
one team member per quadrant. The first team to succeed at a DC 37 Acrobatics check to Balance across Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
have each team member cross their quadrant wins; if the thick parts of the pit that can support a person’s
both teams fail to cross all four quadrants, the team weight. On a failure, the character begins to sink and Adventure
that completed the most quadrants wins. The Arms must attempt to Swim the rest of the way. Swimming Toolbox
of Balance accept the challenge and, if the player is slightly easier, requiring a DC 34 Athletics check to
characters choose not to participate, the Speakers to maneuver. However, the thick sand imposes a –5-foot
the Winds also take the stage. penalty to a character’s Speed as they Swim through
Hazards: Each terrain quadrant requires a different it. If a character can’t make it across the 50-foot pool
set of checks to overcome. Hao Jin’s challenge requires within 1 minute of falling into the quicksand pit, Hao
the teams to complete each hazard; however, only Jin declares the challenge a failure.
one person from each team needs to overcome each Spire of Heaven: This rocky spire rises 50 feet
obstacle. Of course, the competing teams are permitted into the air. Attempting to Climb the spire requires
to obstruct one another—by combat if desired—so a successful DC 30 Athletics check. Every round, a
long as the interference is nonlethal. large rock breaks off from the top of the spire and
Frozen Pool: This large pool of ice is particularly comes tumbling down on a climber. (If there are
thin in certain areas. A character can attempt to cross multiple characters attempting to climb at once,
the width of the pool (50 feet), but the slippery ice select one randomly.) The climber can avoid the rock
makes it difficult. Balancing to cross the ice requires with a successful DC 32 Reflex save. On a failure,
a successful DC 32 Acrobatics check. Attempts to the character takes 3d10 bludgeoning damage. On
move across without checking the thickness of the ice a critical failure, the character also falls off, taking
first is a dangerous prospect. Without inspecting the the appropriate amount of damage for the fall.
ice, there is a 50% chance that a given square is thin Overcoming the Spire of Heaven requires reaching
ice and the character falls through. The character can the top. Falling off twice is considered a loss and that
attempt a DC 34 Perception check to Seek and notice hazard can’t be overcome.
the thin areas in the ice. On a success, the chance Empress Points: If the characters volunteer to take
becomes only 10% for each square for the rest of the on the challenge, their boldness earns them 1 Empress
character’s turn. On a critical success, there is no risk Point for the effort. They earn 1 additional Empress
of falling through. On a critical failure, the chance Point if they win the challenge.
increases to 75%. If a character falls through the ice, Treasure: If the characters are able to overcome all
they take 4d8 cold damage and increase their drained four hazards, Hao Jin rewards them with a set of five
condition by 1. The character can pull themselves greater rings of energy resistance, one each for acid,
up with a single action, but if the character becomes cold, electricity, fire, and sonic.
drained 4, they are at risk of frostbite and Hao XP Award: Award each character 30 XP if the party
Jin declares the team’s attempt at overcoming that overcomes at least two of the hazards, or 80 XP each
hazard a failure. if they overcome all four hazards.
Molten Pool: Large stepping stones float across
the surface of this lava pool. The flowing lava causes RELIC OF THASSILON MODERATE 14
these stepping stones to sink and bob constantly, Following the phoenix challenge and after an
making it difficult to keep track of them. A character hour-long intermission of conversation over tea and
attempting to cross the lava pool must successfully snack cakes, Hao Jin declares another challenge. She
Seek and then succeed at a DC 34 Athletics check to states that she has a powerful, terrifying creature
Leap to the next stone 10 feet away. Every round at from Golarion’s past in her collection and will bring
it out to allow one of the teams to face it. She wishes Rune-Crossed Crucible. In collecting the ruin, Hao Jin
to make things even more interesting, however, inadvertently collected a rune giant. Although Hao
and converts the northwestern and southeastern Jin no longer possesses the Rune-Crossed Crucible,
quadrants of the courtyard into pools of lava she managed to convince the rune giant to stay in her
once more, dictating that the fight takes place in a employ for an occasion such as this.
volcanic climate. She doesn’t reveal the creature’s Once the volunteering team has positioned itself
identity until a team volunteers to fight. The rival in the center of the courtyard, Hao Jin tosses a scroll
teams hesitate to accept this challenge, allowing the onto the stone tiles in the southwestern quadrant.
player characters to step up to the task; otherwise The trapped rune giant emerges from the scroll
it’s several minutes before Winter’s Roar volunteers. almost immediately, locks eyes with its opponents.
Creature: During Hao Jin’s initial journeys across
Golarion, she often collected entire sites without taking RUNE GIANT CREATURE 16
the time to note each and every inhabitant or object Pathfinder Bestiary 175
she dragged into her tapestry. Among these collected Initiative Perception +28
sites was an ancient Thassilonian ruin known as the
Hazard: Hao Jin places a wall of force around the
courtyard arena to prevent collateral damage. This
wall traps the intense heat from the lava pools, and the
team in combat takes 6d6 fire damage at the beginning
of their turn each round (DC 30 basic Fortitude save).
A character who falls into a lava pool takes 10d6 fire
damage. Hao Jin has placed a ward on the rune giant
to protect it from the heat, but not from direct contact
with the lava.
Empress Points: If the player characters volunteer
to take on the rune giant, their courage alone earns
them 1 Empress Point. Defeating the rune giant earns
them an additional 1 Empress Point.
on Danger
between them, then harries them from a distance with BLUE VIPER CREATURE 14
his bombs. The Lightkeepers fight until they are all UNIQUE NE SMALL HUMANOID RATFOLK
Chapter 1:
knocked unconscious, neither offering nor accepting Male ysoki poisoner Welcome to
any surrender until Hao Jin calls the match. Perception +28; low-light vision Danger Island
Languages Goblin, Taldane, Tien, Ysoki
SYU TAK-NWA CREATURE 14 Skills Acrobatics +27, Athletics +16, Deception +23, Chapter 2:
Diplomacy +21, Stealth +27, Thievery +25 Survive
Female Tian-Hwan white-haired witch Str +0, Dex +5, Con +5, Int +5, Wis +2, Cha +1 Chapter 3:
Perception +26 Items dragon bile (applied to body), +1 resilient explorer’s The Empress at the
Languages Goblin, Taldane, Tien, Ysoki clothing, +2 striking shortsword Top of the World
Skills Acrobatics +26, Arcana +25, Deception +27, Infused Items Blue Viper carries the following infused
Medicine +23, Nature +23, Occultism +29, Society +27, items: 2 greater acid flasks, 4 greater alchemist’s fires, Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
Thievery +24 6 blightburn resins, 4 greater bottled lightnings, 3
Str +0, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +5, Wis +3, Cha +5 deathcap powders, 4 greater elixirs of life, 2 greater frost Adventure
Items +2 greater striking jian (as shortsword) vials, 3 malyass root pastes, 9 purple worm venoms, 6 Toolbox
AC 34; Fort +21, Ref +27, Will +26 shadow essences, and 3 spider roots. These items last
HP 220 for 24 hours, or until the next time Blue Viper makes his
Speed 25 feet daily preparations.
Melee [one-action] hair +26 (agile, disarm, finesse, grapple, reach 10 Potent Poisoner Blue Viper’s infused poisons have a DC
feet, trip, unarmed), Damage 3d6+6 bludgeoning of 34.
Melee [one-action] jian +24 (agile, finesse, magical, versatile S), AC 34; Fort +27, Ref +28, Will +22
Damage 3d6+10 piercing HP 260
Occult Prepared Spells DC 35, attack +27; 7th duplicate Poisoned Coat [reaction] Trigger A creature adjacent to Blue
foe, mask of terror, warp mind; 6th feeblemind, Viper hits him with a melee unarmed Strike; Effect
repulsion, true seeing; 5th black tentacles, chilling The triggering creature is exposed to dragon bile. This
darkness, synesthesia; 4th blink, confusion, phantom consumes the poison, and Blue Viper can’t use Poisoned
pain; 3rd haste, paralyze, slow; 2nd mirror image, Coat again until he spends 10 minutes applying one dose
paranoia, silence; 1st fear, ray of enfeeblement, true of contact or injury poison to his clothing.
strike; Cantrips (7th) daze, forbidding ward, guidance, Speed 25 feet
shield, telekinetic projectile Melee [one-action] shortsword +27 (agile, finesse, magical, versatile
Witch Hexes 3 Focus Points, DC 35; 7th cackle (Pathfinder S), Damage 2d6+6 piercing
Advanced Player’s Guide 237), curse of death (Advanced Ranged [one-action] alchemical bomb +29 (range increment 20 feet,
Player’s Guide 237), evil eye (Advanced Player’s Guide splash), Damage varies by bomb
238), malicious shadow (Advanced Player’s Guide 238), Quick Application [one-action] Blue Viper Interacts to draw an injury
needle of vengeance (Advanced Player’s Guide 238); Hex poison and applies it to a weapon he is holding.
Cantrips (7th) evil eye Pinpoint Poisoner When Blue Viper successfully Strikes a
Witch Patron fate flat-footed creature with a poisoned weapon or exposes
Empowered Hair Tak-nwa has mastered using her prehensile a flat-footed creature to an inhaled poison, the creature
hair in combat. She can use her living hair to perform takes a –2 circumstance penalty to its initial save against
precise tasks such as picking up objects and performing that poison.
simple Interact actions, and she can automatically Grab Poison Spray [one-action] Requirements Blue Viper is holding a
with her hair, as the creature ability. She can also deliver contact or injury poison; Effect Blue Viper swigs the
hexes through her hair. Whenever Tak-nwa successfully poison and sprays it out of his mouth, affecting a
casts a hex focus spell that requires 2 or more actions 15-foot cone. Blue Viper isn’t exposed to the poison.
to cast and that doesn’t require a spell attack roll, if All creatures in the cone are immediately exposed to
her target is within reach, as part of the spellcasting the poison and each creature must attempt a Fortitude
activity she can make a hair Strike against the foe before save against the poison.
applying any effects of the hex. If this Strike misses, the
hex has no effect. SHINO HAKUSA CREATURE 14
Familiar Tak-nwa’s familiar is an elephant hawk moth UNIQUE LE MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID
named Yon-so. Yon-so has a fly Speed of 40 feet, Female Tian-Shu assassin
darkvision, and scent as an imprecise sense to a range Perception +22
of 30 feet. Languages Goblin, Taldane, Tien, Ysoki
Skills Acrobatics +28, Athletics +27, Deception +24, opponents, disorienting them, to gain the upper hand
Medicine +26, Occultism +21, Stealth +26, Thievery +26 in combat. When she successfully Tumbles Through a
Str +5, Dex +6, Con +4, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +0 creature’s space, that creature becomes flat-footed until
Items +2 greater striking handwraps of mighty blows, +1 the end of Hakusa’s turn.
striking shurikens (5) Powerful Fists Hakusa’s fist Strikes are treated as cold
AC 35; Fort +24, Ref +28, Will +22 iron and silver. She doesn’t take penalties when making
HP 250 lethal attacks.
Nimble Dodge [reaction] Trigger Hakusa is targeted with a melee Pressure Point Attack [two-actions] Hakusa targets a foe’s pressure
or ranged attack by an attacker she can see; Effect points to debilitate them. Hakusa makes a fist Strike.
Hakusa gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the On a hit, the target takes damage as normal and must
triggering attack. attempt a DC 35 Fortitude save. Regardless of the result
Speed 35 feet of the save, the target is temporarily immune to Pressure
Melee [one-action] fist +30 (agile, finesse, magical, nonlethal, Point Attack for 1 minute.
unarmed), Damage 3d6+11 bludgeoning Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Ranged [one-action] shuriken +29 (agile, magical, reload 0, thrown Success The target’s muscles become temporarily
20 feet), Damage 2d4+11 piercing weaker. For 1 round, the target is enfeebled 2 and
Disorienting Tumble Hakusa leaps around and over her must succeed at a DC 5 flat check when attempting
to use actions with the manipulate trait or the action
is lost.
Failure As success, but the duration is 1 minute.
Critical Failure As success, but the duration is 1 minute,
the flat check is DC 11, and the target also takes
–10-foot status penalty to their Speed for the duration.
Sneak Attack Hakusa’s Strikes deal an additional 3d6
precision damage to flat-footed creatures.
Male frost goblin wrestler
Perception +20; darkvision
Languages Goblin, Taldane, Tien, Ysoki
Skills Acrobatics +24, Athletics +30, Intimidation +24,
Survival +23, Wrestling Lore +19
Str +6, Dex +4, Con +6, Int –1, Wis +1, Cha +2
Items +2 greater striking gauntlet, +2 greater striking
halfling sling staff (20 bullets), +1 resilient studded leather
AC 35; Fort +28, Ref +24, Will +21
HP 330
Attack of Opportunity [reaction] When a creature triggers Ran-to’s
Attack of Opportunity, he can attempt an Athletics check
to Grapple the triggering creature instead of making a
melee Strike. He can still disrupt a triggering manipulate
action if he critically succeeds his attempt.
Speed 20 feet
Melee [one-action] gauntlet +30 (agile, free-hand, magical),
Damage 3d4+14 bludgeoning
Ran-to Ranged [one-action] halfling sling staff +28 (magical,
propulsive, range increment 80 feet, reload 1),
Damage 3d10+10 bludgeoning
Body Slam [one-action] Requirements Ran-to has a creature grabbed;
Effect Ran-to throws his foe against the ground. The
grabbed creature takes 8d6 bludgeoning damage and is
knocked prone. The grapple ends.
on Danger
Leaping Catch [two-actions] Ran-to makes a mighty leap and 0–1 Empress Points: Not only are the characters
attempts to Grab a foe while he soars. He makes a Leap, unremarkable in the empress’s eyes, they appear weak.
Chapter 1:
High Jump, or Long Jump. His maximum distance is 40 The characters don’t receive any bonus XP. Welcome to
feet. He must succeed at an Athletics check to perform 2–5 Empress Points: The characters don’t Danger Island
the leap as usual, but regardless of the type of leap, the particularly stand out among the other qualifying
DC is equal to the number of feet he moves in the air. teams. They seem as likely to win as any other team, Chapter 2:
Ran-to can attempt an Athletics check to Grapple at any but also just as likely to lose in the empress’s eyes. The Survive
point during the jump. Immediately after the attempt, he characters gain 30 XP each. Chapter 3:
(and the creature, if the Grapple was successful) falls to 6–8 Empress Points: The characters are obviously The Empress at the
the ground. Neither creature takes damage from this fall. a team to keep an eye on. The empress is somewhat Top of the World
Titan Wrestler Ran-to can attempt to Disarm, Grapple, invested in the characters and speaks with Lady
Shove, or Trip creatures up to two sizes larger than him. Qiu May Shai, her lady in waiting, to offer a minor Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
Whirlwind Toss [three-actions] Frequency once per round; sponsorship to the characters during the tournament.
Requirements Ran-to has a creature grabbed; Effect The characters start the next adventure with 1 Adventure
Ran-to spins the creature he’s holding, smashing them Influence Point toward Lady Qiu May Shai as a Toolbox
against any creatures within his reach, and then throws potential sponsor. The characters gain 80 XP each.
the creature aside. Ran-to attempts an Athletics check 9+ Empress Points: The party not only held the
against the grabbed creature’s Fortitude DC. empress’s full attention the entire night but dazzled
Critical Success Ran-to tosses his foe a great distance. the powerful ruler. She is particularly impressed with
The grapple ends. The grabbed creature is thrown their comportment. She speaks with Lady Qiu May
into a space within 10 feet, takes 10d6 bludgeoning Shai, to offer a major sponsorship to the characters
damage, and falls prone. All creatures adjacent to during the tournament. The characters start the next
Ran-to take the same amount of bludgeoning damage adventure with 3 Influence Points toward Lady Qiu
(DC 34 basic Reflex save). May Shai as a potential sponsor. The characters gain
Success As critical success, except the grabbed creatures 120 XP each.
is thrown into a space within 5 feet, and creatures
take 6d6 bludgeoning damage. C o n C lu ding Th e A d Ve nTu R e
Failure Ran-to tosses his foe aside. The grapple ends. With the conclusion of the events at the Ruby Palace,
The grabbed creature falls prone. the Ruby Phoenix Tournament pre-qualifier officially
Critical Failure Ran-to loses hold of his foe and the ends. The player characters are free to remain at the
grapple ends. palace for the night or, if they prefer, they can make
their way back to the temple of Irori.
Witch Feats: If the player characters include a witch In the morning, a squad of enforcers meets with
and survive the match against the Lightkeepers, the every team still on the island and takes them back to
witch’s patron greedily eyes Syu Tak-nwa’s enhanced their respective bases to collect the last of their things.
hair and reveals the secrets of such powers to the Afterward, the enforcers escort the teams to the docks,
witch. This grants the witch access to the witch feats where everyone boards boats that takes them back to
on page 74. the large sailing ship that brought them to Bonmu.
Empress Points: The characters earn 1 Empress Once they’re all on the ship, the contenders begin the
Point for taking part in the match, or 2 Empress Points weeks-long journey toward Goka.
if they win by defeating the Lightkeepers. This is the perfect time for the player characters to
buy new equipment, craft new items, learn new spells,
ENDING THE NIGHT and possibly retrain to make use of the techniques they
With the night wrapping up, the empress, her attendants, learned on Bonmu. The travel is assumed to stop in
and the Butterfly Blades take their leave from the palace, several port cities on the way to Goka to allow the
but not before taking note of the player characters. Nai qualifying teams time to gather any supplies they
Yan Fei’s impression of the characters is dependent on need for the upcoming tournament. Once the ship
the number of Empress Points their team collectively arrives in Goka, there are a few more days before the
earned. This affects whether or not Yan Fei offers to tournament begins in earnest, so the characters have a
sponsor the party in the tournament, as well as whether chance to visit the city and learn about the upcoming
they earn any bonus XP for impressing the empress. See events. Glory awaits in Goka—the Ruby Phoenix
the next adventure “Ready? Fight!” for more details on Tournament begins in the next adventure volume,
Influence Points and the party’s potential sponsors. “Ready? Fight!”
on Danger
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
The Empress at the
Top of the World
Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
unbreakable. The four often combine their powers to styles make it difficult for opponents to anticipate
summon chunks of hot magma or blasts of burning their movements, which indeed resemble those
steam to overwhelm their opponents. of the possessed. The leader of the group, Yarrika
Mulandez (LG female human spiritualist) has a
B iting r o s e s strange bond with a phantom that fights alongside
Hailing from a small town in the nation of her in combat. Yarrika believes the phantom to be the
Nalmeras in Arcadia, the Biting Roses use their soul of her grandfather, who was her original combat
occult connection to spirits and souls to enhance teacher, but whether or not this is true is unverifiable;
their martial techniques. Their unique fighting the phantom manifests as a silent, humanoid figure
with the head and arms of a mantis. Regardless,
Yarrika and her phantom work in tandem to pummel
opponents, acting as if they’ve been lifelong partners.
Yarrika’s connections also allow her to speak with
other spirits; while traveling, she occasionally offers
her services as a spirit medium.
Yarrika’s two teammates are Artus Rodrivan
(LN male half-elf soul archer) and Lantondo (LN
wyrwood harrower). Artus fires arrows formed from
the spiritual energy of his own soul, and so he must be
careful when fighting to avoid causing
irreparable damage to his immortal
spirit. The arrows themselves appear
to be made of pure colorless light.
Incredibly, Artus can alter the trajectory
of his arrows mid-flight, allowing him to
redirect a wayward shot to circle back on
a missed target and strike them from behind.
Lantondo’s weapon of choice is a harrow
deck made from thin sheets of wood. The deck
was crafted from the same wood as Lantondo.
Although they’re silent on the matter, rumor has it
that each card has a miniature heart, similar to that
of a wyrwood, which allows Lantondo to control the
cards as if they were an extension of the harrower’s
own body. In combat, Lantondo flings harrow cards
with blinding speed to cut down opponents from a
distance. Lantondo can use their connection to the
deck to recall thrown cards, effectively granting them
limitless ammunition. Before every fight, the Biting
Roses gather together so that Lantondo can perform
a harrow reading for the group, using what they
learn from this reading to plan battle strategies and
gain insight into the abilities of their opponents.
The Biting Roses have entered the Ruby Phoenix
Mafika Ayuwari Tournament hoping to acquire a fortune they can
bring back to their impoverished hometown.
l ig h tk e epe r s
Since the unraveling of the Hao Jin Tapestry and
Syndara the Sculptor’s release from his imprisonment
within, the malevolent axiomite has sought revenge
against the sorcerer who imprisoned him. Yet,
Syndara recognizes that he has limited opportunities
on Danger
to do so from the seat of his power, a demiplane of move beyond the level of initiate—the students
his own called the Glass Lighthouse. When Hao Jin were invited to the Ruby Phoenix Tournament as de
Chapter 1:
announced that she would preside over this decade’s facto representatives of their historied school. The
Welcome to
Ruby Phoenix Tournament, Syndara realized this Speakers to the Winds believe that if they succeed in Danger Island
was his chance to finally enact the downfall of his the tournament, they could use their newfound fame
lifelong rival. to bring even greater attention to the Magaambya Chapter 2:
Syndara used his limited planar capabilities to and use their winnings to sponsor promising new Survive
contact only the most formidable and vile Tian students from Tian Xia and beyond.
Chapter 3:
Xia natives, offering them great power and riches The team fights under the supervision of Professor The Empress at the
should they aid his mission. His search turned up Mafika Ayuwari (NG male Zenj Tempest-Sun halcyon Top of the World
four individuals whose souls are as wicked as his. speaker), a young faculty member of the Magaambya’s
Syu Tak-nwa (NE female Tian-Hwan white-haired Tempest-Sun branch and the team’s leader. His Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
witch), the last living descendent of an ancient line of students include Akila Stormheel (LN female halfling
Hwanggot-based witches, was an obvious first choice Emerald Boughs attendant), Boundless Hummingbird Adventure
for Syndara’s team of fighters. With her help, Syndara and Phuthi Nuware (N female gnoll Cascade Bearer Toolbox
located Ran-To (LE male frost goblin grappler) transmuters), Surjit Hamelan (LN male gnome
and promised the wandering goblin unimaginable Rain-Scribe attendant), and Umbasi (N pangender elf
strength in exchange for his service. Uzunjati attendant). Each of the students is a member
Shino Hakusa (LE female Tian-Shu assassin), a of one of the Magaambya’s five branches and has a
killer whose tactics were so ruthless that she was different magical focus. Though their instruction varied
exiled from her familial clan of assassins, answered greatly, the five all began their studies at the Magaambya
Syndara’s call with no hesitation. Finally, Syndara at the same time and have grown particularly close.
offered the last spot on his fighting team to Blue Their shared inquisitive spirit and close bond enable
Viper (NE male ysoki poisoner), a depraved alchemist the Speakers to the Winds to instantaneously read and
responsible for virulent outbreaks in no fewer than understand each other’s movements. Their coordinated
seven major cities. improvisation means that the students rarely repeat
With his roster complete, Syndara allowed the four strategies or moves, making it nearly impossible for
to train and hone their abilities within his temporally rivals to accurately anticipate their tactics—though the
dilated realm, the Glass Lighthouse. Over just a students all have their own unconscious tells, such as the
few weeks, the mercenaries gained years’ worth of sudden arching of an eyebrow or a nearly imperceptible
fighting experience and developed a strong bond as nod of the head.
companions in the pursuit of cruelty. Syu Tak-nwa The distinctive magical training of each Speaker
became the acting leader and strategist. Under her becomes particularly apparent in combat. Akila calls
guidance, the four fighters quietly murdered one upon the power of her mask, which holds her spirit
of Hao Jin’s selected teams for the tournament face, to take on aspects of the leopard and strike with
pre-qualifier and pulled strings in Goka to replace the great speed and power. Boundless Hummingbird
dead team as entrants in the tournament. uses her magic to empower her allies and transform
Although the Lightkeepers’ powers are limited herself into a devastating being of pure wind, while
on the relatively stifling Material Plane, the four are Phuthi’s protective magic defends and restores her
still a formidable team of fighters. Syu Tak-nwa casts allies, allowing them to continue fighting in combat
spells and hexes to weaken opponents, while Blue for much longer. Surjit uses his connection to natural
Viper achieves similar results with his poisons. Shino magic to camouflage himself and ambush his foes
makes use of her speed to charge and harry enemy with surprise attacks. Umbasi calls upon the tales
spellcasters and ranged fighters. These attacks create and songs of their Ekujae ancestors to inspire their
openings for Ran-To, allowing him to move in and companions. Finally, Mafika is perhaps the most
subdue foes with his immense strength. straightforward fighter of all, using a powerful
combination of arcane and primal effects to obliterate
s pe A k e r s to th e Win d s opponents and protect his students.
The Speakers to the Winds are all students of the
prestigious Magaambya Academy, a longstanding s teps o f th e sun
magical university located in the western The members of the Steps of the Sun each have a song
Mwangi Expanse. Having recently completed their in their heart that moves them in combat. The group
Perquisite—a period of public service required to came together when its leaders, Amihan and Maalya
produce haunting melodies that inspire his allies, a
DOOMED RIVALS technique he perfected in the dangerous Valashmai
Tino’s Toughest are not intended to be Jungle. After a doomed encounter with
true threats to the player characters, Ebeshra the Winged Razor left him
but rather friendly rivals whose bedridden for months, Halspin believed
odds of winning the Ruby Phoenix himself to be unable to ever fight again.
Tournament seem impossibly slim right He eventually found inspiration again
from the start. Nevertheless, Tino and when he met Amihan and Maalya. He
his friends manage to place in this joined the sisters in their travels with the
volume’s pre-qualifier and fight in the hope of proving himself a capable
tournament in the next volume. During the warrior once more.
third volume’s quest to find Hao Jin, Tino’s Joon-Seo, also a virtuoso, uses
Toughest become warped by his voice as a weapon. He
Syndara the Sculptor’s brutal can focus his singing into
dimensional magic, and it’s powerful blasts of sonic
up to the player characters to force capable of knocking
return Tino and company to opponents off their feet.
their true forms by defeating Joon-Seo claims that
them in one final match. this power is a result of
If possible, portray Tino, every one of his previous
Yabin, Takatorra, and Ji-Yook lives singing within him,
in a way that endears them empowering each note.
to your players, such as by giving Ji-Yook While he knows little of
them goofy character quirks and memorable his past lives, Joon-Seo believes himself
voices. The team’s tragic story arc will be that much to have entered the Ruby Phoenix Tournament
more impactful—and the player characters’ motivation once before, and he joined the Steps of the Sun
to defeat Syndara that much stronger—if the player in an attempt to better understand this particular
characters reciprocate Tino and his friends’ good will. past life.
tino’s tou g h e s t
Tino Tung (LG male Tian-Shu paladin of Irori) grew
(N female human battle dancers), set out from their up in a small village in the Tian nation of Quain. As a
home, the island of Mandurai in northern Minata. child, Tino admired his older brother, Yuen, watching
The sisters are on a traditional coming-of-age quest, him for hours as Yuen trained in various fighting
in which they must find a piece of another culture to styles. Unfortunately, tragedy would strike shortly
bring home to share with their people. During their after Tino’s 10th birthday, when Yuen attempted
journey, the sisters encountered Halspin the Stung to stop a number of local ruffians from stealing
(NG male catfolk beast singer) and Joon-Seo (LN from the Tung family’s shop. Yuen received a fatal
male samsaran song striker), whom they grew close knife wound to his chest, though it was Tino whose
to and invited to join their fighting team. heart fully broke; the surviving brother fell into a
The sisters are practitioners of battle dancing, a depression for months. Eventually, Tino’s parents
martial art that emphasizes constant motion, which convinced him to join a local fighting school in order
made its way from western Garund to Minata in to free himself from grief and perhaps in the process
previous centuries. In combat, Amihan and Maalya honor his older brother’s legacy.
use their constant movement to make themselves Tino joined the same school as Yuen, where he
difficult targets and mislead opponents into creating heard many tales from their teacher about his older
openings. The sisters have honed their battle dancing brother. Tino returned day after day not to improve
techniques to work better together. During a fight, his skills, but to hear more stories. The teacher
the sisters move in a hypnotic, tandem step that is eventually had no more tales to tell, at which point
both beautiful and deadly, working together to Tino decided to commit himself to completing the
outmaneuver a foe. training that his brother could not. Five years later,
Amihan and Maalya dance to the songs of Halspin Tino mastered not only the same techniques that
the Stung. The catfolk uses his morin khurr to Yuen was learning, but several more. To continue
on Danger
walking in the footsteps of his older brother, Tino admirable degree of loyalty from his companions.
dedicated himself to master 101 unique fighting This is in no small part due to Urnak’s acceptance
Chapter 1:
styles from across Golarion. He set off of the other members. All of Winter’s Roar,
Welcome to
from home and traveled Quain to including Urnak himself, are outcasts of a sort, Danger Island
expand his knowledge. and in coming together the four have forged
Tino traveled to Quain’s Dragon an unbreakable bond. Chapter 2:
Temple and learned the teachings of Left for dead with his siblings at a young Survive
Irori. During his stay, he befriended age, Urnak fled Belkzen for the Realm of
Chapter 3:
Takatorra (LN nonbinary tengu the Mammoth Lords, eventually traveling The Empress at the
swordmaster), a fellow Quain native through Irrisen and ending his journey Top of the World
training at the same temple, and in the Lands of the Linnorm
invited them to join him on his Kings. In Irrisen, Urnak met Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
quest. In addition to their Juspix Rammel (N male
mastery of the sword halfling witch), a halfling Adventure
(and their seemingly who had somehow gained Toolbox
insatiable sweet tooth), powers like those of
Takatorra proved a the local Jadwiga winter
capable strategist, able witches. This power had
to analyze combatants earned him only ire from
and their weaknesses other spellcasters, though,
to better overcome them and so Juspix appreciated
in combat. This ability Urnak Lostwind finding a friend in the
proved useful when a greedy traveling Urnak. In the Lands of
but kind-hearted highway bandit the Linnorm Kings, the two met
named Ji-Yook (N female kitsune ninja) attempted Huldrin Skolsdottir (LN female human shieldmaiden)
to steal Tino’s coin pouch. The two came to blows and Troff Frostknuckles (N male hobgoblin brawler).
while Takatorra, nibbling a biscuit and watching The former was a disgraced Ulfen warrior and the
from the sidelines, offered more commentary than only surviving member of her clan. The latter had
encouragement. Tino, having never faced a ninja faced a similar situation after fleeing the slaughter of
before, relished this fateful meeting with Ji-Yook. his own group. The two found kinship in each other
Likewise amused with their scrabble and ensuing and later in Urnak and Juspix.
stalemate, Ji-Yook accepted Tino’s offer as a traveling Since joining together, the fighters of Winter’s
partner and brought along her friend, Yabin the Just Roar have slowly worked toward their goal of
(N male nagaji sorcerer), so named because of his each slaying a linnorm to earn the title of Linnorm
elaborate personal credo and his habit of attempting Kings and claim their own kingdom. None have
to mediate disputes that have nothing to do with him. yet pursued an actual hunt, instead focusing on
Since joining up, the group has continued their improving their skill to ensure they can earn their
travels across Tian Xia, becoming good friends in desired glory and power. When Urnak learned of the
the process. Tino is the group’s unofficial leader, upcoming Ruby Phoenix Tournament, he saw it as
inspiring the rest with his honorable heart and a perfect opportunity to test their prowess and earn
desire to see the good in others. Recently, the group additional prestige and finances to aid with their
earned the attention of Hao Jin and an invitation to new kingdoms. The group gathered their resources
the Ruby Phoenix Tournament, and Tino saw it as and made the dangerous trek across the Crown of
the perfect chance to learn techniques from beyond the World to enter the tournament.
his nation’s shores. With the support of his friends, In combat, Urnak unleashes a fury that empowers
Tino entered the team, and the group made the his blows with frost magic. Juspix uses his ice magic
journey to Goka. to manipulate the battlefield and isolate crucial
targets. Huldrin holds the frontline, standing
Winte r’s r oA r alongside Urnak or Troff, defending her fellow
Masters of the frosty wilderness in the Lands of the warriors. Troff makes use of his fancy footwork
Linnorm Kings, the team members of Winter’s Roar to vault around the battlefield, creating openings
fight with brutal precision. The team’s leader, Urnak with his dizzying speed and striking with his
Lostwind (NG male half-orc viking) commands an enchanted gauntlets.
on Danger
ADVENTURE Chapter 1:
Welcome to
Danger Island
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
The Empress at the
Top of the World
Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
The player characters might learn some of these UNCOMMON WITCH
techniques from friends and rivals during their stay Prerequisites Living Hair (Advanced Player’s Guide 102)
on Bonmu, allowing them to select the feats the next You can expertly control your living hair and use it to
time they would gain a feat. Surviving combat against perform various tasks. You can perform simple Interact
Syu Tak-nwa (page 63) allows the characters to take actions with your hair such as opening an unlocked door
the three witch feats, while defeating or impressing or picking up objects. Your hair can’t perform actions that
the Ahmoza twins (page 47) allows them to take require fingers or significant manual dexterity, including
Entwined Energy Ki. Lighting the candles and praying any action that would require a check to accomplish. Your
in the temple of Irori’s prayer room (area A8, page 16) hair can hold items of up to 1 Bulk, but can’t Activate or
gives them access to Wronged Monk’s Wrath. attack with any items it’s holding.
on Danger
m agiC i te m s over her lifetime (though a trapped creature cannot interact
The player characters can find the following new with any of these relics). The fighting fan casts maze on a
Chapter 1:
magic items on Bonmu. The characters are tasked creature within 30 feet. The fan automatically Sustains the
Welcome to
with acquiring a phoenix necklace at the outset of the Spell as long as you Strike a creature with it each round. Danger Island
adventure (page 7) and Hao Jin transforms it into the The Survival or Perception DC to escape the demiplane is
phoenix fighting fan at the beginning of Chapter 3 (page 34. The spell ends once the creature escapes, you fail to Chapter 2:
57). The Bonmuan swapping stones are a reward for Strike a creature with the fan during a round, or after 1 Survive
destroying the watchtower spirits at area I (page 35). minute, whichever comes first.
Chapter 3:
Activate 10 minutes (envision, Interact); Effect The fan The Empress at the
BONMUAN SWAPPING STONE ITEM 11+ casts 8th-level raise dead, consuming the phoenix fighting Top of the World
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk — Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
Activate [one-action] Interact PHOENIX NECKLACE ITEM 20
This small, opalescent stone glows with a light that RARE ARTIFACT HEALING MAGICAL NECROMANCY Adventure
constantly shifts between colors. When you activate the Usage worn necklace; Bulk — Toolbox
stone, you throw it into a space within 100 feet. The This brilliant jewelry is made from fine silver
stone then casts dimension door on you and interwoven with a uniquely malleable form
transports you to itself. This destroys of ruby that causes the necklace to
the stone. glimmer like a flickering fire. Hao Jin
You can instead hurl the stone created the necklaces to mitigate
at a creature in an attempt to the potential of death during
bring that creature closer to you. the Ruby Phoenix Tournament
Make a ranged Strike against a creature pre-qualifier, and she specially
using your highest proficiency with a attuned each phoenix necklace to
ranged weapon. The swapping stone the silver feathers she created for the
has a range increment of 15 feet. On Phoenix Fighting Fan pre-qualifying round. While the silver
a hit, the stone shatters against the feathers themselves aren’t magical,
creature, casting dimension door on the creature they are required to activate the necklace’s power. Each
and causing it to instantly teleport to a space adjacent to team starts with 3 feathers hidden in their headquarters;
you. An unwilling creature can resist this teleportation with they acquire more through challenges and events.
a successful DC 28 Will save. Additionally, the tournament emissary’s enforcers have
Type lesser swapping stone; Level 11, Price 300 gp the ability to deliver messages to the necklace’s wearer at
Type moderate swapping stone; Level 14, any time by casting sending, though the wearer can’t
Price 600 gp respond.
The Will save DC is 31. Activate [three-actions] command, envision; Effect
Type greater swapping stone; Level You select any number of willing
17, Price 3,000 gp Phoenix Necklace creatures you can see within 30
The Will save DC is 37. feet, including yourself. The selected
Type major swapping stone; Level 20, creatures can make nonlethal attacks
Price 9,000 gp without taking a penalty to their attack
The Will save DC is 43. rolls. This effect remains in place until
you remove the necklace or use this
PHOENIX FIGHTING FAN ITEM 20 activation again.
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L Interact); Effect The necklace consumes
This elegant +3 greater striking flaming silver fighting one of the attached silver feathers and
fan (Pathfinder Lost Omens: Gods & Magic 120) features casts 7th-level raise dead. Activating
sharp silver feathers instead of traditional paper leaves in this ability is particularly costly and every
its design. activation requires consuming one more
Activate [three-actions] command, envision, Interact; Frequency silver feather than the previous activation.
once per day; Effect You call upon the fan’s extradimensional Destruction Once a phoenix necklace has 10 silver feathers
powers to trap a creature in Hao Jin’s repository, a small attached, Hao Jin can transform the necklace into a phoenix
demiplane that holds the countless relics Hao Jin collected fighting fan, a process which requires 3 Interact actions.
w e a pO n s OF tian X ia
ADAPTING WESTERN WEAPONS Each diverse culture in Tian Xia
Many weapons of Tian Xia are direct conversions boasts its own long and storied
of weapons from the real world. However, creating tradition of combat and martial
a list of all weapons from all the world’s techniques. Naturally, this leads
different cultures is beyond the scope of to creating weapons unique to their
this adventure. Thankfully, many environments and histories. If the player
of the most well-known weapons characters come from a region in Tian Xia, the
of eastern and southeastern Asia weapons featured below are common. If they
are similar to the weapons come from another region, the weapons are
already featured in Pathfinder. uncommon.
Rather than take the time to recreate the Hook Swords
abilities of every weapon, consider using WEAPON DESCRIPTIONS
statistics for existing weapons to replicate weapons The following physical descriptions
missing from the game. For example, throughout this correspond to the weapons listed on
Adventure Path, characters who use shortswords in the table at the bottom of this page.
their stat blocks are sometimes illustrated as using Butterfly Sword: This short,
a Chinese jian, since the two weapons are virtually single-edged sword typically features a
indistinguishable from a game design standpoint. cross guard that helps catch oncoming
On the other hand, some groups might not attacks. It is the preferred weapon of
be satisfied reskinning existing weapons. Butterfly Blades—highly skilled Gokan
GMs and players might instead tweak the assassins.
statistics of weapons to suit their needs. In Hook Sword: This long sword has a hook near
general, you should not “increase” one the tip which makes it easy to snag an opponent or
facet of a weapon (such as its damage their weapons.
die) without “decreasing” some Leiomano Karambit: This small curved blade
other aspect of the item (such resembles a tiger’s claw and is capable of
as removing a desirable weapon delivering deep wounds.
trait). Even so, not all traits are Kusarigama: This impressive weapon
created equal; swapping the consists of a weight attached to a kama via
versatile trait for the agile trait, a length of chain, which aids with disarming
for example, can have serious an opponent or attacking from a
mechanical implications. Groups distance.
that decide to alter existing Leiomano: This thick club is
weapon stats should be inset with sharp teeth, typically from a
prepared to adjudicate these shark, that easily tear flesh. It is
changes at the table and possibly the preferred weapon of many
alter or entirely undo changes if Minatan warriors.
they lead to an unsatisfactory time for Wind and Fire Wheel: This large,
the group. flat steel ring features several
Wind and Fire Wheels protruding blades typically stylized
to resemble flames.
on Danger
s pe lls like a 10-foot-wide tower of bright light stretching into the
The player characters can gain access to the aura of sky. At any time during the duration of the beacon, you can
Chapter 1:
the unremarkable spell by taking the Butterfly Blade complete a 1-minute activity, which has the concentrate
Welcome to
archetype (page 78), wronged monk’s wrath by taking and manipulate traits, to focus on the beacon and transport Danger Island
the Wronged Monk’s Wrath feat (page 74), and return yourself and any items you’re wearing and holding from your
beacon by visiting all five transport towers (page 28). current space to the location of the beacon. Transporting Chapter 2:
yourself in this way ends the spell. If this would bring Survive
AURA OF THE UNREMARKABLE SPELL 6 another creature with you—even if you’re carrying it in an
Chapter 3:
UNCOMMON ILLUSION MENTAL extradimensional container—the beacon collapses, ending The Empress at the
Traditions arcane, occult the spell, and the transportation attempt fails. Top of the World
Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal Casting return beacon while a beacon is active causes the
Area 30-foot emanation previous return beacon spell to end. If you are not within Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
Duration sustained up to 1 minute 1 mile of the beacon, your attempt to transport yourself
You and allies in the area appear to be completely innocuous to the beacon fails. If a solid object is in the same space Adventure
to other creatures within the spell’s area, regardless of the as the beacon when you transport yourself, you arrive in Toolbox
actions you’re committing. For example, if you and your the nearest open space to the beacon. If there is not an
allies are loudly interrogating a local for information or open space within 30 feet of the beacon, your attempt to
aiming a crossbow at a noble from a balcony, creatures transport yourself fails, but the beacon remains intact.
who can see you might not think this is unusual. Non-allied Heightened (7th) The duration is 8 hours and you can
creatures in the emanation must attempt a Will save. transport yourself to the beacon from up to 100 miles away.
Critical Success The creature sees your actions as they really Heightened (8th) The duration is 24 hours and you can
are and announces them as such. All other creatures in transport yourself to the beacon from up to 1,000 miles
the area gain a +1 circumstance bonus to their Will saves away. In addition, you can bring 1 willing ally you touch
to recognize your actions as they really are. with you when you transport to the beacon.
Success The creature sees your actions as they really are. Heightened (9th) The duration is 1 week and you can
Failure The creature believes your actions are normal and transport yourself to the beacon from anywhere on the
unworthy of concern. same plane. In addition, you can bring up to 4 willing allies
Critical Failure The creature believes you are performing you touch with you when you transport to the beacon.
other actions entirely, such as helping a local or waving Heightened (10th) The duration is unlimited and you can
to a noble, as determined by the GM. The creature doesn’t transport yourself to the beacon from any distance, even
have a chance of remembering events normally. across other planes. In addition, you can bring up to 8
Any hostile actions by you or your allies against a willing allies you touch when you transport to the beacon.
creature or its allies break the effect of the spell for that
creature. So, for example, if an interrogated local’s friends WRONGED MONK’S WRATH FOCUS 5
or threatened noble’s guards saw your actions, they would UNCOMMON ELECTRICITY EVOCATION FORCE MONK
be unaffected by this spell. When the spell ends (or when Cast [one-action] to [three-actions] somatic, verbal
affected allies move outside the range of the emanation), Area 5-foot emanation or more
observers see things normally but the altered perceptions Saving Throw Reflex
from earlier events remain in mind. Each mention of the You unleash your ki as a powerful storm of force and
events as noteworthy, such as being questioned about lightning, dealing 2d6 force damage and 2d12 electricity
them by an authority figure, grants the target another Will damage to creatures in the area. If you use 2 actions to
save to break the effect and remember things normally cast the spell, increase the size of the emanation to 10 feet
(unless the creature critically failed their save). and the damage to 3d6 force damage and 3d12 electricity
damage. If you use 3 actions to cast the spell, increase the
RETURN BEACON SPELL 5 size of the emanation to 20 feet and the damage to 4d6
UNCOMMON CONJURATION TELEPORTATION force and 4d12 electricity damage. Each creature attempts
Traditions arcane, occult one basic Reflex save that applies to both types of damage
Cast 1 minute (material, somatic, verbal) On a failed save, the creature is deafened for 1 round; on
Range 30 feet a critical failure, the creature also takes 2d12 persistent
Duration 1 hour electricity damage and is deafened for 1 minute.
You create a unique planar beacon somewhere within the Heightened (+2) The force damage increases by 1d6 and
spell’s range that remains in place. The beacon is invisible the electricity damage by 1d12, or 2d6 and 2d12 if you use
except when detected by detect magic, in which case it looks 2 or 3 actions.
B u tte r Fly B l a d e a r C h e t ype BUTTERFLY BLADE DEDICATION FEAT 4
You’ve trained in one of Goka’s oldest traditions of UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE DEDICATION
espionage, intimidation, and combat mastery. You use Prerequisites trained in butterfly swords
your skills to learn about your enemies and cut them Access Defeat a member of the Butterfly Blades in a
down with your mastery of the butterfly sword. sanctioned bout (page 59).
Additional Feats: 4th Clever Gambit (Advanced You become trained in Deception and Stealth; if you were
Player’s Guide 134), Combat Assessment (Advanced already trained, you become an expert instead. Whenever
Player’s Guide 126), Quick Draw (Core Rulebook your proficiency rank in any weapon increases to expert or
172); 6th Dread Striker (Core Rulebook 184) beyond, you also gain that new proficiency rank with butterfly
swords. You gain access to butterfly swords (page 76).
Special You cannot select another dedication feat until
you have gained two other feats from this archetype.
on Danger
g h O s t e ate r a r C h e t ype CROSS THE THRESHOLD FEAT 16
The warriors of Minata frequently contend with lost ARCHETYPE
Chapter 1:
spirits of the Taumatan people that haunt their shattered Prerequisites Ghost Eater Dedication
Welcome to
lands to this day. These Minatan warriors, known as You can cast ethereal jaunt as an occult innate spell once Danger Island
ghost eaters around Bonmu, travel the countless islands per day. You don’t need to Sustain the Spell; instead, it
of Minata and offer their skills to exorcists and priests. lasts for 10 minutes or until you choose to return to your Chapter 2:
When working in such a partnership, ghost eater’s main material form as a free action. Survive
task is to destroy a spirit in order to give their holy
Chapter 3:
comrade time to learn about the individual soul and The Empress at the
finally put it to rest. Top of the World
Characters can gain access to this archetype from
Ingdani (page 7) after they retrieve the phoenix Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
necklace from the temple of Irori (page 21).
Prerequisites trained in Occultism or Religion
You have trained as a ghost eater, a hunter specialized
in the destruction of spirits. You know how to channel
your own spiritual energy to harm spirits. Your weapon
and unarmed attack Strikes become magical. Against
incorporeal creatures, they also gain the effects of a ghost
touch property rune.
Special You cannot select another dedication feat until
you have gained two other feats from this archetype.
a nu g O Bu
Renowned in Tengah folklore as divinely gifted artisans and crafters,
anugobus are a curious group of tiny humanoids native to the central
ANUGOBU WORKSHOPS islands of Minata. Countless stories describe anugobus sneaking around
An anugobu’s inherent magical Minatan cities to tinker with and improve upon other humanoids’
powers manifest a unique structures and architecture.
extradimensional space that they call Owing to their slight stature and relatively frail bodies, anugobus are said
their workshop. Most anugobus keep to be particularly shy of larger peoples and creatures. Whether under cover
all their belongings within this space. of darkness, during a festival that draws people away from their domiciles,
Of course, anugobus know that this or simply whenever they think they’re unseen, anugobus in folklore perform
security system isn’t foolproof, since their wondrous restorations and crafting projects in secret nearly without
the workshop is visible whenever an exception. Many popular Tengah stories feature homes ruined by a natural
anugobu is inside. Thus, to further disaster that are then magically restored the next morning or unfinished
secure their workshops anugobus, projects like half-built bridges that are mysteriously completed while its
tend to open the extradimensional workers wonder at how this was accomplished.
portal into solid surfaces like walls. According to most legends, anugobus are unparalleled masters of
When the space is used in this way, architecture and engineering and use this expertise to erect complex
the anugobu can step inside, but structures or greatly improve upon already-existing buildings. Some have
other any creatures’ attempts to do questioned these extraordinary stories, but anyone who witnesses an
so are foiled by the solid matter in anugobu walk on the walls and ceilings of buildings while improving them
the way. knows that such tales aren’t that far-fetched.
In reality, anugobus are as diverse as any species of humanoid, though
they all possess innate gifts for mending and construction, and they
can walk on walls and ceilings. Anugobus resemble exceptionally small
humans with superficial similarities to Tian-Sings. Most anugobus stand
no more than 2 feet tall and weigh about 30 pounds—a diminutive stature
that allows them to move in and out of crevices and remain unnoticed by
taller folks. Nearly all verifiable anugobu encounters have taken place on
the isles of Minata.
In many anugobu cultures, each anugobu seeks an ultimate life goal,
which they call their wonder. A wonder is any particular project that
enraptures an anugobu in a way no other will. Any project can be an
anugobu’s wonder, from repairing a majestic cathedral to hunting a
particularly dangerous animal to exploring a mysterious cave. When an
anugobu discovers their wonder, it’s not uncommon for them to fall into
an awestruck trance and commit themselves fully to completing the work,
sometimes binging on the project for days or weeks at a time. When an
anugobu finishes the last minute details on their wonder, their life’s work
is considered complete, and they spend the rest of their days aiding
other anugobus with their own journeys or taking on apprentices
to pass on their skills.
Most young anugobus undertake not just one, but many
apprenticeships in order to learn advanced techniques in their trade
of choice. The apprentice depicted here specializes in construction and
engineering, but an anugobu is just as likely to take up cooking, hunting,
tailoring, or really anything that piques their interest.
on Danger
Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +6, Crafting +13, Diplomacy +8, Engineering Lore
+13, Stealth +10, Survival +7
Chapter 1:
Str –1, Dex +3, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +0, Cha +3
Welcome to
Items artisan’s tools ANUGOBU TOOLS Danger Island
AC 17; Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +7 Anugobus need a bewildering
HP 35 variety of fine handmade tools for Chapter 2:
Speed 20 feet; stone step their crafts, and human-sized tools Survive
Melee [one-action] hammer +8 (agile), Damage 1d8+2 bludgeoning simply won’t do. It’s not uncommon
Chapter 3:
Melee [one-action] chisel +8 (agile, parry, versatile B), Damage 1d6+2 piercing for an anugobu to use dozens of The Empress at the
Melee [one-action] foot +10 (agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed), Damage 1d4+4 bludgeoning custom-made tools for a single Top of the World
Ranged [one-action] hammer +12 (agile, thrown 20 feet), Damage 1d8+2 bludgeoning project or even craft a special tool
Occult Innate Spells DC 20, attack +12; 2nd dispel magic, mending (at will); for a single specific use. Though Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
1st create water, floating disk, unseen servant (at will); Cantrips (2nd) anugobus also wield useful magic,
prestidigitation, telekinetic projectile most prefer to work with their hands Adventure
Planar Workshop An anugobu is intrinsically connected to small, pocket and supplement their handiwork Toolbox
dimension that they typically refer to as their workshop. The workshop is an with only the minor spells they’re
extradimensional 10-foot cube. The workshop holds an anugobu’s collected born with. To say nothing of their
tools and materials. An anugobu can enter or leave their planar workshop value as cultural artifacts, the tools
as an action, which has the concentrate and manipulate traits. The anugobu in an anugobu’s workshop are
gains resistance 5 to all damage (except force) and concealment while within typically worth upwards of 300 gp
the workshop. The workshop is only visible while the anugobu is inside it. in total.
Stone Step An anugobu can effortlessly stick to any worked or manufactured
surface, allowing them to walk up walls and stand on ceilings.
Once an anugobu apprentice sets out on their own, they travel the world
working on small projects here and there to maintain their skills. But an
anugobu does not earn the honorable title of wondercrafter until they
find their own wonder. Once they discover and finish such a wonder,
the anugobu is considered fully mature. As a result of their station and
experience, such anugobus possess skills and magic that far surpass most
of their kind.
B e r B e rO k a
Berberokas are giant humanoids who live among forests and swamps,
where they use their ability to swallow massive amounts of water to drain
KABOUROPHOBIA small ponds and lakes. Creatures who visit their favorite watering hole
Berberokas share an unusually and find only an empty mud basin become prey for the berberoka, who
intense fear of crabs, so many hides in the brush and overwhelm their prey with a massive torrent of
folktales suggest fishers bring a regurgitated water.
crab with them should they suspect A berberoka’s mottled backside—which resembles a bundle of local
a berberoka nearby. If no crab is plants, small trees, and large rocks—grants them natural camouflage that
available, clicking one’s tongue or allows them to hide in plain sight. Berberokas tend to disguise themselves
snapping one’s fingers might suffice. as rock formations in the center of a dried-up waterbed while they lie
in wait for passersby. In the tropical regions where berberokas are most
common, locals know to give empty ponds a wide berth, regardless of the
enticing fish flopping about. Hungry travelers, on the other hand, might
see such bounty as a blessing from the gods, only to be swept up in the
berberoka’s deadly deluge.
Perception +26; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feet
Languages Common, Jotun
Skills Athletics +31, Deception +27 (+31 to Impersonate a small mound or island
in its native environ), Intimidation +25, Nature +26, Stealth +25, Survival +26
Str +8, Dex +4, Con +6, Int –1, Wis +3, Cha +4
Deep Breath A berberoka can hold their breath for 2 hours.
AC 36; Fort +29, Ref +23, Will +24
HP 310; Weaknesses fear of crabs
Attack of Opportunity [reaction]
Fear of Crabs (emotion, fear, mental) If a berberoka
sees a crab or crab-like creature, the berberoka
must attempt a DC 33 Will save. They then
becomes immune to the sight of that
creature for 10 minutes.
Critical Success The berberoka is
Success The berberoka becomes
frightened 2.
Failure The berberoka gains the
fleeing condition for 1 round and is frightened 4.
Speed 30 feet, swim 30 feet; 15 feet while waterlogged
Melee [one-action] fist +31 (reach 15 feet), Damage 3d12+16 bludgeoning plus Grab
Greater Constrict [one-action] 2d12+12 bludgeoning, DC 33
Consume Lake (manipulate) The berberoka drinks a prolific amount from an
adjacent water source. If the water source is equal to or greater in volume
than themself, the berberoka consumes up to 1,500 gallons of water per
minute and becomes waterlogged. They can release water at the same rate.
While waterlogged, the berberoka can use Spray Water, their size grows to
Gargantuan, and their Speed is reduced to 15 feet.
Spray Water [two-actions] Requirements The berberoka is waterlogged; Effect The
berberoka sprays a blast of water in a 60-foot line. All creatures in the line
take 6d8 bludgeoning damage (DC 35 basic Reflex save). On a failed save, a
creature is knocked prone and pushed back 5 feet (10 feet on a critically
failed save).
on Danger
d rO mO r nis
Dromornises are large, flightless, carnivorous birds that travel in packs
Chapter 1:
to ambush prey. Their short, stubby wings may give them a comical
Welcome to
appearance, but anyone who’s been on the receiving end of the beast’s HUNTING DROMORNISES Danger Island
powerful beak finds the experience less than amusing. Dromornis use their Dromornis hides and beaks garner
beaks to easily tear flesh and sinew from prey’s bones, quickly dispatching a relatively high asking price Chapter 2:
sizable mammals like deer, tapirs, and primates. Particularly hungry or on markets. However, finding a Survive
aggressive dromornises have even been known to attack humanoids. The dromornis is easier said than done,
Chapter 3:
bird’s strong legs sport sharp talons that, while secondary in combat to its as they tend to claim dens in the The Empress at the
beak, can nonetheless trample and shred smaller creatures like rodents and remote parts of a jungle. Even once Top of the World
amphibians caught underfoot. a hunter has found a dromornis
While a lone dromornis is dangerous enough, a pack of dromornises den, they then have to contend with Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
can take down a den of bears or village of humanoids. A dromornis pack several of the birds at once, since
typically consists of three or four adults and up to five juveniles, all of whom dromornises almost never lair alone. Adventure
work in tandem to overpower larger prey. Packs lie in wait for something Facing off against a pack is a deadly Toolbox
like an anaconda, boar, buffalo or, in cases of desperation, a dinosaur to prospect, but might be well worth
emerge, then move as one for a surprise strike. Dromornises aren’t the trouble for an enormous payoff.
particularly intelligent, but they have been known to use an
ingenious (if hazardous) decoy tactic, luring in massive
prey by putting one of their own fledglings at risk.
Dromornises most often live in tropical jungles far
from the reaches of civilization, though they sometimes
make their homes in mountainside caves or along rocky
coastlines. While most onlookers would be hard-pressed
to tell one dromornis from another, dromornises maintain
tight familial structures based on pheromones and scent glands, so it’s
obvious when a straggler from another family is trying to encroach
on a pack’s den. Such disputes over breeding grounds are common; a
particularly prized dromornis den might change hands several times in
the course of a year. Fights between dromornis packs are chaotic and
swift, marked with the sounds of terrifying screeches and sprays of
Perception +19; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Skills Acrobatics +18, Athletics +22, Deception +14, Stealth +20
Str +6, Dex +6, Con +4, Int –4, Wis +3, Cha –2
AC 28; Fort +20, Ref +21, Will +17
HP 150
Pack Ambush [reaction] Trigger Another dromornis within 10 feet Strides; Effect The
dromornis Strides up to half its Speed.
Speed 30 feet
Melee [one-action] beak +22 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d12+10 piercing plus 1d8
persistent bleed
Melee [one-action] talon +20 (agile), Damage 2d8+10 slashing plus 1d4 persistent bleed
Pack Attack Dromornises fight best while among their fellows. A dromornis
deals 1d8 extra damage to any creature that’s within reach of at least two of
the dromornis’s allies.
Rushing Attack [two-actions] The dromornis suddenly Strides and makes a Strike at the
end of its movement. During the Stride, it gains a +10-foot circumstance bonus
to its Speed.
Trample [three-actions] Medium or smaller, talon, DC 26
h antu
Hantus are manifestations of the powerful nature spirits that inhabit
all things, from animals to objects to the environment itself. As spiritual
CALLING A HANTU representations of whatever they inhabit, hantus follow no preordained
The spiritual nature of a hantu allows agenda. Some hantus choose to act as guardians, defending the forest
divine spellcasters to draw them forth or waterway that they represent, while others simply set out into the
with complex rituals. These rituals world and experience the wonders of life in ways that their physical
typically require a piece of the entity form—be it a boulder, bamboo stand, or tapir—would typically be
that the hantu embodies, such as a unable to enjoy.
cup of water from a river or a bit of Hantus are most well known in the archipelago of Minata, particularly
fur from a tapir. A successful ritual in the southern islands of Rendah Pulu, where animists believe that
tugs a hantu toward the site of the hantus manifest in locations imbued with significant spiritual power.
ritual. A hantu typically listens to the To the residents of Rendah Pulu, hantus exist as manifestations of their
requests of those who summoned it; culture’s anxieties, fears, and ills. An individual who encounters a hantu
whether it agrees to these requests, might interpret the meeting as a sign that they have dwelt for too long
on the other hand, is another story. on their particular worries (or the opposite: they have ignored the source
of their anxieties for too long).
Interestingly, although hantus are incorporeal, they still
retain tangible characteristics as varied as hantus themselves.
Some give off a potent odor, such as the scent
of durian or jasmine. Others leave corporeal
droppings, such as literal animal waste or tufts
of fur left on a tree trunk.
When an environment such as a forest or stream is at
risk of overhunting or overfishing, the land itself can
manifest as a hantu denai in order to defend itself from
overconsumption. Hantu denais stalk hunters and emit
haunting cries of native fauna to scare off poachers,
loggers, and other despoilers of nature
before resorting to violence if necessary.
on Danger
save and is then immune to the hantu denai’s Terrifying Cry for 1 minute.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Chapter 1:
Success The creature is frightened 1.
Welcome to
Failure The creature is fleeing for 1 round and frightened 2. OTHER HANTUS Danger Island
Critical Failure The creature is fleeing for 1 round and frightened 3. Hantus can manifest from any
Sneak Attack A hantu denai’s Strikes deal an additional 2d6 precision damage to manner of object or being, so an Chapter 2:
frightened and flat-footed creatures. endless variety of the spirits exist. Survive
The following are some of the
Chapter 3:
HANTU BELIAN best-known examples of hantu kind. The Empress at the
The hantu belian represents the spiritual essence of a tiger and typically Hantu Batu: These playful stone Top of the World
manifests as a ghostly bird perched on a tiger’s back. Hantu belians spirits throw rocks and pebbles with
commit acts of great destruction as well as restoration. They sometimes alarming frequency. Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
possess humanoids to cause great discord and devastation, though Hantu Beruk: These monkey
their intentions are typically borne of amusement or boredom rather spirits possess people (especially Adventure
than malice. those with a naturally stoic or sober Toolbox
demeanor) and use their bodies to
HANTU BELIAN CREATURE 11 perform great acrobatic feats or
Perception +24; darkvision Hantu Hutan: These jungle spirits
Languages Common defends their homes by shapeshifting
Skills Acrobatics +23, Athletics +20, Medicine +22, Stealth +19 into animals and plants to keep eyes
Str –5, Dex +6, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +5, Cha +7 on those who dare enter their domain.
AC 27; Fort +19, Ref +21, Will +24 Hantu Tinggi: These giant tree
HP 150; Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, spirits tower above forest canopies.
unconscious; Resistances all damage 10 (except force or ghost touch; double They tend to defend a location by
resistance vs. non-magical) using their great height to pick up
Unrest Aura (emotion, enchantment, mental, occult) 30 feet. A creature that intruders and place them elsewhere.
enters the emanation must attempt a DC 27 Will save. On a failure, the creature
is confused until the end of its next turn (1 minute on a critical failure). During
this confusion, the creature attempts to cause turmoil, using its actions to
create disarray in its general vicinity by throwing around objects or scaring
passersby. A creature that succeeds at its save is immune to all hantu belians’
unrest auras for 1 hour. A hantu belian can suppress or resume the effects of
this aura as an action, which has the concentrate trait.
Speed fly 35 feet
Melee [one-action] claw +22 (agile, finesse, magical),
Damage 2d6+13 slashing
Melee [one-action] beak +22 (finesse, magical), Damage
2d8+13 piercing
Occult Innate Spells DC 30, attack +22; 7th
possession; 6th heal; 4th remove curse; 3rd
fear, remove disease; Cantrips (6th) daze,
light, prestidigitation, telekinetic projectile
Greater Possession A hantu belian can use its
possession innate spell to possess
a creature for up to 1 hour rather
than 1 minute. While possessing
a creature, the hantu uses its
own Acrobatics, Athletics,
and Stealth modifiers
unless those of the
possessed creature
are higher.
l iz a r d , C au s tiC m O nitO r
Caustic monitors are enormous lizards native to eastern Minata known and
named for the corrosive enzyme in their mucus, saliva, and other bodily
MONITOR ACID fluids. These corrosive fluids originally developed as a means of protection
Many alchemists prize the corrosive from large insects such as giant mosquitos. The thick layer of mucus that
enzymes of a caustic monitor to naturally coats the monitors’ scaly skin makes it difficult for most other
enhance their own acidic concoctions creatures to get too close, let alone prey upon the lizard.
and pay hunters handsomely for Caustic monitors also use their corrosive biological features to their
freshly gutted specimens. Harvesting hunting advantage, particularly by expelling the acidic contents of their
a caustic monitor’s acid requires a stomach at prey. Even when not making use of their acid, caustic monitors
successful Crafting or Nature check can be deadly predators: They grab onto smaller creatures using their
against a very hard DC of the caustic powerful forelimb muscles and are remarkably agile, considering their size
monitor’s level (DC 36 for most and weight.
caustic monitors). On a success, the Most caustic monitors live among rocky terrain such as pebble beaches,
gutter gathers 2 doses of caustic natural caves, and along sandy river shoals. A caustic monitor’s mucus
monitor acid, or 4 doses on a critical corrodes only flesh, so its den is safe from damage, but corroded plant
success. Applying a dose of caustic life near a cave is a telltale sign that a caustic monitor lives nearby. Hardy
monitor acid to an acid flask increases adventurers and fortune seekers must weigh the potential benefits of
the persistent acid damage the flask hunting this beast—as its acid is highly prized among alchemists—against
deals on a hit by one damage die the obvious risks.
(from 1d6 to 2d6, for example). The
monitor acid expires after 1 week. CAUSTIC MONITOR CREATURE 13
Perception +22; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Skills Acrobatics +24, Athletics +28, Stealth +20
Str +7, Dex +5, Con +5, Int –4, Wis +4, Cha –2
AC 34; Fort +24, Ref +23, Will +20
HP 235
Corrosive Flesh A creature that touches the caustic monitor takes 2d8 acid
damage (DC 32 basic Fortitude save).
Gnashing Grip [reaction] Trigger A creature grabbed by the caustic monitor’s jaws
fails a check to Escape; Effect The caustic monitor’s jaws deal 2d8 piercing
damage and the triggering creature is exposed to caustic monitor venom.
Speed 40 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +27 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d10+9 piercing plus 2d8 acid,
Improved Grab, and caustic monitor venom
Melee [one-action] talon +27, Damage 2d8+13 slashing plus 2d6 persistent bleed
Caustic Spray [two-actions] (acid) The caustic
monitor spits a spray of corrosive bile
that deals 5d8 acid damage in a 20-foot
cone (DC 32 basic Reflex save). It can’t use
Caustic Spray again for
1d4 rounds.
Lurching Charge [two-actions]
The caustic monitor Strides twice, then
makes a jaws Strike. If the monitor
moved at least 20 feet away from
its starting position, it gains a +2
circumstance bonus to this attack roll.
Caustic Monitor Venom (poison); Saving Throw DC 32 Fortitude;
Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 4d6 poison damage
and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 2 4d6 poison damage and
enfeebled 2 (1 round)
on Danger
m an an ang g a l
Manananggals are wicked monsters that live as humanoids during the
Chapter 1:
day but feed upon them at night. To hide their depravities, these beings
Welcome to
disguise themselves as everyday people—typically recluses or eccentrics— GRIM BLADES Danger Island
and use their proximity to a community to pick out their next targets before Minatan folktales have it that a
striking under cover of night. Manananggals use their long, hollow tongues forgotten demigod created the first Chapter 2:
to drain victims’ blood from vital organs such as the liver, and the resulting manananggals by bisecting the torso Survive
odd drainage marks make it difficult to determine the exact nature of a of a human with a divine knife. The
Chapter 3:
victim’s death. This typically leads to confusion, terror, and mistrust among demigod then cut into the human’s The Empress at the
communities, which most manananggals savor. While they fly, manananggals shoulders and drove a pair of bat Top of the World
make a distinctive ticking sound, leading some to refer to the creatures as wings into their back, birthing the
“tik-tiks,” and badly affected communities descend into fearful chaos at the first manananggal. The divine power Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
first reports of this telltale noise. of the demigod’s knife still resonates
Manananggals share their cannibalistic, body-separating traits with other in every manananggal and makes Adventure
types of tanngals, such as penanggalans, though a number of characteristics each of the aberrations susceptible Toolbox
set them apart. For instance, whereas penanggalans relish vinegar and even to cuts from similar weapons.
bathe in the substance, manananggals abhor the merest scent of it. Communities dealing with a
manananggal’s terror train with light
MANANANGGAL CREATURE 8 blades and other slashing weapons
CE MEDIUM ABERRATION TANGGAL to cut the monsters from the sky.
Perception +16; darkvision
Languages Aklo, Common
Skills Acrobatics +18, Deception +16, Religion +13
Str +5, Dex +5, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +4
Light Blindness
AC 26; Fort +14, Ref +17, Will +19
HP 180; Weaknesses slashing 8
Speed 30 feet (or fly 80 feet when body is separated)
Melee [one-action] claws +18 (agile, magical), Damage 2d8+9 slashing plus Grab
Melee [one-action] jaws +18 (magical), Damage 2d10+9 piercing
Occult Innate Spells DC 26; 4th sleep; 3rd fear; 2nd darkness (×3);
1st ray of enfeeblement (×3); Cantrips (4th) dancing lights
Blood Drain [one-action] Requirements The manananggal has a
creature grabbed; Effect The manananggal drives
its tongue into the grabbed creature to drink
its blood. This deals 4d6 damage, and the manananggal
gains temporary Hit Points equal to the damage dealt.
A creature whose blood is drained by a manananggal
is drained 1 until it receives healing (of any kind
or amount).
Separated Body A manananggal typically
resembles a living humanoid. It doesn’t
appear as an aberration at first glance and receives a +4 status bonus to
its Deception DC when Impersonating a humanoid. At any time but especially
at night, a manananggal can, as a three-action activity with the manipulate
trait, rip its upper torso from its bottom half, leaving the lower torso limp and
helpless but allowing the upper torso to fly free. A manananggal can separate
its body at any time, but it risks further damage if it does so during the day.
The manananggal’s upper and lower halves share the same pool of HP.
If its lower half is damaged, the manananggal is immediately aware of
the attack. Each minute a manananggal remains separated after sunrise and
before sunset, it takes 2d6 points of damage until it reattaches its upper and
lower torsos or is destroyed, whichever comes first.
m u C kis h C r e ep
Legends say that the first muckish creeps were born at the site of a mass
grave where the souls of murdered prisoners coalesced into the surrounding
CURSED MUD soil. Another myth tells that muckish creeps were elementals so vile that
When a muckish creep’s bloody their kin banished them from the Plane of Earth. Regardless of their true
mud is used as mortar in building origins, muckish creeps are wicked creatures that resemble mud given a
construction, it sometimes creates a humanoid shape. The mud is no ordinary mixture of earth and water,
new muckish creep fused with the however, for muckish creeps feed on the blood of the living, and they use
structure. Such a creature can move this blood to keep their own forms moist and malleable.
the entire building as if it were part Muckish creeps are particularly tenacious and single-minded when it
of its own body. In the jungles and comes to choosing prey. Once a muckish creep selects its next victim, there
rainforests where muckish creeps is little one can do to stop it, since it can seep through even the smallest
are common, people often call cracks between doors, walls, and windows. A muckish creep typically
upon clerics to bless their building waits until its target falls asleep before pressing itself into the creature’s
materials, including the mud, in home, intent to kill. For all its tenacity during the hunt, the muckish creep
order to avoid unintentionally is pragmatic when it comes to the actual kill, using its body to fill the
creating such a being. victim’s airways with mud and suffocate them.
on Danger
s ig Bin
Resembling hornless goats with extremely long tails, sigbins live in forests
Chapter 1:
and prey on inhabitants of nearby humanoid villages. Sigbins drink the
Welcome to
blood of their victims by biting into their shadows, rather than their flesh. SIGBINANS Danger Island
This process typically leaves the victim so fatigued that they must lie down Rumors hold that wicked individuals
to rest, at which point the sigbin finishes the job by sinking their jaws into can capture sigbins and use them for Chapter 2:
the person’s chest and consuming their heart. nefarious purposes. These monster Survive
Due to their nauseating smell, many sigbins hide among livestock hunters are known as sigbinans.
Chapter 3:
and in other overwhelmingly odorous places. Sigbins have the ability to Capturing a sigbin is a dangerous The Empress at the
hide in plain sight simply by standing stock still, but this power works process that requires using a living Top of the World
only against adults and elders; for whatever reason, children and young person as bait and a large magical jar
animals can see the invisible sigbins. Many believe this is because children as the trap. Once they’ve captured Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
are unsullied by the cruel ways of the world, and so their eyes are still a sigbin, the sigbinan can deploy
innocent enough to spot the devious beasts. Unfortunately, most adults their monster to terrorize others. In Adventure
tend to ignore children’s cries about the monsters, chalking up such claims the jungles of Vudra, sigbinans have Toolbox
to overactive imaginations or attention-seeking behavior, inadvertently been known to capture sigbins to
allowing sigbins to continue their hunts uninterrupted. create magical amulets that, when
donned, grant the wearer the sigbin’s
SIGBIN CREATURE 5 ability to drink blood through a
NE SMALL BEAST person’s shadow.
Perception +12; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
Languages Common (can’t speak any language)
Skills Acrobatics +12, Athletics +10, Stealth +14
Str +1, Dex +5, Con +4, Int –1, Wis +1, Cha +2
AC 21; Fort +13, Ref +16, Will +8
HP 75
Stench (aura, olfactory) 30 feet. A creature that enters the emanation must attempt
a DC 19 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is sickened 1, or sickened 2
on a critical failure. While within the aura, the creature takes a –2 circumstance
penalty to saves to recover from the sickened condition. A creature that
succeeds at its save is immune to all sigbins’ stenches for 1 minute.
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] claws +14 (agile, finesse), Damage 2d4+5 slashing
Melee [one-action] fangs +14 (finesse), Damage 2d6+5 piercing
Melee [one-action] tail +12 (agile, finesse, reach 10 feet), Damage
2d4+5 bludgeoning plus Knockdown
Shadow Drain [two-actions] Requirements The sigbin
is unnoticed by its target; Effect The
sigbin makes a fangs Strike (unlike other
Strikes, this does not end its invisibility if
the sigbin is invisible). On a hit, the target
takes nonlethal damage from the Strike
and becomes drained 1 (drained 2 on a
critical hit). The sigbin gains 15 temporary
Hit Points that remain for 1 hour.
Unassuming Cloak (illusion) A sigbin becomes
almost imperceptible if it stands completely
still. If the sigbin does not move or attack
during its turn, it becomes invisible. It remains
invisible until it moves or takes a hostile
action. Children and young creatures, like
animal cubs, can see the sigbin normally, even
while it’s invisible.
Beloved Empress of Goka
Born in 7195 ic (4695 ar) to the noble Nai family Two years into his third term, Hu Buo suddenly grew
of Goka, Yan Fei’s comfortable childhood years ill and died, leading Goka’s parliament to fracture over
were cut short when her parents fell to the blade of disagreements of a suitable replacement. Yan Fei then
assassins during a diplomatic mission, leaving Yan stepped in, offering to complete her grandfather’s term.
Fei in the care of her grandfather, Nai Hu Buo, then The parliament attempted to block the suggestion, but
the emperor of Goka. Yan Fei called upon an obscure law she had studied
For the next 10 years, Hu Buo focused his time and as a child, which allowed for the inheritance of the
efforts on Yan Fei’s care. He trained her in the ins position. Their hands tied, the parliament agreed and
and outs of courtly life, shaping her into a suitable Yan Fei became acting empress in 7210 ic (4710 ar)
heir to the Nai legacy. Fearing future attempts on at the age of 15.
Yan Fei’s life, Hu Buo also made sure Yan Fei could Yan Fei proved not only an effective leader, but a
hold her own, and he tasked the Butterfly Blades— beloved figurehead who inspired Gokans both rich
an elite group of warriors that served the Nai family and poor, high-born and commoner alike. Yan Fei’s
as bodyguards—to train Yan Fei in martial arts and aristocratic upbringing allowed her to slip into the
self-defense. The Butterfly Blades’ storied history politics with ease, and her experience hiding among
with the Nai family and Goka made them experts the people during her time with the Butterfly Blades
in espionage and intimidation, skills that Yan Fei opened her eyes to the many plights of the everyday
learned and mastered alongside her grandfather’s citizen. She used her position to push for change
political expertise. and progress for Goka, earning supporters from
By the age of 12, Yan Fei was fully trained in the arts all corners. Although the next election for Goka’s
of both combat and public affairs. Satisfied with his leader is still over a decade away, it seems the city’s
granddaughter’s skill, Hu Buo returned to the world parliament and people are more than willing to
of Gokan politics, receiving an exuberant welcome accept Yan Fei’s continued rule and reelect her as
from the people of Goka. Shortly thereafter, Hu Buo empress when the time comes.
earned an unprecedented third term as emperor of
Goka. Meanwhile, Yan Fei continued her training C a mpaig n r O l e
with the Butterfly Blades. The player characters get their first chance to meet
Shortly after turning 14, Yan Fei vowed to find the empress and make a good impression on the
her family’s killers. She spent several months in powerful ruler in Chapter 3 of this adventure. Nai
Goka proper, adopting multiple personas to dig up Yan Fei continues to serve as an important figure
details from the city’s unscrupulous information in the following adventures as a potential guide
brokers. Her skills did ultimately lead her to her and information-provider, and the characters’
parents’ assassins, whom she struck down with little interaction with her on Bonmu will determine what
effort, but she remained unsatisfied. Her continued kind of relationship they have with the empress
efforts led her to the Yun-Ta clan, the Gokan noble going forward. If the characters manage to win her
family that contracted her parents’ assassination. over, they’ll meet the kind aristocrat who’s rightly
She needn’t have bothered to seek out the Yun-Ta, earned the admiration of Goka’s common folk. On
for the family had made dozens of enemies since the the other hand, if their impression proves less than
Fei assassination and long ago sealed their own fate; favorable, the characters must instead contend with
by the time Yan Fei found the connection, the entire a calculating politician who deftly navigates the
family had been dead for several years. Yan Fei’s minefields of diplomacy and etiquette—a ruthless
journey was over, and she had nothing to show for empress who knows how to make the most of a
it. She returned home to continue her training as a group like the player characters before casting them
noble, no longer enchanted by illusions of revenge. aside when their worth has run its course.
on Danger
NAI YAN FEI CREATURE 20 occupation such as common laborer, farmer, or peasant.
UNIQUE LN MEDIUM HUMAN HUMANOID She can return to her typical persona as empress at any
Chapter 1:
Female Tian-Shu empress time by using Quick Change again.
Welcome to
Perception +36 Sneak Attack Nai Yan Fei’s Strikes deal an additional 4d6 Danger Island
Languages Celestial, Elven, Orc, Sylvan, Taldane, Tengu, Tien precision damage to flat-footed creatures.
Skills Acrobatics +37, Arcana +36, Deception +36, Chapter 2:
Diplomacy +38, Intimidation +36, Goka Lore +38, Legal Survive
Lore +38, Occultism +38, Performance +36, Religion +32,
Chapter 3:
Society +38, Stealth +35, Thievery +35, Underworld The Empress at the
Lore +36 Top of the World
Str +1, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +7, Wis +3, Cha +5
Items +3 major striking butterfly sword, greater hat of Ruby Phoenix
Fighting Roster
disguise, +2 greater resilient aristocrat’s clothing
AC 44; Fort +32, Ref +34, Will +33 Adventure
HP 375 Toolbox
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] butterfly sword +35 (agile,
disarm, finesse, magical, parry,
twin), Damage 4d4+13 slashing
Debilitating Strike [free-action] Trigger Nai
Yan Fei hits a flat-footed creature
and deals damage; Effect Nai Yan
Fei applies one of the following
debilitations, which lasts until
the end of her next turn.
• Debilitation The target takes a
–10-foot status penalty to its Speeds.
• Debilitation The target becomes enfeebled 1.
• Debilitation The target can’t flank other
creatures, and it can’t provide flanking for
its allies.
• Debilitation The target doesn’t gain
a circumstance bonus to AC from
Raising a Shield, lesser cover, or
standard cover; it gains only a +2
circumstance bonus to AC from
greater cover or Taking Cover.
Master Strike [reaction] (incapacitation) Trigger
Nai Yan Fei hits a flat-footed creature
and deals damage; Effect The target attempts a DC 39
Fortitude save. It then becomes immune to Nai Yan Fei’s
Master Strike for 1 day.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target is enfeebled 2 until the end of
Nai Yan Fei’s next turn.
Failure The target is paralyzed for 4 rounds.
Critical Failure The target is
paralyzed for 4 rounds, knocked
unconscious for 2 hours, or
killed (Nai Yan Fei’s choice).
Quick Change [one-action] Nai Yan Fei adopts a
mundane disguise, appearing as a nondescript
human with a neutral alignment and a mundane
N e xt M o Nth
by David N. Ross by Joshua Kim
The Ruby Phoenix Tournament begins! Eight teams of Tremble in awe and piece together the mysteries of the
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complete adventure for 11th- to 14th-level characters.
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