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Assessing the effect of nutrition on milk composition of dairy cows: A review

Article · July 2015


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3 authors:

Thobela Louis Tyasi Masibonge Gxasheka

University of Limpopo University of Limpopo


Chuene PHILLEMON Tlabela

Jilin Agricultural University


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INT J CURR SCI 2015, 17: E 56-63


Assessing the effect of nutrition on milk composition of dairy cows: A review

Thobela Louis Tyasi a*, Masibonge Gxasheka b and Chuene Phillemon Tlabelac
Department of Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction, College of Animal Science and Technology

Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, PR China

Department of Plant Protection, Laboratory of Plant Pathology, Jilin Agricultural University

Changchun, Jilin 130118, China

Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Sciences, College of Animal Sciences and Technology

Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, PR China

*Corresponding author: tyasi1921@gmail.com; Phone: 008613321400262; Fax: 008643184533451


The main objective of this study was to investigate the effects of nutrition on the milk composition of dairy cows used

in the commercial pasture and supplement based dairy enterprises. Most dairy farmers tend to give more attention to the

overall milk yield in their dairy cows and pay less attention to the overall milk components of a their dairy herd. However,

consumers and dairy product producing companies that buy milk from dairy farms are more interested in milk components

than milk yield. Hence, milk of dairy farmers known to produce milk that has high percentage of components such as fat and

protein tend to be more profitable in markets than milk with low percentage of these components. Milk quality problems of

the overall dairy herd of a farm are more likely affected by nutrition which is in turn affects milk composition. Therefore,

poor knowledge of the relationship between dairy cow nutrition and milk components results in production of low quality

milk with low milk.

Keywords: milk; nutrition; protein; energy; feeding; concentrates

Received: 29thMarch 2015; Revised: 17thMay; Accepted: 18thMay; © IJCS New Liberty Group 2015

Introduction 3.4%; lactose 4.9%; mineral salts 0.7%. The main

Milk of dairy cows is composed of water, proteins, driving forces for manipulating milk composition in

fats, lactose, minerals and other dissolved components dairy cows are the same now as they were 25 years ago;

(vitamins and white blood cells). It can be noted that aimed at improving the manufacturing and processing of

about 87.7% of milk is water, in which all other milk and dairy products, changing the nutritional value

constituents are distributed in various forms (Closa, of milk to conform to the dietary guidelines, and using

2004). However, the main focus of this study is on fat milk as a delivery nutraceuticals with known benefits to

and protein content of milk. The percentage of each human health (Haug et al., 2007). The period from 1980

component varies from one breed to another, but to 2005 has seen different efforts at trying to change the

generally milk is composed of 87.7 %; protein 3.3%; fats milk content or composition of all the three components
Tyasi et al., 2015

(i.e. fat, protein and lactose) (Mansbridge and Blake, and minerals, which are other solids constituents of milk,

1997). The advance in altering milk composition by do not respond predictably to adjustments in diet. There

dietary manipulation come from significant contributions are also many non- nutritional factors that can affect milk

of the entire animal system, from practical studies on composition such as genetics and environment, level of

feeding systems to basic cellular work on mammary milk production, stage of lactation, diseases, season, cow

tissue metabolism (Bauman et al., 2003). comfort, facilities and age of the cow (Jenkins, 1998).

Feeding management practices on the dairy farm Nutritional factors and feeding practices

can have a major impact on the levels of milk fat and All the factors affecting milk composition, nutrition

protein concentration in milk. Nutritional strategies that and feeding management are most likely to cause

optimize rumen function also maximize milk production problems (Jenkins, 1998). Milk fat depression can be

and milk components. However, there are several alleviated within seven to 21 days by changing the diet of

strategies that producers can use to enhance rumen the cow. Milk protein changes may take 3 to 6 weeks or

function and the resulting milk components. For longer if the problem has been going on for a long period

example, farmers that use information from their dairy (Grainger and Goddard, 2007). Nutrition or ration

records can more critically evaluate their nutrition and formulation changes are strongly correlated to milk fat

feeding management programs (Mansbridge and Blake, than milk protein. Nutrition and feeding management are

1997). Utilization of herd and individual cow records considered the best solutions to a milk fat or protein

allows identification of groups of animals, lactation, problem other than genetics (Bequette et al., 1998).

number of days in milk and economic assessment of Source of milk components

these groups that contribute to declination in income Digestion of fiber in the rumen produces the volatile

when milk protein and or milk fat is reduced in the whole fatty acids (VFAs) acetate and butyrate. Butyrate

herd( Mansbridge and Blake, 1997). provides energy for the rumen wall, and much of it is

Nutritional strategies that impact on milk converted to beta-hydroxybutyrate in the rumen wall

components include adequate rumen degradable rumen tissue. About half of the fat in milk is synthesized in the

protein and adequate feeding of forage neutral detergent udder from acetate and beta hydroxybutyrate (Dixon et

fiber (NDF) in the diet especially for cows in early al., 2001). The other half of the milk fat is transported

lactation. The impact of nutrition and nutritional changes from the pool of fatty acids circulating in the blood.

in the ration can readily alter fat concentration and These can originate from body fat mobilization,

protein concentration. Fat concentration is most sensitive absorption from diet, or from fat metabolized in the liver.

to dietary changes and can vary over a range of nearly Rumen microbes convert dietary protein into microbial

3.0 percentage units (Grainger and Goddard, 2007). protein, which is a primary source of essential amino

Dietary manipulation in milk protein result in milk acids for the cow. These amino acids are absorbed by the

protein concentration approximately 0.60 percentage mammary gland and used to synthesize milk proteins.

units (Jelen and Lutz, 1998). The concentration of lactose Glucose is required to provide energy to support this

Tyasi et al., 2015

protein synthesis (Casper and Schingoethe, 1989). depress fat by limiting volatile fatty acid production in

Glucose is either formed from VFAs propionate in the the rumen (Emery, 1978).

liver, or absorbed directly from the rumen, the cow will Maximizing feed intake

have to break down amino acids and convert them to The importance of maximizing feed intake is related

glucose (a process called gluconeogenesis); this can to minimizing negative energy balance during early

reduce the supply of amino acids available to make milk lactation (Dixon and Ernst, 2001). As dairy cows move

protein. In addition, some albumin and immunoglobulin into positive energy balance, body weight is regained,

protein is transferred directly to milk from the blood loss of body condition is minimized, and cows produce

(DePeters et al., 1992). milk of normal fat and protein composition (Bequette et

Feeding management al., 1998). Increased feed intake can improve milk

Any situation that causes cows to eat abnormally or protein by 0.2 to 0.3 percentage units. This increased

limits feed intake may affect milk components. Examples milk protein percentage may be due to overall increases

include: overcrowding at feed bunks, housing heifers in balanced energy intake as total feed intake increases.

with older cows in facilities at or near full capacity High producing dairy cows should eat 3.6 to 4.0 percent

(Mentink and Cook, 2006). Feeding rations that of their body weight daily as dry matter. If a dairy herd is

encourage sorting and feeding infrequently in a consuming less dry matter than 3.6 to 4.0 percent of body

conventional system (non-TMR) and also failing to push weight, production of milk fat and protein components

feed up or feed total mixed ration (TMR) enough change may be limited. Hence, increased feeding frequency

milk components. Feeding protein feeds before energy increases milk fat and protein component, especially with

feeds and feeding grain before forage in non-TMR low fiber, high grain diets (Peticlerc et al., 2000). The

systems, all such feeding management practices change greatest response is seen in diets with less than 45

the dairy cow’s milk components. These conditions can percent forage and when grain is fed separately, as in

create slug feeding (one or two meals per day versus 10 parlor feeding (Ouweltjes et al., 2007). When diets are

to 15) or allow cows to eat high grain meals part of the fed as total mixed rations, feeding frequency is not as

time and high forage meals the remainder of the day. important as long as feed remains palatable and is fed at

Ensure that fresh feed is available 20 hours each day, least once daily.

spoiled feed must be removed from the bunks, and shade Energy effects

or cooling must be provided during hot weather to help In general, as energy intake or ration density

maintain normal intake and normal meal patterns. increase and fiber decreases, milk fat content will be

Finally, make ration changes gradually to allow rumen reduced, while protein content is increased (Jenkins,

microorganisms time to adapt. Any reduction in the 1998). In contrast, as ration fiber levels increase and

rumen microbial protein production from nutrition or energy is reduced, milk protein is depressed and milk fat

feeding management imbalances will reduce milk protein is increased. Lack of energy intake or lower energy

by less of microbial protein for the cow to digest and digestibility may reduce milk protein by 0.1 to 0.4%.

Tyasi et al., 2015

This reduction may result from underfeeding (Mansbridge and Blake, 1997). Preferably, 75 percent of

concentrates, low forage intake, poor quality forage, and the neutral detergent in a diet should come from long or

failure to balance the ration for protein and minerals, or coarsely–chopped forage to fully satisfy the cow’s fiber

inadequately ground or prepared grains. Shifting rumen requirement. Rations too high in fiber (too low in energy)

fermentation so that more propionic acid is produced is limit milk protein production because not enough energy

apt to increase milk protein and decrease fat content is consumed. Generally, 40 to 50 percent forage dry

(Bauman and Griinari, 2003). However, excessive matter in a ration is the minimum amount necessary to

energy intake, such as overfeeding concentrates, may avoid low milk fat test. When feeding 65 percent or more

reduce milk fat content and increase milk protein. forage, it must be of high quality to avoid energy

Normal protein levels can be expected when energy deficiencies which also lower milk protein (Emery,

needs are being met for most of the cows (Bequette et al., 1978).

1998). Often this is impossible to achieve with high Protein effects

producing animals. Protein tends to be overfed in rations either

Fiber effects deliberately through ration formulation or due to

According to DePeters and Cant (1992), both fiber inadequate monitoring of feed management practices.

level and particle size contribute to the effectiveness of a However, a deficiency of crude protein in the ration may

fiber source for stimulating rumination (cud chewing) depress protein in milk. Marginal deficiency could result

and salivation and maintain optimal milk protein and fat in reduction of 0.0 to 0.2 %, while more severe

composition. Minimum acid detergent fiber (ADF) levels restriction of diet crude protein would have greater

required in the of ration dry matter are 19 to 21 percent. impact (Neitz and Robertson, 1991). Feeding excessive

Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) should not fall below 26 to dietary protein does not increase milk protein content, as

28 percent. Below these levels, cows risk a low milk fat most of the excess protein is excreted. Dietary protein

test, acidosis, lameness, chronic feed intake fluctuations, has little effect on milk fat levels within normal ranges.

and poor body condition (especially in early lactation). In Dietary protein type also could affect milk protein levels

order to assure adequate particle length, forage should (Casper and Schingoethe, 1989). Use of non-protein

not be chopped to less than 8 centimeters. Chopping finer nitrogen (NPN) compounds, like urea, as protein

than this may dramatically decrease fat percent and substitute will reduce milk protein content by 0.1 to 0.3%

increase milk protein by 0.2 to 0.3 percentage units. if the NPN is the main provider of crude protein

However, while this practice might seem advantageous, equivalent. Rations higher than recommended in soluble

but when over feeding non-fiber carbohydrates (starchy protein may lower milk protein by 0.1 to 0.2 %.

concentrates), even though milk protein and fat content Non-protein nitrogen levels in milk will be increased by

increases, the cow and her rumen may become unhealthy excessive protein or NPN intake, heavy feeding of

(Bruckermaier et al., 2004). Feeding inadequate fiber is ensiled forages, ensiled grains, immature pasture and

not recommended for increasing milk protein content lack of rumen undegradable protein in the diet. The

Tyasi et al., 2015

rations for crude protein, rumen undegradable protein, change milk protein, but will increase milk fat content.

and soluble protein must be balanced for better milk Animals that eat a substantial amount of concentrates or

protein content. For high producing cows, balancing for a low ratio or dietary forage to concentrate may develop

amino acid also may be essential (Bequette et al., 1998). acidosis even when buffers are added to the ration. The

Protein nutrition is challenging because there are various non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC) portion of the diet is

nitrogen fractions, especially with ensiled feeds that add highly digestible and can influence both fat and protein

complexity when formulating rations and balancing them content in milk (Gabriella et al., 2005). Excessive

with carbohydrates. Excess protein fed results in amounts of NFC can depress fiber digestibility, which

increased nitrogen excretion (Jenkins et al., 1998). reduces the production of acetate and leads to low milk

However, it is also an animal concern as excess nitrogen fat (Emery, 1978). At the same time, greater propionate

feeding reduces nitrogen efficiency and thereby impacts production allows higher milk protein levels of 0.2 to 0.3

on milk components. percent. Generally non-fiber carbohydrate of 32 to 38%

Concentrate intake of ration dry matter is recommended to optimize

Proper feeding concentrates primarily involves production of milk fat and protein.

maintaining proper forage to concentrate ratios and Grain processing effects

non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC) levels (Cant et al., 1991). According to Kononoff (2006), grain intake should

Non-fiber carbohydrates include starch, sugars, and be limited to a maximum of 10 to 15 kg per cow daily.

pectin. According to Gabriella et al (2005), non-fiber Manure which contains undigested corn or with pH less

carbohydrates should range between 20 to 45%. A level than 6.0 indicates that too much grain, or non-fiber

of 40 to 45% is typical of diets with forage to concentrate carbohydrates, is being improperly (Vasupen et al.,

ratios of 40 to 60 or less forage. Diets with large amounts 2006). Grain processing also influences milk

of high quality forage and minimal grain may be composition. Feeding flaked corn increases milk protein

deficient in non-fiber carbohydrate. Feeding proper content. Expect oats decreases milk protein by 0.2

non-fiber carbohydrate levels can improve both milk fat percent compared to barley. Processed grain by cracking,

and protein content. However, overfeeding concentrates rolling, grinding, or possibly steam-flaking enhances

result to milk fat depression of one or more percentage rumen starch digestion, which improves milk protein

units and often increases milk protein by 0.2 to 0.3% percentage. Pelleting also has similar effect. However,

units (Berner, 1993). An increase in the intake of processed grain causes acidosis more easily than whole

concentrates causes a decrease in fiber digestion and or very coarse-textured grains. Generally, rolled or

acetic acid production. This creates an increase of ground barely or flaked corn causes a rapid and severe

propionic acid production. Propionic acid production decrease in milk fat when overfed (Bauman and Griinari,

encourages a fattening metabolism that is in opposition 2003). Fibrous byproducts, such as soybean hulls, can

to milk fat. Addition of buffers to some rations may help replace a portion of starchy grains and reduce the

to prevent acidosis (Nyman et al., 2009); this will not severity of milk fat depression.

Tyasi et al., 2015

Forage level and physical form milk fat is due to highly fermentable carbohydrates in the

Balance rations for lactating cows to contain at least ration or inadequate energy provided to the cows

40 to 45 percent of ration dry matter from forage. This stemming from low forage quality. Improvements in

may be changed by the level of corn silage in the ration nitrogen efficiency impacts milk components.

and the level of high fiber by-product feeds in the ration. Added fat or oil and extremely high milk fat

Low forage intake can cause a major reduction in the fat Adding fat to the diet can affect milk fat

content of milk due to low fiber levels (Mentin and component levels depending on the amount and source of

Cook, 2006). Several potential reasons for low forage fat (DePeters and Cant, 1992). Fat is generally toxic to

intake are inadequate forage feeding, poor quality forage, rumen microbes and may reduce fiber digestibility when

and low neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content in forage fat from natural resources exceeds 5% of ration dry

that was cut at a very immature stage or late in the fall matter. If rumen inert or by-pass fat is used, total fat

stage(Bauman and Griinari, 2003). Target a forage NDF content may safely reach 6 to 7%. At low levels of

intake of 0.9% of body weight daily. Although low dietary fat, milk fat content could increase slightly or

forage diets increase milk protein production, this show no change at all (Gabriella et al., 2005). Milk fat is

strategy is not recommended. The low forage levels reduced at higher levels, especially with polyunsaturated

contribute to acidosis and laminitis; they do not promote oils. If fat or oil is rancid, milk fat content decreases even

good health for the rumen or the cow in a long run. at low levels of consumption. Milk protein content may

Protein and fat content also can be changed due to the be decreased by 0.1 to 0.3% in high fat diets (Gabriella et

physical form of forage being fed. Much of this is related al., 2005). This may occur due to reduced blood glucose

to ration sorting and failure to provide a consistent diet levels.

throughout the day. Coarsely chopped silage and dry hay High milk fat content often occurs in herds that are

are the most common causes of sorting. At the extreme, off feed and may have ketosis problems. Percent fat may

very finely ground diets negatively affect rumen be reduced for sick animals, but total fat may be higher

metabolism and depress fat and protein production. for the herd. This may occur in herds fed large amounts

Monitoring ration particle size to ensure that adequate of good quality forage combined with moderate

effective fiber must be provided and total mixed rations concentrate levels. Producing an abnormally high level

(TMRs) must be mixed properly and distributed evenly of fat is not economically feasible, because it usually

to all cows (Dixon and Ernst, 2001). Forage quality can indicates that total milk production is low (Bailey et al.,

severely impact the amount of energy cows are being 2005). Herds that depend primarily on milk income

provided in a ration. Therefore, in addition to doing would be better served to increase total milk yield and

forage test when new forages are harvested and fed keep fat percentage somewhat below the attainable

consider having the laboratory to do digestibility maximum. Herds with unusually high milk fat are

measure of the forage as well. It can provide additional encouraged to reduce forage intake if it is on the high

information that might shed light on whether lowered side, increase concentrate feeding, and manage the

Tyasi et al., 2015

nutrition of dry and transition cows more closely to Casper DP, Schingoethe DJ (1989). Model to describe

control problems with low intakes and ketosis and alleviate milk protein depression in early

(Mansbridge and Blake, 1997). lactation cows fed a high fat diet. J Dairy Sci 72:

Conclusion 3327-3335.

It is concluded that the nutrition affect the quality Closa SJ (2004). Mineral nutrient content in cow milk

of milk and even the quantity. Although nutrition is and dairy products. Argentina. pp 124-137.

thought to affect quantity of milk yield produced, this DePeters EJ, Cant JP (1992). Nutritional factors

study revealed that nutrition also has effects on milk influencing the nitrogen composition of bovine

components. Any nutritional changes in a the overall milk: A review. J. Dairy Sci. 75:2043-2070.

animal diet at any time should be properly rehearsed and Dixon LB, Ernst ND (2001). Choose a diet that is low in

evaluated for their effects on milk components of dairy saturated fat and cholesterol and moderate in total

cows in both a short run and long run in dairy fat: Subtle changes to a familiar message. J. Nutr

production. 131: 510-526.

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