9 Performance Monitoring Web
9 Performance Monitoring Web
9 Performance Monitoring Web
End of Module
• Module recap
• Further reading
Objectives & Requirements
Learning Objectives Module Requirements
§ Learn about the process of mini-grid § This module is targeted at mini-grid
performance monitoring. developers and operators at all stages of
§ Understand the type of data to collect development.
and the different collection methods. § They are expected to have a basic
§ Learn about the analysis tools available understanding of rural, off-grid energy
to developers, including the Mini-grid markets and community dynamics in
Quality Assurance Framework. developing countries.
§ Learn about the three most important
§ No prior knowledge of performance
areas for mini-grid reporting and the
key performance indicators within monitoring is required.
1. Introduction 4. Performance indicators
§ Definition § Commercial & financial
§ Benefits of Performance Monitoring § Customer & utility accountability
§ Process overview § Technical
2. Data Collection 5. Reporting for Mini-grids
§ Data collection overview
§ Data classes
§ Automated vs. manual data collection
§ Data collection tools
3. Analysis
§ Data analysis tools
§ Quality Assurance Framework (QAF)
§ QAF Service Levels
§ Analysis of socio-economic data
Process Overview
• Define goals & benchmarks: Define goals and target benchmarks that the project is
Define goals &
seeking to achieve. benchmarks
• Define requirements: Identify the data required to evaluate these benchmarks, and
the method used to collect the data. Different goals will require different
measurements or methodologies. Implementation
• Data collection: Use automated or manual methods as defined in the previous stage.
Timely and accurate collection of data is critical to performance monitoring. Quality
and relevant data is vital for data analysis.
• Data analysis: Verify and analyse the raw data to determine potential improvements
to the mini-grid. Developing data analysis tools at an early stage in a project enables
efficient and immediate analysis throughout the project. Analysis tools should be
automated as much as possible and include an initial quality control to identify flaws distribution
Data collection
or errors in the data.
• Evaluation & distribution: Evaluate potential improvements to determine if they are
viable for the mini-grid’s environment and resources. Communicate results of the
evaluation to stakeholders for their approval.
• Implementation & verification: Implement corrective actions or system Evaluation Data analysis
improvements that are necessary and cost effective. The actual impact of these
improvements must be evaluated against the original benchmarks by a continued
process of data collection and analysis.
Data Collection
• Some developers require a lot of time and resources to manage data collection, but with well-designed collection infrastructure
(e.g. smart meters) the burden can be reduced.
• Decide which measurement system to use during the development phase of the project so that the appropriate technology can
be costed, procured, and installed.
• Collect data to measure two types of impact: economic and social.
• Measuring the social impact of a project is more difficult, but developers, investors and regulators will often all want to
understand this.
• There are no industry standard frameworks or indicators for social impact for developers to use.
Data Collection
Data Classes
There are 3 “classes” of data:
Remote Monitoring Data Socio-Economic Data Commercial & Financial Data
Smart meter and plant-side data collected Customer feedback: Commercial & financial data monitoring performance of
monthly containing: • Customer complaints and the business:
• Energy consumption data: if possible on satisfaction. • Financial information on past and projected CAPEX
hourly basis • Surveys on demographic, and OPEX costs (cost of connection, cost of power,
• Energy payment data: number of household, and income payroll, etc.).
customer payments and amounts information, which is • Information on projected revenues and consumption
• Power quality (AC / DC): voltage stability, conducted by (number of customers, of new connections, of
ripples & switching noise, transients, faults enumerators on the unconnected customers). Information on tariff
/ day ground via mobile structure.
• Power reliability: SAIFI, SAIDI (see notes) surveying applications. • Information on mini-grid sizing (total losses).
It is important to capture all these classes because they give a different perspective on mini-grid performance.
Sources: Quality Assurance Framework for Mini-Grids, NREL, U.S. Department of Energy, Nov 2016
Mini-Grids Performance Monitoring work done by E4I & NREL as part of the Power Africa Beyond the Grid programme
Data Collection
Automated Manual
• Continuous recording of data with high flexibility of • Low up-front and maintenance costs
recording rate • Allows for flexibility in the data collection process and
• Less labour intensive and time consuming parameters recorded over time
Data Collection
• Qualitative / subjective data collection gathered from:
• Face-to-face surveys
• Phone Interviews
• Other customer feedback and staff
• There are currently no standard data analysis tools for the mini-grid industry,
but several companies are working on components of this.
• These companies include Spark Meter, Odyssey Energy, and a spin-off from Rafiki
Power based on their Asset Management and Monitoring Platform (AMMP)
• There are generic customer relationship management (CRM) tools which can
be adapted to a developer’s needs. These can incorporate payment systems
(such as the Angaza Technologies platform) and SMS aggregators for bulk-
sending of SMS messages.
• Analysis is often done on an adhoc basis. Developers need support, training and
tools to create standards aligned with reporting requirements.
The QAF evaluates performance against the service level of power supplied. Level of service measured by
Here is an example showing the service level definitions for peak available power, which
is a measure of power availability.
For more information on electricity service levels for quality, availability and
reliability, please see Chapter 3 of Baring-Gould, I. et. al. (2016).
Performance Indicators
Performance Indicators
Most performance monitoring happens during the operation and
maintenance phase of a project.
Performance Indicators
Indicator Units
Number of customers # (number)
New connections # / month
Potential unconnected customers #
Expired connections #
Metered customers #
Monthly payment collections %
(number of customers who payed / total number of customers)
Total electrification (number of customers / total population in %
Performance Indicators
Indicator Units
Revenue USD1 / month
Other revenues (e.g. from other services offered by the project, USD / month
connection fees, wiring fees, etc.)2
Administrative and/or distribution cost per connection USD / connection
Cost of power generation, distribution and administration USD / kWh
Total cost of power USD / kWh
Total fuel costs (differentiating fuel costs and fuel USD / month;
transportation costs) USD / litre
Indicator Units
Fuel efficiency (to assess fuel loss and generator operational gallons / kWh
Total losses (kWh generated / kWh sold) %
Number and type of suppliers or contractors #
Performance of suppliers or contractors description
Payroll (disaggregated by team) USD
Team responsibilities description
Performance Indicators
Performance Indicators
Indicator Units
Power consumption (disaggregated by customer, service level, kWh / month
and type)
Number of new connections # / month
Number of disconnections # / month
Reasons for connection or disconnection description
Number and type of outreach activities #
Percentage of the community connected %
Increases in the community’s participation in local industry %, by value chain
value chains
Performance Indicators
Indicator Units
Increases in the number of products and services available in # & types
the local community
Sample appliance ownership by customer # & appliance
Customer satisfaction with various aspects of mini-grid service Satisfaction score (1-
5), with reasons
Training methodologies description
Customer training on energy usage # trained
Performance Indicators
Module recap
• Performance monitoring is important for all stakeholders: the mini-grid operator, their
customers, regulators & policy makers, and investors & donors.
• Performance monitoring is a continuous process. Strategies are implemented, their impact is
analysed, then strategies are updated, and the process starts again.
• Developers can collect data on the ground e.g socio-economic data or remotely e.g on
consumption and payments.
• There are no industry standard data analysis tools, but some companies are offering
platforms for such work.
• Developers report on 3 main areas of performance: customer demand/utility accountability;
commercial/financial; and technical performance.
• Technical reporting can be done using the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) which
measures services levels based on quality, availability and reliability of power supply.
Further Reading
Booth, S.; Li, X.; Esterly, S.; Baring-Gould, I.; Clowes, J.; Weston, P.; Shukla, P.; Thacker, J. & Jacquiau-Chamski, A. (2019). Performance Monitoring of African Micro-grids: Good
Practices and Operational Data. National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), USA; Energy 4 Impact, Kenya; Spark Meter International, Kenya. Not published as of writing this
Baring-Gould, I., Burman, K., Singh, M., Esterly, S., Mutiso, R., & McGregor, C. (2016). Quality assurance framework for mini-grids (No. NREL/TP-5000-67374). National Renewable
Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States). https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy17osti/67374.pdf
Androsch, H., Foster, R., Orozco, R., Isiolaotan, O., Ramasubramanian, V., Kabir, H., & Dr. Staedter, H. (2017). Mini-Grid Design - Focus on Solar Photovoltaic and Micro Hydro.
Abuja: Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. https://energypedia.info/images/a/a8/Mini-Grid_Design-Training_Handbook-
ESMAP Technical Paper. (September 2000). Mini-Grid Design Manual. Washington DC: The World Bank. https://www.esmap.org/node/1009
Garside, B., & Wykes, S. (December 2017). Planning pro-poor energy services for maximum impact: The Energy Delivery Model Toolkit. iied, CAFOD.
Green Mini-grid Help Desk (2019). Help Desk For Developers And Operators. African Development Bank, Energy 4 Impact, Inensus. https://greenminigrid.afdb.org/help-desk-
Gollwitzer, L., & Cloke, J. (May 2018). Briefing Paper 1 - Lessons From Collective Action For The Local Governance of Mini-Grids For Pro-Poor Electricity Access. Low Carbon For
Energy Development Network. https://www.gov.uk/dfid-research-outputs/lessons-from-collective-action-for-the-local-governance-of-mini-grids-for-pro-poor-electricity-