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s / Subtest







Bhatia's Battey of Performance Tests of Intelligence
C M Bhatia
To measure the intelligence of a subject on a given performance scale

Koh's Block Design Test - Blocks and design cards;

Passalong Test - Boxes, Blocks and Design Cards;
Pattern Drawing Test - Design Cards;
Picture Construction Test - Pieces of Pictures;
Recording form, manual, stop-watch, paper and pencil.

1. Koh's Block Design Test: This sub-test consists of 16 cubes, the surfaces of which are painted as follows; one side blue, one side yellow, one side red, one side white, one side blue and yellow with the
sixth side white and red. There is a demonstration card and ten design cards.
2. Pass-along Test: This sub-test consists of four trays of different sizes painted red and blue on two sides, blocks of different sizes, shapes and colours as well as eight design cards.
3. Pattern Drawing Test: This sub-test consists of eight patterns of increasing difficulty from the first to the eighth.
4. Immediate Memory Test for digits (Direct and Reversed): This sub-test consists of three sets of numbers ranging from two to nine digits for the direct reproduction and three to six digits for the
reverse reproduction. Three sets are given as alternatives in case of failure.
5. Picture Construction Test: This sub-test consists of five graded items, each item using 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 pieces to form a picture

The tester has to adhere to the procedure of the test rigidly. Give only as much hint or aid to the testee as is permissible. When she fails, do not put on a serious look. Maintain a cheerful and business-
like attitude throughout. Start the test with the Koh's Block Design Test.
Place 4 cubes in front of the testee. Explain how they are alike and coloured in a particular way. Let the testee examine and handle the cubes at leisure. Show her card number 1.Tell her that a design
like that is to be made with the cubes. Even if she attempts to make the design herself, you should demonstrate the design. Mix up the blocks. Ask her to make design number 1 as you have already
demonstrated. Note the time taken. If the testee succeeds in making the design within the time limit of 2 minutes, proceed to design number 2. Ask her to construct it without any demonstrations or
help from your side. Proceed in this manner with the successive designs. When the testee fails a particular design within the time limit, demonstrate the design after she has failed. Do not discuss or let
her do the design again. Move on to the next design, which she must try independently. When the subject comes to design number 6, give her 5 more blocks making the total 9. When she comes to
design number 8, give her the remaining 7 blocks, making the total 16. Stop the subtest when failure has been recorded twice in succession. The time limit for design numbers 1 to 5 is two minutes
each and design numbers 6-10 is three minutes each. In the last column, you may note anything particular or peculiar you find about the testee.

Take the smallest tray and card number 1. Point out to the testee that the red block has been placed near the blue end and the blue blocks near the red end. Explain that the red blocks should come to
the red end and the blue blocks should come to the blue end as seen in the design card. Emphasize that the blocks should not be lifted and can only be passed along inside the tray. Demonstrate the
first item. Place the card and tray in front of the testee and ask her to do just as you had demonstrated. Record the time taken. Proceed to the other designs using appropriate trays. When the testee
fails in a particular design, which she must do independently, demonstrate the design. Do not discuss with the testee. Move on to the next design, which she must do independently. Stop the test after
2 successive failures. The time limit for designs 1 - 4 is two minutes each and for designs 5 - 8 is three minutes each. Note down any peculiarities of the subject in the remarks column.


There are eight patterns of increasing difficulty. The following instructions are given to the testee, "Here is a paper and pencil. I shall show you a pattern." (Place card number 1 before the testee). "Now
make this pattern without retracing lines or lifting the pencil off the paper. You can make as many attempts as you want within the time limit given to you." The card should remain in full view of the
testee throughout the subtest. Stop when failure is recorded giving a maximum of 2 minutes for each of the first four designs and 3 minutes for each of the last four patterns. Demonstrate the first
pattern if necessary. If failure occurs in any pattern, demonstrate that pattern but do not let the testee try that pattern again. Reminding her of the conditions, encourage her to try as many times as
she likes within the time limit. Stop the test after 2 successive failures.
- Direct reproduction: Give the following instructions, "I will call out some numbers. Listen attentively and after I finish, repeat them in the same order in which I call them out." Read out the numbers
clearly; proceed with more digits till failure is recorded. If failure is recorded in the first alternative, try the second and third alternatives. If failure is recorded in all three alternatives, stop the subtest.
- Reversed Reproduction: The instructions in this part are as follows, "Whatever I say, you must repeat backwards. For example, if I say 4-3, you must say 3-4." Explain the reversal process clearly to the
testee. Proceed till failure is recorded in all three alternatives of a particular set.


This is the last subtest of the battery. There are a number of pieces (2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 as the case may be) of a picture. The testee is to put the pieces together to form a picture. Demonstrate the first
item and let the testee do the same. Note down the time taken and move on to the next item. Stop the subtest after two successive failures. If the testee is able to pass the first three items, then in
case of failure in items 4 and 5, record not only the failure but also the number of pieces the testee as able to put together correctly within the time limit. The time limit is two minutes each for items 1
- 3 and three minutes each for items 4 -5. The pieces must be presented before the testee in a pile in serial order that has been marked at the back. The picture side of the pieces should be exposed.
However the above instructions have two exceptions -
- For item 1, put the pieces side by side
- For item 5, put the pieces in two piles. In one pile put the pieces one to six and in the second pile, put the pieces seven to twelve. Pieces one and seven will thus appear before the testee on the top,
side by side, to give the testee an initial correct start.

1. All the instructions about the procedure are to be strictly adhered to.
2. NO clue or help or discussion should be given which will help the testee solve the problem
3. The tester should be clear about the solution of each test and therefore, demonstration, if necessary will take place in a smoother manner without fumbling.
4. Only the required materials should be exposed.

This is done with the help of the manual to determine the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Performance Quotient (PQ). An age correction may be applied. In the calculation of Performance Quotient, total
the weighted scores of all subtests, except the Immediate Memory Test, is calculated

Table 1 represents the Individual data of the testee's scores obtained on the different subtests and her intelligence quotient
Table 2 represents the individual data of the testee on different subtests, weighted scores and the performance quotient.
Intelligence: Wechsler viewed intelligence as an effect rather than a cause, and asserted that non-intellective factors, such as personality, contribute to the development of each person’s intelligence.
He described intelligence as “the aggregate of the global capacity of a person to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his environment.” In short, Intelligence is the capacity
for knowledge and the knowledge possessed (Henmon, 1921).

History of Intelligence Tests: Intelligence Testing: Intelligence Tests measure what a person can do intellectually without the benefit of specific training or education. These are useful for selection and
hiring processes, identify mental deficiencies, and research across all cultures and age groups.
Paul Broca, Francis Galton and Wilhelm Wundt - Measuring Skull, Introspection.

i. Binet-Simon: 1905. Binet and Simon made the successful attempt to construct the first modern intelligence test in IQ history to identify and work with Parisian children who were not benefitting from
the regular forms of schooling. This showed that Intelligence was not fixed and can be modified by the appropriate schooling and instruction. It comprised of logical reasoning, naming objects and
other verbal abilities. This became both a model and source of content for later intelligence tests.

ii. Stanford-Binet Intelligence Tests: The Binet-Simon Scales underwent two major revisions. One by Yerkes and Bridges, naming Yerkes-Bridges Point Scale Examination and the other by Terman,
named Stanford University. This second revision can be used with across age -groups and replaced mental age with intelligence quotient (IQ).

iii. Army Alpha and Army Beta Tests: The main army intelligence tests were group examinations administered to groups of recruits by trained psychological examiners. The Group Army Alpha was
designed for the assessment of literate English speakers and Group Examination Army Beta was designed for the assessment of recruits who were illiterate or non-proficient in English.

iv. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale: The WAIS was adopted from the Wechsler-Bellevue verbal subtests. These were developed by Wechsler in 1955 and was based on his 1949 Wechsler Intelligence
Scale for Children. This test was useful to measure intelligence in adults and older adolescents. It measures dimensions of verbal comprehension, working memory, perceptual organisation and
processing speeds.

V. Intelligence Quotient Formula: The Intelligence Quotient (or IQ) is a number used to express the relative intelligence of a person. It was given by William Stern and later improved by Lewis Terman.
The IQ is computed by taking the ratio of mental age to chronological (physical) age and multiplying by 100.
IQ = (MA/CA) * 100

Types of Tests: On the basis of nature of items, the intelligence tests can be classified into three types:
1. Verbal Tests of Intelligence: Verbal Intelligence refers to specific human language based skills which are considered to reflect latent general abilities. Hence, verbal tests of intelligence measures
receptive and/or expressive spoken language. But this type of test can only be used with literates. Ex: Binet-Simon and WAIS.
ii> Non-Verbal Tests of Intelligence: Non-Verbal intelligence describes thinking skills and problem-solving abilities that do not fundamentally require verbal language production and comprehension.
This type of test uses manipulating or problem-solving about visual information, pattern identification, establishing relationship among figures and other skills required to complete a task. This test can
be administered to illiterates as well. Ex: R-SPM, Block Design and Matrix Reasoning Subtests, Leiter-R and TONI4.
iii. Performance Tests of Intelligence: The Performance IQ is a measure of fluid reasoning, spatial processing, attentiveness to details, and visual motor integration. It can be administered irrespective of
literacy levels. It involves manipulation of objects, minimal use of paper and pencil and assessment of approach to task and related behaviours. Ex: Alexander's Passalong Test, Koh's Block Design Test,
Collin and Drever's Performance Test.

The Bhatia's Battery of Performance Tests of Intelligence or Bhatia's Intelligence Tests or Bhatia's Battery is one of the popular intelligence test in the Indian sub-continent. Adapted from the
performance scale of Wechsler's Adult Intelligence Scale, it consists of five sub-tests:
1. Koh's Block Design Test: Samuel C Koh (1920) - 10 sub-tests - First five: 2 Minutes; last five - 3 Minutes - Maximum Possible : 25; analyse and synthesize, visual-motor coordination, abstract reasoning
2. Alexander's Passalong Test: W Alexander (1937) - 8 sub-tests - 4 five: 2 Minutes; last 4 - 3 Minutes - Maximum Possible : 20 - profit from previous knowledge, motor coordination and control,
practical ability.
3. Pattern Drawing Test: Bhatia - 8 sub-tests - first 4: 2 Minutes; last 4 - 3 Minutes - Maximum Possible : 20 - spatial ability, 'g' factor, imagery.
4. Immediate Memory Test: Binet Tests - Digits forward (Direct) (9) and Digits Backwards (Reversed) (6) - Max possible score = 15; Digits (literates) and Hindi consonants as units of sound (illiterates) -
short term memory span, mental development, general intelligence.
5. Picture Construction Test: Bhatia - 5 sub-tests - first 3: 2 Minutes; last 2 - 3 Minutes - Maximum Possible : 15 - identify essential relationship on the basis of intelligence and understanding - inferior
children to score appreciably.
1154 children, 642 - literates and 512 - illiterates; 11-16 year. (similar to population in geographical, occupational, social points of view for both groups

Split Half Reliability; Literates=- +0.85 and illiterates = +0.84

The test was validated against opinions of teachers (literates) and general village population (illiterates) on a 5 point-Likert scale and showed a validity coefficient of +0.70 and + 0.72 respectively for
both the groups.

1. Can be administered to people with language incompatibility and poor verbal skills / abilities.
2. Can be used to objectively prove Specific Learning Disabilities among children.
3. It is useful to obtain temperamental and character reactions of the subject through a picture from capacity of perception, cognitive characteristics and imagery.
4. IT aids to predict mental status and growth and formulate the right therapeutic measures and in identifying mental responsibility in criminals.
5. Personnel selection in industry and civil services
Comprehensive Interest Schedule
Sanjay Vohra
To study the interest pattern of the individual

The comprehensive Interest Schedule developed by Sanjay Vohra, manual and profile sheet

The Comprehensive Interest Schedule can be administered individually or in-group situations. The subject is seated comfortably and is
given the following instructions: "In this schedule, you are asked to express your preferences for different occupations. These
occupations are given in pairs and you are asked to check them to indicate your preferences. This is not a test of intelligence or special
abilities. You just have to mark your responses in each box, considering both the occupations irrespective of income or status involved in
it". The examples on the first page of the schedule are shown to the subject and the manner of marking his or her preference by
encircling either 1 or 2 in each box, is clearly explained. After explaining the four different possibilities of stating one's preferences, the
subject is given an opportunity to clarify any doubt. No time limit is set, but it should be pointed out to the subjects that the results will
be probably better if they work rapidly, as first impression produces a true picture of their likes and dislikes. The schedule generally
requires 10 to 15 minutes of the subject's time and gives a profile of 14 occupational interest scores.

The tester should see that the subject does not skip any of the boxes and marks the preference clearly for each pair of occupation.

The scoring is done manually. The score for any field is obtained by counting the number of circles around ones in the columns and the
number of circles around twos in the rows. The maximum range of score for each field is from 0-28. These raw scores are then
transferred onto the CIS profile sheet. Total raw score for each field is calculated by adding the scores of ones (columns) and twos (rows).
These scores are then converted into sten scores using the norms table.

Table 1 represents the interest pattern of the individual, showing the raw score in each area and the corresponding sten score obtained
by the subject.
Interest: To have an interest in an object is to be ready to pay attention to it (McDougall). Interest is common with desire, will and
aesthetic judgement and stands opposed to indifference, is distinguished from these three, in that it neither controls nor disposed on its
object, but depends upon it.

Interest and Personality: Personality is the dynamic organisation within the individual of those psycho-physical situations that determine
their characteristics, behaviour and thought. Interest has a high place in determining what is perceived and what is remembered. The
personality, hence, is defined as the set of dominant and sub-ordinate interests and associated mechanism that motivate a particular

Interest and Aptitude: Aptitude is describes as the potential abilities that reflect how likely an individual is to be successful in the
performance of a certain task. Interest-aptitude relationships can be traced to the fact that when interested, one is more motivated to
perform tasks with higher ability and show better outcome leading to better proficiency in the task showing higher aptitude. But these
only complement each other and not related. But interest is liable to change over time and aptitude is stable.

Role of Interest in Career Decision Making: Interest are rooted in the features of the person's personality, and are groupings of likes and
dislikes that lead to enduring and consistent patterns of behaviour. Identifying interests along with personality type can lead to between
implementation of professional value system or re-planning of the career. They also predict performance and knowledge related to them
to assess objectively the success in the chosen area. Further it is helpful to put them in the right career personality, person-environment
fit and job personality

John Holland's Theory of Vocational Types: Holland Theory was introduced by John Holland in 1959 and helps to identify their career
and job personality, and vocation interest along with fit in the person-environment congruence based on individual characteristics an the
work environment.
Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional (RIASEC)

Methods of Measuring Interests

1. Inventory: states whether or not they like a given activity or ranks them in relation to other activities with which it is compared
2. Test Method: Vocabulary Information or attention tests - using different activity or subject matter

Popular Interest Inventories

1. The Strong Campbell Interest Inventory (SCII) : Campbell & Handen in 1985 - making curricular or occupational choices in career
planning. Range of occupations, amusements, subjects and peer types - themes, scales, trait factors
2. Self-Directed Search (SDS): Measure Holland's six types - self-administered, scores and interpreted - do, like, competence, occupation
and self-estimates

Limitations of Interets Tests:

1. Faked by test-taker
2. Interpetation becomes subjective and difficult
3. Unevenness in the knowledge of the various items a subject must choose - forced choice problem
4. Limitation on the expression of enthusiam - differences in the amount of concenr about the knowlegdeof ites
5. Analysis of individual items is discarded

It assess the vocational or career interets o adolecents in 8 broad career areas - influential (administrative & Enterprising), venturous
(defense and sports), artistic (Creative and Performing), scientific (Medical and Technical), analytical (expressive and computation), social
(humaniatrian and educational), nature, and clerical
196 boxes. The pairs first item in column and second item in any row represents the same field
Influenctial (administrative vs enterprising):
High: Convincing, directing, take up responsibilities, assertive, Independent

Venturous (Defense and Sports)

Adventourous, competitive, high sense of responsibility, self-reliant, tough-miged and unidirectional towards goals

Artistic (creative and Performing)

self-expressive to create art forms or products, sensitive, seeking attention, self-suficient, imaginative

Scientific (Medical and Technical)

Conceptual thinkers, high general ental capcity, self-disciplined and controlled
medical = carea dn concern
Technical = Ordered, sense of duty

Analytical (Expressive and Computational)

Sharp at diagnosis, flexible POV, Organization of information, relaxed, procedure oriented
Expre - Alert to manners, social obligations, social reactions

Social (Humanitarian and Educational)

Gropu endeavours, problem solving, sooperative, persistent, gentle

Good cause, adaptable, warm hearted, lonely , sensitive

Concrete thinkers, low or average mental capacity, sense of duty, orderly, self-controlled
avg sample age = 30 years of age - High school and college
Split half method - n=550; r = high
test-retest - 225 = n - r = high

high reliable = high valid

high predictive value
item score and profile score = high

4-7 = average strength

8-10 = Greater strength of interest
1-3 = lower strength of interest

1. Vocational guidance and counselling situations

2. expression of choices in clinet-counsellor settinsg, no fakikng/mysteries
3. Placement tests = more job satisfaction

Wechsler's Memory Scale
David Wechsler / Dr. Rangaswamy
To find our the memory quotient of the testee

Wechsler Memory Scale form - 1; Visual Reproduction Cards (3 Cards), blank paper, pencil and stopwatch.

There are 7 subtests pertaining to different aspects of memory. The first subtest deals with personal and current information. It consists
of 6 questions. The first two questions are on early life and the remaining four are on general information. The second subtest has 5
items dealing with orientation. The third subtest consists of 3 items. They are: counting backwards, alphabets recital and counting by 3's.
The 4th subtest deals with logical memory. It consists of two short stories, A and B. The 5th test consists of calling out digits forward and
then digits backwards. The former consists of a maximum of 8 digits with 2 sets of numbers for each digit. Digit backwards consists of 7
of a maximum of 7 digits. The 6th subtest consists of 3 visual reproduction cards. The 7th subtest deals with associate learning. There are
3 presentations with 10 stimuli-response associations in each presentation. It also consists of recall for the 3 presentations i.e. the order
in which the stimulus words should be called out by the tester.

The testee is seated comfortably. The tester has a copy of the Wechsler Memory Scale - Form 1.


For these two subtests, the testee is given the following instructions, " I will be asking you a few questions and I want you to answer
them for me."
The subtest consists of three items. For the first item, the testee is given the following instruction, “I want to see how quickly you can
count backwards from 20 to 1. For example 20, 19, 18, all the way back to 1". The tester may repeat directions but gives no aid to the
testee. Record the number of errors made and time taken (in seconds). The time limit is 30 seconds. For the second item, the testee is
given the following instructions, "I want to see how quickly you can say the alphabets for me - A, B, C - Go ahead". Time in seconds and
errors are recorded. Time limit is 30 seconds. For the third subtest, the testee is told, “I want to see how quickly you can count by three's
beginning like this, 1, 4, 7...etc - Go ahead." Stop the testee when she reaches 40. Record the time in seconds and the errors. The time
limit is 45 seconds.

This is a test of immediate recall. Begin with passage A and give the following instructions, "I am going to read to you a little selection of
about 4 to 5 lines. Listen carefully because when I am through, I want you to tell me everything I read to you. Are you ready?" After
reading the first selection, the subject is asked, ''Now what did I read to you? Tell me everything and start from the beginning." The
tester reads out passage A and records verbatim the subject's responses. After the first selection is completed, say, "Now I am going to
read to you another little selection and see how much more you can remember of this. Listen carefully." The tester reads the second
selection and proceeds as before.
For the digits forward test, the following instructions are given, “I want to see how well you can pay attention. I am going to call out
some numbers and when I am through, I want you to say them right after me. Listen." Begin with 4 digits forward and continue upwards
until both sets are failed. For the digit backward test, the testee is told, “I want to see how well you can hold numbers in your memory. I
am going to read to you a set of numbers and when I’m through, I want you to say them after me backwards, for example, if I say 1-9-5,
you should say ___ (5-9-1).” If the testee fails to state correctly, say, “That was not quite right, you should have said 5-9-1. Now listen
again and remember to say them after me backwards.” If the testee gets the first series of a set correct, continue with the next higher
series. If she fails, give a second trial, If she fails to state correctly both series of a test, the test is discontinued. If the testee fails on
repetition of three digits backwards, she may be given two digits.
Three visual reproduction cards are to be used for this test. The testee is provided with paper and pencil. The designs are given in the
order A, B and C. For designs A and B, the following instructions are given, “I am going to show you a drawing for ten seconds, observe it
carefully. After I remove the drawing, you will have to draw it from memory. Don't begin to draw it until I saw so. Ready?" After exposing
the card for ten seconds, say, “Now draw it”. For card C, the following instructions are given, “Here is one that is a little harder. This card
has two drawings on it. I want you to look at both of them carefully. You will have only ten seconds to look at the card, after which I shall
take it away and let reproduce both drawings, the one on the left here (point to the space in which the testee has to draw) and the one
on the right here (point). Ready?" Expose the card for ten seconds as before.

The testee is given the following instructions, "1 am going to read out pairs of words, one pair at a time. After that, I will read out the first
word of each pair and you will have to tell me the second word. For example, if the pairs were east-west and gold-silver, then when I say
the word 'east', I will expect you to say 'west' and when I say 'gold’, I will expect you to say 'silver’. Have you understood? Now listen
carefully as I read the list." The tester should read the words at a rate of two seconds per pair. After the first presentation, wait for five
seconds and then present the first recall test. Give the first word of each pair and a maximum of five seconds for each response. If the
testee gives the correct reply, say, ''That's right" and proceed to the next pair. If she gives an incorrect reply, say, ''No" and supply the
correct association and proceed with the next pair. After the first recall has been completed, allow a ten-second interval and give the
second presentation list, proceeding as before. Proceed in the same manner with the third presentation.

Scoring for each subtest is done with the help of the manual. The method for obtaining an appropriate Memory Quotient (MQ) for the
Weschler Memory Scale is as follows;
1. Sum the testee's subtest scores
2. To this total, add the constant assigned for the age group in which the testee falls. This is the testee's weighted/corrected memory
score. Look up the equivalent quotient for this score. The value found is the testee's MQ as corrected for her age

Table 1 represents the subject's scores on the 7 subtests of the Wechsler Memory Scale, the corrected score and the equivalent
Memory Quotient.
Define Memory: Michael Eysenck defines memory as the demonstration that behaviour has been altered because of the previous
storage of information in time ranging from a few seconds to several decades. In 1999, Sternberg defined memory as the means by
which individuals retrieve their past experiences to benefit from this information in the present. In 2005, Cognitive Psychologist Matlin
defined memory as the process of maintaining information over time.

Stages of Memory:
The widely popular information processing model was given by Atkinson and Shiffrin, which involves the areas of sensory register, short-
term memory, and long-term memory. The first basic system involved in this information processing model is the sensory register or
sensory buffer that is involved in the instantaneous registration of the stimulus presented from the environment. The second order
memory system is the short-term store. This is the area where small quantities of information can be stored temporarily for a short
duration of time, usually for a few seconds. The third component in this information processing model is the long-term memory. The
American Psychological Association defines this order of memory as a relatively permanent information storage system that enables
individuals to retain, retrieve and enable the use of the skills and knowledge acquired even after a long time after the original learning
has occurred.
The second theory that explains the stages of memory is the levels of the processing model that was developed by Craik and Lockhart in
1972. This deals with the deeper levels of processing and explains the processing of the deeper information and formation of longer
memory traces. The shallow processing level occurs when the subject initially perceives the physical and sensory characteristics of the
stimulus that are presented to the individual. The second level of processing is deep processing, also known as semantic processing. This
level of processing is more permanent and gives more emphasis on pattern recognition and attempting to give meaning to the incoming
new stimuli.

Kinds of Memory: Memory can be conceptualised in two main types, namely Explicit and Implicit memory.
Explicit memory: The explicit or declarative memory is the type of memory that most individuals refer to as memory. It includes the
ability to succeed with information and past experience with consciousness and intention (deliberately).
Semantic memory: This type of explicit memory includes the sum total of all the facts, concepts and general knowledge about the world.
This also extends to vocabulary, mathematics and all facts that are known to an individual. Semantic memory is objective in nature.
Episodic or Autobiographical memory: This type of explicit memory includes the recollection or the storage of the first-hand experiences
that an individual has had in the past.
Short-term Memory: This type of explicit memory refers to the retention and retrieval of freshly stored information. These lasted for a
few seconds and it led to the study of ‘working memory.’ This working memory refers to the consciousness or awareness, which includes
the retrieval of knowledge from long-term memory to integrate with new information and awareness of your surroundings.
Implicit Memory: The implicit includes the influence of experience on behaviour, even if the individual was unaware of these influences.
This is unconscious and out of self-awareness. This is measured using the word fragment tests or sensing how the behaviours and
reactions are influenced by a wide variety of situations.
Procedural memory: This type of implicit memory is associated with the knowledge or information related to the knowing how or
procedure involved with the doing of things. This includes motor and cognitive skills.
Priming: This type of implicit memory includes the changes in behavior as a result of experiences that have happened recently or
frequently. It refers to activation of knowledge and influences the activation of behaviour.
Learning through Conditioning: Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning learning have an effect on the memory formed without
effort or awareness. This includes an association of a neutral stimulus with another stimulus to create a naturally occurring response.

Methods of Assessing Memory;

1. Ray Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) test was developed by Ray and Osterrieth in 1941 and 1944 is a commonly used
neuropsychological assessment tool that is used for visuo-constructional ability and visual memory.
2. Buschke Selective Reminding Test (SR) was developed by Buschke in 1973 and it is designed to measure verbal learning and memory

Ways to Enhance Memory:

1. Elaborative Encoding
2. Associating with self
3. Awareness of forgetting curve
4. Spaced effect technique
5. Over-learning

The scale was developed by David Wechsler in 1945. It is a neuro-psychological test to measure different memory functions in a person.
The scale consists of 7 subtests including personal information & current information, orientation, mental control, logical memory, digit
span tests (Digit span forward and Digit span backwards), visual reproduction and associate learning. Individual administration. non-
specific conceptualisation of memory with brief procedures for number sequences, recalling a story, simple visual designs and paired
advantages of the test:
1. Easy to administer and takes less time
2. Satisfactory standardization
3. Allowance made for memory variations with age
4. MQ is directly comparable with IQ

1. Personal and current information - assess general personal information - contains questions about biographical data and information
from the long-term memory max = 6

2. orientation - how aware the subject is of oneself and the surroundings - orientation to person, place, time - max = 5

3. Menta control or sustained attention - overlearned material - assess verbal working memory - max = 9

4. logical memory - short term memory - working memory 0 max = 23

5. Digits span test - forward and backward - verbal short-term and working memory - max = 15

6. visual reproduction - immediate recall of encoding of simple geometric drawings and motor abilities - max = 14

7/ Associate Learning = person's ability to encode and retain easy and hard associates
Easy = semantic memory; Hard = new learning
The test was adapted to the Indian setting bu Dr. Rangaswamy, a Clinical Psychologist at the Institute of Mental Health, Chennai. English
and Tamil Version. 20-29 year olds and 40-49 year olds.

1. Useful to make possible comparison of the subject's memory impairment with their loss in other intellectual functions
2. Useful to detect special memory defects in individuals with specific organic brain injuries
3. concrete assessment tool for examining soldiers and sailors returning with head injuries
4. Forensic applications, useful for elderly populations, repeat testing is possible
5. cognitive abilities measure.

Mean and Range of scores of the Standardization Sample for the different subjects of WMS
Personal Information - 5.70 - 5.06 - 6.34
Orientation - 5 - 5
Mental Control - 7.20 - 5.07 - 9.33
Logical Memory - 10 - 7.19-12.38
Digits Forward - 5.80 - 5.23-6.37
Digits Backward - 4.50 - 3.34-5.66
Visual Reproduction - 12.5 - 11.1-13.9
Associate Learning - 16.9 - 15.3-18.5

Classification Table
130 and Above - Very Superior
120-129 - Superior
110-119 - High Average
90-109 - Average
80 - 89 - Low Average
70-79 - Borderline
69 and below - Mental Retardation or Intellectual Deficiency
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire
Cattell & Mead
To assess the personality traits of an individual using Cattell's 16 personality factor (16PF)questionnaire.

16PF Form A, manual, printed answer sheet, scoring key, supplement of norms for 16PF Form A and a profile sheet.

Clear and simple instructions are printed for the testee on the cover page of the test booklet. Although the test can be self-administered,
it is important to establish rapport with the testee whether tested individually or in groups. The following instructions are given, “Inside
this booklet are some questions to see what attitudes and interests you have. There are no right or wrong answers, however very few
items (reasoning) have right answers. Please answer them exactly and truthfully to get the best results. There are four sample questions.
Answer them first so that you can see whether you need to ask anything before starting. There are three possible answers to each
question. Read each question and answer on a separate sheet provided. Do not spend time pondering over the answers but give the first
natural response that comes to your mind. There is no time limit but it usually takes forty five minutes to complete it. Enter your name
and other details in the space provided on the separate answer sheet. Read the instructions given in the booklet before you start.” About
five minutes should be allotted for reading the instructions and working out the samples. Then instruct the subject, “Turn the page and

The questionnaire is scored using the scoring stencils (2) for Form A. The scoring sheet providing the details for each is made use of as
the scoring stencils are not available. The raw scores are then converted into sten scores. Sten scores are used to draw a personality
profile of the testee.

Table 1 represents the individual’s raw scores and sten scores for the 16 factors measured by the questionnaire

Individual profile of sten scores on the 16 factors is drawn.
Define Personality: According to Gordon Allport (1937), “Personality is the dynamic organisation within the individual of those psycho-
physical systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment”. Revised Definition of Gordon Allport (1961), “Personality is
the dynamic organisation within the individual of those psycho-physical systems that determine his characteristics behaviour and

Theories of Personality
1. Psychoanalytic Theory: The psychoanalytic theory of personality was given by Sigmund Freud. Freud’s original conception divided
personality into three levels: the conscious, the preconscious, and the unconscious. The conscious includes all the sensations and
experiences of which we are aware at any given moment. The unconscious is the invisible portion below the surface. The unconscious
contains the major driving power behind all behaviors and is the repository of forces we cannot see or control. Between these two levels
is the preconscious. This is the storehouse of all our memories, perceptions, and thoughts of which we are not consciously aware at the
moment but that we can easily summon into consciousness. The levels and structures of personality as proposed by Freud are the id
(allied with the instincts), ego (rational aspect of the personality) and superego (moral aspect of the personality). A threat or imbalance
to any of these levels results in anxiety, alteration in the personality and creation of defence mechanism.
2. Behaviourist Theory: BF Skinner - Behavior modification applies operant-conditioning techniques to real-world problems. Desirable
personality traits are positively reinforced; undesirable personality trait are ignored. Skinner’s image of human nature emphasizes
determinism, uniqueness, the importance of the environment, and the design of a society that maximizes the opportunity for survival.
3. Social Learning Theory; Social Learning theory was proposed by Albert Bandura and is also called modelling or observational learning
with a focus on the overt behaviour. Bandura’s basic idea is that learning can occur through observation or example rather than solely by
direct reinforcement.
4. Humanistic Theory : The works of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers explains personality through a humanistic approach. Their
theories emphasize human strengths and aspirations, conscious free will, and the fulfilment of human potential. They present a flattering
and optimistic image of human nature and describe us as active, creative beings concerned with growth and self-actualization.
5. Trait Theory: In the framework of the trait approach, personality traits are defined as habitual patterns of behavior, thought, and
emotion that are manifest in a wide range of situations. The most important features of traits are relative stability over time, different
degrees of expression in different individuals, and influence on behavior. Gordon Allport was a pioneer in the study of  personality traits,
which he referred to as dispositions. Allport distinguished three such dispositions: cardinal dispositions – obvious, main traits that are
dominant in an individual ’ s life (e.g., narcissism); central dispositions – not as salient as cardinal traits, but significant and found to some
degree in every person; and secondary dispositions – less visible, less stable individual traits, seen in specific situations.
6. Cognitive Approach: The Personal Construct Theory proposed by George Kelly describes personality in terms of cognitive processes.
Humans are capable of interpreting behaviors and events and of using this understanding to guide our behavior and to predict the
behavior of other people. We observe the events of our life—the facts or data of our experience—and interpret them in our own way.
This personal interpreting, explaining, or construing of experience is our unique view of events. It is the pattern within which we place

Most influential measures of normal personality - 185 item questionnaire utilising a multiple choice response format to assess 16
primary scales. There are a variety of age-adjusted, condensed, and modified versions in use.
1. Factor A - Reserved vs Outgoing: Warmth - low sten = skiff, cool and aloof. High sten score =tendency to be good-natured and easy-
going; spending time with others, emotional expression, friendship and person-oriented job roles

2. Factor B - Less Intelligent vs More Intelligent: Measure of reasoning and general ability - verbal, numerical and logical reasoning. High:
abstract thinking, general reasoning and ability to learn and conceptualise. Low: concrete thinking, less reasoning skills and low academic

3. Factor C - Affected by Feelings vs Emotionally Stable: Emotional stability - coping with problems, satisfaction with life, upset recovery -
high: emotional stability, even-tempered and calm; low - reactive, emotional disruptions and easily upset

4. Factor E - Humble vs Assertive: Dominance - directing others, confronting, cooperativeness. Low: tendency to be easily led,
accommodating. High: aggressive, competitive and need for dominance

5. Factor F: Sober vs Happy-Go-Lucky: Liveliness - stylish, social excitement, social participation - High: lively, energetic, optimistic,
enthusiastic; low: serious, fewer emotional expression and lower enthusiasm

Factor g - Expedient vs Conscientious: Rule Consciousness - moral standards, good manners, attention to riles; Low = disregards rules,
flexible, thirst for boundary free existence. High = Tendency to clearly adhere to boundaries, rule awareness and persistent

Factor H - Shy vs Venturesome: Social boldness - ease in starting conversations, comfort in groups - High = social boldness and
adventurous, new relationship and contacts, Low = shyness, diffident and timid

Factor I - Tough-minded vs Tender-minded: sensitivity - appreciation of beauty, reading rather than action, imagination. Low = objective,
realistic and no non-sense approach, High = sensitive, dependent, compassionate

Factor L - Trusting vs Suspicious: Vigilance - cynicism, distrust of being frank, open with others. High = slow to trust others, wary of
others, self-opinionated. Low = accept themselves at face value, accept responsibility and trusting

Factor M - Practical vs Imaginative - abstractedness - attending to inner thoughts rather than practical matters, losing track of time and
day dreaming - High: increased abstractness, active mental inner life; low = careful, conventional and logical

Factor N - Forthright vs Astute: Privateness - speaking of personal matters, hard to get to close to. High = polished, shrewd, calculative;
low = open and bold in self-expression and unsophisticated

Factor O - Placid vs Apprehensive: Apprehension - worry, feeling sensitive to the action of others and self-critical. High = doubts and
second-guesses. Low = Confident, self-assured, high on self-esteem

Factor Q1 - Conservative vs experimenting - openness to change - new ways to do things, change in status quo and progressive vs
traditional preferences. High: Rapid progress, change and development. Low = Traditional beliefs, conservative, resist experiments

Factor Q2 - Group Dependent vs Self-Sufficient - Self-reliance - Spending time alone, preference to make one's plans, teamwork; High =
one's own perspective and conclusions, self-sufficient; Low = group ideas, support and direction, strong group loyalty

Factor Q3 - Undisciplined vs Controlled - perfectionism - planning ahead, organisation of things - Low: spontaneous, free-spirited; High =
High attention to detail, require accuracy and neatness

Factor Q4 - Relaxed vs Tense =Tension - Annoyed with plans, easy frustration - Low: Low tension levels, fewer agitation, calm; High = high
level of tension, discomfort and nervousness, sleeplessness.
4 experimental stages - 1204646872 an 3498 subjects.
Non-native sample of 2500 people - age, sex, education - 1999 US figures

Test-Retest Method: 2 month = r=+0.70 & 4 year = good

1. Measured directly correlating the scale score with the pure factor it was designed to measure
2. Indirect evaluations by determining how well the test scale's correlations with a representative sample of diverse psychological
variables agree with those the pure factor is expected to have

1-10 : extreme
2,3,8,9 - Strongly Deviant
4,7 - Slightly Deviant
6/5 - average

1. Employee selection, promotion, development, coaching and placement

2. career Counselling
3. in-depth integrated picture of the whole person - normal range measures of personalities
4. Rapport building and empathy, aid self-awareness in client, identification of relevant adjustment issues, therapy strategies, and
planning goals
5. Marriage, family, addiction, medical counselling
Rotter's Incomplete Sentence Blank
Julian Rotter
To estimate the subject's degree and area of maladjustment

Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank — College Form and manual.

The subject is given the test with the following instructions: "Complete these sentences to express your real feelings. Try to do every one
of the items. Be sure to make a complete sentence." No further instructions are given except to repeat instructions if necessary and to
urge the subject to complete all the items. The approximate average time for administration is twenty minutes.

The sentence completions are scored using the examples and scoring principles given in the manual. Responses are scored positive,
neutral or conflict and numerical weights are assigned to them as follows: C3 = 6, C2 = 5, Cl = 4, N = 3, P1 = 2, P2 = 1, P3 = 0. Weights are
totalled and an overall score is obtained.

Table 1 represents the subject's data with number of responses and weighted scores in each category of responses.
Define Personality: According to Gordon Allport (1937), “Personality is the dynamic organisation within the individual of those psycho-
physical systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment”. Revised Definition of Gordon Allport (1961), “Personality is
the dynamic organisation within the individual of those psycho-physical systems that determine his characteristics behaviour and

Methods of Personality Testing and Assessments:

1. Interviews: This method consists of asking questions to the person about their behaviour and aspects of personality - structured or
2. Projective Techniques: These are widely used personality assessment tools where the individual responds to ambiguous or
unstructured stimuli that reflect their latent or unconscious feelings. Inkblot or draw-a-person
3. Association Techniques: This technique includes areas where responses are given by an individual to the stimuli/visual or auditory
presented to them - word associations
4. Observation: Direct method - person is observed by an examiner in different situations to understand their personality and other
behaviour pattern
5. Rating Scales: Use of standardized items that is useful to rate on a fixed parameter - self report vs another assessor
6. Situational Data: Collect data from individuals for assessments in carefully designed situations to observe their behaviour = selection
7. Personality Inventories: MMPI, CPI, 16PF and MBTI scales and questionnaires which includes statements or statements that is be
answered in a specific format
8. Behavioural data: Direct observation - individual's behaviour in different situation, an electronically activated record (EAR) is used for
the purpose.

Semi-Projective Test (SPT): A projective test uses a test consists of ambiguous stimuli that is useful to project their personality when
responding to these stimuli. Semi-projective tests, a type of projective test, used stems or semi-structured like sentence and story
completion or word association. These are partly structed to elicit certain kinds of behaviour or personality traits towards a particular
area of psycho-cultural disposition.
1. Sentence Completion Test: Series of stems that includes the first few words of a sentence and there is a need to provide an ending to
these stems Rotter, Forer Structured Sentence Completion Test
2. Construction Techniques: Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT)- Structured pictorial stimuli to elicit more complex and meaningfully
organised verbal responses
3. Verbal Techniques: Word associations - verbal stimuli
4. Performance Techniques: various forms of self-expression for therapeutic and diagnostic procedures as these techniques reveal
emotional difficulties and relieves it - draw-a-person, play techniques, toy tests, expression

Semi-structured psychological projective technique - asked to finish their sentence for which the first word/words are supplied - reflects
their own words, wishes, desires, fears, and attitudes in the sentence they make. 40 incomplete items. School, college, adults
Purpose: Screening instrument - not finer diagnostic terms - predetermined cut-off (135) - referred to counsellors for careful study or put
under strict observation of evidences of maladjustment in their social settings

1. Not restricted to dichotomous options and freedom of responses
2. intent is disguised
3. group administration
4. No special training for administration but interpretation needs clinical experience
5. flexible ad new items can be easily constructed based on settings
6. Administration and scoring takes lesser time
7. scoring is objective and is useful for screening and experimental purposes
1. Guise is limited and the subject may be able to keep the examiner away from certain aspects of their personality
2. susceptible to semi-objective scoring - impossible machine scoring and need for general skill and knowledge for appraisal and
3. Illiterates, disturbed and uncooperative subjects render insufficient material for analysis
4. no useful for younger children (writing and language)
A representative freshman college population - 299 entering freshmen - Ohio State University - 85 Females and 214 Males
Split-Half Reliability: 0.84 for 124 males and 0.83 for 71 Female. High interscorer reliability for those trained by authors (0.91 for 50
males and 0.96 for 50 females records)

78% - Adjusted respondents and 59% of the maladjusted respondents for females
89% of adjusted respondents and 52% of maladjusted respondents for males

1. Pre-college and vocational counselling

2. Individual case studies and experimental worked to study specific areas of personality
3. Studying employees for trainings and as a selection device in business and industries
4. Used in research to study various social attributes

Table 1 Represents the subject's data with number of responses and weighted scores in each category of responses
Category - Weights - Number of Responses - Weighted Scales - Total Weighted Score in Each category
Conflict Responses
c3 - 6
c2 - 5
c1 - 4
Neutral Responses
Positive Responses
P1 - 2
p2 - 1
p3 - 0

Number of omissions =
Total weighted scores = total score * (40/(40-total number of omissions))
Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale
Minnesota Rate of Manipulation Test
Subjective Well-Being Inventory
Sell and Nagpal
To determine the subjective well-being of your subject.

Subjective Well-being Inventory (SWBI) by Sell and Nagpal (1992), Scoring sheet

This inventory is a 40-item questionnaire which measures feelings of well-being as experienced by an individual in various day-to-day life

The subject is seated comfortably in an environment that is free of distraction. The demographic details have to be collected before the
subject answers the inventory. The following instructions are given “People are different. They live in a variety of situations and they do
not feel the same way about life and the world around them. From a practical viewpoint, it is important to know how different persons
feel with regard to their day-to-day concerns like their health or family. Such knowledge is necessary if an improvement in the quality of
life of people is to be brought about.This is a questionnaire on how you feel about some aspects of your life. Each question may be
answered by any one of the given categories by putting a circle around the number which seems to represent your feeling best. For
example, in the first question, if you feel that your life is very interesting, please put a circle around the response '1'. At times you may
find that your feeling is not represented perfectly by any of the given response categories. In such cases, just choose the one closest to
what you think.”

When collecting the questionnaire, the tester should ensure that all items are marked.

SWBI can be scored by attributing the values 3,2 and 1 to response categories of the positive items and 1,2 and 3 to the negative
items.The minimum and maximum scores that can be obtained are 40 and 120 respectively. Items for which a score of 1,2 and 3 are
given for ‘very much’, ‘to some extent’ and ‘not so much’ respectively are nos.16-20,24-27 and 29- 40. The total score can be interpreted
in the light of three broad score ranges: 40-60 (Below Average), 61-80 (Average),81-120 (Above Average), to have an overall picture of
the well-being status.

Table 1 represents the total subjective well-being score of the subject and it’s interpretation.
The total score can be interpreted in the light of three broad score ranges: 40-60 (Below Average), 61-80 (Average),81-120 (Above
Average), to have an overall picture of the well-being status.
Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM)
JC Raven
To measure the capacity of the subject for observation and clear thinking, by means of Progressive Matrices.

Standard Progressive: Matrices, Test Booklet, Manual, Answer Sheet

The Progressive Matrices, sets A, B,, C, D and E are printed out in a book form. The person who gives the test explains the problem on
page one, i.e., set A and instructs the subject to solve the rest in a similar manner. Each problem consists of a pattern in which a piece is
missing. There are several pieces below the pattern and each of these pieces is of the same shape as the missing piece but only one of
these completes the pattern. The subject has to choose the piece, which she feels, will complete the pattern and note down the number
of this piece against the pattern number on the answer sheet. The following instructions are given: "There is a pattern on every page of
your book with a piece missing. Each time you have to decide which of the pieces below is the right one to complete the pattern. When
you have found the right piece, write down the number of the piece on the answer sheet against the pattern number. The problems are
simpler in the beginning and get harder as you go on. If you pay attention to the way the easy ones are solved, you will find the latter
ones less difficult. Try each in turn from the beginning to the end of the booklet. Work at your own pace. Do not turn back to see how
many you have solved right. You have as much time as you want."

1. It should be made clear to the subject that she is not to refer to the earlier problems.
2. she should choose only one of the pieces given below the pattern.

The Total number of correct responses made by the subject the percentile corresponding to the total score, the grade in which the
subject falls and the discrepancy scores are to be determined.

Table 1 represents the individual data showing the total score, percentiles, grades and discrepancy scores of the subject.
Intelligence: Wechsler viewed intelligence as an effect rather than a cause, and asserted that non-intellective factors, such as
personality, contribute to the development of each person’s intelligence. He described intelligence as “the aggregate of the global
capacity of a person to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his environment.” In short, Intelligence is the
capacity for knowledge and the knowledge possessed (Henmon, 1921).

G-Factor of Spearman: English psychologist Charles Spearman defines 'g' factor or general factor as the most differences among
individuals in performance on diverse mental tests, irrespective of the ability being assessed, the test content, the method of test
administration. The G-Factor is defined as the mental aptitude rather than accumulated knowledge.

Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory: Howard Gardner replaced the idea of general intelligence with Multiple Intelligence Theory,
which proposed seven types of intelligences - linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal
and intrapersonal. Later they added naturalistic as well. This suggests that everybody is smart in some way or other and there are several
forms of human ability rather than a rigid general intelligence.

Intelligence Testing: Intelligence Tests measure what a person can do intellectually without the benefit of specific training or education.
These are useful for selection and hiring processes, identify mental deficiencies, predicting future behaviour and information about
cognitive and academic strengths, and research across all cultures and age groups.

Types of Tests: On the basis of nature of items, the intelligence tests can be classified into three types:
1. Verbal Tests of Intelligence: Verbal Intelligence refers to specific human language based skills which are considered to reflect latent
general abilities. Hence, verbal tests of intelligence measures receptive and/or expressive spoken language. But this type of test can only
be used with literates. Ex: Binet-Simon and WAIS.
ii> Non-Verbal Tests of Intelligence: Non-Verbal intelligence describes thinking skills and problem-solving abilities that do not
fundamentally require verbal language production and comprehension. This type of test uses manipulating or problem-solving about
visual information, pattern identification, establishing relationship among figures and other skills required to complete a task. This test
can be administered to illiterates as well. Ex: R-SPM, Block Design and Matrix Reasoning Subtests, Leiter-R and TONI4.
iii. Performance Tests of Intelligence: The Performance IQ is a measure of fluid reasoning, spatial processing, attentiveness to details, and
visual motor integration. It can be administered irrespective of literacy levels. It involves manipulation of objects, minimal use of paper
and pencil and assessment of approach to task and related behaviours. Ex: Alexander's Passalong Test, Koh's Block Design Test, Collin
and Drever's Performance Test.

The Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices was developed by JC Raven in 1936. This test is useful to measure a person's ability to form
perceptual relations and to reason by analogy. It is a non-verbal test of IQ. This test is one of the best measures of Spearman's G Factor
1. Coloured Progressive Matrices - Sets A, Ab, B:These matrices provide a valuable test for young children and elderly for research and
clinical purposes. It is also useful among those with lack of English language verbal abilities, suffered from physical disabilities,
intellectually sub-normal or faced deterioration. These lack verbal instructions and the problems are placed on a colourful background to
measure the capacity of observation and clear thinking.
2. Advanced Progressive Matrices - Sets I and II: These matrices are useful for people over 11 years of average or more than average
intellectual ability. It is used in two forms (with or without time limit) to assess observation capacity and clear thinking at maximum level
and speed respectively. This test is useful to make the intellectual ability score more exact without limiting to 95+ percentile as in SPM.
Standardized among different populations (Young Adults and Adults in US and Britain). The appropriate age to administer the test would
be 6 to 65 years.
Test - Retest Reliability - 5862 adults (military man and civilians) - Reliability scores between the range of 0.83 to 0.93 with a time interval
of 1 week to 3 years.

High Relatability --> High construct Validity

A person's raw score on the scale is the total number of problems they have solved correctly. For practical purposes it is easy to take
certain fixed percentages for grouping people. This includes:
I - Intellectually Superior - >= 95th Percentile
II - definitely above the average in intellectual capacity - >75th Percentile
II+ - Score above the 90th percentile
III - Intellectually Average - 25th < x <75th
III+ - Score above the median or 50th Percentile
III- - Score is less than the median
IV - Definitely Below Average in Intellectual Capacity - <=25th Percentile
IV- - <=10th Percentile
V - Intellectually Defective - <=5th Percentile

1. Clinical: The test is useful to identify the individuals with intellectual disability and giftedness.
2. Educational uses include prediction of educational success, identification of types of learners and participation. It is also useful in
selection and application process.
3. Organization: Useful for hiring, understanding employee training skills and needs, identification of effective operations and promotion
process selection.
4. Research; These serve as an useful aid for further studies and research involving intellectual abilities, non-verbal capabilities, and
other performance metrics.

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