Se Lab Manual (R16)
Se Lab Manual (R16)
Se Lab Manual (R16)
Prepared By
Ibrahimpatnam - 501 510, Hyderabad
To achieve the autonomous and university status and spread universal education by
inculcating discipline, character and knowledge into the young minds and mould them into
enlightened citizens.
Serving the high quality educational needs of students within the core areas of Computer
Science and Engineering and Information Technology through a rigorous curriculum of
theory, practical’s and research and, collaboration with other disciplines that is distinguished
by its impact on academia, industry and society.
The Mission of the department of Computer Science and Engineering is to work closely
with industry and research organizations to provide high quality computer education in
both the theoretical and applications of Computer Science and Engineering. The
department promotes original thinking, fosters research and development, evolve
innovative applications of technology.
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and
need for sustainable development.
PO8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give
and receive clear instructions.
PO11 Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological
PSO1 Software Development and Research Ability: Ability to understand the structure
and development methodologies of software systems. Possess professional skills and
knowledge of software design process. Familiarity and practical competence with a
broad range of programming language and open source platforms. Use knowledge in
various domains to identify research gaps and hence to provide solution to new ideas
and innovations.
PSO2 Foundation of mathematical concepts: Ability to apply the acquired knowledge of
basic skills, principles of computing, mathematical foundations, algorithmic
principles, modeling and design of computer- based systems in solving real world
engineering Problems.
PSO3 Successful Career: Ability to update knowledge continuously in the tools like
Rational Rose, MATLAB, Argo UML, R Language and technologies like Storage,
Computing, Communication to meet the industry requirements in creating innovative
career paths for immediate employment and for higher studies.
S. No. List of Experiments Page No. LIS
System Requirements 7 OF
JNTUH Syllabus 7
1 Course Management System 11 RI
2 Easy Leave 22
3 E-Bidding 38
deliverables. Identify functional and non-functional
3 Data Modeling –Use work products –data PO1,PO2,PO3,PO5,PO9,PO1
dictionary. 0,PO11, PO12
4 Software Designing -Develop use case diagrams and
activity diagrams, build and test class diagrams, PO1,PO2,PO3,PO5,PO9,PO1
sequence diagrams and add interface to class 0,PO11, PO12
5 Prototype model –Develop the prototype of the PO1,PO2,PO3,PO5,PO9,PO1
product. 0,PO11, PO12
CO-PO-PSO Mapping:
CO1 2 2 1 - 1 - - - 2 2 1 1 - 2 3
CO2 2 2 3 - 2 - - - 2 2 1 2 - 2 2
CO3 2 2 3 - 1 - - - 2 - 1 2 - 2 3
Open source Tools:
StarUML / UMLGraph / Topcased/Umberollo
Prepare the following documents and develop the software project startup, prototype
model, using software engineering methodology for at least two real time scenarios or
for the sample experiments.
•Problem Analysis and Project Planning -Thorough study of the problem–Identify Project
scope, Objectives and Infrastructure.
•Software Requirement Analysis –Describe the individual Phases/modules of the project and
Identify deliverables. Identify functional and non-functional requirements.
•Data Modeling –Use work products –data dictionary.
•Software Designing -Develop use case diagrams and activity diagrams, build and test class
diagrams, sequence diagrams and add interface to class diagrams.
•Prototype model –Develop the prototype of the product.
The SRS and prototype model should be submitted for end semester examination.
•An area for faculty posting of class materials such as course syllabus and handouts
•An area for student posting of papers and other assignments
•A grade book where faculty can record grades and each student can view his or her grades
•An integrated email tool allowing participants to send announcement email messages to the
entire class or to a subset of the entire class
•A chat tool allowing synchronous communication among class participants
•A threaded discussion board allowing asynchronous communication among participants.
In addition, a CMS is typically integrated with other databases in the university so that
students enrolled in a particular course are automatically registered in the CMS as
participants in that course.
The Course Management System (CMS) is a web application for department personnel,
Academic Senate, and Registrar staff to view, enter, and manage course information
formerly Submitted via paper. Departments can use CMS to create new course proposals,
submit changes for existing courses, and track the progress of proposals as they move
through the stages of online approval.
2. Easy Leave
This project is aimed at developing a web based Leave Management Tool, which is of
importance to either an organization or a college. The Easy Leave is an Intranet based
application that can be accessed throughout the Organization or a specified group/Dept. This
system can be used to automate the workflow of leave applications and their approvals. The
periodic crediting of leave is also automated. There are features like notifications,
cancellation of leave, automatic approval of leave, report generators etc in this Tool.
Functional components of the project:
There are registered people in the system. Some are approvers. An approver can also be a
Requestor. In an organization, the hierarchy could be Engineers/Managers/Business
Managers/Managing Director etc. In a college, it could be Lecturer/Professor/Head of the
Department/Dean/Principal etc.
Following is a list of functionalities of the system: A person should be able to
•login to the system through the first page of the application
•change the password after logging into the system
•see his/her eligibility details (like how many days of leave he/she is eligible for etc)
•query the leave balance
•see his/her leave history since the time he/she joined the company/college
•apply for leave, specifying the from and to dates, reason for taking leave, address for
communication while on leave and his/her superior's email id
•see his/her current leave applications and the leave applications that are submitted to
him/her for approval or cancellation
•approve/reject the leave applications that are submitted to him/her
•withdraw his/her leave application (which has not been approved yet)
•Cancel his/her leave (which has been already approved). This will need to be approved by
his/her Superior
•get help about the leave system on how to use the different features of the system
•As soon as a leave application /cancellation request /withdrawal /approval /rejection
/password-change is made by the person, an automatic email should be sent to the person
and his superior giving details about the action
•The number of days of leave (as per the assumed leave policy) should be automatically
credited to everybody and a notification regarding the same be sent to them automatically
•An automatic leave-approval facility for leave applications which are older than 2 weeks
should be there. Notification about the automatic leave approval should be sent to the person
as well as his superior
3. E-Bidding
Auctions are among the latest economic institutions in place. They have been used since
Antiquity to sell a wide variety of goods, and their basic form has remained unchanged. In
this dissertation, we explore the efficiency of common auctions when values are
interdependent-the value to a particular bidder may depend on information available only to
others-and asymmetric. In this setting, it is well known that sealed-bid auctions do not
achieve efficient allocations in general since they do not allow the information held by
different bidders to be shared.
Typically, in an auction, say of the kind used to sell art, the auctioneer sets a relatively low
initial price. This price is then increased until only one bidder is willing to buy the object,
and the exact manner in which this is done varies. In my model a bidder who drops out at
some price can "reenter" at a higher price.
With the invention of E-commerce technologies over the Internet the opportunity to bid from
the comfort of one’s own home has seen a change like never seen before. Within the span of
a few short years, what may have began as an experimental idea has grown to an immensely
popular hobby, and in some cases, a means of livelihood, the Auction Patrol gathers
tremendous response every day, all day. With the point and click of the mouse, one may bid
on an item they may need or just want, and in moments they find that either they are the top
bidder or someone else wants it more, and you're outbid! The excitement of an auction all
from the comfort of home is a completely different experience. Society cannot seem to
escape the criminal element in the physical world, and so it is the same with Auction Patrols.
This is one area where in a question can be raised as to how safe Auction Patrols.
Proposed system
To generate the quick reports
To make accuracy and efficient calculations
To provide proper information briefly
To provide data security
To provide huge maintenance of records
Flexibility of transactions can be completed in time
4. Electronic Cash counter
This project is mainly developed for the Account Division of a Banking sector to provide
better interface of the entire banking transactions. This system is aimed to give a better out
look to the user interfaces and to implement all the banking transactions like:
•Supply of Account Information
•New Account Creations
•Cheque book issues
•Stop payments
•Transfer of accounts
•Report Generations.
Proposed System:
The development of the new system contains the following activities, which try to automate
the entire process keeping in view of the database integration approach.
•User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls.
•The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible.
•Readily upload the latest updates, allows user to download the alerts by clicking the URL.
•There is no risk of data mismanagement at any level while the project development is under
•It provides high level of security with different level of authentication
1. Roger S.Pressman, Software engineering- A practitioner’s Approach, McGraw-Hill
International Edition, 6th edition, 2001.
2. Ian Sommerville, Software engineering, Pearson education Asia, 6th edition, 2000
3. Unified modeling language- Grady booch
Experiment - 1
A course management system (CMS) is a collection of software tools providing an online
environment for course interactions. A CMS typically includes a variety of online tools and
environments, such as:
An area for faculty posting of class materials such as course syllabus and handouts
An area for student posting of papers and other assignments
A grade book where faculty can record grades and each student can view his or her grades
An integrated email tool allowing participants to send announcement email messages to the
entire class or to a subset of the entire class
A chat tool allowing synchronous communication among class participants
A threaded discussion board allowing asynchronous communication among participants.
In addition, a CMS is typically integrated with other databases in the university so that
students enrolled in a particular course are automatically registered in the CMS as
participants in that course.
The Course Management System (CMS) is a web application for department personnel,
Academic Senate, and Registrar staff to view, enter, and manage course information
formerly Submitted via paper. Departments can use CMS to create new course proposals,
submit changes for existing courses, and track the progress of proposals as they move
through the stages of online approval.
Problem Analysis and Project Planning
A course management system is a set of tools that enables an online environment for course
interaction i.e. to create online course content and post it on the Web without having to
handle HTML or other programming languages.
Course management system become an integral a part of the upper education system. They
create teaching and course management easier by providing a framework and set of tools for
faculties and for students. The executive aspects of such systems could include class rosters
(a group of people or things) and therefore the ability to record students’ grades. With
relevance the teaching aspects, however, it might include learning objects, class exercises,
quizzes and tests. The CMS might also include tools for real-time chat, integrated email tool
allowing participants to send announcement email messages to entire class or to a subset of
the entire class. The CMS tool additionally focuses on all aspects of teaching, learning and
teacher-student interaction.
Software Requirement Analysis
(1)Module Summary:
(1.1)Administrator Module:
Admin can produce accounts for college students and faculties and make course
programmed list and add faculties and students to it course list.
Admin can produce course details exploitation course creation kind that consists in fact
name, course id, and choose student. Using Student creator kind student details are entered
to information. User name, adapt username, password, given name and name, ID. After
accounts are produced supported every students and instructors are divided and accessorial
to list exploitation create missing students kind.
(1.2)Faculty Module:
It can check student’s papers, their assignments and assign grades for work. This module
accommodates preparation menu, choose student for grades.
(1.3)Students Module: Student can register with application or the proposed system and
login with user name and password. He will check and submit assignment and his/her grade.
Every student can have id.
(2)Functional and Non-Functional Requirements
(2.1)Functional Requirements:
(2.1.1) Creating Courses
Integration with registration system: The system shall
periodically upload the latest registrar’s classes list to determine courses that offered in the
current semester.
The system shall generate course for each class that registered and determine the current set
of students that enrolled in that class.
The system shall allow course instructor to update course content.
(2.1.2)Grade Management
a. Allow grades to be entered online: The system shall allow instructors to enter and modify
grades online.
b. Allow students to access their grades online: The system shall allow student to log in
their account and check their grades at any time.
c. The system shall provide statistical information such as averages, standard deviation, and
median about student’s grades.
d. Track and Handle Re-grade Requests: The system shall be able to track and handle
requests for re- grades, and all information about re-grades shall be available to the
student, and the course instructor.
(2.1.3)Paper and Assignment Submission
a. Accept submissions in multiple formats: The system shall accept submissions in multiple
formats, including .zip, .cpp, .txt, .doc,etc.
b. Support for late submissions: The system shall provide information about late
submissions, and also disallow submissions after a certain period of time.
c. Integration with grade management: The homework submission system shall be
integrated with the grade management by using online grading templates that can be
filled out, and automatically annotating code with line numbers.
1. Assignment grades can be automatically posted to student account.
2. Grader comments can be sent along with the grades.
(2.1.4)Create Accounts
a. The system shall automatically create accounts for each class.
1. Create one account for course instructor regardless to the number of classes that he/she
2. The account username is course name and its number.
3. The account password is the same password that in Academic Information System (AIS).
4. Any change in the password in AIS the system shall reflect it on the instructor account
password in CMS.
5. Create one account for each student that registered in this class.
6. The account username is course name and its number.
7. The account password is the same password that in Student Information System (SIS).
8. Any change in the password in SIS the system shall reflect it on the student account
password in CMS.
b. Instructor account contain the classes that he/she teach, each class contain list of student
that ordered based on student serial number.
c. Instructor can modify student grades from his/her account.
(2.2)Non-Functional Requirements:
(2.2.1)Response Time
a. Average response time shall be less than 2 second.
(2.2.2) Throughput
a. The system shall accommodate 1000 booked per minute.
(2.2.3) Recovery Time
a. In case of a system failure, redundant system shall resume operations within 30 sec.
b. Average repair time shall be less than 1 hour.
(2.2.4)Start-up/Shutdown Time
a. The system shall be operational within 1 minute of starting-up.
(2.2.5) Capacity
a. The system accommodates 4000 concurrent users.
(2.2.6)Utilization of Resources
a. The system shall store in the database no more than one million transactions.
b. If the database grows over this limit, old transaction shall be backed up and deleted
from the operational database.
(2.2.7) Security
a. Firewall Protection: The course management software system shall run inside a
b. Support different roles: The system shall support different roles for users, such as
Instructors, Students, and administrative staff, the user logged in with given role
should only be allowed access consistent with that role. For example a student shall
only be allowed to see he/she grades not to modify it.
(2.2.8) Reliability
a. The system shall not be down more 2 times in year.
(2.2.9) Scalability
a. Scaling the system to large number of users: large courses will have hundreds of
b. The system shall be able to handle the load for such courses, especially near
assignment deadlines when many students can be expected to access the course
management system.
(1)Product Perspective
The system will be operating within university environment. This environment has
anther systems that will interact with this system so we need interfaces between these system
(2)Flow Chart
The below diagram will provide the overall flow of the project.
(3)Data Dictionary
Software Designing
UML stands for Unified Modeling Language. This object-oriented system of notation has
evolved from the work of Grady Booch, James Rum Baugh, Ivar Jacobson, and the Rational
Software Corporation. These renowned computer scientists fused their respective
technologies into a single, standardized model. Today, UML is accepted by the Object
Management Group (OMG) as the standard for modeling object oriented programs.
UML Diagrams
UML defines nine types of diagrams: class (package), object, use case, sequence,
collaboration, state chart, activity, component, and deployment diagram.
(1)Use Case Diagram
Use case diagrams are used to gather the requirements of a system including internal
and external influences. These requirements are mostly design requirements. Hence, when a
system is analyzed to gather its functionalities, use cases are prepared and actors are
The purposes of use case diagrams can be defined as follows −
Used to gather the requirements of a system.
Used to get an outside view of a system.
Identify the external and internal factors influencing the system.
Show the interaction among the requirements is actors.
Sequence Diagram
This interactive behavior is represented in UML by Sequence diagram. Sequence
diagram emphasizes on time sequence of messages that send and receive messages.
Following things are to be identified clearly before drawing the sequence diagram
Object organization.
Activity Diagram
The basic purposes of activity diagrams are to captures the dynamic behavior of the system.
Activity is a particular operation of the system. Activity diagrams are not only used for
visualizing the dynamic nature of a system, but they are also used to construct the executable
system by using forward and reverse engineering techniques. The only missing thing in the
activity diagram is the message part.
The purpose of an activity diagram can be described as −
Draw the activity flow of a system.
Describe the sequence from one activity to another.
Describe the parallel, branched and concurrent flow of the system.
Class Diagram
The purpose of class diagram is to model the static view of an application. Class diagrams
are the only diagrams which can be directly mapped with object-oriented languages and thus
widely used at the time of construction.
Prototype model
Prototype is a working model of software with some limited functionality. The prototype
does not always hold the exact logic used in the actual software application and is an extra
effort to be considered under effort estimation.
Prototyping is used to allow the users evaluate developer proposals and try them out before
implementation. It also helps understand the requirements which are user specific and may
not have been considered by the developer during product design.
Internal asynchronous messaging – mail that can be sent and read from within an
online course
1) Analyze at which type of situations which process model can be used in a project.
2) Prepare Software Specification document (SRS) for the given project.
Experiment - 2
This project is aimed at developing a web based Leave Management Tool, which is of
importance to either an organization or a college. The Easy Leave is an Intranet based
application that can be accessed throughout the Organization or a specified group/Dept. This
system can be used to automate the workflow of leave applications and their approvals. The
periodic crediting of leave is also automated. There are features like notifications,
cancellation of leave, automatic approval of leave, report generators etc in this Tool.
As soon as a leave application /cancellation request /withdrawal /approval /rejection
/password-change is made by the person, an automatic email should be sent to the person
and his superior giving details about the action
The number of days of leave (as per the assumed leave policy) should be automatically
credited to everybody and a notification regarding the same be sent to them
An automatic leave-approval facility for leave applications which are older than 2 weeks
should be there. Notification about the automatic leave approval should be sent to the
person as well as his superior
Problem Analysis and Project Planning
In the existing Leave Record Management System, every College/Department follows
manual procedure in which faculty enters information in a record book. At the end of each
month/session, Administration Department calculates leave/s of every member which is a
time taking process and there are chances of losing data or errors in the records. This module
is a single leave management system that is critical for HR tasks and keeps the record of
vital information regarding working hours and leaves. It intelligently adapts to HR policy of
the management and allows employees and their line managers to manage leaves and
replacements (if required).
In this module, Head of Department (HOD) will have permissions to look after data of every
faculty member of their department.HOD can approve leave through this application and can
view leave information of every individual. This application can be used in a college to
reduce processing work load. This project’s main idea is to develop an online centralized
application connected to database which will maintain faculty leaves, notices information
and their replacements (if needed). Leave management application will reduce paperwork
and maintain record in a more efficient & systematic way. This module will also help to
calculate the number of leaves taken monthly/annually and help gather data with respect to
number of hours’ worked, thereby helping in calculating the work hours by the HR
Software Requirement Analysis
In the existing paper work related to leave management, leaves are maintained using the
attendance register for staff. The staff needs to submit their leaves manually to their
respective authorities. This increases the paperwork & maintaining the records becomes
tedious. Maintaining notices in the records also increases the paperwork. The main objective
of the proposed system is to decrease the paperwork and help in easier record maintenance
by having a particular centralized Database System, where Leaves and Notices are
maintained. The proposed system automates the existing system. It decreases the paperwork
and enables easier record maintenance. It also reduces chances of Data loss. This module
intelligently adapts to HR policy of the management &allows employees and their line
managers to manage leaves and replacements for better scheduling of workload. The
application basically contains the given modules:
1) STAFF MODULE: It consist of two types of faculties
a) Teaching
b) Non-teaching
2) HOD MODULE: It consists of Head of the Department/Manager Body which takes
critical decision related to HR.
3) ADMINISTRATION MODULE: It calculates leaves & maintains records.
To automate the existing leave management in educational institutes
To decrease the paperwork and enable the process with efficient, reliable record
maintenance by using centralized database, thereby reducing chances of data loss
To provide for an automated leave management system that intelligently adapts to
HR policy of the organization and allows employees and their line managers to
manage leaves and replacements for better scheduling of work load & processes.
Functional Requirements:
login to the system through the first page of the application
change the password after logging into the system
see his/her eligibility details (like how many days of leave he/she is eligible for etc)
query the leave balance
see his/her leave history since the time he/she joined the company/college
apply for leave, specifying the form and to dates, reason for taking leave, and address for
communication while on leave and his/her superior's email id
see his/her current leave applications and the leave applications that are submitted to
him/her for approval or cancellation
approve/reject the leave applications that are submitted to him/her
withdraw his/her leave application (which has not been approved yet)
Cancel his/her leave (which has been already approved). This will need to be approved
by his/her Superior
get help about the leave system on how to use the different features of the system
As soon as a leave application /cancellation request /withdrawal /approval /rejection
/password-change is made by the person, an automatic email should be sent to the person
and his superior giving details about the action
The number of days of leave (as per the assumed leave policy) should be automatically
credited to everybody and a notification regarding the same be sent to them
An automatic leave-approval facility for leave applications which are older than 2 weeks
should be there. Notification about the automatic leave approval should be sent to the
person as well as his superior
Non-Functional Requirements:
a. Firewall Protection: The Easy leave software system shall run inside a firewall.
b. Support different roles: The system shall support different roles for users, such as
Lecturer/Professor/Head of the Department/Dean/Principal, the user logged in with given
role should only be allowed access consistent with that role.
a. Scaling the system to large number of users: As faculties are going to use easy leave
server every time to apply leaves.
b. The system should able to operate properly when the web application is accessed by
many users at a single time.
Utilization of Resources
a. The system shall store in the database no more than one million transactions.
b. If the database grows over this limit, old transaction shall be backed up and deleted
from the operational database.
Data Modeling
c. DFD for HOD
2. Data Dictionary
2.1 StaffDetails
2.2 LeavesDetails
2.3 LeaveInfo
2.4 Adjustments
2.5 DeptCode
2.6 HodDetails
2.7 PrincipalDetails
Activity diagram for hod:
Use case diagrams:
Sequence diagram:
Prototype :
1) Analyze at which type of situations which process model can be used in a project.
2) Prepare Software Specification document (SRS) for the given project.
Experiment - 3
Auctions are among the latest economic institutions in place. They have been used since
antiquity to sell a wide variety of goods, and their basic form has remained unchanged. In
this dissertation, we explore the efficiency of common auctions when values are
interdependent-the value to a particular bidder may depend on information available only to
others-and asymmetric. In this setting, it is well known that sealed-bid auctions do not
achieve efficient allocations in general since they do not allow the information held by
different bidders to be shared.
Typically, in an auction, say of the kind used to sell art, the auctioneer sets a relatively low
initial price. This price is then increased until only one bidder is willing to buy the object,
and the exact manner in which this is done varies. In my model a bidder who drops out at
some price can "reenter" at a higher price.
With the invention of E-commerce technologies over the Internet the opportunity to bid from
the comfort of one’s own home has seen a change like never seen before. Within the span of
a few short years, what may have began as an experimental idea has grown to an immensely
popular hobby, and in some cases, a means of livelihood, the Auction Patrol gathers
tremendous response every day, all day. With the point and click of the mouse, one may bid
on an item they may need or just want, and in moments they find that either they are the top
bidder or someone else wants it more, and you're outbid! The excitement of an auction all
from the comfort of home is a completely different experience. Society cannot seem to
escape the criminal element in the physical world, and so it is the same with Auction Patrols.
This is one area where in a question can be raised as to how safe Auction Patrols.
Proposed system
To generate the quick reports
To make accuracy and efficient calculations
To provide proper information briefly
To provide data security
To provide huge maintenance of records
Flexibility of transactions can be completed in time
Problem Analysis and Project Planning
An Auction is Latin work which means augment. Auction is a bid, a process of selling;
buying and services offered take place. There are several different types of auctions and
certain rules exist for each auction. There are variations for an auction which may include
minimum price limit, maximum price limit and time limitations etc. Depending upon the
auction method bidder can participate remotely or in person. Remote auction include
participating through telephone, mail, and internet. Shopping online has widely grown;
online auction system is increasing rapidly. Online auction is becoming more and more
popular in electronic commerce and hence it should system must increase its quality and
The online auction system is a model where we participate in a bid for products and service.
This auction is made easier by using online software which can regulate processes involved.
There are several different auction methods or types and one of the most popular methods is
English auction system. This system has been designed to be highly-scalable and capable of
supporting large numbers of bidders in an active auction. Online Auctioning System has
several other names such as e-Auctions, electronic auction etc. The requirement for online
auction or online bidding can be more accurately specified by the client. It should be healthy
and will be a good practice when it is made more transparent as a matter of fact.
Online Bidding has become more wide spread in all sorts of industrial usage. It not only
includes the product or goods to be sold, it also has services which can be provided. Due to
their low cost this expansion made the system to grow. Online bidding has become a
standard method for procurement process. Bidders can be maintained in a single database
according to the preference, and they can be monitored. User’s data can be maintained in a
confidential way for validity and integrity of contractual documentation. Neat reporting
reduces paperwork, postage, photocopying and time beneficial. Multiple bidders can be
communicated with a great ease. This system allows multiple bids by single users. Online
bidding is based upon lowest or the highest price which is initiated but not the best value for
the product. Although there is a chance to fix the criteria against the fact expected to have
desired value by the seller.
The Objective is to develop a user-friendly auctioning site where any kind of product can be
auctioned and provide value-added services to the bidders and the sellers. The products will
be authenticated and the site provides a safe environment for online users:
Secure registration of all users including a personal profile Administrators would
authorize the product to auction, set auction dates and Minimum auction amount for that
Prior to each bid, the user’s bank or credit account must be authenticated for available
balance required for the bid.
Complete Search/Site Map of the entire site for easy access.
Discussion forums for users to interact with other users to know about the product’s
value and originality.
Online Legal Documentation to avoid disputes. Guidance to the users about the same
must be available.
Rare articles may be withheld by owner on the advice of the administrator to bethrown
open in special auctions held by the site so as to increase the bid-values.
Software Requirement Analysis
1. Login:
Login Module includes various utilities like User Registration, Authentication, Change
Password and Forgot Password.
2. Category Management:
This module provides all facilities to admin for managing the Category.
3. Package Management:
This module provides all facilities to admin for managing the Package.
4. Search:
Search Module Provides Category wise Search of items.
5. Auction:
In This Module Seller can Upload their Products for Auction, Bidders can bid for the
Products finally Admin decides the Winner based on Highest Bidding Price.
6. Report:
Report Generation Module can generate reports of past Auctions, Sellers and Bidders.
1. Admin
2. Seller
3. Bidder
1. Admin
Admin can manage user and product.
Admin can manage category.
Admin can send the update to the seller and bidder.
Admin can manage biding.
Admin can manage package.
Admin can generate the whole system work report.
2. Seller
Seller can upload auction product.
Seller can set the starting prize of the item.
Seller can view the bid information for there items.
Seller can bid for product.
3. Bidder
Bidder can also search the items.
Bidder can buy package for auction.
Bidder can view detail of product.
Bidder can bid on particular product.
Bidder can also modify the bidding prize.
Functional Requirements:
Each user type admin or user needs to register him or her as a user or an admin for
accessing the user’s necessary information. They also have email, username and password.
They can login into the system from the web using their email and password.
Admin needs to login to the system to operate the system. Admin has an individual or
unique login email, password and a user level. Through this email and password admin can
login into the system.
Admin can update all product pages. An admin can insert a new product with details and
can update the product information through edit option.
Admin can delete user from user panel. It can have the full access of user’s bid list.
Admin can have access in the bid page.
Users can look for a product from a selected category.
User can add a product to the site with full details of that product.
They can see their products and bided list through their account page.
Users can edit their profiles.
Non-Functional Requirements:
1 ) Performance Requirements
1.1 Performance
The system must be interactive and the delays involved must be less .So in every action-
response of the system, there are no immediate delays. In case of opening windows forms, of
popping error messages and saving the settings or sessions there is delay much below 2
seconds, In case of opening databases, sorting questions and evaluation there are no delays
and the operation is performed in less than 2 seconds for opening ,sorting, computing,
posting > 95% of the files. Also when connecting to the server the delay is based editing on
the distance of the 2 systems and the configuration between them so there is high probability
that there will be or not a successful connection in less than 20 seconds for sake of good
1.2 Safety
Information transmission should be securely transmitted to server without any changes in
1.3 Reliability
As the system provides the right tools for discussion, problem solving it must be made sure
that the system is reliable in its operations and for securing the sensitive details.
2 ) Software Quality Attributes
2.1 Availability
If the internet service gets disrupted while sending information to the server, the information
can be sending again for verification.
2.2 Security
The main security concern is for users account hence proper login mechanism should be
used to avoid hacking. The tablet id registration is way to spam check for increasing the
security. Hence, security is provided from unwanted use of recognition software.
2.3 Usability
As the system is easy to handle and navigates in the most expected way with no delays. In
that case the system program reacts accordingly and transverses quickly between its states.
Data Modeling
(2) Data Dictionary
(2.1) UserInformation
First_name Varchar
Last_name Varchar
Gender Varchar
Mobile Varchar
password Varchar
level int
(2.3) BIddingInformation
Software Designing
(1) Use case Diagram
Use Case Diagram for User panel
2) Activity Diagram
Activity Diagram for Admin panel
2)Sequence Diagram
Prototype models:
1. Home Page:
This Home Page is open When Customer can Open the Site.
2. Registration Form:
This page is used to customer can Registration here. But customer not enter data so error will
be occur.
3. Add Auction Item:
This page for user can not enter some data into the fields error will be occur.
4. Search Item:
This page for user can search Items.
5. Bid On Item:
This page for user can Bid On the Particular Item then package not available so error will be
6. Contact us :
This page for user have Any Query to Contact to the Company.
1) Analyze at which type of situations which process model can be used in a project.
2) Prepare Software Specification document (SRS) for the given project.
Experiment - 4
This project is mainly developed for the Account Division of a Banking sector to provide
better interface of the entire banking transactions. This system is aimed to give a better out
look to the user interfaces and to implement all the banking transactions like:
•Supply of Account Information
•New Account Creations
•Cheque book issues
•Stop payments
•Transfer of accounts
•Report Generations.
Proposed System:
The development of the new system contains the following activities, which try to automate
the entire process keeping in view of the database integration approach.
•User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls.
•The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible.
•Readily upload the latest updates, allows user to download the alerts by clicking the URL.
•There is no risk of data mismanagement at any level while the project development is under
•It provides high level of security with different level of authentication
Problem Analysis and Project Planning
(1)Project Scope:
Internet Banking System refers to systems that enable bank customers to Access accounts
and general Information on bank products and services through a personal computer or other
intelligent device.
The chances and threats that the internet symbolizes is no longer news to the present day
banking sector. No traditional bank would dare face investment analysts without an Internet
strategy. The main intention behind the commencement of electronic banking services is to
provide the customers with an alternative that is more responsive and with less expensive
options. With options just a click away, customers have more control than ever. Their
expectations are usability and real-time answers. They also want personal attention and
highly customized products and services. Internet banking identifies a particular set of
technological solutions for the development and the distribution of financial services, which
rely upon the open architecture of the Internet. With the implementation of internet banking
system, it maintain a direct relationship with the end users via the web and are able to
provide a personal characterization to the interface, by offering additional customized
The objective of this project is limited to the activities of the operations unit of the banking
system which includes opening of Account, Deposit and withdraw of funds, Electronic funds
transfer, Cheque balance and Monthly statement.
the database. Once he/she gets verified the administrative interface will be displayed, where
the administrator can perform operations for both new customers and existing customers.
Administrator will help a new customer in opening their account by taking complete
information from them. Administrator provides services like withdrawal, deposit, transfer
and deleting customer during the time of closing the account. In this module administrator
provides great customer service to the customers who want to do phone banking or teller
banking. The interface for administrator will be both very users friendly and efficient. The
data gets stored in the database instantly when the administrator hits the submit button.
(2)Functional Requirements:
Customer can request details of the last ‘n’ number of transactions he has performed
on any account.
Customer can make a funds transfer to another account in the same bank.
Customer can request for cheque book
Customer can view his monthly statement. She/he can also take print out of the same.
Customer can make Electronic Fund Transfer’s to accounts at their and other banks.
The system is providing balance enquiry facility
(3)Non-Functional Requirements:
Those requirements which are not the functionalities of a system but are the characteristics
of a system are called the non-functionalities.
Secure access of confidential data. Secure socket layer can be used.
24X7 availability
Better component design to get better performance at peak time
Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extensions.
Data Modeling
1) Context Level Diagram
Data Dictionary
Customer table
Login table
Account table
Name Null? Type
Employee table
Transaction(transfer-funds) table
Software Designing
1) Class diagram:
2) Use case Diagram
3) Activity Diagram
(3.2)Activity Diagram for Administrator
Prototype model
Prototype is a working model of software with some limited functionality. The prototype
does not always hold the exact logic used in the actual software application and is an extra
effort to be considered under effort estimation.
Prototyping is used to allow the users evaluate developer proposals and try them out before
implementation. It also helps understand the requirements which are user specific and may
not have been considered by the developer during product design.
1) Analyze at which type of situations which process model can be used in a project.
2) Prepare Software Specification document (SRS) for the given project.