Sisteme de Breathing
Sisteme de Breathing
Sisteme de Breathing
Describe the movement of gas The respiratory cycle comprises three phases: inspiration, expiration and the
within each system. expiratory pause.
> During inspiration, gas is drawn in from the equipment.
> In quiet breathing, the average 70 kg patient’s tidal volume is
approximately 500 mL. At 20 breaths per minute, their minute volume
(MV) would be 10 L/min. In order to avoid rebreathing, the fresh gas flow
rate would have to exceed the patient’s MV. This would result in very high
volumes of gas needing to be delivered. This is wasteful and requires high
flow rates that would be uncomfortable for the patient.
> With maximum effort, the average 70 kg patient can draw in
approximately 5 L of gas over about 2 seconds. Again, unless flow rates
were extremely high the patient would entrain air.
> To overcome these problems, reservoir bags have been added to the
breathing systems.
> During deep inspiration the patient can draw oxygen and gases from
these as well as from the fresh gas flow.
> At the beginning of expiration, gas expired is from the anatomical dead
space, so it does not contain CO2 and is not depleted of O2. This gas is
fit to be inhaled again.
> As expiration continues, alveolar gas is exhaled next, this contains CO2
and is O2 deplete. It is desirable to rid the system of this gas before the
next inspiration.
> Adjustable pressure-relieving (APL) valves have been added to some
circuits to vent waste gases and overcome the problem of rebreathing.
Mapleson B (not used)
Mapleson C FGF
(Used on ITU - Waters' circuit) Patient
The Lack is a version of the Mapleson A, which was designed to move the
pressure release valve away from the patient and so make it less awkward
and bulky to use. The fresh gas flows down the outside tubing, and gas is
vented via the inner tubing. The reservoir bag is in the inspiratory limb, while
the pressure release valve is in the expiratory limb. The gas flows required in
the system are the same as for the standard A. The Lack is bulkier than the
Bain (see next page) because the inner tube has to have a sufficiently large
diameter to minimise expiratory resistance.
Mapleson B and C
These are essentially the same, but the C has shorter tubing. The B is not
used. The C is used for transfer, or ‘bagging’ patients on ICU. This system
needs high gas flows to prevent rebreathing (2.5 × MV for spontaneous and
controlled ventilation).
The Mapleson C is colloquially referred to as a ‘Waters’ circuit’, though
strictly this is inaccurate as a true Waters’ circuit would include a canister
of soda lime to absorb CO2 and prevent rebreathing. These are not
manufactured any more.
Reservoir Patient
In this circuit the fresh gas flows down the inner tubing, and exhaled gas
enters the outer tubing. Both the reservoir bag and APL valve are in the
expiratory limb. The Bain is equally efficient for controlled or spontaneous
During controlled ventilation at a flow rate of 70 mL/kg/min, the patient will
in fact be rebreathing. However, because we tend to over-ventilate our
patients, their end tidal CO2 will not actually rise despite the fact they are
rebreathing. If we managed not to over-ventilate, we would actually see a
rising ETCO2 as evidence of this. To truly avoid rebreathing during controlled
ventilation in the Bain circuit, we would need to use 2.5 × MV, the same flow
rate as is necessary to avoid it in spontaneous ventilation.
Mapleson E
This is also called the Ayre’s T-piece after the man who invented it.
It has no valves or reservoir bag and so is a very low resistance system. This
makes it suitable for use in paediatrics.
Mapleson F
This is an E with the ‘Jackson–Rees modification’: an open-ended reservoir
bag connected to the end of the tubing. This allows for the application of
CPAP and controlled ventilation.
In both E and F, fresh gas flows of 2.5 × MV are required to prevent
Table 74.1 Volume of fresh gas flow required to prevent rebreathing during spontaneous and
controlled ventilation using the Mapleson breathing systems