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Tech Paper 4221

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Precast Reinforced Concrete Three Radius Arch Pipe

Culvert Bridges

Soil steel composite bridges or culverts are provided under a roadway or railway as a
cross drainage system carry over the stream or as an underground tunnel or as an animal
pass structure. Three radius arch pipe culverts, a complex shaped pipe having three radii
are using nowadays as a substitute to conventional type of culverts such as circular
culvert and box culverts. In this study, the various geometrical and structural features of
the arch pipe are investigated using the international codes Swedish standards, CHBDC
(2014) and AASHTO LRFD (2017) and ASTM C 506 specification. The strength of pipe
is evaluated by means of three edge bearing test. The three radius arch pipe is proven to
the best owing to the advantages of its geometrical shape and hydraulic benefits
compared to circular pipe and box culverts.

Keywords: Soil steel composite bridges, Minor Bridges, Culverts, Three radius arch
pipe, Circular pipe culvert, Box culvert


Soil-steel bridges owing to its advantages shape, arch shape, pipe arch etc. Among
are getting used as all kinds of bridge these, three radius arch pipe is now
crossings more often as an economic started gaining popularity as a substitute
solution compared to the conventional to circular or box shaped culverts. But
steel and concrete bridges. These are there are no guidelines as per Indian
being used for small to medium span codes of standards for the analysis and
cases up to 25 m and in locations where design of arch pipe. The minimum depth
construction time is less and continuity in of cover above the conduit is determined
traffic is required. Generally, rectangular using the guidelines provided in Swedish,
or circular in shape, bridge culverts are Canadian (CHBDC 2014) and American
constructed on rivers and canals. (AASHTO LRFD 2017) codes for
highway bridges.
Various shapes of culverts are being in
use include circular shape, elliptical

In this paper, some guidelines and nearly flattened bottom. It consists of
features of precast concrete three radius three radii, top radius, bottom radius and
arch pipe are discussed. The geometry of corner radius. The bottom radius is larger
pipe is discussed with reference to ASTM and the corner radius is the smallest.
C 506(2013). The minimum depth of Figure 1 shows the cross-section of a
cover above the conduit is determined, three radius arch pipe culvert and Photo 1
and the requirements and construction shows precast reinforced concrete arch
guidelines of arch pipe are discussed. A pipe.
three edge bearing test is conducted to
evaluate the mechanical performance of
the arch pipe and its comparison is made
with circular pipes having equivalent size.


Precast reinforced concrete arch pipe is

started using nowadays as substitute to Fig.1 Three Radius Arch Pipe Culvert
the conventional type of culverts such as
circular pipe culverts, box culverts and
arch culverts. Reinforced arch pipe can be
used for highway culverts, railway
culverts, short span highway bridges,
storm drains, utility tunnels etc. It is ideal
for a variety of conditions such as space Photo 1 Precast Concrete Arch Pipe
constraints, limited fall and insufficient
depth for circular pipe. A three radius
arch pipe is a pipe with three radii and
2.0 GENERAL FEATURES standard specification for reinforced arch
culvert and is given in Table 1. The
3.1 Geometry
culvert geometry can be modeled using

The dimensions of arch pipe can be taken the following expression given in ASTM

from ASTM C 506(2013 a) which is the C506 (2013).

Table 1 Dimensions of Arch Pipe (ASTM C 506: 2013a.)
e Equivalent Span, Rise, R1, R2, R3, A, B, C,
Round Size, mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
375 460 280 0.1 580 270 102 10 119 128
450 560 345 0.15 700 350 135 15 154 145
525 660 395 0.2 900 375 135 20 160 195
600 725 460 0.26 1035 370 115 90 151 248
750 920 570 0.41 1300 475 155 95 192 305
900 1110 675 0.59 1575 570 160 105 215 395
1050 1300 795 0.82 1855 665 190 130 248 460
1200 1485 915 1.06 2135 760 220 155 291 523
1350 1650 1015 1.33 2350 850 250 165 336 575
1500 1855 1145 1.64 2670 955 285 190 380 643
1800 2235 1370 2.38 3200 1145 320 225 436 798
2100 2590 1575 3.21 4130 1320 355 255 473 940
2250 2920 1830 4.13 4650 1500 490 330 611 970
2400 3100 1960 4.8 5535 1575 510 385 614 1040
2700 3505 2215 6.13 6835 1790 570 425 725 1183
3000 3910 2460 7.6 7655 1980 610 480 741 1345
3300 4285 2705 9.21 8355 2175 685 530 840 1458
tanθ1 = (5)
A = H - R2 (1)
Where R1, R2 and R3 are the bottom
B = A + (R 2 - R3) 2 - C 2 (2)
radius, top radius and corner radius, H is
the rise of pipe and A, B and C are the
dimensions marked in Figure 1.
C= - R3 (3)
2 3.2 Soil Material Requirements
(B - A)
tanθ 2 = (4) Since the three-radius arch pipe is using
soil stiffness, the properties of soil and

the interaction between the structure and 4. There should be minimum 0.3 m
the soil plays an important role on the base course material above the
performance or arch pipe. The arch pipe soil filling on the top of pipe.
should be placed on prepared bedding 5. All the soil in the region 1, 2, 3
and it should be provided with structural and 4 should be thoroughly
backfill on either side of the pipe and on compacted to the required
the top of the pipe. Figure 2 shows the standard proctor density.
soil filling requirements as per Lars
3.3 Minimum Depth of Cover
Pettersson et.al (2014).

The depth of soil backfill above the

1. The soil below the arch pipe
conduit is termed as cover depth and
should be prepared soil and it
there is a minimum value of soil cover
should be filled more than 0.3 m
for each pipe depending on the shape,
in depth below the bottom most
span and rise of these structures. The
point and it should be placed
pressure due to vehicle load will be
with a slope 1: n on either sides
changing as the depth of cover changes.
to a depth more than 0.2 times
The live load will get distributed through
the span of pipe.
the soil fill and as the depth increases, the
2. On either sides of the pipe
intensity of live load on the pipe
engineered soil should be filled
decreases. CHBDC (2014), AASHTO
to a distance half of the span of
LRFD (2017) and Swedish Code provide
pipe. The properties of soil
formulae to determine the minimum soil
should be same as 1.
cover above the soil steel composite
3. The depth of soil backfill on the
bridges. According to CHBDC (2014),
top of pipe should be more than
the minimum depth of cover (hc) above
minimum depth of cover as
the conduit should be maximum of the
discussed in section 3.1. The
density of material provided as
cover should be the average of Dh Dh D 2h
densities of soil provided in the
h c = { 0.6m, , 0.4 2 } (6)
6 Dv Dv
region 1, 2 and 4. The soil can be
gravelly sand or sandy silt or
silty clay.

Fig.2 Soil Material Requirements

Table 2 Minimum Soil Cover Depth

Minimum depth of cover, m
Span (D) Rise (H)
SL No. AASHTO Swedish
LFRD Design
1 1.485 0.915 1.054 0.300 ≥0.5
2 1.65 1.015 1.057 0.300 ≥0.5
3 1.855 1.145 1.050 0.300 ≥0.5
4 2.235 1.37 1.065 0.300 ≥0.5
5 2.59 1.575 1.082 0.324 ≥0.5
6 2.92 1.83 1.018 0.365 ≥0.5
7 3.1 1.96 1.001 0.388 ≥0.5
8 3.505 2.215 1.002 0.438 ≥0.5
9 3.91 2.46 1.011 0.489 ≥0.5
10 4.285 2.705 1.004 0.536 ≥0.5
where, hc is the depth of cover soil As per AASHTO LRFD (2017), the
Dh is the horizontal dimension or span minimum soil cover depth above the
(D) conduit should be,
Dv is the vertical dimension or rise of hc = D/8 ≥ 0.30 m (7)

According to Swedish design standards, the water area obtained can also be
the minimum soil cover depth above the obtained with arch pipe of greater span
pipe should be more than 0.5 m. The and lesser depth.
calculated values of minimum soil cover
It can be obtained that for the same water
depth for arch pipes of various spans and
area, arch pipes are more suitable to
rise using the above formulae are given
cover more length with less height
in Table 2.
compared to circular pipe and box
3.3 Hydraulic and Structural Benefits culvert. Table 3 shows the dimensions of
of Arch Pipe arch pipe and the equivalent circular pipe
and box culverts with the resultant water
Even though the shape of arch pipe is
area. It is obtained that arch pipe is
more complex compared to circular pipe
suitable for limited headroom with
culvert and box culverts, the arch pipe has
improved hydraulic capacity. In the case
greater advantages in terms of hydraulic
of sites having depth constraints, the arch
and structural aspects. Figure 3 and 4
pipe can be provided instead of providing
shows the comparison of arch pipes,
multiple numbers of circular pipes and
equivalent circular pipe and box culvert
box culverts having smaller section.
in terms of water area.
Figure 5 shows the comparison of
In Figure 3a and 3b shows the arch pipe
hydraulic radii of arch pipe having a span
and the approximate equivalent circular
of 2.92 m and rise 1.83 m and equivalent
pipe. It is observed that same water way
circular pipes and boxes at various
area which is obtained by using a circular
depths. Arch pipes and circular pipes
pipe and box culvert could be achieved
have the maximum R value when the
with arch pipe having greater span and
depth of flow(y) is equal to the 75% rise
less height. If circular pipe of same height
(H) of the pipe. It is obtained that the
as in the case of arch pipe is provided,
equivalent circular pipes have slightly
then only half of water way area could be
greater R value compared to the arch
achieved. And hence multiple numbers of
pipes whereas in the case of box culverts,
circular pipes should have to be provided
the arch pipes have greater R value. From
in such case which is shown in Figure 4.
the Figure it is clear that arch pipes are
Similarly if circular pipe of same span as
having greater R value at low flow
in the case of arch pipe is provided, then

conditions compared to box culverts and hydraulic efficiency at low flow
circular pipes. conditions. For the sites with limited fall
conditions, arch pipes are more suitable
The hydraulic efficiency of pipes
and economical instead of using multiple
depends on the hydraulic radius value
numbers of circular pipes and box
and arch pipes are proven to have better

Fig.3 Water Area of Concrete Pipes a) Arch Pipe of 2.235 m span b)Circular Pipe
Equivalent to 2.235m Arch Pipe c) Box Culvert Equivalent to 2.235m Arch Pipe

Fig.4 Water Area of Water Area of Circular and Arch Pipes

Table 3 Water Area of Arch Pipe and Equivalent Circular Pipe

SL No. Circular Pipe Arch Pipe Box Culvert

Water Water Water
Diameter Span Rise Size
area area area
(m) (m) (m) (m)
(m2) (m2) (m2)
1 1.2 1.13 1.49 0.92 1.06 1 1.00
2 1.35 1.43 1.65 1.02 1.33 1.2 1.44
3 1.5 1.77 1.86 1.15 1.64 1.25 1.56
4 1.8 2.54 2.24 1.37 2.38 1.5 2.25
5 2.1 3.46 2.6 1.68 3.21 1.8 3.24
6 2.25 3.97 2.92 1.83 4.13 2 4.00
7 2.4 4.52 3.1 1.96 4.8 2.2 4.84
8 2.7 5.72 3.51 2.22 6.13 2.5 6.25
9 3 7.07 3.91 2.46 7.6 2.8 7.84
10 3.3 8.55 4.29 2.71 9.13 3 9.00

a) y = H

b) y = 0.75 H

c) y = 0.5 H

d) y = 0.25 H
Fig. 5 Comparison of Hydraulic Radii

Fig.6 Reinforcement Details

3.3 Reinforcement
means of Three Edge Bearing Test which
The pipe arch can be designed as beam or
is an external load crushing strength test
column elements depending upon the
consists of a diametral compression test
predominant force. It can be designed as
which helps to classify the pipes under
singly or doubly reinforced beam element
different classes. Figure 7 shows the
as per IRC 112:2020. Figure 6 shows the
schematic representation of three edge
layout of reinforcement to be provided.
bearing test of arch pipe. The test
Shear stirrups should be provided
procedures should be taken as per ASTM
wherever required.
C 497(1998).
VNIT Nagpur has developed a model
testing facility for conducting three edge
The mechanical performance of precast bearing test of three radius arch pipes.
concrete arch pipe can be examined by Photo 2a and 2b shows photographs of

arch pipe specimens before conducting of deformed arch pipes. From the test, it
the test. is seen that main cracks are appeared at
the top of bottom flat portion and outer
sides of the arch pipe. And hence, to
enhance the structural capacity of these
pipes further, extra mesh of
reinforcement should be provided on
these portions.

Fig.7 Schematic Representation of Three

Edge Bearing Test of Arch Pipe

Photo 3 Test Setup of Three Edge

Bearing Test
Photo 2a Arch Pipe Before Test

Photo 4a Cracks Observed at Bottom

Flat Portion
Photo 2b Test Specimens of Three Edge
Bearing Test

The three edge bearing test has

conducted on four arch pipe specimens.
Photo 3 shows the test setup for
conducting bearing test on arch pipes.
Photo 4b Cracks Observed at Outer
Photo 4a and 4b shows the photographs Sides

Fig.8 Comparison of Strength Values of Arch Pipe and Equivalent Circular Pipe

Figure 8 shows the comparison of  When the foundation comprises

strength values of precast concrete arch dense to very dense cohesionless
pipe of 2.235 m span and the equivalent material or stiff to hard cohesive
circular pipe of diameter 1.8m. It was material, no treatment is required.
observed that the strength of arch pipe is  For soft to firm cohesive
greater than that of equivalent circular foundations, trench reinforcement
pipe. The three edge bearing strength should be provided.
value of arch pipe is almost 2 times that  For loose to compact cohesionless
of circular pipe. foundations, trench reinforcement
should be provided by in-situ
Construction procedures are the most
5.2 Bedding
important factor responsible for the
structural integrity of a soil-steel bridge The bedding on which the bottom of pipe
and hence appropriate construction rests, should be composed of stone free
procedures and controls should be noted granular material and it should be pre-
on the construction drawings. Some of shaped in both the longitudinal and
the important things to be considered as transverse directions to accommodate the
per CHBDC (2014) and IRC 122:2017 conduit invert. The top layer of bedding,
are listed below. up to 200 mm thickness should be kept
un-compacted so that the ridges and
5.1 Foundation
valleys of the bottom part of the pipe
For the specific case of the foundation of maintain uniform contact with the
a pipe-arch, the following is bedding material.

5.3 Transportation

Before transporting, it should be ensured

that the precast units have gained
adequate strength. It should be loaded
and unloaded carefully to and from the
delivery vehicle, and it should be
adequately secured and supported to Photo 6 Lifting of Precast Arch Pipe
prevent them from overturning, shifting (https://www.flickr.com)
or being damaged during transportation.
5.5 Assembly and Erection
Photo 5 shows the unloading of precast
arch pipe units from the delivery vehicle. The assembling and erection of the
conduit wall should be done in such a
way that, there are no permanent set
results in any portion of the wall. If struts
are used to support the conduit wall
during backfilling, they should be
removed before they start restricting the
Photo 5 Unloading of Precast Arch Pipe
free downward movement of the crown.
Photo 7 shows the assembling and
5.4 Handling erection of arch pipe at site.

The precast products should be stored,

transported and handled in a manner to
avoid damage. The handling process
includes demoulding of precast products,
their storage, loading and unloading,
transportation to storage spaces and site
and erection. Care should be taken in Photo 7 Assembly and Erection of Arch
order to avoid stresses and damage in the Pipe (https://www.flickr.com)
precast units. Photo 6 shows the handling 5.6 Engineered Backfill
of precast arch pipe using mobile crane
lifting equipment. The backfill should be placed in layers
not more than 300 mm thickness and

compacted to the required density before 5.7 Headwalls and Appurtenances
placing the next layer. On the either sides
The soil-steel composite bridges are
of the conduit, the difference in levels of
more susceptible to damage by hydraulic
backfills the transverse direction should
effect and hence it should be provided
not exceed 600 mm. The degree of
with headwalls and cut-off appurtenances
compaction should not be less than 85%
if it is designed for hydraulic purpose.
of the Standard Proctor density. The
When a conduit wall at one of its ends is
backfill material should be free of stones
cut at a plane inclined to the vertical, the
exceeding 80 mm in size within a
continuity of the ring is no longer
distance of 300 mm of the pipe and
maintained in the bevel, because of
heavy compaction equipment should be
which the beveled ends of the pipe
avoided within 1.0 m of the pipe. In the
should be designed as earth-retaining
proximity of the pipe light compaction
structures. Photo 9 shows the arch pipe
equipment should be used. Photo 8a and
with headwalls provided at site.
8b shows the compaction of soil backfill
above and on the sides of arch pipe in

Photo 9 Arch Pipe with Head Wall Laid

on Site (https://line.17qq.com)

Photo 8a Compaction of Backfill around 5.8 Joints

Arch Pipe (https://www.flickr.com)
The joints and sealings should be done as
per IS 15916:2010. For precast
reinforced concrete arch pipes, tongue
and groove joint can be provided. In
tongue and groove joint, a layer of
cement paste or mortar is placed in the
Photo 8b Compaction of Backfill around lower portion of the groove and on the
Arch Pipe (https://www.flickr.com)
upper portion of the tongue of the pipe.

The tongue is then inserted into the above and also daily inspection
groove of the installed pipe until the under an engineer’s supervision
sealant material is squeezed out onto the should be made during the
interior or exterior surfaces. Figure 9 backfilling operations until a
shows an example of section through the minimum specified cover is
joint. attained.
 For structures with spans greater
than 8 m continuous inspection
and supervision by an engineer
should be provided.


1. Precast reinforced concrete arch

Fig.9 Arch Pipe Joints
pipe with three radii and flat
bottom are suitable for short span
5.9 Site Supervision and Control bridges and cross drainage
The inspection and supervision of
2. The arch pipe can be used as a
construction of the soil steel composite
superior alternative to multiple
bridges should be provided as per
number of circular and arch
pipes. The same water area can
 For soil steel composite bridges be achieved with relatively less
spanning between 3 m and 6m, an height compared to circular and
engineer should inspect the work box pipes.
at the completion of foundation, 3. Precast arch pipes are ideal for
bedding, assembly of pipe, and sites where space constraints and
placement of backfill under the limited headroom are present.
haunches, up to the spring line, up 4. Precast arch pipes have hydraulic
to the crown, and up to the level efficient cross section with
of minimum specified cover. improved hydraulic capacity and
 For spans greater than 6 m but it is ideal for low flow conditions
less than or equal to 8 m, the with less scouring.
inspection should be done as

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conducted on arch pipe, it is Specification for Reinforced
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Structural Design of Flexible
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