4 R 70 W
4 R 70 W
4 R 70 W
Automatic Transaxle/Transmission
Material Item Protector, Transmission Direct Clutch Outer Fluid Seal 307-422 MERCON V Automatic Transmission Fluid XT-5-QM Specification MERCON V
Teflon Seal Installer 307-516 (kit consists of 307-516-1, 307-516-2, 307-516-3 and 307-516-4)
Automatic Transaxle/Transmission
Item 1 2 3 4
Description Output shaft to direct clutch cylinder seal (2 reqd) Direct clutch outer bearing and race assembly No. 8 Output shaft Output shaft-to-case seal (3 reqd)
Item 5 6 7 8 9
Description O-ring seal Output shaft ring gear assembly Output shaft hub Retaining snap ring Snap ring
Automatic Transaxle/Transmission
Disassembly 1. NOTE: The index mark on the output shaft must be aligned with the index mark on the output shaft ring gear during the assembly procedure. Remove the ring gear snap ring.
Automatic Transaxle/Transmission
7. 4. Remove the output shaft hub snap ring and the output shaft hub. 8.
Inspect the clutch cylinder thrust surfaces, piston bore and clutch plate serrations for scores or burrs. Minor scores or burrs may be removed with a crocus cloth. Install a new clutch cylinder if badly scored or damaged. Check the fluid passages in the clutch cylinder for obstructions. Clean out all fluid passages. Inspect the clutch piston for scores and install new if necessary. Inspect the check balls for freedom of movement and correct seating. Check clutch release spring for distortion and cracks. Install a new spring (including wave spring) if distorted or cracked.
10. Inspect composition clutch plates, steel clutch plates and clutch pressure plate for worn or scored bearing surfaces. Install new parts if they are deeply scored or burred. 11. Check the clutch plates for flatness and fit on the clutch hub serrations. Discard any plate that does not slide freely on the serrations or that is not flat. 12. Check the clutch hub thrust surfaces for scores and clutch hub splines for wear.
Remove the No. 7 direct clutch inner bearing support. 1 2 Remove the direct clutch hub. Remove the No. 7 direct clutch inner bearing support.
Automatic Transaxle/Transmission
14. Using the special tool, compress the piston return spring and remove the snap ring.
Automatic Transaxle/Transmission
4. 2. Install the clutch piston outer seal so that when the piston is installed, the sealing lip points toward the bottom of the cylinder. 5.
Install the piston return spring and retainer assembly. Using the special tool, compress the piston return spring and install the retaining ring.
Automatic Transaxle/Transmission
Install the direct clutch hub. 1 2 Install the No. 7 direct clutch inner bearing support. Install the direct clutch hub.
NOTE: Inspect the output shaft bearing surfaces for scores. Inspect the output shaft splines for wear. Inspect all bushings. 9. 7. Use a feeler gauge to check the clearance between the clutch pack selective retaining ring and the pressure plate. If the clearance is not within specifications, install the correct size retaining ring and recheck the clearance. Using the special tool install the first direct clutch seal ring.
Selective Retaining Ring Specification 1.270-1.372 mm (0.050-0.054 inch) 1.625-1.727 mm (0.064-0.068 inch) 1.981-2.083 mm (0.078-0.082 inch) 2.337-2.438 mm (0.092-0.096 inch)
Automatic Transaxle/Transmission
11. After both new seals have been installed, use the special tool to size the seals.
14. Install the No. 8 needle bearing on the direct clutch cylinder.
12. Install the output shaft hub. Position the output shaft hub. Install the retaining ring.
15. NOTE: Direct clutch cylinder may be installed after the output shaft ring gear is installed to the output shaft hub. Assemble the direct clutch on the output shaft.
Automatic Transaxle/Transmission