Peer Assignment 2
Peer Assignment 2
Peer Assignment 2
The prospect is a 34-year-old married Vietnamese
woman with two school going children. Her husband
goes to work in a factory repairing vehicles.
As typical of cottage industries in Vietnam, she works full-
time at her home to produce incense as well as growing
her own vegetables. The money is sufficient to support
most of the household expenditures.
She wishes her children to grow up educated, and not do
the same work as her, because it is hard labour.
The marketing content is to get her to purchase an electric incense drying machine, so that incense
production can occur regardless of weather conditions and all year round.
Content Piece
from her neighbours who also bought and used the machines has encouraged her to
buy a second machine.
Ms Cho has made the right choice, and today, she has more money and time to spend
on her family.
If you are still producing incense using the traditional way, maybe it is time to make
a change. There are several models for you to choose from, depending on your
needs. Showrooms of the SunMax Electric Incense Dryer are located at <address>,
next to the National University of Vietnamese Engineers. First time buyers get a
three-month risk-free trial. If you are ever unhappy with the product, just give the
company a call to return the product at no charge.
So, what are you waiting for? Give the company a call at <contact number> to talk to
the sales agent.