The Racket System: A Model For Racket Analysis: Transactional Analysis Journal January 1979
The Racket System: A Model For Racket Analysis: Transactional Analysis Journal January 1979
The Racket System: A Model For Racket Analysis: Transactional Analysis Journal January 1979
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*In his Terminological Grid, Berne (1971, pp. 409-413) limited transactional terms to ego states, transactions,
games and script.
52 Transactional Analysis Journal
and clinical practice. * As an area of TA does not occur the contained energy goes
theory Racket Analysis would include into either a physiological or cognitive
phenomena which: (a) may be explained in attempt at closure (a secondary or fixed
terms of ego states;** (b) may occur in the Gestalt). Through the process of cognitive
absence of social transactions (and, there- mediation, the child attempts to make sense
fore, not a method of structuring time); of the experiences and produces fixed
(c) are not transactions, games or scripts Gestalten-survival conclusions or script
but may influence or be operating as a part decisions, which remain as the Core Script
of these phenomena; and (d) can be related Beliefs**** or the basic decisions about self,
to structural analysis, transactional analysis others, and the quality of life (personal
proper, game analysis and script analysis. destiny). These Core Script Beliefs are
As a phase of TA treatment Racket Analysis usually expressed in concrete terms
would include the identification of these consistent with the thinking levels of which
phenomena and the therapeutic operations young children are capable (Piaget , 1952).
designed to effect changes in them. Once adopted, the Core Script Beliefs in-
fluence what experiences are attended to,
The Racket System how they are interpreted and whether or not
they are regarded as significant by the indi-
vidual. The child then begins to add Sup-
The Racket System is defined as a self- porting Script Beliefs which reaffirm and
reinforcing, distorted system of feelings, elaborate upon the Core Script Beliefs.
thoughts and actions maintained by script- Years later when the person experiences
bound individuals. The Racket System has feelings similar to those felt at the time of
three interrelated and interdependent script decision, the Script Beliefs may be
components: the Script Beliefs and Feelings, stimulated. Or, when the person is actively
the Rackety Displays and the Reinforcing believing a Script Belief, the old feelings
Memories. may be stimulated. As long as the Script
The Script Beliefs and Feelings are all Beliefs and Feelings remain contaminations
the Parent and Child contaminations of the of the Adult, they are not available for up-
Adult based upon and supporting script dating with new information and experi-
decisions. *** They begin developing when a ences. For example, if the script decision
child is under pressure either from parental included the belief, "I'm unlovable," and
programming (injunctions, counterinjunc- the feeling present at the time was sadness,
tions, attributions) or environmental there will be a continual recycling of the
trauma and his/her expression of feelings Script Belief ("I'm unlovable") and
does not result in needs being met. The Feeling (sadness) on the intrapsychic level,
child's suppression of feelings and con- which reinforces and maintains the script.
comitant failure to satisfy needs produce And, when this intrapsychic process
an incomplete emotional experience. If occurs, the person is likely to engage in
closure (a completed or dynamic Gestalt) Rackety Displays.
*That is, results of studies, such as the left-brain, right-brain research (Sample, t975) describing how neurological
development and processes influence perception and interpretation of experience, would be as appropriate for
consideration in Racket Analysis as clinical studies describing how individuals distort experiences to maintain,
elaborate upon and advance the script.
**This meets requirements Berne sets forth as necessary for TA theory.
***The term Script Beliefs is used to describe contamination of the Adult which results from script and, there-
fore, is not the same as frame of reference (Schiff, et. al., 1975, p. 49) which includes all the ideas about self,
others and the world.
****For the sake of clarity we are describing the early script decision or survival conclusion and the adoption of
Core Script Beliefs as though they occur at a particular time in a child's life. It is important to keep in mind that
these may occur over a period of time and may be the result of fantasy as well as of an actual occurrence. Script
Beliefs are synonomous with script decisions or survival conclusions except that the latter two refer to what the
child may have decided in 1945 and Script Beliefs refer to how the person is maintaining those decisions or con-
clusions as beliefs and associated feelings in 1978.
The Rackety Displays consist of all the reported internal experiences are the be-
overt and internal behaviors which are haviors which are not readily observable
manifestations of the Script Beliefs/Feel- but on which the person can give a self-
ings. Included are the observable behaviors report, such as fluttering in the stomach,
such as words, sentence patterns, tones of changes in perceived body temperature,
voice, displays of emotion, gestures and increased muscular tension, headaches,
body movements a person makes which are colitis and all the somatic responses to the
a direct result of the intrapsychic process. Script Beliefs/Feelings. These internal be-
A person may either act the way defined haviors are a manifestation of the Script
by the Script Beliefs, i.e., saying "I don't Beliefs/Feelings and also maintain the
know" when believing "I'm stupid" or script.
attempt to defend against the Script Rackety Displays also include fantasies
Beliefs, i.e., being very quiet and nice when in which the individual imagines behavior,
believing "I'm bad." During childhood a both his/her own or someone else's,
whole range of behaviors is tested (English, which lend support to the Script Beliefs.
1971, 1972; Holloway, 1973, IV) to elicit During the time of script decision a child
strokes while maintaining compatibility may symbolize behavior (Piaget, 1951) to
with the Script Beliefs. The child experi- either confirm or deny his/her experience.
ments to find which behaviors will elicit In the absence of one's own overt or soma-
responses in others that will confirm what tic behavior, or when no other person is
(s)he is believing. Parents and other signi- present, an individual may fantasize or
ficant figures also influence the child's hallucinate behaviors of himself or others
choice of behaviors through instructions which are syntonic with Script Beliefs.
("Boys don't cry"); prohibitions (Don't These fantasied behaviors function as
you ever do that again"); stroking (You're effectively in reinforcing Script Beliefs/
so cute when you pout"); attributions Feelings and, in some instances, even
("He's the toughest kid in the neighbor- more effectively than the overt behaviors.
hood"); and modeling (Dad's temper Each of the various ways of engaging in
tantrum always get's everyone's attention). Rackety Displays can result in the collec-
The child's interpretations of the outcomes tion of Reinforcing Memories. Reinforcing
of his/her own or others' behaviors result Memories are the recall of selected events
from symbolic and egocentric thinking during the person's lifetime. They are a
(Piaget, 1952) in which magical powers collection of emotional memories of trans-
may be attached to certain behaviors with actions, either real or imagined; recall of
the expectation that engaging in them will internal bodily experiences; or the retained
either ward off or fulfill the Script Belief. remnants of fantasy, dreams or hallucina-
Eventually, the child settles on a specific tions. Each memory has an emotional or
group of behaviors including displays of feeling component associated with the
emotion and uses them repeatedly and experience. In some instances people may
especially in situations which may challenge forget the factual aspects of an event but
the Script Beliefs. These behaviors may be will retain the emotional components of the
labeled Rackety Displays since they are memory. Berne (1964) terms this feeling
repetitive and stylized and are a manifesta- component, "trading stamps."
tion of the Script Beliefs/Feelings. In Reinforcing Memories serve as feedback
adolescence and in adulthood individuals to the Script Beliefs. Each Reinforcing
may continue to use the Rackety Displays Memory has the capacity either to reinforce
learned in early childhood. They may, also, or to negate the Script Beliefs. Since Script
decrease or increase their repertoire of be- Beliefs function as a contamination of the
havior after contact with the world out- Adult only those memories which support
side the family. the Script Belief are readily accepted and
An individual may have a body reaction are used as reinforcement of the beliefs.
to the intrapsychic process in addition to Those memories which negate the Script
or in place of the overt behaviors. These Beliefs are often rejected or forgotten since
54 Transactional Analysis Journal
they would challenge the prejudice and to be sad, thinking remains contaminated
serve to decontaminate the Adult. They and is in script.
may also be distorted through fantasy to
create script-syntonic memories
which serve to support the Script Beliefs. The following example of the Racket
For example, a person may have a Script System illustrates how the client maintained
Belief, "No one likes me" and when the script through Script Beliefs/Feelings,
therapist says to the person, "I like you," Rackety Displays and Reinforcing Memories.
(s)he may attempt to maintain the belief Beginning with the birth of her first
and associated feeling of sadness by saying, sibling Louise made a decision, based on the
"You didn't really mean it because you care her sick sibling received and her being
didn't say it with much feeling. "* "pushed off," that she was not important.
When memories which are syntonic with At this time her mother was under great
Script Beliefs are recalled, they serve to emotional pressure and was psychologically
reinforce and strengthen the Script Beliefs unavailable while father was frequently
which then stimulate the feelings present at away. The early decision, "I'm not impor-
the time of script decision. Those feelings tant" was reinforced with each successive
in turn stimulate the Script Belief and the sibling and in every traumatic home situa-
intrapsychic process serves to reinforce tion where, being oldest, Louise's needs
continually the contamination. When a were ignored. Louise reported in therapy
memory is dystonic with a specific Script that she often experienced her parents'
Belief the person may, instead of distorting non-verbal attitude as an injunction,
the memory, simply negate it by switching "Don't be important." At an early age the
to another Script Belief. In the example client discovered that one solution to the
above the person distorted the memory of problem of not being important was to
"I like you" by saying that the therapist's take care of others-siblings and parents-
statement lacked feeling; the person could which would make it possible for some of
also switch to another Script Belief, her needs to be met.
"People cannot be trusted." In switching, In adult life this decision was observable
the memory which challenges the Script in her choice of a helping profession. Her
Belief is negated and the person continues general demeanor was quiet and with-
I Beliefs About: "\ 1. Observable Behaviors Emotional Memories
(stylized, repetitive) ("Trading Stamps")
I 1. Self \
I 2. Others \ 2. Reported Internal Experiences Provide Evidence
I 3. Qual ity of Life I (somatic ailments; and Justification
I . physical sensations)
\ (Intrapsychic Process) /
3. Fantasies
\ Feelings Repressed at J
\ theTime of Script Decision I
Figure 1
The Racket System
"Grossly misinterpreted or fantasized experiences are sometimes called "counterfeit strokes" and are seen as
distortions of the intended stroke (James and Jongeward, 1971; Bruce and Erskine, 1974).
Vol. 9, No. I, January 1979 55
Core: I'm notimportant.
Supporting: I'm all alone.
Spends time alone
of me
Few friends
Does all thework Being ignored
I 2. Others I Not invited tojoinin activities
Avoids eye contact
I Core: Other people are most I
important. I
Supporting: No one wants me. I
Addresses others' needs
Does notaskfor self
I No one loves me. : 2. Reported Internal Experiences:
I 3. Duality of Life I Stiff neck-holds back feelings
I Core: Life is difficultand I Headaches
I lonely. I
3. Fantasies:
I Supporting: I
I The way to belikedand I Ending upold and alone
: wanted is to take care of : Appreciation from others for
I others. . I helping
I I have to doIt by myself. I
'''Repressed Feelings: - - - ,,'
Figure 2
Louise's Racket System
drawn, deferring to others. The social positive responses from people; (5) changing
response from others was that she was fantasies from being alone to being loved
ignored and often did not get what she for being joyful, spontaneous and intimate;
wanted, thereby reinforcing her belief that and (6) massage work on neck muscles
she was not important, was unwanted and where inhibition of self was reflected.
that others were more important. Her
affective behavior was one of sadness, CLINICAL THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTIONS
leading to periods of depression and/or USING THE RACKET SYSTEM
severe headaches.
Another common example is the person
Her fantasy life often centered around who has a belief about self, "I'm helpless"
the counterscript decision that if she were and about others, "No one can under-
good enough to someone else they would stand me." Behaviorally the person will
love her and take care of her. To support often act helpless or confused, say "I don't
this decision she also occasionally fantasized know," sigh and shrug his/her shoulders.
ending up alone, poor, and unloved. This presents a double bind for the therapist.
The course of treatment involved (1) re- If the therapist helps, the memory of the
experiencing a series of old traumas where helping therapist will be used as evidence to
the original and reinforcing decisions were prove "I'm helpless;" if the therapist sug-
made and making new decisions about self, gests that the person is not helpless and can
others, and the quality of life; (2) expres- do it him/herself then the belief that "No
sing the underlying anger at not being one understands me" is reinforced. We
taken care of; (3) beginning to identify have found it quite effective to draw the
and ask for needs to be met; (4) behaving Racket System (See Fig. 3) for the client
in a more sociable manner to experience pointing out that we do understand-in
56 Transactional Analysis Journal
Figure 3
Helpless/ Misunderstood Racket System
fact we understand that they believe that In Louise's case the stiff neck and head-
no one understands them and that they are aches produced memory traces that rein-
helpless. Once the Racket System is drawn forced the belief, "Life is difficult." In
out the person may act helpless and seem therapy the somatic level of the Rackety
not to know what is on the board. At that Display can be dealt with through techni-
point we record the request for help under ques designed to change the body or
the Observable Behavior and tell the client physiological level of script. Such approaches
that we are risking reinforcing "I'm help- may include deep muscle massage, biofeed-
less" but will do so this time to explain. back, bioenergetics, meditation and yoga,
Each subsequent request for help is listed in or physical exercise such as expressive
writing along with switches to supporting dancing.
beliefs. The process often elicits a strong Reinforcing Memories will no longer
emotional reaction which can be used to have an effective role in maintaining the
disconnect the rubberband (Erskine, 1974) system when people live in the "here and
to the Script Feeling. now" and do not dwell on old memories
Any therapeutic intervention which or fantasied memories of events that are
interrupts the flow in the Racket System yet to come, that is, when they let go of all
will be an effective step in the person's of their trading stamps. A specific thera-
changing their Racket System and there- peutic intervention may invovle the con-
fore their script. Contracts which focus on frontation of discrepancies between what
changing the overt behavior in the Rackety the client remembers and what actually
Display will result in different social res- occurred and the meaning of what
ponses from other people and hence a occurred.
change in the Reinforcing Memories. It is The Script Beliefs themselves can be
possible for someone to change his/her challenged directly through various
overt behaviors and still maintain the decontamination operations (Berne, 1966,
Racket System by imagining script-related pp. 233-247). Based on how the client des-
behavior and collecting Reinforcing cribes him/herself we will often hypothesize
Memories as a result of fantasy. For some what the Script Beliefs might be, write
clients it is important, therefore, for the them on the board and then check if the
therapist to check if the script is being hypothesized beliefs are operational for
lived out in fantasy; this is most often the person, particularly in stressful situa-
apparent in dreams. tions. A direct question, "Is this belief
Vol. 9, No.1, January 1979 57
really true in your life today?" frequently person is supporting and carrying out the
produces the insight that he/she is operating script decisions in day-to-daylife. The
from old perceptions or misconceptions Script Beliefs provide a distorted frame-
and has been living life based on Script work for viewing self, others and quality of
Beliefs that originated in early childhood. life. Since these are paired Parent and
For some clients the only thing needed at Child contaminations of the Adult, the
this point is an invitation to drop the Script views are not available for updating and
Beliefs and to live with an awareness of all any contradictory information will be
the possible options which are available. ignored. Rackety Displays are stimulated
Where trauma has played a significant by the Script Beliefs and are designed to
part in forming the script, clients have confirm or get others to confirm the con-
made major changes in their Racket Sys- taminations and to avoid or reexperience
tems when the therapeutic work has been the Script Feelings. In order to engage in a
focused on the unexpressed affect which Rackety Display individuals must discount
was present and suppressed at the moment other options and frequently will maintain
of script decision. The release of repressed that their behavior is the "natural" or
emotion through cathecting to an early "only" way they can respond. When used
age, Gestalt work, or the expression of in social transactions Rackety Displays are
primal feelings often leads to a redecision likely to produce Reinforcing Memories,
and disconnecting the rubberband. The especially as game payoffs. Reinforcing
therapeutic focus may then become cogni- Memories, in turn, are governed by and
tive and/or behavioral as the person de- contribute to the reinforcement of the Script
cides to change his/her Script Beliefs. The Beliefs and Rackety Displays, as well as the
Racket System concepts may be taught to elaboration and advancement of the script.
clients so they have a conceptual tool for Thus, the Racket System is distorted and
understanding how they have maintained self-reinforcing through the operation of
script, and contracts for new behavior may its three interrelated and interdependent
be negotiated to support their decision to subsystems: Script Beliefs/Feelings,
change their beliefs about self, others and Rackety Displays and Reinforcing Memories.
the quality of life. The Racket System has been proposed
However the therapist decides to inter- here as a theoretical and clinical model
vene-at the level of Script Beliefs, the for Racket Analysis. It specifies those
repressed Script Feelings, the various phenomena' appropriately fitting in this
Rackety Displays, or the Reinforcing area of TA theory and therapy and offers
Memories-any change which stops the flow criteria for selecting therapeutic interven-
in the Racket System can stop the script. tions. The diverse definitions and descrip-
The more aspects of the Racket System tions of rackets and trading stamps in TA
upon which the therapist focuses, thereby literature have been integrated in the
dealing with the behavioral, cognitive Racket System. Discrepancies noted be-
and affective levels, the greater the proba- tween theory and clinical observations
bility that the client will maintain a script- have been taken into account. The Racket
free life. System is also offered as a framework for
further theoretical developments in Racket
Conclusion Analysis, for the integration of other
As a whole, the Racket System is main- psychotherapy concepts, and for research.
tained through selective awareness and per-
ceptions which are based upon the require-
ments of the script and involve discounting Richard G. Erskine, PhD, CTM, is
as a mechanism. The Racket System training director of the Institute for Inte-
operates only when a peson is living in grative Psychotherapy, New York City.
script and may be viewed as a cross-section Marilyn J. Za/cman, MSW, CTM, has
of the script. That is, the Racket System in therapy and training programs in the
operation is a demonstration of how the Washington, D.C. area and in Florida.
58 Transactional Analysis Journal