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18 Impactofthe Foreign Direct Investment

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Impact of the Foreign Direct Investment on the Economy of the United


Article  in  International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation · September 2019

DOI: 10.37200/IJPR/V23I2/PR190328


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7 authors, including:

Baban Jabbar Othman Farhad Al-Kake

Knowledge University Catholic University in Erbil


Bestoon Othman Nawzad Majeed Hamawandy

Erbil polytechnic university Erbil Technical College


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International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

Impact of the Foreign Direct Investment on the

Economy of the United Kingdom
Baban Jabbar Othman 1, Farhad Al-Kake 2, Mohd Lizam Mohd Diah 3, Bestoon Othman 4*,
Shivan Hussein 5, Nawzad Majeed Hasan 6

Abstract---This study aims at examining the impact of foreign direct investment in the United Kingdom. The
study utilizes the vast empirical literature available on the subject plus data gathered from various reputable
organizations. The study first examines the role foreign direct investment plays in economic growth of the United
Kingdom and the impacts on the domestic investment. By using regression analysis, the study investigates the
relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth of the United Kingdom. Review of empirical
literature sheds light on the particular manner in which foreign direct investment benefits the host country. The
study was use different econometric models to establish the relationship between FDI and economic growth. Data
for analysis is collected from reputable organizations such as the IMF, Fraser Institution, UNESCO reports, The
World Fact Book among others. Secondary data were collected from this study and the data were analysed using the
SPSS. Correlation results help in examining the role played by various host country conditions in determining
foreign direct investment. Also, the results highlight the significance of the different institutional factors in
determining foreign direct investment. This study adds weight to the existing literature on the role foreign direct
investment play in the host economies.

Keywords--- Foreign Direct Investment, Economy, United Kingdom, UNESCO reports

Foreign direct investment (FDI) acts as a scaffold too many a countries’ economies, shielding these economies
from experiencing a severe boom-bust cycles that characterize modern capitalist economies. FDI is also the essential
ingredient to the growth and development of most economies. According to Carkovic and Levine (2002) [11],
Foreign direct investment is the investment done in a country by another (usually companies) that often involves the
acquisition or establishment of assets, purchase of stakes, and establishment of operations that can generate income.
The investor runs the organization or acquires control of the body. The investor can also be in control of a certain

PhD Scholar at Universiti Tun Hussain Onn Malaysia Faculty of Technology Management and Business, Malaysia.
E-mail: babanlanya@yahoo.com
Department of Accounting/Administration & Economic College /Lebanese French university.
E-mail: Farhad.ali@ue.edu.krd
Department of Real Estate Management, Faculty of Technology Management and Business, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
*Department of Business Administration, Koya Technical Institute, Erbil Polytechnic University and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia.
E-mail: Bestoon2011@yahoo.com
College of administration and financial sciences Knowledge University, Iraq
Department of Business Administration Techniques, Erbil Technical Administrative College, Erbil Polytechnic University, Kurdistan region
of Iraq.

Received: 02 Sep 2019 | Revised: 10 Sep 2019 | Accepted: 25 Sep 2019 743
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

production technology, critical inputs used in production or particular organizational skills. Additionally, the foreign
investor acquires more than 10% of the voting power in the organization Blomström et al., (2003) [7]. However, this
may vary from one country to another. At this stage, it is important to distinguish foreign direct investment from
foreign portfolio investment, terms that are often confused. According to Bruno (2016) [9], foreign portfolio
investment refers to the investments done by nationals of one country to the securities market of another country. It
involves the purchase of shares and bonds in the securities market of another country.

As prior mentioned, FDI is crucial in the growth and development of the economy of any country. In
determining the (Gross Domestic Product) GDP of a country, foreign direct investment is considered because it is
the significant determiner of the value of the economy. The GDP equation constitutes of gross investments, which is
a function of local and foreign investment. FDI is taken as net foreign investment less outward investment or
outflow of capital. FDI is made up of three components, namely; short-term capital, long-term capital and equity
capital [19]. Various empirical evidence points to the fact that FDI greatly enhances the growth of developing as
well as transition economies. The increase in FDI results in a corresponding increase in economic growth. This is
brought about by the influx of capital as well as a larger tax collection pool for the host government. According to
Aswathappa et al., (2010) [5], FDI contributed over 300 billion pounds in terms of revenue in the year 2000. Thus,
FDI is one of the most significant sources of income in developed economies. Much of the FDI is directed into long-
term capital projects in the host countries to spur development. Such projects include infrastructure development,
energy production, the creation of industries and others.

The first goal of this study is to give the reader a clear picture of the relationship that exists between economic
growth, foreign direct investment and domestic investments. Using empirical evidence, the research was analysed
the relationship that exists between the three variables. For instance, the study was employ data from different
countries to examine whether there is a positive or negative relationship between FDI and domestic investment. To
achieve this, the studywasuse a model that comprises of the three factors; domestic investments, foreign direct
investment (FDI) and gross domestic product (GDP). The second objective was to examine the role played by the
United Kingdom in order to achieve the full benefits of foreign direct investment. A regression model was used to
determine results in this section. Additionally, panel-data techniques was employed to establish the impact of
foreign direct investment in other countries, mostly the developed countries.


A. Foreign direct investment (FDI)

Its relationship with economic growth have generated excessive interest among economic researchers over time.
As such, there exists a voluminous literature detailing the subject. Some of these studies have identified a positive
correlation between FDI and economic development, while a few found no correlation. This section was review
different micro-economic studies on the subject to establish the relationship between foreign direct investment and
economic growth.

Received: 02 Sep 2019 | Revised: 10 Sep 2019 | Accepted: 25 Sep 2019 744
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

Spickernell(2014) [35] explore the role foreign direct investment plays in the host countries’ economies. Their
study indicates that FDI is one of the key ingredients for economic growth. Foreign direct investment is identified as
the single most important source of capital in the majority of the host countries. FDI contributes to the growth of
GDP since it is also a form of investment, similar to domestic private investments. When foreign firms invest in new
countries, they usually introduce new or superior technology in the host country. FDI is thus important in allocation
of technology to host countries. Additionally to this, spillover effects (economic proceedings in one context that
transpire as a result of something else in an apparently distinct framework) also benefit the host economy. FDI is
associated with job creation in host countries and also human capital enhancement. Often, the investing firm
introduces new managerial skills through partnerships in the host country.

Research by Alfaro et al. (2004) [3] and Hermes and Lensink (2003) [21]analyses the impact of FDI on
developed countries’ economies. This analysis was conducted subject to a number of critical factors identified in the
host countries. These factors include; labour availability, government regulation, market structure and size and the
banking system. The study found that countries with better government regulation and efficient financial system
have a higher chance of exploiting foreign direct investment and achieving high growth rates. An effective financial
system is necessary so as to enable the investing firms obtain things such as credit. The impact of FDI is highest in
economies where the local conditions are favourable for investment. To attract FDI, host countries must ensure that
their financial system is robust and capable of supporting the foreign as well as domestic investors. Other necessary
facilities include support institutions, a stable macroeconomic stability, skilled labor and infrastructure.

B. Economy

Ruxanda(2010) [33] outlined two channels through which FDI may stimulate growth in host economies – this is
through transmission of superior technology and knowledge. Transmission of technology occurs mainly through
spillovers. When new technology is introduced, domestic firms quickly adapt the new technology, especially where
it is not patented. Transfer of knowledge occurs when investing firms introduce new methods of management or
new and efficient organizational arrangements. However, conditions in the host country may affect the realization of
the full benefits of FDI. According to Chete et al., (2013) [13], the host economies must first achieve a specific
milestone in particular development parameters such as education and development of necessary infrastructure
before they are able to harness the benefits of FDI. Thus, in less developed countries, foreign direct investment may
not have a great impact in terms of accelerating economic growth rate.

An empirical study by Stehrer and Woerz (2009) [36] investigates the impact FDI has on the output of a host
country. The empirical study involved an analysis of data from host countries for over 20 years. The study found
that foreign direct investment not only increases output, but also the number of exports. This indicates that foreign
direct investment enhances growth of host economies. According to the study, for every 10% increase in the level of
foreign direct investment there is a rise in the level of output by about 1.2%. The study by Li and Liu (2005) [22]
support the findings tabled by Stehrer and Woerz (2009). This study involved an examination of the GDP behaviour
using a sample of 84 countries in order to understand the impact of FDI. The study found that FDI promotes

Received: 02 Sep 2019 | Revised: 10 Sep 2019 | Accepted: 25 Sep 2019 745
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

economic growth directly by increasing the stock of capital. Additionally, using the sample of the 84 countries, the
duo decided to investigate the impact of FDI on the countries depending on the level of development. They divided
the sample size in two; developed and the less developed countries. The results indicated that FDI promotes growth
in both developed and less developed countries. According to their analysis, a 10% rise in the level of FDI led to a
4.1% increase in the growth rate of the economy, confirming the study carried out by Vu et al., (2009) [37].

Ruxanda(2010) affirm the results of many studies that foreign direct investment is crucial to economic growth of
any country. Foreign direct investment enhances economic growth through transfer of new knowledge, production
skills, new technologies, and production of new goods. According to Ruxanda (2010), the full effects of FDI in
developed countries’ economies are realized depending on the particular countries’ ability to implement or improve
new/employed technologies. By successfully adapting and implementing new technologies, developed countries was
be more to streamline imports and exports. Foreign direct investment induces technology spillover to domestic firms
in the host economies. Spillover may occur through copying, learning from the much advanced foreign subsidiaries,
competition, linkages and through training. Spillover that occurs through competition is caused by the entry of
foreign firms with superior technology. This forces the local firms to adapt new technology in order to remain
competitive. In training, firms seek to improve the skills of employees.

Liu (2008) [24] Correlation studies have yet yielded positive results on the relationship between foreign direct
investment and the GDP of the countries studied. Borensztein (1998) [8] carried out a correlation study to identify
the relationship between FDI and GDP. The study involved a sample of 69 countries in different time intervals. A
cross-country regression method was employed in studying FDI and GDP. According to Borensztein (1998), FDI
promotes growth of GDP given that some preconditions are fulfilled. First, the host country must have an abundance
of human capital. Secondly, he proposed that host countries must produce a pool of skilled labour to ensure skilled
production. Other studies show that foreign direct investment is more efficient in improving economic growth
compared with domestic investment[25]. This confirms the notion that foreign direct investment leads to technology

C. Foreign Direct Investment and Economies

Foreign direct investment has been considered as an ameliorating force for economic growth since it promotes
adoption of the best managerial practices, technical expertise or new technologies [1]. These factors benefit the host
country by increasing productivity. Foreign direct investment boosts inward investment in host countries for
investors translate this as a sign of confidence in the host economy. In addition, it plays a crucial role in
complementing domestic resources in the host countries. Dunning, (2012) [18] assert that foreign direct investment
attracts complementary domestic investment that either provides inputs or utilizes the output of the foreign
investors. Hassan (2004) observed that private foreign direct investment boosts private domestic investment by
increasing credit supply in the host economy. Foreign direct investment partly depends on local financing hence
improving the supply of credit in the host economy.

Received: 02 Sep 2019 | Revised: 10 Sep 2019 | Accepted: 25 Sep 2019 746
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

Empirical investigation by Ping et al., (2019)[30]identified a number of channels through which externalities
resulting from foreign direct investment can occur in a host country. The first channel involves competition that
results when foreign firms enter the local market. The increased competition may lead to higher efficiency in the
production process, higher productivity and physical capital investment. This may also lead to more exports as the
quality of domestic products is improved. The second channel through which positive externalities flow to host
countries is through linkages. Linkage provides opportunities for technology transfers. The third channel is through
training. Training involves workers acquiring skills on labour and management. Lastly, positive externalities can
occur to host countries through imitation. The domestic firms usually copy or imitate the new technology being used
by the foreign investors.

The capital of the United Kingdom, London, is highly ranked worldwide as a commercial hub as well as a
cultural center. The UK is second to the USA in terms of foreign direct investment and was the leading in the
2013/2014 financial year in the European region [35]. More than half of the UK new projects are directed to the
energy and infrastructure sector. Foreign direct investment is considered as one of the key pillars in achieving
growth by the UK government. The UK does not have a specific law regulating foreign direct investment. Hence,
foreign investors are guided by the sector laws (for example, oil sector or manufacturing sector) that are followed by
other companies. Nonetheless, the government has identified key areas for investing such Information
communication technology (ICT), renewable energy, life sciences and creative industries.


The first part of data analysis investigates whether foreign direct investment contributes to economic growth.
Both neoclassical and exogenous theories suggest that there are linkages between foreign direct investment and
growth of various sectors of the economy. The economy is divided into three major sectors; primary sector that
involves extraction, manufacturing sector and the services sector Popa (2014) [31]. It has often been argued that
transfer of technology, knowledge, and new production process often impacts heavily on the manufacturing sector.
The methodology applied in this study is empirical in nature. This study was analysed data from the different sectors
( IMF, Fraser Institution, UNESCO reports, The World Fact Book) of the economy, and establish whether there is
any correlation between FDI and the growth of each sector. Scatter diagrams was appropriate in establishing
correlation between the various variables.

To establish the impact of foreign direct investment on the overall economy, a special equation was applied.
Thus, the overall growth of the economy can be estimated using the following equation.

Growth of the economy = B 0 + B 1 Initial GDP i + B 2 Controls i + B 3 FDI i + V i .

These variables was taken as exogenous variables.

This data was also be used to analyse the second research question. Thus, it was shed light as to whether foreign
direct investment hinders domestic investment in any way.

Received: 02 Sep 2019 | Revised: 10 Sep 2019 | Accepted: 25 Sep 2019 747
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

The third research question investigates whether there a positive correlation between FDI and economic growth.
To arrive at the answer on the above issue, a regression model was employed. In employing the regression model,
real GDP per capita rates was used. The GDP per capita was regressedin relation to internal as well as external
resources. The external sources was equated to the amount of investment the country receives through foreign direct
investment. Internal resources are the factors within the host country such as taxes, interest rates, exchange rate
stability. Thus internal resources may be development of the financial system, technology gap compared with the
investing country, level of infrastructural development, trade openness, and balance of payments position. The
independent variables in the analysis are economy growth rate per capita GDP, inflation rate, labour cost per worker
in various industries measured logs, risks, and corporate tax rate. The dependent variable is FDI. To get accurate
results, regression models require a larger sample size. As the sample size increases, the accuracy of the regression
results also increases in a corresponding manner. However, this may be limited due to lack unavailability of the
necessary data.

Shahbaz, (2019)[34]In analysing the growth variables, GDP per capita is employed in this study. Openness can
be arrived at by looking at the share of exports and imports into the country. This is examinedin relation to the GDP.
Government spending can be arrived at by considering at the government expenditure still in relation to the GDP.
Human capital was determined by employment rates, university intake rates. Exports, imports was determined by
the level of GDP components such as investment, consumption, public expenditure, price competitiveness, national
attitude towards foreign goods and shift in domestic patterns of demand and supply such as organization supply of
chains and the proprietorship of distribution channels [27].

Cross-section studies was also be helpful in answering most of the questions. Cross-section studies are easy to
carry out since the data required can be easily gathered from secondary sources. Secondary sources include
economic reports, review of government reports, review of books, magazines and the existing literature in journal
articles. These are usually reference materials with information on the topic of interest. Obtain data from secondary
sources may be of benefit to the researcher in a number of ways. Firstly, secondary data is cheap to obtain. This is
because there is no need for the researcher to gather raw material as it has already been gathered. Use of secondary
data in research comes with certain inherent limitations. For instance, it lacks validity and reliability. This is because
in some situations, it is not possible to verify the authenticity of the information used by the primary researcher.
Also, it is important to note that such data is best suited for the original research it was meant for. In some situations,
the primary researcher may modify data in order to fit requirements. Such data may not be reliable to the secondary


Data from this section was mainly collected from the World Investment Report and United Nations Conference
on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). This methodology involves regression analysis. The economic growth rate
is indicated by the GDP growth rate. The GDP growth rate is taken as the dependent variable. On the other hand,
foreign direct investment (FDI) in the host country is the independent variable. Other important variables considered
include total exports as well as gross capital formation. Gross capital formation can be defined as the net value of

Received: 02 Sep 2019 | Revised: 10 Sep 2019 | Accepted: 25 Sep 2019 748
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

investments in the host country within a given period of time. This includes domestic as well as foreign investment.
This variable gives us the investment level in the host economy. Net export can be obtained using the following
formula: net export = E – I, which is the same as total exports less total imports. This gives the balance of trade
position in the host country. The following regression equation was used.

Growth = B 0 + B 1 log GDP + logB 2 Controls + B 3 FDI + V i , where B 0 is the intercept of the equation, B 1 the
parameter for GDP, B 2 the parameter for various control variables, and B 3 the parameter for foreign direct
investment. V i is a term indicating the margin of error. The control variables in this study include human capital,
investment rate, net exports, trade, school, and agriculture. Control variables are included as logarithms. The
following table (Table 1) gives useful statistical variables for a period spanning 10 years (2000 – 2010), explaining
various aspects in the economy of the UK. For instance, it is possible to note that the highest economic growth rate
obtained during this period was 6.071, and the minimum growth recorded as -5.051. The least economic growth
figure reflects the 2009 financial crunch.

Table 1: Statistical variables

Growth GDP School Investment Trade Private Agriculture FDI


Mean 1.880 8.534 1.832 2.796 3.516 -1.160 1.125 1.774

Standard 1.673 0.881 1.052 0.412 0.746 0.709 1.373 1.647


Maximum 6.071 9.943 4.567 3.719 5.647 0.312 3.648 10.108

Minimum -5.051 6.413 0.267 1.807 1.549 -3.319 -3.942 1.042

Table 2 shows the correlation analysis for the data. The table helps in analysing the impacts of foreign direct
investment on economic growth of United Kingdom. The regression equation Growth = B 0 + B 1 log GDP + logB 2
Controls + B 3 FDI + V i is applied in this case. The control variables identified include investment rate (I rate),
private credit (PC), trade (% of GDP), schooling (average number of students enrolled in school per square
mile), and agriculture (% exports in GDP). Schooling gives the level of human capital in United Kingdom.

A. Correlation analysis

Table 2: Correlation analysis

Variables Growth GDP Interest rate School Trade Agric PC FDI

Growth 1.00

Received: 02 Sep 2019 | Revised: 10 Sep 2019 | Accepted: 25 Sep 2019 749
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

GDP -0.02 1.00

I rate 0.45 0.65 1.00

School 0.23 0.76 0.62 1.00

Trade 0.17 0.58 0.47 0.53 1.00

Agric -0.09 -0.19 -0.19 -0.12 -0.18 1.00

PC 0.51 0.54 0.67 0.54 0.51 -0.17 1.00

FDI 0.25 0.27 0.30 0.18 0.57 -0.09 0.27 1.00

Table 2 confirms that foreign direct investment increases GDP per capita in many aspects. Drawing on results
from the table, FDI is positively correlated to most of the economic variables, apart from agriculture. There is a
strong correlation from table 2 between FDI and trade, indicating that foreign direct investment may boost trade in
host countries.

In order to analyse the impacts of FDI on economic growth, it is necessary to scrutinize the interaction of FDI
with various economic variables, vis-a-vis their absorptive capabilities. Thus, the following regression equations
was applicable in this case: FDI x Trade, FDI x Agriculture, FDI x I rate, FDI x Schooling, and FDI x private
capital. These variables was useful in determining the significance of various factors that affect foreign direct
investment absorption in the UK.

B. Regression analysis

Table 3: Regression analysis

Independent Regression FDI(PC) FDI(Agri) FDI(I FDI(Sch) FDI(Trade) Sig.

rate) level
Variable Coefficients

GDP -1.430 -1.294 -1.445 -1.405 -1.432 -1.367 1%

PC 0.541 0.157 0.559 0.553 0.548 0.572 10%

Agri -0.068 -0.169 -0.145 0.124 -0.067 -0.087

I rate 2.125 1.832 2.400 2.062 2.178 1.996 1%

Schooling 0.607 0.647 0.532 0.613 0.525 0.628 5%

Trade -0.264 -0.264 -0.389 -0.456 -0.254 -0.377

Received: 02 Sep 2019 | Revised: 10 Sep 2019 | Accepted: 25 Sep 2019 750
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

FDI 0.225 0.463 0.312 0.176 0.116 -0.196 1%

FDI x 0.335 -0.097 0.034 0.056 0.089 5%

absorptive value

Adjusted R – 0.60 0.52 0.58 0.64 0.55 0.56


N = 40

The results bring to light the need for host countries to achieve a threshold level on investment rates, income
levels, and human capital for absorption and spillover effects to occur. The regression coefficient representing
foreign direct investment (0.225) as highlighted in Table 3 is positive, with a significance level of 10%. The result
suggests that when foreign direct investment increases by a margin of 1%, GDP per capita increases by a margin of
0.225. Likewise, private credit coefficient is positive with a significance level of 10%. The result indicates that when
private credit increases by 1%, growth rate increase by 0.5.

With respect to absorptive capabilities of the various variables, the results still show that foreign direct
investment is positively correlated to economic growth. The results indicate that FDI is strongly influenced by
presence of private capital. The regression term FDI x PC is positive (0.335) with a significance level of 5%. This is
almost double the original value when the absorptive capacity is ignored. This shows that the impact of foreign
direct investment is greatest in well developed economies. The FDI coefficient remains positive when interacted
with human capital. The interaction, however, is not significant. The interaction of FDI coefficient with agriculture
produces a negative variable (-0.606) with a significance level of 5%. The negative value indicates that FDI does not
have a great impact on agriculture in the economy of the United Kingdom.

To examine the impact of foreign direct investment in the economy of the United Kingdom, the study also chose
to conduct an investigation of the impact FDI has on the total employment figures. The following regression
equation was applicable in this case:

TEM i = a + B 1 fdi t-1 + B 2 gcf t-1 + B 3 nx t-1 + v t , where TEM i is the total employment in the United Kingdom, a 2
the intercept for the equation, B 2 the slope coefficient for FDI, FDI i the foreign direct investment in UK and z i the
term indicating the margin of error.

By using the SPSS, the following results were obtained for the data above.

Table 4: path coefficients

Model Coefficients (Unstandardized) T-Statistic Significance

B Standard error Level

Received: 02 Sep 2019 | Revised: 10 Sep 2019 | Accepted: 25 Sep 2019 751
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

Constant 5.430 0.041 133.50 1%

Log FDI 0.225 0.015 15.50 1%

R Square 0.670 F – statistic 241.84

Adjusted R Square 60.7% Significance 1%

The adjusted R – Square figure of approximately 67% shows that the regression equation utilizes almost 67% of
the data gathered. The value of significance level for the F – statistic is obtained as 1%, hence it is within the 5%
significance level. This leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis that states that foreign direct investment does not
contribute to economic growth of the host economy. The results indicate that foreign direct investment contributes
positively to the economic growth of the economy of the United Kingdom. When foreign direct investment increases
by 1% , gross domestic product increased by 10% as indicated.

The following are the SPSS results for the regression equation involving the total employment equation: Growth
(GDP) = a + B 1 fdi t-1 + B 2 gcf t-1 + B 3 nx t-1 + v t where,

FDI = FDI/GDP, gcf = GCF/GDP, nx = NX/GDP and GDP = (GDP t – GDP t-1 )/GDP t-1. GDP represents
the gross domestic product and FDI the foreign direct investment in the host country. B 1 , B 2 and B 3 are all
constants. GCF represents the value for the gross capital formation NX the net exports. A time lag of one year is
assigned to the independent variables nx, fdi and gcf. The time lag variables enable the researcher to scrutinize
important details concerning the previous economic period. In the simplified equation, B 1 represents the slope
coefficient for FDI. V 1 is the margin of error, and t the time intervals.

Table 5: path coefficients

Model Coefficients Standard Error T-Statistic Significance level


Constant 1.291 0.019 67.42 0.000

logFDi 0.192 0.007 5.748 0.000

R Square 0.778 F-Statistic 33.08

Adjusted R2 0.678 Significance 1%

Received: 02 Sep 2019 | Revised: 10 Sep 2019 | Accepted: 25 Sep 2019 752
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

The adjusted R2 results show that the model includes most of the values. The R-Square value is 77.8. Since the
model has a significance level of 0.000, the null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, foreign direct investment is positively
correlated to increase in the overall employment in the UK economy. The results indicate that a 1% rise in foreign
direct investment causes a 19.2% increase in the level of employment.

Both the regression equations fall within the 5% significance level. This indicates that the equations are
statistically significant. The results for foreign direct investment and GDP indicate that FDI has a significant impact
on the GDP of the United Kingdom. A 1% increase in foreign direct investment leads to a 22.5 % increase in the
level of GDP. These are good results in terms of growth. It can also be deduced that increase in FDI leads to the
creation of jobs to individuals in the UK. A 1% increase in FDI leads to a 19.2% change in the total employment
figures. This figure indicates that the majority of individuals are absorbed by the new foreign companies. This
increases the per capita income of the residents. Most foreign investors prefer countries where there is cheap and
skilled labour. The UK has a high level of skilled work force.

The effect of the above results as well as other studies has seen governments across the world engaging in
massive efforts to attract foreign investment. Foreign direct investment is seen as the catalyst for economic growth
through technology spillovers and a host of other benefits. According to Ajayi (2006) [2], FDI creates both tangible
and intangible benefits to the host country. Tangible benefits are realized in the form of technological advances (new
equipments) and capital accumulation (physical capital and human capital). On the other hand, intangible benefits to
the host country include new knowledge and skills, management skills and technological augmentation. Such
benefits not only circulate within the foreign investors, but also spillover to domestic firms in and thus amplifying
growth and productivity in all sectors of the economy. Colen et al., (2008) [14] postulated that spillovers lead to
welfare economics to the host countries.

The benefits accruing to host countries from multinational corporations and foreign direct investment are
transferred in a number of ways. The transfer of these benefits usually occurs through direct contact of the
multinational corporation with the domestic firms Gorg and Greenaway (2003) [20]. The most common ways
include training of local workers to enhance their skills, direct transactions with domestic firms that may be
supplying certain products to the MNC, domestic firms using the output of new foreign firms or simply through stiff
competition that forces the domestic firms to adopt new technologies or methods of production (OECD, 2003).

A number of studies have also highlighted competition as a means through which technology transfer occurs.
Entry of foreign firms into the host economy may intensify competition in the host economy, especially if all the
firms are dealing in a similar product Pack and Saggi (1997) [29]. In order to survive the intense competition,
domestic firms are forced to adapt the latest technology. Those that are unable to improve the quality of their
product may lose their market share. Technology transfer also occurs through imitation or copying the multinational
firms. Exposure of local firms to superior technology often drives them to follow suit in order to maintain their
relevance in the market. Copying may also involve acquiring new managerial practices from the multinational

Received: 02 Sep 2019 | Revised: 10 Sep 2019 | Accepted: 25 Sep 2019 753
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

corporations. Technology transfer has led to the production of better products that are easily marketable, even in the
international market. This has significantly contributed to the economic growth of the United Kingdom’s economy.

According to De Mello and Luiz (1997) [15], foreign direct investment has led to the growth of economy of host
countries through increasing the level of skill among workers. Human capital is one of the most imperative
resources required in production. Without skilled capital, production of processed goods is critically affected.
Countries that lack enough skilled manpower usually export their products as raw materials and later import at a
higher price as finished goods (Herzer and Klasen, 2008). Multinational corporations usually employ local workers
who gain by learning new skills either technological or managerial skills. The workers transfer these skills when
they leave the corporation to work for other domestic firms or when they start their own firms. The movement of
workers from multinational corporations to domestic firms, thus helps in technology and skill transfer process.

It has been argued that multinational corporations increase access to the international market [16]. Multinational
corporations have superior marketing skills and in most cases control a sizeable share of the international market.
Thus, their distribution channels are widespread in most parts of the world. Multinational corporations provide this
knowledge to domestic firms, thus helping them expand their market.

C. Investigating the factors that enhance absorption of positive externalities in the UK

This section investigates the role played by host country conditions in attracting foreign direct investment. These
conditions include political risks, corruption, rule of law, contract enforcement laws among other institutional
conditions. The majority of studies conducted have concluded that institutional conditions in the host country have a
significant impact on attracting foreign direct investment. Nonetheless, some studies have found no correlation
between institutional conditions and the level of foreign direct investment. Osinubiand Amaghionyeodiwel (2010)
[28] conducted a study to investigate the impact of host country institutional conditions such as political risk and
democracy on attracting FDI. The study results indicated that there was no significant correlation between foreign
direct investment levels and the aforementioned institutional conditions. The results of such a study may have been
based on a small sample thus giving a negative result.

D. Regression equation

A simple regression equation was employed in this study. The following equation was applied in this study:

log FDI = a i + BInst it + EV it § + V it

The dependent variable is taken to be the FDI. FDI is obtained as the log off di/GDP, in order to take into
consideration the country size. ‘Inst’ represents the institutional quality in the host country. This data was obtained
from International Country Risk Guide (ICRG), which provides data on political, financial, and economic risks for
various countries around the world. ICRG provides individuals and multinationals with ratings based on data
assessed using over 30 metrics. ICRG conducts an analysis of over 140 markets, and is world renowned in its
financial data reporting. For this study, the variables used are drawn from ICRG based on law & order index as well

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International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

as the investment indicators index. ‘Inst’ takes the values from 0 – 12 whereby lower values are an indication of
weak host country institutional conditions and vice versa. EV represents control variables; a i is a constant and v it the
error term; i represent the sample size and t the number of periods.

The control variables were chosen depending on the most influential to the GDP. The variables chosen have
appeared in majority of the past studies. For instance, trade openness has appeared in the majority of past studies.
Trade openness is considered as having a heavy impact on foreign direct investment. According to Chakrabarti
(2001) [12], trade openness and market size are the most influential to the level of foreign direct investment in any
country. Thus, trade openness and market size are closely linked to the level of foreign direct investment. Other
important control metrics include quality of infrastructure, trade tariffs, and inflation rates. Quality of
infrastructurecan be estimated by the number of people who have telephone lines per given area or persons. The
following were the control variables chosen for the purpose of this research.

LogGDP pc : This is the GDP per capita, taken as the log. This gives us the GDP in relation to the market size of
the country. Host countries that have a larger market size are more attractive to foreign investors.

Open: This indicates the host country’s openness to trade. Countries that have favourable laws to investors
attract foreign direct investment compared to those whose laws are not constructive to investors.

Tariff: This indicates the impact trade regulations have in the host country FDI. Favourable trade policies
increase foreign direct investment in any country.

Inflation: Inflation rate can be measured using the consumer price index. Inflation rates indicate the general
increase in prices in the economy. It shows the macroeconomic stability of a particular economy.

Tel: This is a measure of infrastructure development in the host country. This is estimated by establishing the
number of telephone lines per a thousand individuals. Foreign direct investment is positively correlated to
infrastructural development. Foreign investors usually prefer countries with a good network of infrastructure ranging
from roads, electricity, and other necessary infrastructure.

logTax: This is the log of corporate tax levied by the government. Statutory taxes can affect foreign direct
investment either positively or negatively. Statutory taxes have an effect of raising the prices of goods and services
produced in an economy.

Inst: This is an indicator of the institutional variables.

The following regression equation was as expressed below:

FDI it = a i +BInst it +§ 1 GDPG +§ 2 LogGDPpc+ § 3 Open it + § 4 Infl + § 5 Tel it +§ 6 Tariff +§ 7 LogTax + v it

This data covers the time period from 1986 to 2010, on a 5-year interval. The data was averaged on a 5 year
basis to ensure that there were no negative or zero values that would affect the regression. It is important to note that

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International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

zero and negative values are not included in regression, thus it would be best to avoid them in the making of the

The following table shows the results obtained

Table 6: regression equation

Variable FDI LogGDP pc Tar Inst Infla Tel Openness Log Tax

Mean 0.28 7.26 19.56 5.66 57.82 100.76 61.66 3.63

Standard 1.43 1.13 15.87 1.84 257.87 118.20 37.67 0.56


Minimum -6.75 4.30 0.00 2.13 -1.65 0.18 8.43 2.98

Maximum 2.01 3.06 95.20 11.4 2764.87 567.55 312.7 5.09

N = 38

Data obtained was obtained from: The World Bank, 2015, OECD, 2013, ICRG, 2015 and UNCTAD, 2014.

The following table shows the correlation results for the various control variables and foreign direct investment.

Table 7: correlation results for the various control variables and foreign direct investment.

Variables FDI

FDI 1.00

LogGDP pc 0.163

Tel 0.232

Tariff -0.435

Openness 0.42

Inflation -0.14

GDP Growth 0.2

Log Tax -0.34

Inst 0.33

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International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

Table 7 sheds light on the relationship between various variables and foreign direct investment. There is a
negative correlation between FDI, tariffs, inflation, and tax. This means that when any of these variables is
increased, foreign direct investment is negatively affected. On the other hand, FDI has a positive correlation with
variables such as infrastructure, GDP per capita, openness to trade and institutional quality. Highest correlation is
recorded between FDI and openness to trade. This means that host countries should review their trade policies in
order to attract foreign investment. Trade policies must be favourable to foreign investors who stand in a losing
position compared to domestic producers. The study results echo Morgan and Katsikeas’s assertion (1997) [26] that
domestic firms hold an advantageous position over the foreign firms in terms of culture, consumer preference,
language, local regulations, among other factors. To put the foreign firms on the same threshold as domestic firms,
the host country must develop complimentary laws that are attractive to the investors.

The results also indicate that foreign investors are attracted to markets that record growth. This can be deduced
from the positive correlation between FDI and GDP growth (GDPG). The strong correlation indicates that foreign
investors take keen interest in the size of the market before making an investment decision. The correlation results
for tariff indicate that it is important for host countries to allow liberal trade. Tariffs may curtail foreign direct
investment as indicated by the strong negative correlation (-0.4). Development of infrastructure is also relevant as
indicated by the strong correlation between telephone lines and FDI. Foreign investors are comfortable taking their
investments in countries where the necessary basic infrastructure is available. Infrastructure is necessary in
facilitating production and transport of the finished products to the market. Statutory tax is critical in determining
the level of FDI as shown in the results. Host countries should lower statutory tax in order to attract foreign
investors. Their results indicate a positive correlation between institutions and foreign direct investment.

E. Regression results

Table 8: Regression results

FDI Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Sig level

Log GDP 0.259 0.303 0.215 0.263 0.231 0.365
Tel 0.925 0.640 0.847 0.923 0.834 0.676 5%
Tariff -0.072 -0.003 -0.041 -0.046 -0.067 -0.015 5%
Openness 0.0178 0.021 0.018 0.016 0.017 0.017 10%
Inflation -0.053 -0.032 -0.044 -0.048 -0.052 -0.043 10%
GDP Growth 0.280 0.183 0.248 0.256 0.240 0.237 10%
Log Tax -0.081 -0.097 -0.081 -0.085 -0.101 -0.093 5%
Adjusted R2 0.48 0.51 0.48 0.44 0.49 0.47
F statistic 6.09 5.71 5.84 5.12 5.38 5.46

Regression results from Table 8 give more insights on those factors that determine absorption of FDI in host
countries. The results indicate that openness to trade, development of infrastructure, size of the market and tax levels
have a significant impact on the level of foreign direct investment in the UK. The result for FDI and infrastructure is
positive, with a significance level of 5%. This indicates that infrastructural development plays a crucial role in

Received: 02 Sep 2019 | Revised: 10 Sep 2019 | Accepted: 25 Sep 2019 757
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

attracting inward FDI. The result for tariff is negative with low significance level of 5%. This indicates that tariffs
may negatively influence foreign direct investment. The result for inflation is negative with a significance level of
10%. This indicates that inflation is a crucial determinant of the level of foreign direct investment in the United
Kingdom. Investors are also attracted to countries that record high GDP growth. The result for GDP growth is
positive with a significance level of 10%.

Thus, the key to attracting foreign direct investment is by maintaining an open trade policy and ensuring
presence of adequate support institutions in the host country. Other important determinants include the statutory tax
levels, quality of the infrastructure and the market size. Macroeconomic variables such as inflation do not play a
significant role in attracting foreign direct investment. Policy makers must thus develop proper guidelines in order to
attract foreign direct investment. The United Kingdom government has maintained an open policy that attracts
foreign investors. In addition, the region has adequate infrastructure that is key in determining the level of foreign
direct investment.

Some studies analyse the role played by various institutional aspects such as property rights, democracy, social
tension, political instability, and corruption among others in order to ascertain the most important in determining
FDI. According to Liu et al., (2000) [23], protection of property rights is highly significant in determining foreign
direct investment. Thus host countries must develop institutions that recognize and enforce property right rules. This
is because most of the multinational corporations are involved in research and development; hence the importance or
the need for protection of property rights. The study also found that there is a high correlation between property
rights and political instability or democracy. According to Asiedu (2002) [4], the significance of the various
institutional aspects depends on the sector of the economy, for instance, whether it is the manufacturing sector,
primary sector, or the services sector. Foreign direct investment may thus be high irrespective of the political
stability prevailing in the host country. An example of such a scenario is an investment in the petroleum industry. As
Busse (2004) [10] asserts, when the expected returns are high political risk and other institutional risks become less

The last part of this study wasanalyse the role of the government in relation to attracting foreign direct
investment. Investment is the key driver to economic stability. The government’s actions have a direct impact on the
level of foreign direct investment. The United Kingdom government has in the past made decisions that significantly
affected foreign direct investment in the region. One of the key decisions that improved FDI inflows is the
integration into EU region. The Single Market European integration removed many of the trade restrictions,
enabling investors to set up firms in the UK with ease. Nonetheless, studies indicate that for maximum benefits to be
realized in the host country, governments must develop a proper regulatory framework that guides investment by
foreign firms. The major goal ought to be attracting foreign direct investment that resonates well with the country’s
vision; investment that has the least negative impact in terms of crowding out effects, environmental issues, labour
issues, and transfer pricing.

Host government regulation should mainly stem from the following reasons:

Received: 02 Sep 2019 | Revised: 10 Sep 2019 | Accepted: 25 Sep 2019 758
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

 Protection of domestic firms that may not be able to compete with the multinational corporations due to
crowding out effects.
 The need to achieve maximum benefits to the local community in terms of job creation and safety of the
 Ensuring there is proper linkage between MNCs and domestic firms to facilitate transfer of technology and
managerial skills.
 Developed countries in particular need to improve effective policies to ensure they receive maximum
benefits from foreign direct investment.

Unlike countries such the United Kingdom that have a balance between inward and outward FDI flow, most of
the developed countries basically import FDI with little or no FDI outflows. To majority of them, the major concern
is how to improve FDI inflows. Developed countries should improve their policies to ensure that foreign direct
investment benefits the economy. For instance, not all the profits should be repatriated to the foreign investor’s

Dunning and Narula (2003) [17] Host governments should not overlook the important role played by incentives
in attracting foreign direct investment. Incentives are usually offered by developed countries in a bid to attract FDI
inflows. Two types of incentives are commonly offered in developed nations [32]: Tax relief and financial
incentives. Tax relief involves reducing the income-tax rate that foreign investors are supposed to submit to the
relevant authorities. Tax relief may also be offered in terms of tax holidays, import duty exemptions, and lowering
the duty on exports. Financial incentives usually include subsidies, grants, loan guarantees, and providing insurance
at favourable rates among others [32]. Studies have shown that these incentives significantly help in attracting
foreign direct investment. Incentives complement the local host conditions in attracting foreign direct investment
into the host country.

Foreign direct investment should be directed to specific sectors of the economy. Hence, host governments should
attract foreign investors selectively since in some situations, foreign direct investment may turn out of little benefit
to the economy. Foreign direct may improve the GDP of the host country, but on the other hand fail to improve the
welfare of the citizens. For example, most developed countries in Europe for example Germany depend on service
sector (Manufacturing, fishing, and extraction for instance mining) as the backbone of their economy. Foreign direct
investment should thus be more concerned on other areas where the local individuals and firms have minimum
exploited such as agriculture and tourism. This may encourage diversity and development of more industries.
Foreign direct investment is not the panacea for economic growth; rather governments must ensure that FDI
provides maximum benefits to the economy [6].

F. Results and discussion

Correlation results in Table 2 indicate that there is a positive correlation between FDI and most of the economic
variables such as trade, investment rate, private credit and schooling. However, the results indicate negative

Received: 02 Sep 2019 | Revised: 10 Sep 2019 | Accepted: 25 Sep 2019 759
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

correlation between FDI and agriculture. Regression analysis in Table 3 indicates that foreign direct investment and
economic growth (increase in GDP) have a positive correlation. The positive impact on economic growth of the
United Kingdom is realized both directly through employment creation and indirectly through spillover effects. The
results indicate that foreign direct investment is one of the key determinants of economic growth in both developed
and the less developed countries.

The second part of the study indicates that foreign direct investment has a positive effect on GDP levels as well
as the total employment figures in the UK. The results from Table 4 and Table 5 indicate that foreign direct
investment has a positive and significant impact on the GDP and total employment figures in the United Kingdom.
A 1 percent increase in foreign direct investment leads to a 22.5 percent increase in the level of GDP. In addition,
the results indicate that a 1 percent increase in FDI leads to a 19.2 percent change in the total GDP figures. Thus,
foreign direct investment directly contributes to direct employment in the United Kingdom, and in the process
raising the GDP of the country. The figures indicate that the majority of individuals are absorbed by the new foreign
companies. This increases the per capita income of the residents.

The third section analyses the impact of host country conditions on foreign direct investment. The results
indicate that institutional factors are crucial in determining FDI. However, the impact of host country conditions
depends on the FDI sector. Generally, openness to trade, market size and the level of corporate tax rank high among
the factors that determine foreign direct investment. The primary sector (extraction) is least affected by the host
country conditions. It is worth noting that macroeconomic variables such as inflation have little impact on the level
of FDI. This section is important since it identifies the conditions that host country governments ought to give
priority in attracting foreign direct investment.

The last section indicates that there is need for host country governments to develop a proper policy framework
regarding foreign direct investment. Host countries should protect domestic investors from negative impact that may
result from the entrance of multinational corporations. The new firms may increase competition forcing the domestic
firms to lose their market share. The government should provide regulation in terms of subsidiaries, tax exemptions,
and developing proper investment policies. Apart from this, the host government has the responsibility to ensure that
maximum benefits are enjoyed by the citizens from the foreign investors. Environmental protection is also a key
concern for host governments. The government must ensure that operations of foreign investors are not detrimental
to the environment. Foreign investors should be encouraged to invest in those sectors of the economy that domestic
investors have been unable to exploit. This wasensure that maximum benefits are realized from foreign direct

The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of foreign direct investment in the economy of the United
Kingdom. Numerous foreign direct investment literatures are available, especially in light of developing countries.
This study investigates the role foreign direct investment play to the economy of a developed region, a break from
the monotony in investigating FDI and economic growth in underdeveloped countries. In order to comprehensively

Received: 02 Sep 2019 | Revised: 10 Sep 2019 | Accepted: 25 Sep 2019 760
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 23, Issue 02, 2019
ISSN: 1475-7192

study the impacts of FDI in UK, four investigation parameters were identified. First, the study examines the
correlation between FDI and economic growth, and the type of correlation that exists. This is determined by
employing a regression analysis. Secondly, the study seeks to array suggestions that foreign direct investment
crowd’s domestic investment. In this section, analysis of available literature on the topic is used to develop a
conclusion based on past researches as well as available data. Thirdly, the study seeks to examine the role played by
host country conditions in determining foreign direct investment. This section analyses the impact of various
conditions such as institutional factors on foreign direct investment in the UK. Regression and correlation analysis is
employed to explain the relationship among the various factors and FDI. Lastly, study of available literature sheds
more light on the role host country governments should play in attracting and regulating FDI.

A. Recommendations

The results from Table 1 – 4 indicate that foreign direct investment is significant to the growth of the economy of
the United Kingdom. This contribution of FDI to economic growth is in fact higher than earlier thought. The results
justify the need for the government to offer the necessary incentives or support to foreign investors. It is important
for governments to recognize the positive role FDI plays in the UK’s economy, more so in creation of employment
and enhancing spillover effects. In addition, the government should gear up efforts on improving institutional quality
so as to enhance the absorption of positive externalities from FDI. This would ensure that instead of a country
grappling with negative effects of FDI on its economy, positive externalities are realized in full.

The results from Table 7 & 8 reveal the need for development of proper policies by host countries in order to
attract foreign direct investment. Host governments must encourage foreign investment by ensuring the local
conditions are favourable for investment. In encouraging foreign direct investment, host countries should not neglect
domestic investors as this may lead to job cuts, especially in the private sector. Over the recent years, other
European countries have emerged as investment destinations for most MNCs. This has mainly been occasioned by
reduced tax rates, policies that encourage exports and few growth barriers [28]. Despite the UK being an open
economy, the government should increase incentives in order to woo investors. For instance, there is a need for the
introduction of a new competitive tax system that can attract foreign investment into the region. Secondly, the UK
government should develop policies to encourage export of produce to key markets around the world. Foreign
investors prefer host countries that offer such supportive services.

B. 5.2 Future Research

Future research should be focused on finding a causal relationship between FDI and economic growth in United
Kingdom. It is recommended that future research include other macroeconomic indicators (such as unemployment
rate, gross national product, purchasing power parity, poverty level, and foreign exchange rate), which may help to
better explain the effect of foreign investment on the economic growth of United Kingdom.

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