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Method of Virtual Work: Beams and Frames: Cause

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C h a p t e r 9    D e f l e c t i o n s U s i n g E n e r g y M e t h o d s

9.7  Method of Virtual Work:
1 Beams and Frames
m The method of virtual work can also be applied to deflection problems
x v involving beams and frames. Since strains due to bending are the primary
r cause of beam or frame deflections, we will discuss their effects first.
Deflections due to shear, axial and torsional loadings, and temperature
Apply virtual unit load to point A
will be considered in Sec. 9.8.
The principle of virtual work, or more exactly, the method of virtual force,
may be formulated for beam and frame deflections by considering the beam
A shown in Fig. 9–14b. Here the displacement  of point A is to be determined.
 To compute  a virtual unit load acting in the direction of  is placed on the
x beam at A, and the internal virtual moment m is determined by the method
of sections at an arbitrary location x from the left support, Fig. 9–14a. When
du the real loads act on the beam, Fig. 9–14b, point A is displaced . Provided
these loads cause linear elastic material response, then from Eq. 8–2, the
M element dx deforms or rotates du = (M >EI ) dx.* Here M is the internal
moment at x caused by the real loads. Consequently, the external virtual
work done by the unit load is 1 # , and the internal virtual work done by the
x V
moment m is m du = m ( M >EI ) dx. Summing the effects on all the elements
Apply real load w dx along the beam requires an integration, and therefore Eq. 9–13 becomes
(b) L
1# =
Fig. 9–14 (9–22) dx
1 EI
A where
x 1 = external virtual unit load acting on the beam or frame in the
direction of .
m m = internal virtual moment in the beam or frame, expressed as a
function of x and caused by the external virtual unit load.
 = external displacement of the point caused by the real loads acting
on the beam or frame.
Apply virtual unit couple moment to point A M = internal moment in the beam or frame, expressed as a function of x
(a) and caused by the real loads.
9 E = modulus of elasticity of the material.
A I = moment of inertia of cross-sectional area, computed about the
neutral axis.
In a similar manner, if the tangent rotation or slope angle u at a point A on
the beam’s elastic curve is to be determined, Fig. 9–15, a unit couple moment
du is first applied at the point, and the corresponding internal moments m u have
to be determined. Since the work of the unit couple is 1 # u, then
1#u =
m uM
x V (9–23) dx
Apply real load w
*Recall that if the material is strained beyond its elastic limit, the principle of virtual work
Fig. 9–15 can still be applied, although in this case a nonlinear or plastic analysis must be used.
9.7  Method of Virtual Work: Beams and Frames 371

x1 x3
x2 x4
Apply virtual unit load


P w

x1 x3
x2 x4
Apply real loads


Fig. 9–16

When applying Eqs. 9–22 and 9–23, it is important to realize that the
definite integrals on the right side actually represent the amount of virtual
strain energy that is stored in the beam. If concentrated forces or couple
moments act on the beam or the distributed load is discontinuous, a single
integration cannot be performed across the beam’s entire length. Instead,
separate x coordinates will have to be chosen within regions that have no
discontinuity of loading. Also, it is not necessary that each x have the
same origin; however, the x selected for determining the real moment M
in a particular region must be the same x as that selected for determining
the virtual moment m or m u within the same region. For example, consider
the beam shown in Fig. 9–16. In order to determine the displacement of

integrals having the form 1 ( mM >EI ) dx must be evaluated. We can use x 1

D, four regions of the beam must be considered, and therefore four
to determine the strain energy in region AB, x 2 for region BC, x 3 for
region DE, and x 4 for region DC. In any case, each x coordinate should be
selected so that both M and m (or m u) can be easily formulated.

Integration Using Tables.  When the structure is subjected to a

relatively simple loading, and yet the solution for a displacement requires
several integrations, a tabular method may be used to perform these
integrations. To do so the moment diagrams for each member are drawn
first for both the real and virtual loadings. By matching these diagrams

integral 1 mM dx can be determined from the appropriate formula.

for m and M with those given in the table on the inside front cover, the

Examples 9.8 and 9.10 illustrate the application of this method.

372 C h a p t e r 9    D e f l e c t i o n s U s i n g E n e r g y M e t h o d s

Procedure for Analysis

The following procedure may be used to determine the displacement

and/or the slope at a point on the elastic curve of a beam or frame
using the method of virtual work.

Virtual Moments m or mu
• Place a unit load on the beam or frame at the point and in the
direction of the desired displacement.

• If the slope is to be determined, place a unit couple moment at

the point.

• Establish appropriate x coordinates that are valid within regions

of the beam or frame where there is no discontinuity of real or
virtual load.

• With the virtual load in place, and all the real loads removed from
the beam or frame, calculate the internal moment m or m u as a
function of each x coordinate.

• Assume m or m u acts in the conventional positive direction as

indicated in Fig. 4–1.

Real Moments
• Using the same x coordinates as those established for m or m u,
determine the internal moments M caused only by the real loads.

• Since m or m u was assumed to act in the conventional positive

direction, it is important that positive M acts in this same direction.
This is necessary since positive or negative internal work depends
upon the directional sense of load (defined by {m or {m u) and
displacement (defined by {M dx >EI).
9 Virtual-Work Equation
• Apply the equation of virtual work to determine the desired
displacement  or rotation u. It is important to retain the
algebraic sign of each integral calculated within its specified

• If the algebraic sum of all the integrals for the entire beam or
frame is positive,  or u is in the same direction as the virtual unit
load or unit couple moment, respectively. If a negative value
results, the direction of  or u is opposite to that of the unit load
or unit couple moment.
9.7  Method of Virtual Work: Beams and Frames 373

Determine the displacement of point B of the steel beam shown in
Fig. 9–17a. Take E = 200 GPa, I = 500 ( 106 ) mm4.

12 kN/m

10 m

1 kN

Virtual Moment m.  The vertical displacement of point B is obtained x
by placing a virtual unit load of 1 kN at B, Fig. 9–17b. By inspection 10 m
there are no discontinuities of loading on the beam for both the real
1 kN
and virtual loads. Thus, a single x coordinate can be used to determine
the virtual strain energy. This coordinate will be selected with its origin
at B, since then the reactions at A do not have to be determined in m 1x
order to find the internal moments m and M. Using the method of v
sections, the internal moment m is formulated as shown in Fig. 9–17b. virtual load x

Real Moment M.  Using the same x coordinate, the internal moment (b)
M is formulated as shown in Fig. 9–17c.
Virtual-Work Equation.  The vertical displacement of B is thus 12 kN/m

L 10
(-1x) ( -6x 2 ) dx B
1 kN #  B =
L0 EI L0
mM A
dx = x
10 m
15 ( 103
) kN # m
2 3
1 kN #  B =
EI 2
or M 6x 2

15 ( 103 ) kN # m3 real load x
B =
200 ( 106 ) kN>m2 ( 500 ( 106 ) mm4 )( 10-12 m4 >mm4 ) (c)

= 0.150 m = 150 mm Ans. Fig. 9–17

374 C h a p t e r 9    D e f l e c t i o n s U s i n g E n e r g y M e t h o d s

Determine the slope u at point B of the steel beam shown in Fig. 9–18a.
Take E = 200 GPa, I = 60 ( 106 ) mm4.

3 kN


5m 5m

Fig. 9–18

Virtual Moment mu .  The slope at B is determined by placing a
virtual unit couple moment of 1 kN # m at B, Fig. 9–18b. Here two x
coordinates must be selected in order to determine the total virtual
strain energy in the beam. Coordinate x 1 accounts for the strain
energy within segment AB and coordinate x 2 accounts for that
in  segment BC. The internal moments m u within each of these
segments are computed using the method of sections as shown
in Fig. 9–18b.

1 kNm
A mu 1  0
9 v1
x1 x2 x1

1 kNm
mu2  1
5m x2

virtual load
9.7  Method of Virtual Work: Beams and Frames 375

3 kN 3 kN

A M1 3x1
x1 x2 x1 V1
real load
3 kN
M2 3 (5  x2)

x2 V2

Real Moments M.  Using the same coordinates x 1 and x 2, the

internal moments M are computed as shown in Fig. 9–18c.

Virtual-Work Equation.  The slope at B is thus given by

1 # uB =
m uM

5 5
(1)[ -3(5 + x 2)] dx 2
L0 L0
(0)(-3x 1) dx 1
= +

-112.5 kN # m2
uB = (1) mu (kN m)
We can also evaluate the integrals 1 m uM dx graphically, using the 1
table given on the inside front cover of the book. To do so it is first
x (m)
necessary to draw the moment diagrams for the beams in Figs. 9–18b 5 10
and 9–18c. These are shown in Figs. 9–18d and 9–18e, respectively.
Since there is no moment m for 0 … x 6 5 m, we use only the shaded
rectangular and trapezoidal areas to evaluate the integral. Finding
these shapes in the appropriate row and column of the table, we have
10 9

m uM dx = 2 m u(M 1 + M 2)L = 21 (1)(-15 - 30)5 M (kN  m)

= -112.5 kN2 # m3
This is the same value as that determined in Eq. 1. Thus, 5 10 x (m)
2 # m3
(1 kN # m) # uB =
-112.5 kN
200 ( 10 6
) kN>m 3 60 ( 106 ) mm4 4 ( 10-12 m4 >mm4 )
uB = -0.00938 rad Ans.
The negative sign indicates uB is opposite to the direction of the virtual
couple moment shown in Fig. 9–18b.
376 C h a p t e r 9    D e f l e c t i o n s U s i n g E n e r g y M e t h o d s

Determine the displacement at D of the steel beam in Fig. 9–19a. Take
E = 29 ( 103 ) ksi, I = 800 in4.

80 kft


10 ft 10 ft 15 ft


Fig. 9–19

Virtual Moments m.  The beam is subjected to a virtual unit load at
D as shown in Fig. 9–19b. By inspection, three coordinates, such as x 1,
x 2, and x 3, must be used to cover all the regions of the beam. Notice
that these coordinates cover regions where no discontinuities in either
real or virtual load occur. The internal moments m have been
computed in Fig. 9–19b using the method of sections.


x3 x2 x1
0.75 k 1.75 k

m1 1x1
9 x1

x2  15

m3 0.75x3 m2  0.75x2 15

v3 v2
x3 x2
0.75 k 1.75 k
virtual load
9.7  Method of Virtual Work: Beams and Frames 377

80 kft

x3 x2 x1
1k 7k
M1  0

80 kft

M3  80  1x3 M2  7x2
x3 V3 x2
1k 7k
real load

Real Moments M.  The reactions on the beam are computed first;
then, using the same x coordinates as those used for m, the internal
moments M are determined as shown in Fig. 9–19c.

Virtual-Work Equation.  Applying the equation of virtual work to

the beam using the data in Figs. 9–19b and 9–19c, we have
1 # D =

( -1x 1 ) (0) dx 1 10
(0.75x 2 - 15) ( 7x 2 ) dx 2
L0 L0
= +
( -0.75x 3 )( 80 - 1x 3 ) dx 3

0 3500 2750 6250 k # ft3 9

D = - - = -
-6250 k # ft3 ( 12 ) 3in3 >ft3
D =
29 ( 103 ) k>in2 ( 800 in4 )
= -0.466 in. Ans.
The negative sign indicates the displacement is upward, opposite to
the downward unit load, Fig. 9–19b. Also note that m 1 did not actually
have to be calculated since M 1 = 0.

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