An Analysis of Figurative Language in Michael Jackson Song Lyrics
An Analysis of Figurative Language in Michael Jackson Song Lyrics
An Analysis of Figurative Language in Michael Jackson Song Lyrics
This research aims to find out the figurative language in Michael Jackson song lyrics. Therefore, the
researchers formulated a question as the problem. As follows: (1) what are the kinds of figurative language in
Michael Jackson’s song lyrics? (2) What is the dominant type of figurative language in Michael Jackson’s song
lyrics? This research used Perrine theories to analysis kinds of figurative language in Michael Jackson song
lyrics. There are 12 types of figurative language according to Perrine they are: simile, metaphor,
personification, apostrophe, synecdoche, metonymy, symbol, allegory, paradox, hyperbole/overstatement,
understatement, and irony. The researchers used qualitative design because data are collected by using
document in form of word and a procedure of systematic analysis of context text (words, phrase, sentences,
document, etc), analysis content by qualitative enable researchers to understand the text by grouping words that
have same meaning into categories. The researchers used ten song from the website as an
instrument to find the data to be analyzed based types of figurative language. The researchers finding showed
that are 6 types of figurative language that found in Michael Jackson’s Songs namely: personification,
apostrophe, metaphor, hyperbole, simile and symbol. While, there are 6 types of figurative language weren’t
found in Michael Jackson’s Songs namely: synecdoche, metonymy, allegory, paradox, understatement, and
irony. After analyzing all the data the researchers found the types of figurative language are dominantly used in
Michael Jackson’s songs are hyperbole consists of 11 sentences (30%). It can be concluded that figurative
language can be found and learn in the songs.
Keywords: Analysis, Semantics, Figurative language, Song
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahasa kiasan dalam lirik lagu Michael Jackson. Oleh karena itu
peneliti merumuskan pertanyaan sebagai masalah. Sebagai berikut: (1) apa jenis bahasa kiasan dalam lirik
lagu Michael Jackson? (2) Apa jenis bahasa kiasan yang dominan dalam lirik lagu Michael Jackson ?.
Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Perrine untuk menganalisis jenis bahasa kiasan dalam lirik lagu Michael
Jackson. Ada 12 jenis bahasa kiasan menurut Perrine yaitu: simile, metaphor, personification, apostrophe,
synecdoche, metonymy, symbol, allegory, paradox, hyperbole / overstatement, understatement, and irony.
Peneliti menggunakan desain kualitatif karena data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan dokumen berupa kata
dan prosedur analisis sistematis teks konteks (kata, frasa, kalimat, dokumen, dll), analisis isi secara kualitatif
memungkinkan peneliti untuk memahami teks dengan mengelompokkan kata-kata. yang memiliki arti yang
sama ke dalam kategori. Peneliti menggunakan sepuluh lagu dari website sebagai instrumen
untuk mencari data yang akan dianalisis berdasarkan jenis bahasa kiasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa ada 6 jenis bahasa kiasan yang terdapat dalam Lagu Michael Jackson yaitu: personifikasi, apostrof,
metafora, hiperbola, simile dan simbol. Sedangkan, ada 6 jenis bahasa kiasan yang tidak ditemukan dalam
Lagu Michael Jackson yaitu: synecdoche, metonymy, allegory, paradox, understatement, dan irony. Setelah
menganalisis semua data, peneliti menemukan jenis bahasa kiasan yang dominan digunakan dalam lagu
Michael Jackson adalah hiperbola terdiri dari 11 kalimat (30%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahasa khiasan
dapat ditemukan dan dipelajari di dalam lagu-lagu.
Kata kunci: analisis, semantik, bahasa kiasan, lagu
song to understand the song. Figurative song lyrics and to know the most dominant
language is important to be understand since figurative language.
it is useful give more detailed and accurate E.g.: like a house of cards (Simile)
drifting through the wind
description of the meaning of the word.
From the phenomena, the researchers are one blow from caving in
interested in conducting the study of
figurative language used in Michael From the example, the researchers found
Jackson‟s songs. that figurative language can be found the
Whereas, knowing the meaning of a lyric word 'like' in the sentence refers to someone
is important so that the message to be who has lack of spirit will be indicated like a
conveyed by the composer can be house of cards. It means even they can stand
understood by the listener. Figurative and run their life, but they do not have
language does not mean exactly what it says, strong foundation to keep them stand when
but it forces the reader to understand the facing the problems. Then, personification
meaning of the singer‟s song lyrics. As from the lyric above means someone who
example is in the lyrics of Michael Jackson‟s does not have any spirit in life, they do not
song entitled „Fall Again‟. have any goal in their life. And hyperbole,
E.g All this time away Is killing me the sentence shows the power of a blow that
inside (Hyperbole)
can broke house of cards in one blow. This
means how the problem will fall people
This sentence is included into hyperbole.
down when they have strong foundation,
The researchers feel that his time was killed
spirit, in running their life.
because his waiting and his hope for his love
There are many problems when someone
that no comes. It makes the researchers like
listening a song such as, there are many
killed slowly.
songs that have figurative meanings on it
The previous studies of figurative
which are difficult to interpret by the
language analysis on song have been
listeners, who have less ability in
conducted by some researchers. One of them
interpreting the meaning of figurative
was by Hariyanto (2017) entitled The
language. Based on the explanation the
Analysis of Figurative Language Used in the
researchers provided above, the researchers
Lyric of Firework by Katy Perry (A Study of
are interested in analyzing figurative
Semantic). She is analyzing the types of
language in Michael Jackson‟s songs. By
figurative language that were used in the
analyzing the figurative language of the
songs, readers or listeners will know the interpreting recorded material to learn about
functions or meanings expressed in the song human behavior. The material may be public
lyrics of Michael Jackson. Thus, the records, textbooks, letters, films, tapes,
researchers will carry out a study entitled diaries, themes, reports, or other documents.
"An Analysis of Figurative Language in The research is considered document or
Michael Jackson Song Lyrics". content analysis because it describes and
analyzes the song lyrics' data. Finally,
METHODOLOGY qualitative research would be appropriate to
In this research, the researchers used be used in finding, analyzing, and presenting
qualitative research design. According to the data of the research in a more detail way.
Creswell (2014:9), qualitative research relied The subject of the research is song lyrics
on text or image data and usually had unique of Michael Jackson‟s. The object of the
steps in analyzing the data and draw on research is Figurative Language found in
diverse designs. It delivered by the that Song Lyrics. The researchers then
description of words and languages in a identified and analyzed several songs on the
particular context. Qualitative research is album and looked for the types of figurative
more holistic and often involves a rich language found in them. It means that the
collection of data from various sources to data source is a kind of document.
gain a deeper understanding of individual According to Ary et al. (2010), the term
participants, including their opinions, „documents‟ here refers to a wide range of
perspectives, and attitudes (Sitanggang, et al, written, physical, and visual materials,
2019)). including what other authors may term
There are some qualitative research types artifacts. Document analysis can be of
such as basic interpretative studies, case written or text-based artifacts (textbooks,
study, document or content analysis, novels, journals, meeting minutes, logs,
ethnography, grounded theory, historical announcements, policy statements,
studies, narrative inquiry, newspapers, transcripts, birth certificates,
phenomenological. Based on the kinds of the marriage records, budgets, letters, e-mail
way to do qualitative research, this research messages, etc.) or of no written records
is a kind of document or content analysis as (photographs, audiotapes, videotapes,
the method to obtain the data from the lyrics computer images, websites, musical
of Michael Jackson‟s songs. The content performances, televised political speeches,
analysis focuses on analyzing and YouTube videos, virtual world settings,
etc.). There were ten songs that analyzed, Therefore, in this research the researchers
they are, 1) Heal the World, 2) Black or used method documentation with reading the
White, 3) Will You Be There, 4) Gone Too text, analysis and collecting.
Soon, 5) Remember the Time, 6) Earth Steps in data collection, 1) Browsing the
Song, 7) I Just Can‟t Stop Loving you, 8) website of, 2) Finding the
Fall Again, 9) Beat It and 10) Human scripts of the song lyrics, 3) Copying the
Nature. song lyrics from the Genius. Com, 4)
In this research, Instruments are tool Reading and identifying figurative language
facilities that are used by any researchers in used of Perrine theories and 5) Collecting all
order to collect the data. Arikunto (2013: types of figurative language uses news as
134) stated that instrument in collecting data data.
is a tool that is used by researchers to help According to Flick (2009), qualitative
them in collecting data in order to make it data analysis is the classification and
more systematic and easy (Pakpahan et al, interpretation of linguistic material to make
2019). This research instrument is a script of statement about structures of meaning-
song lyrics downloaded from the suitable making in the material. After getting and
downloading link on the website collecting the data then the researchers took as an instrument to find the the next step which in to analyzing the data
data. Steps in analyzing the data, a) Classifying
This part is very important in any form types of figurative language used Perrine
of researchers. According to Ary et. al. theories and b) Calculating the percentage of
(2010), the most common data collection figurative language and the dominant types
methods used in qualitative research are of figurative language found in Michael
observation, interviewing, questionnaire, and Jackson‟s son lyrics. The researchers used
document or artifact analysis. As in Ary et formula of Sudijono (2004: 43) as cited in
al. (2010) explained, content or document Wijaya (2014: 24) to count the number of
analysis is a research method applied to types of figurative language.
written or visual materials to identify the P = F/n x 100 %
material's specified characteristics. Note:
In this research, the technique collective P = Percentage of types
data in qualitative used document method as F = Total frequency of types
the way to collect the data because the N = Total types of all categories / data
researchers collected the data from songs. Drawing the conclusion.
Table 1 Frequency of Figurative Language according by Perrine theories. The chart can
in Selected Song Lyrics of Michael Jackson
be seen below:
No Types of f Percentage
1 Personification 9 24 %
2 Apostrophe 2 6%
3 Metaphor 3 8%
4 Hyperbole 11 30 %
5 Simile 10 27 %
6 Symbol 2 5%
Total Data 37 100 %
consists 2 data, metaphor consists 3 data, there are 24 % data in personification, there
hyperbole consists 11 data, simile consists are 6 % data in Apostrophe, there are 8 %
10 data and symbol consists 2 data. data in metaphor, there are 30 % data in
hyperbole, there are 27 % data in simile and
The Dominant Type of Figurative
there are 5 % data in symbol. The
researchers can conclude that the dominant
In order to answer the research problem
type of figurative language used in Michael
in this research that has been formulated in
Jackson‟s songs is hyperbole with a total of
chapter 1, the researchers found the types of
11 data or 30 %
figurative language and the dominant type of
figurative language used in Michael Discussion
Jackson‟s songs. From the result of the
From the result of data analysis, the
analysis, the researchers find out the most
researchers concluded that by using theory
dominant of figurative language found in
Perrine the researchers found out the most
Michael Jackson‟s Songs with the title „Heal
dominant types of figurative language used
the World, Black or White, Will You Be
in selected song lyrics of Michael Jackson is
There, Gone too Soon, Remember the Time,
hyperbole. In the finding the data the
Earth Song, I Just Can‟t Stop Loving You,
researchers found types of figurative
Fall Again, Beat it, and Human Nature
language are simile, metaphor,
sentences that used figurative language. The researchers with more information about the
analysis has two problem of the research the figurative language in the lyrics of the
first is what kinds of figurative language Michael Jackson Songs. It is also hoped that
found in song lyrics of Michael Jackson‟s this will provide information to other parties
song and the last is what figurative language who are interested in reading this research.
is dominantly used in song lyrics of Michael
Jackson of figurative language that occur in
the song.
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