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Lesson Plan For Final Demo

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COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, Balanga Campus Sitio Kawayan,Tugatog

City of Balanga, Bataan Orani, Bataan


Grade 9


The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of British-
American Literature, including Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of
Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

1. Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning, and the
effectiveness of the presentation (EN9RC-IVf-2.22).
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with at least 85% level of proficiency shall be able
1. differentiate factual information and subjective information in text presented;
2. analyze author’s soundness of reasoning as a means of understanding the text presented;
3. share the importance of knowing the soundness of author’s reasoning in a text.
1. Soundness of Reasoning
1. Quarter IV: Self-Learning Module in English 7 - Module 1
2. Ferrer, L. F., & Mualim, O. A. (2020). English quarter 4 – module 2: Soundness of
Reasoning 9. Department of Education – Region 10.
3. Almonte, L. R.., Flandez,L.L., Agustan, N. L., Langutan,H., Malayo, D. M.,Mangaluz, L.
M., Miranda, E. R., Palomar,L. A., Soliaban, A. C., & Soriano, G. B., (2014) A Journey
Through Anglo-American Literature Learner’s Material. Pasig City: Vibal Group, Inc.
1. Laptop, PowerPoint, traditional visual aids, manila paper, marker, adhesive tape, and other
printed materials


Teachers Activity Students Activity

I. Preliminary Activities

May I request everyone to stand?
(Students stand)
Who is the prayer leader for today? Kindly go here
in front. (Prayer leader will go in front and lead the

Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am

Class Secretary, do we have absentees today?

I’m glad to tell you that no one is absent today.

Very good. Nice to hear that!

Review of the past lesson

Before we start a new lesson, let us check first if
is clear regarding our discussion last time through
“Flash from the past”

I am going to show a question on the improvise

television. This is going to be a fast-paced scenario,
so you must be as quick as Flash. You must respond
quickly to the questions I will ask you.

Are my instructions clear?

Yes Ma’am.
First question:
What will happen to a text if there are multiple Expected answer:
irrelevant details? There will be no cohesion and unity.

Second question:
Why is it important to determine the relevance and Expected answer:
worth of an idea? To understand the idea that the texts wants to

Impressive! Do you have any questions regarding None, Ma’am.

our lesson last time?
Then, get ready for a new learning today

B. Motivation

“Fact or Opinion”


In this activity we will practice spotting the

difference between Facts and Opinions. On each pair
of slides, you will see a statement. You have 5
seconds to decide if you think the statement is a
"Fact" or an "Opinion“. Once you make decision, do
the exercise underneath your choice on the second
slide. After 10 seconds the answer will be revealed.
Have fun None Ma’am
Are my instructions clear? Any question?

(Students answer may vary)

(Students answer may vary)

(Students answer may vary)

Have you ever experienced, or are you the type of

person who, when reading a text, believes that all of
the ideas and information presented are always
correct? Or did you find it so convincing that you
assumed all of the information in it was true?
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students
with at least 85% level of proficiency shall be
able to:
We are convinced because of the soundness of an
1. differentiate factual information and
author. And today we are going to study and judge
subjective information in the text presented;
the authors soundness.
2. analyze author’s soundness of
reasoning as a means of understanding the text
But before that let us read first our lesson objectives
presented; and
for today.
3.share the importance of knowing the
soundness of author’s reasoning in a text.
Shantel will you please read our objectives?

Thank you Shantel.

C. Lesson Proper

Many readers believe that when they read a text, all

of the ideas and information presented are always
correct. This impression isn't always correct. We are
all aware that informational texts are based on the
author's ideas, beliefs, opinions, or facts gathered
from credible sources. When reading, it is essential
to determine whether an author's reasoning is factual
or subjective. That is why, today, we are going to
study the soundness of author’s reasoning in the text.

I have here prepared a two text and we are going to Yes, Ma’am.
analyze and read them.
(Teacher will give a printed copy) (Students start reading the selection.)
Get one and pass, class.

Rows 1 and 2 will read the first selection, while rows

3 and 4 will listen. Following that, rows 3 and 4 will
read the second selection, while rows 1 and 2 will

Are my instructions clear?

There’s been a lot of discussion lately of the

Lets start. I’ll read first the first paragraph and row politics of this shutdown. But the truth is, there
one and two will follow. were no winners in this. At a time when our
economy needs more growth and more jobs,
the manufactured crises of these last few weeks
Obama: ‘There Were No Winners In This’ actually harmed jobs and growth. And it’s
Government Shutdown understandable that your frustration with what
goes on in Washington has never been higher.
Hi everybody. This week, because Democrats and
responsible Republicans came together, the
government was reopened, and the threat of default Expected answer:
was removed from our economy. Ma’am I think it’s about government that has
no enough funds to use anymore.

Thank you row one (1). Okay, class before we

continue to the next paragraph I have a question. The way business is done in Washington has to
What does it mean by term “ government change. Now that these clouds of crisis and
shutdown”? uncertainty have lifted, we need to focus on
what the majority of Americans sent us here to
You've had an idea! Great job. Non-essential do – grow the economy, create good jobs,
services, on the other hand, have been forced to close strengthen the middle class, lay the foundation
due to a lack of funding. However, the government's for broad-based prosperity, and get our fiscal
essential services continue to operate normally. The house in order for the long haul. It won’t be
fact that there is no spending bill in place does not easy. But we can make progress. Specifically,
imply that the country has devolved into lawlessness. there are three places where I believe that
A minor detail to help us understand the text better. Democrats and Republicans can work together
right away.
Now let’s continue. Row 2 will you please read the
next paragraph.

First, we should sit down and pursue a

balanced approach to a responsible budget, one
that grows our economy faster and shrinks our
long-term deficits further. There is no choice
between growth and fiscal responsibility – we
need both. So we’re making a serious mistake
if a budget doesn’t focus on what you’re
focused on: creating more good jobs that pay
Next paragraph, will you please read row one (1). better wages. If we’re going to free up
resources for the things that help us grow –
education, infrastructure, research – we should
cut what we don’t need, and close corporate tax
loopholes that don’t help create jobs. This
shouldn’t be as difficult as it has been in past
years. Remember, our deficits are shrinking –
not growing.

Expected answer:
Ma’am, I think it is a financial plan of the
government which shows what its resources
are, and how they will be generated and used
over the fiscal period.

Expected answer:
Thank you. In the paragraph, you encounter the word Because it enables the government to plan and
“budget”. Based on what you understand what is a manage its financial resources.
government budget?

Very good! Another question why budget important

to government?
Second, we should finish the job of fixing our
Yes, that is correct. In addition to what your broken immigration system. There’s already a
classmate mentioned, the budget resources helps broad coalition across America that’s behind
supports the implementation of various programs and this effort, from business leaders to faith
projects that best promote the country's development. leaders to law enforcement. It would grow our
economy. It would secure our borders. The
Now let’s continue reading the text. Row 2 please Senate has already passed a bill with strong
continue. bipartisan support. Now the House should, too.
The majority of Americans thinks this is the
right thing to do. It can and should get done by
the end of this year.

Third, we should pass a farm bill – one that

America’s farmers and ranchers can depend on,
one that protects vulnerable children and adults
in times of need, and one that gives rural
Next row please continue. communities opportunities to grow and the
longer-term certainty they deserve.

We won’t suddenly agree on everything now

that the cloud of crisis has passed. But we
shouldn’t hold back on places where we do
agree, just because we don’t think it’s good
politics, or just because the extremes in our
Next row please continue. parties don’t like compromise. I’ll look for
willing partners from either party to get
important work done. There’s no good reason
why we can’t govern responsibly, without
lurching from manufactured crisis to
manufactured crisis. Because that isn’t
governing – it’s just hurting the people we
were sent here to serve

Those of us who have the privilege to serve

this country have an obligation to do our job
the best we can. We come from different
Next row please continue. parties, but we’re Americans first. And our
obligations to you must compel all of us,
Democrats and Republicans, to cooperate, and
compromise, and act in the best interests of this
country we love.

Thanks everybody, and have a great weekend.

(Row five and four will read the next selection)

A Black woman’s crown should be celebrated
By Lydia Dillard (TSU)
Thank you row 1 and 2. Now row 3 and 4 kindly A crown serves as part of an embraced identity.
read the next selection. It is a badge of honor resting effortlessly
amongst the highest point. My crown happens
to be thick, curly, and typically high
It barely reaches my shoulders and poofs in the
damp Houston weather. My crown is of course
my textured mane, which I had to develop to
appreciate and embrace like royalty. Black
girls and women throughout the nation are
learning the history behind their hair, as they
emulate hairstyles that showcase its stunning

Expected answer:
Ma’am, hair.

Before we continue what is the crown that the author

is saying in the text? Expected answer:
Ma’am because it makes a lot of difference to a
person's appearance.
Why do you think hair is our crown?

As a young girl, I never understood the

That is why there is a popular saying, "Our hair is importance and the privileges behind hair,
our crowning glory," because it gives us confidence. especially in the Black community. The first
time I was exposed to the identity of Black hair
Okay let’s continue reading. Row four please was after watching Chris Rock’s, documentary
continue. “Good Hair,” which addressed the demanding.
market of hair vanity in the Black community.
I began to chemically relax my hair shortly
after watching the movie. Personally, I was
fascinated with the long straight strains that
gracefully draped. My fingers swept
effortlessly through my relaxed crown. It
enticed attention from other girls with crowns
just alike.

Young Black girls held their heads up high

after a fresh do. Pride directly complements a
Black girl’s crown, especially after being
plucked, burned and teased. Though I enjoyed
the stringy press, I forgot how my original
curls laid after submitting to straight hair for so
long. While in high school, I stopped
straightening my hair and began my natural
hair journey. Now many other Black girls rock
their natural crown with honor. As society
progresses, the standards for hair have
changed. “I was told I’d never get a job on TV
with natural hair,” Winfrey said. She
experimented with different hairstyles as she
entered her career. However, Winfrey
describes herself as a rebel. “I’m at a point
where I’m quite happy with my look,” she said.
Though Winfrey has faced obstacles with her
hair, she doesn’t let her hair or people’s
opinions define her. “It doesn’t necessarily
represent anything in particular,” she said. “It’s
an extension of a piece of who I am.”

Overall, the rich history of Black hair tells a

story that battled with fallen appreciation but
has now resurfaced as a true embrace.
Whatever sits on top of a Black woman or
man’s head, should represent power and
respect. A true crown has no template or
standard, instead, it directly illustrates the
beauty of its possessor.

Random question class. What type of hair do you

prefer? (Students answers may vary)

(Teacher will ask one girl and one boy from the
class) (Students answer may vary)

Will you change your natural hair if given the

chance, just like the author of the text?

Thank you class. Students expected answer:

So based on what you have read. What is the first The reading selection A, President Obama’s
reading selection about? address. He entails his reasons about why the
Democrats and Republicans can work together.

Students expected answer:

He gave several reasons using facts.

What reasoning he gave based on what you have Students expected answer:
The reading selection B presents how she
celebrates her crown as a black woman. She
How about in Selection B? gave her own opinion and judgments on how
she uses can embrace and represent it with
power and respected.

Students expected answer:

In the selection A the information gives fact
about a certain situation or event while the
Based from your answer what do you think is the selection B is giving information about what
information given by the Author in selection A? she experiences and about her opinion.
What about in selection B?

Excellent class. We all know that when an author

writes, he or she presents their ideas and backs them
up with specific reasons and evidence in order to
persuade the reader. Of course, as readers, we must
assess the soundness of the reasoning and evidence
before passing judgment. That's what we're going to
study at today.
The information used by an author in giving
Based on your answer a while ago we have a certain his/her reasons or evidence can be classified
term for the type of soundness or information and according to:
evidences that the author is presenting to us, The
information can be used by an author in giving 1. Factual information
his/her reasons or evidence can be classified are those that solely deal with facts. These are
according to: short, nonexplanatory, and rarely give in-depth
background on a topic. These statements are
Will you please read what’s in the slide? also those that can be verified or proven to be
true or false.

 Factual information resources are

found in encyclopedias, almanacs,
government resources, or statistics.

Thank you. Examples of Factual Information:

• The Philippines is a republic with a presidential
form of government wherein power is equally
divided among its three branches. Students expected answer:
• Philippines is an island country of Southeast Asia If we’re going to free up resources for the
in the western Pacific Ocean. things that help us grow – education,
• Eighty percent (80%) of the 3,866 respondents infrastructure, research – we should cut what
aged 13-24 years had experienced some form of we don’t need, and close corporate tax
violence in their lifetime. loopholes that don’t help create jobs

In the activity earlier, reading text A give me an

example in the text that uses factual information.
2. Subjective content or information
are those which come from only one point of
view. It involves judgment, feeling, opinion,
intuition or emotion rather than factual
Very good. Something factual is real. It is based in
fact, meaning it can be proven, repeated or
observed.. Now let us know the second type. Will
you please read it Tracy.

Student’s expected answer:

She is subjective Ma’am.
Thank you very much. Opinions can help persuade,
but keep in mind that attentive readers and listeners
will notice and demand evidence to back them up.
Subjective information anything subjective has
Reading text B how does the author’s reasoning feelings or personal opinions. She gave her
sound? own opinion and judgments on how she uses
can embrace our own crown and represent it
with power and respected.
Okay, why and how do you say so? Will you please
justify your answer?

Examples of Subjective Information:

• “Beautiful Girls” was an entertaining show that Ma'am, to understand whether the text's
should have never been canceled. purpose is to persuade, inform, or entertain.
• Yellow is the best color among all the colors. Reading accuracy is important because some of
• Strawberries taste better than blueberries. us do not always filter information to
determine whether the author's intent is to be
Why do we need to classify or analyze the factual or subjective, and as a result, we readers
information used by the author in giving reasons or easily believe that information.

Excellent. It is important to consider why an author

established a source because that reason dictated the
type of information he or she included. Depending
on the purpose, the author may have chosen to
include factual or analytical information. Likewise,
she/he can also include subjective information that is
less factual and analytical. The author's intention for
creating the source also determined whether he or
she included multiple perspectives or only his or her

So, based on what we've discussed about, I've

created a Venn Diagram to differentiate factual
information from subjective information based on
what we've learned from the previous text presented.

Factual Information Subjective Information

None, Ma’am

Similarities of Factual
and Subjective
Information Yes, Ma’am.

Question before we proceed to the next activity?

D. Application

You'll complete an activity in seven (7) minutes to

see if everything is clear. Do you remember the tasks (Read the mission)
and missions that Kuya assigned to you during our
previous meetings? “Good morning, housemates. Welcome again
to my house. Another week has passed and it’s
Okay, Kuya or Big Brother has assigned me another now time for new challenges. As for your task
mission and challenge, for you to complete. Will you today. always remember, cooperation,
please read the mission Kuya has assigned you? creativity and perseverance are the names of
(Teacher will call someone) the game. Your task will flash on the screen
with the help of our house guest Ms. Shai.
Good luck housemates.”
Task for today:
(Teacher will distribute the task )

Group 1 (Role play)

You saw someone spreading information that has no
bases how are you going to approach him/her and
educate that person the importance of giving factual
Group 2 (Illustrate)
Illustrate what will happen if we are only using
subjective information.
Group 3 ( Slogan)
Create a slogan about the importance of being a None, Ma’am.
smart reader who knows how to filter information
about what he/she reads.
Group 4 (Recipe)
Create a recipe how to become a smart reader.

Okay I’ll give you seven minutes to prepare for your

task and after seven minutes you’re going to present (Students will choose)
it in front don’t forget to do social distancing while
working. Rubric is pasted inside the folder so please
be guided.

Any question class? (Students will perform)

Times up! Let’s start your presentation but first let's

decide who will go first.I have here prepared color
board behind these colors, which contains a number
that will determine who will perform first. Now
group leaders kindly choose a certain color.

Group 1 ( Role Play)

Group 2 ( Illustrate)
Group 3 (Slogan) Answer key:
Group 4 ( Recipe) 1. Subjective (Students answer may vary)
2. Factual (Students answer may vary)

E. Evaluation

Directions: The statements below are taken from the

two reading selections earlier. Identify
whether the statement in each item is a factual or
subjective information then explain why.

Statements Type of Reason

A true crown has
no template or
standard, instead,
it directly
illustrates the
beauty of its
First, we should
sit down and
pursue a balanced
approach to a
budget, that
grows our
faster and shrinks
our long-term (Students will post something on the board)
deficits further.


Let’s have another activity entitled “Share it”. We all
know how active people are when it comes to their
social media accounts. So, for this activity, you’re
going to share what you have learned. I’ll give you
these colorful papers and you’re going to share the
importance of knowing the soundness of author’s
reasoning in a text that we are reading. You have two
minutes to write everything you want to share.

Directions: Assess your learning by writing a
paragraph using factual information and subjective
information in giving reasons or evidence. You can
choose the type of information you will use in
discussing your topic. Below are suggested topics
that you can choose from. You will be rated with the
rubrics provided.

Suggested topics:
• Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health
• A person that you admire the most
• A place where you would like to live your whole
• The job you dream.
• Smartphone users in the Philippines
• Most used social media platform in the Philippines
• Other topics you want to write

None, Ma’am.

Any question or clarification class?

Good bye, Ma’am.
So, if there’s none. Let’s call it a day class.

Good bye class.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Rubric for Application:

Role-Playing Rubric
Category 5 4 3
Content Excellent work! You Your role-play is on The role-playing is a little
provided innovative new topic, but it lacks off-topic. Next time, pay
perspectives on the topic! creativity and insight. closer attention to the
Roles Outstanding work! Everyone in your group For the most part, your
Everyone in your group remained in character, group stayed in character.
stayed in character, and it but some didn't appear Next time, spend more
was obvious that you took to be "into" what they time preparing for how
your roles seriously. were doing. the characters might think
or act.
Overall Excellent! Your Good! Your Continue your efforts!
Impression presentation was both presentation, was fun to Remember that, while the
entertaining and watch, also it could have process is enjoyable, you
informative. been more informative. are also supposed to learn
something from it.

Rubric for Illustration

Category 5 4 3
Craftsmanship/Skill The artwork was lovely The work could have The student
and diligently been outstanding with a demonstrated adequate
completed; it was as little more effort; it craftsmanship, but not
good as hard work lacks the finishing as good as it could have
could make it. touches. been.
Effort The illustration was The student worked The illustration was
continued until it was hard and completed the completed with
completed as best as illustration, but with a minimum
the student could; he bit more effort it might effort.
put in far more effort have been outstanding.
than was required.
Creativity/Originality Illustration is Illustration is creative Illustration is creative
exceptionally creative. and a good amount of and some ideas was put
A lot of ideas and effort ideas was put into into.
was used to make the decorating it.

Rubric for Slogan

5 4 3
Craftmanship In terms of neatness, In terms of neatness, In terms of neatness,
the slogan is the slogan is appealing. the slogan is not
particularly appealing. Good construction that appealing. The
Well-built and not isn't too messy. construction is messy.
Creativity Slogan is extremely Slogan is creative, and Slogan is creative,
inventive. The banner a lot of thought went some thought was put
took a lot of thought into decorating it. into.
and effort to create.
Originality Outstanding use of new Good use of new ideas Average use of new
ideas and originality in and originality to create ideas and originality to
the creation of a slogan. slogan. create slogan.

Rubrics for Recipe Making

Category 5 4 3
Explanation The explanation is very The explanation is Some parts of the
straightforward and straightforward and explanation are clear.
logical. logical.
Strategy Issue was solved using Issue was solved using Used strategy that was
efficient strategy appropriate strategy partially useful but did
not lead to a full
Presentation Recipe is presented in a Recipe is presented in Some parts of the
very organized, creative an organized, creative recipe are presented in
and effective way. and effective way. an organized, creative
or effective way.

Rubric for Assignment

Category 5 4 3
FOCUS/ Information clearly Information clearly Information clearly
MAIN POINT relates to the main relates to the main relates to the main
topic. It includes 3 topic. It includes 1-2 topic. No factual
information and/or information and/or information and/or
reasons. reasons only. reasons are given.
ORGANIZATION Information is very Information is The information is
organized with well- organized, but not organized.
constructed paragraphs paragraphs are not
and sentences. well-constructed.
LANGUAGE The learner submits The learner submits The learner submits
CONVENTION the output following the output with 3-5 the output with 6 or
correct spelling, errors in spelling, more errors in
punctuation, punctuation, spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, etc. capitalization, etc. capitalization, etc.

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