10-OBGYN-Glory Group
10-OBGYN-Glory Group
10-OBGYN-Glory Group
Corrected by: Glory Team
Rearranged By: Hussain Alhashem
Adam Alkhars
Hussain Alameer
1. 56 Years postmenopausal her pap smear hx was normal except one month
ago revealed ASCUs , then given local estrogen for one month then pap
smear repeated revealed intraepithelial lesion,Next step is?
A. conization
B. hysterectomy
N.B: Any high risk lesion on pap smear (high vaginal swab) should be followed by
4. 43 year old she has 3 children the first child was by C -section the other 2
were vaginal birth, now she is pregnant (36 weeks) comes with Rupture of
membrane, by us placenta previa, AFI 4 cm,CX is 2 cm 50% effaced.
What is the Absolute CI for ECV?
A. previous CS
B. her age
C. US result
N.B: C/I of ECV are US results of oligo or polyhydramnios + placenta previa +
previous C-S. N.B: CI of instrumental vaginal delivery is cephalopelvic
11. Pregnant women during vaginal delivery , what can make her has fourth degree
perineal tear ?
A- unrestrained legs and squatting position
B- unrestrained legs and sitting on chair
C- restrained legs and use of forceps and other metallic instrument.
12. 42 weeks + 3 days pregnant women bishop score 8 CTG reactive , No CPD how to
A- Expectant
D- decide after one week
N.B: Bioshop above 4 = Go for induction
N.B: If she was 39 or 40 weeks the answer will be CS
14. 34 weeks pregnant doses not feel her baby movement, she goes to the doctor and did
CTG was reactive, what is your management?
A. urgent CS.
B. Bpp
C. refer for admission
15. women got pregnant after trying 10 years, now she is 10 week pregnant, she
has abdomen pain and vaginal bleed, she went to the ER , the dr said the
was not fetal heart sound and this is abortion ( they were shocked ) what the
doctor should do ?
A- Sympathy
B- Admission after evacuation as post-partum care
C- Search for cause of abortion
16. protin +2, ketonuria, glucose high, pregnant 37 wks + 8 days, management?
A- Labor
20. hormonal replacement therapy. We should know if she have uterus or post
hysterectomy. You must know does she have uterus or already removed to assess
her for endometrial cancer risk
(if post hysterectomy and now need HRT so give Estrogen
only HRT) (if intact uterus and now need HRT so give
Combined HRT)
26. CTG, deceleration Late -> placenta insufficiency, Early -> head compression,
Variable -> cord compression
30. Pt had retained placenta and has bleeding what type of PPH?
A-primary. B- secondary
31. Pt in labor, dilatation 5cm since 2 hour, effacement 100, station 0. Management?
B-give oxytocin
32. Case of PPH. What to give?
A-oxytocin.(First drug to be given).√
34. Pt had a previous C-S. Now pregnant at 36 weeks with abdominal pain. Vitals:
hypotensive, tachycardia. Dx?
A-uterine rupture
B-abruptio placenta.√
N.B: Hypotension + tachycardia are signs of abruption of the placenta.
49. Gestational diabetes. A normal pregnancy associated with diabetogenic condition due to
A- progesterone
B- same as above due to estrogen
C- due to FSH
59. PTs with Post-delivery bleeding and she have asthma, what’s CI in her case to
stop bleeding?
A. Oxytocin
B. Misprostol (prostaglandins).
C. carboprost
Hemabate( carboprost) is PGF2 Alpha which can cause or aggravate bronchospasm
60. female patient with fibroid wants to keep fertility what is the ttt?
A. laproscopic hestrectomy
B. laproscopic myeomectomy
C. laparotomy myeomectomy
D. laparotomy hestrectomy.
61. Multiple questions of female with right lower quadrant pain some came with
+ve pregnancy and some with -ve what is the diagnosis?
Choices were the same as I could remember.
A. Acute appendicitis
B. ovarian torsion
C. ectopic pregnancy
62. Question clearly states ectopic pregnancy 6 weeks aminohrea what is ttt?
A- methotrexate
B- laparoscopic surgery
Depends on BHCG:
If less than 5000 metho , If more than
5000 lab Less than 3,5 give metho
-Laparoscopic is the best diagnostic and therapeutic-
63. Pregnant during labour CTG showing contractions and decealration of heart rate of
fetua she was given analgesia and oxytocin what is causing the deceleration?
A- oxytocin
B- Anesthesia
Bc it causes tense uterine contraction and reduces blood transported to fetus
64. Almost same question but different CTG showing no change in heart
rate of fetus during contraction, what’s the cause?
A- oxytocin.
B- Anesthesia
C- Analgesia
These 2 depend on CTG picture to determine type of deceleration I had 3
One early ...head compression
One late ... anesthesia induced maternal hypotension lead to placentsl
hypoperfusion and fetal distress
One was normal ctg no deceleration normal variability.
65. Multiple question on Vaginal discharge ttt and diagnosis (trachoma, viginosis, and
66. Questions about hyperemesis and high BHCG (80 thousand) what is your
A.partialmolar pregnancy
67. what is the age recommended for screening by pap smear for married women?
A- 20-24
B- 26-30
C- 30-35
D- 36-40
68. pt LMP since 8 week with rt abd pain: Ectopic pregnancy
69. pt with irregular menses LMP since 6week first test: Pregnancy test
72. fetus with head up flexed knee and hip and flexed hand
A- frank breech
B- complete breec
73. 6 year girl with vulvar itching and bleeding what you think:
A- foreign body
B- sexual abuse
74. pt with vaginal itching and bad smell the microscopic is flatellaprazite
A- trichominosis
75. pt pregnant come with severe bleeding and component in cervix what next
A- iv fluid and D&C
B- expectant management
Explanation: this is a case of incomplete miscarriage.
77. pt with irregular menses and acne and hair in face her wt 60kg:
A- Pcos
B- Hypothyroidism.
79. (55 years old) female her last mammogram was normal when she will do the next
A- 1 year
B- 2year
C- 3-year
D- 4 year
80. 27 years old female she did Pap smears before 3 years it was normal what is your
advice for her?
A- Reassurance
B- no pap test
C- pap test with cytology
81. female with the result of cervical biopsy by microscopic is ASCUS what next?
A- Coloscpy
B- PV examination.
83. female after uterus prolapse surgery have the urine from vagina what is dx?
A- ureterovaginal fistula.
B- urethrovaginal fistula
C- vesicovaginal fistula
84. pregant lady in labor with active regular contractions every 3 mins and cervix
dilated 5 cm. After 4 hrs still the same, and CTG shows grade 1 heart activity.
What will u do?
A- Oxytocin
B- instrumntal delivery
85. gyn explain to the pt that HRT will not help her menpousal symptoms at this
stage but the pt insist to have it what should he do?
- Refuse to give her
88. pt with several weeks of amenorrhea came with PV bl and BHCG was positive os
close What is the Dx?
A- Threatened bortion
89. pt with incomplete abortion and some tissue presented at os. What is the
- IVF and D&C
90. pt at 22 wks has abdominal pain then feel decrease of fetal movement and feel
SOB, …etc what is the dx?
A- Amniotic fluid embolism. B-Septic shock
91. pregnant lady with elevated BP and significant edema nothing was mentioned
about proteinuria .How to mange?
A- Diuretics
92. Clinical scenario of (painless genital ulcer + skin rash). What is the dx?
A- Secondary syphilis.
93. Young lady with presentation looks like DVT and amenorrhea for several wks ,
PT -ve What is the important q to ask?
A- History OCP.
94. Pt with sudden acute pain us showed mass in ovary what is the dx?
A- Ruptured of ovarian cyst.
B- Ovarian torsion.
95. Ectopic pregnancy 6 wks less than 3.5 cm pt stable with mild pl mx?
A- Serial BHCG.
B- Methotrexate.
C- Laparoscopic.
D- Expectant mx.
96. Pt with ectopic bhcg 200+ treated with methotrexate came in few week with
sever pain and bhcg 6000 what to do?
Explanation: If stable = laparoscopy , unstable = laparotomy.
97. Delayed puberty 15 yrsshort , some problem with hair line, elevated blood
pressure, short and I think constipation. Dx?
A- Turner syndrome. B- Hypothyroidism.
102.smoker with fetal desmia cries that her smoking killed her fetus
A- Tell her…
B- Say the cause not yet clear
105.2nd degree laceration and another in the vaginal wall u cant suture due to the perfuse
bleeding from above
A- 10 ut oxytocin.
B- Prostaglandin
C- Explore the uterus and examine it
107.what is the age recommended for screening by pap smear for married women?
a. 20-24
b. 26-30
c. 30-35
d. 36-40
Pap smear screening start at age 21 an after 3 years of marriage
112.Woman with vaginal discharge offensive fishy odor revealed clue test d.d
A-Bacterial vaginosis
B-Trichomonas vaginosis
113.Female with scanty vaginal bleeding she noticed that postcoital. what’s your
C-assess the vagina and cervix
114.A 30 year old female has recently given birth. She presents with a sudden onset of
shortness of breath. What would you expect to see in the x-ray? (not sure)
A- Cardiomegaly
B- Increase in mediastinal width
C- Lobar infiltrate
D- Pleural effusion
115.case of a female came after 3 months of delivery, saying she used to suffer with
low mood, irritability during the first 2 weeks of delivery but symptoms resolved
now completely….what condition did she suffer from…?
A- postpartum psychosis
B- pp blues
C- pp depression
D- pp hallucinations
118.A female patient came to the clinic complaining of a mass on a vagina she has a
history of repeated unprotected intercourse with multiple partners, upon
examination. she has a wart in the vagina, the causative agent is:
A- Herpes simples
B- Neisseria Gonorrhoea
C- Treponemma pallidum
D- Molluscum contagiosum
119.female pt with small papule on genital area with central pitting, h/o unprotected sexual
intercourse with multiple partners.
A- Herpes simples
B- Neisseria Gonorrhoea
C- Treponemma pallidum
D- Molluscum contagiosum
122.Pregnant, 10 weeks with HTN never went to doctor before (chronic HTN) what is the
- Pre-eclampsia ( if IUGR in the choices , choese it)
123.(Long Case)... IUGR , witch one of the following can be the cause? Oligohydramnios
124.q about menopause had fibroid before 4 years 4x3 cm come now with bleeding and
in US the fibroid size 7.6 and endometrial thickness 6 (normal <4) what is the cause?
- Endometrial cancer
129. weeks pregnant came with breech presentation what is your next step?
Flu 36 weeks -ECV
130.Pregnant in her 38 week and 2 weeks ago she was admitted and ECV was done for
her. Currently the fetus position is in linear (or lateral not sure) with amniotic fluid
index 12. What’s the contraindication for ECV in her condition?
- fetal position
132.Female with vaginal discharge + nucleic acid amplification test (+ve), Dx?
- Gonorrhea
133.Female come with grayish vaginal discharge + PH Dx, bacterial vaginosis what is ttt?
A- Oral metronidazole
136.Female has painful period she use NSAID she want stronger medication what to advice
- Exercise and relaxation.
139.Pregnant with pre-eclampsia mild 140/40 with abdominal pain .platelet and,
uricaerd what indicate severity?
- Abdominal pain
140. Pregnant in her 37 week fainted and complain of sever abd pain no bleeding
pb 80/50 HR120 WHat is the diagnosis?
A- pulmonary empolism.
B- abruptio placentae.
143. 65 years old femal presented with vaginal bleeding and abd pain Ca125 very
high what u wll do?
A- biobsy.
B- antibiotic.
C- admit.
144. pregnant lady with recurrent pain known case of gallstone what wll do?
A- open surgery in the second trimester
B- belter laparoscopy in 2nd trimester.
C- surgery after delivery.
145. pregnant lady complains of foul-smelling vaginal discharge what u wll give?
A- Amoxicillin
B- Cephalexin
C- Metronidazole.
148. pt with ectopic pregnancy what is best question before managment of the pt?
A- accessability to hospital.
B- previous surgery.
151. Pregnant at 20 week complain of vaginal bleeding os closed ultra sound no fetus
A- complete abortion
154. Magnisium sulfate given to HTN pregnant to: A. prevent the attack eclampsia.
158. Case of Trichmonisis what’s the dx,and what’s the treatment? Metro
159. You are seeing a 78 yrs old lady in clinic. She looks sick had signification weight
loss and feels tired all the time. She has pelvic mass. What the the most appropriate
screening test to confirm the diagnosis:
B- Colposcopy
C- Ca-125
Colpo for cervical cancer
Endometrial biopsy for endometrial cancer US then surgical biopsy for Ovarian cancer
160. Pregnant lady in her first trimester, she was exposed to rubella 3 days ago, what
you’re going to do:
A- Nothing
C- Terminate the pregnancy
D- Rubella Igg
162. First trimester miscarriage at 5 week with history of 2nd trimester abortion twice
duo to cervical incompetence, cause now:
A- Cervical incompetence->2nd
B- Chromosomal abnormality ->1st ->11week
164. After stopping the OCP, pt sll have amenorrhea for 6 months, gain 5 kg, feel
tired. labs show elevated glucose
A- Hypothyroidism
B- Cushing syndrome
Estrogen increases cortisol binding globulin,
165. case female pregnant Still born at 38 wks everything normal then discharge but
after 3 days come back with bleeding from every site injection Which best
investigation? DIC
A- Hemoglobin electrophoresis B- Fibrin product.
167. clinical scenario about overian tube torsion: Sudden severe lower abdominal pain
+ tenderness ^
170.US of pregnant shows breech position, both legs and hip flexed, asking about breech
Complete breech
171.Pregnent has abruptio placente what is the acid base balance of fetus Asphyxia..
A- Res acidosis..
B- Metabolic acidosis
Pethidine cause mixed acidosis
Placenta abruption metabolic acido
Pre eclampsia res acidosis
172.Magnisum sulphate the aim in using it in pre-eclampsia.? To prevent convulsion
176.Salpingiotomy done for tubal pregnancy. After 6 weeks. Bhcg high . What's to
- If symptomatic - laparoscopic salpingectomy
- If Asymptotic – methotrexate
179.Pregnant with massive bleeding from abruptio placentae. Treatment to save her
A- admitted to ICU with obstetric team
B- Admitted with different spacilized team
C- 2 peripheral IV cannula and blood transfusion
N.B: The initial most important step in Abrupto is immediate resuscitation at ER to
stabilize patient.
184.34 years P4G3 GA 32 she is not came to ANC visit never, what the cause?
A- visit is expensive
B- Ignorance
C- scaring from visit
186. after delivery by 2 months, female came with urine leak from vagina
during urination. Dx?
A. urethrovaginal fistula
B. vesicovaginal fistula
192. What is the more important thing to check before instrumental delivery?
A. Breach
B. placenta abruption
C. head pelvic disproportion
193. Pregnant lady with 6cm and 80 effacement , ruptured members and head
station+1, what is the labor stage?
- Second
194. 24 yrs primigravida. Married 6 months ago, hx of irregular menses, at ER
complaining lower Abd pain, scanty vag.Bleeding, by us uterus empty, rt adnexal
mass 2,5 cm, bhcg 2500, bp 120/70, P 78 RR 14. Management:
A. surgical
B. medical
C. medical plus surgical
196. 56yes postmenopausal her pap smear hx was normal except one month ago
revealed ASCUs, then given local estrogen for one month then pap smear.
Repeated reveale dintra epithelia lesion. Next step is:
A. conization
B. hysterectomy
C. colposcopy
197. 31yrs 37wks ROM in labor examination reveled breach presentation, ctg
reactive PV CX 2 cm , 50 % effaced, mid anterior CX, your management:
B. oxytocin
C. Vag.Prostaglandin
D. iv antibiotics
199.Female 41 yrs want to get pregnant, lab done (high LH, high FSH) More prone to what?
A- endometrial cancer
B- osteoporosis
C- ovarian cancer
High FSH indicates ovarian failure > menopause > low estrogen > osteoporosis
201.Female after delivered present with unable to breast fed her baby and no milk at all.
diagnosis? Sheehan syndrome
202.Pt c/o of bleeding and she at 8wk gestational age on ex os closed and there is brownish
color appear during pv, the abdomen is soft, not tender or guarding and she denies
passage of few tissue By u/s you found gestational age 7wks what is diagnosis
A- molor pregnancy
B- threatened abortion
C- ectopic pregnancy
Threatened abortion Products of conception intact, intrauterine bleeding, no
dilation of cervix
203. case of cervical carcinoma and ask about the investigation? (read about
endometrial carcinoma and cervical carcinoma)
204. picture of CTG and ask about diagnosis (there is variable deceleration)
A- cord compression B- placental insufficiency
205. Long scenario the conclusion is pregnant ( ectopic, life in rural area ) her
husband travel in another country, she is complain severe pain and her neighbor
going with him to hospital, the vital sign is normal, the mass 2cm BHcg Lower
than 5000?
A- methotrexate
B- surgery because the distance
C- vital signs
206. Pregnant came to ER in her 18 weeks, comes with bleeding, cervix is open
and some products passed out?
A- therenated
B- missed
C- Incomplete
207. girl came to ER with child abuse, what the prove of abuse?
A- hymen injury at 6clock
210.pregnant lady, G4p3 ,35yo, 34GA came complaining of bleeding 2hours ago, what
question will you ask next?
A- Intercourse
B- Is she satisfied with her family
211. A female with abdominal pain and last menses 2months back,what is your
next step?
Pregnancy test
212. After how many months you will start call a couple infertile?
12 months
213. During-instrumental delivery, the doctor crushed the left (Ithink styelohioid) what
will be affected?
Left led closure,hearing loss,loss of taste anterior2/3, loss sensation of left side
217. Case 7yrs has pubic hair no breast development? premature adrenarche
218. with lower abd pain o/px mass, lower abdomen tenderness mainly RIF with fullness,
pregnancy test negative?
A- acute cystitis
B- ovarian torsion
C- rupture cyst
D- appendicitis
219. Ectopic pregnancy, 3cm no cardiac activity minimal free fluid in pouch, beta
HCG:3500 BP 90/60 her home 80km from near hospital. What is the
contraindication of methotrexate
A- hcg and us finding
B- vital signs
C- distance of her home to the hospital
220. trichomonas treatment?
223. Female pt with her husband for fertility counselling. BMI and All labs are
good, Regular menses. Your advice:
A- Keep physicaly active
B- Eat less fast food
C- Include 2 portion of vegetables and grains
224. Lady came her husband started HBV treatment , she is negative what to
advice about sexual relation
A- Tell her to use condom
B- To have normal intercourse
229. CTG one variable deceleration about pt primigraveda cervix 5cm and the fatus
is in station 0 with cephalic presenting part and this state for 4 hours even the
oxytocin had been taken what is the management for this pt?
A- stop oxytocin
B- immediate CS
C- follow up
D- instrumental delivery
230. pt came G3P1102 in the 32th week with abdominal pain and vaginal
bleeding CTG done which show late deceleration what the acid-base status of
the baby now?
A- Asphyxia
B- respiratory acidosis
C- metabolic acidosis
231. this diagram for the menstrual cycle what happens in the ovulation phase? Peak of LH
232. 14-year-old develop scanty pubic hair and darkness of the axillary region in
which stage depend on tanner staging?
A- I. B – II. C- III D- IV.
235. female after delivered present with unable to breast fed her baby and no milk
at all wt diagnosis? Sheehan syndrome
236. pt with 37 gastation with high albumin creatinine ratio and high blood
Pre- eclampsia
237. pt late trimester pregnancy and bp160/110 with blurred vision and
epigastric pain.
A- Hydralazin
B- NA nitroprusside
C- Methyl dopa
238. .pt pregnant with abd pain and On exam funds large than date and tender.
Concealed hge
239. pregnant with sever abd pain and on exam baby normal and utrus 2 week
large than date and tender. No v bleeding.
A- Red degeneration of fibroid
B- Abruption placenta
240. pt pregnant late fall from stair complain of dark v bleeding and and pain
contraction 3 to 4 per 10 min.
A- Abruption
B- Laten stage of labour
241. pt married with abd pain and drowsiness on exam abd tender but no
gaurdining with sloughs bowl sound
A- Ectopic
B- Rupture overain syct
242. Case scenario of female patient gets menopaused (cycles stopped). Then she
developed dysfunctional uterine bleeding for the last 3 months. TVUS found
endometriosis (Jnadi think this is endometrial thickness not endometriosis) with
thickness about mm 19. What to offer for this woman?
A- Ablation of endometriosis
B- Total abdominal hysterectomy- best management –
C- Laparoscopic hysterectomy
-If ask next step, do Endometrial biopsy-
243. Case scenario of female patient menopausal now 58 years old. She
developed dysfunctional uterine bleeding for the last 2 months. TVU found
multiple endometriosis. What to offer for this women?
A- Ablation of endometriosis
B- Total abdominal hysterectomy- if old pt-
C- Laparoscopic hysterectomy
249.pregnant women at 22 weeks presented with nausea and headache. On exam the
BP was high "168/100", otherwise healthy without protein in urine. TTT?
A- Hydralazine-
B- Methyl dopa
C- Nigedipine
D- Nitrates
250.A young female complaining of abdominal pain that increased with cycles, stay
for 5 days, first 2 days of cycle she missed school due severe pain (dysmenorrhea).
First next step in TTT?
NSAID is the best for primary dysmenorrhea
255. Postmenopausal women come to take HRT. You said she didn't need it. She
insisted to take it. What to do?
A- Prescribe HRT to her
B- Don't give it
C- Consult Hospital authority
D- Refer to another Gynecologist
256. Pregnant 36 weeks with HTN and plasma protein is high. Dx?
A- Preeclampsia
B- Eclampsia
C- Gestational HTN
257. 48 years old female came with abnormal uterine bleeding. TVU shows subserous
fibroid and endometrial thickness is 14 mm. Dx?
A- Fibrosarcoma
B- Myosarcoma
C- Fibromyoma
258. 31 years old female did pap smear annually in last 5 years and was negative.
Recommend pap smear in future?
A- Annually
B- Every 2 years
C- Every 3 years
260.Case of PCOS, normal FSH, high LH, testosterone high. What investigation to do
A- Glucose and lipid
B- Thyroid function.
261. Case about 21 years old primigravida with 2 years history of infertility now
came with spotting of blood (threatened abortion case). Nex step?
A- Confirm pregnancy by BhcG
B- Pelvic US
C- Ask about cause of infertility
Depend on real sentence in exam if not mention that she confirm pregnancy before chose
A If mention that did urine test and was positive go for B
262.Elderly female came with dysuria and frequency. What investigation you will do?
A- Urine analysis
B- CT abdomen
C- Something invasive.
263. 36 weeks pregnant lady has features of abrupto placenta, severe bleeding,
hypotensive, tachycardic and anemia. What to do to safe live?
A- ICU admission and multiteam work
B- Insert 2 large bore peripheral cannulas and blood transfusion
C- Delivery room
264. Woman come to clinic with history of multiple abortions, now she is 11 week
pregnant, what is the best predector of complication in pregnancy?
A- Abdominal pai
B- Vaginal bleeding
C- Other options
265.Women pregnant 34+2 weeks had cesarean section past pregnancy due to non-
reassuring fetal monitoring, present now for external cephalic version, US
amniotic fluid index 14, responsive CTG. What would be absolute
contraindication for ecv?
A- Previous cs
B- CTG results
C- US findings
266. 30 y old women comes with painless vaginal mass under urethral orifice that
bleeds when touched, picture wad provided. What is the diagnosis?
A- Bartholin abscess (wrong option)
B- Other option can't remember.
267. Case of pregnant women with UTI, culture was done and result was E.coli
sensitive for TMP/SMX and ceprofloxacin and nitrofurantoin, and asking what is
the best drug to give?
A- Cipro
C- Nitrofurantoin
272. Pregnent has abruptio placente what is the acid base balance of fetus Asphyxia
A- Res acidosis..
B- Metabolic acidosis
note: Pethidine cause mixed acidosis
Placenta abruptio metabolic acidosis
Pre-eclampsia respiratory acidosis
273. Picture about variable decelation in ctg what is the cause.. Abruptio or cord
prolapse. note:
Late de= Placenta insufficiency
Early de= head
Virable: cord
274. A woman with a history of breast cancer. Which of the following is medically
contraindicated for this woman?
A- Condoms
B- Copper containing intrauterine device
C- Laparoscopic tubal ligation
D- Progestin-only contraceptive pills
280.Case of PMB and US shows endometrial thickness of 14 mm. I think asking what
is the management?
A. Hysterectomy
281.Case of hyperprolactiemia.
288. Pt 34 years developed PPH S.V.D they give Oxytocin and do massage but not
stopped what you will do?
A- Hysterectomy.
B- Ligation of uterine artery.
Treatment of PPH:
-Uterine massage
-Nipple massage
-oxytocin ( increase contraction ) *para ventricular* and also vasopressin!!
IM 10 after 2-5 min
IV 20
IV. 40
-methergine 0.2 IM “every 2-4 hrs - contraindicated in HTN “
Carboprost! Prostaglandin f2 alpha 0.25 IM every 15 mins maximum is 8!! “
Contraindicated in asthma “
Side effects = diarrhea
Mesoprastole = prostaglandin E1 per rectal = illegal abortion !! ( but different rout
sublingual )
Side effect = postparypyrxia
403 D
-B linch stitch
- Ligation ( uterine artery from anterior internal iliac artery )
-Last hysterectomy
289. Post menopausal came to take HRT but doctor said no need according to the
condition but she is insisted for HRT. What is your action?
A- Refer to another gynecologist.
B- Refuse.
C- Respect and give her HRT.
290.Pregnant 10 weeks presented with vaginal bleeding. On exam cervix is closed what is
the diagnosis?
A- Incomplete abortion.
B- Missed.
C- Threatend
*Bleeding: threatened
Brown discharge: missed
294. 40yr.old woman asking about ca cx screening, pap smear when to do and asking
for ur advice...
A- no need now
B- can be done 1 year starting from now.
C- can be done every 5 year from now
D- if 3 negative, no need to further test for screening.
302. Patient who had hysterectomy and hot flush after the surgery management?
Transdermal Estrogen only
305. couple presented to infertility clinic. The man is working in battery manufacturing:
307. First trimester with Vaginal bleeding. Fetal parts felt in the internal os open.
Investable abortion
309. Short female, with htn, wide neck, dx? Turner's Syndrome✔
310. G 11 weeks, pregnant patient wants to quit smoking, what’ll you do? CBT
314. pregnant in her 37 week faint and complain of sever abd pain no pleedin pb
80/50 HR120 WHat os diagnosis?
A- pulmonary empolism
B- abruptio placente
315. pte with breast cancer and fibroid on tamoxfin develop vaginal bleeding US
show fibroid 8cm and hypoechogenic area what is diagnosis?
A- endometrial cancer
B- lyomyo sarcoma
C- overian cancer
316.pt with ectopic pregnancy what is pest question before management of the pte?
A- accessability to hospital
B- previous surgery
318. Pregnant lady in her first trimester, she was exposed to rubella 3 days ago, what
you’re going to do?
A- Nothing
C- Terminate the pregnancy
D- Rubella Ig
319.A pregnant woman with high BP 140/90 and had severe pre-eclampsia in the past
but has both lower Abdominal pain and back pain with Uricemia. No proteinuria,
in the question
Which shows she has severe pre-eclampsia?
B- Abdominal pain
C- Back pain
D- Uricemia
321. Female pt married has greenish-yellowish discharges with vaginal itching and
bad smell the microscopic is flatella prazite what is the dx? Trichomonas
322.Previous scar CS with USS findings of low lying placenta and AFI 4. Ask about
the absolute contraindication for ECV?
A- US findings
B- other options
334. Picture of anus with Cauliflower, for lady who had multiples unprotected sex:
335. Female with fever and Supra public pain with vaginal discharge?
A- Acute Cervictiitis
B- Acute Salpingitis
C- Vaginal problem
D- Vulva problem
336. pregnant lady have Nuchal translucency +ve > what complication the fetus will
- cardiac anomaly
337. Female not controlled pass of urine during cough or laugh and has suprapubic
- vasicocele
338. Pregnant fear that her son may transfer an infection from his school Which
vaccine to give?
- Influenza
339. Preganat c/o sever abd pain and uterine cotractions she was given 6mg Mg
sulfate and the e contractions become normal then decrease the dose to 4mg Then
complained of shortness of breath What to do?
A- give her Ca gluconate
B- Stop Mg sulfate
C- measure serum Mg sulfate D. fluid
** after stop Mg sulfate give the Ca gluconate
340. pregnant during ANC do 50gm glucose test and find high glucose level She is
more liable to which type if infection?
A- Candida
B- Trichomonus
C- bacterial vaginitis
D- atrophic vaginintis
341.pregnant c/o genital wart What to do?
A- cryo..
B- electro..
C- injection by......
**Cryotherapy (cryosurgery) destroys genital warts by freezing them with liquid
nitrogen and it’s safe for pregnancy
342. pregnant in early 2nd trimester c/o painful cx bleeding what to do?
A- pap smear
B- colposcopy
C- biopsy
D- Transvaginal US
* Threatend abortion, Transvaginal US
350. Female in reproductive age, come by an ambulance (RTA) What 1st thing u have
to do?
- check for pregnancy
354.Patient with severe pre-eclampsia with proteinuria, low platelets, abdominal pain
and high URAC acid What of the following indicate the poorer outcome:
A- high proteins
B- low playlets
C- Abdominal pain
D- High uric acid
355. patient with signs and symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome and asking about
diagnosis: but they mentioned the other name which is Stein–Leventhal syndrome
360. 28 years old female with normal pap smear 3 years old what to do?
A- Nothing
B- Pap smear with cytology
363. Patient with nervousness irritability and severe premenstrual symptoms what to
A- intradermal progestogen patch
C- Progesterone only pills
D- Other contraceptive methods other than the OCP
364.Quad test for Down syndrome in pregnancy:
- High Bhcg, low estradiol, low alpha fetoprotein, high inhibin A
366.Pregnant lady in week 13 GA, came with bleeding and suspected she have an infection
what test you do?
A- Pap smear
B- Biopsy
C- Colposcopy
D- Something invasive.
367.pte came in er with vaginal b. by ex diagnosed as abruptio, what to do to save her
A- transfere 2 pack rbc
B- take investigation
C- Call rapid response team of multi specialties.
368.adnexal mass, how to differentiate if it's benign ovarian cyst not malignant?