Analytical Tools For Blockchain
Analytical Tools For Blockchain
Analytical Tools For Blockchain
Abstract—Bitcoin has introduced a new concept that could the economic indicators and market trends, blockchain analysis
feasibly revolutionise the entire Internet as it exists, and positively can involve further parameters like the embedded metadata and
impact on many types of industries including, but not limited to, their connection with smart contracts, which transfer the
banking, public sector and supply chain. This innovation is landscape to a wider field of applications apart from normal
grounded on pseudo-anonymity and strives on its innovative cryptocurrency [7].
decentralised architecture based on the blockchain technology. In this paper, blockchain analytic tools are examined in terms
Blockchain is pushing forward a race of transaction-based of their applications within the research and developers’
applications with trust establishment without the need for a community, and their effectiveness in cybercrime investigation
centralised authority, promoting accountability and transparency
and analysis. Through study of related work, a thematic
within the business process. However, a blockchain ledger (e.g.,
taxonomy is presented for the categorisation of blockchain
Bitcoin) tend to become very complex and specialised tools,
collectively called “Blockchain Analytics”, are required to allow
analytic tools according to their applications. Specific tools are
individuals, law enforcement agencies and service providers to examined based on their features, efficiency and components,
search, explore and visualise it. Over the last years, several providing, this way, evaluation criteria for the selection of an
analytical tools have been developed with capabilities that allow, appropriate solution in order to cover a set of investigation
e.g., to map relationships, examine flow of transactions and filter requirements. Furthermore, open challenges and practices are
crime instances as a way to enhance forensic investigations. This discussed as well as future areas of research and development.
paper discusses the current state of blockchain analytical tools and The paper is organised as follows. Section II provides
presents a thematic taxonomy model based on their applications. background information on the technical aspects of blockchain
It also examines open challenges for future development and and bitcoin. Section III presents a thematic taxonomy of the
research. blockchain analytic tools and examines available tools and how
they fit within the above-mentioned taxonomy scheme. Section
Keywords— blockchain; cryptocurrency; bitcoin; tools; IV explores open challenges in this field, while Section V draws
blockchain analytics; digital forensics; cybercrime investigation. conclusions and elaborates on recommendations for future work.
Blockchain analysis is an entirely new field of research and Information that is available in a blockchain is considered as
development, which started to emerge in 2014 as a trend within extremely valuable for both data analysis and crime
the cryptocurrency ecosystem. This trend was mainly pushed by investigation. This section presents the backbone concept of
its transparent and decentralised nature. blockchain and how it applies to bitcoin transactions.
Blockchain Analytics provide a useful tool for individuals to
inspect the network of transactions in terms of, e.g., flaw A. What is Blockchain
analysis and transaction relationships [1]. Also, as Blockchain is a distributed technology built under peer-to-
cryptocurrencies thrive and grow as mainstream payment peer network principles and cryptographic primitives, such as
method, insights into how people are spending them become asymmetric encryption and digital signature. It allows trust-less
increasingly relevant. Not just in terms of which products or users to exchange information and record transactions without
services are bought with them, but also knowledge of how long external interference and coordination. Therefore, the
people are keeping cryptocurrency in their wallets, in a way to blockchain infrastructure allows a secure and append-only
stimulate the worldwide adoption of cryptocurrency [2][3]. For database to be built that relies on a consensus protocol for
law enforcement, identifying these type of activities is important deciding which of the valid information will be added in the
in order to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing. distribution and propagated through the network of participants.
Through the analysis of transactions, investigators try to match As this technology can provide every member with a trusted and
connections and interactions between addresses. Some tools decentralised proof of work [8], the application part of it – like
have already started to index sets of transactions as a way to cryptocurrencies – can utilise what is usually referred to as
cluster them into specific groups [4][5]. public ledger. This means that all users have equal ledgers,
The positive sides to blockchain analysis are not hard to find. ensuring, this way, transparency within the network.
Detailed analytics can answer questions like how the Different applications use the blockchain technology as a
cryptocurrency is being spent, where are the new wallets coming way to store value exchanges through transactions. Every
from and how can we trace the money [6]. Nevertheless, beside transaction generated by a node is digitally signed with the
previous transaction’s hash and the destination node’s public combines them until a unique hash is obtained and added to a
key; this scheme ensures that transactions are tamper-proof. new block as the Merkle Root of transactions in the block. Also
Specific nodes in the blockchain network will validate a block added to the new block is the hash of the previous block; both
containing transactions – which nodes depend on the type of hashes and the replication of the ledger (among participants of
consensus adopted by the network; this process is called mining the network) make the blockchain technology tamper-proof
[9, pp. 105-106]. For example, bitcoin adopts the proof-of-work [14]. In case two miners broadcast a new block and one block is
consensus scheme where each node is presented with an subset of the other, the block that has more transactions is kept
intensive computational problem. Nodes which succeed in [15].
solving the problem will be able to incorporate the valid block
Similar to cash change in physical transactions, bitcoin
into their version of the public ledger before it is broadcasted
generates coin change, which is directed to a new (wallet)
across the network. As it was shown in the original bitcoin
address rather than the original address. The main reason behind
induction [10], such a ledger will remain secure as long as more
it is privacy. Maintaining privacy in blockchain depends on a
than the 50% of the computational power is controlled by honest
strict separation between addresses and personal identities, a
model referred to as pseudonymity [16]. For example, a bitcoin
Having the blockchain acting like a public ledger facilitates
payment transfers coins from address #1 to #2 (from Bob to
the ability for any blockchain analytic tool to query for
Alice), but directs change to address #3. Therefore, at first
transactions associated with a particular address, e.g., search for
glance, it would be assumed that addresses #1 and #3 are
wallet addresses and check for related transactions.
associated with separate identities. The reality is, however, that
B. Overview of Bitcoin addresses #1 and #3 might refer to the same identity, as
Bitcoin is a network protocol based on blockchain, illustrated in Fig. 2. These pseudonymous scheme makes the
introduced by Nakamoto [11] which allows payments and coin bitcoin graph very complex and ambiguous, therefore, extra
transfers to be made among participating entities. No trusted information is needed to link wallet addresses to identities and
bank is needed to maintain balances, coordinate money perform different types of analysis – motivating the surge of
transactions or issue new currency. blockchain analytic tools.
The bitcoin network maintains a global distributed ledger of
transactions which is public. In this case, each transaction
represents a payment from one node to another. The payment
address is generated after a set of irreversible cryptographic
hashing functions of the sender’s public key; every new valid
block is broadcasted to all network nodes. Bitcoin currently uses
SHA-256 for those hashing operations [12].