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LIFTING PLAN PROJECT: DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY (EM740) (op suiyovy io Leste Wade Adams contracting (Lic,) CONTRACTOR Revision Details: Rev. | Amendment Date of No. details Pespered By} Reviewed by baron ay) Issue oo | EM740/LIFTING vi PETER PETER PLAN/Rev0O | SITEENGINEER | PROJECT MANAGER | project MANAGER dimecstbisin 2) NOTE : THIS PLAN WILL BE REVIEWED FROM TIME TO TIME WHENEVER THERE IS ANY CHANGES OR ANNUALLY AND COMMUNICATED TO ALL CONCERNED. /Wade Adams conrotes 10) Project: EM740 DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY : Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 [ Rev. No.: 00 [ Date: 17 Apri2019 ‘SINO : Table of Contents Page No 1.0 | introduction 3 11 _ | Objective 3 2.0 _| Definition of Terms & Abbreviations 3 3.0 | Authorized Lifting Team Details 3 4.0 | Roles & Responsibilities 4 3.0__| Training & Competency 7 51__| Trainings 7 7 52 | Competencies @ 6.0 | Lifting Procedure Overview 3 61__| Common ft Procedure @ 62 | Specal/ Critkal Uh Procedure 10 63__| Planning & Rik Assessment a 6.4 | Common Accidents in lifting operations 2 65 __| Selection of iting Equipment 2 65 | Permitto work system 2 67__| Ung Gears B 68 | toed 19 63 | Ground sabiny 19 6:10 | Cateulations 20 6.11 | Safe Support of Cranes on Outriggers 20 612 | Safety Marking "20 6.13 | Working under overhead power ines 2 6.14 | Wind speed during crane operations 2 7.0 _| Identification and inital Assessment of ift Operation 2 8.0 | Schedule of Common uifts 2 9.0 | Ltting Operations Assessment Form 2 [10.0 | Project arrangements for Procurement of Lifting Equipment 2 11.0 | Communication and Consent 2 11.1 _| Consent Ee 2 12.0 _ | Thorough Examination and Testing : 24 13.0 _| Inspections & Maintenance of Lifting Equipment/Lifting Accessories 25 13.1__ | Maintenance of lifting equipment and lifting acessories 25 140 _ | Procedure for Avoiding Collision of Lifting Equipment 2 | 15.0 __| Emergency Response Procedure 26 15.1_| in case ofa serious accident (tipping over, boom down, load fal) at the crane site 26 452 _| If@ person is INJURED due to contact with electric services the person to be tended to a medical care immediately. [53 [Responsilities of emergency Response Team Members 2 15.4 _ | Emergency Response Flow Chart 30 15.5 _ | Emergency Contact list 3 15.6 _ | Reporting to Consultant & Client 32 15.7__ | Reporting to Corporate HSE department (WAC) 32 Page 1 of 30Wate Adams csnvactog 12) Project: EM740 DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 [ Rev. No.: 00 [Date: 17 Api 2019, References: Federal Law No. (8) Of 1980 - UAE Labour Law UAE Ministerial Order No (32) 1982 Article (20) Hoisting machinery and towing tools Dubai Municipality Code of Construction Safety Practice 2011 DM-PH&SD-P4-TG21 Examination and Certification of Cranes, Hoists, Lifts and Other Lifting Appliances UAE Fire and Life Safety Code of Practice 2017 Method Statement and Risk Assessment Manufacturer's guidance and specification BS 7121 — Code of Practice for Safe Use of Cranes Part 2, 2003, Section-5, 6, & 7. vVvvY viv 1.0 INTRODUCTION This lifting plan covers the requirements and standards so that the risks associated with the use of lifting equipment, lifting accessories and loads are assessed, that control measures are implemented in accordance with the hierarchy of controls and that controls measures are taken to Prevent injury, illness and disease to persons who might be exposed to risks arising from those activities. 1.1 OBJECTIVES The objective of the lifting plan is to define methodologies for the safe management and control of lifting operations, lifting gears and adequate safe storage of lifting accessories on the designated work sites of the Project and to facilitate common understanding amongst the lifting team for a safe lifting operation in compliance with the relevant rules and regulations and local laws including Project Health and Safety Policy and Procedures. Some key factors affecting safe lifting operations are: © Details of the load; Details of lifting equipment/lifting gears used; Means of communications; Personnel involved in the lifting operation; Physical and environmental considerations; Sequence /special precautions; and Sketch of the zone of operation Lifting supervisors must brief the lifting team members, who typically consist of the crane Operator, rigger and signalmen, on the Lifting Plan before commencement of any lifting operation. The lifting supervisor must stop the lifting operation immediately if it deviates from the Lifting Plan that has been approved by the. Project Manager. Page 2 of 302.0 Project: EM740_ DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY [[Dos. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EMT40/2019 Rev. No.: 00 [Date: 17 Apel 2078 =) ~ eo ve v Wade Adams eontacing Lt.) DEFINITIONS OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Lifting Appointed Person: A trained & competent engineer appointed by the project ‘management in using lifting equipment to undertake his duties. Common Lift: Routine or regular lifting operations carried out, where lifting equipment, lifting accessories and loads are the same or almost similar. Lifting Operations: Lifting, lowering or shifting the load by use of lifting equipment. Lifting Equipment: Refers to any device used for lifting, lowering or shifting a load and which includes mobile crane, crawler cranes etc. Lifting Accessory: Refers to any accessory connected to lifting equipment in connection with lifting or lowering a load, like slings, shackles etc. Load: Any load being lifted or lowered by lifting equipment. Special lift: Infrequent or as a one-off change in either the lifting equipment or lifting accessory to any lifting operation. LOAF: Lifting Operation Assessment Form ALT: Authorized Lifting Team ERP: Emergency Response Procedure Lpo: Lifting Procedure Overview bm: Dubai Municipality Nem: National Center of Meteorology DMCCSP: Dubai Municipality Code of Construction Safety Practice HSE: Health, Safety & Environment ERT: Emergency Response Team UAE: United Arab Emirates WAC: Wade Adams Contracting LLC PRM: Senior Project Manager SA: Site Agent PE: Project Engineer SE: Engineer(s) HSEA: Health, Safety & Environment Advisor Deo: Dubai Civil Defense DEWA: Dubai Electricity and Water Authority Page 3 of 30,Dien iiss isscccanctcs Project: EM740 DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-JEM740/2019 [ Rev. No.: 00 ‘Date: 11 April 2019 3.0 AUTHORIZED LIFTING TEAM DETAILS Lifting Team: erry Ti Tea red i beth aceasta ee Appointed ee SITEENGINEER 0561803705 uiting SRFOREMAN Supervisor MECHANICAL 0557496004 Mobile Crane Operator Slinger / Riggers Detail re noord re 3 epee i Cee nies 4.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 Principal Contractor (WAC) / Project Manager (Project Head) Wade Adams as a principal contractor shall ensure workers to have gone under the induction training with description of site, information on nature and location of hazardous materials or structure's relationship to surrounding properties. (As per DM CCSP, Chapter 2, 21 & 22) Lifting Plan is prepared & as regularly as necessary undated to reflect the type of lifting operations. Implementation of control measures that lifting operations carried out onsite are undertaken safely. All relevant authorities and utility service providers are notified and all necessary approvals (NOC, Permits) are obtained if any; before work commences. Manage unauthorized access to workplace. > Ensuring that the crane has the rated capacity necessary for the job. > Ensuring that the operator is well trained, licensed where required, experienced, and ‘competent to operate the particular crane to which they are assigned on the particular job involved. . Ensuring that the operator, rigger/signalers & other operatives are fully aware of their responsibilities and expectations and capable of carrying them out. Vv Providing qualified supervision for the operation where needed. Page 4 of 30,Wade Adams conte te) Project: EM740_DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN/EM740/2019 [ Rev. No.: 00 [Date: 17 Aori 2079 » Ensuring the crane is used and maintained in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions and all applicable regulations. 4.2 Lifting Appointed Person Specific responsibilities with regards to the use of lifting equipment and lifting accessories by ensuring the following: > Appropriate planning of all lifting operations; Establishing a lift plan and ensuring it is followed Lifting Plan is updated on regular basis; Provide advice and guidance to signaler/slingers and lifting equipment operators on the identified safe system of work; Development of common lifts with the schedule of means of common lifting loads at site; Develop and ensure the arrangements are in place for special lifts to be carried out at site safely. vy vv 4.3 Lifting Supervisor ‘A competent person shall control all lifting operations at site. > Ensure that cranes and other lifting equipment are safe to use and in good operational condition, prior to sending them to work sites. > Ensure that the lifting equipment selected to work, cranes and auxiliary booms has been adequately inspected, licensed and well-maintained. Ensure that an effective procedure is in place, for inspection of equipment, reporting defects, remedial actions and carry out required maintenance repair. > Shall ensure that all required paperwork has been completed prior to any lifting activity commencing. > Determining the correct load weight and radius, and informing the operator. (Site supervision should know the maximum radius, load weight and lift height of each lift before ordering the crane). » Ensure that operators are holding current licences, in compliance with the requirements of the Client and Local Authorities. > Keeping the public and all non-essential personnel clear of the crane and load during operation. > Supervising all work involving the crane and the rigging crew. Ensuring the safety of the rigging crew and all other personnel affected by the rigging operation. > Ensuring that all required safety precautions are taken when the lift is in the vicinity of powerlines. Ensuring that an emergency response plan is in place as well as all the required workplace safety precautions and communicated to all relevant personnel. Stopping any unsafe operation and report any incident that may occur. v er 4.4 Crane Operator Crane Operator shall adhere to approved Lifting Plan, whilst operating on the project. > Knowing the machine well. The operator must understand its functions and limitations as well as its particular operating characteristics. Page 5 of 30Wade Adams covuactog 0, Project: EM740 DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 Rev. No.: 00 [Date: 11 April 2019 > Having a thorough knowledge of the information contained in the crane’s operating manual » Being familiar with the crane's load chart. The operator must understand the correct meaning of all notes and warnings and be able to calculate or determine the crane’s actual net capacity for every possible configuration of the machine. > Inspecting and maintaining the crane regularly as prescribed by both the owner and manufacturer. > He shall discontinue and stop the operation, if any parameters are deviated from the approved lifting plan. > Being aware of any site conditions that could affect the crane operation. Be particularly cautious around powerlines. The operator must refuse to operate if the crane, hoist rope, or load will come closer to a powerline than the absolute limit of approach specified in law. > All operators shall fill the equipment daily checklist of the routine check-up of their cranes. > Finding out the load and rigging weight and determining where the load is to be placed. Although the operator is not responsible for determining the weight of the load, if the operator lifts it without checking the weight with site supervision, then the operator becomes fully responsible for the lift and any consequences that result > He shall immediately cease the operation during adverse weather condition that is way beyond the manufacturers’ allowable safe operation parameters. 45 Riggers > Riggers shall comply with the requirements for the signs and signals as mentioned in the DM CCSP, Chapter 22 -2 Crane Signals. > Riggers shall follow the safe system of work when lifting operations are carried out. > Reporting any condition or situation immediately, that could affect the lifting operations. > Inspection of lifting accessories before starting and report if nay damaged. > Ensure lifting accessories and their SWL accordingly. > Suspend lifting activity if any breakdown in communication. 4.6 — General Operatives » Employees shall follow information on health & safety, training, certification provided regarding the use of lifting equipment and lifting accessories. (DM CSP, Chapter 22 - 3 Crane Operators and their Assistants) > Observing and managing themselves from the exclusion zones as required, > Report any damage or defect noted or suspected in any item to lifting operations. 5.0 TRAINING AND COMPETENCY 5.1 Trainings In accordance with DM CCSP, Chapter 2 General Safety & Health Provisions; DM CCSP, Chapter 22 Cranes, it shall be ensured that all the employees involved are trained in the use of lifting equipment and lifting accessories and understand the risk associated with using the equipment and the control measures put in place by project management. > Safety inductions, on job safety briefings shall be conducted with all the involved employees and record shall be maintained. Page 6 of 30Wade Adams cennscticg(..0) | Project: EM740_ DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 [ Rev. No.: 00 [ Date: 11 Apri 2019 = Internal trainings and pre-lift meeting shall be ensured among the lifting team and others involved with the record. Ail lifting accessories and equipment are being used by trained workers hold appropriate licences from the concerned authority within the UAE > Employees operating lifting equipment are trained and approved spe and slinging techniques through an approved training provider. > General requirements to all employees on the safe working practices associated with lifting equipment and lifting accessories. Details on the care and inspection of lifting equipment and lifting accessories. Maintained record of the required training that contains the following information Name and ID number, Emirates ID number of the employees, subject of training date of training person providing the training etc. v ically in signalling reg v 5.2 Competencies External/3™ party trainings (from o OM approved training centre) with certifications for personnel and equipment shall be ensured with record, for the safe execution and completion of the lifting operations. 6.0 LIFTING PROCEDURE OVERVIEW Appropriate & careful planning by site management must be implemented when it comes to any lifting operations in the project. Cranes and other equipment to be used exceeding the maximum allowable heights given in Maximum 58 meters above Dubai Municipality Datum/Mean Sea Level) shall be subject to Dubai Civil Aviation Authority NOC approval and WAC will comply with the said requirements (international Civil Aviation Regulation - ICAO Annex 14) DCAA NOC — DCAA/S&R/E&OC/MP/17/01/3446. Lifting works during night will be ensured by site management that there will be sufficient lighting with a minimum workplace illumination of SOLux as per DM CCSP-Section 3.9. Special care must be taken by site management during night shift works by providing competent supervision, sufficient workplace illumination and control of the entire activities. 6.1 Common Lift Procedure 6.1.1 Before Lifting a Load, lifting team must: a) Check machine capacity. b) Check weight of load. ©) Check the loading radius and consult the load chart, if necessary. d) Check load slings to ensure they are inspected, of sufficient size and in good condition. e) Check ground support and stability of the ground under the crane. Use appropriate jack plates, pads, or mats, if needed. Page 7 of 30,Proje Watle Adams cenusctng 1.) M740 _DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY. Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 [[Date: 11 Apri 2070 f) Ensure crane have a working audible reversing alarm, Ensure that the automatic safe load indicator is installed, rotating amber beacon light, limit switches and other safety device fittings. g) Level the crane to within 1%. h) Perform a risk assessment before lifts and if necessary, perform a Trial Lift to check how the lift will be made safely. i) Appropriate work permit i) Ensure arrangements for the safe and efficient management of crane operations set oul this procedure must be adhered to, in respect of all cranes brought to site and its lifting radius, k)_ Ensure cranes are correctly supported and all outriggers and other lifting aids shall be deployed before lifting commences. 6.1.2 Operation Points: © The mobile crane shall only be operated on a firm, level ground that adequately supports the weight of the crane and loads. * Before lifting, fully extend outriggers and ensure their stability on the ground. The weight of the load shall not exceed the Safe Working Load. Never abruptly swing or stop the crane. Loads shall not be dragged on the ground. Move the load at a safe speed - use low speeds within several metres of the load's destination ‘* Adjust the boom length to ensure the crane is operating within the extent of the safe operation radius. When moving up! condition. ‘© Ensure cranes and other side booms when used shall be positioned so that it lift vertically and are not used to pull loads sideways. ‘© Mobile lifting equipment shall not be operated when the top of the jib or fly-jb is still extended or can reach within 3m of live overhead power cables. ‘* No person shall be positioned beneath the load, hoist or jib. Similarly, loads shall not be lifted over the heads of personnel. © All lifting operations shall be controlled by a trained and competent rigger who shall be screened by the Transport department before being hired as a rigger. * Ensure that the lifting routes do not collide with any object. * Lifting routes shall not come across any building/structure or pass over any person. * Travel speed shall be as slow as possible, to ensure the load's stability. * Be aware of the height of lifting, the length of the crane's trolley and refer to the load chart. ‘© When the crane is not in operation, the crane's boom must be retracted at home position. or downhill, the boom angle shall be adjusted to the safe working Page 8 of 30Wadle Adams conractng (Lic) Project: EM740_ DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY (Dee. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 [ Rev. No.: 00 [ Date: 17 Apri 2079 6.2 Special Lift/Critical Lift Procedure Alift by a mobile crane that exceeds 90% of its rated capacity, while it is lifting the load at a load radius of more than 50% of its maximum permitted load radius, taking into account its position and configuration during the lift. Atandem lift, if the load on any one crane, hoist or other piece of lifting equipment exceeds 75% of the rated capacity of that crane, hoist or other piece of power lifting equipment. Involving the simultaneous use of more than two cranes or hoists. lift of a person in a work platform suspended from or attached to a crane or hoist.A lift of a load 0 ver or between energized high voltage electrical conductors. Lift of a submerged load or load situated below ground level. Any lifting activity (small/urgent) near or over live road or in any location where there is public interface. The following must be ensured: A lifting supervisor is responsible for the overall safe calculation & conduct of the critical lift A written critical lift plan has been prepared, reviewed & is available at the work site Rigging details, engineered attachment points & rigging equipment have been evaluated Final load placement site(s) have been evaluated & load placement point(s) confirmed correct Maximum crane hoist line speed evaluated & discussed Maximum crane travel speed & travel route access evaluated & discussed Load distribution, centre of gravity, changing sling length evaluated & discussed The need for & position of signaler's has been evaluated & discussed Effective communication has been established, tested & confirmed effective Load movement controlled by tag-lines has been discussed with rigger(s) Poge 9 of 30Wade Adams cenrseteg (1.0) M740_DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 [Rev.No00 | Date: 17 Apa 2010) 6.3 Planning & Risk Assessment All lifting operations should be planned to ensure that they are carried out safely. An assessment of all foreseeable hazards & risks is undertaken and systems of work are established which are safe to all parties involved or affected including the public. During planning, site management team must coordinate & seek advice from the client and consultant regarding the planned lifting activities. The effective procedures and control measures are in place, which are implemented in order to manage activities safely and without risk to health. ‘The management of lifting operations must be carried out in accordance with DM CCSP — Chapter 2, 21 & 22. 6.3.1 Common Hazards Associated with Lifting Operations Involving Mobile Cranes Accidents involving mobile cranes are one of the more common types of crane-related incidents. Many accidents occurred due to either structural failure or the load bearing part of the crane or toppling or collapsing of cranes when they became unstable. The following are some common hazards associated with lifting operations involving mobile cranes. (2) Structural failure of crane component such as the boom, jib, hydraulic rams or wire rope due to the crane being loaded beyond its loading capacity. (b) The stability of the crane can be affected by : © Poor grounding conditions(e.g unstable ground) * Failure to use or fully extend outriggers or stabil © Failure to level the crane; ‘© Rapid derricking, slewing or maneuvering © Overloading of cranes; Bypassing of safety devices; or High wind conditions. (c) Contact or collision due to insufficient safe clearance space between mobile crane and other buildings or structures (e.g. other cranes, overhead power lines, etc.) (4) Falling objects as a result of improper securing of loads during lifting operations, or during erecting or dismantling activities. Falling objects presents a risk of injury to workers and the public. 6.3.2 Risk Assessment Prior to undertaking any lifting operations; a risk assessment is to be conducted to ensure the selection of appropriate control measures (as per DM CCSP, Chapter 2.3 Duties of Contractor & Chapter 21 ~ 1 General Requirements), shall be carried out for lifting operations involving cranes, shall form part of the lifting plan and be reviewed & updated regularly. Page 10 of 30Walle Adamsconractep (tic) Project: EM740_DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY [Doe No.: LIFTING PLAN-EM740/2019 _———_—| Rev. No.: 00 Date: 11 Apri 2019 6.4 Common Accidents in lifting operations : opaneettit eas f + Breaking tne boom sting + Touching overhead ‘power lines 6.5 Selection of Lifting Equipment The type of equipment that is required to carry out the lifting operation safely. The appointed person shall be consulted for the selection or the lifting equipment and the decision of the type of crane. For the correct selection of cranes, the following factors shall be considered: Weight and dimensions of the load Height of lift and distances/areas of movement of loads Number and frequency of lift Period of time for the lifting operation Working environment (ground conditions, access restriction, existing structures, other equipment etc.) vVvVVV 6.6 Permit to Work System PTW System is a system to manage and control certain types of hazardous work including lifting operations. The lifting supervisor coordinating the lifting operation is to apply for the PTW to carry out the lifting operation. in the application for PTW, he should state the scope and conditions in which the lifting operation is to be carried out. An independent inspection is then conducted on site to verify that appropriate control measures have been taken to mitigate any foreseeable risks. After confirming that the measures have indeed been taken, the application would then be approved by an authorized person (Permit Issuer). Lifting supervisors must ensure that a permit is issued by the authorized person before he instructs the lifting team to carry out any lifting operation at the worksite. Page 11 of 30Wade Adams cornet Li) Project: EM740 DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY. Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 __[ Rev. No.: 00 Date: 11 April 2019 Responsibilities: ‘* The overall responsibility of ensuring that the permit system is in place and efficient is with the Project Manager. * The permits are raised by the lifting supervisor and will then be approved by the section-in- charge (Permit Issuer - Project Engineer) after verifying all permit conditions and procedures. * A copy of the permit is given to the HSE Advisor for verifying the ground level implementation during inspections. «The supervisory staff (Foreman) is the permit holder (or in case of sub-contractor, the concerned engineer will be the permit holder). * The engineer closes the permit once the job is done. 6.7 Lifting Gears Lifting gears play an important part in the lifting operation. Their function is to tie the objects tightly and hang them on the crane. There is a great variety of lifting gears. If there is insufficient knowledge or a wrong choice is made, lifting may fail and accidents may result. ll lifting gears shall be tested by qualified examiners (DM Approved) and suitably marked with a Safe Working Load (SWL). Every item of loose gear shall be inspected regularly before use; Expendable slings shall not be reused. Sling shall be inspected as frequently as is reasonably practicable. For this purpose, an inspection means a visual inspection by a responsible person carried out to decide whether; so far as can be ascertained in such manner, the gear or sling is safe for continued use. Slings which have not been approved or inspected should not under any circumstances be used for pre- slinging. ‘+ The lifting gear is tagged and all relevant information listed (such as in the case of a chain sling ~ grade of chain, safe working load, manufacturer, chain size); Lifting hooks are provided with operable safety latches; Shackles are prevented from unscrewing; ‘Lifting eyes and inserts are compatible and the same proprietary brand; = Lifting slings are not damaged (for example; excessive wear, damaged strands, cracks, deformation, severe corrosion); and + The sling is appropriate for loads being lifted - including adequate capacity and protection from sharp edges 6.7.1 Wire Rope Slings Wire rope consists of individual wires laid into a number of strands, which are then wrapped around a central core. ifferent number of wires in the strands and various methods of arrangement may affect the characteristics of the wire rope sling. The wire rope shall be equipped with a thimble and with pressed metal sleeve and marked with a Safe Working Load (SWL). Page 12 of 30Wade Adams cunratng (2) Project: EM740_ DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY. Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 [Rev. No.: 00 Date: 11 Apri 2019 Inspection Points: The wire rope sling shall not be used and shall be disposed if they are: pss, tea, R Stee ax Reda dances Aol oe a ‘Change of ciameterof wire rope sing Points for Attention: * Use only suitable wire rope slings; + Never use damaged wire rope slings; + During lifting, the Safe Working Load must not be exceeded; + Regular inspections shall be conducted; + Sudden elevation is not allowed; + If more than one wire rope sling is used in lifting, pay attention to the angle between the slings. Slings must be attached to the lifting appliance correctly by an approved method either by securing the ring directly onto the hook if size permits, or by use of a suitable shackle, fitted with the crown of the shackle on the hook and the pin fully engaged, The correct method of slinging will vary with the types of load, the different materials or items lifted, It is essential to see that the load is secure. Care must be taken to that the slings are not damaged; any suspect or defective slings must be discarded. Dog ropes or tag lines, securely attached to the end of the load, should be used when handling long or large loads, to direct the load into position and prevent it spinning. Tag lines should be as short as possible. Page 13 of 30Watle Adams covwoctng 0, Project: EM740_DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY (Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019_ [ Rev. No.: 00 [ Date: 11 April 2019 ] Multiple slings (two legged, three legged, etc.) must be connected by a ring or shackle with the load properly distributed so that no leg is overloaded. Sharp Edges: When a sling is applied to a sharp edge of a load, the edge or the sling must be protected to prevent damage to the sling. 6.7.2 Chain Slings Chain slings are made up of chain rings. The advantage of chain slings is that they deteriorate and corrode less. Chain slings are made of alloys. They can maintain their Safe Working Loads under temperatures of 500F. However, the entire chain becomes unsafe if problems arise in any section. A damaged chain sling will suddenly break and the damage is not as easily detectable as compared to rope slings. Therefore, a rope sling must be selected wherever possible for lifting. Insp Points: The chain sling shall be not be used under the following conditions: Points for Attention: * No ordinary chains shall be used for lifting; ‘* The Safe Working Load (SWL) shall not be exceeded; ‘* No knots or bolts that shorten the chain length shall be used; * Chain slings have no flexibility, so striking objects must be avoided while lifting; * Do not use hammers to reshape a deformed chain sling; * When purchasing chain slings, those marked "A" should be selected as they are of premium for normal use; © Regular inspections shall be conducted. 6.7.3 Shackles Hook rings are divided into two main categories: Chain ("D" type) shackle and anchor (bow) type shackle. Both are available with screw pins or round pins. Page 14 of 30,Adams contsctog (L16) M740_DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY. Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 Rev. No.: 00 | Date: 11 Apri 2019 sche sce ( )) My) i) ! nasa srpeey + Never replace the shackle pin with a bolt. ‘+ Ensure the pin is totally locked. + Do not use screw pin shackles if the pin can roll and unscrew. + During lifting, shackles shall not lean to one side. + Shackle pins must always be attached to the hook. ‘+ Washers may be used to centre the shackle. 6.7.4 Eye bolts Eye bolts are mainly classified into plain (shoulder less) eye bolts and shoulder type eyebolts. ‘© The bolt length shall be1-1.5 times the diameter of the bolt and totally drilled on the load. ‘+ The bolt hole shall fit into the bolt. Safety Points: ‘+ The hook shall not be directly fixed on to the eye bolt. * Plain eye bolts only apply to the vertical lifting. © The angle of lifting of shoulder eye bolts shall not be less than 45. * Washers may be used to ensure that the shoulder is firmly in contact with the surface * Never use a sling through a pair of eye bolts. Page 15 of 30Wade Adams conuscting (0) Project: EM740 DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY. . [ Rev. No.: 00 | Date: 11 April 2019 6.7.5 Hooks Hooks are a vital part of lifting gear. A variety of them cater for different lifting purposes. All hooks shall be installed with safety latches (other than the specially designed hooks). Hooks can be installed with swivels to allow the load to revolve, Chaco ea cote Be citer coss ond twising ‘Check for wear ‘and cracks * Select hooks of the right size. * Do not tie or remove the safety latches Points for Attention: Maintain the hook in a vertical position. if the hook is eccentrically loaded, the Safe Working Load will be reduced. Page 16 of 30M740_DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY. Adams conrsctng (1.0) Doe. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 Rev. No.: 00 [ Date: 11 April 2019 Center Center Center Load Load Load a Cancany: Cancary. ‘ARatedLoad 6% of Rated Load 6.7.6 Rings, links, swivels Most of the rings, links and swivels are marked with Safe Working Loads {SWL). If no SWL is marked, the SWL tables shall be checked according to their diameters. 6.7.7 Spreader Beams Spreader beams are commonly used for lifting long loads. ‘The weight of spreader beams shall be included as part of the lifting load. ‘Each of the contacted points shall not exceed the SWL. ‘Shon Spa Liking Beam Standard Duty Liting Boas 6.7.8 Fibre Web Slings ‘These are mostly used for everyday lifting of materials. Page 17 of 30Wate Adams cnvoting 10 Project: EM740 DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 Rev. No.: 00 Date: 11 April 2019 8 Load Know the weight and shape of the load. Loose loads shall be packed or placed in suitable containers before lifting. The containers must be structurally sound and 4 slings must be used to avoid inclining. The containers shall be examined and marked with Safe Working Loads (SWL). Pay attention to the loads centre of gravity - ensure that itis kept directly under the main hook. Corner pads shall be used for loads with sharp edges. When lifting large or heavy loads, wind and operator ity must be considered. 6.9 Ground Stability When planning a lift, consideration must be given to the ground conditions. > Outriggers and track loading should be established before setting the crane, taking into account the added weight when lifting operations take place. > When sitting a crane in live operational areas and on concrete ground surface, the safe load limits should be identified against the specification of the concrete, foundation etc. of the area involved. > For other areas the density and compaction quantities of the ground should be assessed. The ground condition and slope are critical factors that will affect crane stability particularly when the boom is at its full length and maximum luff angle (minimum operating radius). This situation is often the case with tilt-up construction. Where the ground slope is greater than 1 degree, written evidence that the crane can safely ‘walk’ a load for the particular gradient should be provided. The crane manufacturer or a competent person such as an Engineer with relevant experience may be able to provide guidance on this. Mobile plant operators are not qualified to calculate how much to de-rate the capacity of a crane or how much a boom is to be lowered, when traversing sloping ground. ‘A minimal ground slope can be a major factor in causing the crane to overturn. A side slope of only 2 or 3 degrees can have a drastic effect on the stability of the crane when walking panels. As an example, tests carried out by one manufacturer for a particular model of pick and carry crane indicated the crane’s capacity should be de-rated by more than 70 percent when operating on a side angle of 5 degrees (with maximum boom extension, luff angle and steering articulation). Soft Page 18 of 30Wade Adams contacting (Lic) Project: EM740_ DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 | Rev. No.: 00 Date: 11 Api 2019 ground, pneumatic tyres, ground depressions and spring movement (where lockouts are not will also tend to increase the side angle of the crane and make the risk of overturning greater. ited) Side gradients will generally be more critical than gradients in the direction of travel, but any gradient will have an effect on the maximum capacity of a crane. Where there is doubt about the ground strength, it may be necessary to request verification on the ground’s bearing capacity by a competent person (i.e. geotechnical or soil engineer) from the person in control of the site. This could be the case: ‘* Where the ground has not been compacted; ‘+ In muddy or very wet conditions; * Where the crane and or panels are particularly heavy (e.g. panels over 25 tons); + Where the working radius of the crane is large; * Where underground services or cavities are identified; or * Due to a combination of the above. 6.10 Calculations For all lifts conducted by mobile cranes, a daily generic lift plan will be produced to identify the max expected boom length, maximum expected working radius and the maximum expected pay load together with the percentage of cranes chart capacity used at the at set up. If Mobile crane is to be required to move from one location such as to perform a different activity, a new generic lift plan shall be produced. Lift plan shall first be completed by licensed operator / certified rigger, (both trained in its completion by competent person) in consultation with construction team and shall be verified and approved by competent person (lifting Supervisor) prior to commencing lifting operation. 6.11 Safe Support of Cranes on Outriggers Outriggers must be fully extended as specified by the manufacturer of the crane. Sound timber pad shall be placed under the metal plates, Metal / Timber outrigger pads shall be of a size equal to 3 times the base of fitted crane outrigger pad unless competent rigging or geo technical engineer has been consulted. Outriggers must be extended on both sides when performing lifting operations. Outriggers must be properly set and locked where locking devices are provided. The operator must ensure that the pad of each outrigger is positioned correctly and safely before lifting a load. > The crane is set up so that it is level to within a tolerance of 1 degree or less - a level indicator (‘bubble gauge’ or electronic) should be provided to show the crane is level; and vv vv 12 _ Safety Marking All mobile cranes shall have a conspicuously posted sign, stating the length or lengths of the boom, which may be fitted, safe working load capacities at the appropriate radius, and recommended safe operating conditions. Page 19 of 30Wade Adams convectag (Lc) Project: EM740_ DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-EM740/2019 Rev. No.: 00 [[Date: 11 Apri 2018 Such instructions shall be permanently affixed to the cabin of the crane, in a location readily visible to the operator, when seated in his control station. A sign warning of the danger of overhead power lines shall be mounted in each crane. 6.13 _ Working under over-head power lines ‘The area surrounding every powered line is referred to as the absolute limit of approach. It is strictly forbidden to move any crane boom or load line into this area unless the line has been de-energised, insulated or isolated. Once the voltage has been identified then height restricting facilities (goal Posts) shall be erected at both sides of the overhead lines, to indicate the safe working distance. All cranes must stay clear of the power lines by at least 3 m (10 feet): SOkY OR BELOW ~10FEET IVER $0 k\"- 10 FEET PLUS 4 INCH ven STEW ie ow LEARANCE - 4 FT. FOR (CLEARANCE SHALL BE INCREASED 41N FOR EVERY 10Ks OVER SK 6.14 Wind speed during crane operations All lifts above ground level, must account for the applied to the load and the boom. id force i.e. side loads, down drafts, etc. As When wind velocities are above 32km/h, the rated load and boom length shall be reduced according to the manufacturer's specification. Lifting Supervisor shall measure wind speed periodically by use of anemometer throughout the day and shall be authorised to suspend the lifting operations if required. Page 20 of 30,Wade Adams consetap uc) Project: EM740 DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY [[Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 [Rev. No.: 00 Date: 17 Apri 2079 Project Manager shall ensure the availability of calibrated Digital Anemometer for the project and the Lifting Supervisor & HSEA must ensure that it is being used appropriately during crane lifting operations. 0 Identification and Initial Assessment of Lifting Operations Identification and initial Assessment of lift operation Form shall be filled by Lifting Appointed Person before the commencement of Lifting Operations. After assessing the load, it will be decided then of what is the appropriate crane capacity to be used and its respective lifting accessories. Appropriate and extra care must be taken into consideration in case there are existing structures, overhead power lines, lifting along/near live roads & nearby equipment. (Appendix 17 identification and Initial Assessment of Lifting Operations) 8.0__ Schedule of Common Lifts Schedule of common lift form filling shall not be repeated where the method of lifting has already been specified and the weight of the load is known to be well capabilities of the equipment having no hazard or obstruction with in the area of the operation. (Appendix 18 Schedule of Common Lifts) Since the common lift form filling shall not be repeated but person in overall charge of all lifting operations Appointed Person shall be in planning lifting operation. * A list of responsibilities of those involved in lifting operations including , person overall control crane operator signaller slingers, ‘* Overview procedure detailing how lifting operations shall be planned supervised monitored and reviewed. ‘* Prior to lifting operation being carried out, the work shall be planned and the safe working method shall be identified and communicated to all employees in a comprehensive manner. ‘* Prior to any lifting operations being undertaken, a risk assessment shall be conducted to determine typical safe working conditions. And safeguards, acceptability limits of each lift and the level of suppression required. ‘* Incase where cranes are used for lifting operations shall be ensured that the lifting plan is followed and the correct means of lifting and the correct lifting accessories are use * Areas where lifting operations are being carried out are clearly defined and a far as reasonable practicable access of unauthorised person is prevented. 0 _Lifting Operation Assessment Forms (LOAF’s) Lifting operation assessment shall be as prescribed above, common lift and special lift. (Appendix 15) Page 21 of 30Wade Adams contesting «1.03 Project: EM740 DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY. Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 Rev. No.: 00 | Date: 11 Apri 2019 10.0 __ Project Arrangements for Procurement of. ig Equipment Lifting operations shall be rendered by equipment provided by the subcontracting party and its certification along with the operator. Whereas the associated team like rigger can also be demanded upon the request as required along with the crane, operator and riggers as well. Overall condition and functioning of the Plant/equipment/crane shall be ensured well in advance in order to avoid any unexpected situations and its occurrences at site. Appropriate crane and appropriateness at site shall be ensured by the lifting appointed person and planning of lifting operations that due consideration are given to the type of equipment that is required to carry out. the lifting operation safely. The appointed person shall be consulted during the selection process and the decision on the type of crane shall be based on the following factors: ‘* Weight of the Load; ‘¢ Frequency and duration of the work; * The working environment (ground conditions, access restriction. ‘© Mobility of the crane (will lifting operations be carried out in one place or several different location © Lifting radius. 14, ‘The means of communications shall be agreed and recognized by the both parties which are operator and signaller "Hand Control signals" as well as shall be followed by all those involved in lifting operations. Communication & Consent Where there is no clear line of site between the signaller/slingers and the crane operator, radio communication shall be use. It shall also be ensured that only appointed signaller are communicating with the operator only but not to any others. (DM CCSP, Chapter 6.5.2 Crane and Hoist Signals) Figure 1. Crane and Hoist Signals eee eee eS et EL ols cmos om bas ° Page 22 of 30Wate Adams contacting (L163 Project: EM740_ DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY [[Dec. No.: LIFTING PLAN-TEM740/2019 Rev. No.: 00 [Date: 14 April 2019 11.1 — Consent Consents shall be obtained from authorities concerning or applicable in any how to execute the work at entrance or at its full extension phase. Likewise the authorities (DEWA) concerning to the OHL & underground utilities and their preventions, Gas pipe lines nearby passing or underneath in the same working vicinity shall be duly informed and required NOCs shall be obtained prior to start work. Asset and belongings to any authorities like DEWA, shall be protected and supported as per the requirements issued by the authority. 12.0 Thorough Examination and Testing (UAE Ministerial Order NO (32) 1982 Article (20) In reference to DM Code of Construction Safety Practice (Chapter 2.15 ~ Inspection & Permits), WAC shall ensure that: Every crane and lifting equipment (i.e. tower cranes, mobile cranes, construction hoists and forklifts) shall be fully inspected one time every 12 months by an inspection bodies (company) approved and accredited by Dubai Municipality and a safety certificate shall be obtained. Conduct a periodical maintenance to ensure that it is safe and to compare this with the issued safety certificate and recording the inspection results in a special log. WAC shall inspect rigging tools (such as alloy chains, wire ropes, shackles, and eye bolts) every 6 months. ‘* WAC shall conduct periodical inspection every 6 months to all personal and material hoist equipment, this inspection shall be conducted by an inspection authority (company) accredited by Dubai Municipality and shall obtain a safety certificate from this company. The inspection body shall conduct a regular and periodical inspection every 3 months to ensure that all these machinery and equipment are safe and to compare this with the issued safety certificate and recording the inspection results in the log Page 23 of 30Wade Adams censetegc) Project: EM740_ DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 [ Date: 14 Apri 2079 ‘* All operators of all machinery and equipment mentioned above shall be tested every 12 months by an approved and accredited inspection authority (third party inspection body) and issuing a qualifying certificate to each operator. In case of carrying out any changes or alteration to the lifting machinery or equipment by the contractor or occurrence of any environment conditions which may affect the safety of these equipment, the previous certificate shall be considered cancelled and a new inspection must be carried out by an approved and accredited inspection authority (Third party inspection body) and a new certificate shall be issued. ‘* WAC shall conduct periodical maintenance for all machinery, equipment & lifting equipment (slings) in the worksite in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations to ensure their safe operation and record all inspection details. 13.0 Inspection & Maintenance of Lifting Equipment and Lifting Accessories All the lifting equipment (cranes) and accessories (gears) shall be inspected physically on daily basis by the lifting equipment Operator (Crane Operator) and riggers/slingers respectively, as well as on weekly basis. A detailed inspection shall be rendered and records shall be maintained in the lifting equipment inspection register. 13.1 Maintenance of li ing equipment and lifting accessories All lifting equipment shall be sent to workshop for routine maintenance as per manufacturer's recommendations. All Lifting accessories/gears shall be used appropriately as well as stored in designated locations. ‘Any damage to the lifting accessories shall be discarded and shall be removed from the ‘The hierarchy of the crane inspection & maintenance of lifting equipment and lifting accessories shall be based on daily, weekly, monthly, six months (optional) and yearly. Through internal, external bodies on different intervals as follows: Daily inspection shall be conducted by the crane operator which will be the routine checks like top up of hydraulic and other liquids. Weekly inspection shall be pertaining upon two bodies like site HSEA and the competent technician who shall inspect and carry put the routine maintenance. Whereas upon six month the inspection and certificating shall be by third party if the crane is involved in lifting to the site workforce or any human. ‘The 3 party inspection shall be conducted on a yearly basis of inspection and certification. In case of any emergency or breakdown of the crane, it shall undergo through competent repairs by approved technician and must be shifted using a recovery vehicle. 14.0 Procedure for Avoiding Collision of Lifting Equipment In accordance with UAE Ministerial Order No. (32) 1982 Article (20), all the lifting equipment and lifting accessories shall be thoroughly examined and tested at least every 12 months and 6 months respectively. Only 3% Party Testing Agency approved by Dubai Municipality shall examine thoroughly the lifting equipment to ensure that it is safe to use for work and to prevent any \cident. Limits switches shall also be ensured by periodical inspection in vertical or circular movement of the equipment. Page 24 of 30Project: EM740_DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY Doc. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 [ Rey. No.: 00 Date: 11 April2019 Wade Adams contacting 1.0) Anti-collision system for cranes will be implemented practically at work locations and must be ensured that it is functioning properly especially in constraint locations having obstruction for frequent movement of the crane as per the requirements, by obtaining from approved service provider. And also, the limit switches system will be ensured that it is functioning properly to prevent the over-travel of crane hoist. 15.0 Emergency Response Procedure The emergency response procedure is developed in order to identify the potential emergency situations like crane overturning during the lifting or any other foreseeable emergency situation that may occur at the construction project. Response and management procedures shall be in line with risk based identification and approved emergency response plan for the project. WAC shall develop emergency plans that take account of all cre le emergency scenarios that could arise from lifting operations, in compliance with the requirements of Dubai Municipality Code of Construction Practice. WAC shall develop and document an ERP for the lifting operation. This ERP must be communicated to all personnel involved in the lift and made available at prominent locations at the workplace. The ERP shall include but not be limited to: Details of emergency response team personnel and their contact numbers including male nurse & first aiders; Emergency communication flowchart; Roles and responsibilities of the emergency response team; Authorities & Emergency services contact details; Managing injured persons; and Frequency of exercise and drill to be carried out. In case of a serious accident (tipping over, boom down, load fall) at the crane site: Observer must assess the location for immediate danger! Assess whether there are any injuries or trapped persons Activate alarm; notify any of the Emergency Response Team immediately! > Intimate to Emergency Response team the magnitude of damage or severity of the injury of personnel in order for the Chief Coordinator to decide whether external emergency services (Dubai Civil Defence, Police, DEWA) need to be summoned for help and rescue. Secure the site and don’t allow any worker or any other person to come close to the accident spot and become victims! Don’t move anything unless authorized or unless to care for the injured. If safe to do so and if authorized to carry out first aid, attend to the victim, give standard first aid on the spot, comfort victim until rescue personnel arrives at the scene. ‘Once rescue personnel arrive at the scene, give details of the accident which you have observed. Page 25 of 30Project: EM740 DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY Addams contacting (L.6) Doc. Ni IFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 [ Rev. No.: 00 Date: 11 April 2079 15.2 WAC ERT arrived at the scene and will manage the situation. When external emergency services (Dubai Civil Defence, Police) are called for help and rescue, PRM/Chief Coordinator will hand over the situation to the authorities and WAC ERT will only provide support if needed. Wait for (Dubai Civil Defence or Police) to give all clear notification before going back to work Isolate the accident area to prevent unauthorised entry and to preserve it for further investigation process. WAC HSEA will conduct an initial investigation and HSEA will send notification to , CONSULTANT and WAC HSE department. Detailed incident investigation will be conducted by WAC HSEA and the report will be forwarded to CONSULTANT, CLIENT and WAC HSE department. Ifa person is INJURED due to contact with electric services the person to be tended to medical care immediately. The ERT to be notified and the medical emergency response team to be called upon. ERT to notify the utility service provider immediately Stay alert and keep workers away from the area; When equipment came in contact with a live line try to break contact with the lines by moving the vehicle at least 10m (32 feet) away. Do not touch power lines with wood, the wood maybe damp and conduct electricity; Ifa line is on the ground, it could be charging the surrounding area. Stay back 30 feet from the line. As well, if a line is touching a piece of equipment, do not come near to the equipment or touch it. Never assume the breaker is open or the line is dead; Do not assume the lines are dead; In the event of a life threatening fire, jump clear and try to land as far away as possible (on both feet) without touching the equipment as you land, Do not, under any circumstance step down and allow part of your body to be in contact with the ground while any other part of your body is touching the machine. Jump with both feet together maintain balance and hop as far away as possible. (Approximately 10 meters). Remember ~ you are still in danger even if you have cleared the vehicle — hop away to minimize the danger of electrical currents in the ground passing through your body. Do not take large steps because it is possible for one foot to be in a high voltage area and the other to be in a lower voltage area. The difference between the two can kill. When a person gets injured due to coming in contact with a live electric cable or duct , the vicinity to be blocked and no one should enter unless they are authorized DEWA to be notified immediately to withdraw the power supply. Page 26 of 30Wade Adams corrsctng 1c) Project: Doe. Ni M740_DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY. LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 [ Rev. No.: 00 | Date: 17 April 2019 * No person to touch the victim unless authorized to do so. * The first duty of any rescuer is to ensure he/she does not become a casualty. 15.3 Responsibilities of Emergency Response Team Members Duties of Project Manager (ERT Chief Coordinator) * Take charge of the emergency situation and ensure that the requirements of the plan are implemented. © To determine if autho: called for assistance. ies/external emergency services or service provider needs to be * To liaise with members of the external emergency rescue authorities * He gives the authentic information to MEDIA and other interested parties. He should take all decisions about controlling the emergency. PRM needs to inform Group HSE Manager & Operations Manager of WAC regarding the situations and can take the help of nearby sites and all concerned for any additional resources. PRM may nominate the Site Agent as the person, who will act as a Chief Coordinator, apart from his job responsibilities. He guides and controls the entire emergency management in his absence. * To arrange an emergency drill of this type at least every 6 months. Duties of Project HSE Advisor © Conduct regular meeting among ERT team. ‘+ Ensure ERT team is functioning well in regards to their duties and responsibilities © He is the coordinator of rescue teams at emergency site / location © After receiving the information about the emergency he will rush to the spot and coordinate rescue operation with the help of Foreman/site engineer. He will concentrate on emergency first aid and shifting the injured to necessary medical attention. He will ensure the immediate corrective action to the cause of the accident are put right before it can cause more incident/causalities, and ensure necessary steps as far as reasonably practicable are put in place to prevent worsening of the situation. He will also commence the investigation by looking for evidences, taking statement. He will also ensure the evidence is not destroyed. Duties of Engineer ‘© Assess the situation and execute the emergency procedure. © Initiates all necessary technical controls like- switching off the power in order to control the emergency and provide all technical support such as arranging Plant, Slings, and emergency Power etc. Page 27 of 30Wade Adams contactns (Luc) [ Rev. No.: 00 Date: 11 April 2019 © The identified Project Engineer/Site Engineer may lead this team. After receiving the information about the emergency he/team will rush to the spot and respond to the situation as per the advice of HSE advisor and Foreman. * Eliminate further loss and safeguard the area, try and control the energy source if any, causing the emergency * Protect victims, equipment, materials, environment and the accident scene from continuing damage or further hazards. * Provide first aid with help of other first aiders until the Ambulance paramedics arrive. Duties of Foreman © He is the team leader of the rescue operations. * He will mobilize all available resources and guide & lead the rescue operations. * After receiving any information relating any emergency he will immediately report to the location as directed by the site HSE Advisor/Office Secretary. Project Manager as per the need. ine what happened, to whom and what will continue to happen if action is not ‘Take a head count and commence rescue of collapsed personnel. Duties of Secretary * Follow instructions given by Project Manager. * He is responsible to collect and receive all information and confirms its authenticity, correctness and passes the relevant information to all members of emergency handling team. ‘* Inform Dubai Civil Defence or Police and other services as instructed by Project Manager * Inform the storekeeper to keep the stores manned to enable the issue of emergency equipment and materials as per requirement of ERT. Duties of Nurse/ First aider © Administer first aid to the victims or injured person * Provide assistance and support to Emergency response team ‘* Ensure the victim is safe, if the condition is out of control/serious, shift the victim to the nearest clinic or hospital for further medical attention. * Coordinate with external emergency services in the event of local ambulance or paramedics are called to help the victim. Page 28 of 30Wade Adamsconrsctog ic) | Project: EM740_ DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY. (Doe. No.: LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 [Rev. No.: 00 Date: 17 Apri2010_| 15.5 Emergency Contact List, EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBERS. CIVIL DEFENSE AMBULANCE POLICE FIRST AIDER (SITE) 0527249389 "POSITION NAME "CONTACT NO. PROJECT MANAGER Andreous 0564101343, SR. PROJECT ENGINEER Ahmed Shawky | 0507500212 ‘SITE ENGINEER Muhammed Riyas 0561803705 | "HSE ADVISOR __ Sivachandar —| 0527249389 SR. FOREMAN CIVIL George 0525967320 | SR. FOREMAN MECHANICAL Praveen | 0ss6ss6651 | FOREMAN z Suresh Kumar ee | 0567550214 | NEAREST HOSPITAL Rashid hospital 15.6 _ Reporting to Consultant. Client All accidents/incidents on site shall be reported to client regarding Incident Reporting & Investigation, Notification To CLIENT: Decay Notification Id Page 29 of 30Wate Adams conuoctog «..0, Project: EM740 DISCOVERY GARDENS METRO 2020 AND DUBAI HEALTH CARE CITY Doc. No. LIFTING PLAN-/EM740/2019 Rev. No.: 00 Date: 17 Apil2019, Near Miss/Minor 24 hours Email Moderate 4hours Calin Major/Severe Immediate call Dangerous Occurrence Immediate call Reporting to CLE cry Cau es en aad Near Miss/Minor Recordable Recordable Moderate 24 hours 7 Days Major/Severe hours 7 Days Dangerous Occurrence hours 7 Days Investigation Requirements: Det Cer ‘Near Miss/Minor WAC Moderate wac Mojor/Severe ‘cuenr Dangerous Occurrence wac 15.7 Reporting to Corporate HSE department (WAC) The detailed investigation report should reach the Corporate HSE department within 48 hours with. Project Manager’s remarks on the incident/occurrence. Project HSE Advisor's role and responsibility is to work as facilitator between site and Corporate HSE Department. He will facilitate to take preventive measures required (the non-conformances and corrective actions) immediately. Project HSE Advisor will intimate Corporate HSE Department in details about corrective, preventive measures complied at site to mitigate accidents in future. Corporate HSE Department will advise to Project HSE Advisors on the analysis and findings of the accident, incident data for taking corrective and preventive measures to prevent reoccurrences. Page 30 of 30
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