Tle 7 Lesson Plan-Bread and Pastry
Tle 7 Lesson Plan-Bread and Pastry
Tle 7 Lesson Plan-Bread and Pastry
1. Identify the ways to achieve personal hygiene.
2. Appreciate the importance of personal hygiene.
A. Preliminary Activities
Okay, please everybody stand. _______, (Students will stand and _____ will lead the
please lead us the prayer. prayer)
You may now take your seats. (students will take their seats)
B. Checking of Attendance
Who are absent for today? None ma’am
C. Collecting of Assignments
Do we have an assignment? Yes Ma’am
Who can recall on what was our topic Our topic last meeting was all about
last meeting? Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Indicators.
Very good!
Occupational safety and health (OSH) is a cross-
What is Occupational Safety and Health disciplinary area concerned with protecting the
(OSH) ? safety, health and welfare of people engaged in
work or employment.
Very well said.!
Slippery when wet.
Who can give me OSH signs and No smoking!
symbols in the workplace?
Hazardous Chemical Storage Area.
Another? Yes? Wash your hands.
Warning! Hot surface. Do not touch!
E. Motivation
(Students observing the picture)
Before we proceed, please observe the
pictures that I will show to you.
Taking a bathe Ma’am.
What have you observe?
Washing of hands.
Yes, Very good! What else?
Visiting a dentist and cutting of hair.
Very good!
Our topic for today is about Proper Hygiene.
Through these pictures, what do you think
is our topic for today?
F. Presentation of Objectives
Let me introduce to you our objectives for
today’s lesson.
Please read, __________.
1. Identify the ways to achieve personal hygiene.
2. Appreciate the importance of personal hygiene.
Thank you.
Everybody please read the objectives. (Students will read again the objectives)
H. Lesson Proper
a. Activity
Let’s have an activity. I will group you
into 3 groups. Every group will be given
an envelope; inside the envelope are the
activity materials.
b. Analysis
We are now going to check your work.
Please, proceed to the front.
(paste visual aids; teacher will add inputs
and correct students output.)
c. Abstraction
Have you learned something from our
Prepared by:
Junior High School Teacher 1 Applicant