Three-Dimensional Diving Behavior of A South American Sea Lion (Otaria Avescens)
Three-Dimensional Diving Behavior of A South American Sea Lion (Otaria Avescens)
Three-Dimensional Diving Behavior of A South American Sea Lion (Otaria Avescens)
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4 authors, including:
Claudio Campagna
Wildlife Conservation Society
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Three-Dimensional Diving
Behavior of a South American Sea
Lion (Otaria flavescens)
Gabriele Müller
Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften, Kiel, Germany
Rory P. Wilson
University of Wales Swansea, School of Biological Sciences, Institute of
Environmental Sustainability, Swansea, UK
Even though the use of time-depth-recorders (TDRs) has dramatically
increased knowledge about pinniped diving behavior, recent studies have
shown the limitations of two-dimensional plots of time and depth in in-
terpretation of animal activity. Recently, new technologies have become
available allowing collection of more dive parameters so that dives can be
depicted in three dimensions. This study uses information collected by
a multiple-channel dead reckoner (tracking recorder) to provide detailed
information on movements in space of a male South American sea lion
(Otaria flavescens) in Patagonia, Argentina. The information was ana-
lyzed using an area-interest-index (AII), which reflects the directionality
of movement. The AII was calculated for a complete foraging trip where
the middle part showed the highest values, indicative of foraging activ-
ity. Activity estimations based on three-dimensional dive profiles (four
dimensions with speed) showed good agreement with the calculated AII.
The use of the AII is thus a promising tool for the determination of activ-
ity of marine animals over varying spatial scales.
Müller et al.—Three-Dimensional Diving Behavior
Determination of animal activity at sea has generally been hindered by
the lack of information on animal movement in three-dimensional space
so that behaviors cannot be assigned to specific areas. However, in recent
years advances in technology have allowed collection of information that
allows animal movements to be determined in more than the conven-
tional two dimensions of depth over time (Harcourt et al. 2000; Davis et
al. 2001, 2003, 2004; Hindell et al. 2002; Mitani et al. 2003).
Relatively little is known about the distribution at sea and diving
behavior of the South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens), knowledge
to date being almost exclusively limited to lactating females equipped
with satellite tags and time-depth recorders (Werner and Campagna 1995,
Campagna et al. 2001). We hypothesized that use of a compass together
with measures of speed and dive depth would allow a much more com-
prehensive insight into dive behavior than the standard dive depth versus
time approach. This study details recent investigations on a single male
sea lion using a dead reckoner (tracking recorder) to reconstruct the
three-dimensional route during a foraging trip, to detail the applicability
of the method as well as
Author--OK as to provide insights as to what types of behaviors
can be elucidated by this approach. An activity index based on analysis of
track tortuosity was created and applied to the route. Individual three-di-
mensional dive profiles are also provided to exemplify specific activities
observed at different stages of the trip.
As part of a larger project studying the foraging ecology of South Ameri-
can sea lions conducted at Peninsula Valdés, Chubut, Argentina, eight
subadult males from the breeding colony of ca. 250 males at Punta
Norte were equipped with dead reckoners (Driesen and Kern GmbH, Bad
Bramstedt, Germany) in November 2003. Animals were immobilized us-
ing a combination of tiletamine and zolazepam (Telazol®), which was
delivered intramuscularly by darting the animals. A detailed description
of this procedure is in Campagna et al. 2001. Approval for this procedure
was given by the Dirección de Fauna and Subsecretaría de Turismo de la
Provincia del Chubut. Although five units were recovered (see Müller et
al. 2005), we only managed to obtain appropriate data for the complete
foraging trip from a single animal. This is important for dead reckon-
ing applications because the start and end positions must be known to
correct for drift (Wilson et al. 2002). As a result, we will only consider
further the data from this single animal. The recovered device recorded
time, depth, swim speed, compass heading (in three dimensions), and
tilt angle (pitch and roll, 0-70 degrees off the horizontal) at a sampling
interval of 10 seconds. This relatively low sampling rate was chosen to try
Sea Lions of the World
and ensure that the complete foraging trips could be recorded before the
memory was full. Animal speed was determined by using two medium-
separated 20 bar pressure transducers, one that recorded hydrostatic
pressure directly and another that recorded hydrostatic pressure plus
an additional component derived from the pressure produced by the for-
ward motion of the animal underwater. For this a small paddle projected
into the water from the device. The paddle was linked via an axle to an-
other arm, set at 90 degrees to it, running longitudinally up the length
of the device. The end of this second arm articulated with a small plate
that rested on the medium-separating membrane of one of the pressure
transducers. Water pressure from the front as the animal swam caused
the paddle to be pushed back and thus, via the axle, caused the plate to
be pushed with more force down onto the membrane (cf. Wilson et al.
2004). This resulted in a higher pressure being recorded from one pres-
sure transducer than the other. Subtracting the value of one transducer
from the other produced an output that was proportional to swim speed.
This was calibrated in situ by plotting the pressure sensor’s swim compo-
nent against the known speed when the animal dived or returned to the
surface; simple trigonometry allowed us to calculate this using rates of
change of depth and pitch angle. The resulting regression was then used
to derive swim speed when the animal swam horizontally. The compass
used was a solid-state system sensing tri-axial magnetic field strength.
Methods for determination of heading are based on known pitch and roll
angle and are detailed in Mitani et al. (2003). The three-dimensional route
could be determined using the stored data and was reconstructed using
custom-written software (MT-Route from Jensen Software Systems, Laboe,
Germany). The route was corrected for drift using two procedures, by
incorporating the known start and end point of the trip and by correct-
ing for depth inconsistencies. In a first iteration of the route, the known
start and end points were made to accord with the calculated positions
by assuming that any errors were due to drift resulting from a constant
current displacing the animal to the extent shown over the full course
of the foraging trip (see equation 6 in Wilson et al. submitted). We then
used bathymetry data, with a resolution of 10 m, and superimposed the
first iteration onto the map, noting where the
Author--Please maximum
change depth or
to unpublished reached
by the animal exceeded that personal
of the seabed. The nearest likely point for
the animal to be, in terms of depth, was then allocated to that position
and all subsequent positions corrected to accord as if the error occurred
due to drift (see above).
An area-interest-index (AII) was used to describe animal activity at
sea (Fig. 1). It relates the total horizontal distance traveled between two
points (“a” through to “e”) to the direct distance between the first and the
last point (F):
Müller et al.—Three-Dimensional Diving Behavior
F e b
a d d
b c
During the 16 day foraging trip the sea lion made 2,163 dives, of which
1,849 (85.5%) were square (U-shape) dives (cf. Le Boeuf et al. 1988). The
mean dive depth was 62.5 m (SD 29.1 m) with mean duration being 4.7
min (SD 1.6 min). From Punta Norte the animal headed eastward toward
the shelf break, turning north just before reaching the 100 m depth con-
tour, and finally turning southwest on return to the colony (Fig. 2). The
AII was highly variable, but an inverse polynomial curve fit through the
means of each time interval showed that the index increased over time
reaching a maximum at about five days into the trip and then declining
again toward the end of the trip (Fig. 3). AII values less than 0.2 were
found in the first 10% and the last 25% of the trip with the middle part
showing greater AII values.
A selection of individual dives considered to be typical of three dif-
ferent parts of the foraging trip is shown in Figs. 4-6. All two-dimensional
Sea Lions of the World
41ºS AII 41ºS
0.01 - 0.34
80 m 0.35 - 0.66
0.67 - 1.00
50 m
43ºS 43ºS
100 m
80 m
64ºW 63ºW 62ºW 61ºW
Figure 2. Map showing the route of the foraging trip performed by a male
South American sea lion. For each dive only one AII value (cor-
responding to the start time of the dive) is depicted. The AII was
calculated over five successive points with only every tenth data
point being used in the calculation.
The results of this study highlight the advantage of incorporating infor-
mation on three-dimensional behavior and movements in the determina-
tion of animal activity at sea and the association of these activities with
specific areas. The sea lion in this study foraged on the Patagonian shelf,
Müller et al.—Three-Dimensional Diving Behavior
Area-Interest-Index (AII)
20 Nov 23 Nov 26 Nov 29 Nov 2 Dec 5 Dec
0 20 40 60 80 100
% of total time
Figure 3. The change in area-interest-index (AII) over the course of the com-
plete foraging trip (above) and AII means for time intervals (each
covering 5% of total time) with an inverse polynomial curve fit (y
= 1/(6.8017923 – 0.2313366x + 0.0045242x2 – 0.0000024x3 ), r2 =
0.5, below).
Sea Lions of the World
Depth (m)
Speed (m/s)
06:10 06:20 06:30 06:40 06:50
Depth (m)
Dis 300 )
tan 150 (m
e N-S
600 0 ta nc
) Dis
Figure 4. Example of dives from the beginning of the foraging trip with
relatively constant speed throughout the dives and low AII values.
The three-dimensional dive path of the framed dive is depicted
Müller et al.—Three-Dimensional Diving Behavior
Depth (m)
Speed (m/s)
11:50 12:00 12:10 12:20
Depth (m)
100 120
40 80
40 (m
Dis 80 N -S
tan ce
ce E n
-W 100 0 sta
(m) Di
Figure 5. Example of dives from the middle part of the foraging trip with
slow speed throughout the dives and variable AII values. The three-
dimensional dive path of the framed dive is depicted below.
Sea Lions of the World
Depth (m) 20
Speed (m/s)
15:40 15:50 16:00 16:10
Depth (m)
80 160
120 )
0 80 (m
20 -S
40 N
40 e
0 nc
Dist 60 ta
ance is
E-W 80 -40 D
Figure 6. Example of dives from the middle part of the foraging trip with
variable speed and AII values throughout the dives. The three-
dimensional dive path of the framed dive is depicted below. Note
the convoluted path in the bottom phase of the dive.
10 Müller et al.—Three-Dimensional Diving Behavior
(2 r A) + D
Horizontal travel efficiency =
(2 r C) + D
Horizontal travel efficiency
0 20 40 60 80 100
Depth (m)
as has been shown for other males from Peninsula Valdés (Campagna et
al. 2001; unpubl. data). The combination of position and area-interest-
index shows that only the middle part of the trip (in terms of distance
covered) is characterized by consistently high AII values. Both the out-
ward and inward legs of the trip show mainly low AII values (indicative of
directional movement), but each covers approximately the same distance
as the middle part, suggesting that the sea lion employs a strategy of
comparatively fast and directional travel to foraging grounds in order
to maximize the time available for foraging. This division of time at sea
into distinct travel and foraging phases has also been noted in southern
elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) (McConnell and Fedak 1996) and Ant-
arctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) (Bonadonna et al. 2000). The travel
function of these parts of the trip is further supported by inspection of
individual three-dimensional dive profiles. During these apparent travel
dives the animal shows very straight movements during all phases of the
dive, with only minor changes in speed during the entire dive. The reduc-
tion in speed at the surface does not necessarily reflect the actual swim
speed of the animal, as the device was located on the sea lion’s head and
therefore was not able to measure speed at the surface. In addition, the
location of the device led to a high variability in speed measurements,
as movements of the head do not necessarily reflect movements of the
body. Therefore the measured speed might not always correspond to the
actual swim speed, although the overall changes in speed are assumed
to be generally correct.
High AII values are a reflection of localized movements and thus
depict areas that are of particular interest to the animal. For the South
American sea lion, these areas are most likely foraging spots. Again,
the three-dimensional dive profiles support this, as the observed move-
ments, especially during the bottom phase, can be highly convoluted.
This suggests that the animal dives down to the bottom (at approximately
the same speed as during travel dives) and then slows down in order to
search for prey. The slow speed supports earlier studies which showed
that South American sea lions mainly feed on benthic-demersal prey
(George-Nascimiento et al. 1985, Koen Alonso et al. 2000). However, as
the sampling interval increases, the probability of recording short events
such as speed bursts during pursuit ofChanged
fast-moving prey will decrease
from 1999.
(see Ropert-Coudert and Wilson 2004 for a discussion of the errors in-
volved in this). Thus, data logging devices sampling at high frequencies
would be beneficial for a detailed study of the pursuit and capture of prey
(Davis et al. 1999, Williams et al. 2004).
The time-depth profiles in combination with the AII imply that the sea
lion at least partially performs square dives while traveling. Because the
movement during a dive can be divided into a horizontal and a vertical
component, the most efficient strategy for travel dives in which the hori-
zontal component is to be maximized would be to make shallow parabolic
12 Müller et al.—Three-Dimensional Diving Behavior
dives as observed in, e.g., penguins (Wilson 1995). For a constant dive
duration the horizontal distance traveled will decrease with increasing
depth, as a greater proportion of the dive is allocated to the vertical com-
ponent of the movement. This can be illustrated by calculating the hori-
zontal travel efficiency, which is the horizontal distance actually traveled
divided by the total distance traveled, including the vertical component
(Fig. 7). As the vertical component increases with depth, the horizontal
efficiency decreases because the horizontal movement along the bottom
becomes a smaller fraction of the total movement. Such a reduction in
efficiency not only leads to a loss of time for the animal but also to an
apparently unnecessary expenditure of energy. However, swimming along
the bottom may confer advantages that cannot be easily measured. It may
allow the animal to feed on an opportunistic basis, if prey is encountered,
which could be of particular importance after long periods of fasting on
land when the foraging grounds are far from land. In addition, if a sea
lion is close to the seabed it may reduce the risk of being detected by
predators such as sharks, as these often approach and attack their prey
from below and behind (Tricas and McCosker 1984, Crespi-Abril et al.
2003, Lucifora et al. 2005). Ultimately, however, the possible advantages
of swimming along the bottom will be eventually limited by the animals’
diving capacity and the bathymetry.
In conclusion, the analysis of a sea lion foraging trip using an index
of activity showed that, in terms of distance covered, the major part
of the trip was spent traveling. However, more than half the time was
spent performing more localized movements at lower speed, suggest-
ing foraging activity. This is supported by the three-dimensional dive
profiles that reveal substantial differences in movements during travel
and foraging dives. The obtained results emphasize that incorporation
of three-dimensional data on movements is particularly useful for de-
termining activity of animals at sea as well as inferring the function of
different dive types.
This study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Wi
1023/10-1) and the Wildlife Conservation Society. The help of M. Uhart,
B. Raphael, P. Calle, and D. A. Albareda with the anesthesia of the sea
lions, and of V. Ramos and P. Ledesma in recovering the dead reckoners,
is gratefully acknowledged. Permission to carry out the work was granted
by the Dirección de Fauna and Subsecretaría de Turismo de la Provincia
del Chubut, Argentina.
Sea Lions of the World 13
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Proceedings of Biologging II in Deep-Sea Research II .
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