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Letter of Offer

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The key takeaways are that Tata Consultancy Services Limited is offering to buyback up to 4 crore equity shares at Rs. 4,500 per share for an aggregate amount of Rs. 18,000 crore from eligible shareholders on a proportionate basis through the tender offer process.

The buyback is being undertaken pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act and Buyback Regulations to return surplus cash to shareholders and enhance overall shareholder value.

The buyback price is Rs. 4,500 per share for up to 4 crore shares representing 1.08% of the total paid-up capital. The maximum buyback size is Rs. 18,000 crore which is within 25% of the company's free reserves as per the latest financial statements.



This Letter of Offer is being sent to you as a registered Equity Shareholder of Tata Consultancy Services Limited (“Company”) as on the Record Date (as defined hereinafter)
in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-Back of Securities) Regulations, 2018, as amended from time to time (“Buyback Regulations”). If you
require any clarifications about the action to be taken, you may consult your stock broker or investment consultant or the Manager to the Buyback, viz. JM Financial Limited,
or the Registrar to the Buyback, viz. Link Intime India Private Limited. Please refer to the section on “Definitions” for the definition of the capitalized terms used herein.

Corporate Identity Number (CIN): L22210MH1995PLC084781

Registered Office and Correspondence Address: 9th Floor, Nirmal Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021
Tel: +91 22 6778 9696, Fax: +91 22 6778 9660, E-mail: investor.relations@tcs.com#, Website: www.tcs.com;
Compliance Officer: Mr. Pradeep Manohar Gaitonde, Company Secretary
1) The Buyback is being undertaken pursuant to Article 11 of the Articles of Association of the Company, Sections 68, 69, 70 and other applicable provisions, if
any, of the Companies Act, 2013 (the “Act”), the relevant rules framed thereunder including the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 and
the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015, to the extent applicable, and the Buyback Regulations. The Buyback is further subject to approvals, permissions, sanctions and exemptions,
as may be necessary, and subject to such conditions and modifications, if any, from time to time from regulatory and/or statutory authorities as required under
applicable laws, including but not limited to Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”) and the stock exchanges where the Equity Shares of the Company
are listed i.e. BSE Limited (“BSE”) and National Stock Exchange of India Limited (“NSE”) (collectively, “Stock Exchanges”).
2) The Buyback is within 25% of the aggregate of paid up capital and free reserves of the Company as per the audited condensed standalone interim financial
statements and audited condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Company as on December 31, 2021 (i.e. the latest audited financial statements
available as on the date of Board Meeting recommending the proposal of the Buyback, in accordance with provisions of the Act which was on January 12, 2022).
The Offer Size of the Buyback constitutes 21.03% and 19.06% of the aggregate fully paid-up equity share capital and free reserves as per audited condensed
standalone interim financial statements and audited condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Company as on December 31, 2021, respectively,
which is within the prescribed limit of 25%, and represents 1.08% of the total issued and paid-up equity share capital of the Company as on December 31, 2021.
3) This Letter of Offer is being sent to the Equity Shareholders/Beneficial Owners holding Equity Shares of the Company as on the Record Date (“Eligible
Shareholders”). A copy of the Public Announcement, the Draft Letter of Offer and this Letter of Offer (including the Form of Acceptance-cum-Acknowledgement
(“Tender Form”)) shall be available on the website of SEBI at www.sebi.gov.in and the Company at www.tcs.com.
4) The procedure for tender and settlement is set out in Paragraph 20 (Procedure for Tender/Offer and Settlement) of this Letter of Offer. The Tender Form is enclosed
together with this Letter of Offer.
5) For mode of payment of consideration to the Eligible Shareholders, please refer to Paragraph 20 of this Letter of Offer.
6) Eligible Shareholders are advised to read this Letter of Offer and in particular, refer to Paragraph 17 (Details of Statutory Approvals) and Paragraph 21 (Note on
Taxation) of the Letter of Offer before tendering their Equity Shares in the Buyback.

JM Financial Limited Link Intime India Private Limited

7th Floor, Cnergy, Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi, C-101, 247 Park, L.B.S. Marg,
Mumbai – 400 025, Maharashtra, India Vikhroli (West), Mumbai 400 083
Tel: +91 22 6630 3030; Fax: +91 22 6630 3330 Tel: +91 22 4918 6300; Fax: +91 22 4918 6195
Contact Person: Ms. Prachee Dhuri Contact Person: Mr. Sumeet Deshpande
E-mail: tcs.buyback2022@jmfl.com, Website: www.jmfl.com E-mail: tcs.buyback2022@linkintime.co.in, Website: www.linkintime.co.in
SEBI Registration Number: INM000010361 SEBI Registration Number: INR000004058
Validity period: Permanent Validity period: Permanent
Corporate Identity Number: L67120MH1986PLC038784 Corporate Identity Number: U67190MH1999PTC118368
Buyback Opening Date Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Buyback Closing Date Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Last Date and Time For Receipt of Completed Tender Forms Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 5 p.m. (IST)
Category of Eligible Shareholders Ratio of Buyback (i.e. Buyback Entitlement)*
Reserved category for Small Shareholders 1 Equity Share for every 7 Equity Shares held on the Record Date
General category for all other Eligible Shareholders 1 Equity Share for every 108 Equity Shares held on the Record Date
* For further information on Ratio of Buyback as per the Buyback Entitlement in each Category, please refer paragraph 19.12 on page 27 of the Letter of Offer.
Eligible Shareholders can also check their entitlement on the website of the Registrar to the Buyback by following the steps given below:
1) Click on https://web.linkintime.co.in/Offer/Default.aspx
2) Select the name of the Company – ‘Tata Consultancy Services Limited – Buyback 2022’
3) Select the option ‘Demat or Physical or PAN’
4) Based on the option selected above, enter your ‘DPID CLID’ or ‘Folio Number’ or ‘PAN’
5) A table will be displayed setting out the Folio, Name and Action. Click on ‘View’ tab under the Action column
6) The entitlement will be provided in the pre-filled ‘FORM OF ACCEPTANCE-CUM-ACKNOWLEDGEMENT’
# In addition to the Company’s contact details provided above, the investors may reach out to the Investor Service Centre of Link Intime India Private Limited for any queries at
+91 22 4918 6300 and tcs.buyback2022@linkintime.co.in, details of which are also included at Paragraph 27 of the Letter of Offer.

1. SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................................................................................3
2. DEFINITIONS OF KEY TERMS.........................................................................................................................................................3
3. DISCLAIMER CLAUSE .....................................................................................................................................................................5
4. TEXT OF THE RESOLUTION PASSED AT THE BOARD MEETING....................................................................................................7
5. DETAILS OF THE PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT................................................................................................................................10
6. DETAILS OF THE BUYBACK...........................................................................................................................................................10
7. AUTHORITY FOR THE BUYBACK..................................................................................................................................................11
8. NECESSITY/OBJECTIVE OF THE BUYBACK .................................................................................................................................11
10. BASIS OF CALCULATING THE OFFER PRICE ................................................................................................................................14
11. SOURCES OF FUNDS FOR THE BUYBACK ...................................................................................................................................14
12. DETAILS OF THE ESCROW ACCOUNT AND THE AMOUNT TO BE DEPOSITED THEREIN ...........................................................14
13. CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND SHAREHOLDING PATTERN .............................................................................................................15
14. BRIEF INFORMATION OF THE COMPANY ....................................................................................................................................18
15. FINANCIAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY ...................................................................................................................22
16. STOCK MARKET DATA ..................................................................................................................................................................24
17. DETAILS OF STATUTORY APPROVALS.........................................................................................................................................25
18. DETAILS OF THE REGISTRAR TO THE BUYBACK AND COLLECTION CENTRE............................................................................26
19. PROCESS AND METHODOLOGY FOR THE BUYBACK..................................................................................................................26
20. PROCEDURE FOR TENDER/OFFER AND SETTLEMENT...............................................................................................................29
21. NOTE ON TAXATION .....................................................................................................................................................................34
22. DECLARATION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS...........................................................................................................................36
23. AUDITOR’S CERTIFICATE..............................................................................................................................................................37
24. DOCUMENTS FOR INSPECTION...................................................................................................................................................39
25. DETAILS OF THE COMPLIANCE OFFICER.....................................................................................................................................39
26. DETAILS OF THE REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO THE ELIGIBLE SHAREHOLDERS............................................................................40
27. DETAILS OF INVESTOR SERVICE CENTRE....................................................................................................................................40
28. DETAILS OF THE MANAGER TO THE BUYBACK...........................................................................................................................40
30. OFFER FORM.................................................................................................................................................................................40


Sr. Activity Date Day

1. Date of Board Meeting approving the proposal of the January 12, 2022 Wednesday
2. Date of declaration of results of postal ballot for special February 12, 2022 Saturday
resolution by the Equity Shareholders of the Company,
approving the Buyback
3. Date of Public Announcement for the Buyback February 12, 2022 Saturday
4. Date of publication of the Public Announcement for the February 14, 2022 Monday
5. Record Date for determining the Buyback Entitlement and February 23, 2022 Wednesday
the names of Eligible Shareholders
6. Date of publication of advertisement confirming dispatch March 8, 2022 Tuesday
of Letter of Offer to Eligible Shareholders along with the
Entitlement Ratio
7. Buyback Opening Date March 9, 2022 Wednesday
8. Buyback Closing Date March 23, 2022 Wednesday
9. Last date of receipt of completed Tender Forms and other March 23, 2022 Wednesday
specified documents including physical share certificates
(if and as applicable) by the Registrar
10. Last date of verification of Tender Forms by the Registrar March 31, 2022 Thursday
11. Last date of providing Acceptance/Non-acceptance of March 31, 2022 Thursday
tendered Equity Shares to the Stock Exchange by the
12. Last date of settlement of bids on the Stock Exchange April 1, 2022 Friday
13. Last date of dispatch of share certificate(s) by the April 1, 2022 Friday
Registrar/return of unaccepted demat Equity Shares by
Stock Exchange to Seller Member/Eligible Shareholders
14. Last date of extinguishment of Equity Shares April 8, 2022 Friday
Note: Where last dates are mentioned for certain activities, such activities may happen on or before the respective last dates.
This Letter of Offer uses certain definitions and abbreviations which, unless the context otherwise indicates or implies or specified
otherwise, shall have the meanings as provided below. References to any acts, regulations, rules, circulars or notifications shall be to
such acts, regulations, rules, circulars or notifications as amended, supplemented, or re-enacted from time to time.
The words and expressions used in this Letter of Offer, but not defined herein, shall, unless the context requires otherwise, have the
meanings ascribed to such terms under the Buyback Regulations, the Act, the SEBI Depositories Act, 1996 and the rules and regulations
made thereunder.

Acceptance/Accept/ Acceptance of Equity Shares tendered by Eligible Shareholders in the Buyback.

Acquisition Window The facility for acquisition of Equity Shares through mechanism provided by the Stock Exchanges
in the form of a separate window in accordance with the SEBI Circulars.
Act The Companies Act, 2013 and rules framed thereunder (including any statutory modifications or
amendments thereof ).
Additional Equity Shares Additional Equity Shares tendered by an Eligible Shareholder over and above the Buyback
Entitlement of such Eligible Shareholder not exceeding the Equity Shares held by such Eligible
Shareholder as on the Record Date.
AOP Association of Persons.
Articles/Articles of Articles of Association of the Company.
Board Meeting Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on January 12, 2022 approving the
proposal for the Buyback.
Board/Board of Directors Board of Directors of the Company (which term shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning
thereof, be deemed to include a duly authorized “Committee” thereof ).
BOI Body of Individuals.
BSE BSE Limited.

Buyback/Buyback Offer The buyback by the Company of its fully paid-up equity shares of face value of `1 (Rupee one
only) each of up to 4,00,00,000 (Four crore) Equity Shares (representing 1.08% of the total issued
and paid-up equity share capital of the Company as on December 31, 2021) at a price of `4,500
(Rupees four thousand five hundred only) per Equity Share payable in cash for an aggregate
consideration not exceeding `18,000 crore (Rupees eighteen thousand crore only) excluding
transaction costs, applicable taxes, other incidental and related expenses from the Equity
Shareholders of the Company as on the Record Date, on a proportionate basis by way of the
Tender Offer route as prescribed under the Buyback Regulations read with SEBI Circulars through
the stock exchange mechanism.
Buyback Closing Date Wednesday, March 23, 2022.
Buyback Entitlement The number of Equity Shares that an Eligible Shareholder is entitled to tender in the Buyback
Offer based on the number of Equity Shares held by such Eligible Shareholder on the Record
Date and the ratio of Buyback applicable to the category to which such Eligible Shareholder
Buyback Offer Price/ Offer Price at which Equity Shares will be bought back from the Eligible Shareholders i.e. `4,500
Price (Rupees four thousand five hundred only) per Equity Share, payable in cash.
Buyback Offer Size Maximum number of Equity Shares proposed to be bought back (i.e. 4,00,00,000 Equity Shares)
multiplied by the Buyback Offer Price (i.e. `4,500 per Equity Share), not exceeding ₹18,000 crore
(Rupees eighteen thousand crore only).
Buyback Opening Date Wednesday, March 9, 2022.
Buyback Regulations The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-Back of Securities) Regulations, 2018, as
CDSL Central Depository Services (India) Limited.
Clearing Corporation Indian Clearing Corporation Limited and National Securities Clearing Corporation Limited.
Company Tata Consultancy Services Limited.
Company’s Broker JM Financial Services Limited.
Designated Stock Exchange The designated stock exchange for the Buyback, being BSE.
DIN Director Identification Number.
DP Depository Participant.
Draft Letter of Offer The draft letter of offer dated February 14, 2022.
DTAA Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement.
Eligible Shareholders Shareholders holding Equity Shares, either in physical or dematerialized form, as on the Record
Date, and excludes person(s) who do not have the capacity under applicable law to tender
Equity Shares.
Equity Shares/Shares Fully paid-up equity shares of face value of `1 (Rupee one only) each of the Company.
Equity Shareholder/ Holders of Equity Shares and includes beneficial owners thereof.
Escrow Account The Escrow Account titled “TCS BUYBACK 2022 ESCROW ACCOUNT” opened with the Escrow
Agent in terms of Escrow Agreement.
Escrow Agent CITIBANK, N.A.
Escrow Agreement The escrow agreement dated March 5, 2022 entered into amongst the Company, the Manager
and the Escrow Agent.
FCB(s) Foreign Corporate Bodies.
FEMA Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, as amended.
FII(s) Foreign Institutional Investors.
FPI(s) Foreign Portfolio Investors.
General Category Eligible Shareholders other than the Small Shareholders.
HUF Hindu Undivided Family.
Income Tax Act/ITA Income-tax Act, 1961 (including any statutory modifications or re-enactment thereof ).
Letter of Offer This letter of offer dated March 5, 2022 filed with SEBI containing disclosures in relation to the
Buyback as specified in Schedule III of the Buyback Regulations, including comments received
from SEBI on the Draft Letter of Offer.
LODR Regulations The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015, as amended.
Manager to the Buyback/ JM Financial Limited.
Management Rules The Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, as amended.

MCA Circulars General Circular No. 14/2020 dated April 8, 2020, General Circular No. 17/2020 dated April 13,
2020, General Circular No. 22/2020 dated June 15, 2020, General Circular No. 33/2020 dated
September 28, 2020, General Circular No. 39/2020 dated December 31, 2020, General Circular
No. 10/2021 dated June 23, 2021 and General Circular No. 20/2021 dated December 8, 2021.
Non-Resident Shareholders Includes Non-Resident persons and bodies corporate, Non-Resident Indians (“NRI”), Foreign
Corporate Bodies (“FCBs”) Foreign Institutional Investors (“FIIs”), Foreign Portfolio Investors
(“FPIs”) and erstwhile OCBs.
NSDL National Securities Depository Limited.
NSE National Stock Exchange of India Limited.
OCB Overseas Corporate Bodies.
Promoters/Promoter Tata Sons Private Limited, Tata Investment Corporation Limited, Tata Industries Limited, Tata
Companies Steel Limited, The Tata Power Company Limited, Af-Taab Investment Company Limited, Tata
Capital Limited, Tata International Limited, Jamsetji Tata Trust and Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust.
Public Announcement/PA The public announcement dated February 12, 2022 made in accordance with the Buyback
Regulations, and published on February 14, 2022 in all editions of the Financial Express, an
English daily and Jansatta, a Hindi national daily, and Loksatta, a regional language Marathi daily,
each with wide circulation.
PAN Permanent Account Number.
RBI Reserve Bank of India.
Record Date February 23, 2022 i.e. the date for the purpose of determining the Buyback Entitlement and the
names of the Eligible Shareholders, to whom the Letter of Offer is being sent and who are eligible
to participate in the Buyback Offer in accordance with Buyback Regulations.
Redeemable Preference Redeemable preference shares of `1 each.
Registrar to the Buyback/ Link Intime India Private Limited.
Reserved Category Equity Shares reserved for the Small Shareholders.
SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India.
SEBI Circulars SEBI circular bearing number CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/1/2015 dated April 13, 2015, read with
circular CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated December 9, 2016 and circular SEBI/HO/CFD/DCR-III/
CIR/P/2021/615 dated August 13, 2021.
Selling Member(s) Stockbroker(s) of Eligible Shareholder(s), through whom the Eligible Shareholder(s) seek(s) to
participate in the Buyback.
Share Capital Rules The Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014, as amended.
Small Shareholder An Eligible Shareholder, who holds Equity Shares of market value not more than `2,00,000
(Rupees two lakh only) on the basis of closing price on the recognized stock exchange registering
the highest trading volume, as on the Record Date i.e. February 23, 2022 as defined in Regulation
2(1)(n) of the Buyback Regulations.
Stock Exchanges BSE and NSE.
Takeover Regulations The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers)
Regulations, 2011, as amended.
Tender Form Form of Acceptance-cum-Acknowledgement.
Tender Offer Method of buyback as defined in Regulation 2(1)(q) of the Buyback Regulations.
Tendering Period Period of 10 (Ten) Working Days from the Buyback Opening Date till the Buyback Closing Date
(both days inclusive).
TRS Transaction Registration Slip.
Working Day Working day as defined under Regulation 2(1)(s) of the Buyback Regulations.
As required, a copy of this Letter of Offer has been submitted to SEBI. It is to be distinctly understood that submission
of this Letter of Offer to SEBI should not, in any way be deemed or construed that the same has been cleared or
approved by SEBI. SEBI does not take any responsibility either for the financial soundness of the Company to meet
the Buyback commitments or for the correctness of the statements made or opinions expressed in the Letter of Offer.
The Manager to the Buyback, JM Financial Limited, has certified that the disclosures made in the Letter of Offer are generally
adequate and are in conformity with the provisions of the Act and Buyback Regulations. This requirement is to facilitate Eligible
Shareholders to take an informed decision for tendering their Equity Shares in the Buyback.
It should also be clearly understood that while the Company is primarily responsible for the correctness, adequacy and disclosure
of all relevant information in the Letter of Offer, the Manager to the Buyback is expected to exercise due diligence to ensure that

the Company discharges its duty adequately in this behalf and towards this purpose, the Manager to the Buyback, JM Financial
Limited, has furnished to SEBI a due diligence certificate dated February 14, 2022 in accordance with Buyback Regulations which
reads as follows:
“We have examined various documents and materials relevant to the Buyback as part of the due-diligence carried out by us in connection
with the finalization of the public announcement dated February 12, 2022 (“Public Announcement”) which was published on February
14, 2022 and the draft letter of offer dated February 14, 2022 (“Draft Letter of Offer”). On the basis of such examination and the discussions
with the Company, we hereby state that:
 The Public Announcement and the Draft Letter of Offer are in conformity with the documents, materials and papers relevant to
the Buyback Offer;
 All the legal requirements connected with the said Buyback Offer including the Buyback Regulations, have been duly complied
 The disclosures in the Public Announcement and the Draft Letter of Offer are, to the best of our knowledge, true, fair and adequate
in all material respects for the Eligible Shareholders to make a well informed decision in respect of the captioned Buyback Offer;
 Funds used for Buyback shall be as per the provisions of the Companies Act.”
The filing of offer document with SEBI, does not, however, absolve the Company from any liabilities under the provisions of the
Act or from the requirement of obtaining such statutory or other clearances as may be required for the purpose of the proposed
The Promoters/Board of Directors declare and confirm that no information/material likely to have a bearing on the decision of
Eligible Shareholders has been suppressed/withheld and/or incorporated in the manner that would amount to mis-statement/
mis-representation and in the event of it transpiring at any point of time that any information/material has been suppressed/
withheld and/or amounts to a mis-statement/mis-representation, the Promoters/Board of Directors and the Company shall be
liable for penalty in terms of the provisions of the Act and the Buyback Regulations.
The Promoters/Board of Directors also declare and confirm that funds borrowed from banks and financial institutions will not be
used for the Buyback.
Disclaimer for U.S. Persons:
The information contained in this Letter of Offer is exclusively intended for persons who are not US Persons as such term is defined
in Regulations of the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and who are not physically present in the United States of America.
This Letter of Offer does not in any way constitute an offer to sell, or an invitation to sell, any securities in the United States of
America or in any other jurisdiction in which such offer or invitation is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful
to make such offer or solicitation. Potential users of the information contained in this Letter of Offer are requested to inform
themselves about and to observe any such restrictions.
Disclaimer for Persons in foreign countries other than U.S.:
This Letter of Offer does not in any way constitute an offer to sell or an invitation to sell, any securities in any jurisdiction in which
such offer or invitation is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation. Potential users
of the information contained in this Letter of Offer are requested to inform themselves about and to observe any such restrictions.
Important Notice to All Shareholders
1) This Letter of Offer has been prepared for the purposes of compliance with the Buyback Regulations. Accordingly, the
information disclosed may not be the same as that which would have been disclosed if this document had been prepared in
accordance with the laws and regulations of any jurisdiction outside of India. The Company and the Manager to the Buyback
are under no obligation to update the information contained herein at any time after the date of this Letter of Offer. This
Letter of Offer is being dispatched to all Shareholders whose names appear on the register of members of the Company, as
of the Record Date. However, receipt of this Letter of Offer by any Shareholders in a jurisdiction in which it would be illegal to
make this Tender Offer, or where making this Tender Offer would require any action to be taken (including, but not restricted
to, registration of this Letter of Offer under any local securities laws), shall not be treated by such Shareholders as an offer
being made to them. Potential users of the information contained in this Letter of Offer are requested to inform themselves
about and to observe any such restrictions. Any Eligible Shareholder who tenders his, her or its Equity Shares in the Buyback
shall be deemed to have declared, represented, warranted and agreed that he, she or it is authorized under the provisions
of any applicable local laws, rules, regulations and statutes to participate in the Buyback.
2) Forward Looking Statements
This Letter of Offer contains certain forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements generally can be
identified by words or phrases such as ‘aim’, ‘anticipate’, ‘believe’, ‘expect’, ‘estimate’, ‘intend’, ‘objective’, ‘plan’, ‘project’,
‘will’, ‘will continue’, ‘will pursue’ or other words or phrases of similar import. Similarly, statements that describe our
strategies, objectives, plans or goals are also forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements are subject to
risks, uncertainties and assumptions about the Company that could cause actual results to differ materially from those
contemplated by the relevant forward-looking statement.
Actual results may differ materially from those suggested by forward-looking statements due to risks or uncertainties
associated with expectations relating to, inter alia, regulatory changes pertaining to the industries in which the Company
operates and its ability to respond to them, the Company’s ability to successfully implement its strategy, its growth and

expansion, technological changes, exposure to market risks, general economic and political conditions in India or other key
markets where it operates which have an impact on its business activities or investments, the monetary and fiscal policies,
inflation, deflation, unanticipated turbulence in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, equity prices or other rates or prices,
the performance of the financial markets in India and globally, changes in domestic laws, regulations and taxes and changes
in competition in the industries in which the Company operates.
Certain figures contained in this Letter of Offer have been subject to rounding-off adjustments. All decimals have been
rounded off to two decimal points.
The Buyback through Tender Offer has been authorised and approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on January 12,
2022. The text of the resolution of the Board of Directors is set out below.
“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Article 11 of the Articles of Association of the Company and the provisions of Sections 68, 69,
70 and 110 and all other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”), the Companies (Share Capital and
Debenture) Rules, 2014, and the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, to the extent applicable, the Securities
and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and in compliance with the
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-Back of Securities) Regulations, 2018 (“Buyback Regulations”), as amended from
time to time, and subject to such other approvals, permissions, sanctions and exemptions as may be necessary and subject to
such conditions and modifications, if any, as may be prescribed or imposed by the appropriate authorities while granting such
approvals, permissions, sanctions and exemptions, which may be agreed to by the Board of Directors of the Company (“Board”,
which expression shall include any Committee constituted/to be constituted by the Board to exercise its powers, including the
powers conferred by this Resolution) including the approval of the Members of the Company by way of special resolution, the
Board be and hereby approves buyback of up to 4,00,00,000 (Four crore) of its fully paid-up equity shares of face value of ₹1 (Rupee
One) each (“Equity Shares”) (representing 1.08% of the total issued and paid-up equity share capital of the Company) at a price of
₹4,500 (Rupees four thousand five hundred only) per Equity Share payable in cash for an aggregate consideration not exceeding
₹18,000 crore (Rupees eighteen thousand crore only) (excluding transaction costs, applicable taxes and other incidental and
related expenses) which is not exceeding 25% of the aggregate of the paid-up equity share capital and free reserves as per audited
condensed standalone interim financial statements and audited condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the
Company as on December 31, 2021, to be sourced out of the free reserves of the Company (retained earnings) and/or such other
source as may be permitted by the Buyback Regulations or the Act, from the Members of the Company, as on the record date,
on a proportionate basis, through the Tender Offer route through Stock Exchange mechanism as prescribed under the Buyback
Regulations (“Buyback”).”
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Company, to the extent legally permissible, implement the Buyback using the “Mechanism for
acquisition of shares through Stock Exchange” notified by SEBI vide circular CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/1/2015 dated April 13, 2015
read with circular CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated December 9, 2016 and SEBI/HO/CFD/DCR-III/CIR/P/2021/615 dated August
13, 2021, including any amendments or statutory modifications for the time being in force.”
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the current surplus and/or cash balances and/or cash available from internal accruals be utilized for
the purpose of Buyback.”
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Company may buyback Equity Shares from all the existing Members holding Equity Shares of
the Company on a proportionate basis, provided that 15% (fifteen percent) of the number of Equity Shares which the Company
proposes to Buyback or number of Equity Shares entitled as per the shareholding of small shareholders as on the record date,
whichever is higher, shall be reserved for the small shareholders, as prescribed under Regulation 6 of the Buyback Regulations.”
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Buyback of Equity Shares from non-resident Members of the Company, including Foreign
Corporate Bodies (“FCBs”) (which includes erstwhile Overseas Corporate Bodies), Foreign Institutional Investors (“FIIs”)/Foreign
Portfolio Investors (“FPIs”), Members of foreign nationality, etc., shall be subject to such approvals if, and to the extent necessary
or required from the concerned authorities including approvals from the Reserve Bank of India (“RBI”) under the Foreign Exchange
Management Act, 1999 and the rules, regulations framed thereunder, if any.”
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board do hereby confirm that they have made a full enquiry into the affairs and prospects of the
Company and have formed an opinion that –
i. Immediately following the date of the Board Meeting and date on which the result of the Members resolution passed by
way of Postal Ballot (“Postal Ballot Resolution”) will be declared, approving the Buyback, there will be no grounds on
which the Company could be found unable to pay its debts.
ii. As regards the Company’s prospects for the year immediately following the date of the Board Meeting as well as for the
year immediately following the date of Postal Ballot Resolution, and having regard to Board’s intention with respect to the
management of the Company’s business during that year and to the amount and character of the financial resources which
will in the Board’s view be available to the Company during that year, the Company will be able to meet its liabilities as and
when they fall due and will not be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from the date of the Board Meeting as also
from the date of Postal Ballot Resolution.
iii. In forming an opinion as aforesaid, the Board has taken into account the liabilities (including prospective and contingent
liabilities), as if the Company were being wound up under the provisions of the Act/Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016,
as amended from time to time, as applicable.”

“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the person occupying the position of Company Secretary, be and is hereby appointed as Compliance
Officer under the Buyback Regulations for the implementation of the Buyback.”
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board hereby confirms that:
i. The Company shall not issue any equity shares or other securities (including by way of bonus) till the date of expiry of the
Buyback period;
ii. The Company shall not raise further capital for a period of one year or six months, as may be applicable in accordance with
the Buyback Regulations or any circulars or notifications issued by SEBI in connection therewith, from the expiry of the
Buyback period, except in discharge of subsisting obligations;
iii. The Company shall not withdraw the Buyback after the draft letter of offer is filed with SEBI or the public announcement of
the offer to Buyback is made;
iv. The Company shall not buyback locked-in equity shares and non-transferable shares till the pendency of the lock-in or till
the shares or other specified securities become transferable;
v. The Company shall transfer from its free reserves a sum equal to the nominal value of the equity shares purchased through
the Buyback to the Capital Redemption Reserve Account and the details of such transfer shall be disclosed in its subsequent
audited financial statements;
vi. All the equity shares of the Company are fully paid-up;
vii. There is no pendency of any scheme of amalgamation or compromise or arrangement pursuant to the provisions of the Act,
as on date;
viii. The ratio of the aggregate of secured and unsecured debts owed by the Company shall not be more than twice the paid-
up Equity Share capital and free reserves after the Buyback based on both audited condensed standalone interim financial
statements and audited condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Company;
ix. The Company shall not directly or indirectly purchase its Equity Shares through any subsidiary company including its own
subsidiary companies or through any investment company or group of investment companies. The Company shall not
buyback its Equity Shares from any person through negotiated deal whether on or off the stock exchanges or through spot
transactions or through any private arrangement in the implementation of the Buyback;
x. There are no defaults subsisting in the repayment of deposits or interest thereon, redemption of debentures or interest
thereon or redemption of preference shares or payment of dividend or repayment of any term loans or interest payable
thereon to any shareholder or financial institution or banking company, as the case may be;
xi. That the Company has been in compliance with Sections 92, 123, 127 and 129 of the Act;
xii. That funds borrowed from Banks and Financial Institutions will not be used for the Buyback;
xiii. The aggregate amount of the Buyback i.e. ₹18,000 crore (Rupees eighteen thousand crore only) does not exceed 25% of
the total paid-up equity capital and free reserves as per audited condensed standalone interim financial statements and
audited condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Company as on December 31, 2021;
xiv. The maximum number of equity shares proposed to be purchased under the Buyback (up to 4,00,00,000 equity shares),
does not exceed 25% of the total number of equity shares in the paid-up equity share capital as per the audited standalone
balance sheet as on December 31, 2021;
xv. The Company shall not make any offer of buyback within a period of one year reckoned from the date of expiry of buyback
period of the preceding offer of buy-back, if any.”
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT any of the Directors or the persons occupying the position of Chief Financial Officer, Company
Secretary, Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Global Head - Taxation, be and are hereby severally authorized, to exercise the
following powers:-
i. To seek all regulatory approvals, if any, including of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”) and RBI for
implementing the Buyback.
ii. To decide the specified date /record date for the purpose of Buyback.
iii. To appoint, authorize, enter into agreements with and issue necessary instructions to Merchant Bankers, Registrar,
Custodians, advertising agencies, escrow agents, brokers, depository participants and all other intermediaries, advisors,
consultants etc. as may be required, desired or considered expedient for the implementation of the Buyback.
iv. To open, operate and close one or more bank accounts including escrow accounts required, if any, and to enter into escrow
and other agreements with and to give instructions to the bankers in connection therewith, and provide bank guarantee(s)
as may be required on such terms as deemed fit and to decide authorized signatories to such bank accounts including
escrow accounts.
v. To open, operate and close one or more depository account/ trading account / buyer broker account and to open, operate
and close special trading window account with both BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited and to
decide the authorized signatories for depository account/trading account/buyer broker account/special trading window
vi. To authorize bankers to act upon the instructions of the Merchant Banker as required under the Buyback Regulations.

vii. To adopt text of and to make Public Announcement, Draft Letter of Offer, Letter of Offer and all offer documents with
respect to the Buyback (“Buyback Offer Documents”) and any revision thereto.
viii. To file copies of the Buyback Offer Documents and any revision thereto with SEBI, the stock exchanges and other appropriate
ix. To decide on opening date for commencing of offer for Buyback and closing date thereof.
x. To decide the ‘designated stock exchange’ for the Buyback.
xi. To decide on the time-table from the opening of the offer till the extinguishment of the shares.
xii. To carry out management discussion and analysis on the likely impact of the Buy Back on the Company’s earnings, public
holdings, holdings of non-resident individuals, FIIs, etc., promoters’ holdings and change in management structure.
xiii. To issue, furnish and make disclosures, certificates, returns, confirmations etc. as may be required under the Act, Buyback
Regulations or other applicable law and to file such documents with the relevant persons as may be required under the Act,
Buyback Regulations or other applicable law.
xiv. To deal with stock exchanges (including their clearing corporations) where the equity shares of the Company are listed, and
to sign, execute and deliver such documents as may be necessary or desirable in connection with implementation of the
Buyback using the “Mechanism for acquisition of shares through Stock Exchange” notified by SEBI vide circular CIR/CFD/
POLICYCELL/1/2015 dated April 13, 2015 read with circular CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated December 9, 2016 and SEBI/
HO/CFD/DCR-III/CIR/P/2021/615 dated August 13, 2021, including any amendments or statutory modifications for the time
being in force.
xv. To make and file ‘Compliance Certificate’ as required under the Buyback Regulations.
xvi. To establish Investor Service Centre/s.
xvii. To adopt text of and publish the relevant Buyback Offer Documents before and after Buyback.
xviii. To verify offer/acceptances received.
xix. To finalize basis of acceptance.
xx. To pay to the shareholders consideration for shares bought back pursuant to the Buyback.
xxi. To issue rejection letters, if any.
xxii. To extinguish shares bought back within the time limit specified under the Buyback Regulations and to destroy share
certificates upon the completion of the Buyback.
xxiii. To file ‘Return of Buyback’ with Registrar and other statutory authorities.
xxiv. To maintain ‘Register of Securities bought back’.
xxv. To take appropriate action for the removal of difficulties if any and to decide on all matters in connection with or incidental
to, the implementation of the Buyback.
xxvi. To authorize the merchant bankers, Registrar or other agencies appointed for the purpose of buyback to carry out any of the
above activities.
xxvii. To do all such acts, matters and things incidental or necessary in connection with the Buyback and sign and deliver such
documents as may be necessary, desirable or expedient.”
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 68 read with Section 110 of the Act and other applicable
provisions, if any, of the Act and Rule 22 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 , as amended from time
to time, read with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (“MCA”) Circulars No. 14/2020 dated April 8, 2020, No. 17/2020 dated April 13,
2020, No.22/2020 dated June 15, 2020 and No. 33/2020 dated September 28, 2020, No. 39/2020 dated December 31, 2020, No.
10/2021 dated June 23, 2021 and No. 20/2021 dated December 8, 2021 (hereinafter collectively referred to as “MCA Circulars”),
approval of the shareholders by a special resolution through postal ballot only through voting by electronic means be sought and
that the draft notice of Postal Ballot as circulated to the Board be and is hereby approved and that the same be sent only through
electronic mode to those Members whose e-mail addresses are registered with the Company/Depositories in compliance with the
aforesaid MCA Circulars.”
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the persons occupying the position of Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Chief
Operating Officer and Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary be and are hereby severally authorized to
(i) finalize, sign and issue the notice for postal ballot, the accompanying explanatory statement (ii) appoint an agency for providing
the electronic platform for e-voting on suitable terms (iii) carry out all incidental activities in connection with obtaining approval
of the shareholders by a special resolution and (iv) do all such acts, deeds and things as may be necessary to give effect to this
resolution and in connection with the Buyback.”
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the draft of the Declaration of Solvency in the prescribed form, placed before the meeting be and
is hereby approved and that person occupying the position of Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director and any one of the
Directors be and are hereby authorized jointly to sign the same, for and on behalf of the Board and file the same with the Registrar
of Companies and SEBI.”

5.1 In accordance with Regulation 7(i) of the Buyback Regulations, the Company has made the Public Announcement dated
February 12, 2022, which was published in the following newspapers on February 14, 2022:

Sr. Name of the Newspaper Language Edition

1. Financial Express English All editions
2. Jansatta Hindi All editions
3. Loksatta Marathi All editions
5.2 The Public Announcement was issued within 2 (two) Working Days from the date of passing the special resolution by the
Equity Shareholders approving the Buyback through postal ballot, the results of which were declared on February 12, 2022.
5.3 The Company will publish further notices or corrigenda, if any, in the abovementioned newspapers.
5.4 A copy of the Public Announcement is available on the SEBI website at www.sebi.gov.in and also on the website of the
Company at www.tcs.com.
6.1 The Buyback has been authorized by a resolution of the Board of Directors on January 12, 2022. The Board had sought
approval of the shareholders of the Company for Buyback, by way of a special resolution, through notice of postal
ballot dated January 12, 2022 (“Postal Ballot Notice”), the results of which were announced on February 12, 2022.
The shareholders of the Company have approved the Buyback by way of a special resolution through the postal ballot
process. The Promoters/ Promoter Companies have participated and voted in the postal ballot in favour of the special
resolution. The details of the Buyback are set out below:

Name of the Company Tata Consultancy Services Limited

Maximum number of Equity The Company proposes to buyback up to 4,00,00,000 (Four crore) Equity Shares of face value of
Shares proposed to be `1 (Rupee one only) each of the Company.
bought back pursuant to the
Number of Equity Shares The Equity Shares to be bought back pursuant to the Buyback represents 1.08% of the total
proposed to be bought back issued and paid-up equity share capital as on December 31, 2021.
pursuant to the Buyback as
a percentage of the existing
paid-up equity share capital
of the Company.
Buyback Offer Price. The Equity Shares of the Company are proposed to be bought back at a price of
₹4,500 (Rupees four thousand five hundred only) per Equity Share.
Applicable regulations of SEBI The Buyback is being undertaken in terms of Chapter III of the Buyback Regulations through
and provisions of the Act, in the tender offer route and in accordance with other applicable provisions of the Buyback
accordance with which the Regulations, the SEBI Circulars, MCA Circulars, LODR Regulations and Sections 68, 69, 70,
Buyback is made. and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Act, and the relevant rules framed thereunder,
including the Share Capital Rules and the Management Rules, to the extent applicable.
Methodology for the The Buyback is on a proportionate basis through the “Tender Offer” route, as prescribed under
Buyback. the Buyback Regulations, and in accordance with the “Mechanism for acquisition of shares
through Stock Exchanges” as prescribed under the SEBI Circulars.
In this regard, the Company will request the Stock Exchanges to provide the acquisition window
for facilitating tendering of Equity Shares under the Buyback. For the purposes of this Buyback,
BSE will be the Designated Stock Exchange.
Maximum amount to be The maximum amount required for Buyback will not exceed `18,000 crore (Rupees eighteen
expensed towards the thousand crore only) excluding transaction costs, applicable taxes, other incidental and related
Buyback and its percentage expenses. The said amount works out to 21.03% and 19.06% of aggregate of fully paid-up
with respect to the total paid- equity share capital and free reserves as per audited condensed standalone interim financial
up equity share capital and statements and audited condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Company,
free reserves and percentage as on December 31, 2021, respectively, which is within the prescribed limit of 25% under the
with respect to total issued Act and represents 1.08% of the total issued and paid-up equity share capital of the Company,
and paid-up equity share as on December 31, 2021.
capital of the Company.
Shareholding of the Please refer to Paragraph 13 (Capital Structure and Shareholding Pattern) of this Letter of Offer,
Promoters/Promoter for details of the shareholding of the Promoters/Promoter Companies and its percentage with
Companies and its respect to the total paid-up equity share capital of the Company.
percentage with respect to
the total paid-up equity share
capital of the Company.

Name of the Company Tata Consultancy Services Limited
Intention of the Promoters/ In terms of the Buyback Regulations, under the “Tender Offer” route, Promoters/Promoter
Promoter Companies to Companies have the option of participating in a buyback.
participate in the Buyback. Accordingly, in the present Buyback, the below Promoters/Promoter Companies have
expressed their intention to participate in the Buyback and may tender up to an aggregate
maximum of 2,88,73,870 Equity Shares or such lower number of Equity Shares in accordance
with the provisions of the Buyback Regulations:
Sr. Name Maximum Number of Equity
No. Shares Intended to Tender
1. Tata Sons Private Limited 2,88,62,815
2. Tata Investment Corporation Limited 11,055
Total 2,88,73,870
For further details, please refer Paragraph 9 of this Letter of Offer.
Promoters’ shareholding Please refer to Paragraph 13 (Capital Structure and Shareholding Pattern) of this Letter of Offer,
after the completion of the for details of the shareholding of the Promoters following completion of the Buyback.
6.2 The Company confirms that after the completion of the Buyback, the non-promoter shareholding of the Company shall not
fall below the minimum level required as per Regulation 38 of the LODR Regulations.
7.1 This Buyback is pursuant to Article 11 of the Articles of Association of the Company, Sections 68, 69, 70 and other
applicable provisions, if any, of the Act, the relevant rules framed thereunder, including the Share Capital Rules,
the Management Rules, LODR Regulations, to the extent applicable and the Buyback Regulations.
7.2 This Buyback is further subject to approvals, permissions, sanctions and exemptions, as may be necessary, from time to time
from regulatory and/or statutory authorities as required under applicable laws, including but not limited to SEBI and the
Stock Exchanges.
7.3 This Buyback has been duly authorised by a resolution of the Board of Directors dated January 12, 2022. Further, the
Buyback has been authorised by the Equity Shareholders by a special resolution through postal ballot only by voting
through electronic means (“remote e-voting”) in accordance with the provisions of Section 110 of the Act read with Rule
22 of the Management Rules read with the MCA Circulars, the results of which were announced on February 12, 2022.
The current Buyback is in line with the Company’s shareholder-friendly capital allocation practices of returning excess cash to
shareholders, thereby increasing shareholder value in the longer term, and improving the Return on Equity.
9.1 The Company believes that the Buyback is not likely to cause any material impact on the profitability or earnings of the
Company except to the extent of reduction in the amount available for investment, which the Company could have
otherwise deployed towards generating investment income. Assuming full response to the Buyback, the funds deployed
by the Company towards the Buyback would not exceed `18,000 crore (Rupees eighteen thousand crore only), excluding
transaction costs, applicable taxes, other incidental and related expenses.
9.2 In terms of the Buyback Regulations, under the tender offer route, the Promoters/Promoter Companies have an option to
participate in the buyback. In this regard, the below Promoters/Promoter Companies have expressed their intention to
participate in the Buyback and may tender up to an aggregate maximum of 2,88,73,870 Equity Shares or such lower number
of Equity Shares in accordance with the provisions of the Buyback Regulations:

Sr. Name Number Maximum Number of Shares

No. of Equity Shares Held Intended to Tender
1 Tata Sons Private Limited 266,91,25,829 2,88,62,815
2 Tata Investment Corporation Limited 10,23,685 11,055
Total 267,01,49,514 2,88,73,870

9.3 The date and price of the acquisition and other details of the Equity Shares held by the Promoters/Promoter Companies
who are intending to tender their Equity Shares are as follows:

Date of Transaction Nature of Transaction Number of Equity Price Face Value

Shares (` per Share) (`)
Tata Sons Private Limited
June 16, 2000 Purchase 3,64,40,002 15.51 10
March 30, 2001 Sale 36,13,474 15.51 10
March 28, 2002 Sale 30,526 15.51 10
Sub Total 3,27,96,002
May 5, 2004 Split (from ₹10 to ₹1) 32,79,60,020 1.55 1
May 5, 2004 Bonus 8,19,90,005 0 1
August 19, 2004 Sale 2,27,74,996 827.40 1
November 8, 2005 to Sale 47,50,000 1,519.38 1
December 9, 2005
December 10, 2005 Purchase 68,17,196 153.54 1
August 9, 2006 Bonus 38,92,42,225 0 1
September 27, 2006 to Sale 5,67,82,251 1,046.97 1
September 29, 2008
June 18, 2009 Bonus 72,17,02,199 0 1
October 21, 2011 Purchase 47,300 1,058.77 1
June 6, 2017 Tendered in Buyback Offer 3,60,63,787 2,850.00 1
March 13, 2018 Sale 3,12,69,000 2,856.58 1
June 3, 2018 Bonus 137,61,18,911 0 1
September 25, 2018 Tendered in Buyback Offer 4,97,86,875 2,100.00 1
January 5, 2021 Tendered in Buyback Offer 3,33,25,118 3,000.00 1
Total 266,91,25,829
Tata Investment Corporation Limited
August 9, 2006 Bonus 25,226 0 1
September 10, 2007 Purchase 90,000 1,064.25 1
December 18, 2007 Purchase 1,00,000 1,015.69 1
September 29, 2008 Purchase 40,000 676.64 1
June 18, 2009 Bonus 2,55,226 0 1
May 30, 2011 Purchase 5,000 1,156.61 1
June 20, 2011 Purchase 10,000 1,082.80 1
August 5, 2011 Purchase 5,000 1,052.44 1
August 5, 2011 Purchase 5,000 1,051.54 1
August 5, 2011 Purchase 5,000 1,058.52 1
August 5, 2011 Purchase 5,000 1,051.78 1
April 1, 2012 Purchase 45,000 1,101.33 1
September 21, 2016 Sale 40,452 2,401.30 1
June 6, 2017 Tendered in Buyback Offer 22,890 2,850.00 1
June 3, 2018 Bonus 5,27,110 0 1
September 25, 2018 Tendered in Buyback Offer 17,951 2,100.00 1
January 5, 2021 Tendered in Buyback Offer 12,584 3,000.00 1
Total 10,23,685
9.4 Assuming response to the Buyback is to the extent of 100% (full acceptance) from all the Eligible Shareholders up to their
entitlement, the aggregate shareholding of the Promoters/Promoter Companies after the completion of the Buyback
shall increase to 72.30% of the post-Buyback total paid-up equity share capital of the Company from 72.19% of the
pre-Buyback total paid-up equity share capital of the Company, and the aggregate public shareholding of the Company
shall decrease to 27.70% of the post-Buyback total paid-up equity share capital of the Company from 27.81% of the
pre-Buyback total paid-up equity share capital of the Company.
9.5 The Buyback shall not result in a change in control or otherwise affect the existing management structure of the Company.

9.6 Consequent to the Buyback and based on the number of Equity Shares bought back from the Non-Resident Shareholders,
Indian financial institutions, banks, mutual funds and the public including other bodies corporate, the shareholding of each
such person shall undergo a change.
9.7 The debt-equity ratio after the completion of the Buyback will be within the permissible limit of 2:1 prescribed by the
Act and the Buyback Regulations, based on both audited condensed standalone interim financial statements and audited
condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Company, even if the response to the Buyback is to the extent
of 100% (full acceptance).
9.8 The Company believes that the Buyback will not impact the growth opportunities of the Company.
9.9 The Company shall not raise further capital for a period of one year, from the expiry of the Buyback period, except in
discharge of subsisting obligations.
9.10 The Company shall not issue new Equity Shares or other specified securities including by way of a bonus issue till the expiry
of the Buyback period.
9.11 The Promoters/Promoter Companies and their associates shall not deal in the Equity Shares of the Company, including any
inter se transfer of Equity Shares amongst the Promoters/Promoter Companies for the period between the date of passing
of the special resolution and the date of the closure of the Buyback in accordance with the Buyback Regulations.
9.12 The Company has complied with and are in compliance with Regulation 5(viii) of the Buyback Regulations read with
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
9.13 Salient financial parameters pursuant to the Buyback based on the audited condensed standalone interim financial
statements of the Company are set out below:

Parameter As at and for the period ended

December 31, 2021
Pre-Buyback Post-Buyback
Net worth (₹ in lakh)a 92,39,300 74,39,300
Return on net worthb 39.58% 49.15%
Earnings Per Equity Share (₹)c 76.76 77.59
Book Value Per Equity Share (₹)d 249.77 203.31
Price/Earnings ratioe 36.52 36.13
Total debt equity ratiof - -
Pre and post Buyback calculations are based on the audited condensed standalone interim financial statements of the
Company as on December 31, 2021. The post-Buyback numbers are calculated by reducing the net worth by the proposed
Buyback amount (assuming full acceptance) without factoring in any impact on the profit and loss account. Net worth used
excludes revaluation reserves and miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off.
a. For the above purpose, “net worth” means the aggregate value of the paid-up share capital and all reserves created out
of the profits and securities premium account, after deducting the aggregate value of the accumulated losses, deferred
expenditure and miscellaneous expenditure not written off, as per the audited standalone balance sheet, but does not
include reserves created out of revaluation of assets, write-back of depreciation and amalgamation.
b. Return on net worth is computed as profit after tax for the relevant period divided by closing net worth for period. Return
on net worth for period ending December 31, 2021 is computed as profit after tax for the last 12 months ending December
31, 2021 divided by closing net worth as on December 31, 2021. Net worth used excludes revaluation reserves and
miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off.
c. Earnings per share calculated as profit after tax for the relevant period divided by total number of shares pre-Buyback and
total number of shares post-Buyback.
d. Book value per equity share at the end of relevant period is calculated as pre-Buyback net worth divided by total number
of shares pre-Buyback and post-Buyback net worth divided by total number of shares post-Buyback. Book value used
excludes revaluation reserves and miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off.
e. Price/Earnings ratio for period ending December 31, 2021 is calculated as closing market price of the Equity Shares on NSE
as on December 31, 2021 divided by annualised Earnings per Equity Share for the period ending as on December 31, 2021
on pre and post Buyback basis.
f. Total debt equity ratio is calculated as total debt divided by net worth. Net worth used excludes revaluation reserves and
miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off.
The debt equity ratio of the Company as on December 31, 2021 on a consolidated basis is as follows:

Parameter Pre-Buyback Post Buyback

Total debt equity ratio (1)
- -
Total debt comprises of long-term borrowings, short term borrowings and current maturities of finance lease.

10.1 The Equity Shares of the Company are proposed to be bought back at the Offer Price, i.e. a price of ₹4,500 (Rupees four
thousand five hundred only) per share. The Offer Price has been arrived at after considering various factors including,
but not limited to the trends in the volume weighted average prices and closing price of the Equity Shares on the Stock
Exchanges where the Equity Shares of the Company are listed, impact on net worth, price earnings ratio, earnings per share
(“EPS”)and other financial parameters.
10.2 The Offer Price represents:
10.2.1 Premium of 23.53% and 25.03% to the volume weighted average market price of the Equity Share on BSE and on
NSE, respectively, during the three months preceding January 7, 2022, being the date of intimation to the Stock
Exchanges of the date of the Board Meeting to consider the proposal of the Buyback (“Intimation Date”), and
10.2.2 Premium of 18.21% and 18.19% over the closing price of the Equity Share on BSE and NSE, respectively, as on
Thursday, January 6, 2022, which is a day preceding the Intimation Date.
10.3 The audited financial statements of the Company, for the period and year ended December 31, 2021 and March 31, 2021
were announced by the Company on January 12, 2022 and April 12, 2021, respectively. The impact on financial parameters
such as the book value per Equity Share, return on net worth and the possible impact of Buyback on the EPS are based on
the audited financials for the period ended December 31, 2021.
10.3.1 The Buyback Price is higher by 1,701.62% over the book value per Equity Share as on December 31, 2021 of
the Company on standalone basis, which was `249.77 per Equity Share. Book value used excludes revaluation
reserves and miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off.
10.3.2 The basic EPS of the Company prior to the Buyback, both for the period/year ended December 31, 2021 was ₹76.76
per Equity Share on standalone basis. Assuming full acceptance under the Buyback, the EPS of the Company for
the period ended December 31, 2021 will be `77.59 per Equity Share post the Buyback, on standalone basis. The
post Buyback numbers are calculated by reducing the net worth at the end of respective period by the proposed
Buyback amount (assuming full acceptance) without factoring in any impact on the profit and loss account.
10.3.3 The return on net worth of the Company on standalone basis was 39.58% as on December 31, 2021, which
will increase to 49.15% respectively post-Buyback assuming full acceptance of the Buyback. The post-Buyback
numbers are calculated by reducing the net worth by the proposed Buyback amount (assuming full acceptance)
without factoring in any impact on the profit and loss account. Return on net worth for the period ended December
31, 2021 is computed as profit after tax for the last 12 months ending December 31, 2021 divided by closing net
worth as at December 31, 2021. Net worth used excludes revaluation reserves and miscellaneous expenditure to
the extent not written off.
10.4 The Company confirms that as required under Section 68(2)(d) of the Act, the ratio of the aggregate of secured and
unsecured debts owed by the Company will not be more than twice the paid-up capital and free reserves after the Buyback
based on both audited condensed standalone interim financial statements and audited condensed consolidated interim
financial statements of the Company.
11.1 Assuming full acceptance, the funds that would be employed by the Company for the purpose of the Buyback of 4,00,00,000
(Four crore) Equity Shares at a price of ₹4,500 (Rupees four thousand five hundred only) per Equity Share would not exceed
₹18,000 crore (Rupees eighteen thousand crore only) excluding transaction costs, applicable taxes, other incidental and
related expense.
11.2 The funds for the implementation of the proposed Buyback will be sourced out of the free reserves (retained earnings)
and/or such other source as may be permitted by the Buyback Regulations or the Act.
11.3 The Company shall transfer from its free reserves, a sum equal to the nominal value of the Equity Shares so bought back to
the capital redemption reserve account, and details of such transfer shall be disclosed in its subsequent audited financial
statements. The funds borrowed, if any, from banks and financial institutions will not be used for the Buyback.
12.1 In accordance with Regulation 9(xi) of the Buyback Regulations, an escrow agreement (“Escrow Agreement”) has been
entered into amongst the Company, the Manager and the Escrow Agent on March 5, 2022.
12.2 In accordance with the Buyback Regulations and pursuant to the Escrow Agreement, the Company has opened an
Escrow Account in the name and style “TCS BUYBACK 2022 ESCROW ACCOUNT” bearing account number 21950025
with the Escrow Agent, viz., CITIBANK, N.A. having its office at 9th Floor, First International Financial Centre (FIFC),
Plot Nos.C-54 & C-55, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, G-Block, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 098. In accordance with
Regulation 9(xi) of the Buyback Regulations, the Company proposes to deposit the applicable amount in the Escrow Account
and will make a deposit of acceptable securities with appropriate margin with the Manager on or before the
Buyback Opening Date. In accordance with the Buyback Regulations, the Manager to the Buyback will be empowered to
operate such Escrow Account and realise the value of such government securities by sale or otherwise and if there is any
deficit on realisation of the value of the securities, the Manager shall be liable to make good any such deficit.
12.3 B S R & Co. LLP (Partner’s Name: Amit Somani; Membership Number: 060154; Firm Registration
Number 101248W/W-100022), Chartered Accountants, having its office at 14th Floor, Central B Wing and
North C Wing, Nesco IT Park 4, Nesco Center, Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400 063
(Tel: +91 22 6257 1000; Fax: +91 22 6257 1010), has certified vide its certificate dated February 12, 2022 that the
Company has adequate funds for the purposes of the Buyback of 4,00,00,000 (Four crore) Equity Shares at `4,500
(Rupees four thousand five hundred only) each.

12.4 Based on the aforementioned certificate, the Manager to the Buyback confirms that they are satisfied that firm arrangements
for fulfilling the obligations under the Buyback are in place and that the Company has the ability to implement the Buyback
in accordance with the Buyback Regulations.
13.1 The present capital structure of the Company is set out below.
Particulars Aggregate value at face
value of `1 each (in `)
  460,05,00,000 Equity Shares 460,05,00,000
105,02,50,000 Redeemable Preference Shares 105,02,50,000
TOTAL 565,07,50,000
  3,69,90,51,373 Equity Shares 3,69,90,51,373
13.2 Details of buyback programmes undertaken by the Company in the last 3 (three) years are given below:
Sr. Opening Date Closing Date Method of Buyback Equity Shares Bought
No. Back
1 September 6, 2018 September 21, 2018 Tender Offer 7,61,90,476
2 December 18, 2020 January 1, 2021 Tender Offer 5,33,33,333
The Company undertook the previous buyback in 2020, for which the date of expiry of the buyback period, i.e. the date of
payment of consideration to the shareholders, was January 5, 2021. Accordingly, the Company is in compliance with Section
68(2)(g) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 4(vii) of the Buyback Regulations for the Buyback.
13.3 The Company confirms that there are no partly paid-up Equity Shares or calls in arrears.
13.4 The Company confirms that it shall not issue, including through a bonus issue, Equity Shares or any other specified securities,
until the expiry of the Buyback period in accordance with Regulation 24(i)(b) of the Buyback Regulations.
13.5 The Company does not have any convertible securities.
13.6 Assuming full acceptance in the Buyback, the issued, subscribed and paid-up equity share capital of the Company after the
completion of the Buyback Offer would be as set out below:
Particulars Aggregate value at face value
of `1 each (in `)
  460,05,00,000 Equity Shares 460,05,00,000
105,02,50,000 Redeemable Preference Shares 105,02,50,000
TOTAL 565,07,50,000
365,90,51,373 Equity Shares* 365,90,51,373
*Assuming full acceptance of Equity Shares in the Buyback as per the Buyback Entitlement.
13.7 There is no pending scheme of amalgamation or compromise or arrangement pursuant to any provisions of the Act.
The shareholding pattern of the Company (i) pre-Buyback as on the Record Date; and (ii) after the completion of the Buyback
is set out below:
Category Pre-Buyback Post-Buyback#
Number of % of Number of % of
Equity Shares Shareholding Equity Shares Shareholding
Promoters/ Promoter Companies 267,02,04,298 72.19 264,53,86,073* 72.30*
Foreign Investors (including Non Resident 53,56,65,931 14.48
Indians/FIIs/FPIs/Foreign Nationals/OCBs)
Financial Institutions/Banks/ NBFCs and Mutual 28,22,38,686 7.63
101,36,65,300 27.70
Funds/Insurance Companies
Others (Public, Bodies Corporate, Clearing 21,09,42,458 5.70
Members, Trust, and HUF)
Total 369,90,51,373 100.00 365,90,51,373 100.00
# Assuming full acceptance of Equity Shares in the Buyback as per the Buyback Entitlement.
*Assuming full acceptance of Equity Shares in the Buyback as per the Buyback Entitlement from those Promoters/ Promoter
Companies, who have expressed their intention to participate.

13.8 The aggregate shareholding of (i) the Promoters/Promoter Companies; (ii) Directors of the Promoters/Promoter Companies;
and (iii) the Directors and Key Managerial Personnel of the Company as on date of the Public Announcement, i.e. February
12, 2022:
13.8.1 Aggregate shareholding of the Promoters/Promoter Companies as on February 12, 2022:

Sr. Name Number of Equity % Shareholding

No. Shares Held
1 Tata Sons Private Limited 266,91,25,829 72.16
2 Tata Investment Corporation Limited 10,23,685 0.03
3 Tata Steel Limited 46,798 0.00
4 Tata Industries Limited 7,220 0.00
5 The Tata Power Company Limited 766 0.00
Total 267,02,04,298 72.19
In addition to the above, other Promoter Companies i.e. Af-Taab Investment Company Limited, Tata Capital Limited,
Tata International Limited, Jamsetji Tata Trust and Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust, do not hold any Equity Shares of the
Company as on February 12, 2022. Further, they have not purchased or sold any Equity Shares of the Company
during the period of 12 (twelve) months preceding the date of the Public Announcement i.e. February 12, 2022.
13.8.2 Aggregate shareholding of the Directors of Promoters/Promoter Companies as on February 12, 2022:

Sr. Name of the Name of the Promoter Number of Equity % Shareholding

No. Director Company Shares
held in the
1. Mr. N. Chandrasekaran  Tata Sons Private Limited 1,77,056 0.00
 Tata Steel Limited
 The Tata Power Company
2. Mr. Harish Manwani* Tata Sons Private Limited 4,000 0.00
3. Mr. Bhaskar Bhat Tata Sons Private Limited 160 0.00
4. Mr. Noel N. Tata*  Tata Investment 22,49,084 0.06
Corporation Limited
 Tata International Limited
5. Mr. Farokh N. Subedar*  Tata Investment 10,085 0.00
Corporation Limited
 Tata Industries Limited
 Tata Capital Limited
6. Mr. Amit N. Dalal* Tata Investment Corporation 4,094 0.00
7. Mr. Abhijit Sen Tata Investment Corporation 1,077 0.00
8. Mr. Venkatadri Tata Investment Corporation 325 0.00
Chandrasekaran* Limited
9. Mr. Rajiv Dube  Tata Investment 16 0.00
Corporation Limited
 Tata International Limited
10. Mr. Narendran T.V.* Tata Steel Limited 272 0.00
11. Ms. Aarthi Subramanian  Tata Industries Limited 5,600 0.00
 Tata Capital Limited
12. Ms. Anjali Bansal The Tata Power Company 333 0.00
13. Mr. Hemant Bhargava* The Tata Power Company 30 0.00
14. Mr. Gautam Attravanam Af-Taab Investments Limited 20 0.00
15. Mr. Rajiv Sabharwal Tata Capital Limited 1,200 0.00
16. Ms. Varsha Purandare Tata Capital Limited 222 0.00
17. Mr. Anand Sen* Tata International Limited 308 0.00

Sr. Name of the Name of the Promoter Number of Equity % Shareholding
No. Director Company Shares
held in the
18. Ms. S. S. Kudtarkar* Tata International Limited 76 0.00
19. Mr. Ratan N. Tata  Jamsetji Tata Trust 23,56,014 0.06
 Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust
20. Mr. R. K. Krishna Kumar Jamsetji Tata Trust 50 0.00
21. Mr. Jehangir N. Mistry* Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust 1,684 0.00
*includes shares held jointly with relative
13.8.3 Aggregate shareholding of the Directors and Key Managerial Personnel of the Company as on February 12, 2022:
Sr. Name Designation Number of Equity % Shareholding
No. Shares Held
1. Mr. N. Chandrasekaran Non-Executive Chairman 1,77,056 0.00
2. Mr. Rajesh Gopinathan Chief Executive Officer 2,760 0.00
and Managing Director
3. Mr. N. Ganapathy Subramaniam Chief Operating Officer 1,97,760 0.00
and Executive Director
4. Ms. Aarthi Subramanian Non-Executive Director 5,600 0.00
5. Mr. Keki Mistry* Independent Director 4,150 0.00
6. Mr. Samir Seksaria* Chief Financial Officer 5,140 0.00
7. Mr. Pradeep Manohar Gaitonde* Company Secretary 7,710 0.00
*includes shares held jointly with relative
13.9 Aggregate Equity Shares purchased or sold by (i) Promoters/Promoter Companies; (ii) Directors of the Promoters/ Promoter
Companies; and (iii) Directors and Key Managerial Personnel of the Company during a period of 12 (twelve) months
preceding the date of the Public Announcement i.e. February 12, 2022:
13.9.1 Aggregate of Equity Shares purchased or sold by the Promoters/Promoter Companies: NIL
13.9.2 Aggregate Equity Shares purchased or sold by the Directors of the Promoter/Promoter Companies:

Name Name of the Aggregate Nature of Maximum Date of Minimum Date of

Promoter Company number transaction price per maximum price per minimum
of shares share price share price
purchased/ (₹) (₹)
Mr. Venkatadri Tata Investment 75 Purchase 3,734.55 October 1, 3,723.55 October 11,
Chandrasekaran* Corporation Limited 2021 2021
Mr. Rajiv Dube • Tata Investment 3 Sale 3,190.36 August 2, 3,190.36 August 2, 2021
Corporation Limited 2021
• Tata International
Mr. Deepak Kapoor Tata Steel Limited 66 Sale 3,932.70 September 3,932.70 September 17,
17, 2021 2021
Ms. Farida Khambata Tata Steel Limited 6,000 Transfer N.A November N.A November 16,
16, 2021 2021
Ms. Anjali Bansal The Tata Power Company 333 Purchase 3,880.67 September 3,122.57 March 16, 2021
Limited 14, 2021
Mr. Hemant The Tata Power Company 50 Purchase 3,720.00 October 11, 3,329.00 August 9,
Bhargava* Limited 2021 2021
20 Sale 3,850.00 January 5, 3,850.00 January 5,
2022 2022
Mr. Ratan N. Tata • Jamsetji Tata Trust 375,000 Sale 3,216.18 February 12, 2,978.28 March 2, 2021
• Navajbai Ratan Tata 2021
*includes shares held jointly with relative
13.9.3 Aggregate Equity Shares purchased or sold by the Directors and Key Managerial Personnel of the Company: NIL

14.1 In 1968, Tata Consultancy Services (“TCS Division”), was established as an unincorporated division of Tata Sons
Private Limited to provide management and technology consultancy services. RR Donnelley (India) Private
Limited was incorporated on January 19, 1995. The word ‘Private’ was deleted on April 5, 1995. Subsequently, on
March 19, 2001, the name of RR Donnelley (India) Limited was changed to Orchid Print India Limited. Thereafter, on
December 17, 2002, Orchid Print India Limited was renamed as Tata Consultancy Services Limited. Pursuant to the Scheme
as sanctioned by the High Court of Judicature at Bombay on May 9, 2003 and April 7, 2004, Tata Sons transferred the
unincorporated TCS Division to Tata Consultancy Services Limited as a going concern. The Equity Shares of the Company
were listed on the BSE (Code: 532540) and NSE (Code: TCS) on August 25, 2004.
14.2 The Promoters/Promoter Companies currently hold 72.19% of the total Equity Share capital of the Company.
The Company is an information technology (IT) services, consulting and business solutions organization that offers a
consulting-led, cognitive powered, integrated portfolio of IT, Business & Technology Services, and engineering services.
Headquartered in Mumbai, the Company is the flagship company of the Tata Group.
14.3 The registered office of the Company is located at 9th Floor, Nirmal Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021.
14.4 Performance of the Company in brief
a) For the Financial year ended March 31, 2021, the Company’s reported revenue of ₹1,35,963 crore was higher by
3.55% against ₹1,31,306 crore for the financial year ended March 31, 2020.
b) Further, the net profit of ₹30,960 crore was lower by 6.92% for the year ended March 31, 2021 over the previous year
net profit of ₹33,260 crore.
14.5 The current authorised share capital of the Company is `565,07,50,000 (Rupees five hundred and sixty five crore, seven lakh
and fifty thousand only) consisting of 460,05,00,000 (Four hundred and sixty crore and five lakh only) Equity Shares of face
value of `1 (Rupee One only) each and 105,02,50,000 (One hundred and five crore two lakh and fifty thousand) Redeemable
Preference Shares of face value of `1 each, aggregating to `565,07,50,000 (Rupees five hundred and sixty five crore, seven
lakh and fifty thousand only). The total paid-up share capital of the Company is `369,90,51,373 (Rupees three hundred
and sixty nine crore ninety lakh fifty one thousand three hundred and seventy three only) represented by 3,69,90,51,373
(Three hundred and sixty nine crore ninety lakh fifty one thousand three hundred and seventy three) Equity Shares of
`1 (Rupee one only) each.
14.6 The history of the Equity Share capital of the Company is set out below:

Date of Allotment Number of Face Issue Nature of Cumulative Cumulative Paid-

Equity Shares Value (₹) Price (₹) Consideration Number of Equity Up Equity Share
Shares Capital (₹)
February 16, 1995 2(a) 10 10 Cash 2 20
December 29, 1995 3,64,40,000 (b)
10 10 Cash 3,64,40,002 36,44,00,020
May 5, 2004 36,44,00,020(c) 1 NA Stock Split 36,44,00,020 36,44,00,020
May 5, 2004 9,11,00,009 (d)
1 Nil Bonus 45,55,00,029 45,55,00,029
August 19, 2004 2,27,75,000(e) 1 850 Cash 47,82,75,029 47,82,75,029
September 29, 2004 18,27,400(f) 1 1 Cash 48,01,02,429 48,01,02,429
October 21, 2004 12,380 (f)
1 1 Cash 48,01,14,809 48,01,14,809
March 7, 2006 91,90,440(g) 1 - Other than cash 48,93,05,249 48,93,05,249
August 9, 2006 48,93,05,249 (h)
1 Nil Bonus 97,86,10,498 97,86,10,498
June 18, 2009 97,86,10,498(i) 1 Nil Bonus 195,72,20,996 195,72,20,996
October 7, 2013 15,06,983(j) 1 - Other than cash 195,87,27,979 195,87,27,979
October 5, 2015 1,16,99,962(k) 1 - Other than cash 197,04,27,941 197,04,27,941
June 7, 2017 5,61,40,350(l) 1 2,850 Buyback 191,42,87,591 191,42,87,591
June 3, 2018 1,91,42,87,591 (m)
1 Nil Bonus 382,85,75,182 382,85,75,182
September 26, 2018 7,61,90,476(n) 1 2,100 Buyback 375,23,84,706 375,23,84,706
January 6, 2021 5,33,33,333 (o)
1 3,000 Buyback 369,90,51,373 369,90,51,373
a. Signatory to Memorandum of Association.
b. Further allotment to R. R. Donnelley (Mauritius) Holding Ltd.
c. One equity share of ₹10 each was sub-divided into 10 Equity Shares of ₹1 each.
d. Bonus in the ratio of 1:4.

e. 2,27,75,000 Equity Shares of ₹1 each at a premium of ₹849 per share resulting in additional paid up capital of ₹2,27,75,000
and a share premium of ₹1933,59,75,000 issued under the IPO on August 19, 2004.
f. 18,27,400 and 12,380 Equity Shares of ₹1 each were issued pursuant to the Employee Share Purchase Scheme (ESPS 2004)
on September 29, 2004 and October 21, 2004, respectively.
g. 91,90,440 Equity Shares of ₹1 each were issued to the shareholders of the erstwhile Tata Infotech Limited (TIL) pursuant
to the Order dated January 27, 2006, passed by the High Court of Judicature at Bombay, approving the Scheme of
Amalgamation of TIL with the Company.
h. Pursuant to the resolution passed by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting held on June 29, 2006, the Company
has allotted 48,93,05,249 Equity Shares of ₹1 each as fully paid Bonus Shares in the ratio of 1:1 on August 9, 2006.
i. Pursuant to the resolution passed by the shareholders under a Postal Ballot on June 12, 2009, the Company has allotted
97,86,10,498 Equity Shares of ₹1 each as fully paid Bonus Shares in the ratio of 1:1 on June 18, 2009.
j. 15,06,983 Equity Shares of ₹1 each fully paid up were issued and allotted on October 7, 2013 to the equity shareholders
(other than the Company) of TCS e-Serve Limited in the ratio of thirteen (13) Equity Shares of ₹1 each in the Company
credited as fully paid up with rights attached thereto for every four (4) Equity Shares of ₹10 each fully paid up held by such
member in the capital of TCS e-Serve Limited pursuant to the Order dated September 6, 2013 of the Hon’ble High Court of
Judicature at Bombay, sanctioning the Composite Scheme of Arrangement between the Company and TCS e-Serve Limited
and TCS e-Serve International Limited and their respective shareholders.
k. 1,16,99,962 Equity Shares of ₹1 each fully paid up were issued and allotted on October 5, 2015 to the equity shareholders
(other than the Company) of CMC Limited in the ratio of seventy-nine (79) Equity Shares of ₹1 each in the Company
credited as fully paid up with rights attached thereto for every hundred (100) Equity Shares of ₹10 each fully paid up held
by such member in the capital of CMC Limited pursuant to the Order dated July 20, 2015 of the Hon’ble High Court of
Judicature at Hyderabad for the State of Telangana and the State of Andhra Pradesh and Order dated August 14, 2015, of
the Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at Bombay, sanctioning the Scheme of Amalgamation between the Company and
CMC Limited and their respective shareholders.
l. The Company has bought back 5,61,40,350 Equity Shares at a price of ₹2,850 per Equity Share, pursuant to the Buyback
Regulations and subsequent amendments thereof. The extinguishment of the Equity Shares accepted under the buy-back
was completed on June 7, 2017. The buy-back has been duly authorized by a resolution of the Board of Directors dated
February 20, 2017 and by the shareholders by a special resolution passed through postal ballot in accordance with the
provisions of Section 110 of the Act, read with Rule 22 of the Management Rules, the results of which were announced on
April 17, 2017.
m. Pursuant to the resolution passed by the shareholders under a Postal Ballot on May 26, 2018, the Company has allotted
191,42,87,591 Equity Shares of ₹1 each as fully paid Bonus Shares in the ratio of 1:1 on June 3, 2018.
n. The Company has bought back 7,61,90,476 Equity Shares at a price of ₹2,100 per Equity Share, pursuant to the Buyback
Regulations and subsequent amendments thereof. The extinguishment of the Equity Shares accepted under the buy-back
was completed on September 26, 2018. The buy-back has been duly authorized by a resolution of the Board of Directors
dated June 15, 2018 and by the shareholders by a special resolution passed through postal ballot in accordance with the
provisions of Section 110 of the Act, read with Rule 22 of the Management Rules, the results of which were announced on
August 4, 2018.
o. The Company has bought back 5,33,33,333 Equity Shares at a price of ₹3,000 per Equity Share, pursuant to the Buyback
Regulations and subsequent amendments thereof. The extinguishment of the Equity Shares accepted under the buyback
was completed on January 6, 2021. The buyback has been duly authorized by a resolution of the Board of Directors dated
October 7, 2020 and by the shareholders by a special resolution passed through postal ballot in accordance with the
provisions of Section 110 of the Act, read with Rule 22 of the Management Rules, the results of which were announced on
November 18, 2020.

14.7 The details regarding the Board of Directors as on the date of the Public Announcement i.e. February 12, 2022:

Sr. Name, Age and Qualifications Date of Designation Directorships in other

No. Occupation Appointment/ Companies, Bodies Corporate
Reappointment and other Bodies
1. Mr. N. Bachelor’s February 21, 2017 Non-Executive  Tata Sons Private Limited
Chandrasekaran Degree - Applied Chairman  TCS Foundation (Section 8
Age: 58 Science Company)
Occupation: Master’s Degree
Executive Chairman,  Tata Steel Limited
- Computer
Tata Sons Private Application  Tata Motors Limited
Limited  The Indian Hotels Company
DIN: 00121863 Limited
 The Tata Power Company
 Tata Consumer Products
Limited (formerly known
as Tata Global Beverages
 Reserve Bank of India
 Jaguar Land Rover
Automotive Plc
 Tata Limited
 Tata Chemicals Limited
 The Society and Board of
Governors of the Indian
Institute of Management,
 International Advisory Board
of Singapore Economic
Development Board,
 Court of Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore
 International Advisory
Council of The Bocconi
University, Milan
 Board of Governors, The New
York Academy of Sciences
2. Mr. Rajesh MBA - IIM, February 21, 2017 Chief Executive Tata Consultancy Services Japan,
Gopinathan Ahmedabad, Officer and Limited
Age: 50 Engineering - Managing
Occupation: Regional Engg. Director
Company Executive College, Trichy
DIN: 06365813
3. Mr. N. Ganapathy Masters in February 21, 2017 Chief Operating  Tata Elxsi Limited
Subramaniam Mathematics, Officer and  Tata Communications Limited
Age: 62 University of Executive
Occupation: Madras Director  TCS Foundation (Section 8
Company Executive Company)
DIN: 07006215  TCS Financial Solutions
Australia Pty Limited
 TCS FNS Pty Limited
 TCS Financial Solutions
Beijing Co. Limited
 Diligenta Limited
 Tata Consultancy Services
Asia Pacific Pte. Limited

Sr. Name, Age and Qualifications Date of Designation Directorships in other
No. Occupation Appointment/ Companies, Bodies Corporate
Reappointment and other Bodies
 Tata Consultancy Services
(China) Co., Limited
 Advisory Council of Indian
Institute of Technology,
Gandhinagar Research
Park & Innovation and
Entrepreneurship Center
 Tata Consultancy Services
Netherlands B.V.
 Governing Council of
Standards Development
Society of India
 Tejas Networks Limited
4. Ms. Aarthi B. Tech in August 17, 2017 Non- Executive  Tata AIA Life Insurance
Subramanian Computer Director Company Limited
Age: 54 Science, Masters  Tata Capital Limited
Occupation: Group degree in
Chief Digital Officer, Engineering  Tata Industries Limited
Tata Sons Private Management  Tata Digital Private Limited
Limited  Tata Payments Limited
DIN: 07121802
 Tata Business Hub Limited
 Infiniti Retail Limited
 Tata Unistore Limited
5. Mr. O. P. Bhatt Graduate Degree April 2, 2012 Independent  Hindustan Unilever Limited
Age: 70 in Science, Post Director  Tata Steel Limited
Occupation: Graduate Degree
Company Director in English  Tata Motors Limited
DIN: 00548091 Literature  Greenko Energy Holdings,
 Aadhar Housing Finance
 Tata Daewoo Commercial
Vehicle Limited
 Tata Steel Europe Limited
6. Dr Pradeep Kumar B. Tech in January 11, 2018 Independent  Biometricore Inc
Khosla Electrical Director  Reliance Foundation
Age: 64 Engineering, Institution of Education
Occupation: Master’s Degree and Research (Section 8
Professor and PhD in Company)
DIN: 03611983 Electrical and
Computer  Internet2 LLC
Engineering  Board of Governors (BoG)
Academy of Scientific &
Innovative Research (AcSIR)
7. Ms. Hanne Birgitte Master’s December 18, Independent  Tata Motors Limited
Breinbjerg Sorensen Degree in 2018 Director  Lafargeholchim Limited
Age: 56 Economics and
Occupation: Management  Ferrovial S.A.
Company Director  Sulzer Limited
DIN: 08035439  Jaguar Land Rover
Automotive Plc
 Jaguar Landrover Holdings
 Jaguar Landrover Limited

Sr. Name, Age and Qualifications Date of Designation Directorships in other
No. Occupation Appointment/ Companies, Bodies Corporate
Reappointment and other Bodies
8. Mr. Keki M. Mistry Bachelor’s December 18, Independent  Housing Development
Age: 67 Degree in 2018 Director Finance Corporation Limited
Occupation: Commerce and a  HDFC Asset Management
Company Director Fellow Member Company Limited
DIN: 00008886 of the Institute
of Chartered  HDFC Life Insurance
Accountants of Company Limited
India  HDFC Ergo General Insurance
Company Limited
 Torrent Power Limited
 HT Parekh Foundation
(Section 8 Company)
 Griha Investments, Mauritius
 Griha Pte. Ltd., Singapore
 Flipkart Private Limited
 Cartica Acquisition Corp, US
9. Mr. Daniel Hughes Bachelor’s January 10, 2019 Independent  CAPCO
Callahan Degree in Arts Director  Accedian
Age: 65
Occupation:  American Red Cross of
Company Director Greater New York
DIN: 08326836  WEX, Inc.
 Kore.ai
 Business Committee of
Metropolitan Museum of Art
 Foreign Policy Association
 Columbia University Teachers
 Contentment Foundation
 Scotia Bank
14.8 The details of changes in the Board of Directors during the last 3 (three) years from the date of the Public Announcement i.e.
February 12, 2022:

Name of the Director Appointment/ Effective Date Reasons

Resignation/ Cessation
Mr. Aman Mehta Cessation June 26, 2019 Completed term as Independent
Dr Ron Sommer Cessation June 26, 2019 Completed term as Independent
Mr. O. P. Bhatt Re-appointment June 27, 2019 Re-appointed as Independent
14.9 The Buyback will not result in any benefit to any Director of the Company, Promoters/Promoter Companies except to the
extent of the intention of the Directors and Promoters/Promoter Companies to participate in the Buyback and the change
in their shareholding as per the response received in the Buyback, as a result of the extinguishment of Equity Shares which
will lead to a reduction in the Equity Share capital after the completion of the Buyback.
15.1 The Company prepares its financial statements in accordance with Indian Accounting Standards prescribed under Section
133 of the Act, read with the relevant rules issued thereunder (“Ind AS”).

15.2 The salient features of the financial information of the Company as extracted from the audited standalone financial
statements of the Company for the period ended December 31, 2021 and last 3 (three) financial years ended March 31,
2021, March 31, 2020 and March 31, 2019 are set out below:
(₹ in lakh)
Particulars Period Financial Year
April 1, 2021 to April 1, 2020 to April 1, 2019 to April 1, 2018 to
December 31, 2021 March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019
Total income 123,38,700 141,36,300 139,38,800 130,79,700
Total expenses 83,34,900 96,87,100* 93,95,300 88,20,600
(excluding finance costs
and depreciation and
amortisation expense)
Finance costs 36,300 53,700 74,300 17,000
Depreciation and 2,57,800 3,05,300 2,70,100 1,71,600
amortisation expense
Profit before tax 37,09,700 40,90,200 41,99,100 40,70,500
Tax expense 8,70,500 9,94,200 8,73,100 10,64,000
Profit after tax 28,39,200 30,96,000 33,26,000 30,06,500
Share capital 36,991 36,991 37,524 37,524
Other equitya 92,02,300 74,42,400 73,99,300 78,52,300
Net wortha 92,39,291 74,79,391 74,36,824 78,89,824
Debt b
- - - 3,900
Total debtc - - - 3,900
*includes provision towards legal claim
a. Excluding revaluation reserves and miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off.
b. Debt comprises of long-term borrowings and current maturities of finance lease, but excludes short term borrowings.
c. Total Debt comprises of long-term borrowings, short term borrowings and current maturities of finance lease.
15.3 The financial ratios of the Company as extracted from the audited standalone financial statements of the Company for the
period ended December 31, 2021 and last 3 (three) financial years ended March 31, 2021, March 31, 2020 and March 31,
2019 are set out below:

Particulars Period Financial Year

April 1, 2021 to April 1, 2020 to April 1, 2019 to April 1, 2018 to
December 31, 2021 March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019
Earnings per share (₹) a 76.76 82.78 88.64 79.34
Book Value (₹ per Equity Share)b 249.77 202.20 198.19 210.26
Return on net worth c 39.58% 41.39% 44.72% 38.11%
Debt equity ratio d - - - 0.000
Total debt/net worth d - - - 0.000
a. Earnings per share calculated as profit after tax for the relevant period divided by total number of outstanding
Equity Shares at the end of relevant period.
b. Book value per Equity Share is calculated as book value at the end of relevant period divided by total number of
outstanding Equity Shares at the end of relevant period. Book value used excludes revaluation reserves and
miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off.
c. Return on net worth is computed as profit after tax for the period divided by closing net worth for the relevant
period. Return on net worth for period ending December 31, 2021 is computed as profit after tax for the last
12 months ending December 31, 2021 divided by closing net worth as on December 31, 2021. Net worth excludes
revaluation reserves and miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off.
d. Debt and Total Debt comprises of long-term borrowings, short term borrowings and current maturities of finance lease.
Equity and net worth excludes revaluation reserves and miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off.
15.4 The Company confirms that it will comply with the provisions of the Takeover Regulations, if applicable.
15.5 The Company confirms that it has complied with the provisions of Sections 68, 69, 70 and all other provisions of the Act, as
may be applicable to the Buyback.

16.1 The Equity Shares are currently listed and traded only on the BSE and NSE.
16.2 The closing market price of the Equity Shares in the last 3 (three) years (April to March period) preceding the date of the
Public Announcement on the Stock Exchanges is set out below:
Period High Low Average Total No. of
High Date of High No. of Equity Low Date of No. of Equity (`) Equity Shares
(`) Shares Traded (`) Low Shares Traded Traded
April 1, 2020 to March 3,308.80 January 20, 34,53,446 1,654.20 April 3, 57,35,529 2,523.63 99,51,89,851
31, 2021 2021 2020
April 1, 2019 to March 2,277.95 June 20, 2019 21,99,377 1,636.35 March 19, 51,35,162 2,123.10 78,48,13,382
31, 2020 2020
May 31, 2018 to March 2,255.55 October 1, 37,72,208 1,721.60 June 5, 24,49,568 1,958.72 61,34,39,617
31, 2019 (1) 2018 2018
April 1, 2018 to May 3,603.70 May 24, 2018 14,81,158 2,909.65 April 2, 8,31,494 3,336.16 8,82,95,208
30, 2018 (1) 2018
Source: www.nseindia.com
Note: High, Low and Average price for the period are based on closing prices
(1) Ex-date of Bonus issue of (1:1) on May 31, 2018
Period High Low Average Total No. of
High Date of High No. of Equity Low Date of No. of Equity (`) Equity Shares
(`) Shares Traded (`) Low Shares Traded Traded
April 1, 2020 to 3,308.20 January 20, 15,74,806 1,654.40 April 3, 1,70,043
2,523.55 4,51,12,372
March 31, 2021 2021 2020
April 1, 2019 to 2,279.00 June 20, 2019 1,33,605 1,636.10 March 19, 2,44,595 2,122.91 3,56,06,622
March 31, 2020 2020
May 31, 2018 to 2,255.80 October 1, 1,86,123 1,721.20 June 5, 1,04,701 1,957.54 3,97,73,422
March 31, 2019 (1) 2018 2018
April 1, 2018 to May 3,604.80 May 24, 2018 96,195 2,902.90 April 2, 50,734 3,336.38 53,81,708
30, 2018 (1) 2018
Source: www.bseindia.com
Note: High, Low and Average price for the period are based on closing prices
(1) Ex-date of Bonus issue of (1:1) on May 31, 2018
16.3 The monthly closing market prices during the 6 (six) months preceding the date of the Public Announcement and number
of Equity Shares traded on the Stock Exchanges is set out below:
Period High Low Average Total No. of
High Date of High No. of Equity Low Date of No. of Equity (`) Equity Shares
(`) Shares Traded (`) Low Shares Traded Traded
February 1, 2022 to 3,856.20 February 2, 19,84,212 3,694.95 February 38,51,488 3,782.74 208,25,545
February 12, 2022 2022 11, 2022
January 1, 2022 to 4,019.15 January 17, 34,42,604 3,649.25 January 27, 57,18,297 3,847.37 663,32,036
January 31, 2022 2022 2022
December 1, 2021 to 3,738.35 December 12,07,141 3,536.40 December 18,49,642 3,631.14 447,24,473
December 31, 2021 31, 2021 6, 2021
November 1, 2021 to 3,556.40 November 20,13,204 3,443.30 November 21,61,746 3,493.28 432,67,875
November 30, 2021 16, 2021 24, 2021
October 1, 2021 to 3,935.65 October 8, 29,34,339 3,397.75 October 29, 39,60,501 3,639.38 712,51,894
October 31, 2021 2021 2021
September 1, 2021 to 3,954.55 September 24,61,369 3,714.95 September 26,43,336 3,834.14 505,65,601
September 30, 2021 15, 2021 1, 2021
August 1, 2021 to 3,786.45 August 31, 32,07,480 3,219.40 August 2, 26,08,669 3,482.06 566,78,047
August 31, 2021 2021 2021
Source: www.nseindia.com
Note: High, Low price and Average Price for the period are based on closing prices

Period High Low Average Total No. of
High Date of High No. of Equity Low Date of No. of Equity (`) Equity Shares
(`) Shares Traded (`) Low Shares Traded Traded
February 1, 2022 to 3,857.00 February 2, 72,720 3,695.60 February 11, 1,72,871 3,782.93 8,89,016
February 12, 2022 2022 2022
January 1, 2022 to 4,019.10 January 17, 2,95,249 3,650.10 January 27, 4,08,154 3,847.53 40,59,762
January 31, 2022 2022 2022
December 1, 2021 to 3,736.85 December 51,482 3,534.35 December 51,174 3,630.88 20,13,929
December 31, 2021 31, 2021 6, 2021
November 1, 2021 to 3,555.15 November 93,911 3,443.55 November 47,809 3,493.39 17,32,795
November 30, 2021 16, 2021 24, 2021
October 1, 2021 to 3,935.30 October 8, 97,634 3,398.80 October 29, 1,78,291 3,639.53 46,97,020
October 31, 2021 2021 2021
September 1, 2021 to 3,954.80 September 1,30,664 3,714.05 September 2,90,870 3,834.03 26,14,393
September 30, 2021 15, 2021 1, 2021
August 1, 2021 to 3,786.55 August 31, 2,48,659 3,217.90 August 2, 1,34,570 3,481.41 23,77,544
August 31, 2021 2021 2021
Source: www.bseindia.com
Note: High, Low price and Average Price for the period are based on closing prices.
16.4 Notice of the Board Meeting convened to consider the proposal of the Buyback was given to the NSE and BSE on January 7,
2022. The Board, at its meeting held on January 12, 2022, approved the proposal for the Buyback at a price of `4,500 (Rupees
four thousand five hundred only) per Equity Share and the intimation was sent to NSE and BSE on the same day. The closing
market price of the Equity Shares on NSE and BSE, during this period, are summarised below.
Event Date NSE (`) BSE (`)
Notice of the Board Meeting convened to consider the January 7, 2022 3,853.50 3,854.85
proposal of the Buyback
1 Trading Day Post-Notice of Board Meeting January 10, 2022 3,879.85 3,879.35
1 Trading Day Prior to Board Meeting January 11, 2022 3,915.90 3,915.80
Board Meeting Date January 12, 2022 3,859.90 3,857.25
1 Trading Day Post-Board Meeting January 13, 2022 3,897.90 3,897.65
Shareholders’ resolution approving the Buyback February 12, 2022 (1) 3,694.95 3,695.60
Date of the Public Announcement February 12, 2022 (1) 3,694.95 3,695.60
(1) As February 12, 2022 is a holiday, prices as on previous trading day have been considered.
17.1 The Buyback Offer is subject to approval, if any required, under the provisions of the Act, the Buyback Regulations and/or
such other applicable rules and regulations in force for the time being.
17.2 The Buyback of Equity Shares from Non-Resident Shareholders will be subject to approvals, if any, of the appropriate
authorities, including RBI as may be required. The Company will have the right to make payment to the Eligible Shareholders
in respect of whom no prior RBI approval is required and not accept Equity Shares from the Eligible Shareholders in respect
of whom prior RBI approval is required in the event copies of such approvals are not submitted.
17.3 Non-Resident Shareholders (excluding OCBs) permitted under general permission under the consolidated Foreign Direct
Investment policy issued by the Government of India read with applicable regulations issued under FEMA, are not required
to obtain approvals from RBI.
17.4 By agreeing to participate in the Buyback, each Eligible Shareholder (including each Non-Resident Shareholder) undertakes
to complete all relevant regulatory/statutory filings and compliances to be made by it under applicable law, including filing
of Form FC-TRS. Further, by agreeing to participate in the Buyback, each Eligible Shareholder hereby (a) authorises the
Company to take all necessary action, solely to the extent required, and if necessary, to be undertaken by the Company, for
making any regulatory/statutory filings and compliances on behalf of such Shareholder; and (b) undertakes to provide the
requisite assistance to the Company for making any such regulatory/statutory filings and compliances.
17.5 As of date, there is no other statutory or regulatory approval required to implement the Buyback Offer, other than that
indicated above. If any statutory or regulatory approval becomes applicable subsequently, the Buyback will be subject to
such statutory or regulatory approval(s). In the event of any delay in receipt of any statutory/regulatory approvals, changes
to the proposed timetable of the Buyback Offer, if any, shall be intimated to BSE/NSE.

17.6 The Buyback from the Eligible Shareholders who are residents outside India including foreign corporate bodies (including
erstwhile overseas corporate bodies), foreign portfolio investors, non-resident Indians, members of foreign nationality, if
any, shall be subject to the FEMA and rules and regulations framed thereunder, if any, Income Tax Act, 1961 and rules
and regulations framed thereunder, as applicable, and also subject to the receipt/provision by such Eligible Shareholders
of such approvals, if and to the extent necessary or required from concerned authorities including, but not limited to,
approvals from the RBI under the FEMA and rules and regulations framed thereunder, if any.
17.7 The reporting requirements for non-resident shareholders under RBI, FEMA, as amended and any other rules, regulations,
guidelines, for remittance of funds, shall be made by the Eligible Shareholders and/or the Shareholder Broker through
which the Eligible Shareholder places the bid.
17.8 In case of non-receipt of the completed tender form and other documents, but receipt of Equity Shares in the accounts
of the Clearing Corporation and a valid bid in the exchange bidding system, the bid by such Eligible Shareholder shall be
deemed to have been accepted.
18.1 Eligible Shareholders who wish to tender their Equity Shares in the Buyback can send the Tender Form by registered post/
speed post or hand deliver the same, along with the TRS generated by the exchange bidding system along with all relevant
documents by super-scribing the envelope as “TCS Buyback Offer 2022”, to the Registrar to the Buyback at its office set out
below, so that the same are received not later than the Buyback Closing Date i.e. Wednesday, March 23, 2022 by 5 p.m. (IST):
Link Intime India Private Limited
C-101, 247 Park, L.B.S. Marg
Vikhroli (West)
Mumbai 400 083
Tel: +91 22 4918 6300
Fax: +91 22 4918 6195
Contact Person: Mr. Sumeet Deshpande
E-mail: tcs.buyback2022@linkintime.co.in
Days & time of contact: In case of any clarifications or to address investor grievance, Eligible Shareholders may contact on
all Working Days during 11:00 a.m. (IST) to 5:00 p.m. (IST).
18.2 For the Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in demat form, the Tender Form and TRS are not required to be submitted
to the Company, Manager or the Registrar. After the receipt of the demat Equity Shares by the Clearing Corporation and a
valid bid in the exchange bidding system, the Buyback shall be deemed to have been accepted for the Eligible Shareholders
holding Equity Shares in demat form.
19.1 The Company proposes to buy back up to 4,00,00,000 (Four crore) Equity Shares aggregating up to 1.08% of the fully
paid-up equity share capital of the Company as on December 31, 2021 at a price of `4,500 (Rupees four thousand five
hundred only) per Equity Share payable in cash for an aggregate consideration not exceeding `18,000 crore (Rupees
eighteen thousand crore only) constituting 21.03% and 19.06% of the aggregate fully paid-up equity share capital and
free reserves as per audited condensed standalone interim financial statements and audited condensed consolidated
interim financial statements of the Company as on December 31, 2021, respectively (the last audited financial statements
available as on the date of Board Meeting recommending the proposal of the Buyback), from the Eligible Shareholders
on a proportionate basis through a Tender Offer route through Stock Exchange mechanism, in accordance with Article
11 of the Articles of Association of the Company, Sections 68, 69, 70, and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Act,
the relevant rules framed thereunder including the Share Capital Rules, LODR Regulations, to the extent applicable and
Buyback Regulations. The Equity Shareholders approved the Buyback by way of a special resolution through postal ballot,
the results of which were announced on February 12, 2022. The Buyback is subject to the receipt of approvals as may be
required, including but not limited to SEBI and the Stock Exchanges.
19.2 The Company expresses no opinion as to whether Eligible Shareholders should participate in the Buyback and, accordingly,
Eligible Shareholders are advised to consult their own advisors to consider participation in the Buyback.
19.3 The shareholding of the Promoters/Promoter Companies as of the date of the Public Announcement is 267,02,04,298 Equity
Shares which represents 72.19% of the existing total paid-up equity share capital of the Company. In terms of the Buyback
Regulations, under the Tender Offer route, the promoters have an option of participating in a buyback. In this regard, certain
Promoters/Promoter Companies have expressed their intention to participate in the Buyback, and may tender in aggregate
up to 2,88,73,870 Equity Shares in accordance with the provisions of the Buyback Regulations.
19.4 Assuming acceptance of all Equity Shares tendered in the Buyback from the Eligible Shareholders up to their respective
Buyback Entitlement, the shareholding of the Promoters/Promoter Companies after the completion of the Buyback will
increase to 72.30% of the post-Buyback total paid-up equity share capital of the Company. Also, if none of the public
shareholders participate and only the Promoters/Promoter Companies, who have given their intention, participate to
the extent of their Buyback Entitlement, their shareholding will reduce to 72.00% of the total equity share capital of the

Record Date and Ratio of Buyback as per the Buyback Entitlement in each Category:
19.5 The Company has fixed February 23, 2022 as the Record Date for the purpose of determining the Buyback Entitlement and
the names of the Equity Shareholders, who are eligible to participate in the Buyback.
19.6 The Equity Shares to be bought back pursuant to the Buyback are divided into 2 (two) categories:
19.6.1 Reserved category for Small Shareholders (“Reserved Category”); and
19.6.2 General category for all other Eligible Shareholders (“General Category”).
19.7 As defined in the Buyback Regulations, a “Small Shareholder” is an Eligible Shareholder who holds Equity Shares having
market value, on the basis of closing price of shares on BSE or NSE, on which the highest trading volume in respect of
the Equity Shares on the Record Date was recorded, of not more than `2,00,000 (Rupees two lakh only). As on the Record
Date, the closing price on NSE, having the highest trading volume, was `3,563.80 per Equity Share. Accordingly, all Eligible
Shareholders holding not more than 56 Equity Shares as on the Record Date are classified as ‘Small Shareholders’ for the
purpose of the Buyback.
19.8 Based on the aforementioned definition, there are 21,10,826 Small Shareholders of the Company with an aggregate
shareholding of 4,10,51,350 Equity Shares as on the Record Date, which constitutes 1.11% of the total paid-up equity share
capital of the Company and 102.63% of the maximum number of Equity Shares which are proposed to be bought back as
part of this Buyback. 3,65,80,00,023 Equity Shares were held by the other Eligible Shareholders in the General Category as
on the Record Date.
19.9 In accordance with Regulation 6 of the Buyback Regulations, the reservation for the Small Shareholders will be the higher
19.9.1 15% of the number of Equity Shares which the Company proposes to buy back i.e. 15% of 4,00,00,000 (Four crore)
Equity Shares which is 60,00,000 (Sixty lakh) Equity Shares; or
19.9.2 The number of Equity Shares entitled as per their shareholding as on the Record Date (i.e. (4,10,51,350 /
3,69,90,51,373) x 4,00,00,000) which is 4,43,912 Equity Shares.
19.10 All the outstanding Equity Shares have been used for computing the Buyback Entitlement of Small Shareholders since the
Promoters/Promoter Companies also intend to offer their Equity Shares in the Buyback.
19.11 Based on the above analysis and in accordance with Regulation 6 of the Buyback Regulations, 60,00,000 Equity Shares have
been reserved for the Small Shareholders (“Reserved Portion”) and accordingly, the General Category for all other Eligible
Shareholders shall consist of 3,40,00,000 Equity Shares (“General Portion”).
19.12 Based on the above Buyback Entitlements, the ratio of Buyback for both categories is set out below:
Category of Eligible Shareholder Ratio of Buyback
(i.e. Buyback Entitlement)
Reserved category for Small Shareholders 1 Equity Shares for every 7 Equity Shares held on the Record Date
General category for all other Eligible Shareholders 1 Equity Shares for every 108 Equity Shares held on the Record Date
The ratio of Buyback indicated above is approximate and provides an indication of the Buyback Entitlement. Any
computation of entitled Equity Shares using the above ratio of Buyback may provide a slightly different number due to
rounding-off. The actual Buyback Entitlement for reserved category for Small Shareholders is 14.6158409% and for General
Category shareholders is 0.9294696%.
Illustration of Entitlement Ratio
19.12.1 For Small Shareholders – Eligible Shareholder holding 56 Equity Shares will receive an entitlement of 8 Equity
Shares (14.6158409% of 56 Equity shares held on Record Date). The Company will accept 100% Equity Shares
who have validly tendered their Equity Shares to the extent of their Buyback Entitlement or the number of Equity
Shares tendered by them, whichever is less. Additional equity shares will be accepted based on proportionate
basis as described in Paragraph 20 of this Letter of Offer.
19.12.2 For General Shareholders – Eligible Shareholder holding 1,000 Equity Shares will receive an entitlement of 9 Equity
shares (0.9294696% of 1,000 Equity shares held on Record Date). The Company will accept 100% Equity Shares
who have validly tendered their Equity Shares to the extent of their Buyback Entitlement or the number of Equity
Shares tendered by them, whichever is less. Additional equity shares will be accepted based on proportionate
basis as described in Paragraph 20 of this Letter of Offer.
Fractional Entitlements
19.13 If the Buyback Entitlement under the Buyback, after applying the abovementioned ratios to the Equity Shares held on
Record Date is not in the multiple of one Equity Share, then the fractional entitlement shall be ignored for computation of
Buyback Entitlement to tender Equity Shares in the Buyback for both categories of Eligible Shareholders.
19.14 On account of ignoring the fractional entitlement, those Small Shareholders who hold 6 or less Equity Shares as on Record
Date will be dispatched a Tender Form with zero entitlement. Such Small Shareholders may tender Additional Equity Shares
as part of the Buyback and will be given preference in the Acceptance of one Equity Share, if such Small Shareholders have
tendered Additional Equity Shares.
Basis of Acceptance of Equity Shares validly tendered in the Reserved Category for Small Shareholders.

19.15 Subject to the provisions contained in the Letter of Offer, the Company will accept the Equity Shares tendered in the
Buyback by the Small Shareholders in the Reserved Category in the following order of priority:
19.15.1 Acceptance of 100% Equity Shares from Small Shareholders in the Reserved Category, who have validly tendered
their Equity Shares to the extent of their Buyback Entitlement or the number of Equity Shares tendered by them,
whichever is less.
19.15.2 After the Acceptance as described in Paragraph 19.15.1 above, in case there are any Equity Shares left to be bought
back from Small Shareholders in the Reserved Category, the Small Shareholders who were entitled to tender zero
Equity Shares (on account of fractional entitlement), and have tendered Additional Equity Shares as part of the
Buyback, shall be given preference and one Equity Share each from such Additional Equity Shares shall be bought
back in the Reserved Category.
19.15.3 After the Acceptance as described in Paragraph 19.15.2 above, in case there are any Equity Shares left to be
bought back in the Reserved Category, the Additional Equity Shares tendered by the Small Shareholders
over and above their Buyback Entitlement, shall be accepted in proportion of the Additional Equity
Shares tendered by them and the Acceptance per Small Shareholder shall be made in accordance with
the Buyback Regulations. Valid Acceptances per Small Shareholder shall be equal to the Additional Equity
Shares validly tendered by the Small Shareholder divided by the total Additional Equity Shares validly
tendered and multiplied by the total pending number of Equity Shares to be accepted in Reserved Category.
For purpose of this calculation, the Additional Equity Shares taken into account for such Small Shareholders, from
whom one Equity Share has been Accepted in accordance with the Paragraph 19.15.2, shall be reduced by one.
Adjustment for fractional results in case of proportionate Acceptance, as described above:
19.16 For any Small Shareholder, if the number of Additional Equity Shares to be Accepted, calculated on a proportionate basis is
not a multiple of one and the fractional Acceptance is greater than or equal to 0.50, then the fraction would be rounded off
to the next higher integer.
19.17 For any Small Shareholder, if the number of Additional Equity Shares to be Accepted, calculated on a proportionate basis is
not in the multiple of one and the fractional Acceptance is less than 0.50, then the fraction shall be ignored.
Basis of Acceptance of Equity Shares validly tendered in the General Category
19.18 Subject to the provisions contained in this Letter of Offer, the Company will accept the Equity Shares tendered in the
Buyback by all other Eligible Shareholders in the General Category in the following order of priority:
19.18.1 Acceptance of 100% Equity Shares from other Eligible Shareholders in the General Category who have validly
tendered their Equity Shares, to the extent of their Buyback Entitlement, or the number of Equity Shares tendered
by them, whichever is less.
19.18.2 After the Acceptance as described in Paragraph 19.18.1 above, in case there are any Equity Shares left to be bought
back in the General Category, the Additional Equity Shares tendered by the other Eligible Shareholders over
and above their Buyback Entitlement shall be Accepted in proportion of the Additional Equity Shares tendered
by them and the acceptances per shareholder shall be made in accordance with the Buyback Regulations, i.e.
valid acceptances per shareholder shall be equal to the Additional Equity Shares validly tendered by the Eligible
Shareholders divided by the total Additional Equity Shares validly tendered in the General Category and multiplied
by the total pending number of Equity Shares to be Accepted in General Category.
Adjustment for fractional results in case of proportionate acceptance as described above:
19.19 For any Eligible Shareholder, if the number of Additional Equity Shares to be Accepted, calculated on a proportionate basis
is not in the multiple of one and the fractional Acceptance is greater than or equal to 0.50, then the fraction would be
rounded off to the next higher integer.
19.20 For any Eligible Shareholder, if the number of Additional Equity Shares to be Accepted, calculated on a proportionate basis
is not in the multiple of one and the fractional Acceptance is less than 0.50, then the fraction shall be ignored.
Basis of Acceptance of Equity Shares between categories
19.21 In the event the Equity Shares tendered by the Small Shareholders in accordance with the process set out under
Paragraph 19.15 (Basis of Acceptance of Equity Shares validly tendered in the Reserved Category for Small Shareholders) of
this Letter of Offer is less than the Reserved Portion, Additional Equity Shares tendered by the Eligible Shareholders in
the General Category over and above their Buyback Entitlement shall, in accordance with the Buyback Regulations, be
Accepted in proportion of the Additional Equity Shares tendered by them i.e. valid acceptances per shareholder shall be
equal to the Additional Equity Shares validly tendered by an Eligible Shareholder in the General Category divided by the
total Additional Equity Shares validly tendered in the General Category and multiplied by the Additional Equity Shares that
can be accepted due to shortfall in the Reserved Portion.
19.22 In the event the Equity Shares tendered by the Eligible Shareholders in the General Category in accordance with the process
set out under Paragraph 19.18 (Basis of Acceptance of Equity Shares validly tendered in the General Category) of this Letter
of Offer is less than the General Portion, Additional Equity Shares tendered by the Eligible Shareholders in the Reserved
Category over and above their Buyback Entitlement shall, in accordance with the Buyback Regulations, be Accepted in
proportion of the Additional Equity Shares tendered by them i.e. valid acceptances per shareholder shall be equal to

the Additional Equity Shares validly tendered by an Eligible Shareholder in the Reserved Category divided by the total
Additional Equity Shares validly tendered in the Reserved Category and multiplied by the Additional Equity Shares that can
be accepted due to shortfall in the General Portion.
19.23 A Small Shareholder who has received a Tender Form with zero Buyback Entitlement and who has tendered Additional
Shares shall be eligible for priority Acceptance of one Equity Share before Acceptance, as mentioned above, out of the
Equity Shares left to be bought back in the General Category, provided no Acceptance could take place from such Small
Shareholder in accordance with the section entitled “Basis of Acceptance of Equity Shares validly tendered in the Reserved
Category for Small Shareholders”.
Adjustment for fractional results in case of proportionate Acceptance, as described above:
19.24 For any Shareholder, if the number of Additional Equity Shares to be Accepted, calculated on a proportionate basis is not a
multiple of one and the fractional Acceptance is greater than or equal to 0.50, then the fraction would be rounded off to the
next higher integer.
19.25 For any Shareholder, if the number of Additional Equity Shares to be Accepted, calculated on a proportionate basis is not in
the multiple of one and the fractional Acceptance is less than 0.50, then the fraction shall be ignored.
19.26 In case of any practical issues, resulting out of rounding-off of Shares or otherwise, the Board or any person(s) authorized
by the Board will have the authority to decide such final allocation with respect to such rounding-off or any excess of Equity
Shares or any shortage of Equity Shares after allocation of Equity Shares as set out in the process described in Paragraph 19.
19.27 For avoidance of doubt, it is clarified that:
19.27.1 The Equity Shares Accepted under the Buyback from each Eligible Shareholder, in accordance with the paragraphs
above, shall not exceed the number of Equity Shares tendered by the respective Eligible Shareholders;
19.27.2 The Equity Shares Accepted under the Buyback from each Eligible Shareholder, in accordance with the paragraphs
above, shall not exceed the number of Equity Shares held by respective Eligible Shareholder as on the Record
Date; and
19.27.3 The Equity Shares tendered by any Eligible Shareholder over and above the number of Equity Shares held by such
Eligible Shareholder as on the Record Date shall not be considered for the purpose of Acceptance in accordance
with the paragraphs above.
19.28 Clubbing of Entitlement
In accordance with Regulation 9(ix) of the Buyback Regulations, in order to ensure that the same shareholders with multiple
demat accounts/folios do not receive a higher entitlement under the Small Shareholder category, the Company will club
together the Equity Shares held by such shareholders with a common PAN for determining the category (Small Shareholder
or General) and entitlement under the Buyback. In case of joint shareholding, the Company will club together the Equity
Shares held in cases where the sequence of the PANs of the joint shareholders is identical. In case of physical shareholders,
where the sequence of PANs is identical, the Company will club together the Equity Shares held in such cases. Similarly, in
case of physical shareholders where PAN is not available, the Company will check the sequence of names of the joint holders
and club together the Equity Shares held in such cases where the sequence of name of joint shareholders is identical. The
shareholding of institutional investors like mutual funds, pension funds/trusts, insurance companies etc., with common PAN
will not be clubbed together for determining the category and will be considered separately, where these Equity Shares
are held for different schemes and have a different demat account nomenclature based on information prepared by the
Registrar as per the shareholder records received from the Depositories.
20.1 The Buyback is open to all Eligible Shareholders who hold Equity Shares either in physical form or dematerialized form.
The Company proposes to effect the Buyback through a Tender Offer route through Stock Exchange mechanism, on
a proportionate basis. This Letter of Offer and Tender Form, outlining the terms of the Buyback as well as the detailed
disclosures as specified in the Buyback Regulations, will be e-mailed/dispatched to Eligible Shareholders. This Letter of Offer,
shall be sent through electronic means to Eligible Shareholder(s) who have registered their e-mail ids with the depositories/
the Company, and for those Eligible Shareholder(s) who have not registered their e-mail ids with the depositories/the
Company, this Letter of Offer shall be dispatched through physical mode by registered post/speed post/courier. In case of
non-receipt of Letter of Offer and the Tender Form, please follow the procedure mentioned in Paragraph 20.9.
20.2 The Company will not accept any Equity Shares offered in the Buyback which are under any restraint order of a court for
transfer/sale of such Equity Shares. In accordance with Regulation 24(v) of the Buyback Regulations, the Company shall not
buyback locked-in Equity Shares and non-transferable Equity Shares until the pendency of the lock-in or until such Equity
Shares become transferable. The Company shall accept all the Equity Shares validly tendered in the Buyback by Eligible
Shareholders, on the basis of their Buyback Entitlement as on the Record Date.
20.3 Eligible Shareholders will have to transfer their Equity Shares from the same demat account in which they were holding such
Equity Shares as on the Record Date, and in case of multiple demat accounts, Eligible Shareholders are required to tender

the applications separately from each demat account. In case of any changes in the demat account in which the Equity
Shares were held as on Record Date, such Eligible Shareholders should provide sufficient proof of the same to the Registrar
to the Buyback and such tendered Equity Shares may be accepted subject to appropriate verification and validation by the
Registrar to the Buyback.
20.4 As disclosed in Paragraph 19 (Process and Methodology of Buyback) above, the Equity Shares proposed to be bought as a
part of the Buyback are divided into 2 (two) categories; (i) Reserved Category for Small Shareholders, and (ii) the General
Category for other Eligible Shareholders; and the Buyback Entitlement of an Eligible Shareholders in each category shall be
calculated accordingly.
20.5 After accepting the Equity Shares tendered on the basis of Buyback Entitlement, Equity Shares left to be bought as a part
of the Buyback, if any, in one category shall first be accepted, in proportion to the Equity Shares tendered, over and above
their Buyback Entitlement, by Eligible Shareholders in that category, and thereafter, from Eligible Shareholders who have
tendered over and above their Buyback Entitlement, in any other category.
20.6 Eligible Shareholders’ participation in the Buyback is voluntary. Eligible Shareholders may choose to participate, in part or
in full, and receive cash in lieu of the Equity Shares accepted under the Buyback, or they may choose not to participate and
enjoy a resultant increase in their percentage shareholding, after the completion of the Buyback, without any additional
investment. Eligible Shareholders may also tender a part of their Buyback Entitlement. Eligible Shareholders also have the
option of tendering Additional Equity Shares (over and above their Buyback Entitlement) and participate in the shortfall
created due to non-participation of some other Eligible Shareholders, if any. The Acceptance of any Equity Shares tendered
in excess of the Buyback Entitlement by the Eligible Shareholder shall be in terms of procedure outlined herein. In case any
Eligible Shareholder or any person claiming to be an Eligible Shareholder cannot participate in the Buyback Offer for any
reason, the Company, the Manager and Registrar to the Buyback and their officers shall not be liable in any manner for such
20.7 The maximum tender under the Buyback by an Eligible Shareholder cannot exceed the number of Equity Shares held by
such Eligible Shareholder as on the Record Date.
20.8 The Buyback shall be implemented using the “Mechanism for acquisition of shares through Stock Exchange” pursuant to
the SEBI Circulars, and following the procedure prescribed in the Act, the Buyback Regulations and as may be determined
by the Board (including the committee authorized to complete the formalities of the Buyback) and on such terms and
conditions as may be permitted by law from time to time.
20.9 In case of non-receipt of this Letter of Offer and the Tender Form:
20.9.1 In case the Eligible Shareholder holds Equity Shares in dematerialised form: If Eligible Shareholder(s) who
have been sent this Letter of Offer through electronic means wish to obtain a physical copy of this Letter of Offer,
they may send a request in writing to the Company or Registrar at the address or e-mail id mentioned at the
cover page of this Letter of Offer stating name, address, number of Equity Shares held on Record Date, client ID
number, DP name/ID, beneficiary account number, and upon receipt of such request, a physical copy of this Letter
of Offer shall be provided to such Eligible Shareholder. An Eligible Shareholder may participate in the Buyback by
downloading the Tender Form from the websites of the Company and Registrar to the Buyback at www.tcs.com
and www.linkintime.co.in, respectively or by providing his/her/its application in writing on a plain paper, signed
by all Eligible Shareholders (in case of joint holding), stating name and address of the Eligible Shareholder(s),
number of Equity Shares held as on the Record Date, Client ID number, DP Name, DP ID, beneficiary account
number and number of Equity Shares tendered for the Buyback.
20.9.2 In case the Eligible Shareholder holds Equity Shares in physical form: An Eligible Shareholder may participate
in the Buyback by providing his/her/its application in writing on a plain paper signed by all Eligible Shareholders
(in case of joint holding) stating name, address, folio number, number of Equity Shares held, Equity Share
certificate number, number of Equity Shares tendered for the Buyback and the distinctive numbers thereof,
enclosing the original Equity Share certificate(s), copy of Eligible Shareholder’s PAN card(s) and executed share
transfer form in favour of the Company. An Eligible Shareholder may participate in the Buyback by downloading
the Tender Form from the websites of the Company and the Registrar to the Buyback at www.tcs.com and
www.linkintime.co.in, respectively and must ensure that the Tender Form, along with the TRS and requisite
documents, reach the Registrar to the Buyback not later the Buyback Closing Date i.e. Wednesday, March 23, 2022
by 5 p.m. (IST). If the signature(s) of the Eligible Shareholders provided in the plain paper application differs from
the specimen signature(s) recorded with the Registrar of the Company or are not in the same order (although
attested), such Tender Forms are liable to be rejected under this Buyback.
20.10 Please note that Eligible Shareholder(s) who intend to participate in the Buyback will be required to approach their
respective Selling Member(s) (along with the complete set of documents for verification procedures in case of Equity Shares
held in physical form) and have to ensure that their bid is entered by their respective Selling Member(s) in the electronic
platform to be made available by Stock Exchanges before the Buyback Closing Date.

20.11 The Company shall accept Equity Shares validly tendered by the Eligible Shareholder(s) in the Buyback on the basis of their
shareholding as on the Record Date and the Buyback Entitlement. Eligible Shareholder(s) who intend to participate in the
Buyback using the “plain paper” option as mentioned above are advised to confirm their Buyback Entitlement from the
Registrar to the Buyback, before participating in the Buyback.
20.12 The acceptance of the Buyback made by the Company is entirely at the discretion of the Eligible Shareholders of the
Company. The Company does not accept any responsibility for the decision of any Eligible Shareholder to either participate
or to not participate in the Buyback. The Company will not be responsible in any manner for any loss of Equity Share
certificate(s) and other documents during transit and the Eligible Shareholders are advised to adequately safeguard their
interest in this regard.
20.13 For implementation of the Buyback, the Company has appointed JM Financial Services Limited as the registered broker
to the Company (“Company’s Broker”) to facilitate the process of tendering of Equity Shares through the stock exchange
mechanism for the Buyback and through whom the purchases and settlements on account of the Buyback would be made
by the Company. The contact details of the Company’s Broker are as follows:
JM Financial Services Limited
5th Floor, Cnergy, Appasaheb Marathe Marg,
Prabhadevi, Mumbai – 400 025, India.
Tel : +91 22 6704 3000, Fax : +91 22 6761 7222
Contact Person: Mr. Divyesh Kapadia; Tel.: +91 22 6704 3458
Email: divyesh.kapadia@jmfl.com, Website: www.jmfinancialservices.in
SEBI Registration Number: INZ000195834
Corporate Identity Number: U67120MH1998PLC115415
20.14 The Company shall request the Stock Exchanges to provide a separate acquisition window (“Acquisition Window”) to
facilitate placing of sell orders by Eligible Shareholders who wish to tender their Equity Shares in the Buyback. The details
of the platform will be specified by the Stock Exchanges from time to time. For the purposes of this Buyback, BSE has been
appointed as the ‘Designated Stock Exchange’.
20.15 All Eligible Shareholders, through their respective Selling Member(s) will be eligible and responsible to place orders in the
Acquisition Window.
20.16 All Eligible Shareholders can enter orders for Equity Shares in demat form as well as Equity Shares in physical form.
20.17 During the Tendering Period, the order for selling the Equity Shares shall be placed by the Eligible Shareholders through
their respective Selling Member(s) during normal trading hours of the secondary market.
20.18 Modification/cancellation of orders and multiple bids from a single Eligible Shareholder will be allowed during the Tendering
Period. Multiple bids made by a single Eligible Shareholder for selling the Equity Shares shall be clubbed and considered as
‘one’ bid for the purposes of Acceptance.
20.19 The cumulative quantity tendered shall be made available on BSE’s and NSE’s websites, www.bseindia.com and
www.nseindia.com, respectively, throughout the Tendering Period, and will be updated at specific intervals during the
Tendering Period.
20.20 All documents sent by the Eligible Shareholders will be at their own risk. Eligible Shareholders are advised to adequately
safeguard their interests in this regard.
20.20.1 Eligible Shareholders shall also provide all relevant documents, which are necessary to ensure transferability of
the Equity Shares in respect of the Tender Form to be sent. Such documents may include (but not be limited to):
(i) Duly attested power of attorney, if any person other than the Eligible Shareholder has signed the Tender
(ii) Duly attested death certificate and succession certificate/legal heirship certificate, in case any Eligible
Shareholder has expired; and
(iii) In case of companies, the necessary certified corporate authorizations (including board and/or general
meeting resolutions).
Procedure to be followed by Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in dematerialised form:
20.21.1 Eligible Shareholders who desire to tender their Equity Shares in the electronic form under the Buyback would
have to do so through their respective Selling Member(s) by indicating to such Selling Member(s) the details of
Equity Shares they intend to tender under the Buyback.
20.21.2 The Selling Member would be required to place an order/bid on behalf of the Eligible Shareholder(s) who wish
to tender Equity Shares in the Buyback using the Acquisition Window of the Stock Exchanges. For further details,
Eligible Shareholders may refer to the circulars issued by Stock Exchanges/Clearing Corporation.
20.21.3 The details of the settlement number under which the lien will be marked on the Equity Shares tendered for the
Buyback will be provided in a separate circular to be issued by the Clearing Corporation.
20.21.4 The lien shall be marked by the Seller Member in the demat account of the Shareholders for the shares tendered
in tender offer. Details of shares marked as lien in the demat account of the shareholder shall be provided by the
Depositories to Clearing Corporation. In case, the Shareholders demat account is held with one Depository and

Clearing Member pool and Clearing Corporation Account is held with other depository, shares shall be blocked
in the shareholders demat account at source depository during the tendering period. Inter Depository Tender
Offer (“IDT”) instructions shall be initiated by the shareholders at source depository to Clearing Member/Clearing
Corporation account at target Depository. Source Depository shall block the shareholder’s securities (i.e. transfers
from free balance to blocked balance) and send IDT message to target Depository for confirming creation of lien.
Details of shares blocked in the shareholders demat account shall be provided by the target Depository to the
Clearing Corporation.
20.21.5 For custodian participant orders for demat Equity Shares, early pay-in is mandatory prior to confirmation of order
by custodian. The custodian shall either confirm or reject the orders not later than the closing of trading hours
on the last day of the Tendering Period i.e. the Buyback Closing Date. Thereafter, all unconfirmed orders shall
be deemed to be rejected. For all confirmed custodian participant orders, order modification by the concerned
Selling Member shall revoke the custodian confirmation and the revised order shall be sent to the custodian again
for confirmation.
20.21.6 Upon placing the bid, the Selling Member shall provide a TRS generated by the Stock Exchanges’ bidding system
to the Eligible Shareholder. The TRS will contain the details of order submitted such as Bid ID No., application no.,
DP ID, Client ID, number of Equity Shares tendered etc. In case of non-receipt of the completed tender form and
other documents, but lien marked on Equity Shares and a valid bid in the exchange bidding system, the bid by
such Eligible Shareholder shall be deemed to have been accepted.
20.21.7 In case of demat Equity Shares, submission of Tender Form and TRS is not required. After the receipt of
the demat Equity Shares by the Clearing Corporation and a valid bid in the exchange bidding system, the
Buyback shall be deemed to have been accepted, for Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in demat
20.21.8 The Eligible Shareholders will have to ensure that they keep the DP account active and unblocked to receive credit
in case of return of Equity Shares due to rejection or due to prorated Buyback decided by the Company. Further,
Eligible Shareholders will have to ensure that they keep the saving account attached with the DP account active
and updated to receive credit remittance due to acceptance of Buyback of shares by the Company.
20.22 Procedure to be followed by Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form:
In accordance with SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD1/CIR/P/2020/144 dated July 31, 2020, Eligible Shareholders
holding Equity Shares in physical form can participate in the Buyback. The procedure is as below.
20.22.1 Eligible Shareholders who are holding physical Equity Shares and intend to participate in the Buyback will be
required to approach their respective Selling Member(s) along with the complete set of documents for verification
procedures to be carried out including the (i) original Equity Share certificate(s), (ii) valid share transfer form(s)
i.e. Form SH-4 duly filled and signed by the transferors (i.e. by all registered Eligible Shareholders in same order
and as per the specimen signatures registered with the Company) and duly witnessed at the appropriate place
authorizing the transfer in favour of the Company, (iii) self-attested copy of the Eligible Shareholder’s PAN Card,
(iv) the Tender Form (duly signed by all Eligible Shareholders in case the Equity Shares are in joint names) the same
order in which they hold Equity Shares, and (v) any other relevant documents such as, but not limited to, duly
attested power of attorney, corporate authorization (including board resolution/specimen signature), notarized
copy of death certificate and succession certificate or probated will, if the original Eligible Shareholder has
deceased, etc., as applicable. In addition, if the address of the Eligible Shareholder has undergone a change from
the address registered in the Register of Members of the Company, the Eligible Shareholder would be required to
submit a self-attested copy of address proof consisting of any one of the following documents: valid Aadhar Card,
Voter Identity Card or Passport.
20.22.2 Based on the documents as mentioned in paragraph 20.22.1 herein above, the concerned Selling Member shall
place the bid on behalf of Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form using the Acquisition
Window of the Stock Exchanges. Upon placing the bid, the Selling Member shall provide a TRS generated by the
exchange bidding system to the Eligible Shareholder. The TRS will contain the details of order submitted like folio
number, Equity Share certificate number, distinctive number, number of Equity Shares tendered, etc.
20.22.3 The Selling Member/Eligible Shareholder is required to deliver the original Equity Share certificate(s) and
documents (as mentioned in Paragraph 20.22.2) along with TRS either by registered post or courier or hand
delivery to Registrar to the Buyback, at its office provided in Paragraph 18 herein above, within 2 (two) days of
bidding by Selling Member and ensure that it to reach on or before the Buyback Closing Date i.e. Wednesday,
March 23, 2022 (by 5 p.m.). The envelope should be super scribed as “TCS Buyback Offer 2022”. One copy of the
TRS will be retained by Registrar to the Buyback and it will provide acknowledgement of the same to the Selling
Member/Eligible Shareholder.
20.22.4 Eligible Shareholders holding physical Equity Shares should note that physical Equity Shares will not be accepted
unless the complete set of documents is submitted. Acceptance of the physical Equity Shares for Buyback by the
Company shall be subject to verification as per the Buyback Regulations and any further directions issued in this
regard. The Registrar to the Buyback will verify such bids based on the documents submitted on a daily basis and
till such time the Stock Exchanges shall display such bids as ‘unconfirmed physical bids’. Once the Registrar to the
Buyback confirms the bids it will be treated as ‘Confirmed Bids’.
20.22.5 All documents as mentioned above, shall be enclosed with the valid Tender Form, otherwise the Equity Shares
tendered will be liable for rejection. The Equity Shares shall be liable for rejection on the following grounds

amongst others: (i) If there is any other company’s equity share certificate(s) enclosed with the Tender Form instead
of the Equity Share certificate(s) of the Company; (ii) If the transmission of Equity Shares is not completed, and the
Equity Shares are not in the name of the Eligible Shareholders; (iii) If the Eligible Shareholders tender Equity Shares
but the Registrar to the Buyback does not receive the Equity Share certificate(s); (iv) In case the signature on the
Tender Form and Form SH-4 does not match as per the specimen signature recorded with Company/Registrar of
the Company;
20.22.6 In case any Eligible Shareholder has submitted Equity Shares in physical form for dematerialization, such Equity
Shareholders should ensure that the process of getting the Equity Shares dematerialized is completed well in time
so that they can participate in the Buyback before Buyback Closing Date.
20.23 For Equity Shares held by Eligible Shareholders, being Non-Resident Shareholders
20.23.1 Eligible Shareholders, being Non-Resident Shareholders (excluding FIIs) should also enclose a copy of the
permission received by them from the RBI, if applicable, to acquire the Equity Shares held by them in the Company.
20.23.2 In case the Equity Shares are held on repatriation basis, the Eligible Shareholder, being a Non-Resident
Shareholder, should obtain and enclose a letter from its authorised dealer/bank confirming that at the time of
acquiring such Equity Shares, payment for the same was made by such Eligible Shareholder, from the appropriate
account as specified by RBI in its approval. In case the Eligible Shareholder, being a Non-Resident Shareholder, is
not in a position to produce the said certificate, the Equity Shares would be deemed to have been acquired on
non-repatriation basis, and in that case, the Eligible Shareholder shall submit a consent letter addressed to the
Company, allowing the Company to make the payment on a non-repatriation basis in respect of the valid Equity
Shares accepted under the Buyback.
20.23.3 If any of the above stated documents (as applicable) are not enclosed along with the Tender Form, the Equity
Shares tendered by Eligible Shareholders, being Non-Resident Shareholders, under the Buyback are liable to be
20.24 Acceptance of orders
20.24.1 The Registrar to the Buyback shall provide details of order acceptance to Clearing Corporation within specified
20.25 Method of Settlement
20.25.1 Upon finalization of the basis of Acceptance as per the Buyback Regulations, the settlement of trades shall be
carried out in the manner similar to settlement of trades in the secondary market and as intimated by the Clearing
Corporation from time to time, and in compliance with the SEBI Circulars.
20.25.2 The Company will transfer the consideration pertaining to the Buyback to the Clearing Corporation’s bank account
through the Company’s Broker as per the secondary market mechanism, as per the prescribed schedule. For
demat Equity Shares accepted under the Buyback, the Clearing Corporation will make direct funds pay-out to the
respective Eligible Shareholders’ bank account linked to its demat account. If bank account details of any Eligible
Shareholder holding Equity Shares in dematerialized form are not available or if the fund transfer instruction is
rejected by the RBI or relevant Bank, due to any reasons, then the amount payable to the Eligible Shareholders will
be transferred to the concerned Seller Members’ for onward transfer to such Eligible Shareholder holding Equity
Shares in dematerialized form.
20.25.3 In case of certain client types viz. NRI, foreign clients etc. (where there are specific RBI and other regulatory
requirements pertaining to funds pay-out) who do not opt to settle through custodians, the funds pay-out would
be given to their respective Selling Member’s settlement accounts for releasing the same to the respective Eligible
Shareholder’s account. For this purpose, the client type details would be collected from the Depositories, whereas
funds payout pertaining to the bids settled through custodians will be transferred to the settlement bank account
of the custodian, each in accordance with the applicable mechanism prescribed by the Stock Exchanges and the
Clearing Corporation from time to time.
20.25.4 For the Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form, the funds pay-out would be given to their
respective Selling Member’s settlement accounts for releasing the same to the respective Eligible Shareholder’s
20.25.5 The Equity Shares bought back in the dematerialized form would be transferred directly to the escrow account of
the Company (“Company Demat Escrow Account”) provided it is indicated by the Company’s Broker or it will be
transferred by the Company’s Broker to the Company Demat Escrow Account on receipt of the Equity Shares from
the clearing and settlement mechanism of the Stock Exchanges.
20.25.6 Excess Equity Shares or unaccepted Equity Shares, in dematerialised form, if any, tendered by the Eligible
Shareholders would be transferred by the Clearing Corporation directly to the respective Eligible Shareholder’s
DP account and in accordance with SEBI Circulars. If the securities transfer instruction is rejected in the Depository
system, due to any issue then such securities will be transferred to the Seller Member’s depository pool account
for onward transfer to the respective Eligible Shareholder.
20.25.7 Any excess Equity Shares, in physical form, pursuant to proportionate acceptance/rejection will be returned back
to the Eligible Shareholders directly by the Registrar. The Company is authorized to split the share certificate and
issue new consolidated share certificate for the unaccepted Equity Shares, in case the Equity Shares accepted by

the Company are less than the Equity Shares tendered in the Buyback by Eligible Shareholders holding Equity
Shares in the physical form.
20.25.8 The Seller Member would issue contract note for the Equity Shares accepted under the Buyback. The Company’s
Broker would also issue a contract note to the Company for the Equity Shares accepted under the Buyback.
20.25.9 Equity Shareholders who intend to participate in the Buyback should consult their respective Selling Member for
payment to them of any cost, applicable taxes, charges and expenses (including brokerage) that may be levied by
the Selling Member upon the selling Eligible Shareholder for tendering Equity Shares in the Buyback (secondary
market transaction). The Manager to the Buyback and the Company accept no responsibility to bear or pay any
additional cost, applicable taxes, charges and expenses (including brokerage) levied by the Selling Member, and
such costs will be incurred solely by the Eligible Shareholders.
20.25.10 The Equity Shares lying to the credit of the Company Demat Escrow Account and the Equity Shares bought back
and accepted in physical form will be extinguished in the manner and following the procedure prescribed in the
Buyback Regulations.
20.26 Participation in the Buyback by shareholders will trigger tax on distributed income to shareholders (hereinafter referred to
as “Buyback Tax”) in India and such tax is to be discharged by the Company. This may trigger capital gains taxation in the
hands of shareholders in their country of residence, if outside India. The transaction of Buyback would also be chargeable
to securities transaction tax in India. Please refer to paragraph 21 of this Letter of Offer for a detailed note on taxation.
However, in view of the particularized nature of tax consequences, the Eligible Shareholders are advised to consult their
own legal, financial and tax advisors prior to participating in the Buyback.
20.27 Rejection Criteria
20.27.1 The Equity Shares tendered by Eligible Shareholders would be liable to be rejected on the following grounds.
For Eligible Shareholders holding shares in the dematerialized form if:
a) The Shareholder is not a Eligible Shareholder of the Company
b) There is a name mismatch in the dematerialised account of the Eligible Shareholder
For Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in the physical form if:
a) The documents mentioned in the Tender Form for Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical
form are not received by the Registrar on or before the close of business hours of closing date i.e. Wednesday,
March 23, 2022 by 5 p.m. (IST);
b) There exists any restraint order of a court/any other competent authority for transfer/disposal/sale or where
loss of share certificates has been notified to the Company or where the title to the Equity Shares is under
dispute or otherwise not clear or where any other restraint subsists;
c) If there is any other company share certificate enclosed with the Tender Form instead of the share certificate of
the Company;
d) If the transmission of Equity Shares is not completed, and the Equity Shares are not in the name of the Eligible
e) If the Eligible Shareholders bid the Equity Shares but the Registrar does not receive the physical Equity Share
certificate; or
f ) In the event the signature in the Tender Form and Form SH-4 do not match as per the specimen signature
recorded with Company or Registrar.
21.1 General
The Indian tax year runs from April 1 to March 31 of subsequent year. The basis of charge of Indian income-tax depends
upon the residential status of the taxpayer during a tax year. A person who is a tax resident of India is liable to taxation in
India on his worldwide income, subject to certain prescribed tax exemptions provided under the Income Tax Act, 1961

A person who is treated as a non-resident for Indian tax purposes is generally liable to tax in India only on his/her Indian
sourced income or income received by such person in India. Vide Finance Act, 2020, certain non-resident individuals are
deemed to be resident in India upon triggering of certain conditions. Deemed residents would be liable to pay tax in India
only on their Indian sourced income or income from business or professional controlled in India.
In case of shares of a company, the source of income from shares would depend on the “situs” of the shares. As per ITA
and Judicial precedents, generally the “situs” of the shares is where company is “incorporated” and where its shares can
be transferred. Accordingly, since the Company is incorporated in India, the shares of the Company would be “situated”
in India and any gains arising to a non-resident on transfer of such shares should be taxable in India under the ITA subject
to any specific exemption in this regard. Further, the non-resident can avail the beneficial tax treatment prescribed under
the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (“DTAA”), as modified by the Multilateral Instrument (“MLI”), if the same is
applicable to the relevant DTAA between India and the respective country of which the said shareholder is tax resident.
The above benefit may be available subject to satisfying relevant conditions prescribed under ITA including but not limited
to availability of Tax Residency Certificate, non-applicability of General Anti-Avoidance Rule (“GAAR”) and providing and
maintaining necessary information and documents as prescribed under ITA as well as satisfying the relevant conditions
under the respective DTAA including anti-abuse measures under the MLI, if applicable.
21.2. Classification of Shareholders
Section 6 of the ITA, determines the residential status of an assessee. Accordingly, shareholders can be classified broadly in
two categories as below:
A. Resident Shareholders being:
 Individuals, Hindu Undivided Family (“HUF”), Association of Persons (“AOP”) and Body of Individuals (“BOI”),
Firm, Limited Liability Partnership (“LLP”)
 Others (corporate bodies):
– Company
– Other than Company
B. Deemed Resident Shareholder –an individual being a citizen of India who is not liable to tax in any other country
or territory by reason of domicile, residence or any other criteria of similar nature and has total income other than
foreign sourced income exceeding ₹15 lakh during the tax year.
C. Non-Resident Shareholders being:
 NRIs
 Others:
– Foreign Company
– Foreign non-corporate shareholders
21.3. Buy-back of Shares
Section 115QA of the ITA introduced w.e.f. June 1, 2013 contains provisions for taxation of a domestic company in respect
of buy-back of shares (within the meaning of Section 68 of the Act). In effect, the incidence of tax stands shifted completely
to the Company and not the recipient of the buyback proceeds.
Before the enactment of Finance Act (No. 2), 2019, this section was not applicable to shares listed on a recognized stock
exchange. The Finance Act (No. 2), 2019 has amended section 115QA of the ITA with effect from July 5, 2019 extending its
provisions to cover distributed income on buy-back of equity shares of a company listed on a recognized stock exchange as
Section 10(34A) of the ITA provided for tax exemption to a shareholder in respect of income arising from buy-back of shares
w.e.f. April 1, 2014 (i.e. Assessment year 2014-15). The Finance Act (No. 2), 2019 has also made consequential changes to
section 10(34A) of the ITA extending the benefit of tax exemption on income from buy-back to shareholders in respect of
shares listed on recognized stock exchange as well.
Thus, the tax implications to the following categories of shareholders are as under:
A. Resident Shareholders or Deemed Resident Shareholders
Income arising to the shareholder on account of buy-back of shares as referred to in Section 115QA of the ITA is
exempt from tax under the provisions of the amended section 10(34A) of the ITA with effect from July 5, 2019.
B. Non-Resident Shareholders
While the income arising to the shareholder on account of buy back of shares as referred to in Section 115QA of
the ITA is exempt from tax under the provisions of the amended Section 10(34A) with effect from July 5, 2019 in the
hands of a non-resident as well, the same may be subject to tax in the country of residence of the shareholder as
per the provisions of the tax laws of that country. The credit of tax may or may not be allowed to such Non-resident
shareholder to be claimed in the country of residence in respect of the buy-back tax paid by the company in view
of Section 115QA (4) and (5) of the ITA. Non-resident shareholders need to consult their tax advisors with regard to
availability of such a tax credit.

21.4. Tax Deduction at Source
In absence of any specific provision under the current Income Tax Act, the Company is not required to deduct tax at source
on the consideration payable to resident shareholders pursuant to the Buyback.
The summary of the tax considerations as above is based on the current provisions of the tax laws of India, which are subject
to change or modification by subsequent legislative, regulatory, administrative or judicial decisions.
In view of the specific nature of tax consequences, shareholders who are not tax residents of India are required to consult
their tax advisors for the applicable tax and the appropriate course of action that they should take considering the provisions
of the relevant Country or State tax law and provisions of DTAA where applicable.
The above note on taxation sets out the provisions of law in a summary manner only and does not purport to be a complete
analysis or listing of all potential tax consequences of the disposal of equity shares. This note is neither binding on any
regulators nor can there be any assurance that they will not take a position contrary to the comments mentioned herein.
21.5. Securities Transaction Tax
Since the Buyback of shares shall take place through the settlement mechanism of the Stock Exchange, Securities Transaction
Tax at 0.1% of the value of the transaction will be applicable.
Declaration as required under clause (ix) and clause (x) of Schedule I under the Buyback Regulations:
The Board of Directors of the Company confirms that there are no defaults subsisting in repayment of deposits, redemption
of debentures or interest thereon or redemption of preference shares or payment of dividend, or repayment of any term
loans or interest payable thereon to any financial institution or banking company.
The Board of Directors of the Company has confirmed that it has made a full enquiry into the affairs and prospects of the
Company and has formed the opinion that:
22.2.1 Immediately following the date of the Board Meeting, and the date on which the result of shareholders’ resolution
passed by way of Postal Ballot (“Postal Ballot Resolution”) was declared, approving the Buyback, and the date of
this Letter of Offer, there will be no grounds on which the Company could be found unable to pay its debts;
22.2.2 As regards the Company’s prospects for the year immediately following the date of the Board Meeting approving
the Buyback as well as for the year immediately following the date of the Postal Ballot Resolution, and the date
of this Letter of Offer,and having regard to the Board’s intention with respect to the management of Company’s
business during that year and to the amount and character of the financial resources which will in the Board’s view
be available to the Company during that year, the Company will be able to meet its liabilities as and when they fall
due and will not be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from the date of the Board Meeting, the date
of the Postal Ballot Resolution, and the date of this Letter of Offer;
22.2.3 In forming an opinion as aforesaid, the Board has taken into account the liabilities (including prospective and
contingent liabilities), as if the Company was being wound up under the provisions of the Act/Insolvency and
Bankruptcy Code, 2016 as amended from time to time, as applicable.
This declaration is made and issued pursuant to the resolution passed at the meeting of the Board held on
January 12, 2022.
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

Sd/- Sd/-
Rajesh Gopinathan N. Ganapathy Subramaniam
Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director
DIN: 06365813 DIN: 07006215

Report addressed to the Board of Directors by the Company’s Auditors on permissible capital payment and opinion
formed by directors regarding insolvency
The text of the Report dated January 12, 2022 of B S R & Co. LLP, the Statutory Auditors of the Company, addressed to the Board of
Directors of the Company is reproduced below:
The Board of Directors
Tata Consultancy Services Limited
9th floor, Nirmal Building
Nariman Point
Mumbai 400 021
Dear Sirs
Independent Auditors’ Report in respect of proposed buy-back of equity shares by Tata Consultancy Services Limited in
terms of clause (xi) of Schedule I of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-back of Securities) Regulations, 2018, as
1. This report is issued in accordance with the terms of our engagement letter dated 15 June 2018 and addendum to
engagement letter dated 12 January 2022 with Tata Consultancy Services Limited (“the Company”).
2. The Board of Directors of the Company have approved a proposed buy-back of equity shares by the Company at its meeting
held on 12 January 2022, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 68, 69 and 70 of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’) read
with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-back of Securities) Regulations, 2018, as amended (“SEBI Buy-back
3. The accompanying Statement of permissible capital payment (‘Annexure A’) as at 31 December 2021 (hereinafter referred
as the “Statement”) is prepared by the management of the Company.
Management’s Responsibility for the Statement
4. The preparation of the Statement in accordance with Section 68(2)(c) of the Act and in compliance with Section 68, 69
and 70 of the Act and SEBI Buy-back Regulations, is the responsibility of the Management of the Company, including
the computation of the amount of the permissible capital payment, the preparation and maintenance of all accounting
and other relevant supporting records and documents. This responsibility includes the design, implementation and
maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and presentation of the Statement and applying an appropriate
basis of preparation; and making estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.
Auditors’ Responsibility
5. Pursuant to the requirements of the SEBI Buy-back Regulations, it is our responsibility to provide reasonable assurance
i. we have inquired into the state of affairs of the Company in relation to the audited condensed standalone interim
financial statements and audited condensed consolidated interim financial statements as at and for the nine months
period ended 31 December 2021;
ii. the amount of permissible capital payment as stated in Annexure A for the proposed buy-back of equity shares has
been properly determined considering the audited condensed standalone interim financial statements and audited
condensed consolidated interim financial statements as at and for the nine months period ended 31 December 2021
in accordance with Section 68(2)(c) of the Act; and
iii. the Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting dated 12 January 2022, have formed the opinion as specified
in clause (x) of Schedule I to the SEBI Buy-back Regulations on reasonable grounds and that the Company will not,
having regard to its state of affairs, be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from that date.
6. The audited condensed standalone interim financial statements and audited condensed consolidated interim financial
statements referred to in paragraph 5 above, which we have considered for the purpose of this report, have been audited
by us, on which we have issued an unmodified audit opinion vide our reports dated 12 January 2022. Our audits of these
financial statements were conducted in accordance with the Standards on Auditing and other applicable authoritative
pronouncements issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those Standards require that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.
7. Our engagement involves performing procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence on the above reporting. The
procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks associated with the above
reporting. We accordingly performed the following procedures:
i. Examined that the amount of permissible capital payment for the buy back as detailed in Annexure A is in accordance
with the provisions of Section 68(2)(c) of the Act;
ii. Inquired into the state of affairs of the Company with reference to the audited condensed standalone interim financial
statements and audited condensed consolidated interim financial statements as at and for the nine months period
ended 31 December 2021;

iii. Traced the amounts of paid up equity share capital, retained earnings and general reserves as mentioned in Annexure
A from the audited condensed standalone interim financial statements and audited condensed consolidated interim
financial statements as at and for the nine months period ended 31 December 2021;
iv. Verified the arithmetical accuracy of the amounts mentioned in Annexure A; and
v. Obtained appropriate representations from the Management of the Company
8. We conducted our examination of the Statement in accordance with the Guidance Note on Reports or Certificates for
Special Purposes’ (Revised 2016) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. The Guidance Note requires that
we comply with the ethical requirements of the Code of Ethics issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
9. We have complied with the relevant applicable requirements of the Standard on Quality Control (SQC) 1, Quality Control
for Firms that Perform Audits and Reviews of Historical Financial Information, and Other Assurance and Related Services
10. We have no responsibility to update this report for events and circumstances occurring after the date of this report.
11. Based on inquiries conducted and our examination as above, we report that:
a) We have inquired into the state of affairs of the Company in relation to its audited condensed standalone interim
financial statements and audited condensed consolidated interim financial statements as at and for the nine months
period ended 31 December 2021;
b) The amount of permissible capital payment towards the proposed buy back of equity shares as computed in the
Statement attached herewith is, in our view properly determined in accordance with Section 68(2)(c) of the Act. The
amounts of share capital and free reserves have been extracted from the audited condensed standalone interim
financial statements and audited condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Company as at and for
the nine months period ended 31 December 2021; and
c) The Board of Directors of the Company, in their meeting held on 12 January 2022 have formed their opinion as
specified in clause (x) of Schedule I to the SEBI Buyback Regulations, on reasonable grounds and that the Company,
having regard to its state of affairs, will not be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from the date of passing
the Board meeting resolution dated 12 January 2022.
12. Based on the representations made by the management, and other information and explanations given to us, which to
the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for this purpose, we are not aware of anything to indicate that the
opinion expressed by the Directors in the declaration as to any of the matters mentioned in the declaration is unreasonable
in circumstances as at the date of declaration.
Restriction on Use
13. This report has been issued at the request of the Company solely for use of the Company (i) in connection with the
proposed buy-back of equity shares of the Company in pursuance to the provisions of Sections 68 and other applicable
provisions of the Act and SEBI Buyback Regulations, (ii) to enable the Board of Directors of the Company to include in the
public announcement, draft letter of offer, letter of offer and other documents pertaining to buy-back to be sent to the
shareholders of the Company or filed with (a) the Registrar of Companies, Securities and Exchange Board of India, stock
exchanges, public shareholders and any other regulatory authority as per applicable law and (b) the Central Depository
Services (India) Limited, National Securities Depository Limited and (iii) for providing to the managers, each for the purpose
of extinguishment of equity shares and may not be suitable for any other purpose. Accordingly, we do not accept or assume
any liability or any duty of care for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or into whose
hands it may come without our prior consent in writing.

For B S R & Co. LLP

Chartered Accountants
Firm’s Registration No: 101248W/W-100022

Amit Somani
Membership No: 060154
UDIN: 22060154AAAAAP4182

12 January 2022

Annexure A:
Statement of determination of the permissible capital payment towards Buy-back of Equity Shares (“the Statement”) in accordance
with Section 68 (2) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulation 4 of the Buy-back Regulations (SEBI Regulations), based on the audited
condensed standalone interim financial statements and audited condensed consolidated interim financial statements as at and for the
nine month period ended 31 December 2021
(Rs. crore)

Particulars Standalone Consolidated

Paid up equity share capital (369,90,51,373 equity shares of Rs.1/- each) 370 370
Free reserves:
Retained earnings 85,229 94,019
General reserve - 27
Total paid up equity capital and free reserves as at 31 December 2021 85,599 94,416
Maximum amount permissible for buy-back under Section 68 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with 21,400 23,604
Regulation 4 of SEBI Regulations (25% of the total paid up equity share capital and free reserves)
Maximum amount permitted by Board Resolution dated 12 January 2022 approving buy-back, 18,000
subject to shareholders’ approval, based on the audited accounts as at and for the nine month
period ended 31 December 2021
The copies of the following documents referred to hereunder are available for inspection by Shareholders of the Company at the
registered office at 9th Floor, Nirmal Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021, from 11 a.m. (IST) to 1 p.m. (IST) on any Working
Day during the Tendering Period:
24.1 Certificate of incorporation of the Company;
24.2 Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company;
24.3 Annual reports of the Company for the financial years 2018- 2019, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021;
24.4 Audited condensed standalone interim financial statements and audited condensed consolidated interim financials
approved by the Board for the period December 31, 2021;
24.5 Copy of resolution passed by the Board of Directors in relation to the Buyback at its meeting held on January 12, 2022;
24.6 Copy of special resolution of the Equity Shareholders passed by way of postal ballot, the results of which were announced
on February 12, 2022;
24.7 Auditor’s Report prepared by B S R & Co. LLP, in terms of clause (xi) of Schedule I of the Buyback Regulations;
24.8 Public Announcement dated February 12, 2022, and published on February 14, 2022 ;
24.9 Declaration of solvency and an affidavit as per Form SH-9 of the Share Capital Rules;
24.10 Certificate dated February 12, 2022 issued by B S R & Co. LLP, confirming that the Company has adequate funds for the
purposes of the Buyback;
24.11 Copy of the Escrow Agreement dated March 5, 2022; and
24.12 Copy of the SEBI letter dated March 4, 2022 providing its observations in terms of the Buyback Regulations.
The details of the Compliance Officer and days and time of contact are set out below.
Mr. Pradeep Manohar Gaitonde
Membership No. A7016
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Registered office:
9th Floor, Nirmal Building,
Nariman Point
Mumbai 400 021
CIN: L22210MH1995PLC084781
Telephone: +91 22 6778 9696
E-mail: investor.relations@tcs.com, Website: www.tcs.com
Days & time of contact: Eligible Shareholders may contact on all Working Days during the Tendering Period during 11:00 a.m. (IST)
to 5:00 p.m. (IST).

26.1 In case of any grievances relating to the Buyback (i.e. non-receipt of the Buyback consideration, Equity Share certificate,
demat credit, etc.) the Eligible Shareholder can approach the Compliance Officer and/or the Manager to the Buyback and/
or the Registrar to the Buyback for redressal.
26.2 If the Company makes any default in complying with the requirements under the Act or any rules made thereunder as may
be applicable to the Buyback, the Company or any officer of the Company who is in default shall be liable in terms of the Act.
26.3 The address of the concerned office of the Registrar of Companies is as follows:
100, Everest, Marine Drive
Mumbai-400 002
Phone: 022-22812627/22020295/22846954
Fax: 022-22811977
E-mail: roc.mumbai@mca.gov.in
27.1 In case of any query, the Eligible Shareholders may contact the Registrar to the Buyback at the following address:
Link Intime India Private Limited
C-101, 247 Park,
L.B.S. Marg
Vikhroli (West)
Mumbai 400 083
Tel: +91 22 4918 6300
Fax: +91 22 4918 6195
Contact Person: Mr. Sumeet Deshpande
E-mail: tcs.buyback2022@linkintime.co.in
Days & time of contact: Eligible Shareholders may contact on all Working Days during 11:00 a.m. (IST) to 5:00 p.m. (IST).
JM Financial Limited
7th Floor, Cnergy,
Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi,
Mumbai – 400 025, Maharashtra, India
Tel.: +91 22 6630 3030
Fax: +91 22 6630 3330
Contact Person: Ms. Prachee Dhuri
E-mail: tcs.buyback2022@jmfl.com
As per Regulation 24(i)(a) of the Buyback Regulations, the Board of Directors accept full responsibility for the information contained
in this Letter of Offer. This Letter of Offer is issued under the authority of the Board and in terms of the resolution passed by the
Board on January 12, 2022:
For and behalf of the Board of Directors of

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

Rajesh Gopinathan N. Ganapathy Subramaniam Pradeep Manohar Gaitonde
Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer and Company Secretary
Managing Director Executive Director Membership Number: A7016
DIN: 06365813 DIN: 07006215
Date: March 5, 2022
Tender Form (for Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in dematerialised form).
Tender Form (for Eligible Shareholders holding Equity Shares in physical form).
Form No. SH-4 – Securities Transfer Form.


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