Air Drier
Air Drier
Air Drier
Chassis ID Path
A 690862 56/Description, Design and function/FM,
AIRDRY-E, CHID A638394-/Air drier
Model Identity
FM 122322305
Publish date Operation No.
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Air drier
The new electronic air drier works according to the same principles as it's air-controlled
predecessor. The difference is that the new air drier is controlled electronically. If the air drier
should for some reason become powerless, it will cease to function and the desiccant will become
wet through, while the compressor will continue to charge. Relief is provided via the safety valve.
By using the information from the vehicle electronic system, the air drier and compressor control
can be optimised, so that drying of the air is guaranteed and fuel consumption is reduced. The air
drier has a built-in function to prevent freezing or blockage. The function provides temporary relief
(air drier blow clean) at engine shut down. This function eliminates the problem of freezing on a
stationary vehicle.
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A: Compressor. B: Cooling coil. C: Air drier D: Vehicle control unit. E: Air system. F: Solenoid valve, regeneration
(Y51A). G: Solenoid valve, relief (Y51B). H: Electrical control signal, relief. I: Electrical control signal, regeneration. J:
Check valve. K: Data links: 1587/1939. The following values are obtained from these links: System pressure, engine
speed, engine elapsed time, ambient temperature and vehicle speed.
Wiring diagram
1 = From compressor
2 = To air system (air tanks)
3 = Evacuation
4 = Control signal to compressor
5 = Air filter
6 = Drier filter
Y51A = Solenoid valve, regeneration
Y51B = Solenoid valve, relief (compressor control)
Charging phase
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B = Dried air
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Regeneration phase
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Drier control
Icon on display
A function controls the regeneration of the air drier and ensures that the air fed to the vehicle
compressed air system is dry, even after long charging periods.
The monitoring strategy works by the system monitoring the pumped air volume (charge phase)
and regeneration (return flow from the system) depending on this volume. There is no longer a
separate regenerating tank.
After the charging phase is complete, the air drier is regenerated (dried) by a certain amount,
approx. 12%, of the pumped air, being fed back from the compressed air system through the air
drier and out via the silencer in the bottom. This functions according to the following principle: If 100
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litres of air is pumped out, then 12 litres shall flow back (1000/120) etc.
If the compressor has pumped a larger volume or air, the pressure will drop to the engagement
pressure before the required volume of air has flowed back. The compressor then starts again and
pumps until the disengagement pressure is reached and a regeneration is started. In this way, a
number of compressor charges and regenerations will be performed after each other automatically
until the required volume of air has flowed back. This can continue for a longer period of time (up to
a half hour) and is completely normal! The regeneration volume controls how the air drier operates.
See the diagram below, which shows the compressor's work and the air pressure in relation to the
regeneration volume.
The vehicle control unit, which controls the air drier and compressor, registers how much air needs
to flow back after each compressor charging. It does this even after engine shut down.
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Symbols in Description
Note: The pressure levels below apply to a vehicle with air suspension.
D Regeneration phase 2.1; air consumption has ceased, the drier is fully damp
(regeneration volume >360 l) and the vehicle drives at max. 30 km/h - the
pressure alternates between 12 and 10.1 bar.
Example: The vehicle drives slowly away from the load zone.
F Regeneration phase 2.3; The vehicle drives faster than 30 km/h - the
pressure has dropped to the high speed range and alternates between 10.6
and 9.6 bar.
P System pressure
V Level of regeneration volume (360 l) when fault code PPID 430 is set in MID
144, vehicle control unit.
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System pressure
The air pressure is always sufficient for brake operation and lifting of the air suspension. Below 10.1
bars pressure, charging will be the first priority. Above 10.1 bars pressure, regeneration will be the
first priority, however, with high air consumption, regeneration time will be short. In practice, this can
mean that a temporary air pressure somewhat lower than 10.1 bar may occur, since it can take a
few seconds to stop a regeneration that is in progress. See the table below for cut-in and cut-out
pressures for different variants:
ASCOP85 7.5 bar 7.5 bar 8.5 bar 7.5 bar 7.5 bar 8.5 bar
Leaf springs
ASCOP120 10.6 bar 10.1 bar 12.0 bar 10.6 bar 10.6 bar 12.0 bar
Leaf springs
ASCOP100 9.0 bar 9.0 bar 9.8 bar 9.0 bar 9.0 bar 9.8 bar
ASCOP120 10.6 bar 10.1 bar 12.0 bar 9.6 bar 9.6 bar 10.6 bar
ASCOP120 10.6 bar 10.6 bar 12.0 bar 10.6 bar 10.6 bar 12.0 bar
High Pressure
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For additional improvement of the drying function, the memory for the volume of undried air at each
engine shut-down (starter key turned to 0 position) is increased . With repeated turning of the
starter key between drive and 0 positions (i.e. when downloading software) the memory for undried
air can be so large that forced regeneration will occur at the next engine start. Therefore do not turn
the starter key unless necessary.
When downloading software for several control units, it is best to update the vehicle control unit
Compressor control
The function controls the compressor's connection and relief periods, and reduces fuel consumption
by charging the compressor on declines or during braking. As a side effect, the lifespan of the
compressor is increased since the average pressure in the system is lower.
System pressure
At vehicle speeds below 30 km/h, full system pressure is allowed, to guarantee that the air tanks
are completely filled prior to the vehicle entering a load depot.
At speeds over 30 km/h a reduced system pressure applies, except when descending inclines or
braking (no fuel injection) when full system pressure is allowed, i.e. the system can be filled when
charging does not require any energy from the engine.
To improve the starting characteristics of the engine, the compressor is unloaded during starting,
assuming that the system pressure is above 7 bar.
To avoid freezing or blocking of the air drier while the engine is turned off, a temporary unloading is
performed (air drier blow through) at engine switch off. The unloading is only performed if the
system pressure is above 7 bar.
Service checks
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Icon on display
This function helps the service personnel and vehicle owner to plan servicing and component
exchange and thereby reduces costs. On most of today's vehicles, the desiccant is changed too
often or too seldom, which results in high costs and poor functionality. On the electronically
controlled air drier, an icon is displayed (see figure) and a yellow warning lamp lights when it is time
to change the desiccant.
By using VCADS-PRO it is possible to read off the calculated remaining mileage to the next
desiccant replacement. The total pumped air volume for the compressor can also be read off.
The charge air volume is calculated from the charging time, system pressure and rotational speed.
If there is a problem with water in the tanks due to large air consumption, the parameter CUB can
be set to 15% (standard is 12%) by using VCADS-PRO. This increases the volume of air that must
flow back through the desiccant and increases the drying capacity.
When replacing desiccant or the compressor, calibration shall be performed (zero running time).
When changing to another size of compressor, the parameter data must be altered. All calibration
and alteration of parameter data is done with VCADS-PRO.
Customers who do not wish to perform calibration when changing desiccant holders, can by using
VCADS PRO: turn off this function. This however excludes the possibility of reading off the
remaining mileage to the next desiccant replacement.
To ensure good air quality, both with regard to dampness and oil content, it is important that the
correct type of desiccant cartridge is mounted. Volvos desiccant cartridge contains, in addition to
desiccant, an oil filter.
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Icon on display
The purpose of this function is to inform the driver that the compressor is charging abnormally,
which is usually an indication of an air leak, by using an icon (see figure) and a lamp on the display.
Two levels of warning are given. A white information lamp indicates increased fuel consumption. A
yellow warning lamp plus an icon indicates a risk for increase compressor and air drier wear, which
can lead to unplanned stops if the fault is not corrected.
The check is only performed when driving faster than 50 km/h and when the wheel brakes are not
in use.
This function handles presentation of fault information. Both direct hardware faults and faults
detected via the logic in the software are displayed. For the faults stated, an icon is displayed and a
warning lamp is lit. Fault presentation (under vehicle control unit) follows the previous architecture
for handling fault codes. The fault codes are described in service information Vehicle control unit,
fault codes under function group 36.
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