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Section J - Overview 2 Modification Code J2 - Truck-Bus Body Fitting 13

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Section J — Overview 2 Modification Code J2 — Truck-bus body fitting 13

1. Description 2 1. Scope 13
2. Related Australian Design Rules 2 2. Related standards 13
3. ADR dimension limits 2 3. Certification procedure 13
4. Record keeping 2 4. Certification requirements 13
5. Design requirements 3 J2 Checklist — Fitting of a truck-bus body (example) 15
Modification Code J1 — Body mounting 4 Modification Code J3 — Fitting of roll-over or falling object protection
system 16
1. Scope 4
2. Related standards 4 1. Scope 16
3. Certification procedure 4 2. Related standards 16
4. Compliance requirements 4 3. Certification procedure 16
5. Design requirements 4 4. Certification requirements 16
6. Installation requirements 5 5. Design requirements 17
J1 Checklist — Body mounting (example) 11 6. Installation requirements 17
J3 Checklist — Fitting of roll-over or falling object protection system
(example) 16
Section J — Overview

1. Description 2. Related Australian Design Rules

This section of Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 (VSB6) relates to the The Australian Design Rules (ADRs) relevant to this section
installation of bodies to vehicle chassis. It specifies the minimum include:
design and performance requirements for the installation of a
ADR no. Title
body onto a vehicle. Modifications that could affect the body
mounting system include: 13/.. Installation of Lighting and Light-signalling Devices
on other than L-Group Vehicles
• change of body type
• change of body size
42/.. General Safety Requirements
• extended or shortened wheelbase 43/.. Vehicle Configuration & Dimensions
• fitting of an additional axle
• fitting of chassis reinforcements or adaptions 3. ADR dimension limits
• chassis extension, such as increased rear overhang.
Ensure all dimensions of a vehicle, including internal (where
applicable) and external, are in accordance with the limits
It consists of the following modification codes: specified by the applicable in-service heavy vehicle regulator.
When considering compliance with dimension limits, loading of
J1 Body mounting the vehicle must be taken into account. For example, loading of
• mounting of bodies of all types to a motor vehicle or a vehicle fitted with a tipper body may result in bulging of the
trailer sides that result in the vehicle exceeding width limits. To prevent
• modification or replacement of body mountings this, less flexible materials or structures that support the body
• fitting of body equipment (e.g. roll-over tarps) not may need to be used.
covered by other sections of VSB6. Some jurisdictions may allow these dimensions to be exceeded
J2 Truck-bus body fitting under certain circumstances or conditions through notices or
• fitting of a bus body (i.e. a passenger carrying pod) onto a permits. Consult your heavy vehicle regulator for advice.
truck cab-chassis, with accompanying change of gross
vehicle mass (GVM) (Modification Code S1), seating  The installation of a body or body equipment that exceeds the
capacity (Modification Code K1) and of ride height dimension limits is not to be certified under this Section of VSB6.
(Modification Code F1) Where the relevant heavy vehicle regulator has issued a
• mounting of a complying bus body on a complying rolling dimension exemption, modification may be certified in
chassis. accordance with VSB6 Section J.
J3 Fitting of roll-over or falling object protection system
• installation of an external roll-over protection system 4. Record keeping
(ROPS) or a falling object protection system (FOPS) on a
The person responsible for certifying the modification should:
motor vehicle in accordance with the ROPS/FOPS
manufacturer’s instructions where these instructions • collate complete records, including drawings, calculations, test
meet the requirements of Modification Code J3. results and copies of the appropriate issue of Australian
Standards and ADRs
Most vehicle manufacturers issue instructions or
• retain the records for a minimum of seven years after
recommendations for body building and mounting, (typically
commissioning of the modified vehicle
called body builders guide). The vehicle manufacturer’s
• make the records available upon request for inspection by
recommendations are to be the primary source for
officers of the relevant federal, state or territory authority or
modifications. This section of VSB6 is intended for use only
relevant heavy vehicle regulator.
when the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations are no
longer available or applicable.
Reports and checklists
For bodies of specialised vehicles, such as aluminium tanks, the The person responsible for certifying the modification must
body manufacturer will provide mounting guidelines that are the complete and record the following reports and checklists as
primary source for installation instructions and are to be applicable:
adhered to, along with the chassis manufacturer’s guidelines.
J1 Checklist Body mounting
A bus body must be installed on a motor vehicle chassis in
accordance with both Modification Code J1 and certified for bus J2 Checklist Fitting of truck-bus body
related requirements in accordance with Modification Code J2. J3 Checklist Fitting of roll-over or falling object protection

Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 — Version 3.1

Section J — Body 2 of 18
Section J — Overview

5. Design requirements
Advanced braking systems
Advanced braking systems are an important safety feature fitted
to many new vehicles.
Advanced braking systems are programmed by the vehicle
manufacturer and are specific to the vehicle to which they are
fitted. Changes made to the vehicle, such as engine, tyre size,
steering control, suspension characteristics, vehicle mass and its
distribution, may impact the performance of the advanced
braking system.
Exercise extra caution when modifying vehicles fitted with
advanced braking systems. Electric braking systems may be
known as:
• electronic stability control (ESC)
• electronic stability program (ESP)
• vehicle stability control (VSC)
• dynamic stability control (DSC)
• vehicle stability assist (VSA)
• roll stability control (RSC)
• roll control system (RCS)
• electronic braking system (EBS)
• trailer electronic braking system (TEBS).

 Advanced braking systems and their components may be

easily damaged by common modification, maintenance and
servicing techniques, such as the use of rattle guns within one
metre of the sensors. When undertaking any work on a vehicle
fitted with an advanced braking system, ensure all modifiers are
familiar with these systems and the precautions that must be
Ensure that before undertaking any modification on a vehicle that
is fitted with an advanced braking system the modifier and
approved vehicle examiner (AVE) consult with the vehicle
manufacturer to determine the impact on the system.

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Section J — Body 3 of 18
Modification Code J1 — Body mounting

1. Scope 3. Modifier Perform modification in accordance with AVE advice

and this code.
Modifications covered under this code:
4. Modifier Organise approval inspection by an accredited J1 AVE.
Covered 5. J 1 AVE Perform inspection, complete J1 checklist and
• mounting of bodies of all types to a motor vehicle or trailer determine if compliance has been achieved.
• modification or replacement of body mountings • If yes, proceed to step 6.
• fitting of body equipment (e.g. roll-over tarps, toolboxes) not • If no, do not proceed, advise modifier rework is
covered by other sections of VSB6 required to ensure compliance. Return to step 2.
• mounting of complying omnibus bodies on complying rolling 6. J1 AVE Issue modification certificate, affix modification plate,
chassis (in conjunction with Modification Code J2). and submit paperwork as required by the relevant
Not covered AVE registration scheme.
• mounting of bodies in a manner that is likely to lead to failure of AVEs must be satisfied that the vehicle modification requirements
the vehicle chassis are being met. It is advised that before modifications are carried
• mounting of bodies in a manner that provides insufficient
out they are discussed with the certifying AVE.
restraint of the body and any possible loading under any
operational conditions 4. Compliance requirements
• fitting of omnibus bodies that are not also certified using
Modification Code J2
• Ensure all modifications are performed and certified in
• mounting of bodies for specific vehicle category ADR
accordance with the relevant sections of VSB6.
compliance, e.g. bus roll-over protection
• Ensure axle loads do not exceed the lesser of the manufacturer’s
• fitting of any body intended for the carriage of people, except
prescribed axle capacities or jurisdictional legal load limits (unless
when certified to Modification Code J2
exempted by the relevant heavy vehicle regulator).
• mounting of fifth wheels/turntables (see VSB6 Section P — Tow
couplings)  The rear overhang and loading space must comply with ADR
• mounting of ROPS or FOPS to a motor vehicle (see VSB6
and jurisdictional, dimension and loading requirements. See
Modification Code J3) section below, Recommended dimensions — NB and NC
• installation of vehicle mounted lifting systems (see VSB6 Section
R — Vehicle mounted lifting systems).
 The mounting of a truck-bus body must be performed and • Obtain the correct axle loading for general freight bodies that are
certified in accordance with this code and also certified as a bus in configured for loading other than water level loading:
accordance with VSB6 Modification Code J2.
− mark the body clearly with a securely mounted marker at the
longitudinal point for the load centre of gravity at maximum
2. Related standards legal GVM
− use this load centre of gravity marker to indicate the point
Modified vehicles must comply with all ADRs, Australian Standards, about which the vehicle’s payload is to be evenly distributed.
acts and regulations. Below are some but not all of the areas that • Ensure markers used to indicate the permissible load at points
may be affected by the modifications in this code and require
are highly visible and designed to last the life of the body.
certification testing or evidence to demonstrate compliance.
• Ensure the body is marked with maximum payload capacity.
The certifier must ensure that the modified vehicle continues to
comply with all related Australian Design Rules. 5. Design requirements
This… Must comply with… Before fabricating or fitting a truck body, consider how the vehicle
Lights ADR 13/.. will operate following the proposed modification, and how changes
Mudguards ADR 42/.. to size and weight might affect its safety or performance.
Vehicle dimensions ADR 43/.. For the vehicle to be as stable as possible when cornering, the
ADR 42/.. centre of gravity of a vehicle should be as low and as near to the
Exhaust repositioning centre of the vehicle as possible. The centre of gravity is the point
VSB6 Modification Code A4
about the cab chassis at which the mass is centred. Any part of the
body or equipment added or removed from the vehicle will affect
3. Certification procedure the centre of gravity.
The certification procedure for this modification code is as follows:
1. Modifier Determine if the modification is within manufacturer • Use the vehicle manufacturer’s manual as the main source of
specifications. information for modifying the vehicle body.
• If yes, the modification will need to be done in • Apply a design factor of safety of three to body mounting
accordance with manufacturer specifications. components.
• If no, the modification will need to be done in • When designing the modification consider the following:
accordance with this modification code. − distribution of the loads across the axle and group(s), refer to
2. Modifier Consult with an accredited J1 AVE for guidance on VSB6 Section H — Overview
how to perform the modification. − chassis strength, refer to VSB6 Section H — Overview

Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 — Version 3.1

Section J — Body 4 of 18
Modification Code J1

− where the body modifications require GVM re-rating, ensure • Avoid using U-bolts for body/sub-frame attachments as outlined
the modifications are certified in accordance with VSB6 below in ‘6. Body mount installation requirements’.
Section S — Vehicle rating • Do not locate body mounting attachments within the shaded
− the overall dimensions of the modified vehicle. areas of Figures 3 and 4, unless the manufacturer’s
• Do not let the body project beyond the end of the chassis by recommendations state otherwise.
more than 1.5 times final chassis depth unless the body structure • Ensure the design and installation of the body does not
is self-supporting at full load. negatively impact on vehicle functions access for maintenance
• Ensure the modification achieves optimal centre of gravity of (see purposes.
Figure 1).

Figure 1: Example of centre of gravity

• Endeavour to mount heavy parts of the body or equipment as
low and symmetrically about the chassis as possible. This will
assist in minimising the centre of gravity height.
• Ensure the body attachment can withstand and evenly distribute
forces imposed by payload and body weight during worst case
conditions such as full braking and overturning moments.
• Ensure protruding weld beads do not make contact with the top
flange of the chassis when in operation. This includes
components such as body sub-frames or the bottom side of caps
welded to body longitudinals.

• Ensure that the body sub-frame extends for the entire length of
the body without breaks or joins.
• Use standard manufacturer mountings and attachment methods.
• Where point load situations occur, (e.g. vehicles fitted with
cells/scales), install the body in accordance with manufacturer
Figure 3: Attachment front end of sub- frame
• Ensure the front end of the sub-frame offers progressive load
bearing transition to the chassis (see Figure 2 for two methods of
preventing stress concentration).

Figure 4: Attachment locations chassis

Wheelbase, rear overhang

Use load distribution calculations and intended use to determine
wheelbase, rear overhang and overall body length. Where these
calculations cannot be determined use water level load conditions.
Water level loading is calculated assuming a homogenous load
Figure 2: Examples of progressive load bearing transition evenly distributed over the load space until the vehicle reaches
• Unless stated otherwise in the vehicle manufacturer manual, GVM. Axle loads can then be calculated in this condition.
ensure that body loads are transmitted directly to the web of the
chassis. 6. Installation requirements
• Allocate spacing of 900 mm for body mount including but not
limited to outrigger mounts, fish plates and U-bolts, but consider
• When components made of dissimilar metal are bolted together,
altering this to suit the installation if need be.
use an isolating compound or other approved means to prevent
• Do not allow the body mounting attachment, including welding
or bolts, to be closer than 50 mm to any spring hanger bolt or
rivet. • Drill frame side members for body mount attachment in
accordance with VSB6 Section H — Chassis.
• Use suitably designed vibration isolators between the body and
• Use standard bolts with a minimum ISO Grade 8.8 (or SAE Class 5)
chassis mounting brackets to reduce noise and vibration within
the cab and allow for slight misalignment at the body brackets. and appropriate grade nuts for fastening body mounts to the

Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 — Version 3.1

Section J — Body 5 of 18
Modification Code J1

chassis (see AS 1110.1). The use of vibration-proof fasteners such

as Huck bolts is acceptable, provided the bolt manufacturer’s
specifications ensure that they are of equivalent strength and

• Ensure the lower attachment hole on all body mountings is below
the neutral axis of the chassis.
• Ensure the bottom edge of the body mount is as near as possible
to the web of the chassis to prevent frame cracking.
• Locate the body mountings so that:
− stress concentrations are kept to a minimum in relation to
changes in chassis section, suspension mountings and chassis
− regular inspection and maintenance can be carried out on
mountings and adjacent vehicle parts
− sufficient clearance of mountings between moving parts such
as tail shafts, suspension links, etc.

U-bolt mounting
Where U-bolts are used as the method of fixing the body to the
chassis there is no positive location. This means friction and high
clamping forces are relied on to prevent movement.
Ensure the manufacturer guidelines are referred to as the use of U-
bolts may not be endorsed, particularly for use in conjunction with
heat treated chassis rails.
Avoid using a U-bolt to attach a body to the chassis for the
following reasons:
• U-bolts work loose over time.
• Runner shrinkage and wear over time can occur, resulting in body
movement and damage.
• The load is carried on the top and bottom of the flange of the
chassis, rather than the web.
• The body longitudinals stiffen the frame thus reducing the
flexibility along part of the frame length.
• U-bolts holding body longitudinals are often over tightened
− buckling of the frame flange
− reduced chassis strength Figure 5: Typical U-bolt body mountings
− frame distortion.
• Locate the body on the chassis to prevent it from moving during
• Positioning metal spacers between top and bottom flanges
violent braking by using at least four (4) outrigger mounts or fish
prevents the flange being buckled, causing localised: plates.
− loss of flexibility • Locate a bracket or fish plate at the front and rear of the body on
− stiffening both sides of the vehicle.
− increased stress.

If U-bolt mountings are unavoidable, ensure the following: Recommended:

• Allocate spacing of 900 mm between U-bolts, but consider
Required: altering this to suit the installation if need be.
• Use a minimum of three U-bolts per side of the chassis with a
maximum pitch spacing of 1.2 m and a minimum U-bolt diameter Body mount type requirements
of: It is important to use the correct body mount type in relation to
− bodies up to 2 t load-carrying capacity = 12 mm chassis construction and body type. When selecting mounts for
− bodies over 2 t load-carrying capacity = 16 mm. platform, tipper and tanker type bodies seek or apply the
• Use ISO Grade 4.6 steel U-bolts in preference to others. manufacturer’s recommendations and if these are unavailable,
• Do not distort the frame, particularly the flanges. adhere to the following guidelines.
• If the vehicle does not have a box type frame, insert metal
If the method of body mounting differs from that recommended by
spacers between the top and bottom flanges of the chassis to
the vehicle or body manufacturer or VSB6, obtain suitable
prevent distortion when U-bolts are tightened.
engineering designs from a professional engineer registered with a
• Do not use wooden spacers as these can shrink and drop out.
professional registration body and retain these designs with the
• Secure spacers in place using the U-bolts as shown in Figure 5. modification certification.
• If wooden runners are used, protect them from direct pressure of
the U-bolts either by steel capping under the bolt or by a shaped
spacer, as shown in Figure 5.

Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 — Version 3.1

Section J — Body 6 of 18
Modification Code J1

Flexible bodies — platform bodies • Where attached using bolts, use bolts with a minimum ISO Grade
When a body that is relatively flexible under beaming and torsional 8.8 (or SAE Class 5) and appropriate grade nuts (see AS 1110.1).
loads is fitted to a conventional ladder-type chassis for operation The use of vibration-proof fasteners of equivalent strength such
on normal road surfaces, mountings that firmly attach the body to as Huck bolts are an acceptable alternative.
the chassis can be used. • If using alternative fasteners, check the bolt manufacturer’s
specifications to ensure that they are of equivalent strength and
The two preferred mounting systems are outrigger mount and fish
plate systems, with the best option for flexible bodies being
outrigger mounting brackets (see examples in Figure 6). Recommended:
• To facilitate body fitting, enable one pair of mounts to have plain
holes to provide fore and aft body location. The remaining
mounts may have slotted holes.
• Bolt mounts to the chassis at intervals of 900 mm (this may be
altered to suit the installation).
• Provide a clearance space between the frame and the body
longitudinals and cross-members.
• If necessary, place a spacer between the chassis and body.

Figure 7: Typical fish plate attachment

Short rigid bodies — tipper bodies
Figure 6: Typical body mounting outrigger brackets, specific to
Short-rigid bodies mounted on short wheelbase vehicles, such as
outrigger type mounts
tippers, should have a sub-frame mounted securely on the chassis.
Outrigger mounts The sub-frame should be mounted by outrigger or fish plate
mounts, this is to provide a strong integral structure for mounting
Required: attachments such as hoist, tipper body pivots and guide brackets.
• Attach outrigger mounts securely to the web of the chassis.
• Provide a clearance space between the frame and the body All loads should be distributed over the maximum possible length
longitudinals and cross-members. of the chassis. For a front mounted hoist, the base of the cylinder
• Prevent flexing of the web by extending the bracket at least half- should be pin-jointed to a cross-member that is attached to the
way down the web of the frame. side rails with bolts through drilled and reamed holes in the vertical
• Ensure bolts joining the frame brackets to the body bracket do
webs of the chassis.
not carry shear loads by using brackets designed to limit Typical support bracket
movement under acceleration and braking (see Figure 6). Figure 8 shows a typical installation where the ram force (F) acts at
• Use bolts with a minimum ISO Grade 8.8 (or SAE Class 5) and a distance (L) from the centre of the bolting configuration and
appropriate grade nuts (see AS 1110.1). The use of vibration- causes a torsional moment (F x L) that must be resisted by the
proof fasteners of equivalent strength such as Huck bolts are an attaching bolts.
acceptable alternative.
Increasing the number of bolts or the spacing of these mounting
• If using alternative fasteners, check the bolt manufacturer’s
bolts (b and d), increases the resistance offered by the joint. Using
specifications to ensure that they are of equivalent strength and
fewer bolts and a larger spacing, spreads the load over a greater
area of the frame. A reduction in dimension (L) will also reduce the
Recommended: torsional moment about the mounting.
• To facilitate body fitting, enable one pair of mounts to have plain
holes to provide fore and aft body location. The remaining
mounts may have slotted holes.
• Bolt mounts to the chassis at intervals of 900 mm (this may be
altered to suit the installation).
Fish plate mounts
If space available along the side of the chassis precludes the use of
outrigger brackets, the body may be attached using fish plates (see
Figure 7).

• Attach fish plate mounts securely to the web of the chassis.
• Prevent flexing of the web by extending the bracket at least half-
Figure 8: Typical support bracket
way down the web of the frame.
Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 — Version 3.1
Section J — Body 7 of 18
Modification Code J1

Tipper bodies that have a form of hoist and as such must meet the
following requirements, including:
• Ensure tipper bodies fitted to motor vehicles and trailers comply
with all the relevant requirements of AS1418.8 including the ‘tip
truck hoisting systems’ section.
 The NHVR has introduced a moratorium on the above requirement
for more information refer to Vehicle Standards Guide 17 (VSG17)

• Ensure all hydraulic hoist systems contain burst protection that

will, in the event of hose rupture or pipe fracture, prevent the
movement of loadbearing hydraulic cylinders.
• Mount the brackets for the tipping pivot so that the load is evenly
distributed across the chassis.
• Mount these pivots as near as practicable to the rear suspension
to reduce loads applied to the chassis during tipping operation.
• Restrain the forward section of the tipping body across the
vehicle using suitable guides.

Recommended: Figure 10: Typical example of tanker mounting

• Tipper bodies fitted to motor vehicles and trailers comply with
relevant requirements of AS1418.8 including the ‘tip truck Recommended:
hoisting systems’ section. • Ensure brackets are strong enough to support the load safely.
• Use longitudinal packers on the chassis to distribute tipper body • Ensure the front mounting is a special cross-member with a
loads wherever practicable. centrally located trunnion to support the tank and that the
• For tipper bodies without longitudinal packers, keep supports on mounting is located as far forward as possible.
the chassis for each body cross-member at least 450 mm in • Place the second pair of mounting brackets as close as possible to
length. the foremost rear suspension bracket. A smaller pair of mounting
• Provide vertical adjustment or resilient bearer blocks to ensure brackets should also be positioned adjacent to the rearmost rear
even distribution of load between all supports. Correctly suspension hanger bracket (see Figure 11).
designed support brackets (see Figure 9) allow the centre line of
the body-runners to pass through the centre of the bracket.

Figure 9: Typical support bracket

Body props

• Ensure hoist systems also include an independent mechanism to
retain the hoist in the raised position in accordance with and
meeting the requirements of AS 1418.8 (i.e. body props).

• Where a body prop is installed, ensure its design and installation
is validated by a competent and suitably experienced engineer.
• Ensure that the design of impact locations are considered,
including ensuring that it is not possible to mistakenly place the
prop in a location at which it is not effective.
• Ensure that the body prop is permanently connected to the
vehicle and readily accessible.
• Ensure that body props can be operated independently and
without special skill, strength, protective equipment or protective
clothing, or tools.
Long and rigid bodies — road tank vehicles Figure 11: Details of a typical front mounting bracket
Long and rigid bodies, such as road tank vehicles, may need greater
relative movement between body and frame while retaining chassis
flexibility. A mounting system with three or five point resilience is
preferred (see Figure 10).
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Section J — Body 8 of 18
Modification Code J1

Figure 12: Details of a typical rear mounting bracket

Figure 15: Typical four-point mounting

Road tank vehicles (dangerous goods)

• If a road tank vehicle is to carry liquid dangerous goods, ensure it
satisfies the special requirements outlined in the Australian Code
for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail.

• Consult officers of the relevant state or territory authority
Figure 13: Details of a typical chassis mounting bracket controlling transport of the particular dangerous goods.
Alternative mounting for road tank vehicles Semi-rigid bodies
Rigid type mounting systems may be used, provided that the
attachments are sufficiently flexible and suitably located to allow Required:
the chassis to flex. If these mountings are arranged in a three-point • Ensure vertical compliance allowances are provided in the body
layout (see Figure 14, Typical three-point mounting) or a four-point mountings of vehicles where rigidity limits the ability of the frame
diamond plan (see Figure 15, Typical four-point mounting), the to resist beaming and twisting. This can be achieved by fitting
chassis is free to deflect torsionally with no undue stress resilient mountings or mountings with slotted holes and friction
concentrations in either the chassis or the body. inserts. Resilient mountings may comprise a steel spring or a
rubber bush and are usually used in conjunction with outrigger
Required: brackets (see Figure 16).
Due to the large concentrated loads that result from these
mounting methods, use substantial load bearing cross-members.

Proprietary type mounting

Figure 16: Typical resilient mountings
• If necessary, provide brackets or lugs engaging frame side rails or
cross-members for body location and to resist horizontal forces

Figure 14: Typical three-point mounting

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Section J — Body 9 of 18
Modification Code J1

(see Figure 17). Recommended dimensions — NB2 and NC vehicles

Outlined below are recommended dimensions to maintain the
safety and integrity of the vehicle after the body is fitted and if the
original vehicle manufacturer’s advice is not available.

O.A.W.: Overall width

Figure 17: Additional horizontal restraint used with some body
O.A.H.: Overall height
O.A.W.R.T.: Overall width across rear tyres
• Use mountings suited to occasional large beaming or torsional Figure 19: Maximum recommended dimensional limits
frame deflections to carry the body load on the top of the frame
or bracket and allow the retaining bolts to move vertically Dimension limits
upwards in a slotted hole against the resistance of a friction pad
clamped between the frame and the bracket (see Figure 18).
Ensure all dimensions of a vehicle, including internal (where
applicable) and external, are in accordance with the limits specified
by the applicable in-service heavy vehicle regulator.

Body overall ≤ O.A.W.R.T. + 300 mm, unless specified otherwise by

width the manufacturer.
Do not allow width to exceed 2.5 m, unless exempted
by the relevant regulator.
If body width exceeds maximum recommended
dimension of OAWRT + 300 mm, seek the advice of
the vehicle manufacturers on recommended tyre
pressures and record this on modification records.
Overall ≤ 1.85 x O.A.W.R.T., unless specified otherwise by the
height manufacturer.
Do not allow height to exceed 4.3 m, unless
exempted by the relevant regulator.
Rear Must be the lesser of 3.7 m or 60% wheelbase, unless
overhang exempted by the relevant regulator.
Overall Must not exceed 12.5 m, unless exempted by the
length relevant regulator.

Figure 18: Body mounting with vertical compliance and friction


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Section J — Body 10 of 18
Modification Code J1

J1 Checklist — Body mounting (example)

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Section J — Body 11 of 18
Modification Code J1

Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 — Version 3.1

Section J — Body 12 of 18
Modification Code J2 — Truck-bus body fitting

1. Scope
3. Certification procedure
A truck-bus is a composite vehicle consisting of truck cab-chassis
fitted with a specifically constructed bus-body for carrying The certification procedure for this modification code is as
passengers. The composite vehicle must therefore meet the follows:
safety standards (including ADRs) that also apply to an omnibus.
1. Modifier Determine if the modification is within
Modifications covered under this code: manufacturer specifications.
Covered • If yes, the modification will need to be done in
• fitting of a bus body (i.e. a passenger carrying pod) onto a accordance with manufacturer specifications.
truck cab-chassis, with change of GVM, seating capacity and • If no, the modification will need to be done in
of ride height accordance with this modification code.
• mounting a compliant bus body on a compliant rolling chassis. 2. Modifier Consult with an accredited J2 AVE for guidance on
Not covered how to perform the modification.
• certification of an omnibus body 3. Modifier Perform modification in accordance with AVE
advice and this code.
• certification of a body fitted to a rolling chassis based on a
bus chassis sub-assembly registration number (BC-SARN) 4. Modifier Organise approval inspection by an accredited J2
(carry out using the second stage of manufacture (SSM) AVE.
approval process). 5. J2 AVE Perform inspection, complete J2 checklist and
 If a SSM identification plate approval (IPA) holder retrofits a determine if compliance has been achieved:
bus body to an in-service truck for which the fitting would be • If yes, proceed to step 6.
covered by the IPA at the SSM, only perform the modification • If no, do not proceed, advise modifier rework is
in accordance with this code if it is also performed in required to ensure compliance. Return to step 2.
accordance with that SSM IPA. 6. J2 AVE Issue modification certificate, affix modification
plate, and submit paperwork as required by the
relevant AVE registration scheme.
2. Related standards
AVEs must be satisfied that the vehicle modification
Modified vehicles must comply with all ADRs, Australian requirements are being met. It is advised that before
Standards, acts and regulations. Below are some but not all of modifications are carried out they are discussed with the
the areas that may be affected by the modifications in this code certifying AVE.
and require certification testing or evidence to demonstrate
compliance. 4. Certification requirements
The certifier must ensure that the modified vehicle continues to If the manufacturer’s installation instructions are not available
comply with all related Australian Design Rules. or no longer applicable, apply the following:
This… Must comply with…
• Ensure the body installation meets the requirements of, and is
Installation of lighting and light-signalling 13/.. certified in accordance with VSB6 modification codes J1 and
devices on other than L-group vehicles J2.
Commercial vehicle brake systems 35/.. • Ensure the modified vehicle complies with all relevant ADR
Maximum road speed limiting for heavy 65/.. requirements, this may require compliance with an additional
goods vehicles and heavy omnibuses vehicle category, such as MD or ME (see ADR applicability
Emission control for heavy vehicles 80/.. tables for guidance).
• If a bus body is re-used, do not remove SSM approval plate or
External noise 83/..
manufacturer’s plate from the bus body. Certify the
Bus body attachment of the bus body to the replacement truck-chassis
This… Must comply with… in accordance with this modification code.
Seatbelts 4/.. • Where the base vehicle used has not been tested and certified
Anchorages for seatbelts 5/.. at the new category’s requirements, ensure that all applicable
braking requirements are validated. For example, an NC
Installation of lighting and light-signalling 13/..
category vehicle fitted with a truck bus body must meet ME
devices on other than L-group vehicles
requirements and therefore the higher braking requirement of
Child restraint anchorages and child 34/.. ME vehicles.
restraint anchor fittings • Ensure the modified vehicle complies with the emergency exit
General safety requirements 42/.. requirements of either ADR58/.. or ADR44/.. (as applicable).
Specific purpose vehicle requirements 44/.. • Ensure a report or other evidence of compliance with ADRs,
Requirements for omnibuses designed for 58/.. Australian Standards and public transport requirements is
hire and reward provided to the owner/operator of the vehicle for
presentation at registration or vehicle inspection.
Standards for omnibus rollover strength 59/..
• Ensure compliance with ADRs relating to additional vehicle
Seat strength, seat anchorage strength 66/.. categories such as MD or ME (as applicable).
and padding in omnibuses
• Retain evidence of compliance with all related ADRs.
Occupant protection in buses 68/.. Statements of assurance are not acceptable.
Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 — Version 3.1
Section J — Body 13 of 18
Modification Code J2

− Additional jurisdictional requirements may also apply, in

particular if the truck-bus is to be used for public transport. Date of manufacture issue
• While it is acceptable to detach a truck-bus driver’s cabin from Because a truck-bus body may have different dates of
the passenger compartment (bus body), ensure effective manufacture, the component (truck or bus body) with the most
communication can be maintained between the driver and recent date of manufacture is accepted for determining the
passengers at all times. This can be achieved either directly or safety standards that apply to the vehicle, including anti-theft
by use of audio/visual technologies. and emissions requirements. For example, if a 1/1990 truck is
fitted with a 1/2000 bus body the completed truck-bus must
New vehicles requirements comply with all applicable vehicle safety standards that apply to
a bus supplied to market in 1/2000.
• If the truck cab-chassis is a new vehicle as defined under the Many road agency / state or territory transport authorities
Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989, certify it using the SSM accept the date of manufacture shown on the
approval process administered by the Commonwealth compliance/identification plate of the truck cab-chassis as the
Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development date of manufacture of the truck-bus for registration purposes.
(DIRD). If the vehicle is imported, the road agency / state or territory
• Do not use this code to circumvent the intent of the SSM transport authority may instead reference the build date as date
approval process, for example, by certifying a bus body fitting of manufacture (or in some cases the date that the vehicle
to a new truck cab-chassis that is registered but has not been entered Australia). The final decision in this matter rests with
supplied to market or used in transport. the relevant heavy vehicle regulator.

Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 — Version 3.1

Section J — Body 14 of 18
Modification Code J2

J2 Checklist — Fitting of a truck-bus body (example)

Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 — Version 3.1

Section J — Body 15 of 18
Modification Code J3

Modification Code J3 — Fitting of roll-over or falling object protection


1. Scope Truck-chassis
This… Must comply with…
This modification code provides the standards that must be met Installation of lighting and light-signalling 13/..
when installing a roll-over protection system (ROPS) or a falling devices on other than L-group vehicles
object protection system (FOPS) on an in-service vehicle. It Rear vision mirrors 14/..
advises the precautions needed to provide a distributed load
General safety requirements 42/..
over the vehicle chassis in order to protect the chassis from
Vehicle configuration and dimensions 43/..
point loading and fatigue stresses.

 Note that where the vehicle manufacturer has guidelines on It is recommended that the certifier ensure the ROPS/FOPS
the installation of ROPS/FOPS, these guidelines take device be constructed so it is fit for purpose.
precedence over and above this section of VSB6. Where the Some work sites such as building or mining sites may require the
vehicle manufacturer’s guidelines do not cover the installation ROPS/FOPS to be built and certified in accordance with
of ROPS/FOPS, the requirements of this section of VSB6 recognised standards such as the following:
• AS 2294
 Warning: Ensure that only ROPS/FOPS suitable for use in • ISO3471
automotive applications are fitted. • ISO3449
Poorly designed ROPS/FOPS are unlikely to provide the desired • ADR 59/..
protection of a ROPS/FOPS and may increase the risk of injury • an equivalent international standard.
and/or death in the event of an incident.
The installation of poorly designed ROPS/FOPS to a vehicle 3. Certification procedure
chassis is likely to increase the stress on the chassis and may The certification procedure for this modification code is as
induce fatigue cracking. This fatigue cracking is likely to be more follows:
prevalent in vehicles which are used off-road or on unsealed
roads. The design of the ROPS/FOPS mountings should take into 1 Modifier Obtain the installation instructions and evidence of
consideration the inputs likely to occur in off-road use when design calculations/testing from the ROPS/FOPS
conducting fatigue calculations on the ROPS/FOPS and vehicle manufacturer.
chassis. 2 Modifier Consult with an accredited J3 AVE for guidance on
Unless explicitly permitted by the vehicle manufacturer’s how any modifications are required to be
guidelines, under no circumstances should ROPS/FOPS be welded performed, and if the installation and design
directly to the chassis. calculations/testing supplied by the ROPS/FOPS
manufacturer to cover any chassis stresses or
Modifications covered under this code: fatigue are adequate.
4 Modifier Perform modifications in accordance with AVE
advice and this code.
• installation of an external ROPS/FOPS on a motor vehicle in
accordance with the ROPS/FOPS manufacturer’s instructions 5 Modifier Organise approval inspection by an accredited J3
where these instructions meet the requirements of this
modification code. 6 J3 AVE Perform inspection, complete J3 checklist and
determine if compliance has been achieved:
Not covered
• If yes, proceed to step 7.
• installation of a ROPS/FOPS internal to the cabin compartment
• If no, do not proceed, advise modifier rework is
• certification of a ROPS/FOPS
required to ensure compliance. Return to step 2.
• installation of ROPS/FOPS where the manufacturer
instructions are unavailable or do not meet requirements of 7 J3 AVE J3 AVE issues modification certificate, affixes
this modification code. modification plate, and submits paperwork as
required by the relevant AVE registration scheme.
AVEs must be satisfied that the vehicle modification
2. Related standards requirements are being met. It is advised that before
Modified vehicles must comply with all ADRs, Australian modifications are carried out they are discussed with the
Standards, acts and regulations. Below are some but not all of certifying AVE.
the areas that may be affected by the modifications in this code
and require certification testing or evidence to demonstrate
The certifier must ensure that the modified vehicle continues to
comply with all related Australian Design Rules.

Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 — Version 3.1

Section J — Body 16 of 18
Modification Code J3

4. Certification requirements 6. Installation requirements

Required: The method of attaching ROPS/FOPS to the sub-frame can vary
• Install the ROPS/FOPS in accordance with the manufacturer’s according to sub-frame design and its position on the chassis.
• Obtain a copy of evidence provided from the ROPS/FOPS Required:
manufacturer, in the form of calculation or testing, that the • Do not weld the ROPS/FOPS sub-frame to the vehicle chassis.
mounting method is not likely to cause un-reasonable stress in • Attach the ROPS/FOPS to the sub-frame/chassis using the
the chassis and cause the chassis to fatigue during the ROPS/FOPS manufacturer’s mounting bolt layout.
recommended service life of the vehicle. A copy of this • Ensure that where the manufacturer has more than one
evidence must be provided with the modification certificate mounting bolt layout available that a single mounting bolt
and retained by the vehicle operator. layout that is specified by the ROPS/FOPS manufacturer is
used to install the ROPS/FOPS.
5. Design requirements • Ensure the ROPS/FOPS mounting plate extends at least 2H
either end of the ROPS/FOPS, where H is the height of the
Required: chassis, or otherwise provides a load bearing transition of
• Ensure a progressive load bearing transition to the chassis. stress into the chassis.
Typically this is done by extending the sub-frame or mounting • Ensure that the installation of the ROPS/FOPS also meets the
plates as far as practical so that it ends in front of the steer mounting requirements of VSB6 Modification Code J1.
axle rear spring hanger and extends at least the same distance • Where required, place a spacer between the chassis and body.
rearward of the spring hanger. The ends of the sub-frame or
• Ensure that any additional holes in the chassis are created in
mounting plates should also taper to assist in the load bearing
accordance with VSB6 Section H — Chassis.
transition (see Figures 20 and 21).
• Use non-collapsing washers with the fasteners and self-locking
nuts, or vibration-proof fasteners, to prevent loosening.

• Ensure bolts are no greater than 19 mm in diameter.
• Ensure ROPS/FOPS to sub-frame/chassis mounting bolts or
studs are at least ISO Grade 10.9 (SAE Class 8), unless a lower
grade is specified by the ROPS/FOPS manufacturer.
• Use fish plates which are bolted or welded to the ROPS/FOPS
sub-frame to attach the vehicle chassis (see Figure 22).

Figure 22: Typical fish plate attachment

Figure 20: Examples of progressive load bearing transition
• Do not allow the fastener tensile stress, induced by the
ROPS/FOPS load moment, to exceed 20% of the material yield
The load moment includes the moment created by the forces
imparted from the movement/vibration/wind loading of the
ROPS/FOPS in operation.

Figure 21: Typical frog-mouth tapering

• Consider using a square hollow section (SHS) or rectangular
(RHS) sub-frame design in preference to any other.
• Ensue that the ROPS/FOPS device does not cause the modified
vehicle to exceed GVM requirements when in operation.
• Consider the overall load carrying capacity and weight
distribution of the vehicle with the ROPS/FOPS attached.

Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 — Version 3.1

Section J — Body 17 of 18
Modification Code J3

J3 Checklist — Fitting of roll-over or falling object protection system (example)

Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 — Version 3.1

Section J — Body 16 of 18

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