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Page49 Mysterious Energies

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The passage discusses how ancient civilizations had an understanding of subtle energies and incorporated this knowledge into sacred architecture and structures. It also discusses how modern science is now validating and investigating this ancient wisdom.

BEM fields are Bio-Electro Magnetic Fields that form energy grids emanating from the Earth's surface. Ancient cultures like those in India understood the variations and effects of these fields and used this knowledge, as evidenced by structures like temples and residences.

Ancient cultures oriented structures like buildings and roads in alignment with BEM grids and placed structures like menhirs at intersections to transform negative energies. Proportions, materials, and orientations were all designed based on understanding energies.

Ancient Wisdom Today


Dr Prabhat Poddar
n ancient times, architecture was not only a creation of form to limit or define space, but was inherently a sacred form, a threedimensioned mandala. All cultures took into consideration their understanding of the subtle effects of the environment, both natural and built, on the body. With this knowledge, our ancestors created forms that were in harmony with the laws of that greater creation that surrounds us; forms that live not in time, but that have out grown time and live in eternity. Theirs was a magic of numbers, a sacredness of proportions and materials, a mysticism of

harmonics and colours, a critical choice of the right location and the right moment in time, so that matter and form expressed in an infinite number of ways the cosmic truths, and made us experience the multiple attributes of the Infinite. Today, a branch of modern science known as geobiology dedicates itself to an investigation of the principles on which these laws are based. The initial conclusions reveal much about the formidable knowledge and mastery of the ancients in the Indian subcontinent and in other ancient civilisations.

Our ancestors created forms that were in harmony with the laws of that greater creation that surrounds us; forms that live not in time, but that have outgrown time and live in eternity

continued overleaf

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Ancient Wisdom Today

Brahmamuhurta, an extraordinarily auspicious time, is related to sudden, very high positive intensities of the BEM telluric grids between the period 0200 to 0500 hours everyday


THE HARTMANN GRID A grid of energy lines emanating from the earths surface and circumscribing our globe

In the late 1970s, a German physician, Dr Ernst Hartmann, discovered a grid of energy lines emanating from the earths surface and circumscribing our globe. This energy is orientated magnetically in the north-south direction at 2m intervals, and in the east-west direction at 2.5m intervals, and is now called the Hartmann Grid. These energy fields are termed Bio-Electro Magnetic Fields (BEM), and the last two decades of research reveal that the radiations from the surface of the earth, termed telluric, are BEM energy grids of twenty types (apart from the harmful BEM energy fields of underground water streams, faults in the earth and cavities. That the existence of these energy fields was also known in ancient times is revealed by various structures: The old monasteries in the Himalayas orient the houses and cells for monks such that they are contained within the BEM grids in what is normally a neutral zone. Menhirs (megaliths) dotting the surface of the earth from the Far East to Ireland, built over 4,000 years ago, were located specifically on

Above: Stonehenge. Menhirs dotting the surface of the earth from the Far East to Ireland, built over 4,000 years ago, were located specifically on the most negative energy points nodes or intersections of BEM grids, in order to transform the negative telluric vibrational grids into positive fields

the most negative energy points nodes or intersections of BEM grids, in order to transform the negative telluric vibrational grids into positive fields, and act as transmitters radiating and affecting a vast area, a function they continue to perform even today. The Romans oriented all the buildings in their villages, towns and cities with respect to the BEM grids. All their roads of conquest followed BEM grids and because they were aware of the negative energy of these lines, they manipulated the grid, rendered it positive and used it to reduce fatigue amongst their marching soldiers and charioteers. The ancient Celts also orientated all their buildings with respect to the BEM grids as is evident from studies of their ancient sites. In ancient India, the grids were used in the concept of the eight dishas, (orientations) more specifically for orientation of temples with respect to residential areas, as is clearly explained in the vastushastras. The direction of flow of energy of these telluric grids is from north to south and from east to west. Research in the Indian subcontinent has revealed that the intensity of these telluric BEM grids is not consistent throughout the day and the year. There are cyclic variations but these have a fixed pattern. For example, the concept of Brahmamuhurta, an extraordinarily auspicious time, is related to sudden, very high positive intensities of the BEM telluric grids between the period 0200 to 0500 hours everyday. Similarly, the hour after sunset, sandyha or vesper, is related to high positive intensities of these grids. The causes of these variations are still a matter of research, but it is amazing how our forefathers had an exact and intimate knowledge of these energy fields, their direct and subtle effects on the human body, and amazing too how they developed the ways and means to master these fields and manipulate them to the desired intensities for their benefit. In most ancient religious buildings, the presence of an underground body of water is a must, as water also emanates BEM energy fields. The classic example is that of the famous cathedral at Chartres in France, where water currents have


Autumn 2003

Above: EXAMPLES OF BOVIS SCALE ENERGY LEVELS 1 Ringing of church bells creates vibrations at 11,000 Bovis 2 The call of the mujahideen to the faithful and to Allah, vibrates at 12,000 Bovis 3 In the Tibetan temples, the energy level is around 14,000 Bovis 4 The Tibetan prayer wheel vibrates at 12,000 to 16,000 Bovis
been used and created to give the necessary permanent vibrational support. We still wonder how and why they built the water channels at a depth of 37m (over 100ft deep), and why at Chartres the height of the central dome above the ground is also 37m. All living creatures in nature are very sensitive to these invisible walls of the different telluric BEM grids. Cats are found to thrive on negative energies, and will always locate certain kinds of negative BEM grid nodes, for recharging themselves. (Perhaps therein lies the reason why cats were made companions of witches!) Ants are also known to locate their ant hills on similar grid nodes, points that are harmful for man, whereas dogs, horses, cows, sheep, etc., will always find positive energy grounds for recharging themselves, areas that are beneficial for man. Studies have shown that twelve hours before any earthquake tremors are felt anywhere in the world the BEM telluric grids undergo a change. At the actual time of earthquake the grids encircling the entire globe are badly shaken, and it takes about half an hour after the earthquake for them to become normal. Underground nuclear explosions disrupt BEM grids over the entire surface of the earth for days on end.


The Bovis Scale
6,500 The Human Body











11,000 12,000 13,000

14,000 15,000 16,000

here are very accurate ways of measuring the various energy fields existing around us, with simple unsophisticated instruments such as the Lecher Antenna and the Bio meter, a scale developed by a Frenchman, Antoine Bovis, and his colleague Andre Simonton. Due to a lack of consensus on what to call these units of energy, they are termed Bovis.

On the Bovis scale therefore: 0 Bovis represents no energy 6,500 Bovis is the normal human, physical body energy if there is no disease of any kind in the system. An indication of lower physical energies of the body is a sign of disease, infection or a medical problem. The lower the bodys energy the more significant the disease, ultimately leading to death. 6,500 Bovis to 16,000 Bovis are the energies of the different chakras of the body; these are also reflected in the different cultures as concentration of energy in the sanctum sanctorum or garbhagriha in churches, temples, mosques, etc.

Above: In churches, around the cross, the energy level has been measured at 11,000 Bovis corresponding to the energy level of the heart centre or the Anahata Chakra

In churches for example, around the cross, the energy level has been measured at 11,000 Bovis corresponding to the energy level of the heart centre or the Anahata Chakra. (The energy level around the cross is different, for example, between a Protestant or a Lutheran church). The ringing of church bells creates vibrations at 11,000 Bovis. In mosques, the energy level is around 12,000 Bovis in front of the east facing niche, corresponding to the energy level of the throat centre or Vishuddha Chakra, and therefore, underlining the importance of the call of the mujahideen to the faithful and to Allah, which interestingly, also vibrates at an energy level of 12,000 Bovis. In the Tibetan temples, the energy level is around 14,000 Bovis in the garbhagriha, corresponding to the Ajna Chakra (between the eyebrows). Incidentally, the Buddhist stupa, because of its proportion and form, radiates an energy of 12,000 Bovis, which has a beneficial influx, besides subtly attracting the individuals to spiritual centres for recharging themselves. The Tibetan prayer wheel containing a mantra written on parchment or tissue, when turned, makes the environment vibrate at 12,000 to 16,000 Bovis.

continued overleaf

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Ancient Wisdom Today

Left: In all religious buildings there is a progression of energy fields from the entrance to the sanctum, reflected in the many doors or changes in the plinth level


These particular vibrations created by forms and their proportions are independent of the material they are made of, whether it be wood, metal, silver or gold. Woven or even printed on paper, the energy level of every symbol or yantra or mandala remains fixed. Unfortunately, it is yet to be established how the ancient masters built so as to arrive at such specific high energy fields. Furthermore, as the body is not used to being in high energy environments, we find that in all religious buildings there is a progression of energy fields from the entrance to the sanctum, reflected in the many doors or changes in the plinth level, as well as a demand for celibacy to help priests withstand exposures to these high energy levels. A good example of a symbol is the energy level of the swastika or the satya, as it is known in India. Drawn, printed, or used in sticker form, it has a formidable positive energy level of 1,000,000 Bovis. The swastika used by Hitler (at 45 degrees to the cardinal axis) has a terribly low energy level of 1,000 Bovis. The swastika in reverse, has the same energy level as the satya, but is totally negative. There are things in nature that have very high positive energies by themselves, such as sandstone, marble, etc. There are others that have high negative energies; diamonds and some other gems, granite and quartz, the latter having the terrible effect of constricting the flow of blood in the vessels. The only natural element that is an infinite source of totally positive energy is fire. The smallest flame of any type radiates infinite energy. But curiously, an even number of flames in an environment or room cancel each others radiation and become harmful. An odd

Natural Elements with High and Low Energy

Sandstone: HIGH

Marble: HIGH

Diamonds: LOW

Quartz: LOW

number of flames are used in several cultures because they complement each other and create a highly charged positive environment. The importance of arati in India now becomes clear. As the hands are put around the flame to take the arati, those few moments are sufficient to raise the bodys physical energy to that of the flame. It becomes infinite for a short period of time. In the ancient Indian and Far Eastern cultures the earth energies (BEM grid radiations and radiations of underground streams of water, faults in the earth, cavities below surface, etc.,) were all graphically represented by snakes. Garuda holding snakes under each claw and not allowing the snakes to mingle or cross, signified mastery over these earth energies. The ancient Chinese and Tibetans symbolised these earth energies by dragons; and some ancient European cultures by wyverns. In man each cell of the body is like a radio receiver with its own characteristic frequency. Each cell in the body receives fundamental energies in the form of vibrations from the earth and nature. In our present technological world, man is being inundated not only by the telluric and cosmic energies, but by many more negative energy radiations such as those due to the generation, transmission, utilisation of electricity, television antennae and tubes, overhead and underground water tanks, reinforced cement concrete buildings and structures, synthetic materials and clothes; the list is unending. Also, we are more affected by these energies at our place of sleep and our place of work, as the body is stationary for a longer period at these places. These negative energy fields disrupt the vibrational energy of the cells in the areas they intersect the body, resulting in disease over a period of time. continued on page 54


Autumn 2003



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Ancient Wisdom Today

Basically, the orientation of buildings according to their forms, materials used, proportions, etc., play a very powerful part in creating either the right or harmonious environment, or a wrong and negative environment that affects us socially, psychologically, mentally and spiritually
Geobiology has only recently come into its own. There are various areas other than those mentioned here in which research is ongoing: Kirlian photography, for instance, through which it is possible to establish visual proof of the effect of different radiation fields on the body, in addition to investigating the energy of various geometrical forms and their effects on us. Integral to the science, of course, is the study of ancient texts such as the vastushatras in India or feng shui in China, as well as the approach and techniques used in ancient Europe, Egypt, South America, etc. All ancient cultures had developed an understanding and knowledge of the subtle effects of various energy fields and incorporated these into their structures and buildings which survive today, and whose study helps us rediscover this ancient knowledge, and more important, its application- the raison detre for these ancient architectural practices. The understanding of these subtle energy fields which had been mastered by our ancestors is necessary in order to learn how to apply them effectively under the constraints and limitations we are faced with today.


In the already-built environments, one can only study the different kinds of energy radiations, and find ways and means of harmonising and neutralising them. This is very much more complex and difficult as it is not normally possible to rebuild or reorient the building. In a new structure a lot of things can be easily taken care of in establishing the right energy levels by the use of materials such as lime, sandstone, limestone, marble. But, to be effective, these need to be fixed in lime mortar instead of cement. Ideally, at the foundation level, if we can spread a 2 inch or 5cm layer of pure lime before laying the brick jelly or lean concrete, it helps further harmonise the radiations coming through the ground. In concrete too, if we can replace granite by sandstone/limestone chips it is a big help. In Europe today, the effort is to develop a new range of products paints, varnishes, preservatives for wood, etc., which have only positive radiations. To a large extent using the right natural materials helps. Steel reinforcements in columns, beams, slabs, walls, create a sort of cage of Faraday. We could say that we are living in a highly charged environment between two plates of a condenser. It is necessary to establish good earthing for the steel reinforcements so that the ionisation factor is neutralised and the body, therefore, not stressed. The form of the building, its orientation, the symmetry of its door and window openings and their proper alignments, the layout of the different rooms, all these and more, are factors that, if considered at the design stage, help the harmonisation of energy fields and their effects on the body. The subtle relationship that exists between the orientations (dishas) and the different

types of energy radiations that relate to energy axes in our body, is the key to understanding the relationship between the energy fields of man and buildings. Basically, the orientation of buildings according to their forms, materials used, proportions, etc., play a very powerful part in creating either the right or harmonious environment, or a wrong and negative environment that affects us socially, psychologically, mentally and spiritually. The form of a house/apartment, etc., creates an energy field that is termed the Central Energy Point or Energy of Form, which is a Cosmo Telluric Energy column, radiating in ten directions: east, west, north, south, north-east, north-west, south-west, south-east, nadir and zenith all earth, environmental and cosmic energies coming through and existing in the place concerned. These directly affect the human body at the different points of our chakras or energy centres, not necessarily the same for man and woman, from above the head to below the feet. The form, proportions, orientations and materials used in the house or apartment create another set of energy fields that are complementary to the Central Cosmo-Telluric Column or Energy of Form, and which affect the energy fields within the house with respect to the six orientations and the nadir/zenith at each of these eight orientation points. This understanding of the relationship of the various subtle energy fields with the energy axes of our body and with the ten orientations is the prime factor harmonising us with our built environment. We do not then have to worry about how to neutralise each radiation source separately; we have to harmonise them by acting on the eight outward orientation points, and on the ninth, which is the Central Cosmo-Telluric Energy Column or the Energy of Form.


Autumn 2003

espite all the scientific advances of today we still know very little compared to the knowledge that the ancients had, in every culture, about the relation of forms and energies. This, briefly elaborated, stated that any form, geometrical or other creates a concentration or dispersion of cosmic and earth energies, which are then harmful or beneficial to man. An outstanding example is the pyramids of Egypt, now known to be based on certain golden proportions of the dimensions of the base and height and upon the orientating of any one side of the square base of the pyramid to the magnetic north.

Some of the phenomena observed with the energy spiralling out of the summit of the pyramid:
In a room, if a pyramid is kept near any rotting substance, it helps clean up the air and eliminate all noxious smells. Pyramids kept under a bed help produce a sound and restful sleep. Mathematically, pyramids are projections of hemispheres and the famous Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, in its proportions and location is perfectly related to the dimensions of the earth. If the effect of this form can be seen to be so intriguing, what about the effect on us of other shapes, proportions, volumes, orientations, materials used in ancient and modern architecture? Surely these too are worth investigating.

There are two kinds of phenomena that are observed:

1. a concentration of energy that takes place around the vertical axis passing through the apex of the pyramid, at onethird the height from its base. 2. an energy coming out of the summit of the pyramid in a spiral form.

Some of the important phenomena observed of the energy concentration within the pyramid (on models made of stone, wood, paper, boards, plastics, but without any metal in any form) are:
Food will not spoil, but will dehydrate, and if kept for a long time, will mummify. Milk does not spoil but becomes cheese over a period of time, without any additives. Blades or knives get back their sharp edge if kept for a sufficient number of days. Grains germinate quickly, are healthier and grow faster than those planted outside. Water kept in the pyramid acquires interesting medical properties that help rejuvenate the skin, heal cuts and eliminate many medical problems. Larger pyramids where a man can lie down or sit, also help cure certain medical problems and help operations carried out on any part of the body heal faster.

Mathematically, pyramids are projections of hemispheres and the famous Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, in its proportions and location is perfectly related to the dimensions of the earth
Left: The pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. The faces of the pyramid are positioned in the direction of the 4 cardinal points (with an error of less than 1 degree)

Adapted from an article by Dr Poddar which appeared in Architect and Design July 1991. Architect Dr Prabhat Poddar is Director, Geobiology Research Centre for Applied Scientific Research at Pondicherry. e-mail: indrasethia@blueyonder.co.uk or Prabhatpoddar@yahoo.com

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