A Need To Know LGBT Rights: Review Article
A Need To Know LGBT Rights: Review Article
A Need To Know LGBT Rights: Review Article
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*Corresponding Author Abstract: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people in India face both Legal and Social
Dr. K.Sangeetha M.A.M.L difficulties not experienced by non LGBT persons. Sexual activity between two persons of the same sex is
Email: criminalised, and is punishable by incarceration in the eye of Law in India. However, India does, legally
Article History recognise Hijras as a gender separate from Men or Women, making the Country one of the few in the World to
Received: 04.01.2020 legally recognise a Third Gender’s Rights.
Accepted: 15.01.2020 Keywords: LGBT Rights, Constitution of India, Law in India, Supreme Court.
Published: 29.01.2020
Copyright @ 2019: This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non commercial use (NonCommercial, or CC-BY-NC) provided the original
author and source are credited.
Citation: Sangeetha, K. (2019). A Need to Know Lgbt Rights. Glob Acad J Humanit Soc Sci; Vol-2, Iss-1 pp-1-5.
K.Sangeetha; Glob Acad J Humanit Soc Sci; Vol-2, Iss-1 (Jan-Feb 2020): 1-5
their own Gotra or Sub-Caste, regarded in the State as a kin to machinery, Heera won a seat at the City Council of Jabalpur,
incest. Deputy Commissioner of Police Dr. Abhe Singh told to the Meera won a similar position in Sehora, and so did Gulshan in
vernacular newspaper ‘The Daily Telegraph’: that, "The couple Bina.
has been shifted to a safe house and that they have been provided
adequate security as per the Court’s Orders. The security is In December 2000, Asha Devi became the mayor of
provided on the basis of threat perception and in this case the Gorakhpur, and Kallu Kinnar was elected to the City councilor in
couple feared that their families might be against their Varanasi. And she said in her speech that, “I am sure there are
relationship." The couple eventually won Family approval. many more Low level, Inconspicuous Bureaucratic positions that
were held by the Hijras, but did not whip up any excitement for
Trans - Gender Rights in Tamil Nadu: the media not to mention the cases where they were probably
The Tamil Nadu State in India was the first State to threatened, bullied and killed to prevent them from running for
introduce a Transgender (Hijra/ Aravani) Welfare Policy. seats”. Curiously looking to this, the recent elections had Mangesh
According to the Transgender Welfare Policy, transgender people Bharat Khandye running for the Thane Lok Sabha Seat. Shabnam
can access Free Sex Re-assignment Surgery (SRS) in the Mausi is the first Transgender in Indian or Hijra to be elected to a
Government Hospital; Free Housing Program; various Citizenship Public Office. She was an elected member of the Madhya Pradesh
Documents; Admission in Government Schools and Colleges with State Legislative Assembly from 1998 to 2003. In 2000 Shabnam
full scholarship for Higher Studies; Alternative sources of Mausi became India's first Eunuch MP.(Hijras were granted
Livelihood through formation of Self-Help Groups (for savings) Voting Rights in 1994 in India.) In 2003, Hijras in Madhya
and Initiating Income-Generation Programmes (IGP). Tamil Nadu Pradesh have announced establishing their own political party
was also the first State to form a Transgender Welfare Board with called "Jeeti Jitayi Politics" (JJP), which literally means 'politics
representatives from the transgender community. that has already been won'. The party has also released an eight-
page election manifesto which it claims outlines why it is different
In India one group of transgender people are from mainstream Political Parties.
called Hijras. They were legally granted Voting rights as a third
sex in 1994. Due to alleged Legal ambiguity of the procedure, Kalki Subramaniam, a Transgender Rights Activist,
Indian transgender individuals do not have access to safe medical Writer and an Actor, In the 2011 assembly elections, Kalki tried in
facilities for SRS. On 15th April 2014, Supreme Court of vain to get a DMK ticket. Again on March 2014 Kalki announced in
India declared Transgender people as a Socially and Economically Pondicherry that she would contest in this election
Backward class entitled to Reservations in Education and Job, and from Villupuram constituency in neighbouring Tamil Nadu. She is
also directed Union and State Governments to frame Welfare likely to be among the very few contestants fighting in the
Schemes for them. national elections from the transgender community that faces
discrimination and ridicule. On 4th January 2015, independent
On 24th April 2015, the Rajya Sabha passed “The candidate Madhu Bai Kinnar was elected as the Mayor
Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, 2014”, guaranteeing rights of Raigarh, Chhattisgarh becoming India's first openly
and Entitlements, Reservations in Education and Jobs (2% Transgender Mayor.
reservation in Government Jobs), Legal aid, Pensions,
Unemployment Allowances and Skill development for Trans- Manabi Bandopadhyay became India's first
genders. It also contains provisions to prohibit discrimination in Transgender College Principal, on 9th June 2015, when she
employment, prevent abuse, violence and exploitation of trans- assumed the role of Principal of the Krishna Nagar Women’s
genders. The Bill also provides for the establishment of Welfare College in Nadia District, West Bengal.
Boards at the Centre and State level, and for Transgender Rights
Courts. The Bill was introduced by DMK MP Tiruchy Siva, and Gender issue in TNPSC and UPSC:
marked as the first time the House had passed a private member's Transgender Swapna and Gender Activist Gopi Shankar
bill in 45 years. The Bill was passed unanimously by the House. from ‘Srishti’ (NGO) from Madurai staged the protest in Madurai
However, the Bill contains several anomalies and a lack of clarity Collectorate on 7th October 2013 demanding Reservation and to
on how various ministries will co-ordinate to implement its permit alternate genders to appear for Examinations conducted
provisions. Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Thaawar by TNPSC, UPSC, SSC and Bank Exams. Swapna, incidentally, had
Chand Gehlot stated on 11th June 2015 that the Government successfully moved the Madras High Court in 2013 seeking
would introduce a Comprehensive Bill for Transgender Rights in permission to write the TNPSC Group II exam as a ‘Woman’
the Monsoon Session of the Parliament. The Bill will be based on candidate. Swapna is the first Trans person to clear TNPSC Group
the study on Transgender issues conducted by a Committee IV exams.
appointed on 27th January 2014. According to Gehlot, the
Government intends to provide Transgenders with all Rights and
entitlements currently enjoyed by Scheduled Castes and Third Gender Literature and Studies:
Scheduled Tribes. "Vaadamalli" by Novelist Su.Samuthiram is the first
Tamil Novel about Aravani Community in Tamil Nadu published
Transgenders Participation in Indian Politics: in the year 1994. Later Transgender activist, A. Revathi is the
Shabnam Mausi was Mayor from Katni and later same first Hijra to write about Transgender issues and Gender politics
year when she became Mayor, Hira Bhai became first Trans in Tamil, her works have been translated in more than 8
Gender MLA of India from Jabalpur Constituency (Vidhanshaba languages and acting as a primary resources on Gender Studies in
seat). Asia. Her book is part of research project for more than 100
universities. She is the author of ‘Unarvum Uruvamum’ (Feelings
The All India Hijra Kalyan Sabha fought for over a of the Entire Body); is the first of its kind in English from a
decade to get their voting rights, which they finally got in 1994. In member of the Hijra community. She also acted and directed
1996 Kali stood for elections in Patna under the then Judicial several stage plays on Gender and Sexuality issues in Tamil and
Reform Party and gave the Janata Dal and the BJP a bit of a fight. Kannada."The Truth about Me: A Hijra Life Story" by Transgender
Munni ran for the elections as well from South Bombay that year. A. Revathi is part of the syllabus for Final Year students of The
They both lost, more than 13 years Hijras are participating in the American College in Madurai. The American College is the first
Politics in India. college in India to introduce Third Gender Literature and Studies
with Research Oriented Seminar and the Tamil terms for Gender
After the defeat of Kali and Munni, three years later one queer people was coined in this College by Gender Activist Gopi
Kamla Jaan participated and won the position of the mayor of Shankar. Later “Naan Saravanan Alla” (2007) and Vidya's “I am
Katni in MP. Then there was Shabnam Mausi, who was elected to Vidya” (2008) became first Trans Woman autobiography.
the Legislative Assembly in 2002 as well. In the huge political
K.Sangeetha; Glob Acad J Humanit Soc Sci; Vol-2, Iss-1 (Jan-Feb 2020): 1-5
K.Sangeetha; Glob Acad J Humanit Soc Sci; Vol-2, Iss-1 (Jan-Feb 2020): 1-5
Eventually, in a Historic Judgement delivered on 2th established principles of law laid down by the apex Court
July 2009, Delhi High Court overturned the 150 year old enunciating the width and ambit of Fundamental Rights under
section, Legalising consensual homosexual activities between Articles 14, 15 and 21 of the Constitution.” The IPC, when enacted
adults. The essence of the section goes against the Fundamental in 1860, was justified; but with the passage of time it had become
Right of Human Citizens, stated the High Court while striking it arbitrary and unreasonable, the petition added. Naz Foundation
down. In a 105 page Judgement, a Bench of Chief Justice Ajit has also filed a review petition against the Supreme Court order
Prakash Shah and Justice S Muralidhar said that if not amended, on Section 377. On January 28, 2014 Supreme Court dismissed
section 377 of the IPC would violate Article 14 of the Indian the review Petition filed by Central Government, NGO Naz
Constitution, which states that, “every citizen has equal Foundation and several others, against its December 11 verdict
opportunity of life and is equal before law”. The Two Judge Bench on Section 377 of IPC.
went on to hold that:
Days Later and influenced by the Devyani Khobragade
“There is one Constitutional Tenet that can be said to be incident, former Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha called for the
underlying theme of the Indian Constitution; it is that of arrest of same sex companions of US diplomats, citing
'inclusiveness'. This Court believes that an Indian the Supreme Court of India's recent upholding of Section 377 of
Constitution respects and reflects this value deeply the Indian Penal Code. The decriminalisation of gay sex comes
ingrained in Indian Society, nurtured over several under fire from World leaders. The United Nations human rights
generations. The inclusiveness that Indian Society Chief Navi Pillay voiced her disappointment at the re-
Traditionally displayed, literally in every aspect of life, is criminalisation of consensual same sex relationships in India,
manifest in recognising a role in Society for everyone. calling it “a significant step backwards” for the Country. In the
Those perceived by the majority as "deviants' or wake of Indian Supreme Court's ruling that gay sex is illegal. UN
'different' are not on that score excluded or ostracised.” Chief Ban Ki-Moon stressed on the need for equality and opposed
any discrimination against Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals. Soon
“Where society can display inclusiveness and after the judgement, Sonia Gandhi, President of the then ruling
understanding, such persons can be assured of a life of Congress Party, asked Parliament to do away with section 377.
dignity and non-discrimination. This was the 'Spirit Congress Party Vice President Rahul Gandhi also wanted section
behind the Resolution' of which Nehru spoke so 377 to go and supported Gay Rights. In July 2014, Minister of
passionately. In our view, Indian Constitutional Law does State for Home Kiren Riiju in the BJP led Central Government told
not permit the Statutory Criminal Law to be held captive the Lok Sabha in a written reply that a decision regarding Section
by the popular misconceptions of who the LGBT’s are. It 377 of IPC can be taken only after pronouncement of judgement
cannot be forgotten that discrimination is antithesis of by the Supreme Court. However, on 13 January 2015, BJP
equality and that it is the recognition of equality which spokesperson Shaina NC, appearing on NDTV, stated, "We [BJP]
will foster the dignity of every individual.” are for decriminalising Homosexuality. That is the progressive
way forward."
The Court stated that the judgement would hold until Protest on Social Media:
Parliament chose to amend the Law. However, the Judgement Actor Imran Khan took action in order to disabuse
keeps intact the provisions of Section 377 insofar as it applies to homophobic people from their mistaken notions of homosexuality
non-consensual non-vaginal intercourse and intercourse with in a satire video. Many Mumbai film industry personalities such as
minors. Aamir Khan, Celina Jaitley, Twinkle Khanna, John Abraham, Karan
Johar, Farhan Akhtar, Riteish Deshmukh, Shruti Haasan, Sonam
A Batch of Appeals was filed with the Supreme Court, Kapoor, Anushka Sharma, Amitabh Bachchan, commented against
challenging the Delhi High Court judgment. On 27 March 2012, the ruling. Many other well known persons, including Nobel
the Supreme Court reserved verdict on these. After initially Laureate Amartya Sen, and writer Vikram Seth, protested against
opposing the judgment, the Attorney General G. E. the Supreme Court Ruling. The Wrong Burrow, a short story
Vahanvati decided not to file any appeal against the Delhi High satirising the Judgment of the Supreme Court, was published in
Court's verdict, stating, "insofar as [Section 377 of the Indian the 25th January 2015 edition of an Indian Express.
Penal Code] Criminalises consensual sexual acts of adults in
private [before it was struck down by the High Court] was The Politics of Gay Rights in India:
imposed upon Indian society due to the moral views of the British Legalising Homosexuality may not be as much of a Political
rulers." stretch as it appears.
When it comes to Lesbians, Gays, Bisexual and
2013 Judgement: Transgendered people, in the last week of June 2015 the U.S.
The Judgement of the Supreme Court of India of 11th Supreme Court ruling Legalising Same-sex Marriage highlights the
December 2013 did not find enough reason for portions of section gulf between India and much of the Democratic World. More than
377 to be declared as unconstitutional and overturned the Delhi 150 years after it was introduced, a Colonial era Indian Law
High Court judgement. On 11th December 2013, the Supreme continues to criminalize “Carnal intercourse against the order of
Court of India ruled Homosexuality to be a Criminal offence nature with any man, woman or animal.” This effectively makes
setting aside the 2009 judgement given by the Delhi High Court. homosexuality illegal in India, aligning the country closer to
In its Judgment the Supreme Court Bench of Justices G. S. Pakistan and Egypt than with the liberal democracies in Asia and
Singhvi and S. J. Mukhopadhaya stated that, "In view of the above the West.
discussion, we hold that Section 377 IPC does not suffer from the
vice of unconstitutionality and the declaration made by the In 2009, the Delhi High Court decriminalized all
Division Bench of the High court is Legally Unsustainable." consensual sex between adults in private, raising hopes among
activists that India was finally outgrowing an archaic law
The Bench of Justices G. S. Singhvi and S. J. restricting individual freedom. But two years ago the Supreme
Mukhopadhaya however noted that the Parliaments should Court overturned the decision and tossed the fate of Section 377,
debate and decide on the matter. A bench of justices upheld the the part of the Indian penal code that criminalizes gay sex, back to
constitutional validity of Section 377 of Indian Penal Code that Parliament.
makes anal sex a punishable offense. The central government has
filed a review petition on 21 December 2013. In its review
petition the Centre said: “The judgment suffers from errors
apparent on the face of the record, and is contrary to well-
K.Sangeetha; Glob Acad J Humanit Soc Sci; Vol-2, Iss-1 (Jan-Feb 2020): 1-5
Judicial restraint not practiced nearly enough by India’s The above views are mere opinions of an Individual
hyperactive Court’s is not the problem. The principle that Social and that whether it should be accepted or not is also left to an
Conventions are better challenged by elected Legislators than by Individuals perspective on the issue and as to Law the Supreme
unelected Judges is sound. Unfortunately, India’s politicians show Court’s decision stands final as of now. Any further change need
little inclination to revisit the issue. Liberals within the ruling to be awaited with due patience.
Bharatiya Janata Party who oppose Section 377 remain a small
minority. Those who call for the scrapping of the antiquated Law
are quickly drowned out by the likes of 75 year old Subramanian
Swamy, who calls homosexuality “a Genetic Disorder” and BOOK REFERENCE:
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