Affidavit: Kaitlin Marie Armstrong
Affidavit: Kaitlin Marie Armstrong
Affidavit: Kaitlin Marie Armstrong
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05/19/2022 @ 8:20 AM
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On May ll, 2022, at approximately 9:56 PM, APD Officer Martin Salinas #9382 responded to a check
welfare urgent call at I708 Maple Avenue in Austin, Travis County, Texas. Officer Salinas arrived on
scene and located the caller, later identified as Caitlin Cash, inside of the residence performing CPR on a
female subject, later identified as Anna Wilson. omcers on scene reported Wilson had multiple defects
on her body that had the appearance of gunshot wounds. Ofiicers observed multiple fired cartridge cases
on the floor near Wilson but a firearm was not immediately observed. Wilson was pronounced deceased
at 10:10 PM by Dr. Escott.
Cash stated the decedent was her fi-iend, who was a professional cyclist, and visiting fi'om San Francisco.
Cash advised she picked up Wilson from the airport on May 10, 2022 and Wilson had come to Austin for
a bicycle race the coming weekend in Hico, Texas.
On May 11, 2022, Cash stated she had received a text message from Wilson stating Wilson was going to
meet up with a fi'iend named Colin to go swimming. Cash stated she was at a nearby residence and went
home to speak wit]: Wilson about her going outwith Colin. Cash advised she lefi her residence around
5:30 PM to meet with some of her friends and have dinner. As she left, she observed Wilson's large
bicycle travel bag sitting next to the front door, on the elevated porch. Cash advised she went back inside
and told Wilson to take the bag inside of the house before she leaves so no one steals it. Cash advised
after eating with her friends, she returned to the residence and observed the large bicycle travel bag at the
bottom of the stairs, partially bloch'ng the carport. Cash advised she went inside of her residence
approximately two minutes before she called 9-1-1 and noticed the front door to the residence was
unlocked. Cash stated Wilson was observed lying on the bathroom floor covered in blood and no one else
was inside. Cash advised Wilson's Specialized S-Works bicycle appeared to be stolen but nothing else
inside was missing. Officers checked the area and located Wilson's bicycle approximately 68 feet south of
Cash's residence, concealed in thick bamboo.
Cash spoke with Detective Spitler and explained she has an electronic lock on the door to her residence
that is unlocked by using a unique code. Cash stated when the unique code is used, she receives a
notification on her phone advising the door has been unlocked. Cash further explained the electronic lock
has a lock button on the keypad that will also alert her when the door is locked. Cash advised she
provided Wilson with a unique code for only her to use. Cash showed the notifications she received from
the electronic lock to Detective Spitler who observed Cash received a notification at 5:55 PM, showing
the door was locked, indicating Wilson lefi to go swimming. The next notification Cash received was at
8:36 PM, showing the unique code Wilson was provided by Cash was used to unlock the door, indicating
Wilson returned. Cash advised she has recently changed the unique code and unknown to others.
Detective Rolando Ramirez #4140 observed a surveillance camera mounted on the exterior of a residence
near the crime scene. This residence is directly north of Cash's residence and the camera faces a driveway
next to Cash's residence. Detective Ramirez spoke with the homeowners and they allowed him to review
the surveillance video. In the video, Detective Ramirez observed a dark colored SUV drive past the
residence with the surveillance cameras at 8:37 PM, one minute afier Wilson entered Cash's residence
according to the locking mechanism. The dark colored SUV then slowed down, appearing to come to a
stop, directly next to Cash's residence. The SUV appeared to have a large bicycle rack mounted on the
trailer hitch of the vehicle, a luggage rack mounted on the roof, and what appeared to be chrome around.
the windows. No other vehicles were observed on video surveillance passing by until marked emergency
vehicles arrived.
0n May 12, 2022, Officers assigned to the Lone Star Fugitive Task Force drove to the address listed on
Strickland's Texas driver's license and observed a 2012 Jeep Cherokee bearing Texas license plate
LD25608 with a large bicycle rack mounted. on the trailer hitch of the vehicle, a luggage rack mounted on
the roof, and chrome around the windows that appeared to be the same vehicle observed on surveillance
Detective Spitler #7950 and Detective Jason Ayers #6423 responded to Strickland's listed address and
spoke with Strickland. Upon arrival, Detective Spitler observed three vehicles in the driveway. The
vehicles were identified as the following:
Strickland voluntarily agreed to drive to the Austin Police Headquarters located at 715 East 8m Street for
a formal interview. Before the interview began, Detective Spitler told Strickland he was free to leave at
any time.
Strickland advised he currently lives with his girlfiiend, Kaitlin Armstrong, a white female, born on
November 21, 1987. Strickland stated they have been dating for approximately three years but briefly
ended their relationship for one to two weeks in October 2021. During Armstrong and Strickland's break
Strickland advised he picked up Wilson on his motorcycle, on the day of the murder, May ll,
2022, at
approximately 5:45 PM, from Cash's residence and they went to the City of Austin Deep Eddy Pool
located at 401 Deep Eddy Avenue Austin, Travis County, Texas. Strickland stated afier swimming, he
and Wilson walked to Pool Burger located at 2315 Lake Austin Boulevard, Austin, Travis County, Texas
to eat. Suickland advised after they ate, he drove Wilson back to Cash's residence on his motorcycle and
dropped her off. Strickland advised as he arrived, he did not observe anyone nearby and noted the garage
door to the garage located underneath Cash's residence was closed. Strickland advised he did not go
inside of the residence and left promptly afier dropping off Wilson. Strickland advised he drove his
motorcycle northbound through an alleyway until East Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Strickland
advised he stopped his motorcycle and sent a text message fiom his phone to Armstrong at 8:36 PM. This
text message stated the following:
"Hey! Are you out? I went to drop some flowers for Alison at her sons house up north and my phone
died. Heading home unless you have another food suggestion"
snickland had lied about his whereabouts to Armstrong to hide he was with Wilson throughout the
Strickland advised he rode his motorcycle home and arrived at approximately 8:43 PM. Snickland
advised he sent another text message to Armstrong around this time and recalled being nearby his
residence when he sent it. Strickland went into the garage and began working on his bicycles to prepare
for an upcoming race. While in the garage, Strickland sent another text message to Armstrong at 9:21 PM.
Strickland advised not long afier he sent that message, Armstrong arrived to the residence driving the
2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee with the large bicycle rack mounted on the trailer hitch of the vehicle, a
luggage rack mounted on the roof, and chrome around the windows. Strickland advised Armstrong was
the only occupant inside of the vehicle.
Throughout the interview, Strickland spoke very highly of Wilson and her accomplishments. Strickland
advised Wilson was a professional cyclist and was assisting her with obtaining new sponsors. Strickland
referred to Wilson as the best female cyclist in the United States and possibly the world. When Strickland
described Armstrong, he referred to her as a "participant" at bicycle races while he is a "racer." Strickland
stated he told Armstrong in the past she does not need to ride with him because she "holds him back."
Strickland advised Armstrong normally feels as though he's "grumpy" while training because he has to
wait on Armstrong due to her not being able to ride at a professional level.
Detective Spider asked Strickland about the vehicles in the driveway and who owns them. Strickland
advised he owns the 2002 BMW motorcycle bearing Texas license plate 4A8109 and owns the I998
Mercedes bearing Texas license plate KWK6798. Strickland advised the other vehicle, the 2012 Jeep
Grand Cherokee bearing Texas license plate LD25608, belongs to Armstrong. Strickland advised he does
not drive the Jeep and only Armstrong drives it.
While Detective Spitler was conducting the interview with Strickland, Detective Ayers, along with
members of the APD Tac Intel Unit, executed residential search warrant SW22IO4037 which was issued
by the Austin Travis County Municipal Court. During the search, ofiicers located two firearms in the
residence as described by Strickland. The firearms located were identified as:
It was discovered by Ofiicers of the Lone Star Fugitive Task Force that Armstrong had an outstanding
class B warrant for her arrest. The Lone Star Fugitive Task Force located and apprehended Armstrong and
was transported to the Austin Police Department Homicide Unit office where Detective Katy Conner
#7055 interviewed her. During the interview it was relayed to Detective Conner that the class B warrant
was not valid and she would be free to leave. Detective Conner advised Armstrong of the change and
further advised her that she was fiee to leave and the door was open.
Armstrong was asked if she had heard what happened in the past 24 hours. Armstrong began to nod her
head and stated Strickland walked into the house and said one of the woman in the cycling community
had passed away. Armstrong was very still and did not move at all as they spoke. When confronted on
how Strickland was "talking to this girl" and Armstrong's name came up during the investigation she
continued to stay quiet and completely still. When Armstrong was confionted with video evidence of her
vehicle, she had no explanation as to why it was in the area and did not make any denials surrounding the
statements presented to her.
Detective Conner then confionted her on how Strickland went out with Wilson and that Armstrong was
upset about that. Armstrong then turned her head and rolled her eyes in an angry manner. Armstrong then
stated, "1.. .I'm certain as to even what you mean or what he said because I didn't have any idea that he
saw or even went out with this girl . . .as of recently." When confronted about how Armstrong's vehicle
was seen next to Cash's residence and how Strickland was "saying certain things", Detective Conner
explained she wanted her help to explain what actually happened and to help provide a logical explanation
about why her vehicle was in the area. Detective Conner then stated, "maybe you were upset and just in
the area," Amistrong then began to nod in agreement.
Detective Conner then confionted Armstrong on how seeing her vehicle in the area, coupled with the
statements made by Strickland, made things not look too good. Armstrong then again nodded her head up
and down as if in agreement. Armstrong again made no effort to deny what was being said and still
provided no explanation as to why her vehicle would be there. Armstrong continued to remain very still
and guarded as she spoke with Detective Conner. Armstrong then requested to leave so the interview was
On May l3, 2022, Detective Spitler contacted Wilson's friend, who was fully identified in APD report
22-131 1523 and referred to by the pseudonym "Jane." "Jane" provided information on the condition she
would remain anonymous to prevent being targeted by Armstrong. "Jane" advised Wilson and Strickland
have had multiple romantic relationships together and described it as an "on again. ofi' again" relationship.
"Jane" stated Wilson's and Strickland's romantic relationship started during Wilson's first trip to Austin,
Austin Police Department Report Number # 22-131 1523
Texas in the fall 2021. "Jane" advised Armstrong discovered Wilson's phone number and contacted
Wilson several times, causing Wilson to block Armstrong's phone number. "Jane" stated Wilson told her
within the past two months, Armstrong began following Wilson on Instagram. "Jane" advised the last
time Armstrong called Wilson, she told Wilson she was with Strickland and Wilson needed to stay away
fiom him.
On May l4, 2022, an anonymous caller contacted the Austin Police Department to provide information
regarding this incident. The caller refiised to be identified but advised she was with Armstrong in January
2022. The caller advised Armstrong had just discovered Strickland was having a romantic relationship
with Wilson even though Armstrong and Strickland were still dating. The caller advised Armstrong
became furious and was shaking in anger. Armstrong told the caller Armstrong was so angry Armstrong
wanted to kill Wilson. Armstrong then proceeded to tell the caller Armstrong had either recently
purchased a firearm or was going to. An initial search of Wilson's phone showed text messages regarding
an event Wilson saw Strickland and Armstrong. The following is a message Wilson sent to Strickland
while at the event in January:
"Hey! Sooo I would like to talk to you at some point. I had originally texted you on Friday but appears
my texts aren't going through again. This weekend was strange for me and Ijust want to know what's
going on. Ifyou just want to be friends (seems to be the case) then that's cool, but I'd like to talk about it
cause honestly my mind has been going circles and I don't know what to think."
"Hey Mo- I feel very shitty for putting you in a position where you don't feel comfortable. Kaitlin came
along the go to a meeting about the sprinter/spartan hotel project. In hindsight, this was not a good idea."
Based ofl' of this conversation, Wilson appeared under the impression she was still in a romantic
relationship with Stickland even though he was currently dating Armstrong.
During Stickland's interview, he advised he purchased a firearm for Armsu'ong around this time. Based
ofi' of the corroborating information discovered throughout this investigation, it would be reasonable to
believe the anonymous caller is a credible witness.
0n May 15, 2022 Detective Spitler was canvassing the neighborhood where the murder occurred in an
attempt to locate video surveillance. While searching, Detective Spitler was approached by David Harris.
Han-is is the property owner where Cash resides and rents the apartment above his detached garage to
Cash. Harris advised on May ll, 2022, between 8:30 PM and 9:30 PM, he walked into his garage and
partially raised his garage door. Harris advised after doing so, he heard what he described as someone
running down the stairs that lead to Cash's fi'ont door. Harris advised he believed he observed a bicycle
travel southbound through the alleyway from Cash's apartment.
Throughout this investigation, detectives assigned to the APD Homicide Unit. APD Aggravated Assault
Unit, and Officers assigned to the APD Tac Intel Unit have collected various surveillance footage
corroborating statements made by Strickland and showing Armstrong's vehicle in the area of the murder.
The following is a collaboration of the video timeline:
o 8:16 PM ~ Strickland and Wilson leave the parking lot of Pool Burger on Strickland's motorcycle
o 8:26 PM Armstrong's vehicle drives northbound on Maple Ave and then westbound on East 18'"
o 8:48 PM Strickland drives southbound in the 4900 block of S 1-35 SB frontage road,
On May l7, 2022 the Sig-Sauer P365 9mm, Serial Number 66B870292, belonging to Armstrong which
was recovered from Strickland's residence was test fired using laboratory ammunition. The fired test
cartridge shell case from the Sig-Salter was entered into the National Integrated Ballistic Information
Network (NIBIN). The fired test cartridge case was compared microscopically to the shell cases located
next to the body. A NIBDI investigative lead was developed through the correlation review of ballistic
evidence. The potential that the same firearm was involved is significant.
Strickland's statements have been corroborated through video surveillance and physical evidence.
Strickland has cooperated with the investigation and has voluntarily provided statements to Homicide
Detectives. Armstrong is the only person who resides with Strickland at the residence and has access to
the Sig-Sauer P365. Video surveillance shows Strickland leaving the area afier dropping off Wilson and
shows Armstrong's vehicle arriving to Cash's residence where Wilson was staying. Armstrong has made
prior statements expressing a desire to kill Wilson. Strickland advised Detective Spitler he has not spoken
with Armstrong since May l3, 2022. Per anonymous tips reported to the APD Homicide Unit, Armstrong
has deleted her social media accounts and has not been seen or heard from since this time either.
Detective Spitler was able to view Armstrong's Instagram account the day afier the murder, May 12,
2022, but after searching through open source records, found it has noxv been deleted.
Richard spine: n1
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Patrick McNelis
County of Travis, Texas
fl CO0
Signed. by the said affiant, submitted to me by reliable electronic means, and subsequently sworn to by the
said afliant before me through an electronic broadcast system.