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Interoffice Memo

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LOCKHEED MARTIN oa Memorandum DATE: June 16, 1998 POEF-X38300-98-239, Rev. 1 To: Tim Taulbee FROM: —_Steve Balko, Cascade HP Section Manager, MS-S020, PORTS (3136) 4 CAA SUBJECT: — X-326 Source Vault Material Inventory, Revision 1 On June 11, 1998, a detailed inventory of all material in the X-326 source vault was conducted. The source vaults located in a contamination area and the vault is posted as a "Radiation Area." Item number 4 was incorrectly identified as five sources, when there ar. really six sources. ‘The vault is locked and Health Physics maintains the key to the lock. The following items were found in the vault: 1) One round, blue, empty, shielded source container, serial number E31B. 2) Two UF6 sample containers in 5 gallon containers. The sample containers were analyzed by members of the security sweep team representing the Applied Nuclear Technology group and were found to contain approximately 99% U-238. 3) One Ray Guide Directional and Panoramic Beam Collimator, model number 527 with serial number 342. 4) Six liquid Plutonium Sulfate Tetahydrate soures ina yellow shipping can. The indicated weight for each source was 25 grams and the serial numbers for the sources were Pu 5, Pu 6,Pu7, Pu8,Pu9, and Pu 10. One five gallon can with 2 jars labeled Ash | and Ash 2 and one unlabeled broken jar. (One Gamma Ray Projector with 34 pounds of U-238 for shielding. The model number is 533 and the serial numbers 447, The label on the side of the projector indicates a maximum capacity of 100 ci Ir- 192. Additional serial numbers are IC-2 and GAT II-507. There is a DOE label on the projector. 7) One bar of natural uranium approximately 6 inches long. ‘Two sample jars. One aris labeled Ul and has 4654 grams of U-233 and 18.7 ugrams of U-232. The other jar is labeled U2 and has .46 grams of U-233 and 18.5 grams of U-232. 9} One bottle of liquid Ba-133. The bottle is labeled 20 ml with the date 1/18/79 and the number 3580179403. Lockheed Martin Usily Services, Inc, P. ©. Box 628 _Piketon, OH 45661 Telephone 740°89763136 Facsimile 740%897+2125 Tim Taulbee Page 2 June 16, 1998 POEF-X38300-98-239, Rev. 1 ‘One 5 gallon can with 5 different parts ofa radiography or X-ray camera. One 55 gallon drum with 4 Pu-238 sources, 1 Pu-239 source, and one Cf-252 source. These sources belong to HP and Jim McCleery js the custodian. The sources are in long-term storage. Four Alphatron gauges with the serial numbers Ra-1-a, Ra-1-b, Ra-I-c, and Ra-I-d. ‘One 5 gallon drum with two Ra sources in shielded containers. One Ra source with the label Ra 12 One Ra source with the labels E1356, model number 30351, and a serial number 24. Two boxes lead bricks. One empty cylindrical shielded source container. One lead disc in a bag. One box of miscellaneous sources that appear to be madle on site. a) One 4 inch by 4 inch piece of folded cardboard with nine 1-inch pieces of metal inside the cardboard. Labeled G2101. }) One fan-type source with no label. ©) One C5-137 source in aplastic case labeled Cs 137 9202. 4) One Cs-137 source in aplastic case labeled Cs 1379203. ©) One C0-60 10 mci source in a plastic case with the date 12/2/83. * Three planchettes plated with Te-99. 20) 8) Onesmall bottle labeled Am-241, 5 uci,.005 ml with the date 7/1/77 h) Seven unlabeled button-type sources that appear to be made on site. (One yellow cable that appears to be for a radiography camera. Tim Taulbee Page 3 June 16, 1998 POEF-X38300-98-239, Rev. 1 All these items were properly controlled and maintained in the proper area for storage of radioactive material. ‘The only items in the vault that belong to HP are the 4 Pu-238 sources, the 1 Pu-239 source and the 1 CE-252 source. If you have any questions, contact Steve Balko at extension 3136, SHB:tkf ce: Jeff Castle Rick Coriell Greg Corzine John Howard Ron Smith Jack Tully

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