Pemd 2004
Pemd 2004
Pemd 2004
Keywords: Utility interface, Induction generators, compensation will then form and integral part of the
Reactive power, Voltage stability, Wind farm. network scheme.
Evidence suggests that the increased revenue from
Abstract exploiting higher wind speeds farther offshore can
outweigh the increased cable costs and electrical losses.
Wind power is gaining momentum in the world´s energy The most common wind power generator is based on the
balance. Several issues have to be addressed whenever asynchronous machine, since it is robust and cost
power-generating devices are connected to the grid. This effective. Induction generators, however, do not
paper describes how wind farms affect grid voltages and contribute to regulation of grid voltage, and they are
how faults in the connected transmission system impact substantial absorbers of reactive power. Ideally, they need
on induction generators in a wind farm. It will also be to be connected to very stiff grids in order not to influence
shown that, when the network is weak, local dynamic power quality in a detrimental way. This is not the case in
reactive power support may prevent voltage collapse and reality, however. Quite on the contrary, wind power is
make it possible for the wind farms to recover and remain usually connected far out at the extremities of the grid, on
in service after a short-circuit event. A dynamic voltage sub transmission or even distribution levels, where the
control scheme based on a combination of SVC and network was not originally designed to transfer power
STATCOM technology will be discussed. back into the grid.
The reactive power balance of asynchronous generators
can be improved to a certain extent by use of the recently
1 Introduction introduced doubly-fed rotor concept. To keep this
technology within reasonable cost margins, however,
rotor converter ratings must be kept limited to steady-state
After decades in the starting block, wind power is finally
requirements only. During transient occurrences in the
taking off as a serious and accepted source of energy,
grid, the performance of doubly-fed induction generators
sustainable and environmentally friendly. World-wide,
(DFIG) may well prove inadequate to safeguard primarily
more than 30 GW of wind power was in operation by the
voltage stability of the grid.
end of 2002, an annual growth of approximately 27%. It
is expected that by the end of 2007, this figure will have
increased to well over 80GW.
In Germany for example, ten years ago, wind power was 3 Sea cables: a key issue
of marginal importance. Today, with more than 12,000 Comprehensive sea cable networks add another
MW in operation, the country is Europe’s most important dimension, calling for additional elaborate reactive power
user of wind power. In the UK, more than 2000 MW of control. The overall scope of reactive power control
wind generation is expected to be installed by 2005. In should encompass the wind farm as well as the sea cables,
Denmark, close to 3000 MW of wind power is now to bring about a well regulated reactive power balance of
contributing more than 15% of the country’s generation the whole system, performing to the same demands on
capacity. reactive power regulation as any other medium to large
generator serving the grid.
2 Offshore wind generation: fast emerging Limits of transmission capacity of sea cables should be
calculated with compensation, so half of the charging
Increasingly offshore based wind farms, where large current flows to each end at maximum load. An example
amounts of wind power generation (typically tens of MW of transmission capacity for XLPE cables at four different
up to several hundred) are located out to sea with the voltage levels and as a function of cable length is shown
electrical energy brought to shore through large heavy in Figure 1 [1]. In the example, the cables all have a
duty underwater cables. The largest offshore projects now cross-section of 1,000 mm2.
in operation are the 160 MW Horns Rev and the 160 MW It can be seen that the power transmission capability
Nysted, both in Danish waters. AC is utilized in both exceeds 350 MW at a distance of 100 km and a voltage of
cases for landing the power. It is anticipated that AC 220 kV. At a distance of 250 km, the power transmission
transmission will be an economical and technically capacity is still 175 MW.
attractive option in many of the small to medium sized
windfarm cases, and dynamic reactive power
5 Voltage control
Reactive power control is necessary to meet the criteria
mentioned in Section 4 above. With synchronous
generators, reactive power control is achieved by means
of the exciter system. However, this is not possible for
induction generators. An SVC positioned at the grid
connection point acts as a central exciter system but with
the advantage that reactive power can be controlled even
when no power is generated.
The subtransmission, or even distribution, systems to
which offshore wind farms may be connected are usually
designed to distribute power from the main grid to remote
customers. The system in most cases is very weak and a
change in power flow direction will strongly affect the
Figure 1: Limit of power flow as a function of length for
voltage level. Mechanically switched capacitor banks,
compensated cables type 3x1x1,000 mm2.
(MSC), are often used to deal with voltage level
problems. However, power production, and thus reactive
4 Requirements related to network connection power consumption, in wind farms vary with wind speed.
The resulting frequent switching of MSC deteriorates
All national grid codes, even though several differences power quality and decreases the lifetime of the MSC. An
can be found, discuss the importance of grid support from SVC, with continuously variable susceptance, is often a
all installed power generating devices. Many regulatory cost efficient alternative to several small MSC.
authorities require that the generators should be able to Several phenomena associated with power produced from
vary their reactive power output dependent on the grid wind, introduce voltage flicker on the connecting node,
voltage level. This requirement is a result of the desire to i.e. generators´ start and stop, wind speed variations, and
maintain voltage stability and limit dynamic voltage tower shadow effects. This flicker has a detrimental
variations. Wind farms have often been excluded from effect upon other components connected to the grid,
these demands. They cannot, however, expect to enjoy causing complaints from power consumers. By
this favoured treatment forever. connecting an SVC at the grid connection points, this
In the past wind power plants typically have had a small flicker can be mitigated.
power rating, when compared to the strength of the
connecting electrical network. The power system as such
6 Induction generator behaviour at short-
did not depend on the contribution from the renewable
power sources. Under these circumstances the behaviour
of the wind farms to faults in the network seemed to be The behaviour of the induction generator during network
non-critical and the manufacturers could design a simple faults and fault clearance is governed by simple physical
control system that dropped out the wind farms whenever principles that apply to this kind of machines. A broad
disturbed conditions occurred on the network. overview is given in order to explain the problems related
Looking at the larger wind farms presently being planned to network connection of large wind farms utilising such
this design philosophy becomes questionable. When a generators.
fault occurs in a power system the faulty part will
normally be disconnected from the system. Thus if the 6.1 Induction generator basic structure
fault occurred on the feeder to which the wind farm is The reason for the attractiveness of the induction
connected it will be disconnected. But, if the wind farm is generator is its extremely simple basic design, making it
connected to the non-faulted part of the system it is small, robust and cost-effective. The rotor simply
desirable that the wind farm stays connected during the comprises a stack of iron plates with axial conductive
fault. As soon as the faulty feeder has been disconnected bars, which are connected between short-circuiting
the wind generator should return to operation in order not endrings. The rotor is mounted in the stator, coaxial and
to cause consequential loss of generation in addition to with a small airgap as shown in Figure 2.
generating units connected through the faulty feeder. If a
stator flux
significant consequential loss of generation occurs it is
possible that a system collapse could result.
rotor flux
Therefore the wind farm connection must be designed so
that the wind turbines are capable of continuous
uninterrupted operation during the protection clearance
times for the faulted components (“ride-through
capability”). Typically the time required in a transmission
system is in the range 100-200ms. Increasingly windfarm
connection agreements are specifically stating that “there
is no reason to exempt wind generation from this
requirement”. Figure 2: Structure of the induction generator.
The small airgap causes a strong magnetic coupling instantaneously. Therefore, initially the induction
between any winding on the stator and the rotor structure. generator, just like a synchronous machine, delivers
The main portion of the magnetic flux passing through the reactive power to the fault. The machine thus contributes
stator winding also must pass through the rotor. But the to the current through the fault.
rotor cage is a highly conductive structure, which at any But the current in the generator demagnetises the rotor
time opposes every change of the magnetic flux in the and both the rotor flux and the stator current disappear in
rotor. It serves like a magnetic screen that prevents about 100 ms. The stopped and still-standing stator flux,
external fields from penetrating into the rotor. Forced, fast which is captured by the short-circuited stator winding,
changes of the magnetic flux in the rotor can only be creates a braking torque on the rotor. The flux decays in
achieved at the expense of large stator (and rotor) about the same time as the rotor flux, i.e. in about 100 ms.
currents. Due to their close linkage the rotor flux follows Figure 4 shows the rotor flux and the stator currents at a
the stator flux with a first order delay of about 100 ms. short-circuit very close to the generator.
6.2 General principles of operation Stator & rotor flux
psiS psiR
When the machine is connected to a strong network, the 1
airgap. The rotor flux derivative, and consequently the 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Stator current
0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Stator current (pu) Figure 4: Short-circuit of the induction generator close to
its stator terminals, stator and rotor fluxes (upper), stator
phase currents (lower).
iS (pu)
the voltage becomes zero. The loss of the electrical output
from the generator causes a mismatch between
Tel (pu)
decelerating electrodynamic torque and the (initially
unchanged) accelerating mechanical torque on the
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0
rotor freq (Hz)
10 20 30 40 50
generator shaft from the wind turbine. Thus the generator
will accelerate during the short-circuit. Due to the
Figure 3: Typical induction generator characteristics involved mechanical time-constants in the wind turbine
versus rotor frequency (fnetwork – fmech) at fixed stator flux: blade control system it is not possible to reduce the
stator current (upper) and electrical torque (lower). turbine torque during the short-circuit.
The total inertia constant for the generator and the turbine
is a few seconds. Typically most of the inertia is located
Small deviations from synchronous speed, on the other in the wind turbine and only approximately 20% of the
hand, excite rotor currents that produce mechanical inertia relate to the generator rotor. These two masses are
torque. This is shown in the lower graph of Figure 3. It can connected through a soft torsional shaft exhibiting a
be seen that the torques having the highest magnitudes, resonance frequency in the range of 1-2Hz. Figure 5 shows
the ‘pullout’ torques, are produced at quite small speed the speed of the induction generator and of the wind
deviations from synchronous speed. The normal operation turbine, when the wind farm is operating at its rated
range for the induction generator is on the slope between power and a short-circuit occurs close to the generator
the positive and negative pullout torque. The nominal terminals. The curves show that the average speed
operating point is marked by a small ring in Figure 3. increases with approximately 6-7 Hz per second as long
6.3 Electrical effects at short-circuit as the short-circuit is applied. Thus the negative slip
frequency increases during the short-circuit. It has already
Now, if a short-circuit is applied to the network close to
been pointed out in Figure 3 that the induction generator
the generators, the stator voltage becomes zero. The stator
current increases rapidly, when the rotor frequency
flux, being the integral of the applied voltage, then stops
deviates from the synchronous speed.
because its derivative becomes zero. The rotor flux
however is captured by the rotor cage and cannot decrease
Induction generator speed 7.2 Effects of overspeed
If the short-circuit duration is long and/or the
speed (rad/s)
370 magnetisation of the induction machine takes too long,
the generator speed increase becomes considerable. This
325 means that the absolute value of the slip increases and the
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
impedance of the rotor circuit branch lowers. When the
Wind turbine speed feeding network is weak almost all the injected current
passes through the rotor circuit and almost no magnetising
current results as shown in Figure 7.
speed (rad/s)
334 bus rS xS xR
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
time (s) rR/s
Figure 5: Speed of generator and wind turbine at short-
weak network induction generators
7 Recovery from a fault Figure 7: Magnetising the induction generator at
The line, where the short-circuit arose, will automatically overspeed.
be disconnected from the rest of the transmission system
with little delay, typically within 100-200 ms. If the
7.3 Conclusion
isolated, faulty part does not involve the wind farm, it is
anticipated that the latter restores its steady state The induction generator can recover successfully from the
generating operation, when the network voltage returns short-circuit fault only if it becomes magnetised
after fault clearance. However, as it has been shown sufficiently fast so that it can produce torque and reduce
above, the machine has been demagnetised during the the generator rotor overspeed. If the overspeed becomes
short-circuit and its rotor speed has increased so that the too large the generator will pass over the pullout
negative slip has increased. Both these factors impact on frequency and then it will consume large amounts of
the process of recovery. reactive power. If the network is weak this situation will
cause a voltage collapse to occur in the transmission
7.1 Effects of demagnetisation system.
Consider first the fictitious case that the rotor speed of the
generator is constant during the short-circuit. When the 8 Improvements by utilizing SVC
network voltage returns a stator flux is being impressed
on the generator stator. But the rotor cage prevents the A Static Var Compensator, SVC, can be provided as a
stator flux from rapidly entering into the rotor due to the reactive power source located close to the machine. This
screening effect caused by the rotor cage. During the rotor approach brings about some advantages:
magnetisation (time constant 50-100 ms) the stator will ¾ one device serves the whole wind farm
carry a large reactive current. Depending on the network ¾ the voltage in the connecting point is stabilised by a
strength this magnetising current causes a voltage drop, voltage controller
which lowers the generator terminal voltage below, ¾ Flicker due to tower shadow effect and variations in
possibly even significantly below, its rated value. If the wind speed will be decreased
rotor remains rotating with synchronous speed the stator A typical system has been chosen and studied (Figure 8).
flux will penetrate into the rotor and the machine will The layout of this generic system is based on related cases
finally be magnetised. When the network is weak it and studies.
appears approximately like a current source as indicated Wind
in Figure 6. The equivalent impedance in the rotor circuit
is high, when the slip is low. Accordingly most of the
injected current passes into the magnetising inductance of 35 km
the generator.
bus rS xS xR
66 kV
rR/s Minor
xm Grid
Subtransmission/distribution link
weak network induction generators Figure 8: Set-up of generic study of grid connection of
off-shore wind farms.
Figure 6: Magnetising the induction generator with
normal rotor speed. 8.1 Voltage stability
Starting and stopping of the generators is critical in many
applications. Induction machines draw considerable
reactive currents when the stator gets energised, even if wind turbine generator will require a restart in order to
the turbine is accelerated to synchronous speed before regain its prefault power generation operation. When the
being connected to the grid. This results in a period of electrical network is weak the behaviour of wind farms at
decreased voltage. In this paper, the phenomenon is network faults will be strongly improved by reactive
simulated with a small example. power support at the connection point.
Figure 8 shows the set-up of a generic simulation of the
With SVC
recovery from a network fault. It is assumed that the
network has a short-circuit strength of ten times the total
Disconnected Connected
Figure 11 shows the simulation results when a 200 ms
fault is applied at the high-voltage bus at the grid
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TIME SECONDS connection point and when the SVC is not in operation. It
is assumed that the turbine power is constant.
Figure 9: Voltage variations at the minor load associated
with start and stop of one 1.5MW wind turbine. Stator & rotor flux
stator rotor
Power from the rest of the park Power produced by connected wind mill
per unit
With SVC
Wind turbine & induction generator speed
turbine generator
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.1
Voltage at wind farm Average turbine speed
per unit
With SVC
time (s)
Without SVC
Figure 11: Simulation results without SVC.
With SVC
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b) d)
The upper diagram shows the stator and rotor flux in the
Figure 10 show that the SVC has a stabilising effect on the 0.8
per unit
faults 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
speed up and then the slip cannot be brought down close 1.02
must then be achieved using the mechanical turbine blade time (s)
150 MVA
11 References
= FC
3 Mvar
+/- 53 Mvar 94 Mvar